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brendandhey pedro_13:32
pedro_hello brendand!13:33
brendandpedro_ - i got an email today about my bug-control membership expiring. do i need to do anything?13:33
pedro_brendand, you just did it :-P, give me a second and i'll renew it13:34
pedro_brendand, all done13:36
pedro_hggdh, hello to you Sir!13:36
pedro_jibel, salut! :-)13:37
hggdhpedro_: salutaciones (??)13:37
hggdhjibel: salut13:37
hggdhand Happy New Year!13:38
pedro_New year? did i lost the Chinese new year again?13:38
hggdhno, today is hosh hoshanah, Jewish new year13:39
pedro_AH! then13:40
pedro_hggdh, micahg Happy New Year! :-)13:40
hggdhpedro_: why, thank you, same to you :-)13:40
jibelHey pedro_ hggdh micahg and all13:57
jibelhggdh, you're too early, New Year starts at sundown IIRC13:58
jibel(although it's already sundown somewhere)13:58
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hggdhjibel: why wait?14:27
hggdhand yes, it is officially at sundown today14:28
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micahgthanks pedro_, just a little less that 8 hours away :)15:42
roadmrhggdh: morning, getting in touch with you to prevent my ubuntu-bugcontrol membership from expiring, as per an email I got today :)16:23
hggdhroadmr: looking. Will cost you a beer ;-)16:27
roadmrhggdh: UDS is coming, so the timing is good :)16:28
hggdhroadmr: done16:30
roadmrhggdh: awesome, thanks a bunch!16:30
hggdhroadmr: the pleasure is ours... we appreciate the help16:30
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pedro_so is there an easy way to grab the version of a package from launchpad?17:49
Ursinhapedro_, might be?17:49
Ursinhapedro_, not easy, but I think so17:49
* Ursinha goes through the docs17:50
Ursinhamight consider bdmurray knows the answer already17:50
pedro_so my first thought was to start looking at the dates and comparing those17:50
pedro_like a bug fixed upstream with no change for a year probably would be also fixed in our packages17:50
Ursinhaso it has an upstream bugtask, which is closed, and an Ubuntu one?17:51
bdmurrayOne thing I did with needs-packaging bugs with two that were similar was say in bug A "hey look at bug B" and in bug B "say hey look at bug A"17:51
pedro_and an Ubuntu task which remains open17:51
bdmurrayIn the hopes that people interested in the bugs and already subscribed would merge them17:52
bdmurraythis worked surprisingly well and would be a good first step17:52
pedro_but i can hit some false positives with software with no recent tarballs17:52
pedro_which we just pick 'some' fixes and not the whole repository17:52
pedro_so that's why I'd like to also consider the version number to try to avoid that17:53
* Ursinha tries to understand how it works17:53
Ursinhapedro_, can you give me a bug as example so I can visualize that?17:54
pedro_Ursinha, visualize what part?17:54
pedro_I don't have an example right now of the second part i was describing17:55
Ursinhasorry, the first one, that would be a real positive17:55
Ursinhaif that can be said17:55
pedro_sure, one sec17:55
pedro_bug 10587417:56
ubot4pedro_: Bug 105874 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/105874 is private17:56
pedro_no is not :-P17:56
pedro_bug 11563417:56
ubot4pedro_: Bug 115634 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/115634 is private17:56
pedro_haha the bot hate me17:57
bdmurraybug 117:57
ubot4bdmurray: Bug 1 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/1 is private17:57
pedro_anyways there's the link, the bug is not private , just too old17:57
Ursinhathat means it's failing17:57
Ursinhawith something as a timeout17:57
pedro_i blame hggdh17:57
* bdmurray grabs pitchfork17:57
Ursinhapedro_, the upstream bugtask is necessarily linked to an upstream bug? as bug 11563417:59
ubot4Launchpad bug 115634 in gedit-plugins (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "include *bib in gedit comment plug-in" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11563417:59
Ursinhaha, what17:59
Ursinhabug 118:00
ubot4Launchpad bug 1 in tilix (and 28 other projects) "Microsoft has a majority market share (affects: 946) (dups: 2) (heat: 4488)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118:00
Ursinhayeah, bot hates you both :P18:00
hggdhUrsinha: not necessarily. Some upstreams do not have a BTS we can link to (for example, bug 860871)18:07
ubot4Launchpad bug 860871 in ntfs-3g (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "typo in error string regarding cluster references (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86087118:07
bdmurraypedro_: you might check and see if bryce has done any work in this area18:09
pedro_bdmurray, ok, will ask him and also check in arsenal just in case they have something similar there18:15
bdmurraypedro_: bug 423817 is desktop right?18:16
ubot4Launchpad bug 423817 in brother-cups-wrapper-common (Ubuntu) "brcupsconfpt1 assert failure: *** buffer overflow detected ***: /usr/Brother/Printer/dcp560cn/cupswrapper/brcupsconfpt1 terminated (affects: 97) (dups: 66) (heat: 710)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42381718:16
pedro_bdmurray, more like a MOTU/Till18:17
