
sammm1What do UK Ubuntu meetings involve?00:22
sammm1Fit girls?#00:22
sammm1Fit young teen tight girls?00:23
sammm1And beer?00:23
shaunoI think I could only meet that with a single word:  beards.00:25
sammm1shauno: Birds?00:32
shaunomy accent isn't that bad00:39
sammm1shauno: Sureeeeeeeeeee00:41
ikoniasammm1: you know that's not acceptable in this channel00:41
sammm1ikonia: whatever00:42
ikoniasammm1: thanks,00:42
ikoniadirecthex: still up ?00:42
sammm1ikonia: You're welcum00:42
sammm1ikonia: Just you wait 'til I see you in Bristol.00:43
ikoniawhat are you talking about now ?00:43
sammm1ikonia: You and me00:44
ikoniawhat ???00:44
sammm1ikonia: Yeah00:44
ikoniaI have no idea what you're talking about00:44
sammm1ikonia: You know...00:46
ikoniaI genuinly don't00:46
sammm1ikonia: :) xxx00:47
ikoniaI don't understand, sorry.00:48
sammm1ikonia: Scrambled eggs, grated cheese, gallon of milk a day, squats and mushrooms. :)00:49
ikoniaI have no idea what your talking about00:49
hamitronsammm1, I'm all for bending rules... but there is a line beyond that line, and I think you cross the one after that ;)00:52
sammm1hamitron: naaaaaa00:52
AlanBellmorning all06:24
* AlanBell observes a lot of idiocy in the scrollback06:25
TheOpenSourcererMorning earthlings06:25
AlanBelleveryone see my pet dragon? https://plus.google.com/u/0/109175303602657131317/posts/7XCemQJ1LLu06:26
czajkowskidanfish: 10 - 10 italy v usa07:03
czajkowskispoke too soon pasta got a try07:05
* daubers may have been on another rant again07:29
czajkowskiI changed channels to carry on07:30
daubersI do often wonder why people think that hardware still has the same potential as that from the 90's07:40
AlanBellthe myth of the idle GUI draining all the server resources thing?07:50
TheOpenSourcererGUIs are for wimps ;-)07:54
TheOpenSourcererHe says from a nice GUI07:54
Myrttioh man. Would anyone volunteer to upgrade an ancient phpBB2 (which is on the last available version) to phpBB3 for me and check why the non-ascii characters are broken? I'm not up to this at this hour without coffee and some brain rebooting07:54
daubersAlanBell: That and that a "server" has to be a big powerful thing that is hugely secure/efficient/powerful :(07:54
TheOpenSourcererMy home server is small and low power. But is quite secure (I hope) and doesn't have a GUI.07:55
daubersTheOpenSourcerer: But you have some technical clue!07:56
TheOpenSourcerer"some" is correct.07:56
TheOpenSourcererThe Zentyal GUI (web based) is pretty good actually.07:57
daubersTheOpenSourcerer: Now think about putting something like that into a customer who wuold look at a command line and scream07:57
MooDoohello all07:57
AlanBellI am easy either way on the subject of GUIs, just a lot of people dislike them for invalid reasons07:58
AlanBelldaubers: we put it in their office with no screen and they point a web browser at it07:58
TheOpenSourcererThat isn't actually the problem. We all know you can do a good deal of stuff faster and easier via a cli and it is a hell of a lot easier to say "type xyz" than to have to describe clicking various buttons and navigating through screens of pretty boxes.07:58
daubersIf it was something going into a DC i wouldn't put a GUI on it. If it was a small home/office server I'd put a gui on it07:58
TheOpenSourcererIt's an education thing.07:59
TheOpenSourcererNot a GUI is better/easier thing.07:59
danfishczajkowski: not been watching - school run :/07:59
daubersTheOpenSourcerer: Now you're away on holiday or somesuch and the customer urgently needs the webserver restarted, he's terrified of the CLI and has little clue but has to do this now. For the low overhead of the gui, that makes his job 10000* easier as it provides him with visual clues what to do07:59
danfishoops, wrong channel08:00
danfishmorning btw08:00
TheOpenSourcererAnd today "Web" <> inferior GUI to a GTK or QT type app.08:00
AlanBellthat is certainly true now08:00
AlanBellhi MooDoo and danfish08:01
TheOpenSourcererdaubers "urgently needs the webserver restarted". It is far quicker to type "sudo service apache restart" than to load a gui and click several buttons surely?08:01
daubersTheOpenSourcerer: You get all kinds of fun issues with web based GUI's that will require you to go behind to fix stuff that is a lot easier to deal with in a native application08:01
daubersTheOpenSourcerer: you've missed the point. Little man in the office may not know about the cli. He can't get hold of anyone technical support. He has to do it now and on his own.08:02
daubersYou're ignoring the target audience to suite your own preference08:02
AlanBellurgently needs the web server restarted would normally be "press the button on the front, wait a minute, press it again"08:02
AlanBellif it doesn't go off, hold the button down until it does, then press it again08:02
daubersAlanBell: And you've just pulled the connectivity from all of your client machines who where using the shared storage on that box too, losing a couple of hours of important work08:03
TheOpenSourcererIf someone "urgently needs the web server restarted" then they should bloody well know how to type 4 words, or they should *not* be running a web server IMHO08:03
AlanBelldaubers: yeah, but generally it is "the vtiger server" or "the openERP server" not something doing multiple services08:04
daubersTheOpenSourcerer: Seriously, go and wander into some small offices (who don't do technical things, and some that do sadly) and look at their needs and the technical capability in the company08:05
AlanBelldaubers: we do that all the time :)08:05
daubersAlanBell: Those aren't servers. They're appliances.08:05
danfishhmmm - at the end of the day isn't it about catering for multiple levels of expertise and customer choice?08:06
danfishwhilst not diluting developed effort?08:06
daubersdanfish: NO! It's giving people something that will do what they want in the easiest possible manner! Otherwise you end up over complicating things until they're unuseable by the least technical audience08:07
TheOpenSourcererdaubers: There is a *massive* eco system out there supporting those small offices that are running MS SBS. The "users" can't use/understand the MS SBS GUI any more or less than they could type a few commands.08:07
