
superflysup nlsthzn, kbmonkey05:14
nlsthznNot much... sitting here all fuzzy watching Japan and Canada duking it out...05:14
kbmonkeyhi nlsthzn and superfly 05:15
kbmonkeytea and cookies :]05:15
* superfly is trying to stay awake05:15
nlsthznHey kbmonkey .... nice article on Linus... I really like some of the ways he looks at things :)05:15
kbmonkeywoke up too early myself05:15
kbmonkeyyes nlsthzn he really sees how software affects the user. its all about who uses it :)05:16
Kilosmorning superfly and others05:56
superflyhi Kilos05:57
kbmonkeyhello Kilos 05:58
Kiloshiya kbmonkey min dae05:58
kbmonkeyyup. hoe gaan dit daar Kilos ?06:02
Kilosgoed dankie06:02
kbmonkeythat's good06:07
Kilosreally struggling to keep xmpp connections on pidgin for the last few days. dunno if its my pidgin or gmail06:07
kbmonkeygmailhas been terribly slow recently06:08
kbmonkeynot sure if its gamil itself, or SA's link to international06:08
Kilosah yes i see evolution also takes a good while to connect but once connected then its ok06:09
Kilosjust to connect seems to be the prob06:09
kbmonkeywell i have to get going for now, as much as I'd love to stay on the PC ;)06:11
kbmonkeyhave to move the bulk of the boxes into storage06:11
kbmonkeyand possibly disassemble my pc :(06:11
Kiloshave a good day06:11
kbmonkeyyou too, have a good day XD06:12
Kilosmorning maiatoday 06:12
kbmonkeyhou die blink kant bo my vriend!06:12
Kilosyou well?06:12
Kilossal so maak dankie. jy ook06:12
kbmonkeyhi and bye maiatoday, catch you all laters :]06:13
nuvolario/ mornings07:55
nuvolarihallo oom Kilos 07:55
Kiloshiya nuvolari 07:55
Kiloshi |3o|3 08:00
|3o|3hey kilos08:01
nlsthzn|3o|3, cool... loved these08:03
|3o|3yip, they're pretty fun. Haven't seen them in a while, but it turns out its like riding a bike08:05
nlsthznGot into the groove quickly myself too :)08:10
|3o|3lots of these  are dodgy though Oo08:10
* DraZoro greets everyone14:39
Kiloshi DraZoro 14:44
Kilosbeen very quiet here14:45
=== panfriedsidh is now known as panphried
KilosMaaz, coffee on16:09
* Maaz flips the salt-timer16:09
KilosMaaz, rusks please16:10
MaazSorry Kilos I only have Romany Creams today16:10
KilosMaaz, with cremora16:10
MaazAh! At last someone with taste16:10
KilosMaaz, and milk16:10
MaazNow you're talking16:10
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!16:13
KilosMaaz, ty16:13
MaazEnjoy Kilos16:13
bmg505ubuntu and crontabs are really sucky17:49
superflyhi bmg50518:11
magespawnhowdy all18:25
octoquadevening :)18:25
sakhievening octoquad and magespawn 18:27
octoquadsuperfly: you there?18:27
octoquadhey sakhi :)18:27
magespawnanyone know how to get a d-link DSL-2640U to work?18:28
superflymagespawn: plug it in?18:28
superflyhi octoquad18:28
octoquadhey superfly. I have some time to fix that problem with the site18:29
magespawnha nice one.18:29
superflyoctoquad: the one with all the events at 1 Jan 1970?18:30
superflyI remember the last time I tried to get it to work I had to downgrade magpie or whatever RSS reader is it that we use... but I haven't touched it since...18:31
octoquaddo you mind if I have a look?18:31
superflyoctoquad: well, I can't give you access to the server (it's not my server), but if you can figure out what needs to be done, we can see what we can do about fixing it18:32
magespawnhi superfly18:34
superflyhi magespawn... plugged your d-link in yet?18:35
octoquadsuperfly: you said ubuntu-za is using drupal 6, correct?18:35
magespawnbut still cannot get it on the net18:35
superflythat is correct18:35
magespawnman this driving me insane18:39
superflyoctoquad: and the gcal events module18:40
octoquadok, I had to whitelist my IP for drupal. lol18:41
octoquadmagespawn: what are you battling with/18:44
octoquadsuperfly: is the events being pulled from google calendar or internally?18:44
superflyfrom GToogle18:44
magespawnoctoquad dsl syncs but does not allow the pc on the net internet light is off18:45
octoquadsuperfly: ok, do you have access to the account? could you check and see if dates are actually set or check how many events there are?18:45
octoquadmagespawn: is it a bridged connection?18:46
superflymagespawn: sounds like the account on the d-link is not authenticating18:46
magespawni do not think it is but do not see why18:46
octoquadsuperfly: could also be DNS issue if the sync light is fully light18:47
octoquadlight = lit18:47
magespawnif authentication is auto it should choose the correct method right?18:47
magespawnwhen i look in the router summary there is no default gateway for the internet/isp18:48
octoquadmagespawn: yeah it should be provided by the ISP. 18:49
magespawnshould retrive it automatically but it does not, or at least not on this router18:50
octoquadmagespawn: What are your VCI and VPI values?18:50
superflyoctoquad: the calendar seems fine18:51
octoquadok I just checked for any known bugs on the drupal bug tracker, nothing there18:51
magespawn8 and 3518:52
octoquadso, it means there might be an authentication problem, or a script problem.18:52
octoquadmagespawn: ok that's perfect, and multiplexing method?18:52
magespawnwhere would i find that?18:54
octoquadmagespawn: it should be on the same page as VPI and VCI values. Look for something like LLC18:56
magespawnthen llcvsna18:57
octoquadmagespawn: hmm, I would think it would be llcvsna, what is the model of your router again?18:59
magespawnd-link dsl-2640u19:00
octoquadand if you ping do you get a response19:01
magespawndest. net unreachable19:02
superflyoctoquad: I'm fading here, I think I need to hit the sack... if you find anything, just tell me here in IRC, I'll see it when I get up tomorrow. I'll see if I can find anything from my side.19:02
Kilosnight superfly sleep tight19:03
Kiloshi guys19:03
octoquadsuperfly: no prob19:03
octoquadsuperfly: cheers19:03
octoquadmagespawn: have you tried the telkom guest account19:04
magespawnnot do you know what it is?19:05
octoquadmagespawn: I think it is guest@telkomsa.net | password guest...but let me confirm19:05
magespawni am changing a damaged router for one that works 19:06
magespawnthe  line has been used for awhile now.19:06
octoquadsorry the correct username is guest1@telkomadsl and the password guest1. You can only browse the telkomsa.net web site.19:07
magespawnchecking that now 19:08
octoquadmagespawn: is the router connected to a server that manages the ppp connection?19:09
magespawnjust a home connection going through an isp19:10
octoquadusb or ethernet?19:10
octoquadok, I have to ask to get a better picture of your setup :)19:11
magespawnno worries19:11
magespawnthanks for the help i am going to call it a night try agakin tomorrow.19:13
octoquadmagespawn: no prob, I know it can be frustrating sometimes, lol. Cheers19:13
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:16
octoquadnight Kilos19:17
octoquadWell, I'm out, good night all :)19:21

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