
dknheh.... i had 4 drive raid10, unfortunetly 2 dropped off at the same time00:00
dknso i'm going to setup a 4 drive raid 1 and restore from backup....00:00
dknmdadm just won't let me get rid of the old array...00:00
dknand it's keeping the disc's busy so i can't create a new array00:01
josheee12how the hell does 2 fail at once?00:04
dkna great question...00:04
dknone of them dissappeared and reappeared last month, now two just did it00:05
dknnot sure if they're just dying or what.... the connectors seem fine... so i'm just going to run it in raid1 to try and figure out what's going on...00:05
dknthank god for nightly backups00:06
josheee12once, out of the blue, 1 of my 3 failed.  checked the other 2 drives, all fine.  checked the drive on another computer, fine.  what the hell is the chance the cable was failing?00:06
dknit's a sas splitter cable, so.... i duno....00:07
josheee12mine were sata at that point00:07
josheee12have u ever used xmonad?00:08
josheee12it's a tiling window manager.  i just got it today, love it.00:09
josheee12people think i'm crazy when i need a tiling wm on a setup with 4 monitors00:10
dknanyone good with mdadm & software raid????00:12
dknthis thing just won't let me work on the md200:12
dknomg...... apparantly third time is a charm.... lol00:14
m_3SpamapS: yeah, cool... wasn't sure of the best way to submit/surface the ganglia fix00:37
m_3I needed one working so I just put it in a ppa00:39
zuladam_g: pong02:02
KM0201is there a way to configure ubuntu server to go to sleep after a set period?02:09
twbOr if you just mean at specific times, atd or cron02:19
KM0201hmm, i don't know much about atd or cron02:20
KM0201buess i'll have to learn.02:20
twbsleepd is more likely what you want02:21
KM0201is there some instructions on configuring it?02:21
KM0201well, i didn't see a man page for it.02:22
twbTry /usr/share/doc/sleepd then02:23
twbMy sleepd has a manpage, maybe your system is busted02:23
KM0201i'll look at it.02:24
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adam_gzul: hey, was just wondering what the flow is for packaging changes in the nova packages.  do we merge to lp:~ubuntu-server-dev branches, and then push to the openstack ubuntu packagers, or the other way? im talking about general packaging fixes, not patches to the tree02:39
KM0201twb: if I try to access a samba share, will that wake up my server?02:55
twbYou only asked about putting it to sleep, not waking it up02:56
KM0201well, they would seem to go hand in hand02:56
twbWaking it up by talking samba to it requires you to be running OS X on specialist Apple hardware; I'm not aware of anything else that can do anything layer-7 like that02:57
twbYou can do WOL but that will require your client to send a WOL packet02:57
KM0201yeah, that wouldn't be bad, but my board doesn't suppor tWOL02:57
twbAnd WOL also requires hardware support- right02:57
twbIf your goal is to reduce power consumption, but still have it respond to samba without having to walk over and push its power button or keyboard to wake it up, you're probably only going to be able to spin down disks and throttle the CPU, not put it into suspend-to-RAM or suspend-to-disk state02:58
KM0201thats basically my goal02:59
KM0201where could i learn to do that?.. what do i man or google?02:59
KM0201it doesn't necessarily have to respond to samba, i mean, anyway i could wake it up, w/o physically being at the machine, would be fine03:00
twbWOL is the only way I know03:01
twbOr a monkey, of course03:01
twbCall the office, say "hey monkey, go push <button> on <machine>"03:01
twbRe "what to read", probably whatever you can find about saving power03:03
twbpowertop, laptop-mode, cpufreq/cpu governor, etc.03:03
twbhdparm/sdparm ricing03:03
twbDon't get your hopes up, you probably won't save much power over the default configuration.03:04
KM0201looking at the sleepd manpage.. i'm looking at the  options and one is          -N, --netdev03:04
KM0201              Monitor  a network interface for activity based on packet count.03:04
KM0201              eth0 is the default. This option may be used more than once with03:04
KM0201              different network interfaces.03:04
twbThat's for keeping it awake03:04
KM0201oh ok.03:04
twbsleepd looks at <stuff>, and when <stuff> is absent for at least <period>, it puts the system to sleep03:05
twbWhere <stuff> is usually things like keyboard activity, high load, etc03:05
KM0201doesn't have anything to do w/ waking up03:05
twbThe OS *can'* do that03:05
KM0201right, my hardware cant03:05
twbOf course, you could also tell sleepd to run something other than pm-suspend, e.g. "spin down the HDDs now please"03:06
twbBut it's probably better to leave such things to built-in controllers/kernel heuristics, and just tune the heuristics03:06
KM0201i wonder if i could buy a PCI ethernet card and it support WOL.. probably not though, since that is often set in the BIOS03:07
KM0201it'd require a new motherboard03:07
twbSorry, I'm not a WOL expert03:08
twbI thought it was pretty common in mid- to high-range desktop boards these days03:09
twbDid you check if there's a BIOS option to enable it?03:09
KM0201oh yeah03:09
mattcenHi all. I'd like to do one-time password auth for SSH on Lucid. I'm currently using otpw (otpw-bin and libpam-otpw). Is this the accepted way to do it, or is there better software? I ask because otpw hasn't been actively maintained in about 8 years03:25
qman__mattcen, last time I did it, I used libpam-otp03:35
qman__not sure if/how they're different03:36
mattcenqman__: It doesn't look like libpam-otp exists; the only result that appears is libpam-otpw (which I'm using)04:05
mattcen(Unless you didn't use an ubuntu package)04:06
Gr3mlinhay all, any rules to getting help?06:36
Gr3mlinwant to monitor my system temps and fan speeds. need help seting up lm-sensors06:37
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Gr3mlinamypme tjhere?06:52
Gr3mlinor anyone there06:52
jamespagemorning all06:58
twbroot@luger:~# cat /etc/environment07:23
twbIs that the default on Lucid?07:23
besekuCan anyone point me towards a way to block requests to an Ubuntu based web site from a specific referrer, (the site is hotlinking images) *before* they reach Apache?07:23
beseku I was recommended using Squid but found no guide to how to use it in this way, (well, no experience of it at all in fact)07:23
twbbeseku: why before apache?07:29
besekubecause the requests are too much for apache, (its a 256MB VPS getting hit by 100+ req p/s07:30
twbProbably because your apache is all PHP-d up07:31
besekuit is07:31
twbSet up a static.example.net running something lightweight, and move all your static content there07:31
twblike thttpd or nginx or something07:31
twbYou can't find out who the referer (sic) is until AFTER you've accepted the connection, so you can't do anything in e.g. iptables or tcpwrappers.  It *has* to be done in the httpd07:32
twbSince you've bloated apache so much, you need a second httpd either next to or in front of it07:32
besekuApache isnt bloated, its got PHP 5 installed.07:33
shiny_you could just set up nginx infront of apache07:33
besekuIts pretty barebones, just not set up for this much traffic07:33
shiny_serve those referral requests from it07:33
shiny_pass everything else to apache07:33
shiny_should be fine on 256 ram07:33
twbbeseku: right, so before you do anything you've already preforked07:33
shiny_i served 1k+ requests that way on 512MB vps07:34
twbbeseku: although I grant you, if you measure it, 90% of the resources are consumed by PHP itself -- doesn't matter if it's running in mod_php5 or php-fgcid07:34
shiny_you can also use apache with php5-fpm and worker07:34
twbIIRC a hello world phpinfo() wanted like 10MB VSZ07:35
besekuThe issue is I *don't want* to serve this sites requests - they are upping my b/w costs and slowing the server down for real users07:35
besekuso i want to block everything from them07:35
twbbeseku: see above re "you have to parse HEAD"07:35
twbEr, s/HEAD/the header/07:35
koolhead17hi all07:35
besekutwb: Can this not be done with the IP Tables string match?07:35
shiny_iptables -A INPUT -s source --dport 80 -p tcp -j DROP07:35
twbIf they're hotlinking to you, the requests *do not originate* from their site07:35
twbThe originate from the end user07:36
shiny_but ye, twb is right :)07:36
besekuSo string match can;t pickup the referrer?07:36
besekuEven though it inspects the request?07:36
twbbeseku: you mean like iptables -m string?07:36
twbjwz's law says: you fail07:36
twbIt might 90% work but the right solution is static.example.net and then detect referer in the httpd there07:37
besekuOK. But with any of these solutions I need to up the memory on the system to redirect the traffic.07:38