daubersTheOpenSourcerer: Yes, but they would e more familiar with a GUI type environment and hence easier to guide without scaring the hell out of them.08:08
daubersAll of this over about £15 of ram and <£5 worth of HDD space!08:08
TheOpenSourcererIt takes far longer and is less easy to write down how to restart a web server using a GUI than it is a command line08:09
daubersOpen the server management tool, click the services button, click "restart"08:09
TheOpenSourcererAnyway - time for my morning ablutions.08:10
daubersOtherwise you're GUI is badly designed08:10
LaneyMartijnVdS: I think I got a reproducer08:19
LaneyMartijnVdS: sudo kill -s HUP `pidof gconfd-2`08:19
popeymorning all08:20
Laneydoesn't happen every time, but try a few and it does in my experience08:20
bigcalmMorning popey08:20
bigcalmet al08:20
bigcalmAlanBell: love the dragon, as does Hayley. What stock did you print yours on?08:22
AlanBelljust 90gsm copier paper08:22
AlanBell80gsm even08:23
bigcalmOh, fair enough08:26
bigcalmLooked slightly glossy in the vid08:26
AlanBelllaser printed08:26
bigcalmAs was mine. Maybe it'll look different once I've made it08:27
AlanBelleveryone should see my dragon -> https://plus.google.com/u/0/109175303602657131317/posts/7XCemQJ1LLu08:27
* popey edits the url08:30
JamesTaitMorning all!08:31
* daubers has now had coffee and calmed down a bit08:34
JGJonesIs there an extension for LibreOffice to sync/upload/download/whateverelse to Google Docs?08:44
oimonAlanBell: is the dragon supposed to print on a A3 or A4? the A4 needs scaling if so08:47
bigcalmPrinted ok on A4 for me08:48
MooDoos-fox: hello09:07
s-foxHello MooDoo  :)09:07
s-foxHow are you?09:07
MooDoos-fox: i'm very well thank you :)09:08
s-foxThats good09:08
MooDoowhat about you?09:08
s-foxI am good thank you MooDoo , sorting out a new job :)09:31
MooDoos-fox: yeah i've seen your tweets, hows it going?09:32
s-foxNot bad, had a couple of promising emails back09:32
MooDoos-fox: what you goig for?09:32
s-foxMainly software engineer roles09:33
s-foxI really need a new job, I am going to go insane here. lol09:34
MooDoos-fox: good luck :)09:41
s-foxThank you MooDoo09:41
MooDooyou're most welcome x09:42
Hippychicks-fox, where abouts are you based? seen quite a few development jobs in the kent area09:44
s-foxHippychick,  Midlands, google says 3 hours drive09:45
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:45
MooDoomorning brobostigon09:45
brobostigonmorning MooDoo09:45
Hippychicknot sure whats in the midlands really09:46
brobostigonthe cotswolds.09:46
s-foxI wouldn't worry Hippychick . Most of the jobs I have applied for are back in usa09:46
MooDoooooo usa09:47
MooDooi wanna go09:47
oimonthis game looks interesting. anyone able to get it working under wine?09:59
davmor2morning all09:59
MooDoomorning davmor210:00
davmor2MooDoo: How do mucka how's the family?10:02
MooDoodavmor2: crackin thanks, wifey could do with 728 hours more sleep, but we're ok10:03
davmor2MooDoo: Can you say that again but add Gromit after the crackin :D10:04
davmor2czajkowski: prod, morning chuck10:04
* czajkowski tickles davmor2 10:04
davmor2czajkowski: How many times I'm not ticklish10:05
bigcalmAre you allergic to anything?10:06
MooDoodavmor2: czajkowski just likes to touch you, thought you'd worked that out already....10:06
brobostigontomboy 1.8.0, lets see whats changed, i quite like tomboy.10:14
brobostigon!info tomboy oneiric10:15
lubotu3'oneiric' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable10:15
brobostigon!info tomboy10:15
lubotu3tomboy (source: tomboy): desktop note taking program using Wiki style links. In component main, is optional. Version 1.6.0-0ubuntu3 (natty), package size 490 kB, installed size 2744 kB10:15
Laneynot much10:15
* daubers screams and throws books at stupid computers10:20
brobostigonLaney: i agree, i cant see much difference.10:21
oimondaubers: an ebook?10:21
Laneybrobostigon: http://git.gnome.org/browse/tomboy/tree/NEWS10:21
Laneymostly fixes10:22
brobostigonthank you.10:22
oimoni just melted a plug. i don't think it was the right one to use10:29
zleapsome good ideas on the list for 12.0410:34
MartijnVdSIs "crash less" on it?10:36
MartijnVdSDo we have a name for 11.04 yet?10:36
oimonthey could really screw your brain up and use a Pterosaur10:38
bigcalmPneumatic Pterodactyl10:39
TheOpenSourcererSeen the new Ubuntu "App Developer Portal" announcement? http://developer.ubuntu.com/10:39
MartijnVdShttps://blueprints.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-p -- I see only 3 "real" ideas10:39
MartijnVdSand a bunch of Linaro garbage10:39
oimoni don't really like oneiric as a word, so in my mind i just think oscillating ocelot10:39
zleapR should be Rampant Rabbit10:40
AlanBellfrom about tomorrow in oneiric you will be able to hear how it should be pronounced by running: spd-say "oneiric ocelot" at a terminal10:40
oimongoogle are the worst for codenames. i can never remember which is which10:41
zleapwhy at a terminal10:41
oimonalt-f2 if you prefer10:41
AlanBellrun it however you like, my point being it is a command, not something in the menus10:42
AlanBellor in the uncharted depths of the unity dash10:43
* TheOpenSourcerer waits for Apple to come after Canonical regarding their use of "App"10:43
TheOpenSourcererIt would be good PR whatever happens ;-)10:44
brobostigonhttps://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa   anyone know why the last build was three weeks ago, and since then, 2 weeks ago, chromium 16 has been released.?10:44
bigcalmIs it wrong that I've never used Diaspora?10:47
MartijnVdSbigcalm: no10:47
bigcalmI might have given it a go if the name was easier to remember/spell10:47
oimonit sounds like a medicine for diarhoea10:48
gordi'v used it, its okay, will be nice when they have a linux version10:51
gordor maybe i am thinking of something else, googling isn't helping10:52
gordhttp://www.desura.com is what i am thinking of -_-10:53
AlanBelldiaspora is the distributed social network thing10:54
AlanBellcombining the wide userbase of identi.ca and the rich functionality of twitter10:55
