
locodir-useranyone out there?00:48
locodir-userI guess everyone is gone00:49
cprofittI am here00:49
cprofittwhat can I assist you with?00:49
locodir-userthis is my first time on here00:49
cprofittwelcome... glad to have you here00:49
locodir-userthank you00:49
locodir-userSo I was reading the portion about contributing to ubuntu00:50
* cprofitt listens00:50
locodir-userIm a computer science major, so I would like to do something with coding00:50
locodir-useror something along those lines00:51
locodir-userbut im still a beginner00:51
locodir-userI guess what Im looking for is to get my feet wet00:51
cprofittwell... as always I would recommend doing some things with your local team00:51
cprofittwhat part of the world are you in?00:51
locodir-usersouthern california00:51
cprofittcali has an active team00:52
cprofittthis is a general link:00:52
cprofittto the developer stuff00:52
cprofittthe California team00:52
locodir-usercool, thank you00:53
cprofittthe best thing is to get to know the community hang with some folks on IRC00:53
cprofittlearn how to use launchpad 00:53
cprofittworking with testing and QA is also always a needed thing00:54
locodir-userok...yeah Im willing to do anything to get some kind of real world experience, and if I can help along the way then its a double win00:55
cprofittwell... working on bugs is a great way to get exposed to things00:55
locodir-userI know some html, javascript, css, and java programming00:55
cprofittfrom there you can submit patches00:55
cprofittand then learn how to do commits, etc.00:55
cprofittooh... well if your more web oriented you could also help the loco.ubuntu.com developers00:56
locodir-userIm actually sitting in class right now....lol!00:56
locodir-usercould you send me the link for the web stuff? please00:57
mhall119locodir-user: or you can /join #ubuntu-website00:57
cprofittwas just looking for that mhall119 00:57
cprofittlocodir-user mhall119 is one of the lead devs for loco directory00:57
cprofittand a great resource as you move forward00:58
mhall119cprofitt: locodir-user: https://launchpad.net/community-web-projects is our parent project00:58
locodir-userok thank you mhall119 and cprofitt00:58
locodir-userI know im gonna sound like a super rookie...but I love the wabbly windows01:04
dholbachgood morning06:54
czajkowskialoha 07:02
=== daker_ is now known as daker
dholbachshould https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-illinois be in https://launchpad.net/~locoteams?11:19
czajkowskinot seen it in the queue to add 11:21
czajkowskipaultag: ^^^ any ideas 11:21
czajkowskiand it should be ubuntu-us-illinois no ?11:22
paultagczajkowski: ohai12:26
paultagdholbach: humm. let me take a look12:27
paultagOdd, it looks like ~ubuntu-chicago is under that team, which is locoteams[-approved]12:27
paultagif they're just calling chicago illinois, we might as well grant them the same rights and revoke chicago's, and get them back indirectly12:28
paultagczajkowski: dholbach: I have a feeling we should involve chicago in this discussion12:28
dholbachwhatever works for you, yes12:38
mhall119czajkowski: someone posted the "cheap flights" video to ISD13:01
mhall119it's hillarious13:01
nigelbmhall119: what video/13:06
czajkowskipaultag: um.... the guy on chhicago team agrees with the name change 13:10
czajkowskikubuntu guy 13:11
czajkowskicycles a lot 13:11
paultagnixternal rules13:11
czajkowskihe does 13:12
czajkowskihe rants about biking 13:12
czajkowskiI rant about rugby 13:12
mhall119hmmm, rugby on bicycles....13:12
paultagit'd be like modern day polo13:15
cprofittI just see a scrum of mountain bikes13:24
cprofittfunny comercial...13:28
cprofittinteresting rugby vid - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00tYsKfByhM13:34
czajkowskipaultag: you're missing from channel 13:34
czajkowskiplease join 13:34
bkerensaczajkowski: :P No CD's for unapproved ;)16:53
bkerensaoh well16:53
czajkowskibkerensa: not our call 16:53
czajkowskithat was done durin the last cycle from Canonical. 16:53
bkerensaI know :)16:53
bkerensaI'm sure if I can get a couple hundred for t-shirts sponsored for Global Jam and now for Ocelot release I can get someone to cover CD's16:54
czajkowskiburn em 16:55
czajkowskiand ask pleia2 about the cd cover that -ca created for their team to put cds into 16:55
czajkowskibkerensa: most teams burn a lot them selves16:55
pleia2https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-california/+junk/2010branding-sleeves :)16:55
pleia2available in SVG, so you can edit as needed16:56
bkerensapleia2: Cool I will reach out and see about getting a batch made for us and WA team :)16:56
pleia2we're an approved team, but we still end up burning hundreds per cycle since we have so many events16:56
bkerensapleia2: Yeah I think ultimately we might just have a bunch of USB's made16:56
pleia2there is a black and white version of the sleeves, I just print a bunch up on my printer16:57
pleia2unfortunately USB sticks are still expensive, even in bulk16:57
bkerensayeah but you can format at each release and just make new ones for people16:57
bkerensawhile CD's end up in the trash within a few months16:58
pleia2oh yeah, for installfests and demos they're great, not so much for giving away :)16:58
bkerensaFreeGeek is trying to offload thousands of Ubuntu CD's that are old releases16:58
bkerensaand I was like... uhh I have no use for such16:58
pleia2any of them LTS?16:58
pleia2we can always use those16:58
bkerensaUmm I think so let me check16:58
paultagme.pault.ag/stalker.py <- debian changes, live in your terminal!17:22
paultagsweet awesomeness, batman!17:23
locodir-user algun miembro de locoteam19:12
locodir-user en el cual pueda hablar19:12
locodir-user o comunciarme por medio de correo19:12
ubot4En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:12

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