shiny_beseku, http://altlab.com/htaccess_tutorial.html something like this should work07:38
twbYes, but because you're using a sensible httpd, the overhead is less07:38
twbObviously apache cannot be the frontmost httpd07:39
besekuRight, I anted to avoid rebuilding the env around Nginx or similar. Guess I don;t have a choice.07:39
besekuCheers for the helps peeps.07:39
twb(If you have >1 IP, you can just put them side-by-side and not bother with reverse proxying at all)07:39
twbAnd anyone with only one IP is probably some johnny-come-lately that should Get Off My Lawn07:40
shiny_i got 2 ips ! :P07:42
twbClass C here07:43
shiny_well i will be acquiring class A soon, just need to buy the hardware first .... obviously i need to bug some people ( that have the money ) to understand *why* do we need that :P07:45
shiny_and we currently got 32 actually, but it ain't enough07:45
twbUh, you know A is /8, right?07:47
twbThey're all already delegated to the RIRs, and there can't be many left there either07:48
twbClass A is 16777214 addresses07:48
shiny_i know07:55
shiny_we're talking with a regional provider07:55
shiny_if there's none left, we will settle with several C's07:56
shiny_<- Bulgaria, so not much IP usage, but the RIR's got some bought some time ago, and they're just keeping them07:57
twbGood thing you're not in china.  They nat entire cellphone networks to a few IPs there, because asia is so short of IPs07:58
shiny_well my company is joining efforts with a few others to build a public cloud and if the project is a go , we will need lots of ips07:59
shiny_truth is it will be the least expense07:59
lifelessgl with that :)08:00
shiny_hehe :)08:01
shiny_well see how it goes08:01
jamespageDaviey: mail-stack-delivery is borked in oneiric - bug 86033608:11
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 860336 in dovecot "mail-stack-delivery configuration broken" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86033608:11
jamespagefixing up now08:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #860336 in dovecot (main) "mail-stack-delivery configuration broken" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86033608:11
rbasakSep 26 13:05:41 <Daviey>rbasak: can you push it with version string 2011.3-0ubuntu3~ppa0 ?08:41
rbasakDaviey: is that still want you want for the version string now? Previous version in my branch is 2011.3~rc~20110920.r1192-0ubuntu208:41
Davieyrbasak: yeah so *3~ppa0 is good for us to test against, as it is less than *3, so when we do upload to the archive there is an upgrade path08:53
rbasakDaviey: OK08:54
rbasakDaviey: so when we do upload to the archive what would you expect the form of the version string to be?08:58
Davieyrbasak: whatever is UNRELEASED on lp:~ubuntu-server-dev/nova/diablo09:12
Davieyrbasak: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server-dev/nova/diablo/view/head:/debian/changelog09:12
rbasakDaviey: Thanks. Although my patch is based on lp:~hudson-openstack/nova/milestone-proposed - I see that lp:~ubuntu-server-dev/nova/diablo has only debian/, but why does lp:~hudson-openstack/nova/milestone-proposed also have a debian/?09:14
ersiIf I have a machine, with two physical network interfaces (eth0, eth1) and one virtual interface (eth0.100) - and would like traffic forwarded from eth0.100 to eth1 - how would I do that? a) set net.ipv4.ip_forward to true and use iptables? 2) Could I use "net.ipv4.conf.eth0.forwarding", "net.ipv4.conf.eth2.forwarding", "net.ipv4.conf.eth0/100.forwarding" to accomplish the same thing, without iptable rules?09:24
Davieyrbasak: zul wanted to do it that way :)09:29
Davieyrbasak: you need to add a flat patch to debian/patches/foo09:29
ersiNevermind, I've solved that little routing fiddle.09:32
rbasakDaviey: So what should the PPA be against? lp:~ubuntu-server-dev/nova/diablo or my current lp:~hudson-openstack/nova/milestone-proposed? Or are you saying I should take my patch, rebase and apply to debian/patches/foo in lp:~ubuntu-server-dev/nova/diablo?09:33
Davieyrbasak: That would be ideal09:34
DavieyThat is where it will end up fwiw.09:35
Gr3mlinsomeone able to help my get lm-sensors working so i can monitor my servers temps?09:35
Gr3mlini mean me*09:36
koolhead17hi all09:43
TeTeTGr3mlin: unfortunately I know nothing about lm-sensors set up, but there's a forum post covering some basics at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=179307409:52
TeTeTGr3mlin: there's also this basic page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto09:56
rbasakHow would a bzr user rebase from one upstream to another unrelated upstream (unrelated in terms of the commit graph)? I know how I'd do it with git, but it's making git-bzr-ng crash :-/10:24
Davieyrbasak: It's usually not worth the effort to try and do it tbh10:49
DavieyIf they do not share common ancenstroy.10:50
rbasakOK, so I've got a bzr branch with only debian/ checked out. What's the tool to bring in upstream, so that I can use quilt to manipulate debian/patches?11:13
lynxmanmorning everyone11:18
koolhead17hey lynxman11:18
lynxmanhey koolhead17 o/11:18
adam_hey! i have an SFTP Ubuntu Server with chrooted home directories11:22
adam_is there a way to encrypt those homedirectories so they are still accessible and writeable by the sftping users?11:23
adam_i looked at Duplicity but that seems to only work for rsync :(11:23
_rubenhuh? if you chroot the users to their homedir, how could they access others' homedirs?11:24
jamespageDaviey: are we targetting the 'upstart start on' bugs that SpamapS for oneiric?11:27
jamespagefeel quite late to potentially be changing the behaviour of service startup...11:27
zuladam_g: push to the ubuntu-server-dev branch and then to the openstack-ubuntu-packagers branch11:31
Davieyjamespage: nah, they are now for P11:38
jamespageDaviey: ack - I pushed one with the dovecot/mail-stack-delivery fixes but I'll comment on the other MP's that utlemming has raised11:39
Davieyjamespage: Use your judgement to see if they should be sponsored or not :)11:40
Davieyjamespage: The worst that will happen is that it all goes horribly wrong, and we need to delay the release because of a call jamespage made.11:40
DavieySo no stress, really.11:41
jamespageOK - I'll review individually - anything that looks like a no-brainer I'll sponsor - others will defer (that will include euca and samba BTW)11:41
Davieyjamespage: sounds wise to me!11:42
mrryanjohnstonhey guys. I've got 1 machine with 1 nic with 2 ip addresses. Each of these ip addresses points to a different vhost in apache. When given a fresh reboot, it seems these ip addresses do their part; when you point to them in a browser, the different sites come up. However, it seems that, overnight, this functionality was lost; currently the browser sits as if waiting for a response, but then comes back and says the websit11:43
mrryanjohnstonAlso, this server is running on a vmware server11:43
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jamespageDaviey: are you handling the puppet version upgrade MP?12:07
Davieyjamespage: blocked on decision, review welcome.12:11
mrryanjohnstonI made a forums post about the issue if anyone is interested: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11289764#post1128976412:23
rbasakGot an interesting problem with the watch file in lp:~ubuntu-server-dev/nova/diablo. It specifies http://launchpad.net/nova/+download, but that page is paginated so it now needs http://launchpad.net/nova/+download?start=10.12:46
rbasak(I worked around it for now by changing the watch file manually)12:47
rbasakNot sure what a permanent fix for this should be.12:47
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sorenrbasak: Sounds like a task for #launchpad12:52
sorenUargh, /me is late for flight12:52
rbasaksoren: a +download?show=all or something do you think?12:53
uvirtbotNew bug: #860545 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 failed to install/upgrade: sub-processo script post-installation instalado retornou estado de saĆ­da de erro 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86054513:06
CluelessPersonHello, can someone help me with an init script?13:12
Davieyrbasak: How is that bug looking?13:14
rbasakDaviey: about to upload to the PPA now13:14
DavieyAre you going to be in a position to submit it to nova upstream trunk for review today?13:14
rbasakDaviey: I can't test it properly without the libvirt fix, I'm uncomfortable submitting to anything without that done13:15
DavieyDoes anyone want to investigate bug 655533?  Upgrade Natty->Oneiric with likewise-open installed?13:17
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 655533 in likewise-open "[master] package likewise-open failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65553313:17