Laneyidentica got snazzier recently10:55
AlanBellyeah, I heard. Both users got kicked out for 3 days to do the upgrade or something10:57
popeyCOMEDY GOLD!11:01
* AlanBell will try harder11:01
czajkowskihttp://blog.whatsapp.com/index.php/2011/09/one-million/ great app11:06
MartijnVdSWhatsapp uses an unnecrypted XMPP connection11:08
* MartijnVdS prefers Google Talk because of that :)11:08
Adriannomtrying to setup one X session for each user on the entire network.  got a wyse s50 which connects with ica, rdp, ssh, tec or xdmcp.  rdp seems to do what i want so i setup xrdp.  if i rdp in off my ubuntu machine it spawns a new session for the user, and if i login on another client as well it connects to the same session.  problem is when i connect with the wyse thin client it spawns a new session every time, leaving11:08
Adriannom any other sessions opened hanging in the background.  any ideas what could be causing the problem, or how i could tackle my goals in different ways?11:08
MartijnVdS(also, whatsapp stops working after ~ 2 hours for me)11:08
directhexcool kids run their own Prosody install for xmpp!11:08
MartijnVdSAdriannom: RDP always spawns a new session11:09
MartijnVdSAdriannom: if you want to reattach to a running session you need something like a vnc client11:09
MartijnVdSAdriannom: and the built-in vnc server ("vino")11:09
AdriannomMartijnVdS, if it always spawns a new session how can i connect to the same session multiple times by default?11:09
Adriannombtw i think xrdp uses vnc11:10
Adriannomvnc also can't login for a user right?11:10
Adriannomi.e. if i boot the server and don't login, i can't vnc to it11:11
popeyczajkowski: you'll like iOS5 :D11:12
popeyimessage ☺11:12
Adriannomunless you can think of a way of making it work?11:12
Adriannombasically multiple users need to use their x session from wherever they are on the network at any time, including simultaneously11:13
czajkowskipopey: why.........11:14
popeyczajkowski: oh, you're on android aren't you?11:14
popeyforgot, thought you had an iphone11:14
* czajkowski wonders has popey had enough coffee today11:15
oimonhow can i get rid of a burnt electrical smell from my office using items i might find at work?11:16
popeya peg?11:17
popeybulldog clip?11:17
czajkowskiopen a window11:17
* czajkowski hands popey a coffee11:17
DJonesoimon: Buy a curry for lunch, it might not get rid of it, but will mask it11:18
oimoni seem to have created the most evil sickening smell known to man11:19
DJonesAh, you've already eaten the curry then :)11:20
davmor2oimon: open the window11:20
popey \o/11:20
popey (.).oO( PARP! )11:20
popey | |11:20
oimonthe windows are wide open and i'm in my coat11:20
popey /3111:20
czajkowskiit's warm out today11:20
* czajkowski hands popey a large coffeee11:20
oimoni think some of the burning electrical juice went on the carpet :(11:20
czajkowskiyou're like me on a bad day11:21
* popey has Pepsi Max11:21
MartijnVdSpoor Max11:21
oimondoes pepsi max still exist?11:21
popeyyes, although this one wont for long11:21
oimonremember the coke vs pepsi wars?11:21
* popey wonders if anyone here remembers the "12939 drink"11:22
* Hippychick is sitting in her office with the windows shut and her coat on11:22
Hippychickand im still shivering!!11:22
popey^^ the 12939 drink appeared in that game11:23
MartijnVdSHippychick: sounds like a fever11:23
MartijnVdSHippychick: or your office is a refrigerator11:23
czajkowskiI refuse to wear socks yet11:24
czajkowskiand not wearing a coat11:24
czajkowskidid buy a small brolly for bag though11:25
MooDooi'm still in shorts11:25
davmor2MooDoo: yeah but your insane so your opinion doesn't count11:25
Hippychickive been wearing my coat in the office for the past month11:25
MooDoodavmor2: thanks for that :)11:25
davmor2MooDoo: Hey dude I'm here for you ;)11:27
oimonthere was supposed to be a heatwave this week11:27
oimonyestreday it tipped down with rain, and today is brass monkey11:28
davmor2oimon: bright sunny and hot here in wolverhampton11:28
davmor2oimon: it's not our fault you live in the wrong part of the country :P11:28
Adriannomis there an easy way to test an xdmcp server, i mean is there a client available like vncviewer?11:29
oimonevery dog has his day11:29
oimontoday is wolverhamptons..11:29
Adriannomnevermind, got it11:30
danfishoimon: hot and sunny in Wolverhampton means kids have set fire to the industrial estate again ;)11:35
clare10billionHello I can't see detect  wireless access point with my dell mini 9 which is running the latest version of ubuntu. I can however both and detect and joint wirelessly to actual modems/routers. Any ideas what is wrong? Or what I can try to fix it?11:42
gordclare10billion, yeah hold on, i used to have one of these11:44
davmor2clare10billion: Have you done a fresh install of Ubuntu?11:44
gordclare10billion, you need to "sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source" then restart11:45
gordthat should enable the wifi chipset11:45
clare10billionyes brand new install11:45
clare10billionworks fine with 3 different routers11:45
clare10billioncant even see access points11:45
davmor2clare10billion: So connect via the wired connection and then do gords "sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source" that will install the wireless driver that your hardware needs to connect11:47
clare10billionokay will give it a shot....11:48
davmor2clare10billion: once that is done reboot and then you chould have wireless again11:48
oimonsorry wrong window11:50
clare10billionno apparently I already have the newest version.11:54
clare10billionThe weird thing is that It can connect to actual modem routers fine but can't even detect the wireless access points11:54
clare10billionIt's like its not even trying11:55
davmor2clare10billion: Daft question but the wireless is switched on right?11:55
clare10billionyes I checked11:55
clare10billionI keep on thinking I am going mad11:55
clare10billionso I went to the room where the router lives11:56
clare10billionconnects on automatically11:56
clare10billionalso Im currently connected to the wireless access point in question with a different computer so its working fine as well11:56
