
n00b43v3rHello, I'm learning javascript and I'd like to know a good irc channel for beginner developers. Any suggestions?00:23
seidosi guess #ubuntu-beginners-dev00:31
seidosor #ubuntu-beginners-team n00b43v3r00:32
seidosbut i don't know if any of them know javascript00:32
seidosn00b43v3r: i assume you tried ##javascript00:32
n00b43v3rthank you. I'm trying that now.00:32
seidosn00b43v3r: honestly, if you really want to get something done, my best advice is probably to see if you can make friends with someone at a hackerspace.  the only 2 i know of are noisebridge in san francisco and crash space in culver city00:33
n00b43v3rMy problem isn't specific to javascript, in fact, I'd like to be able to talk to GNUCHESS in no matter what computer language.00:34
n00b43v3rI've been looking their webpage, but can't find info on the program's interface.00:34
|GoLTaR|hello, i need some help00:42
|GoLTaR|i try to extraxt file , but i goot this error :/ /usr/bin/touch: 1: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")00:43
geirha|GoLTaR|: What's the exact command line that produces that error?00:43
|GoLTaR|tar zxvf file.tar.gz00:45
geirhaHm. What does   file /usr/bin/touch   say?00:45
geirhaThough why tar would call /usr/bin/touch is baffling00:47
geirhaIs tar an alias or function perhaps? What's the output of   type -a tar   ?00:48
seidos|GoLTaR|: did you try tar -zxvf file.tar.gz ?00:48
|GoLTaR|i try try tar -xf /full/path/to/file.tar and it work00:48
geirhaIt's very odd to get an error message about touch when running tar though00:57
seidosdoes tar usually work without the hyphen?00:59
|GoLTaR|im trying to make update but i got the same error :/01:03
geirhamake update?01:04
geirha|GoLTaR|: Though, what does type say about tar?  type -a tar01:05
|GoLTaR|apt-get update01:05
|GoLTaR|-a tar01:05
|GoLTaR|-a: command not found01:05
geirha|GoLTaR|: "type" is a shell command01:05
|GoLTaR|tar is /bin/tar01:05
geirha|GoLTaR|: Do you get the error after you hit ENTER, or do you see when you try to tab complete?01:06
|GoLTaR|after i hit enter01:06
geirha|GoLTaR|: Hm. And the output of this?   file /usr/bin/touch /bin/touch01:07
geirha"file" is a command that tries to determine filetypes01:08
|GoLTaR|/usr/bin/touch: symbolic link to `/bin/touch'01:08
|GoLTaR|/bin/touch:     ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), corrupted program header size, corrupted section header size01:08
geirhaOh, that doesn't look right. corrupted program header size01:09
|GoLTaR|how can i fix this? :/01:09
geirhaWell, that depends on the magnitude of the problem. If it's only /bin/touch that is affected, reinstalling coreutils may do the trick01:11
|GoLTaR|i need to reinstall the touch ?01:12
geirhaWell, all we know is that the touch command is corrupted01:15
geirhaWhether this is due to a corrupt filesystem, failing harddrive or a malicious command is hard to know.01:17
seidosnot "the" touch, just touch01:22
|GoLTaR|i lost connection :/01:23
seidosi better go do other things, root lock, and read the touch man page01:23
|GoLTaR|what to reinstall? :/01:24
seidos|GoLTaR|: you can try sudo apt-get purge coreutils01:25
seidos|GoLTaR|: then sudo apt-get install coreutils01:25
geirhaI'd say sudo apt-get --reinstall install coreutils01:26
geirharemoving coreutils will likely uninstall a ton of other packages01:26
seidosyeah, didn't work here01:28
seidosi'm off01:29
geirhaBut again, the issue may not be limited to just the touch command01:29
geirhaBut its 3:30 am here now. I really have to get to bed. Reinstall coreutils and do a filesystem check. Keep an eye open for similarly odd errors.01:31
geirhaOh and don't indiscriminately copy/paste commands containing sudo from random sites/forums. Figure out what the command does first; you may ask in here for a second opinion.01:34
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coalwaterhow do i find the file creation date from terminal18:29
Unit193coalwater: ls -l not do it for you? :D18:29
coalwaterit shows modification date right ?18:30
coalwateri want first creation date18:30
Unit193I could be wrong, but read this http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/creation-date-of-file-using-the-ls-command-51921/#post25992118:34
coalwateri found it in the man page, inside --time18:39
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Unit193Coffeecat, nice :D19:07
kosaidpohow can i use httrack to dl only the ww.site.com/target the file under taget DIR22:26

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