
=== Evixion` is now known as Evixion
Unit193neighborlee: Why did you want a Lubuntu rep?00:56
neighborleeplease check your PM00:57
Unit193I did, but it's not from you :P00:58
phillwneighborlee: I do not accept PM's. all things asked must be asked on channels so as to help others with the same question.00:58
neighborleeI was wondering if lubuntu endorses mono , therefore intends to keep mono out of the distro, as I can't endorse such things.00:58
neighborlee<which is why I dont use 'ubuntu'.00:59
neighborleelong as you never intend on shipping any mono apps out of the box,im fine.00:59
neighborleeJust so you know Im not a trouble maker, this is why in part I feel this way: http://www.fsf.org/news/dont-depend-on-mono01:01
phillwneighborlee: as i have never heard of 'mono' I cannot respond. but I'd like you to have a quick read of what ubuntu actually means & why it is what we stand by?..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODQ4WiDsEBQ01:01
neighborleeits  not ubuntu im concerned about, and I now what it stands for..for humanity ;)01:02
neighborleeI get all that.01:02
phillwneighborlee: take a look at it. It is well worth remembering01:02
neighborleemono is different.01:02
neighborleeI already know ;)01:02
neighborleebut ty anyway ;)01:02
Unit193phillw: .NET framework for Linux01:02
phillwmono, to me, means single...01:03
neighborleephillw: are you the creator of lubuntu ?01:04
phillwneighborlee: could we continue this chat on #lubuntu-offtopic? Honest, we do not bite01:04
neighborleeof course we can01:04
neighborleeif that is your preference01:04
=== m0hi is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
meway_UPDATE MAKE >.<08:01
meway_for the love of god xD08:01
IAmNotThatGuymeway_: lol Hi. Any issues?08:55
meway_its old xD09:05
meway_<- is that guy lol09:06
=== meway_ is now known as Meway
jmarsdenMeway: I am old, too...!  The issue is not age, but whether or not it works as designed.  Does make work for you in the current lubuntu release?  If it does, why would it be important to change it?09:07
Mewaynot the correct way for all applications :)09:08
jmarsdenMeway: Is there a specific bug in the version of make in Oneiric that affects you?  Please be clear and specific.09:09
IAmNotThatGuyMeway: explainations helps us to understand =]09:09
hyperairMeway: what's up with make?09:09
hyperairMeway: besides "it's old?"09:09
MewayI have to add more entries other than "make" when I want to make something >.<09:10
hyperairMeway: do you have a test case/bug report somewhere i can take a look at?09:10
hyperairwhat do you mean add more entries other than "make"?09:10
Mewaykinda sorta but I already resolved my issue09:10
hyperairresolved what issue?09:10
MewayI have to make more directories with -p09:10
hyperairmkdir -p?09:11
svkoskin_do you think that's related to make?09:14
Mewayit is I used it to handle my issue with make so nvm09:15
jmarsdenMeway: Can you make sure this is make related, and if it is, please file a bug report, or point to a test case, or give us actual detailed information, please?  Enough info that we can reproduce the issue.09:15
Mewayjust update the damn thing >.<09:15
Mewaygoogle, setting up eathena-data09:16
Mewayinstall flex09:16
Mewayinstall bison09:16
Mewayinstall git-core09:16
Mewayfollow the instructions you find on the wiki page09:16
Meway*this is the setup for a game called the mana world* (the server itself) btw09:17
MewayIf your more interested into the server pm me about the information09:17
MewayI hope this helps? :s09:22
silverarrowhas anyone figured out why gnome mplayer can freeze up desktop+09:48
MewayI have not had that problem09:50
silverarrowI don't know what I've done to bring it on09:51
silverarrowI've manage to get the same thing on two different laptops09:51
silverarrowand I'm not able to fix it either09:53
silverarrowat least not right a way09:53
silverarrowI am a bit tempted to install the beta release09:54
hyperairMeway: we're way past feature freeze, and as such, we're avoiding major uploads right now. if you could just be more cooperative adn tell us wtf is wrong with the utility, we could figure out this problem and look into backporting a patch of some sort10:32
MewayI told you how to reproduce the issue so sorry I'm busy atm10:33
hyperairyou could give us a link to the wiki page, i could actually figure out what instructions you're talking about.10:34
hyperairhttp://wiki.themanaworld.org/index.php/Setting_up_tmwAthena_on_Linux <-- this looks like the instructioons mentioned10:37
Mewayits the top link10:39
Mewayyes thats it10:39
IAmNotThatGuyhyperair: ... No10:43
hyperairlooks to me like the GNUmakefile included in that project is broken.10:44
hyperairwtf is that | syntax?10:44
Mewayit only happens with older versions of make10:47
JohnDoe_71Rushyperair: hi.10:56
JohnDoe_71RusI have a problem. ubuntu(lubuntu) 10.04 + pcmanfm updated to 0.9.8 or 0.9.910:59
JohnDoe_71Rusdon't start as file browser11:00
JohnDoe_71Rustest lubuntu 10.04 on virtual box. add repo ppa:lxde/ppa and update only pcmanfm11:01
rezbdI have only one pration on my hard disc. how can I add a partition?14:59
rezbdcan I do it on lubuntu or I have to do it from bios15:00
wavedigithi, does lubuntu support multiple languages?16:16
wavedigitrussian in specific16:17
bioterrorwavedigit, should support16:21
wavedigitbioterror: you mean now or in the future?16:22
bioterrornow and in the future16:22
wavedigitcool, thanks :)16:26
AleksanderHello :) I've installed Lubuntu 11.04, but the panel and all apps tend to hang up when I'm using Firefox for a while longer, and I don't like Chrome18:54
m6locksout of memory?18:55
Aleksanderm6locks, that's a netbook, so this may happen, but why does the panel HANG? It should just go a little slower18:57
Aleksanderis there a way to overcome this?18:57
m6locksare you using swap?18:59
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=== coffeecat is now known as bodhi_zazen
Aleksanderm6locks, yes19:12
kosaidpohello guys19:14
kosaidpowith httrack how can i continue an inturepted dl ??19:15
m6locksAleksander: it has been said that netbooks should not have a swap partition, but you may tweak the amount of swap in /etc/sysctl19:16
Aleksanderm6locks, thanks, I'll try that19:17
m6lockstry changing the value of vm.swappiness19:17
m6locksI read something that vm.swappiness = 10 works19:17
kosaidpoanyone guys can tell me with httrack how can i continue an inturepted dl ??19:21
kosaidpohello guys20:31
kosaidpoidk why these days my lubuntu lags a lot20:32
kosaidpoany ideas  why ??20:32
kosaidpohello guys21:59
kosaidpoi wanna use httrack but i wanna only dl files that are under www.site.com/target/*22:00
kosaidpohow to do that i tried the -D pramaetre but it doesnt22:00
kosaidponone is here /22:06
NaikInsaancan i remote desktop into a machine running windows from lubuntu?22:22
kosaidpoNaikInsaan:  i guess u can with putty22:25
freerouteHi, I was wondering how I can associate a filetype to a program? For example, I want to associate gedit with .txt files23:34
freeroutebecause right now, every time I try to open a .txt file it asks me if I want to execute / execute in terminal / cancel23:35

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