gordoh so the wifi works sometimes but not with the ap's?11:56
clare10billionyes exactly11:57
davmor2gord: over to you dude11:57
clare10billionreally frustrating because apart from the wireless annoyance I'm really enjoying my new 2nd hand mini and using abuntu again after a good time away11:58
clare10billionmuch slicker than when I left11:58
gordah no, my experience with the dell mini's stops at connecting to a single wifi, never tried with multiple AP's11:58
clare10billionach well im sure I'll find a solution somewhere11:59
dogmatic69anyone here ever used a vinyl cutter/plotter on ubuntu? i got one of these and looking for direction in getting it working http://tinyurl.com/3j7u7kh12:01
dogmatic69does not seem like many people got them working before :/12:01
Adriannomis there any thin client or remote connection protocol that allows you to switch users on the remote machine?12:02
dogmatic69Adriannom: ssh?12:02
oimoni'm not sure switching users is a concept when speaking about about remote connections12:04
oimonbecause you can have multiple sessions when using remote sessions12:04
Adriannomoimon, just trying to connect a thin client to a vm so that people can switch users so that i don't lose my opened stuff if someone else borrows it, for instance12:06
popeydogmatic69: what ports does it have?12:07
dogmatic69popey: usb12:07
dogmatic69also com iirc12:07
popeydo you know what protocols it supports?12:07
dogmatic69was reading about using a generic printer + raw output setting might work12:07
popeyi know some HP plotters have a language which is pretty easy to understand12:07
popeyI wrote some many years back12:08
dogmatic69from what i have read on the internet its standard plotter stuff, not gcode12:08
oimonAdriannom: i use freenx for what you are describing12:09
oimoni can suspend remote sessions etc12:09
dogmatic69popey:  HP/GL or something like that12:09
oimonAdriannom: also the performance is amazing12:09
Adriannomsounds interesting12:10
Adriannomoimon, need a freenx client?12:11
Adriannomcause my thin client doesn't have one :(12:11
Adriannomit's a wyse s5012:11
Adriannomonly supports ica, rdp, ssh, tec, xdmcp, vnc, and possibly some others with addons12:12
popeythats it dogmatic6912:16
popeyHP/GL is easy to code12:16
dogmatic69so if it is that, drivers should be available?12:16
dogmatic69what ever it needs to work on ubuntu12:17
popeythrow HPGL code at the serial port, watch it fly :D12:17
dogmatic69svg -> hpgl converter12:17
popeythat would be nice12:17
popeytux plot?12:17
dogmatic69ive seen this tux plot all over. ill install that tonight and see what it does12:18
* dogmatic69 hopes to plug it in and print :)12:18
dogmatic69installing tuxplot now at work, holly cow that is some dependency list...12:22
daubersurgh, it's only 20 past 1 and it already feels like thursday12:22
dogmatic69daubers: when i woke up and saw it was tuesday, i thought wtf12:23
oimondoes anyone know how i can go about getting a domain that is due to expire?12:30
oimonthere seem to be services that do it for you at a price12:30
popeyindeed there are12:30
oimondo domains tend to get snapped up at 00:01 or something12:31
popeyyes, if they're popular12:31
oimoni have my eye on one that is suspended currently and may pop up for general availability12:31
popeythere's an industry of people running servers which pounce at 00:00.0000112:31
* oimon wonders how he can pounce12:31
davmor2czajkowski: thanks for cheap flights hahahaha12:32
popeythey even worry about the latency to dns servers12:32
popeyso try to get servers in the same DC to beat other people to the punch12:32
oimonthis all sounds rather sucky for the man in the street12:33
* Hippychick wonders which domaint oimon wants so she can buy it and sell it to him at a premium12:34
oimonsjdfoisjfoisej fios jefoisesfs.f com12:34
popeyi tried to get a domain when i first started my company, but unfortunately some goit got it the day after I checked if it was available12:36
popeyi suspect foul play12:36
popeythen he sold it on sedo12:36
oimoni'm seeing conflicting information regarding the length of time before it's available generally12:37
dogmatic69oimon: i think you can go on a waiting list somewhere12:41
popeyoooo kindle tablet announcement next week12:41
dogmatic69and the registrar normally has a 30 grace period12:41
oimondogmatic69: yeah, that's passed, now it's suspended stage12:48
dogmatic69you could just tell us the domain .. :)12:48
dogmatic69well can all help12:48
oimonit's not of any commercial interest but it's a cute domain name i want12:49
oimoni think it's more because i can't get it that i want it12:50
popeyi wanted po.pe12:51
oimondid that bloke in a hat and dress get it?12:51
dogmatic69seems available12:51
popeynah, has to be 3 chars long12:52
dogmatic69according to that, not12:53
* popey rummages12:53
* dogmatic69 finds .pe registrar 12:53
oimonthe race is on12:53
dogmatic69his name is not even popey12:55
MartijnVdSpopey: mo.pe is already in use12:57
dogmatic69that is a cool list, all the registrars should have that12:58
oimonwhat does Status: Locked mean?12:58
oimonon a domain that hasn't expired yet12:58
popeyou.st is available12:59
AlanBellmeans it can't be transferred easily12:59
davmor2popey: how about going for "therealpo.pe" instead?12:59
popeytoo long12:59
davmor2popey: impo.pe?13:00
dogmatic69popey: mail the guy and offer him £5013:00
oimonisn't there a .uk domain coming?13:01
Davieyoimon: there has been a .uk TLD since time began.13:01
dogmatic69oimon: was that not already done?13:02
dogmatic69oimon: wikipedia says "As of August 2011, it is the fourth most popular top-level domain worldwide"13:02
dogmatic69.uk ^13:02
oimonobviously TLD so that co.uk and org.uk can exist, but are the option to get website.uk coming?13:03
Davieyoimon: lobby nominet.13:03
oimonit's not really a big deal for me13:03
dogmatic69oimon: .me.uk is new i think13:03
oimoni don't find danica patrick very attractive13:04
oimonshe is on every godaddy page ever13:04
dogmatic69most the images of her on google looks like a man in a dress13:06
oimonwow there's a big difference between some pics and the ridiculously airbrushed godaddy one.13:07
