
ashamshamed1: did you get it?00:00
hamed1OK BUT COULD your refer to boot repair link00:01
elacheche_anisok, hold on a secend please00:01
elacheche_anishamed, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair00:02
elacheche_anisYou can install it in a live session(using a live CD or USB) ;-)00:03
ashamselacheche_anis: thank you :)00:03
elacheche_aniswelcome dude :D00:03
hamedi solved it before without cd00:03
hamedwith some commands00:03
hamedi mount partition00:03
hamedthen i don't remember00:04
elacheche_anisyeah I knwo, me too, but I forget how to do it XD00:04
ashamsgrub-update ?00:04
hamedi don't remember00:05
hamedwhat is the meaning of xd00:05
ashamshamed: that's an imotion :)00:06
elacheche_anisit's smiley00:06
ashamshamed: http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-ash2/50313_70590530709_7943_n.jpg00:07
ashamselacheche_anis: thanks man00:08
ashamshamed: best wishes00:08
hamedthank you very much00:08
elacheche_aniswelcome hamed.. my best wishes too :)00:08
hamedi want to be one of this teamama00:09
elacheche_anisone of what!!?00:09
hamedlearn and solve problems00:09
elacheche_anisyou mean the LoCo team??00:09
elacheche_anisok hold on ;)00:10
hamed(03:09:17 AM) ChanServ: (notice) [#ubuntu-eg] This is the Egyptian LoCo team channel, feel free to ask for any help needed, join the team and contribute http://www.ubuntu-eg.org . هذه هى القناة الخاصة بفريق أوبونتو مصر ، لا تتردوا فى طلب المساعدة. للإنضمام للفريق يرجى زيارة موقعنا.00:10
hamed(03:09:17 AM) ChanServ: (notice) [#ubuntu] Welcome to #ubuntu! Please read the channel topic. This channel is logged. Use of this channel implies acceptance of terms at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/TermsOfService00:10
hamedand loco00:10
hamedat first are you advice me about specific book00:11
elacheche_anishamed, if your are an Ubuntu user that's mean that you are a member of the LoCo.. you need to subscribe in the mailing list too, check this link: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EgyptTeam00:11
elacheche_anisI'm looking for the link of a great ubuntu book..00:12
hamedmust go now00:13
hamedbye bye00:13
=== saad_ is now known as SaadTalaat

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