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ScottKRhonda: IA-32 libs didn't even sound like a good idea at the time, it was just something that could be done quickly.04:33
Rhondassh, don't debunk my catch phrase :)06:18
ajmitchdon't let facts get in the way of a good argument? :)06:23
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dholbachgood morning06:54
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RhondaI think I now saw the issue with packages.ubuntu.com myself …07:28
Rhonda\o/ tumbleweed :)08:30
tumbleweedRhonda: lintian wasn't very impressed with it, though08:33
tumbleweedE: gitolite: control-file-has-bad-permissions md5sums 0664 != 064408:47
tumbleweedE: gitolite: control-file-has-bad-permissions templates 0664 != 064408:47
Rhondaduh, how did that happen? Doesn't over here08:47
RhondaAh, some umask probably playing into it on the build server08:48
tumbleweedyeah, ubuntu changed umask recently08:48
Rhondabut there is this "find $(TMP) ! -type l -print0 2>/dev/null | xargs -0r chmod go=rX,u+rw,a-s" in debian/rules which should adjust that?08:49
Rhondaah, wait, templates and md5sums, the control files08:49
tumbleweedheh, I see Rhonda doesn't like packaging helpers :P08:49
Rhondawhich get generated _after_ the fixperms08:49
RhondaHey, I wanted to know what kind of magic was going on in the background. Apparently not that much. :)08:50
Rhondatumbleweed: not liking is based on bad experiences where I had to do handstand coding to get rid of some annoyances, but that was years ago :)08:52
tumbleweedit's a rather short rules for a no-helper package, I guess it helps that it's a nice simple one08:54
RhondaI tried to keep it short and simple so that it can be used as example :)08:57
RhondaMaybe I should throw in comments like "# this is the magic that dh_fixperms is actually doing"08:57
RhondaFor more complex packages it though gets complicated and irritating. Don't look at spl's debian/rules.  ;)08:58
RhondaHmm, not that overwhelming than I thought, but that might just be me and my experience with code …  226 lines08:59
Rhondatumbleweed: Should I fix the lintian issues you are seeing and request again, does that mean the package is now blocked, or is it even though it's an error acceptable?09:01
tumbleweedI'd either suggest uploading 2.0.3-1ubuntu1 with that fixed, or just fix that in Debian and sync. If you made other changes in Debian too, I'd want to review it again09:02
RhondaI'd fix some other lintin output too09:03
tumbleweedif that's manpages, that's fine with me09:03
RhondaThose three lines09:04
Laneythe guy requesting the inkscape backport is my new best friend09:06
hrwok. I do not catch it. Package libc6-dev-armhf-cross provides libc6-dev-armhf-armel-cross but gcc-4.6-multilib-arm-linux-gnueabi depends on libc6-dev-armhf-armel-cross and complains on install that libc6-dev-armhf-armel-cross is not installed. Why "provides" does not solve it?09:13
Laneyis the depends versioned?09:14
hrwLaney: package is 2.13 and depends is on >= 2.509:15
Laneyversioned deps on virtual packages won't work http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html#s-virtual09:16
hrwwill have to create dummy packages then09:17
hrwlet amd speeds up with buldozer cpus... I need to upgrade my machine09:18
Rhondatumbleweed: uploaded. :P09:37
Rhondahmm. Now I have gitolite_2.0.3-2_source.changes - what next? Never used syncpackage before, where to upload that to? :)10:36
RhondaAnd why did syncpackage re-sign the .dsc file while it already had a good signature?10:39
Laneyare you trying to do a --no-lp upload?10:39
RhondaNo clue. :)10:40
RhondaSo far I only did upload to my PPA, and did requestsync :)10:40
tumbleweedoh, sorry Rhonda I should have been clearer when I suggested using syncpackage :)10:40
tumbleweedI meant a new syncpackage that can do LP native syncing10:41
RhondaNo problem, I want to learn. :)10:41
tumbleweed>= 0.12910:41
Rhondaubuntu-dev-tools                          0.10110:43
tumbleweedah, we don't have a backport to debian stable10:43
LaneyI bet that's a rather small userbase :-)10:44
tumbleweedalthough the PPA build for maverick might work on there10:44
RhondaLaney could do it, he got upload permissions to backports recently. :P10:44
tumbleweedotherwise, it should run fine out of a bzr checkout10:44
Laneyit requires some other backports too10:44