oimonthere's a tube advert with her on it at bethnal green tube, and her legs don't meet at the top..photoshop fail13:08
* bigcalm swears at VM13:10
MartijnVdS(Illegal copy of VMWare? VMWarez!)13:11
davmor2MartijnVdS: Virgin Media more realistically13:11
bigcalmPicked up a wireless kb and mouse from Lidl today for a penny under 20 quid. Very nice feel and pretty much silent (except for the space). This should please Hayley13:11
dogmatic69bigcalm: till the batteries are flat13:12
MartijnVdSdavmor2: I swear at virtual machines more ;)13:12
bigcalmdogmatic69: I have rechargeables and tend to change them 3+ months apart13:12
oimoni found a way to stop wireless keyboard batteries going flat...attach a wire to the usb port of the pc13:13
davmor2oimon: You Muppet13:14
oimonat your service13:14
davmor2oimon: http://instantrimshot.com/index.php?sound=rimshot&play=true13:15
davmor2bigcalm: What you done now?13:23
bigcalmWho do I have to sacrifice to appease the VM gods?13:30
oimonyour cable for ADSL13:30
MartijnVdSa virgin chicken13:30
bigcalmI get 30mb with cable, I'd get 5mb with ADSL13:31
oimonmanaged to remove the bad smell from my room by removing a carpet that had electrical plug juice leaked onto it :D13:32
gorddo you really need 30mb though?13:32
gordi'd rather have a slower, stable connection than a faster one that falls over all day13:32
bigcalmI do. When VM works, it work very well indeed. When it stops, it's a pita13:33
bigcalmOf course it only happens during day time when most people are meant to be at work away from home. Buggers like me who work from home annoy the tech support lines13:33
oimonbigcalm: how do you find WFH?13:34
davmor2bigcalm: Let me guess it's an issue with High demand in the area?13:34
davmor2oimon: great13:34
oimonnot sure if i would go a bit mad13:35
bigcalmdavmor2: I haven't phoned them yet today. And it's never due to high demand. They are fairly straightforward in their responses13:35
* davmor2 tic don't know what you mean tic13:35
bigcalmoimon: hard work. I used to work in an office. I really miss the human interaction13:36
oimoncanonical have an opening that would suit me just right, but its a WFH13:36
davmor2bigcalm: you mean you get sensible people13:36
davmor2bigcalm: whenever I ring I spend 10 minutes explaining that the issue is there end and not mine,  then they finally look and say oh yeah13:38
bigcalmdavmor2: ah, I see13:38
bigcalmMaybe I get lucky or say the right things13:39
bigcalmdavmor2: we're both connected to the 1st level of wolv. How often do you get connection problems?13:39
davmor2bigcalm: Oh there up and down like yoyo's.  I get slow down at  lunch and when the kids get home morning is normally fine13:41
bigcalmHave you forked out for the Tivo option?13:41
bigcalmI keep pondering it now and then13:41
davmor2bigcalm: Have I boat13:41
bigcalmI don't know, do you have a boat?13:42
davmor2bigcalm: That gets a 10gig service and they can't keep the service they have up13:42
bigcalmAh. Yeah, the 100mb service sounds nice but I doubt that it'd be any more reliable13:44
davmor2bigcalm: on the 30meg do you still get restricted to 5meg if you hit your download limit on the unlimited service ;)13:46
bigcalmdavmor2: no idea, I don't shift a lot of data about13:46
MooDoodavmor2: is the king of pr0n so he shifts a lot of daya13:53
bigcalmData porn? That's just wrong13:53
bigcalmMoving swiftly along13:53
davmor2MooDoo: Have you seen Ryzom 2.1 gig of download then there is the constant bzr updates then there is czajkowski posting funny songs on youtube and it's rude not to take a look13:54
oimonbigcalm: good to hear the flip side of WFH..everyone i ask says its amazing..but they are ones who do it already13:54
MooDoodavmor2: damn that czajkowski ;)13:55
davmor2MooDoo: Indeed!13:55
bigcalmoimon: I've just started my 3rd year of working from home. Still takes a lot of will power to concentrate13:55
bigcalmBeing on IRC doesn't help ;)13:55
MooDoodavmor2: as lovely as she is, she's posts to many awesome distracting things lol ;)13:56
oimonbigcalm: i also have a small child who i would hear downstairs going "DADA!"13:57
bigcalmI could do with having a cat for company13:57
davmor2bigcalm: I found the dedicated office helps.  Once I'm in there I'm at work do not disturb.13:57
MooDoodavmor2: now we have 2 kids, we're extending and i get a dedicated office :D13:57
oimoni have my own office at work but go for a wander every hour or so to see people13:58
bigcalmI have the small bedroom as my office. I'm at work in here13:58
davmor2bigcalm: that's the one :)13:58
davmor2by the way bigcalm we are trying to sort out a workshare at the lighthouse in wolvo would you be interested in turning up?13:59
bigcalmWhat would that involve?14:00
davmor2bigcalm: THe lighthouse have basic office for the public, they make their wireless available for us and we work from there for the day,  means you get out your house/flat once a month14:02
davmor2and see people :)14:03
bigcalmIf it's not a every day thing, then yes. I think I would14:03
popeyi discovered recently that if you're in the FBS you can use regus offices14:03
bigcalmdavmor2: What sort of cost?14:04
davmor2bigcalm: we all have too many meetings to attend to make it a regular thing14:04
davmor2bigcalm: I think we just use there facilities,  ie cafe for food etc,  but if you're interested once we get all the details I'll let you know14:05
bigcalmdavmor2: very interested14:06
bigcalmdavmor2: trying to work out the travel time from TF10 now14:06
davmor2bigcalm: it's about a minutes walk from the train station if that helps14:07
bigcalmOh, get the train instead14:07
bigcalmThere is a direct train from Telford Central to Wolv14:07
bigcalm34 mins by car14:08
davmor2bigcalm: Yeah it's not far to Telford14:09
bigcalm5.60 for a single taking 17 - 28 mins. Train it is then14:12
czajkowskimail sent re cd allocation14:12
czajkowskiAlanBell: ^^14:12
ubuntuuk-planet[Jonathan Riddell] qbzr with curves - http://blogs.kde.org/node/448514:14
AlanBellczajkowski: the form still says Natty14:14
bigcalmHayley works pretty much next to the train station, so wouldn't have to pay for parking. Quite an exciting prospect this now :)14:14
