
ikoniahello famine00:00
faminegoodbye ikonia00:00
h00khello ikonia00:10
rwwgoodbye h00k00:11
ikonia /part00:11
* h00k waits for /abr00:11
ubottuOerHeks called the ops in #ubuntu ()01:54
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from xbuntu)02:17
Myrttier, WoolRich ...08:26
Myrttiwhat on earth08:26
ikoniaI'd like a jumper08:26
Tm_TJolly Jumper?08:27
ubottuValks called the ops in #ubuntu (Emmanuel_Chanel)11:03
ubottuValks called the ops in #kubuntu ()11:03
ubottuValks called the ops in #xubuntu ()11:03
ubottuValks called the ops in #edubuntu ()11:04
jussi@ignore Valks11:04
ubottuThe operation succeeded.11:04
ikoniatrying to find out11:04
* Pici continues to try to wake up11:05
jussigood morning Pici11:05
IdleOnemorning Pici11:06
* Pici waves11:11
ikoniajrib: pratz_ was an issue yesterday with this sort of thing, and shock horror he wants to discuss it that bad he's not joined either of the suggested channels12:00
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)13:54
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)13:54
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)13:54
ikoniahello GTRsdk14:07
GTRsdkikonia: is #ubuntu-offtopic still in use? * #ubuntu-offtopic #ubuntu-ops :Forwarding to another channel14:08
ikoniait should be, one moment, let me see if I can find a reason for your problem14:08
GTRsdkdids you ban be again?14:09
ikoniaone moment and I'll find out for you.14:09
topylii did14:10
ikoniathen over to topyli14:10
topyliGTRsdk: your quit message is annoyed quite a few people and i just wanted a chance to ask you to change it before you join14:10
topylino other problems14:11
GTRsdktopyli: why not use memoserv for that then?14:11
GTRsdkso quit should be absolutely nothing?14:12
ikoniaLmAt: be with you in a moment.14:12
topylioh no, but it shouldn't be four lines of eeee either14:12
LmAtikonia, No need :)14:12
topyligrrr, emergency. could someone please remove GTRsdk's ban when msg is changed?14:13
ikoniaLmAt: how can we help you ?14:13
ikoniatopyli: sure14:13
LmAtikonia, I can't think of anything.  Should I leave?14:14
GTRsdkwhat was my quit message there?14:14
ikoniaLmAt: yes please.14:14
ikoniaGTRsdk: nothing at all14:14
ikoniaGTRsdk: give me an moment and I'll remove the ban forward for you14:14
GTRsdkthere is seriously something wrong with my IRC program then14:14
ikoniaGTRsdk: won't keep you a moment14:15
ikoniaGTRsdk: would try to join now please ?14:16
GTRsdkikonia: the scrollback shows the last quit message, now I see why I was banned.14:17
ikoniaGTRsdk: all looks good here,14:18
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (xbuntu appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)17:51
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (xbuntu appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)17:51
* Pici perscribes op-be-gone for op irritations17:55
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from ark_)18:19
ubottuanonissimus called the ops in #ubuntu ()18:22
Jordan_U!away > Jasonn19:32
jpds"< ~b3ta> Tectu, rule of thumb for servers - if it aint broke, dont apt-get upgrade"19:49
jpdsCan someone back me up with this guy?19:51
IdleOnehit him with facts19:52
IdleOneI don't know enough to help you.19:52
charlie-tcaapt-get upgrade is a safe upgrade; how do you get security fixes on the server if you never update? wait for the scammers to grab it first?19:53
jpdscharlie-tca: → #ubuntu19:53
charlie-tcaI can't hardly stand that channel. It is just too busy and drives my eyes crazy19:54
jpdsI give up on him.19:56
IdleOnehello pythonsnake21:26
pythonsnakeI wanna get a unban for #ubuntu+1 please21:26
IdleOneHow may I be of service this fine day? :)21:26
IdleOnegive me a moment please21:26
pythonsnakeIdleOne: :)21:26
IdleOneDo you remember why you got banned?21:26
pythonsnakein my version ?21:27
pythonsnakeor op's version?21:27
IdleOneyour version of course21:27
pythonsnakehmm let me remember21:27
IdleOneok I see, you were cross posting. You understand why cross posting is not acceptable?21:29
IdleOnepythonsnake: brb in 2 minutes.21:30
IdleOnesorry about that, had something about to burn on the stove.21:31
IdleOneok, so the reason why cross posting is bad is because in the Ubuntu channels many of the users help in multiple channels at once and asking the same question in multiple channels just makes it that more difficult for them to help you.21:33
IdleOneif you agree to not cross post anymore I will gladly remove the ban.21:33
pythonsnakeno offence or anything but can I tell something ?21:35
pythonsnakethere are people who may know the answers  who are in for example #kubuntu channel but not in #ubuntu channel, so ask in multiple channel can help to get better answer probability21:37
