
DarkwingDuckYay! I have a working computer again.01:25
DaskreechDarkwingDuck: Lets Get Dangerous!02:36
apacheloggerthat sounds scary02:49
DarkwingDuckDaskreech: :D03:46
ScottKIt would be highly useful is someone could try natty -> oneiric upgrades with a setup kontact and then try to capture the pain points and document workarounds so we can have data for a decent release note on the topic.04:53
bambeeyofel_: do you have time to push something for me ?08:04
Saviqfregl: hi, thanks for fixing a11y in our QMenus :) we've got another issue, though - when Accessible.name is bound, for some reason QDeclarativeAccessibleAttached::setName() is never reached, and so QAccessible::updateAccessibility is never called, resulting in outdated a11y on those objects09:44
Saviqany pointers on what might be happening? I can hack up a testcase if you need09:45
freglSaviq: I could not reproduce the example that Florian sent me. can you write a simple qml file that shows the problem?09:45
Saviqfregl: yup, will do09:46
freglSaviq: Florian sent me this one: but it works for me - is it broken for you? http://paste.kde.org/128233/09:47
Saviqfregl: yeah, I can't find "I should have that name" anywhere in accerciser09:55
Saviqfregl: if I add a `testVariable: "old name"` for the top-level Item, that's what I get in accerciser, not "I should have that name"09:58
freglSaviq: so the example is broken for you? it seemed to work here every time. are you sure you have all patches from that 4.7-a11y branch then?09:59
Saviqfregl: yeah, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/698417/ seems to show it a bit better for me - the label changes to "new name", but the accessible name remains at "old name"10:02
Saviqand whether we have all the patches... well, that's a good question10:02
freglSaviq: I just checked again - it works here, the name changes from old name to I should... I can see it happening in accerciser10:04
Saviqfregl: ok, I'll try and dig in the patches10:04
freglSaviq: check that you have 205f4abb9b980854e93ed58f4c2f245f63fe8116 maybe? 10:04
freglSaviq: I remeber fixing this for you guys some time ago, maybe you just lost the patch?10:05
Saviqfregl: yeah looks like it http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/oneiric/qt4-x11/oneiric/view/head:/debian/patches/a11y_qt_and_qml_backport.diff#L34710:07
Saviqunless it's somewhere else10:07
Saviqfregl: ok, now I see our issues, I think I'll manage, thanks again10:08
freglSaviq: thanks for taking care of this stuff :)10:37
Saviqfregl: yeah qt4-x11 was just rolled 3hrs ago or so... not sure we're going to get that into finale :/10:38
Saviqhopefully yes10:39
ScottKIt will get into final.10:56
ScottKkdepim/pimlibs/pim-runtime updated to yesterday's git 4.7, BTW.10:56
txwikingerWell.. the upgrade on my laptop was better12:34
txwikingerHowever, interestingly after the upgrade, the login went three or four times back to the login screen, until it properly logged in12:34
jussiLOL, was trying to do alt+f2, and it wasnt working, couldnt work out what was wrong, so went to report a bug and figured out my external keyboard wasnt plugged in.... *blush*13:15
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
Quintasan_jussi: lol13:55
jussiQuintasan_: it was pretty epic fail :P13:55
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
QuintasanEhh, it's time to get maths done :s13:55
bambeejussi: don't use your computer when you're drunk :P14:00
jussibambee: I am at work...14:06
ScottKHow does that relate?14:06
bambeejussi: I have no doubt about that, I was kidding... :)14:09
shadeslayerbambee: is http://paste.kde.org/128047/ when you run KDE Trunk?14:09
bambeeshadeslayer: when I run kde 4.7.1 on ARM14:10
shadeslayerObject::disconnect: No such slot QObject::dataUpdated(QString,Plasma::DataEngine::Data) in /build/buildd/project-neon-kdelibs-2+git20110924+r92127/plasma/datacontainer.cpp:27614:11
shadeslayeri get that14:11
shadeslayeruhm, dataUpdate is actually a signal 0.o14:13
bambeethe strange message being "link XMLID_34_ hasn't been detected!"14:15
bambeeQPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 214:15
bambeeQPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active14:15
bambeeQPainter::end: Painter not active, aborted14:15
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ScottKapachelogger (or someone else with KDE git access) would you please commit the patch I just pushed to bzr for kdeutils to KDE in both trunk and 4.7 branches.17:29
yofeldid someone file an FFe for rekonq? 17:33
ScottKNot that I've seen.17:33
yofelI won't have time to update the package though17:33
shadeslayeryofel: are you sure we want to have a beta release browser in our final release?17:57
ScottKSomeone was claiming it was less crashy.18:05
ScottKLess crashy is a good thing.18:05
yofelshadeslayer: it is less crashy than 0.7.0 - At least it actually survived 2 whole days without a crash so far18:12
yofelfor details ask someone else though, I'm no rekonq expert18:13
* shadeslayer is fix0ring Telepathy Qt4 right now18:13
ScottKyofel: Do you have commit access in KDE git?18:14
yofelI do18:14
* yofel looks at the patch18:14
ScottKIt could also be applied to the 4.6 branch too.18:16
yofelok, the patch does fix the crash at least18:32
bambeeScottK: do you have time to upload kde-workspace-4.7.1-0ubuntu4 ?18:49
ScottKNot until maybe late tonight.18:49
bambeenp *18:50
yofelapachelogger, bulldog98_, ScottK: check if something's missing on bug 86163119:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 861631 in rekonq (Ubuntu) "FFe: rekonq 0.7.90" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86163119:35
claydohScottK: re: kontact upgrade pains: I am collecting some already, and iirc if anyone has tried kmail2, and returned to kmail1, some of those old pre-release kmail2 akonadi resources just add to the it :(21:38
claydohI am considering proposing most users start fresh and import the old mails21:39
Riddelluser distirbed by the website http://paste.kde.org/128623/23:19
* ryanakca gasps23:20
ryanakcaMamarok: Have another 2.4.3 screenshot handy, that one you suggested I use isn't exactly fitting for our website?23:21
DarkwingDuckThe image died.23:29
DarkwingDuckOh wait, it's there.23:30
Riddellcan't be hard to take one yourself?23:34
JontheEchidnaaha, I know why samba install from dolphin doesn't work, the patch was dropped.23:36
JontheEchidnarbelem: ^23:36
DarkwingDuckRiddell: Yeah, I'll need to get some music to my local machine and then fire it up, load up the music so it looks correct.23:37
ScottKRiddell: Would you please review / accept my kdeutils upload in the unapproved queue?23:42
DarkwingDuckHoly wow... tomorrow is the translations deadline.23:47

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