Davieyrbasak: Upstream doesn't depend on apparmor.. so for committing it upstream, only needs to work without contraint.13:18
Davieyjdstrand: How did the libvirt issue get on?13:18
rbasakDaviey: OK then I need to rebase against upstream and develop against that13:18
jdstrandDaviey: I am iterating on a patch. am continuing on the work today13:19
jdstrandI am doing it the right way (so it is upstreamable)13:19
jdstrandrather than a hack. it is written, but there is a small bug and testing I need to do13:19
Davieyjdstrand: if you want help testing, do ask. :)13:22
Davieyrbasak: rebasing is fun!13:23
Davieyrbasak: Ideally, we'd like to get the fix in trunk first, then cherrypick it back.13:23
rbasakDaviey: as I've discovered. I've only just finished rebasing to lp:~ubuntu-server-dev/nova/diablo! It's a pain when there's debian/patches to manage as well :-/13:23
* rbasak might be missing some tooling that everyone else uses13:23
rbasakDaviey: so why did I just rebase it away from trunk for the PPA?13:24
Davieymaybe.. :(13:24
Davieyrbasak: i expected the patch to easily ripped out of what you were doing, so we could start smoking it via a ppa.13:25
DavieyWhlst we are doing that, submitted to upstream trunk.13:25
DavieyWhen both are aligned, we upload it to Ubuntu :)13:25
rbasakDaviey: ah, OK. The patch was easy to rip out, my unfamiliarity with the tools is what took ages13:25
Davieysmoser: those two bugs you identified, if you do reproduce them - can you open ubuntu tasks on the bugs?13:34
smoserthey *do* reproduce13:34
smoseron Canonistack.13:34
smoserbut i'm just not sure of the versions deployed there.  we dont see them in our testing though.13:35
DavieyWell it's not even clear to me if it was fixed in Diablo or trunk13:35
smoserso either a.) canonistack is not up to date on its glance b.) we're not testing the archive c.) the fix also affected nova (which canonistack *is* behind on) d.) i have no clue and i'm just making stuff up13:35
smoserthierry  marked it fix-released13:36
smoserwhich would mean in diablo13:36
smoserbut he is human13:36
Davieybug 845788, was only merged 12th Sept... so probable they don't have that13:36
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 845788 in glance "update_image in glance.client doesn't add content-length so the swift backend can't chunk" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84578813:36
Davieysmoser: ttx always makes mistakes :)13:36
cloakable<smoser> but he is human < unlike us robots? ;)13:37
ttxam I human ?13:37
cloakableYes. No. Maybe. Possibly. Possibly not.13:37
smoseri'm looking at code13:38
smoserand it seems not to be fixed13:38
smoserat least the commit marked as having fixed it is not in diablo release13:38
smoserer... is not in glance milestone-proposed13:39
* ttx checks13:39
smoserits not13:40
smoseris the milestone link to view that13:40
smoserhttps://github.com/openstack/glance/commit/6cfff16f2dc22a870bfe3808a7895dfbbaa11369 is the commit that *reports* to have fixed it13:40
smosercloakable, exactly. humans are feeble minded and distracted by shiney objects and beer13:41
smoserbut ttx did once win a staredown with a triceratops13:41
smoserDaviey, so the next question is why don't we see this in our testing. are we not deploying archive builds? adam_g ? and why not ?13:44
Davieysmoser: we were using archive builds, but then updated to a PPA snapshot.. upgrading to current archive is in-part i believe13:45
Davieywhere what/13:46
smoseri'm talking about sapodilla and friends13:46
smoserwhen we're deploying that we should be using archive.13:46
smosercanonistack also should be, but i'm trying to sort out why we would not have seen this issue on sapodilla and friends but we do see it on canonistack.13:47
Davieywe were, but whilst we were waiting for thaw- it made sense to test against the milstone.13:47
smoserwe should have seen it if we were testing against milestone also13:48
smoseras milestone does not have that fix.13:48
CluelessPersoncould someone please help me?13:48
CluelessPersonI don't even know what's screwed up. >.<13:48
Davieysmoser: seemingly not 100% reproducible13:49
smoserit seems to fail every time for me on canonistack13:50
rbasakDaviey: OK the PPA build succeeded, so https://launchpad.net/~racb/+archive/fixes/+packages - except that of course it needs the libvirt fix before it'll be useful, and it's still only my best guess.14:06
PleXsanyone here using vmware server on ubuntu server ?14:09
zulrbasak: can you create a branch for that patch and i can pull it in14:13
Davieysmoser: so do you think testing https://launchpadlibrarian.net/81191962/nova_2011.3-0ubuntu2_2011.3-0ubuntu3~ppa0.diff.gz is  bad idea?14:15
smoseri think we should be testing what is in the archive.14:15
rbasakzul: I have a branch that I can push (if I can figure out git-bzr-ng) but I'm really not happy for it to be taken in yet - it might well be buggy, I've not been able to test it properly yet because the ubuntu version needs the libvirt fix. I'm testing the patch against nova upstream now, so maybe after I've verified the patch properly?14:16
smoserif you find issues in what is in the archive, it might be useful to test something *not* in the archive to help determine the issue14:16
smoserbut i think its fairly clear that our goal is to make the archive right14:16
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=== shocklateboy42 is now known as shadeslayer
smoserthis is begging to be tried out: http://blog.picloud.com/2011/09/26/introducing-environments-run-anything-on-picloud/14:23
jdstrandrbasak: hey, do you have a moment?14:39
rbasakjdstrand: yeah sure14:39
jdstrandrbasak: I would like to confirm that when using 'pipe', I only need <path>.in and <path>.out as opposed to also needing <path>14:40
jdstrandrbasak: can I trouble you to go through a few steps?14:40
rbasakjdstrand: yes, that's my understanding from the qemu manpage. I'm certainly not creating a <path> anything14:40
jdstrandrbasak: do you have a vm handy to test this?14:41
rbasakjdstrand: I can have one in a few minutes14:42
jdstrandrbasak: that would be great, thanks14:42
PotatoeI have a command that is behaving differently when run from the prompt and when run from crontab. How does crontab execute the command? Can I call the command manually the same way cron does to help identify the issue ?14:43
rbasakjdstrand: OK, I've got it reproducing on a patched nova upstream trunk running from a source directory, using what is I think the system libvirt from oneiric - 0.9.2-4ubuntu1314:49
jdstrandrbasak: cool. so first, I want to reproduce the problem. please start a vm that is using type='pipe' for the console14:53
rbasakjdstrand: I've in fact already done that, so I've got failures logged in kern.log14:54
jdstrandrbasak: can you paste the failure?14:55
rbasak[ 1726.219190] type=1400 audit(1317134876.796:30): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" parent=1 profile="libvirt-fa79d894-ae96-3ac2-6aa8-1a9ef5f96804" name="/home/ubuntu/nova/instances/instance-00000003/console.fifo.in" pid=2484 comm="qemu" requested_mask="rw" denied_mask="rw" fsuid=105 ouid=10514:55
rbasak[ 1726.219203] type=1400 audit(1317134876.796:31): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" parent=1 profile="libvirt-fa79d894-ae96-3ac2-6aa8-1a9ef5f96804" name="/home/ubuntu/nova/instances/instance-00000003/console.fifo.out" pid=2484 comm="qemu" requested_mask="rw" denied_mask="rw" fsuid=105 ouid=10514:55
jdstrandrbasak: can you adjust /etc/apparmor.d/libvirt/libvirt-fa79d894-ae96-3ac2-6aa8-1a9ef5f96804 to have:14:56
jdstrand  /home/ubuntu/nova/instances/instance-00000003/console.fifo.out rw,14:56
jdstrand  /home/ubuntu/nova/instances/instance-00000003/console.fifo.in rw,14:56
jdstrand  audit deny /home/ubuntu/nova/instances/instance-00000003/console.fifo rwmkl,14:56
rbasak/etc/apparmor.d/libvirt/libvirt-fa79d894-ae96-3ac2-6aa8-1a9ef5f96804 includes /etc/apparmor.d/libvirt/libvirt-fa79d894-ae96-3ac2-6aa8-1a9ef5f96804.files - should I be editing /etc/apparmor.d/libvirt/libvirt-fa79d894-ae96-3ac2-6aa8-1a9ef5f96804 or/etc/apparmor.d/libvirt/libvirt-fa79d894-ae96-3ac2-6aa8-1a9ef5f96804.files?14:56
jdstrandthe former. .files gets overwritten14:57
jdstrandrbasak: when you have updated the file, can you paste it in paste.ubuntu.com?14:57
rbasakOK. Should I stick those lines before or after the existing includes?14:57
jdstrandrbasak: doesn't matter. typically after14:58
rbasakYou're going to ask me to retry creating the instance, aren't you? That could be interesting.14:59
jdstrandrbasak: ok, so if you shutdown the machine and start it, will instance-00000003 change to something else like instance-00000004?14:59
rbasakYeah that's the kind of thing I'm worried about14:59
rbasaknova has left the old xml lying about14:59