oimonany latex users? a user is complaining that kile is not picking up his classes in ~/texmf/14:14
czajkowskiAlanBell: I can't help that14:14
czajkowskifill in the form will ya14:14
AlanBellrequest submitted14:15
czajkowskiupdating the wiki to keep mr. AlanBell happy14:15
MooDooczajkowski: creep ;)14:19
* AlanBell wonders whether to point out the multiple Natty references and date in April on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoGettingCds14:21
popeyIt *is* a wiki.14:23
* AlanBell fixors14:23
AlanBellapart from the date which I don't know14:23
* czajkowski peers at AlanBell 14:23
AlanBellI guessed Oct 1st as the deadline for pre-orders14:24
czajkowskino date was set alan14:25
AlanBellyeah, but "22nd of April 2011" looked a bit silly14:26
* AlanBell hugs czajkowski for putting up with pedantic people14:26
czajkowskiit's fine really14:31
=== gerry_ is now known as easytiger
davmor2AlanBell: Oi watch who you call pedantic ;)15:05
davmor2AlanBell: by now you should know that czajkowski has the patients of a saint me and MooDoo are both still alive :D15:09
MooDoodavmor2: well i don't know about you but i rather adore czajkowski :)15:18
Azelphuranyone know how I can generate a .patch on some code I modified? :)15:18
Azelphurthere's no version control15:18
bigcalmUsing diff15:19
Azelphur$ diff gameq_new gameq15:19
AzelphurCommon subdirectories: gameq_new/GameQ and gameq/GameQ15:19
Azelphurah, ty15:19
bigcalmYou're welcome :)15:20
Azelphurthere we go, added some shiny https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3414481&group_id=85130&atid=575058 \o/15:23
Azelphurpopey: you might be interested in ^, GameQ is a PHP Library to query game servers, just added minecraft support to it. :)15:25
=== bigcalm is now known as MCtwitters
=== MCtwitters is now known as bigcalm
oimonguys, where is the save game data for steam games like HL2 stored?16:02
oimonabout to wipe a disk and just need the hl2 save game16:02
directhexoimon, c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\STEAMID\hl2\ ?16:04
directhexit's not "steam games" sharing a common location, each game does its own thing16:04
ali1234oh yeah i forgot i dn't have the steam version of hl216:05
ali1234and i don't think it uses the prfile anyway16:06
oimonhmm doesn't seem to be there...think i'll hang on till tomorrow and not rush it :D16:06
directhexoimon, you sure? pretty sure i'm right. some long-dead neurons are sparking a bit16:08
directhexhttp://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?148098-Formatting-my-pc-where-is-the-HL2-saved-games&s=c857839daab8cca4ac2a22154bb36828&p=2791104#post2791104 agrees16:08
ali1234my saves are at program files\half-life 2\hl2\save16:08
ali1234none steam version as i said16:09
gordisn't hl2 saved in the cloud now?16:11
directhexgord, not sure. hard to check. as "steam cloud" middleware covers many things16:16
directhexin theory though, yes, officially hl2 is a steam cloud item16:17
gordi remember it being advertised as omgosh you can play on your pc, then go to your mac and resume from where you left off!16:17
directhexyeah, theory.16:19
directhexofficially 232 games include steam cloud support16:19
directhexsorry, make that "232 steam store entries"16:20
directhexso some dlc marks itself as steam cloud for no good reason16:20
directhex151 games.16:20
directhexbut don't believe what you read online - e.g. Doom 2 is marked as steam cloud.16:21
directhexi.e. "game details" section of http://store.steampowered.com/app/2300/16:22
=== cking_ is now known as cking
tonytigerIt's podcast night!17:12
JGJonesali1234, you can add your hard copy of HL2 to Steam - just enter the serial number and it'll be added to your Steam account.17:17
ali1234why would i want to turn a physical, unrevokable copy of the game into a drm'd copy that can be taken away at any time?17:20
JGJonesYou still have the physical copy.17:20
JGJonesYou just get another copy within Steam itself.17:20
JGJonesas DRM goes...Steam compared to others isn't too bad, but yeah the risk is always there, but adding a serial number to Steam doesn't take away your physical copy - your DVD doesn't burst into flames like Mission Impossible :D17:21
MartijnVdS.. yet17:21
directhexi've bought DVD-case-sized cd keys before. left 4 dead, fallout new vegas, dawn of war 2 chaos, etc17:22
ali1234but the dvd won't work without the serial17:22
directhexthose cd keys go into steam, and the cd key case goes on the shelf17:22
directhexi think they come with a free hand-sized mirror too17:22
MartijnVdSyeah with a hole in the middle so you don't have to stare at yourself17:23
directhexMartijnVdS, that's the jobby17:23
directhexi've also repurchased games on steam i own physical copies of, for the convenience of not needing a disc17:23
MartijnVdSdirecthex: I purchase music like that17:25
MartijnVdSdirecthex: they come in small boxes as well, with a similar mirror17:25
directhexoh, i wonder what's on sale today on steam...17:25
directhexhmph. Driver 4.17:26
directhexand the extremely poorly rated D&D daggerdale17:27
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Eric Ward Joining the Community Team at Canonical - http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/09/27/eric-ward-joining-the-community-team-at-canonical/18:14
dogmatic69_popey, you about tonight?18:20
dogmatic69_hey MartijnVdS18:20
* dogmatic69_ is fighting with a vinyl cutter18:20
MartijnVdShttp://www.vinylrecorder.com/cutter.html ?18:21
dogmatic69_nope, stickers18:22
dogmatic69_i dont have anything like /dev/usb/lp018:23
MartijnVdSdogmatic69_: what do you have?18:23
dogmatic69_got that one18:24
dogmatic69_should that be the printer uri?18:24
MartijnVdSso it's serial, not parallel.. or you have some other USB serial device :)18:24
dogmatic69_i think its serial18:24
MartijnVdSand you're configuring CUPS?18:25
MartijnVdSusing the GUI?18:25
MartijnVdSthe printer stuff18:26
dogmatic69_ye admin->printers or something like that18:26
MartijnVdSyes that one18:26
dogmatic69_ive added as generic, raw printer as per the 100 blogs ive read18:27
Azelphurhttp://www.eqdkp-plus.com/forum/post69394.html#p69394 am I right here? :p18:27