Laneysince some scripts moved about10:44
RhondaAnyway, I let it rest for now, will try at home from my wheezy laptop10:44
tumbleweedyeah, stuff moved to devscripts, distro-info, and lp-tools10:44
Laneybdrung said a backport to natty would be too hard, so stable …10:45
tumbleweedLaney: OTOH, backporting this specific feature anywhere wouldn't be that hard10:45
ScottKI'm fine with that.10:45
bdrungLaney: you can do it, if you backport devscripts, distro-info, lp-tools, and python-debian10:45
Laneyif [list of tiresome things]10:46
LaneyI wouldn't know enough about how cherry-pickable syncpackage is — didn't it require some changes in ubuntutools/?10:47
Laneybut, I support doing that10:47
tumbleweedI'm happy to do some exploration into that10:47
RhondaLaney: I wouldn't accept a cherry-picked backport anyway. :P10:48
LaneyI was referring to natty-backports10:49
tumbleweedthis is a generally useful thing to backport in Ubuntu10:49
tumbleweedprobably less so in Debian10:49
tumbleweedtalking of which, I still need someone to review my u-d-t SRUs in Ubuntu. I don't like verifying my own SRUs10:51
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LaneyRhonda: btw, is there any plan for backports integrating with the bts? Like it learning about backports versions and so on.10:53
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RhondaLaney: http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2011/06/msg00247.html and following11:30
RhondaLaney: tl;dr - no version tracking in the BTS, but most important: No concept of different maintainers for a package11:32
Laneywell yeah, but that's not unsolvable11:33
Laneyif backporting, change the maintainer and let the bts know that different versions can have different maintainers11:33
Laneybut i will read it11:33
RhondaI'll tell don that we have a volunteer  \o/11:33
RhondaBut that's exact the issue: The bts doesn't has the concept yet that different versions can have different maintainers11:34
Laneyor have backports bugs sent to some pts keyword that the maintainer isn't subscribed to by default11:36
RhondaThere are loads of ideas how it could be done, but noone doing the actual code. The issue is known since a pretty long time now. (in this case) unfortunately there isn't a canonical behind Debian that would make sure that such things get done in a timely manner, and it didn't itch noone big enough yet to fix it11:40
RhondaI'd be more than interested in digging into it, but there are so much other tasks that I look after that otherwise would be lying around because they are also uninteresting to others11:41
RhondaHeck, I haven't got to looking at the squeeze RC graph since a few months, and squeeze is meant to be a supported release.  %-/11:42
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tumbleweedLaney, bdrung: I did a quick and dirty backport in bug 86050612:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 860506 in natty-backports "Backport native package syncing to ubuntu-dev-tools" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86050612:10
tumbleweedthere is unecessary stuff included, but I don't think it's dangerous, and I preferred to backport whole files where possible12:10
Laneyit'd be good to test various types of sync12:12
* tumbleweed only did simulated requestsync and syncpackage12:13
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hrwwhy when I am dputting http://paste.ubuntu.com/697897/ to ppa I do not get orig.tar.gz uploaded http://paste.ubuntu.com/697898/ ?14:11
Zhenechdid you include it in "build"?14:11
hrwgood point. _source.changes lacks it14:12
Zhenech-sa to debbuild14:12
hrwZhenech: thx14:14
Zhenechit defaults to include it in -1 uploads and do not in everything else14:14
hrwbut there was no uploads of it previously and package is -1~linaro5 for a reason14:15
hrwok, /me -> code14:15
Zhenechweill, -1~linaro5 isn't -1 ;)14:15
Zhenechand debuild doesnt know that you didnt upload anything else yet14:17
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SMJis Box2D going to be updated any time soon?17:26
SMJoh, feature freeze.17:28
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tumbleweedSMJ: yeah, it would require lots of jumping up and down to make it happen (and a good reason, and some testing)18:40
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