rbasakI could try virsh on that15:00
jdstrandrbasak: please try with virsh15:00
rbasakerror: operation failed: domain 'instance-00000003' already exists with uuid fa79d894-ae96-3ac2-6aa8-1a9ef5f9680415:01
rbasakOK so I can just stop and start with virsh perhaps15:01
jdstrandyes, please use virsh15:01
jdstrandif this isa  disposable vm:15:01
jdstrandvirsh destroy ...15:02
jdstrandvirsh start ...15:02
uvirtbotNew bug: #860629 in postfix (main) "package postfix (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86062915:03
jdstrandrbasak: let me know when the vm is running15:03
CluelessPersonif I want to copy the contents of a directory, into another directory15:03
CluelessPersonwill this work?15:03
CluelessPersonrsync -r $minecraft_path $ramdisk_path15:03
CluelessPersonand the paths do NOT have slashes15:04
CluelessPerson .15:04
CluelessPerson /15:04
rbasakOK, virsh list --all showed me the machine as shutdown (or something, my scrollback's gone), so I ran virsh start instance-0000000315:04
* RoyK honors CluelessPerson of his nick15:05
rbasakThat seems to have worked. virsh list now says running, lsof shows that qemu has the fifo running and it seems to be writing the console as get_console_output seems to work15:05
jdstrandrbasak: can you do 'virsh dominfo instance-00000003'15:05
jdstrandrbasak: and any apparmor denials?15:05
CluelessPersonRoyK,  It has different functionality depending on how it's run15:05
CluelessPersonRoyK,  rsync insists on copying the directory into the directory prior to the one I give it, or directory/..  ?WTF15:06
RoyKCluelessPerson: rsync somedir somewhere will copy somedir into somewhere/, rsync somedir/ somewhere will copy the _contents_ of somedir into somewhere/15:06
rbasakNo further denials15:06
jdstrandrbasak: any apparmor denials after doing 'virsh start?15:06
CluelessPersonrsync also tends to copy the ENTIRE source folder into the the destination   rsync source/ destination/   winds up with  destination/source15:06
rbasakNo, just status profile_load/profile_remove15:06
jdstrandrbasak: perfect. thanks! :)15:07
jdstrandrbasak: feel free to remove those lines from /etc/apparmor.d/libvirt/libvirt-fa79d894-ae96-3ac2-6aa8-1a9ef5f9680415:07
jdstrandrbasak: the next upload of libvirt should have this all adjusted so they are added to .files automatically15:08
CluelessPersonRoyK, I keep winding up with files in destination/..15:09
CluelessPersonor the directory just before destination15:09
RoyKCluelessPerson: do some tests - you'll find out15:09
CluelessPersonRoyK, I have.15:09
rbasakjdstrand: awesome, thanks!15:09
RoyKif you're paranoid, rsync somedir/. newdir/ and the contents of somedir will appear in newdir15:10
CluelessPersonRoyK, rsync -r $ramdisk_path/ $minecraft_path15:10
RoyKrsync -r $ramdisk_path/. $minecraft_path15:10
RoyKjust to make sure it only transfers the contents.......15:10
RoyKadd a --delete to that if you want to remove files already on the target that you don't want15:12
smoserzul, what is the packaging branch for glance that i should work off of to fix issues in 11.10?15:13
smoserlp:ubuntu/oneiric/glance is ahead of lp:~ubuntu-server-dev/glance/diablo15:14
CluelessPersonRoyK,  OMG, I think it might be working now. >.<15:14
CluelessPersonRoyK, And you seriously don't remember me? :p15:14
CluelessPersonRoyK, you've helped me before. :D15:14
zulsmoser: yeah i need to get those in sync gimme a sec15:14
RoyKCluelessPerson: I do remember you :)15:15
RoyKone must be rather clueless to not remember that nick :P15:15
eseydenWhat is a good book for setting up 10.04 as a IPsec, LT2P, Keberos, OpenLDAP server on EC2.  I've been looking for information on Juju and Charms, A whole enterprise VPC ubuntu setup running a java / mysql cluster intranet is my goal.15:17
CluelessPersonRoyK, Again, it produced files in the directory before the directory it's supposed to.15:18
CluelessPersonrdisk stuff/ storage15:18
PotatoeI installed a basic setup with cfengine 3 on 3 servers. I call cf-execd -F from cron every 5 minutes. When called manually, everything works, when called from cron new packages are not installed. What is it about calling from cron that is preventing package installation?15:18
CluelessPersonand it winds up in stuff/ storage/.. ???15:19
CluelessPersonI mean rsync15:19
CluelessPersonRoyK, Well, the world returns correctly and works...15:20
CluelessPersonRoyK, ...but for some file files are appearing outside the directory they're supposed to be saved too15:20
uvirtbotNew bug: #860655 in logwatch (main) "Link to COPYRIGHT file is broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86065515:21
capetahow do i configure my system locales?15:23
CluelessPersonRoyK, I guess it's not rsync that's saving to the home directory15:25
CluelessPersonRoyK, I think the server is saving in the homedirectory15:25
uvirtbotNew bug: #860652 in glance (main) "glance post-installation script failed, Syntax error: "fi" unexpected (dup-of: 857021)" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86065215:26
pmatuliscapeta: try adding the locales to /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local (one per line) and running 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales'15:27
smoserzul, so what would be the expected process to keep lp:~ubuntu-server-dev/glance/diablo ahead of lp:ubuntu/oneiric[-updates]/glance15:27
smoseror, put another way, what is the right packaging branch?15:28
zulsmoser: that was a 0-hour bug fix that didnt get push15:28
CluelessPersonRoyK, I'm not gay, I'm definitely straight, but thank you for your help you sexy prime beast of a respectable man you. :D15:29
smoserso just so i can set that straight in my head, why would someone know that ?15:29
zulsmoser: im in the middle of updating the debian/control15:29
zulsmoser: and i should probably do a wiki page :)15:29
capetapmatulis: but my system has a lot of locales supported that aren't listed in /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local15:29
smoserzul, README.source would also be a good place.15:30
zulsmoser: yeah that needs to be updated15:30
zulthe README.source tells you right now how to do a release15:30
zulaka dch --release && debcommit --release ; bzr bd -S ; dput ; bzr push15:31
pmatulisCluelessPerson: ?15:31
m_tadeuhi...I'd like an opinion...which jabber server you guys recommend and why?15:32
jdstrandDaviey: ok, I have a patch that I believe is the *one*. I am now testing it out with qrt15:32
capetapmatulis: oh, they are in /var/lib/locales/supported.d/en =]15:33
smoserok. zul  i have a change to push to the oneiric glance branch15:35
smoserwhatever that is.15:35
zulsmoser: what is it?15:35
smoserso can i do that now or should i wait for you to be done playing in debian/control15:35
zulsmoser: go ahead just make sure the changelog is set to UNRELEASED15:36
CluelessPersonpmatulis, lol, I've been very frustrated lately with this script, it's finally working15:36
CluelessPersonripping my hair out15:36
zulsmoser: good catch got right ahead15:36
smoserzul, ok. pushed up rev 69.15:37
* zul goes back to cobbler15:37
pmatulisCluelessPerson: er, oookay, but, 'sexy prime beast'?15:37
CluelessPersonpmatulis, RoyK   And the reason those extranenous files were being made, is because the user was running a command which apparently just places the files it makes in the directory the user runs the beforementioned command from15:37
CluelessPersonRoyK, Thus, doing "as_user run java -jar blah blah" would create extra files in the home dir15:38
CluelessPersonRoyK, Fixed with as_user "cd ramdisk && java -jar blah start"15:38
CluelessPersonthus, running it from the ramdisk directory, where the files all should be run15:38
zulDaviey: so cobbler...i was checking yesterday and there are some interesting things like cobbler buildiso support now has ubuntu and debian support and there are a couple of bug fixes and our snapshot is quite old will i be able to get a FFE once its tested15:39
CluelessPersonpmatulis, I can be straight and still recognize the quality of another guy.15:41
CluelessPersonpmatulis, I'm quite comfortable with my sexuality15:44
smoserzul, what are you saying !15:48
smoseryou're not really possibly suggesting we should switch version of cobbler15:48
smoserare you?15:48
zulsmoser: no im saying we should update the version we have in the archive its like 3 months old15:48
smoserin P series15:49
zulok nm then15:49
Davieyzul: Really depends on the level of testing.15:50
DavieyIt's universe, but a core part of Orchestra.15:51
smoseri tdoesnt matter on the level of testing15:51
Davieyzul: If you were to create a package, do some testing - and see if RoAkSoAx can throw it onto the work they are doing, that would add confidence15:51
