
waltman74 wpm, but 5 mistakes.01:29
waltman71 wpm on Naduk part 2, but no mistakes!01:33
MutantTurkeywaltman: very nice01:58
MutantTurkeyI am terrible.01:58
MutantTurkeyIt's just my right hand, I detailed earlier01:58
MutantTurkeyfinally getting it down01:58
MutantTurkeybetween this and doing construction in my basement I am feeling productive01:59
waltmanI've had a lot more practice typing than you :)01:59
MutantTurkeyj waltman the problem is not that I have not practiced02:09
MutantTurkey but that I have learned wrong02:10
cythesGnome 3 anyone?02:21
MutantTurkeygett outta here02:30
waltmanMutantTurkey: Fingers on the home keys!02:52
waltmanActually I don't type exactly the way I was taught, but it works for me.02:53
waltmanAnd I don't look at the keys.02:53
=== pavel__ is now known as pvl1
MutantTurkeyI know!03:04
waltmanthat's why they put the little ridges on the f and the j!03:05
rmg51morning JonathanD09:11
rmg51can't sleep?09:11
JonathanDrmg51: yeah.09:46
JonathanDsort of09:46
JonathanDrmg51: I went to bed at 8, so, really... slept plenty.09:46
rmg51so,wake up early and jump into chat09:47
JonathanDOf course, no one to talk to at 3am :p09:47
rmg51but at this hour there aren't many people awake09:47
rmg51you have to wait till 5 to get me :-D09:48
JonathanDI mucked with my mysql for a bit instead.09:49
JonathanDit won't start09:49
rmg51and even if jedijf is awake he usually doesn't say anything at this hour09:49
JonathanDIt was kicking up the CPU yesterday, so I restarted it, except it didn't.09:50
JonathanDyes, true09:50
JonathanDah, fixed it.09:54
kasteda pretty warm one too....12:02
teddy-dbearcan someone please turn the air conditioner back on :-D12:08
InHisNamedid everyone run off and hide in their refrigerator ?16:39
MutantTurkeyit's not so hot out16:46
MutantTurkey32 wpm woot16:46
MutantTurkeyHey guys whats up16:51
jedijfthe number of women using linux17:05
waltmanMutantTurkey: I had to slow down to make 70 wpm without mistakes :)17:06
MutantTurkeywaltman: I can do 70 wpm with my awkward incorrect typing method17:08
MutantTurkeywhere my mistakes happen are the misused right hand, so I am training it as well as I can17:09
waltmanAre you left handed?17:09
MutantTurkeybut my right hand doesn't rest normally17:10
MutantTurkeyinstead it rests the index finger over the O17:10
waltmanthat's too far over17:12
jedijfhello WiCkD117:55
WiCkD1what part of the state are you from?18:09
rmg51Phila. area18:16
jedijfWiCkD1: i am from the philly area, and you?18:16
MutantTurkeywhat happened to pennbot?18:50
MutantTurkeyalso franconi's cheesesteaks are DELICIOUS18:50
jedijforange soda?19:00
WiCkD1sorry...working, lol...I live in Allentown.19:14
WiCkD1but Im down in Philly once a week.19:14
* pleia2 adds ocelot to philly-trip-packing list19:15
WiCkD1I usually go to Larry's for cheesesteaks.19:15
* TheEvilPhoenix adds a reason to go down to a release party in philly to get away from classes :P19:19
pleia2teddy-dbear: might not be enough room for the both of them19:20
pleia2we'll see :)19:21
MutantTurkeyjedijf: HOW DO YOU KNOW19:54
MutantTurkeyI always get orange soda.19:55
amybrenizhey people20:38
amybrenizwhat up?20:39
amybrenizhow is ever one to day?20:39
amybreniz34.f.carlisle pa20:42
amybrenizwhere is ever one ?20:42
TheEvilPhoenixwell not here for what you were looking for :P20:58
sadinim so sad :( ... i lost my ubuntu lanyard on the bus...21:46
sadinill order a new one i guess when i order some stuff from archlinux and my new rubyonrails book21:47
jedijfMutantTurkey: we were both there one night, i was picking up you were eating in...orange soda22:10
jedijfas a matter of fact, it's been awhile and a franconi's run is overdue22:11
MutantTurkeyjedijf: you never say hi :[23:30
TheEvilPhoenixthat's because he's weird :P23:30
MutantTurkeyjk that23:30
MutantTurkeydouble jkl23:31

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