
Unit193paultag: Why do I have a feeling that if you know Lua, you know about http://luakit.org/projects/luakit/ ?03:44
paultagUnit193: it seems super awesome :)12:25
Unit193paultag: I don't know lua, but figured if you had the time, it's something you might mess with12:26
paultagUnit193: nope :)12:26
paultagI stick with nodejs when it comes to estoric languages for web12:26
Unit193Heh. So I was wrong, isn't the first and won't be the last :P12:27
paultagUnit193: I don't know lua, so the premise was wrong, therefore the logic may be right12:29
paultagI didn't implement fluxbox's lua shaz12:29
thafreakseriously, openjdk doesn't work for crap15:09
paultagthafreak: dont' even get me started15:16
jrgiffordIs there anyone here who is a MOTU? I have a question or two.21:36

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