smoserwe're supposed to ship a working product based on it in 2 weeks and 2 days.15:52
smoserwhy would we do this ?15:52
smoserwhat possible value does it bring ?15:52
Davieysmoser: Yes, we have a random upstream snapshot.. If trunk is bug fixes only, then it makes sense15:52
DavieyNot having looked at the git log, i can't really add more comment.15:52
smoserwe dont have enough time to test the stuff we have already uploaded15:52
smoserwhy would we want to test new stuff15:52
smoserwe have a random upstream snapshot that is known to work15:53
Davieysmoser: it depends what 'new' is.15:53
smoseri'll take that over random upstream release that is not known to work.15:53
Davieywait, zul - what is buildiso support?  That was always there, wasn't it?15:53
Davieyzul: can you generate a git log?15:54
zulDaviey: basically allows you to build an iso of your system15:54
zulDaviey: sure15:55
jamespageI agree with smoser: we have something that we know works - why take the risk now?15:55
jamespageif we have specific bugs we are seeing that cherry pick them from the new release into the oneiric version15:56
zulok ok15:56
Davieyjamespage: What i am saying, is that lets look at the git log - then we have facts.15:56
uvirtbotNew bug: #845788 in glance "update_image in glance.client doesn't add content-length so the swift backend can't chunk" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84578815:56
DavieyShould i just do it myself, before we all jump on a bandwagon one way other the other, without facts?15:57
* jamespage goes for coffee before the ubuntu-server team meeting in #ubuntu-meeting15:57
smoserDaviey, we are post beta15:57
smoserwe have long since passed the point where arguments start with "why not?"15:57
smoserif you believe that oneiric is simply crap that we shove out so that we can get testing to make 12.04 reasonable, then we can just say that.15:58
Davieysmoser: I am saying, lets look at the damn log.15:58
smoserand i have a whole lot more crack to pull in then.15:58
zulDaviey: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/697972/16:06
kirklandmtaylor: zul: hey guys ... negronjl and iamfuzz are trying to get keystone working;  they have a few changes to the Ubuntu keystone package16:06
kirklandmtaylor: zul: it seems that Oneiric's keystone package is missing some dependencies, and needs a configuration16:07
zulkirkland: would one of them be a configuration file16:07
kirklandmtaylor: zul: negronjl and iamfuzz are working on the fixes16:07
zulkirkland: well when they have a branch point me at it then16:07
kirklandmtaylor: zul: which is the correct branch they should work off of?  it seems that lp:ubuntu/keystone is maybe missing some stuff16:07
zulkirkland: gimme a sec16:07
kirklandzul: k16:08
kirklandnegronjl: ^16:08
kirklandzul: thanks16:08
kirklandzul: what is this?16:09
zulits the branch we share with upstream16:10
kirklandzul: cool, thanks;   do you have an upload pending?16:11
kirklandzul: we were making some of those same fixes16:11
zulkirkland:  probably tomorrow16:11
kirklandzul: eek;  we're blocking on a broken keystone here at our sprint16:12
kirklandzul: do you have a ppa package we can test in the meantime?16:12
zulkirkland: http://launchpad.net/keystone probably16:12
kirklandzul: any chance we can get this uploaded today, so that it can make it through the queue and have a build tomorrow, so that we can have packages to work from tomorrow?16:13
kirklandzul: we can help you test it16:13
Davieykirkland: keystone being in universe, and a non-core project wasn't our focus for this cycle.16:13
zulkirkland: sure16:13
Davieypatches welcome :)16:13
kirklandDaviey: understood;  we have changes;  we made some of the same changes zul made, in fact16:13
zulbut whats "broken" besides missing configuration files16:14
kirklandDaviey: we're just trying to sync up and reduce duplication of effort16:14
kirklandnegronjl: ^ ?16:14
negronjlzul:  Where is the code for the branch that you pointed me to ?16:14
zulnegronjl: its a bzr branch16:14
kirklandDaviey: it appears that lp:ubuntu/keystone and the upstream package branches are out of sync and we're trying to figure out what's what16:15
koolhead17hi all16:15
zulkirkland: dont use lp:ubuntu/keystone16:15
zuluse the url i just pasted16:16
negronjlzul, Daviey:  I branched lp:ubuntu/oneiric/keystone.  Should I be pulling from somewhere else ?16:16
zulkirkland/negronjl: this one https://code.launchpad.net/~openstack-ubuntu-packagers/keystone/diablo16:16
=== Static_ is now known as Static
negronjlzul/Daviey:  I'll pull from the branch and will work with it and test it.16:20
StaticHi, I've setup Ubuntu Server 10.10 on a laptop, however it seems to sleep if I leave it a while. How can I stop it from doing so?16:20
Davieykirkland: syncing up during our meeting isn't the best time :)16:20
uvirtbotNew bug: #860716 in nova (main) "armel cloud-images fail to startup fully with nova-compute on armel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86071616:47
woody_Anyone here know anything about westell port forwarding for a ubuntu webserver16:47
jamespagezul: ^^ thats the one16:47
zuljamespage: thanks16:47
Davieyhggdh: will you be able to help test the non-test case things?16:48
hggdhDaviey: er, confused by the question above16:57
Davieyutlemming: well timed meeting!17:01
zulDaviey: i just uploaded a new version of keystone with a couple of bug fixes can you let it through17:02
Davieyzul: will smoke it afer this17:05
zulnegronjl/kirkland: i just uploaded a new keystone it needs a FFE fyi17:27
koolhead17zul: let me know if you want me to test keystone17:29
koolhead17i installed from github and has to add 10 odd pkges along with17:29
negronjlzul: Can you point me to the branch?17:30
lynxmanzul: we're working on it at the same time dude, ethernet collision ;)17:33
lynxmanzul: could you please hold your horses on the FFe so we can add our patch as well? Maybe it was the same as yours17:33
zullynxman: got a debdiff?17:34
lynxmanzul: not yet! We're working on it :)17:35
zulnegronjl/lynxman: https://code.launchpad.net/~openstack-ubuntu-packagers/keystone/diablo17:35
_cbIn the windows world AD is used to manage the systems. From what I have read LDAP + KERBEROS + SAMBA will provide AD like functionality. Is there another, better, way?17:53
zulDaviey: can you nack the keystone upload please i got a new one coming later18:10
Davieyzul: k18:11
Davieyjdstrand: So the MIR for cobbler-enlist.. I'm asking for the source and -udeb to be in main, not the optional binary package which is fine for universe.18:14
Davieythe -udeb will only ever run in a volatile env, so the security implications would seem to be minimal.18:15
DavieyAm i wrong?18:15
DavieyI suppose someone could send malformed preseed, and then the udeb would execute arbitrary code.18:16
DavieyBeing on a clean system, the impact would seem to be low.18:16
jdstrandDaviey: I think I'd like to have a closer look after all. is this required for oneiric?18:19
Davieykirkland: zul is prepairing one more upload for keystone, how does that fit with your plans?18:19
kirklandDaviey: can he merge negronjl's latest fixes when he does that?18:20
Davieyjdstrand: Sadly, yes18:20
Davieyjdstrand: sorry for being an ass.18:20
zulkirkland: yes18:20
kirklandzul: thanks18:20
Davieycjwatson: I am write in saying there is a potential for executing arbitrary code with cobbler-enlist, if the preseed contains escaped string; it is then executed at the end of the postinst - right?18:42
skritei have server 11.04 on a box with hot-swapable scsi drives. I am wanting to clone one, but i don't know how to find it once i plug it in.  i used to use tail -f /var/log/messages18:46
skritedoesn't work anymore18:47
Davieyjamespage: Can you comment on:18:47
jdstrandDaviey: fyi, uploaded fix for bug #83250718:47
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 832507 in nova "console.log grows indefinitely" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83250718:47
jdstrandDaviey: looking at cobbler-enlist now18:47
SpamapSskrite: /var/log/syslog18:48
Daviey+    - debian/mail-stack-delivery.postinst: drop -n flag from dovecot deliver18:48
Daviey+      command in postfix configuration.18:48
jdstrandobviously for the libvirt bit :)18:48
Davieyjamespage: I'm sure it has good reasoning :)18:48
Davieyjdstrand: I saw it in the queue, waiting on the diff!  Really appreciate that!18:48
* jdstrand nods18:48
jdstrandI also sent it upstream18:48
skriteSpamapS: thanks18:53
martynWhat alternatives are there for IPMI?18:54
skriteSpamapS looks like syslog is not seeing when i pull a SCSI drive out18:55
skritewould it need to be formatted ?18:56
SpamapSskrite: you should see the block device18:56
SpamapSskrite: you can also just look at /dev/sd* .. udev should be creating those nodes18:56