Azelphurgpl licensing fun :D18:27
dogmatic69_lsusb shows the thing in the list18:28
MartijnVdSdogmatic69_: so it's /dev/ttyUSB0 (unless you know you have another device, like a 3G dongle)18:28
dogmatic69_the printer is the only thing attached atm18:29
dogmatic69_i cant use /dev/ttyUSB0 as the uri18:29
MartijnVdSdogmatic69_: in the "Add printer" dialog, there should be several options18:30
MartijnVdSdogmatic69_: one to detect a printer, one for network printers18:30
MartijnVdSand one for "parallel", "USB" and "serial" printers18:30
dogmatic69_it has other and network18:30
MartijnVdSoh wait18:30
gord http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6r-kNct630 - ha itv used game footage and claimed it was real18:30
MartijnVdSmine has "Serial port #1", "URI" and "Network"18:30
MartijnVdSdogmatic69_: try "serial:/dev/ttyUSB0"18:31
MartijnVdSdogmatic69_: maybe ?baud=speed_here (with "speed_here" replaced by the speed, like 9600 or 115200)18:32
MartijnVdSthere are some other options for start/stop bits and parity18:32
MartijnVdSthose should be googleable18:32
dogmatic69_it says idle...18:33
MartijnVdSsounds right -- no jobs?18:33
Azelphuranyone know where I'd get a desk like this? http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3832397/screenshots/September%202011/2011-09-27-191348_619x410_scrot.png18:34
MartijnVdSAzelphur: Ikea?18:34
dogmatic69_MartijnVdS, ok, printed something and now says... idle... unable to open /dev/ttyUSB018:34
dogmatic69_permission denied18:34
dogmatic69_in the printer properties page that is18:35
MartijnVdSdogmatic69_: you'll have to make sure CUPS can open the serial device..18:35
MartijnVdSdogmatic69_: check (ls -l /dev/ttyUSB0)18:35
dogmatic69_crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 188, 0 2011-09-27 19:02 /dev/ttyUSB018:35
dogmatic69_sudo chown me:me ?18:36
AzelphurMartijnVdS: found something sorta similar on ikea, the thing I worry about is the strength18:36
MartijnVdSAzelphur: http://www.key.co.uk/desks-drawers_c_Main015001.html18:36
AzelphurMartijnVdS: I dunno if you remember what my setup is, but there's a hell of a lot of weight on my desk18:36
MartijnVdSAzelphur: ^ try the key one18:36
MartijnVdSdogmatic69_: not you:you18:36
dogmatic69_chmod a+r/w18:37
MartijnVdSdogmatic69_: that should work, or chgrp to a group the printer stuff is in.. let mecheck18:37
dogmatic69_is there a specific user for the printer stuff18:37
dogmatic69_ok, thanks18:37
dogmatic69_it feels like this is going to work...18:37
MartijnVdSJust make it chmod 666 for now18:37
MartijnVdSthat should work in the short term18:38
dogmatic69_still saying the same thing18:42
dogmatic69_even tried 77718:42
MartijnVdSdogmatic69_: and if  you restart cups? (sudo restart cups)18:42
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: not needed anymore -- man restart :)18:43
brobostigonMartijnVdS: oh, interesting.18:43
MartijnVdS(I'm on oneiric, this might be New®)18:44
brobostigonMartijnVdS: let me try that here in debian unstable.18:44
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: it's an upstart thing I think18:44
brobostigonMartijnVdS: oh, ohwell.18:44
dogmatic69_MartijnVdS, hmmm no errors now18:44
dogmatic69_but nothing :D18:44
MartijnVdSdogmatic69_: improvement!18:45
dogmatic69_MartijnVdS, after printing, the job goes in the queue and then after a bit its gone18:47
* brobostigon still uses/used /etc/init.d/* start/stop/restart , now, and even inside ubuntu, still.18:47
dogmatic69_printing to my invisible paper atm...18:47
MartijnVdSdogmatic69_: now you need to figure out which driver/protocol to use18:47
MartijnVdSdogmatic69_: what kind of printer is it?18:47
dogmatic69_MartijnVdS, im using tuxplot18:47
MartijnVdSno idea then :)18:48
dogmatic69_its a vinyl cutter/plotter18:48
* MartijnVdS points in the general direction of popey 18:48
dogmatic69_its like hp/something protocol18:48
dogmatic69_that is the one18:48
MartijnVdSdogmatic69_: but does that need a CUPS printer/driver though?18:48
dogmatic69_well if its not there, tux does not see it18:49
dogmatic69_ive watched some tuts saying install printer driver then use tux18:49
MartijnVdSOK which driver do the tutorials say you should use? :)18:49
MartijnVdSIt could be a speed/start/stop/parity problem18:50
MartijnVdS(9600/4800/115200, 8n1, etc.)18:50
dogmatic69_it says add a printer generic then raw18:50
dogmatic69_i dont know where i would get that info though18:50
MartijnVdSdogmatic69_: manufacturer, or windows driver18:50
dogmatic69_he, its a chines machine and the windows driver is in that 'safe place'18:51
MartijnVdSdogmatic69_: nothing available on the internets?18:52
MartijnVdSno info at all?18:52
dogmatic69_gonna find the name of it and check around a bit18:52
dogmatic69_lsusb has Bus 002 Device 005: ID 1a86:5523 QinHeng Electronics CH341 in serial mode, usb to serial port converter18:52
dogmatic69_that comes up for linux kernal in google18:53
MartijnVdSthat's just the USB to Serial converter they've soldered to it :)18:53
popeypodcasting tonight18:53
popeyso not about much18:53
MartijnVdSoh yeah forgot about that :)18:53
dogmatic69_MartijnVdS, its one of these http://tinyurl.com/6fkncsv18:55
MartijnVdSdogmatic69_: which one? 631, 801, 1261?18:58
dogmatic69_i belive its the 63118:58
dogmatic69_that looks good18:58
MartijnVdSdogmatic69_: ah, 9600,8n1 :)18:59
dogmatic69_so how would i define that :)18:59
MartijnVdSdogmatic69_: so add "?baud=9600" to the end of the URI18:59
dogmatic69_and the 8n118:59
MartijnVdSthat's default18:59
MartijnVdSbut there must be options, lmgtfy ;)19:00
MartijnVdSwithout the + at the end19:00
TheOpenSourcererpopey: could you ping me when you have a few minutes free tomorrow?  I'd like to discuss Minecraft... My son wants to buy it and "I know nothing" ;-)19:02
popeyTheOpenSourcerer: sure19:02
dogmatic69_MartijnVdS, still no luck :/19:11
mgdmIs anyone here running Natty 64-bit, with Google Chrome from the official repo, and has a working Flash?19:12
MartijnVdSoneiric here19:13
mgdmI can't get it to work19:13
mgdmI thought it was meant to be bundled, too19:13
mgdmThe 64-bit package hasn't got libgcflashplayer.so, but the 32-bit one does19:15
