
ochosihey everyone14:20
ochosii just pushed a lot of bugfixes to greybird's gtk3 theme14:21
ochosiif any of you have time to check it out and test it a bit that would be great14:21
ochosias always, you can find it here: https://github.com/shimmerproject/Greybird14:21
ochosithis is what it looks like now (more or less): http://imagebin.org/17429614:21
ablomenochosi, look's good here, only a color difference between status icons and the actual panel, but this might be fixed after restarting the session or because i'm not running the current beta of xubuntu, anyway, the scrollbars look nice!14:46
ochosiablomen: thanks!14:47
ochosii think you can probably fix that by restarting the panel (alt+f2 > "xfce4-panel --restart")14:47
ablomenyep that fixed it14:48
ochosithe panel got a bit darker14:48
ochosiablomen: do you have any gtk3 applications installed?14:49
ablomenI don't think so (libgtk-3-0 is not installed)14:50
ochosik, nvm14:50
ablomenDo you have an example of a gtk3 app, im happy to install one :)14:51
ochosihmm, i'm not sure you can really run gtk3 apps in 11.04 very easily, i think you'd have to add a ppa for that, so most likely not worth the hassle14:51
ablomenwell i have just installed the gtk3 libs, compiling something simple would be no problem14:52
ochosidon't think there are any available in the repositories of 11.04, not sure what's easiest to compile dependency-wise14:54
charlie-tcaGood morning15:42
charlie-tcaInstalling on hardware using the desktop image today15:43
charlie-tca64bit, looks better than yesterday15:43
charlie-tcamicahg: congratulations. You will do a lot of good there.15:56
=== EXio4 is now known as Exio
charlie-tcamicahg: congratulations. You will do a lot of good there.16:29
micahgcharlie-tca: referring to DMB?16:31
ochosicharlie-tca: you maybe missed my earlier call for testing16:35
ochosii pushed a lot of bugfixes to greybird-gtk316:36
ochosiwould be nice if some of you could give it a spin16:36
charlie-tcamicahg: yes16:36
charlie-tcaochosi: yes, I did16:36
charlie-tcashimmer git?16:36
charlie-tcaOkay, I will grab it and look16:36
ochosii also took a widget-factory comparison-screenshot: http://imagebin.org/17429616:37
charlie-tcaWe should push it through though, since we only have two days to get it in Oneiric16:37
ochosii fixed a few more things after that, but it illustrates how far i got16:37
ochosiyeah, i know, already talked to lionel about it16:37
ochosii thought you can test it tonight, i'll publish a new version tomorrow and lionel will push it16:37
ochosiand if there are last-minute things i can still fix that tomorrow16:38
ochosisry, g2g now16:38
ochosihave a nice evening everyone!16:38
ochosinp, see you16:38
micahgcharlie-tca: thanks16:40
charlie-tcaDesktop images install today16:41
micahgfirefox 7/3.6.23 release day today16:43
charlie-tcaUpdated the bugs listing for Oneiric. It looks really good16:43
charlie-tcayay! firefox update16:44
charlie-tcawell, so much for pushing spotify now...17:02
charlie-tcamicahg: bug 836208 should be fixed now. Users will have to set dconf-settings specifically to use nautilus in Xubuntu18:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 836208 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "On login to xubuntu session, starts nautilus which ruins desktop" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83620818:42
micahgcharlie-tca: great, thanks18:43
pleia2hm, is someone else editing the drupal site right now?19:54
pleia2getting errors when trying to fix this devel page issue19:55
charlie-tcaI'm not. I don't think I even have a password19:56
pleia2seems ok now19:56
mr_pouitgrmbl, I don't know where to put the casper hook21:10
mr_pouit(in xubuntu-default-settings? or does it need a new binary package only installed on the live-cd?)21:11
charlie-tcalivecd only, as I recall, to fix the stupid headers bug?21:11
charlie-tcawell, missing headers bug, right?21:12
mr_pouitI wonder if it hurts to have it even for normal systems21:16
mr_pouitbecause for live-cd only means we need a new package, which means another FFe, and going through new21:17
charlie-tcaI don't know. Want me to test it?21:18
charlie-tcaI have a 64bit hardware install here21:18
mr_pouitok, then please download http://lionel.lefolgoc.net/misc/48maybe_ubiquity , put it in /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/casper-bottom/. , chown root:root and chmod +x the file, run update-initramfs -u, reboot, and see if it broke badly ;-)21:29
charlie-tcaWill do. This is a fresh install, so it shouldn't have extra stuff to break21:31
charlie-tcamr_pouit: you do know /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/casper-bottom/ does not exist in installed Xubuntu?21:35
charlie-tcagenerating image21:38
charlie-tcawell, initrd.img21:38
charlie-tcaerror: Can't open /scripts/casper-functions21:39
charlie-tcawhen running update-initramfs -u21:39
mr_pouityeah, that's what I htought21:39
charlie-tcadoes it matter?21:40
charlie-tcawill that throw the error to the users every time that is run?21:40
charlie-tcaand do we care if it throws that error into the logs?21:40
mr_pouityeah, and probably fails21:40
charlie-tcaIt just gave the one line21:41
charlie-tcareboots fast, lets me login again21:41
charlie-tcanothing broken21:41
mr_pouitI'm not sure adding this error is a nice thing to do ;>21:42
mr_pouitthen I'll add a new package, in xubuntu-artwork I guess21:43
charlie-tcaOkay, sorry about that.21:43
charlie-tcaWe could throw the error and let the users whine about it, and add the new package for P 21:44
mr_pouitI'll ask cjwatson tomorrow to be sure21:45
charlie-tcaOkay. Let me know if you go the new package now, and I will get it pushed through21:46

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