skriteSpamapS like the /dev/sd#18:56
Davieykirkland: is orchestra 2.15 not 'released' with this upload?18:57
Davieykirkland: looking at the upstream changelog18:57
kirklandDaviey: this is 2.1618:57
Davieyupstream changelogs which mirror debian/changelog confuse me :)18:57
martynDustin, do I need anything more than is in the current Oneric repositories to make Orchestra work on arm?18:58
Davieykirkland: +orchestra (2.16) unreleased; urgency=low18:58
martyn(I understand that I need an x86 server to launch -onto- arm at the moment..)18:58
kirklandmartyn: no idea, really18:59
Davieymartyn: That shouldn't be the case.18:59
Davieymartyn: testing appreciated.18:59
kirklandDaviey: where is this?18:59
martynDaviey: We're looking at it now.. will get back to you with results18:59
Davieykirkland: +++ orchestra-2.16/ChangeLog18:59
skriteSpamapS:  does the drive need to be formatted?18:59
martynkirkland: Thx18:59
kirklandmartyn: orchestra currently only auto-imports x86_64 and i38618:59
kirklandmartyn: so you might need to import armel too19:00
Davieymartyn: cool19:00
kirklandmartyn: that's configurable, i think19:00
kirklandmartyn: see: /usr/sbin/orchestra-import-isos19:00
martynkirkland: Might be, Trevor will look at it I'm sure19:00
* martyn is currently struggling with his QEMU environment ... *sigh*19:00
Davieymartyn: is we the big C btw?19:00
martynDaviey: Correct.19:01
martynDaviey: I'm supposed to be working on EDAC at the moment, but I have some spare cycles and need a break .. so I'm looking at orchestra19:01
kirklandDaviey: that ChangeLog is auto generated by my release-build script19:01
Davieykirkland: +    os.system('sudo cobbler system add --name="%s.canonical.com" --mac-address="%s" --ip-19:01
Davieykirkland: "%s.canonical.com" ?19:01
kirklandDaviey: i should change the way that happens, i reckon19:01
kirklandDaviey: uh..... RoAkSoAx ^19:02
Davieymartyn: so we had an email from one of your chaps.. I didn't respond as i thought others had covered it.19:02
martynDaviey: You should definitely respond .. your guidance helps us prioritize19:02
kirklandDaviey: ugh... that should have been in a scratch or sandbox19:03
Davieymartyn: I would like to make sure you don't hit bug 827705, supposidly fixed - but not tested by us AFAIK.19:03
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 827705 in u-boot-linaro "PXE boot requests non-standard config filename" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82770519:03
kirklandDaviey: it's in the source package, but not being shipped19:03
kirklandDaviey: not installed in the binary19:03
kirklandDaviey: this was a little helper script that RoAkSoAx wrote to help us auto import 40 something machines19:03
martynDaviey: Well, since we have the author(s) of pxe-u-boot in house, that shouldn't be too much of a stretch if we have to fix it19:03
Davieykirkland: well if it's an example 'upstream' script, that isn't installed then it should be ok19:04
martynDaviey: Forwarded the bug to J.Hobbs19:04
Davieymartyn: Oh sure, but if we can get it fixed before release - it helps :)19:04
kirklandDaviey: let me confirm ...19:04
kirklandDaviey: by dpkg -c on the debs....19:04
kirklandDaviey: confirmed, NOT shipped19:05
Davieykirkland: +        $source != 'localhost'  <-- Out of interest, if localhost6 is fired at it - what happens?19:05
Davieykirkland: sweet19:05
kirklandDaviey: fyi, RoAkSoAx just removed ".canonical.com" and put a "domain" variable in place19:06
Davieyoh cool19:06
kirklandDaviey: in the rsyslog config?19:06
Davieykirkland: yeah19:06
DavieyDoes it DTRT19:07
zulDaviey: can you ack glance and nova after nova has been uploaded19:08
martynDaviey: Just forwarded the bug to J.Hobbs19:09
martynhe's aware now19:09
Davieymartyn: cool19:09
kirklandDaviey: thanks19:09
Davieyzul: looking19:09
kirklandDaviey: i have no idea, about localhost6... how would i test?19:09
zulkirkland: logger command should be able to do it19:10
kirklandzul: thanks19:13
adam_gRoAkSoAx: did you ever find a way to fix this during installation? http://paste.ubuntu.com/698063/19:13
adam_gkirkland: maybe you know? ^19:13
kirklandDaviey: zul: can you guys poke us when the keystone package lands?19:13
zulkirkland: sure19:14
zulkirkland: im just in the middle of uploading a new glance/nova then will get the keystone after19:14
kirklandadam_g: i think RoAkSoAx cleared the squid cache, if you're hitting this in orchestra19:14
kirklandzul: awesome, you rock, man19:14
adam_gkirkland: yeah, ive cleared it and refreshed the ISO to whats current19:14
kirklandzul: cool, what's the glance/nova changes?19:15
RoAkSoAxadam_g: yeah, clean the cache19:15
adam_gRoAkSoAx: i did, just before booting.19:15
adam_gwill try again?19:15
RoAkSoAxadam_g: werid, we have been runing without issues since yesterday19:15
zulkirkland: bug fixes check http://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server-dev19:16
RoAkSoAxadam_g: in situations like those I have completely cleared the cache and sometimes even waited dfor a few hours b ecause might be the archives as well19:17
adam_gRoAkSoAx: if i just stop squid and reinstall, will it fall back to non-caching?19:17
RoAkSoAxadam_g: not exactly, you need to remove "orchestra_proxy" snippet frm the preseed19:18
zulDaviey: nova should be there19:32
=== Jasonn is now known as Jasonn|NotHere
=== Jasonn|NotHere is now known as Jasonn
martynDaviey: Just chatted w/ Jason, and he's aware and incorporated the pxe fixes...19:40
zulDaviey: and now keystone19:42
adam_gRoAkSoAx: ever see this after bootstrap?19:44
RoAkSoAxadam_g: uhmm i think i have but long time ago19:45
RoAkSoAxbut ws caused by another bug19:46
RoAkSoAxadam_g: i haven't seen it now btw19:46
adam_gRoAkSoAx: are you ugys using juju from the archive, or a custom branch?19:46
RoAkSoAxadam_g: archive19:46
smoserhallyn, http://paste.ubuntu.com/698090/ is the last stuff showin in 'tail -f /var/log/nova/*' when you euca-run-instances with https://gist.github.com/116988919:46
RoAkSoAxadam_g: from yesterdays' PPA19:46
RoAkSoAxadam_g: what about you19:46
RoAkSoAxfwereade: http://paste.ubuntu.com/698089/19:46
smoserwhere the instance ip was
adam_gRoAkSoAx: not sure, let me try upgrading to whats current19:46
RoAkSoAxadam_g: alright19:47
RoAkSoAxadam_g: that seems like one of the old bugs we had fixed19:47
fwereadeRoAkSoAx, adam_g: doesn't immediately imply anything obvious to me I'm afraid :(19:49
hazmatadam_g, that's on orchestra?19:49
fwereadeanything in the provisioning agent log?19:49
Davieymartyn: cool!19:49
hazmateffectively the initialize didn't succeed19:49
RoAkSoAxhazmat: yeah but probably an old branch19:49
RoAkSoAxhazmat: cause we havnet experienced that and we are yusing juju from yesterday's ppa build19:50
RoAkSoAxif you still providing daily builds19:50
hazmatwe are19:50
RoAkSoAxhazmat: so yes, yesterday's available package are working just find for us without errors19:50
martynDaviey: On the earlier call w/ DavidM and company we were under the impression that Orchestra had gotten a once-over on ARM19:50
adam_ghazmat: let me use something more current on the client side. ill let you know19:51
kirklandDaviey: zul: has anyone on your team tested Orchestra deploying to ARM?19:51
zulkirkland: cobbler is as far as people got as far as i know19:52
martyn(and it's okay if the deployment server is x86, what's important is that it deploys _to_ arm this round)19:52
kirklandzul: cool -- who tested cobbler-deploying-ubuntu-on-arm?19:52
kirklandRoAkSoAx has?19:52
zulRoAkSoAx wrote it and jamespage tested it19:53
kirklandmartyn: okay ... so, cobbler does most of orchestra's hard work, and that has been verified to work with ARM19:53
martynzul: Any dox on external wiki on what they had to do?19:53
RoAkSoAxkirkland: yeah cobbler ships a preseed for arm, but it has to be changed because at a certain point it wouldn't deploy to SD card anymore so you had to use a USB as sda and tweak the preseed19:53
kirklandmartyn: orchestra itself might need some minor tweaks19:53
martynzul : So we can replicate it?19:53
zulmartyn: not sure im there is a pad about it lemme see19:54
RoAkSoAxzul: there is19:54
zulRoAkSoAx: url?19:55
RoAkSoAxzul: looking19:55
hallynsmoser: not sure what you're asking19:56
dejurenzaid_h_: ping19:57
RoAkSoAxzul: think they are at my computer at home19:57
zullemme check19:57
hallynsmoser: right now i think my debugging is causing bugs :)19:57
martynRoAkSoAx: When you find it, email martin@calxeda.com?19:58
zulmartyn: try this: http://pad.ubuntu.com/cobbler-arm19:58
zulRoAkSoAx: luckily i never delete my email :)19:59
martynRoAkSoAx: We're going to try to replicate and test using our server platform19:59
RoAkSoAxmartyn: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/698093/ that's what we did but we need to change the preseed19:59