pythonsnakemaybe i'm wrong21:37
pythonsnakesay* something21:38
IdleOnepythonsnake: in a sense you are right but at the same time it also makes it harder for users who are in multiple channels to follow your questions and provide help.21:39
IdleOnenot to mention that -dev channels are not meant for support generally.21:39
pythonsnakeI didn't ask for support21:39
IdleOnein that case cross posting your non-support question to a -dev channel and a support channel is wrong. non-support questions don't belong in #ubuntu+121:40
pythonsnakeI asked in #ubuntu+1 and reported a potential bug in dev21:41
IdleOne<pythonsnake> Hello. I am using Oneiric, but during the upgrade Natty-Oneiric (do-release-upgrade -d ), after packages download, I had a network problem so no Internet. flashplugin download failed. Today, I retried to update (apt-get update && apt-get upgrade) but I get the following error: http://pastie.org/private/qx4zgaznikhhnjsmouacaa. Sorry if my english is bad, it's not my native language.21:42
IdleOne<pythonsnake> Anyone have got any ideas of what's going on ?21:42
pythonsnakesuppport question21:42
IdleOnethat looks like a support question to me. bugs are reported on launchpad.net21:42
pythonsnakeAh ok21:42
pythonsnakeBut I see people reporting bugs in dev channel..21:43
IdleOneanyway, the rule is that we do not accept cross posting, can you follow that rule?21:43
pythonsnake<allee> oneiric broken: http://paste.ubuntu.com/698128/   natty working: http://paste.ubuntu.com/69812921:43
pythonsnakethe rules are rude ;_______;21:43
pythonsnakeI suppose I don't have the choice :P21:43
IdleOneperhaps and you are welcome to bring your concerns about the rules to the IRCC at the next meeting if you wish, in the mean time I need you to follow them :)21:44
pythonsnakeI can't, I fear ikonia :(21:44
LjLpythonsnake, do you agree that the following is unacceptable?21:45
LjLi need help with my wifi, please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!21:45
LjLi need help with my wifi, please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!21:45
LjLi need help with my wifi, please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!21:45
IdleOnepythonsnake: ikonia is not part of the IRCC and there is no reason to fear any of the ops, we are all here to help.21:45
LjLpythonsnake: yet, at the same time, don't you think it *is* in fact more likely to elicit a response? if nothing else, people will notice it better21:45
pythonsnakehuh? I don't get your last sentence...21:46
pythonsnakeIdleOne: IRCC ?21:46
IdleOnethe Ubuntu IRC Council21:47
IdleOneIRCC for short.21:47
=== tomaw is now known as 5EXAAKYAN
LjLpythonsnake: if someone posts their question once, it can easily get ignored, because #Ubuntu is busy21:47
LjLpythonsnake: if you post it multiple times in a row, it will most certainly get everyone's attention21:47
LjLpythonsnake: don't you think?21:47
pythonsnakeof course21:47
LjLpythonsnake: then why do you think it's unacceptable?21:48
pythonsnakebecause he's not a priviligied person ?21:48
LjLpythonsnake: it's unacceptable because in the long run, it ruins everyone's experience. the given individual who did it might benefit, but the community as a whole suffers21:48
LjLpythonsnake: so while it's true that you may get more responses by crossposting, it's not acceptable because everyone just sees the same question multiple times, and as a result there is more noise and some people will be led to leave one of the channels if they see the same stuff posted twice21:49
=== 5EXAAKYAN is now known as tomaw
LjLpythonsnake: do you at least follow my reasoning?21:50
IdleOnepythonsnake: I will remove the ban.21:51
pythonsnakethanks :-)21:51
pythonsnakethanks :-)21:52
pythonsnakethanks :-)21:52
pythonsnakethanks :-)21:52
IdleOnestop that please21:52
pythonsnakeSorry :S21:52
rwwYou may want to read our guidelines at some point. It does detail that crossposting and repeating are bad, as well as other rules you've run afoul of in the past.21:52
IdleOneplease join #ubuntu+1 and say something21:52
pythonsnakeClient came crazy21:52
pythonsnakegood night21:52
rwwyeah, quassel doesn't make you repeat lines like that21:53
LjLi like to think he was being ironical21:53
IdleOneLjL: thanks for clearing that up for him :)21:54
rwwLjL: indeed21:55
IdleOnenow if he would only reply to me in +121:55
=== PriceChi1d is now known as PriceChild
ubottuIn ubottu, subcool said: !liveUSBaufs is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1448929 - work with it. lol22:33
ubottuIn ubottu, Gaming4JC said: !moo is Moo Have you mooed today? apt-get moo.22:55
Flannel!scope > Gaming4JC22:58
=== jrib is now known as Guest49180
=== Guest49180 is now known as jrib

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