
dholbachgood morning07:02
dpmgood morning all07:07
dholbachhey dpm07:08
pleia2dholbach: thanks for all the replies to the CC nominations07:11
dholbachde rien :)07:11
pleia2and it looks like APAC membership board is back on track, they had another meeting \o/07:11
dpmhey dholbach ;)07:11
pleia2and since you guys are awake, it means I should get to bed, night all :)07:12
dholbachpleia2, awesome! :)07:12
dholbachgood night Liz! :)07:12
head_victimpleia2: we even got quorum! Night.07:13
kim0Morning all07:55
=== ara is now known as Guest99538
czajkowskihow are we all this fantastic and sunny day08:31
dpmhey czajkowski, very well, thanks, how are you? :-)09:34
Pendulummhall119: good morning :)12:07
akgranerGood Morning - yep that's right I am putting both those words together :-)  (I've had my coffee)13:34
czajkowskiGOOD DAY akgraner13:36
akgranerczajkowski, :-)  how's you?13:38
czajkowskiGREAT thanks you?13:39
akgranergood....just staying busy13:39
czajkowskipretty much13:39
czajkowskithis place has a long working day13:39
czajkowskiand writing stuff for a mate for their site training manuals in the evenings13:40
czajkowskiso weekends I kick back and do nothing but rugby watching13:40
czajkowskioh nad I've to have a disc removed in a few months13:40
akgranerjust started a new peer 2 peer group for PTSD survivors called "Ruby Slippers" (b/c like Dorthy in the wizard of OZ the healing all begins inside a person)13:41
czajkowskiakgraner: hows life with you13:41
czajkowskiakgraner: for army folks ?13:41
akgranerfinally back on track :-)  eek on the surgery hope that goes well13:41
akgranerczajkowski, anyone really but we are doing a proof of concept on the program with the VA hospital that I go to in Asheville13:42
czajkowskiakgraner: cool13:42
akgranerthen if that works out then there could be government funding for it13:42
czajkowskiakgraner: meh I've had 4 epidurals and it didnt work, have more physio, but at the ened oif the day, disc removal seems to be best option, means I'm even gonna be more of a short arse13:43
akgranerput hopefully in less pain...13:43
akgranerbut even13:43
czajkowskiwell I'm in pain but not pain any more that I can't walk or do stuff, I'm just lob sided, which is annoying13:44
akgranerjcastro you around?13:44
czajkowskias I always look crooked13:44
czajkowskifreaks my folks out13:44
akgranereek- I hope the surgery will fix that for ya13:44
czajkowskihopefully it's bulging and won't go back in and is pretty worn away13:44
czajkowskiso removal13:45
czajkowskiwill get it done once this contract is over13:45
czajkowskino biggie13:45
czajkowskifew weeks bed rest13:45
akgranergood luck with that- what's the recovery time13:45
czajkowski3 day in hospoital in theory 4 week off work13:45
czajkowskibut I'd say 213:46
czajkowskiI recover fast13:46
czajkowskiand there is no way I'm sitting for 4 weeks doing diddly squat I'd going crazy13:46
akgranerI was going to say that might be hard for you to sit for 4 weeks - but good luck across the board on that13:47
czajkowskiwell keep still and bed rest and walking slowly13:47
akgranerI'm glad you're getting everything fixed - I am sure you'll feel better and be happier and less pain - all sound like a good thing for ya13:47
* jussi wanders in13:49
akgranerczajkowski, you have mail13:49
akgranerjussi, hi!13:49
jussiakgraner: hi. you are way perky today... :D13:50
akgranerwell I toned down perky me b/c pgraner said I was too over the top and intense for most people...so I tried that for a while13:51
akgranercan't do it - just gotta be me :-)13:52
jussiakgraner: just be you, we all expect it anyway, and its nicer than some grouchy person :)13:52
akgraner:-) yeah there are enough grumpy people to go around in the FOSS universe ...that's true13:53
akgranerwell that and jcastro said I sounded like I was selling time shares :-P  had to re-think my approach....Decided I like the time share me :-P  sorry jcastro13:56
dholbachjcastro, kim0: one day dpm is not going to talk to us mere mortals any more, he's all over the place: http://www.golem.de/1109/86715.html13:57
czajkowskiakgraner: dearly13:59
dpmdholbach, nah, on the contrary, privileged to play in the same team as you guys ;)14:01