martynzul : Link is good.  I'm forwarding to Trevor19:59
RoAkSoAxmartyn: but that document doesn't reflect fixes done in u-boot for pxe'ing20:00
RoAkSoAxbut shoudln't affect20:00
martynRoAkSoAx: We wrote the PXE code for u-boot, so it shouldn't phase us much :)20:00
RoAkSoAxmartyn: if you see I had to mv /var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/01-aa-bb-cc-dd-ee-ff /var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-F20:01
martynand we've picked up the u-boot patches from the bug and incorporated them20:01
RoAkSoAxmartyn: but that's now fixed20:01
smoserhallyn, i'm not asking.20:04
smoseri was just debugging why that stuff was failing20:04
smoserand 'ip route del <important route out>' is not good20:04
zastaphit seems that openssh-server generates an id_rsa .. but I already used that for connecting as a client to another ubuntu-server20:06
zastaphi thought id_rsa was for the private key20:07
DavieyRoAkSoAx: in cobbler, server name is a unique field, right?20:07
hallynsmoser: oh, i see20:07
hallynsmoser: why on earth would it do that :)20:08
smoseryeah, so your suspicion was correct.20:08
smoserid ont know. digging on that.20:08
smoserand it didn't *used* to.20:08
smoseri suspect its trying to add a bridge and put eth0 behind it20:12
adam_gand move the IP of eth0 to the bridge20:13
adam_gand the gateway20:13
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 855210 in nova "unable to boot instances w/ DHCP (dnsmasq 2.58)" [Critical,Fix released]20:13
adam_gdont think that bug fix is the source of those changes, but it goes one step further and rearranges the order of the addresses20:16
adam_ghazmat: updating to whats in the ppa fixed that. i think we were bootstrapping with some out of date tree, and units were coming up running trunk20:17
lynxmanadam_g: ping20:24
adam_glynxman: here20:26
hazmatadam_g, cool20:27
lynxmanadam_g: hey, we're still having issues with the swift simple auth, do you have 5 mins during this hour to give us a hand? :)20:27
adam_glynxman: yea, waiting on hw to provision at the moment20:27
lynxmanadam_g: cool20:27
iamfuzztooadam_g, ubuntu@ec2-50-17-108-209.compute-1.amazonaws.com <-- proxy20:36
iamfuzztoo  1: {dns-name: ec2-107-20-100-64.compute-1.amazonaws.com, instance-id: i-fc67089c}20:38
iamfuzztoo  2: {dns-name: ec2-50-17-108-209.compute-1.amazonaws.com, instance-id: i-cc6708ac}20:38
iamfuzztoo  3: {dns-name: ec2-174-129-49-81.compute-1.amazonaws.com, instance-id: i-d0620db0}20:38
iamfuzztoo  4: {dns-name: ec2-50-17-52-93.compute-1.amazonaws.com, instance-id: i-d6620db6}20:38
smoserhallyn, http://paste.ubuntu.com/698109/20:39
smoserthats where i get now after a few tweeks20:39
hallynsmoser: and it actually comes up?  Is that uncaught exception spurious?20:42
smoserinstance does not come up20:43
smoserand not spurious that i can tell20:43
smoser(have not tried reboot)20:43
smoseri just pushed the change that will let you get to that point20:43
hallynbeing able to move back to an instance might be helpful.  I think I'm currently having the same error (on my local node) as you're seeing fwiw.  not sure though20:44
smoserbut due to some recent changes 'euca-run-instances --instance-type m1.tiny' is recommended.20:44
smoserwe run out of space on /20:45
smoservery quickly20:45
hallyneh. sometimes i hate me20:46
hallynoverwrote rc20:46
iamfuzztooadam_g, ubuntu@ec2-50-19-161-52.compute-1.amazonaws.com21:17
iamfuzztoowe're still seeing the same error despite changing the block device to xvdb21:18
jamespagezul, martyn, RoAkSoAx: I made a few refinements to RoAkSoAx original email - http://pad.ubuntu.com/arm-server-netboot21:18
martynjamespage: thx21:18
martynbookmarked and forwarded to J.hobbs21:18
adam_giamfuzztoo: just a sec21:19
adam_giamfuzztoo: can you pastebin 'juju stauts' ?21:19
iamfuzztooadam_g, k, it may be because I didn'tprovide the full path21:19
iamfuzztooadam_g, I'm gonna add different exit codes for the different error cases to better track it down21:19
adam_giamfuzztoo: for whatever reason, the storage nodes arent making into the ring configuration. can i get access to those nodes as well?21:21
iamfuzztooadam_g, yep, one sec21:22
iamfuzztooadam_g,   1: {dns-name: ec2-50-16-138-51.compute-1.amazonaws.com, instance-id: i-c64629a6}21:25
iamfuzztoo  2: {dns-name: ec2-50-19-161-52.compute-1.amazonaws.com, instance-id: i-dc4629bc}21:25
iamfuzztoo  3: {dns-name: ec2-50-19-150-63.compute-1.amazonaws.com, instance-id: i-d65f30b6}21:25
iamfuzztoo  4: {dns-name: ec2-107-20-58-35.compute-1.amazonaws.com, instance-id: i-b05f30d0}21:25
adam_giamfuzztoo: where are you guys running the juju client? is there any way for me to share a screen there?21:26
iamfuzztooadam_g, just running it from my laptop here...21:27
adam_giamfuzztoo: okay one sec21:27
iamfuzztooadam_g, lynxman has suggested teamviewer21:28
=== lullabud is now known as warzauwynn
* SpamapS was playing with Google Hangouts w/ Extras .. it includes sharing screens21:28
lynxmanSpamapS: does it work fine? :)21:29
adam_giamfuzztoo: you guys are installing from trunk (essex), we should be testing against diablo/archive. can you set your config to 'swift-release: distro' to run that version instead?21:29
SpamapSlynxman: yes its really good actually21:29
SpamapSI believe its in limited beta tho21:30
adam_git looks like the exit values of swift-ring-builder may now actually return 0 for success, 1 for failure instead of the other way which is whath the formula is looking for21:30
lynxmanadam_g: you kidding about essex right?21:31
warzauwynnSpamapS: i don't see a mention of limited beta: http://www.google.com/tools/dlpage/res/talkvideo/hangouts/21:31
adam_glynxman: kidding about what?21:31
SpamapSwarzauwynn: its in the "with extras" hangout.. I believe its invite only at the moment.21:32
warzauwynnSpamapS: i see.  well i found that link from http://google.com/?q=google+hangouts but i could definitely be wrong, haven't actually used it yet. i just installed the plugin with no problems though.21:33
SpamapSwarzauwynn: its really, really nice, w/o the extras..21:34
SpamapSwarzauwynn: just being able to efficiently have a group video chat is huge21:35
lynxmanDaviey: got rabbitmq 2.6.1 packaged, a bit too late for oneiric right?21:37
adam_glynxman: are those available in a PPA somewhere? id like to see if rabbitmqctl still segfaults21:39
lynxmanadam_g: https://launchpad.net/~lynxman/+archive/ppa21:40
Davieylynxman: i think so TBH.21:40
Davieysounds like a PPA job lynxman21:40
lynxmanDaviey: was afraid so, had to ask anyway :)21:40
=== mynix is now known as kaiodi
kirklandlifeless: howdy!  around?21:52
kirklandlifeless: care to re-review our orchestra/squid conf?21:52
=== kaiodi is now known as mynix
lifelesskirkland: sure22:01
kirklandlifeless: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~orchestra/orchestra/trunk/revision/25822:01
kirklandlifeless: that's the change I just committed22:01
kirklandlifeless: i think the bug was s/Package/Packages/22:01
kirklandlifeless: however, working with agy, I changed that one liner to 3 lines he gave me from millbank's squid22:02
lifelessyou say '    - Do *not* cache [Releases|Packages|Sources] lists for Ubuntu archives'22:02
lifelessbut your patch will cache22:02
iamfuzztooadam_g, you are correct, I updated the error codes to determine where it is failing, and it is indeed at add_to_ring22:03
kirklandlifeless: my patch caches them for up to 1 day?22:03
lifelesskirkland: IFF they have no explicit cache metadata22:03
lifelesskirkland: oh and the 100% is a fraction of *age*, not of the min->max interval22:04
lifelesskirkland: what are you trying to accomplish here ?22:04
lnx1Hello all, yesterday on this channel I was recommended an application called 'Timeoutd' which logs out users after a specified amount of time on an Ubuntu PC. If anyone knows of this program, does anyone know how to edit the Warning message?22:04
adam_giamfuzztoo: i just confirmed as well, the exit values have changed at some point between swift 1.4.3-0ubuntu1 and what you're installing from trunk.22:04
iamfuzztooadam_g, we cahnged the value you gave us and still the same issue22:05
iamfuzztooadam_g, we're about to head out here, can you give this a deeper look and give us a fix we can implement tomorrow morning?22:06
adam_giamfuzztoo: can i get access?22:06
iamfuzztoowe're about ready to rock-n-roll here and this is going to be a big holdup22:06
iamfuzztooyep, gonna add them to you all22:06
lifelesskirkland: specifically, on archive.ubuntu.com that refresh pattern has no effect22:07
lifelesskirkland: note: Cache-Control: max-age=0, s-maxage=3300, proxy-revalidate22:07
lifeless    Expires: Tue, 27 Sep 2011 22:07:05 GMT22:07
kirklandlifeless: hmm, so if I absolutely don't want those cached, I would use "0  0%  0" ?22:08