Ursinhahggdh, in that case, how do we know if there's a fix upstream?18:21
bdmurraypedro_, Ursinha: fyi I'm working on a search-bugs --package --consolidate script for every package with a pattern18:21
Ursinhabdmurray, great18:22
pedro_bdmurray, ie: we don't have to use --package=ubuntu anymore?18:22
bdmurrayno something that runs regularly seeing if any new desktop couch bugs came in matching a pattern18:23
hggdhUrsinha: it depends. In the example I gave, the bug & the patch were communicated to upstream in what seems the single way they accept it; I do not know if they will ever tell us anything more18:23
bdmurrayso parse bugpatterns.xml for packages and run search-bugs --package package --tags apport-crash --consolidate18:23
pedro_bdmurray, ah that's cool :-)18:23
Ursinhahggdh, but do we proactively look for fixes?18:23
bdmurrayhggdh: I believe the starting point for this is ubuntu bugs with a bug watch that is fix released18:24
bdmurrayhggdh: so your silly bug wouldn't be in the list18:24
Ursinhabdmurray is mean18:24
hggdhUrsinha: sometimes -- for example, coreutils -- you open a bug via email (to bug-coreutils@gnu.org); looking at the thread you will know if it was accepted18:24
bdmurrayhggdh: again with the corner cases18:24
pedro_oh it's because hggdh is celebrating the New Year?18:24
hggdhbdmurray: er, *your* silly bug ;-) I just proposed a patch :-)18:24
bdmurrayssh don't tell18:25
hggdhbdmurray: indeed. But Ursinha's question was if we *always* link to an upstream BTS. The answer is no, and two corner cases shown18:26
Ursinhabdmurray, he made his point :)18:26
bdmurrayhggdh: okay I guess I missed something then18:27
hggdhUrsinha: we *should* look proactively to fixes; if an upstream is marked fix released, we should consider applicability for us -- perhaps a sync from Debian, etc18:27
Ursinhahggdh, right. I wanted to know how do we do that currently, if we do18:27
* hggdh thinks we do not, not really18:28
hggdhdarn it! My AWS instance just died a horrible death on reboot :-(18:28
Ursinhaso, a case we can cover now: bugs that have linked upstream bugs and are fix released, and have ubuntu tasks opened18:30
Ursinhahaving this is a starting point, right?18:30
Ursinhapedro_, how do you do that manually today?18:31
pedro_Ursinha, which part? the searching ? the seeing if the fix is included in our package or not?18:32
Ursinhahow do you get the first list of bugs that you'll go through checking case by case18:33
pedro_i've wrote an script to do it, before that i was doing the search on lp which eek...18:33
Ursinhapedro_, can I see it? I want to have an idea on the query you're running..18:35
pedro_Ursinha, ubuntu.searchTasks(bug_supervisor=team, status_upstream='resolved_upstream', order_by='-heat'):18:35
Ursinhahm, okay18:36
pedro_and since that returns a lot of false positives, i'm also checking the remote_status18:36
pedro_of the bug_watch object18:36
Ursinhafix released in launchpad that are not resolved upstream?18:44
Ursinhapedro_, the remote_status needs to be what to be valid?18:52
pedro_it needs to be 'RESOLVED FIXED'18:53
Ursinhapedro_, what's the difference between closed fixed and resolved fixed?18:54
Ursinhaor any other resolved?18:55
Ursinhathere's also only "fixed"18:55
pedro_Ursinha, it's different between upstream BTS, in Bugzilla at least (freedesktop, gnome) its resolved fixed18:58
pedro_in Debian i think its 'done'18:58
pedro_so not sure from where its that closed fixed18:59
pedro_and yes there's plenty of other resolved status18:59
pedro_at least to the BTS i'm looking at there is: resolved fixed, resolved duplicate, resolved invalid, resolved no a bug, wontfix ,etc19:00
Ursinharight, so it varies19:01
UrsinhaI can look at the BTS of the packages that show different values and see the expected ones19:02
hggdhUrsinha: most of this will have been mapped by the LP folks -- LP translates between the upstream status and ours, so they should have a mapping available for those we know19:31
hjdAfter asking the reporter about some more information (I suspected it might be a duplicate), I forgot about bug 770373 for a while and it expired. Any ideas what I should to with? Reopen to new?19:34
ubot4Launchpad bug 770373 in etherape (Ubuntu) "etherape does not work after installation (affects: 1) (heat: 3)" [Undecided,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77037319:34
hggdhhjd: looking19:35
hggdhhjd: in this case the OP answered, but did not change the status from Incomplete to New -- so it automagically expired19:36
hggdhhjd: you can reopen it (move status to New) and keep on19:36
hjdhggdh: reopened it now.19:39
hggdhhjd: thank you for helping, BTW :-)19:39
hjdI have to admit I am not really sure what to do with this bug in the future, but I'll leave it open and hopefully someone will come along and sort it out.19:40
hggdhhjd: well, I am confused as well w.r.t. the OP19:45
hggdh's response19:46
bdmurraybug 858119 sounds like a good thing to me20:29
ubot4Launchpad bug 858119 in ubuntu "the antenna wi-fi does not ignite (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85811920:29
pedro_Houston we're ready to launch the antenna20:30
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