MartijnVdSflash isn't bundled in chrome for me19:15
MartijnVdSIt's using the system-installed one19:15
MartijnVdSPDF works though19:16
dogmatic69_MartijnVdS, i think i found the issue... maybe it should be parallel data going there, not serial19:17
MartijnVdSdogmatic69_: if it shows up to the system as serial, it's serial19:17
MartijnVdSdogmatic69_: also, data is data :)19:17
dogmatic69_the printer has tiny text by the usb saying parallel19:20
MartijnVdSmaybe a switch?19:20
* MartijnVdS has no idea, sorry19:20
davmor2bigcalm: what you doing next Thursday 6th of Oct if I'm looking right that will be the first once we have confirmation that the bulk of us are free 2 out of 4 so far :)19:21
bigcalmdavmor2: as long as I get wifi, I can do any day really. So 6th Oct is good for me19:23
bigcalmWhat do you call these things?19:23
mgdmHow do I fix the flashplugin-installer package in natty? It 404s19:24
davmor2bigcalm: that's one of the things I'm going to go up there and confirm as we all need it, but they have said as long as we let them know they'll make sure that everything we need it there19:24
davmor2bigcalm: Just a workspace day I guess unless we come up with something snappier19:25
bigcalmThat's good enough for me for now ;) Wanted to put something in my google calendar19:25
* czajkowski hugs davmor2 19:26
czajkowskihows my favourite19:26
* davmor2 runs off screaming in despair19:26
davmor2czajkowski: Good thanks you?19:26
bigcalmdavmor2: you have to worry when czajkowski is being nice19:27
czajkowskidavmor2: I'm great so gald to see you happy my dear19:27
davmor2bigcalm: no normally just means she is after something19:27
bigcalmHi czajkowski :)19:27
bigcalmdavmor2: what arrival/departure times are you looking at for the place? Can you tell that I've never done such things before?19:28
davmor2bigcalm: normal work hours for me it will be 9→6 ish maybe a bit earlier19:29
bigcalmMy hours are 9->6 as well, but wondered if different hours were expected19:29
davmor2bigcalm: no that'll be the norm19:30
bigcalmAnd the venue is light-house.co.uk ?19:30
mgdm\o/ it works19:30
mgdmByebye Firefox19:30
dogmatic69_omfg, its printing19:30
bigcalmmgdm: not a web developer any more? :P19:30
davmor2bigcalm: yeap19:30
dogmatic69_MartijnVdS, thanks a lot!19:30
mgdmbigcalm: chrome's dev tools are pretty good, IMO19:31
dogmatic69_i switched ports, then printer-> add showed serial#1 or something, now it works19:31
davmor2bigcalm: just to confirm it's right around the corner from the trainstation if you look on google maps19:32
davmor2bigcalm: or indeed openstreet map19:32
jacobwdogmatic69_: http://theoatmeal.com/comics/printers19:33
bigcalmWhistling along with Alpha Beta Gaga while trying not to whistle along with Alpha Beta Gaga19:39
* mgdm considers recompiling Pidgin without the 'attention' button and associated keyboard shortcut19:44
jacobwmgdm: i think there's a ppa for that..19:53
mgdmjacobw: oooo19:53
jacobwmgdm: lots of people don't like it19:55
mgdmI'm not surprised19:55
bigcalmIs that the one that shakes your recipient's window?20:05
jacobwfry's planet word20:07
jacobwi like it when he's talking about something understands :)20:08
* jacobw hides from unconditional fry lovers20:08
dogmatic69_still having some issues with printing here, its working sporadically. sometimes nothing, other times works :/20:32
bigcalmThinking it might be cheaper to buy a new watch than it is to buy a new strap :(20:40
jacobwbigcalm: http://pathfinder.casio.com/features/20:48
jacobwyou need one of these20:48
jacobwa watch with an altimeter and a barometer!20:48
bigcalmI'm assuming that the content is all flash as I get just a white blank area :)20:49
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Ubuntu 11.04 Covered By CNN-IBN in India - http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/09/27/ubuntu-11-04-covered-by-cnn-india/21:14
bigcalmconsole.log("here:" + $j('.offPeakCostTotal', tableScope).val());21:17
bigcalmWell, that wasn't intentional21:17
bigcalmWhat does f2 do in firefox?21:22
=== frz is now known as Guest91681
Guest91681hi, does anyone know hot to put a classic bar on unity? One bar where we can see the programs we have open21:50
ali1234http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-15082177 anyone got a link to the video?21:51
ali1234Guest91681: you can't21:51
ali1234switch to classic desktop21:51
ali1234btw, classic will be removed in the next version21:51
Guest91681only unity then?21:51
ali1234unity, gnome shell or kde21:51
Guest91681and what about ubuntu studio?21:52
ali1234i dunno21:52
Guest91681gnome shell looks very strange21:55
ali1234that's because it is21:55
ali1234kde is the only one that is actually workable21:56
ali1234it also happens to be the ugliest one21:56
ali1234but if you can put up with that, or don't notice it it is fine21:57
ali1234if you need something that has a halfway decent theme then xfce is probably the best choice21:58
ali1234unfortunately feature-wise xfce is roughly equivalent to gnome 1.x21:58
ali1234everything else has severe usability issues21:59
ali1234if i had the time i'd make a kde setup that was good22:04
ali1234i tried it before but after 2 weeks i didn't really get anywhere22:04
ali1234it would involve rewriting most of the font handling, and making a whole new desktop system in plasma22:04
ali1234i think when 11.10 comes out i'll switch to kde anyway22:04
ali1234been using unity for 6 months now, none of the bugs have been fixed, and the next version looks even worse22:05
ubuntuuk-planet[Laura Czajkowski] Frustrations of job hunting - http://www.lczajkowski.com/2011/09/27/frustrations-of-job-hunting/22:14
mgdmi don't remember openOffice being as stupid as LibreOffice is in handling multiple screens :/22:24
hamitronI'm never using LibreOffice again22:25
hamitronI tried it, and it wouldn't uninstall on windows22:25
mgdmThis is on Natty22:26
ali1234works fine here22:28
Guest91681ok here with compiz aswell22:48
Guest91681is therto open complex excell documents on libre?e a way22:52
ali1234if it doesn't work, forget it22:53
Guest91681tx ali22:54
Guest91681well nn alll :)22:54

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