
* bkerensa pokes jono06:23
jonohey bkerensa06:24
bkerensahe does talk on IRC!06:24
bkerensahi jono :)06:24
rwwor you're hallucinating06:24
bkerensarww: lol06:24
bkerensarww: Probably a little of it all06:25
* jono working still06:25
bkerensajono: Your Jef Spaleta friend posted a interesting comment on MarkS's blog06:25
jonobkerensa, I am sure he did :-)06:25
bkerensajono: In reference to Ubuntu Oregon even :P06:25
bkerensaodd guy06:25
jonoJef moves in mysterious ways :-)06:26
bkerensajono: Had fun hanging with some of your canonical mates at PuppetConf :) Marc Cluet was there06:26
jonobkerensa, cool06:27
bkerensattyl :) trying to setup OpenBox :P06:27
rwwas in the window manager?06:27
bkerensayeah :) gotta see if I can get a FreekBox running Ubuntu Base with OpenBox setup nicely06:28
bkerensathat way maybe FreeGeek doesnt abandon Ubuntu as their shipping distro06:28
rwwah. I think I remember MarkDude mentioning something about that06:28
jonoalright bed for me06:29
jononight all!06:29
bkerensaYeah... FreeGeek is like Partimus kinda... But FreeGeek has spinoffs nationwide and distributes free Ubuntu boxes all over06:29
rwwjono runs off before he has to use diplomacy again06:29
bkerensathat or he is just tired06:29
bkerensa:D he is a pretty busy guy :P06:29
rwwso, what's the answer to jef's question O:)06:32
rwwoh, marks answers further down06:32
* rww carries on reading06:32
bkerensarww: Sadly Jef did not even attend PuppetConf06:33
bkerensaSo it was Remote Trolling06:33
grantbowsurprise, surprise, Jef is trolling?06:43
rwwI prefer to believe Jef is 100% sincere. It's more amusing that way.06:44
bkerensanotably me and nathwill were sitting at booth and someone from Canonical quickly walked up to inform us of said trolling06:44
bkerensarww: I think there are bigger Ubuntu/Canonical trolls though... In fact #ORLUG could be the den of such :P I get trolled for being involved with Ubuntu06:46
bkerensarww: Its because #ORLUG is like super sysadmins :P people who have their own distros :) and think Ubuntu is a charity gig06:47
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nhainespleia2: how was Lion King?16:42
pleia2nhaines: was great! :)16:43
pleia2they did a very nice job16:43
nhainespleia2: after the stampede scene still makes me cry.  D:16:43
pleia2me too16:44
pleia2I hadn't seen the movie in years16:44
nhainesI watch it every now and again.  I saw the musical when it was in San Diego.16:44
pleia2I hope to make it back to vegas before it goes away there16:45
nhainesI need to see Penn and Teller the next time I'm in Vegas.16:50
pleia2they're great, I saw them last year, they have a new show now16:50
iheartubuntuhow was the quality of the movie? did they remaster or enhance it at all?16:58
nhainesiheartubuntu: it was converted to 3D.16:58
nhainesIt's the original theatrical edition, not the Special Edition.16:58
iheartubuntui wonder if they cleaned up the cells?16:59
iheartubuntuprobably all digital now16:59
pleia2thank goodness not the SE16:59
nhainesNo, of course not.16:59
pleia2it was silly16:59
pleia2zazu does not sing16:59
nhainespleia2: he's pretty good in the musical.  :)16:59
iheartubuntuwhats in the special edition?17:00
iheartubuntui dont think ive seen that version17:00
nhainesiheartubuntu: the song "The Morning Report" from the broadway musical production replaces the pouncing lesson scene.17:00
bkerensaLion King the play?17:01
iheartubuntuthats preposterous!17:01
nhainesNot really.  It's pretty much the same scene.17:01
nhainesIt's super charming in the musical, but I think the original works better in the film.17:02
nhainesThe DVD with the Special Edition uses seamless branching anyway.  You choose which version you want to see before you start the film.17:02
bkerensapleia2: Reactor8 might wanna show Ubuntu CA loco some love17:02
bkerensaThey said they are interested in giving back to their local FOSS community and are in Palo Alto17:03
pleia2cool, we've got some people down in that direction17:04
iheartubuntuive emailed the mailing list in case anyone might have an extra 56k serial modem. you cant part with yours for sentimental reasons, you might have someone who has an extra one :)17:34
iheartubuntuthey are hard to come by17:34
* bkerensa needs to find someone good with gimp or inkscape in the ubuntu community who wants to donate some time ;)18:05
nhainesakk: good morning!18:15
akkhi nhaines18:15
bkerensapleia2: FreeGeek says they CD's can be anything I want them to be18:35
bkerensaapparently they are gonna have a lot18:36
bkerensaperhaps hundreds or thousands18:36
bkerensaI told them I need 11.10's18:36
bkerensawell they have to test burners and they are doing hundreds of Ubuntu desktops so yeah lots of testing :D18:37
jyoDo we have any pressed 11.04s to get rid of?18:37
pleia2nope, we gave out the last at the solano stroll18:37
bkerensapleia2: If I get more than I can handle do you think CA needs some?18:38
bkerensaI will also pass some to WA18:38
pleia2bkerensa: we always need CDs for SCaLE (in January)18:39
nhainesI'm going to do my best to dump my last 4 or 5 natty CDs at the next Ubuntu Hour.18:39
bkerensawell we will see how many they send18:39
bkerensathey give like 100 desktops a month away I think18:40
bkerensaBut I'm sure they are testing more burners then that each month18:40
* kdub wishes he had more to say before waking up the channel :P21:30
philipballewhow goes work kdub ?21:31
kdubabout the same21:31
kdubin class?21:31
philipballewjust got out. I am relaxing before the night of HW begins.21:33
kdubi don't miss homework... :P21:34
akkHomework's fun when you're only taking one or two classes you enjoy, not so much fun when you have a full schedule and have to do it.21:35
nhainesakk: that's the truth!21:35
* akk kind of looking forward to AI and/or ML class homework ... at least prior to seeing it. :)21:36
philipballewim taking 16 units this semester and its pretty easy. I still need to figure out that hw I was saying long ago kdub Probably gonna go to oracle and interview their manager there. akk thats do true, i took one class in summer and enjoyed the work21:36
philipballewakk, where you gonna take those?21:37
akkphilipballew: The online stanford ones, e.g. ai-class.com21:38
akk(the other two are linked from there, I think)21:38

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