
xannenHi sagaci!06:23
sagaciah so close, getting an interface with the 312U AirCard (this is still the old one) on the latest daily06:23
xannenIs the 312U 4G or 3G?06:24
sagacithe 320U won't be in my hands til next week06:24
sagaci320U being 4G06:24
xannenOkay.  :D  Is it so cloudy, in my area.06:24
xannenIt is*06:25
xannenSo how's your day sagaci?06:25
sagacireinstalling on my laptop, other than that.. nothing out of the ordinar06:28
xannenYay for nothing out of the ordinary!  :D06:31
sagaciI'm not sure if it's common knowledge, but the 312U works with a couple of config tweaks on 11.1007:08
sagaciwhich is awesome07:08
sagaciI'll have to write some docs about it07:08
head_victimsagaci: I think most devices work alright these days from the little look around I had.07:10
head_victimThe sierra ones in particular seem well supported.07:10
sagaciyeah, the drivers are gpl07:11
sagacimoreso just the out-of-date apn settings in networkmanager07:11
head_victimBug report!07:12
head_victimAnyone ever run a computer install of a USB drive (as the only hard drive in the computer)?07:55
elkyhead_victim, not long term. what's your actual q?08:13
head_victimJust seeing if it's feasible, most of the stuff online I'm finding is all about liveUSB stuff which I don't want.08:15
head_victimI found something about moving tmp to ram and stuff like that08:16
elkywhen you make the drive, you slide the bar that asks about persistant storage from 0 to what you need.08:16
head_victimYeah but doing it that way only gives 4gb from my experience08:17
head_victimI was hoping to use a 16gb stick and just install to it.08:17
elkyyes, because it limits you to the FAT filesystem limits08:17
elkyand it's more like 2gb08:18
head_victimBasically I'm trying to repurpose a work laptop so I can use it as a personal one but not have to run windows XP.08:19
elkyhead_victim, has the 'warranty dies if you break this sticker' sticker been broken yet?08:24
head_victimNope :/08:24
elkyis the laptop still in warranty?08:25
head_victimI will still need it for work as well but I want to be able to use it for other things.08:25
elkyah ok, then swapping out the hdd is probably not the way to go08:25
elkyi really dunno otherwise. you can't break the limitations by sheer want unfortunately08:25
head_victimI'm "filling in" (read: pretty much permanent) in a role for work where I get a laptop and mobile (the mobile has no data though) so I'm just trying to utilise them to the best of my ability ;)08:26
head_victimMy plan as it stands is to just install it to the USB as if it were just another hard drive and see how it copes.08:26
gggswow, is it possible for an entire ext3 volume to lose it's structure data? It wouldn't mount, I ran a fsck & re-mounted, there's nothing left on it apart from lost+found/#0 to #9999315:33
gggsit's all a little surreal at the moment, a 2GB truecrypt volume wiped out, the most important 2GB on my entire hdd, and last backup is a month old15:38
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Fudgego digging for your old partition tables?23:13
gggsstill trying, but I'm running out of options23:22
gggsI've had 2 hours sleep, been trying a few things: fsck leaves the volume empty, there's no backup superblocks, using e2image on an older volume backup doesn't work23:26
gggsSeems both encrypted volumes (important data) have somehow been rendered completely unreadable without warning. I noticed something was up when Claws-mail started acting strange23:40

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