lifelesskirkland: it will check for new Packages.gz's on every request hitting squid22:08
lifelesskirkland: well, you should decide what you want to achieve :)22:08
lifelesskirkland: why don't you want them cached ?22:08
kirklandlifeless: let me get you the error22:08
kirklandlifeless: basically we're doing network installs of Ubuntu Oneiric22:08
kirklandlifeless: we're trying to use squid for a local cache of the "bulk" of the data22:09
kirklandlifeless: several times a day, when trying to network install Oneiric (which is changing pretty rapidly)22:09
kirklandlifeless: we end up with a debian-installer error22:09
kirklandlifeless: let me get you that error, specifically22:09
kirklandlifeless: in any case, we can force-fix the error by clearing the squid cache22:10
lifelessso, right now the cache headers sent *by the server* will overwrite your config22:10
lifeless*and* they explicitly permit caching for 55 minutes22:10
lifelesswith a backend-check by the proxy22:10
kirklandlifeless: Sep 27 20:51:50 karkalla net-retriever: error: MD5 mismatch for main/debian-installer/binary-amd64/Packages.gz (ed82dd354a0e2002d52db933bce8a4fb != a103daf54ebee145e109d9107d709988).22:10
lifelessso, debian-installer needs to do a max-age=0 request for both the signature and the packages file when that happens22:11
lifelessthere is an apt bug for this22:11
lifelessits *not* because you have a cache.22:11
lifelessthe cache exacerbates it.22:11
lifelessbut doesn't cause22:11
iamfuzztooadam_g,   1: {dns-name: ec2-107-20-92-155.compute-1.amazonaws.com, instance-id: i-38b8d758}22:13
iamfuzztoo  2: {dns-name: ec2-50-16-71-162.compute-1.amazonaws.com, instance-id: i-00b8d760}22:13
iamfuzztoo  3: {dns-name: ec2-107-20-68-128.compute-1.amazonaws.com, instance-id: i-d2b1deb2}22:13
iamfuzztoo  4: {dns-name: ec2-50-19-154-152.compute-1.amazonaws.com, instance-id: i-4eb0df2e}22:13
iamfuzztoo  5: {dns-name: ec2-107-20-0-58.compute-1.amazonaws.com, instance-id: i-7e8ae51e}22:13
iamfuzztoo  6: {dns-name: ec2-107-20-114-131.compute-1.amazonaws.com, instance-id: i-4c8ae52c}22:13
iamfuzztooadam_g, should be able to access all of those now22:13
adam_giamfuzztoo: you're running swift 1.4.4~20110927.1585-0ubuntu0ppa1~oneiric122:14
adam_gwhich is trunk22:14
iamfuzztooadam_g, looks like we missed one reference22:14
iamfuzztooadam_g, will try again22:15
lifelesskirkland: thats because there is a race condition updating the archive [very small but it exists], and the cache is multiplying that out to a 55 minute race condition22:15
lifelesskirkland: this file - http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/Release22:15
adam_giamfuzztoo: looks like they were all configured to install from trunk22:16
lifelesskirkland: is the one that has to be kept in sync22:16
adam_gim testing this on m1.large as wel right now to confirm thats the issue22:16
iamfuzztooadam_g, cool, redoing here as well22:16
lifelesskirkland: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/3350522:17
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 33505 in apt "BADSIG errors using transparent http proxies" [High,Fix released]22:18
lifelesskirkland: no idea why its marked fix released, because its the same issue22:18
lifelesskirkland: ah bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/2406122:18
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 24061 in update-manager "GPG error with apt-get/aptitude/update-manager behind proxy (BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5)" [Low,Won't fix]22:18
kirklandlifeless: okay, so if i can reduce that down to 0, that would bring it back to the same, original race condition22:21
kirklandlifeless: which is approximately what I was trying to do22:21
lifelessok, so for that you need22:22
lifelessmin 022:22
lifelesspercent 022:22
lifelessmax 022:22
elmowhat's the refresh-ims thing?  I can't see reference to it in the squid source22:23
lifeless                refresh-ims causes squid to contact the origin server22:23
lifeless                when a client issues an If-Modified-Since request. This22:23
lifeless                ensures that the client will receive an updated version22:23
lifeless                if one is available.22:23
lifelessmay be 3.2 only22:23
lifelessI'm not sure it will be sufficient though, because our servers *are* sending solid headers telling clients what to do22:23
lifelessand squid is really geared to listen to them22:24
elmolifeless: sorry, I'm missing context, are you saying the headers are a bad idea?22:24
lifelesselmo: no, not at all22:25
lifelesselmo: have you see redbot ?22:25
lifelesselmo: our current headers permit 55 minutes of fresh time22:25
lifelesselmo: during that time the files can be served without doing an IMS22:25
lifelesselmo: this is only permitted for shared caches (like squid). end clients are told to do an IMS every time.22:26
lifelesselmo: its always going to be a tradeoff between some clients getting inconsistent release + packages files, or our servers getting an IMS for every single client doing an install.22:26
lifelesselmo: at least until we fix the clients to properly handle this22:27
elmoI'm totally fine with them getting an IMS22:27
elmobut i'd like to fix apt22:27
elmoand net-retriever22:27
elmoto do some sort of controlled retry on a hash sum mismatch22:27
lifelessright, mvo was telling me a year or so back he was doing that22:27
lifelessI don't know where its up to22:27
elmooh, so22:28
elmoit's interesting22:28
elmowe're using 330022:28
lifelessanyhow, to ensure we get an IMS, we can either set the expires lower (e.g. to 'now') or the s-maxage down to 022:28
elmobut our cron.daily interval is back down to 30m22:28
elmoI wonder if that's part of the problem22:28
lifeless'age' applies to since retrieval, not since creation.22:28
lifeless^- this is a key bit.22:28
uvirtbotlifeless: Error: "-" is not a valid command.22:28
lifelesssection 1.3 '   age22:29
lifeless      The age of a response is the time since it was sent by, or22:29
lifeless      successfully validated with, the origin server.22:29
lifelessthe implication is that a request 1 second before a mirror pulse is only valid, from our perspective, for an age of 1 second22:29
iamfuzztooadam_g, changed them all to distro, and now the swift wasn't installed at all on the machines ;-)22:30
lifelesselmo: I think we want two things: expires set to just before the next mirror pulse, and s-maxage set to 022:30
elmolifeless: I think we should drop it down to 'now' on archive.u.c22:30
lifelesselmo: expires set to $now is fine too.22:30
lifelesselmo: less tricky to make happen22:30
adam_giamfuzztoo: im at a loss dude, i just redeployed it all with m1.large and its working as expected22:31
adam_giamfuzztoo: where are the instances?22:31
iamfuzztooadam_g, https://pastebin.canonical.com/53492/22:33
cjwatsonDaviey: cobbler-enlist> not following you - if what preseeded question contains an escaped string?22:35
adam_giamfuzztoo: juju status | pastebinit ?22:35
cjwatsonDaviey: oh.  you should totally be quoting properly there22:36
cjwatsonDaviey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/698168/22:36
adam_giamfuzztoo: oh!22:36
adam_giamfuzztoo: update your charms, from lp:charm/swift-storage + lp:charm/swift-storage22:37
cjwatsonelmo: our cron.daily interval is still 60m, but there's a mirror sync near the start (security) and near the end (everything else) of that22:37
adam_giamfuzztoo: lp:charm/swift-proxy, that is22:37
elmocjwatson: oh - ok22:37
iamfuzztooadam_g, I'll try that tomorrow and get back with you.  In the meantime, here's what went wrong this time: https://pastebin.canonical.com/53494/22:39
iamfuzztoopackage never got installed.  Ran the install script manually again and it installs22:39
iamfuzztoojuju is magical...22:39
iamfuzztooI'll update tomorrow, rinse and repeat, and hope we get somewhere22:39
iamfuzztooadam_g, thanks for the help!22:39
elmolifeless: http://paste.ubuntu.com/698173/22:39
elmolifeless: look sane?22:40
adam_giamfuzztoo: there was a bug in the charm that i fixed when installing from the archive, which i commited yesterday and is seperate from the issue you were having earlier22:40
=== medberry is now known as med_out
Davieyutlemming: Do we really need wpa_* tools in cloud images? :)23:10
lifelesselmo: +123:14
uvirtbotNew bug: #861020 in libaio (main) "package libaio-dev (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/include/libaio.h', which is also in package libaio:i386 0.3.104-1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86102023:58
smoserDaviey, those get pulled in by linux-virtual i think..23:58
smosersome dependency23:58
smoserthey're definitely not explicitly requested.23:58

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