jcastrogood morning14:02
jcastrohi dpm!14:02
jcastroI have questions for you at our call today!14:02
dpmjcastro, hey, sure :)14:03
czajkowskiwhats the art of community channel14:13
popeyhe has a channel for that?14:13
popeyjoin #artofc14:14
czajkowskitrying to get the swiss gu to find out either from jono or from heather14:14
popeyat a guess14:14
czajkowskibut loco contacts list isn't gonna have the asnwer as to why he didnt get it14:14
czajkowskiI wonder is it because he order two as he's the contact for two teams14:14
czajkowskias the mail states it's heathers call14:15
jcastrothere we go baby, that's a big one14:42
AlanBelland inquisitive haddock14:43
jussioh wow, are we now going back to C for names...?14:48
jussiUbuntu 12.04 Curious Cod :D14:48
* AlanBell wonders if the -p announcement will be more surprising than normal14:57
jcastrowho knows anything about the QR code for this UDS?14:58
jcastrois it the same as last time?14:58
dholbachhey jono14:59
jonohey dholbach14:59
jcastromhall119: nigelb: the qr code in summit, is that what we're using?14:59
czajkowskijono: just the man I need badly15:00
czajkowskiI wont say that too often I swear15:00
czajkowskijono: got a moment for 2 second pm15:00
czajkowskiso I need you badly only for 2 seconds15:00
jonoczajkowski, I have a call now, but feel free to pm15:01
jonodholbach, jcastro, kim0, dpm all set?15:01
jonocreating the hangout15:02
* AlanBell thinks QR codes were underexploited in summit15:02
dpmready to roll15:02
=== ara is now known as Guest78845
jonodholbach, jcastro, kim0, dpm invite sent15:05
jcastrowe're putting them on the badges15:06
jcastroI need to know though, if we made the QR code pointing to the schedule15:06
jcastroor if that was something we got from this guidebook thing15:06
jonokim0, all set?15:06
jcastromhall119: can I mess with those slots again?15:09
jcastromy thing froze up15:11
Picipoor thing.15:12
* czajkowski hugs popey 15:17
* czajkowski hands him a creme egg :) smile 15:17
akgranerok so silly questions - do you all call cloud.ubuntu.com, developer.ubuntu.com etc portals b/c of the software you all use to built them on?15:29
czajkowskior the features they are hosting ?15:30
akgranerthe non-developer in me thought at first it might be b/c it's a "portal" into that part of the community and development - but Pete laughed me out of the room...and told me to ask - then go RTFM  - grrrrr....15:31
popeyakgraner: its what you said it is15:32
popeyapple call it the "Developer Center"15:32
popeywell, "iOS Dev Center" "OSX Dev Center" etc15:33
akgranerahhh ok15:33
popeyi would call it a portal15:33
popeytis a common term in the places I work15:33
akgranerI was just wanting to understand....15:33
popeyyeah, not sure what "normals" call it15:34
akgranerI just wanted to make sure I can explain it to duel audiences15:34
czajkowskiakgraner: makes sense15:34
nigelbjcastro: I'll defer to mhall119. I don't even know what that does.16:02
jcastroit looks like the code is the same16:32
jcastroit just points to guidebook in the market/store.16:32
mhall119jcastro: the QR code had been pointing to the Guidebook app16:47
mhall119since nothing else we have is mobile-accessible16:48
dholbachI call it a day - see you all tomorrow16:48
jcastrook that's what we're printing on the badge then I guess16:48
jcastroGood to go!16:48
AlanBellmhall119: actually the session pages with the pads work great on android, read only but live updates16:49
mhall119jcastro: the QR code we have up there now is no good16:49
mhall119jcastro: it pointed to a redirect that guidebook made when they changed names, but it's not working anymore16:49
mhall119jcastro: you need to get a new QR code from them16:50
jcastronot to me16:50
jcastroit directed to guidebook16:50
AlanBellis there a lanyrd for UDS?16:50
mhall119jcastro: ok, theymust have fixed it then, cjohnston and I tried it about a month ago and it didn't16:51
jcastroI just tried it now16:51
mhall119me too, works for me now16:51
jcastrobut I would feel better if someone else would try it16:51
jcastroanyone have an iphone?16:51
jcastrooh you mean that thing16:52
jcastroI thought you mean a physical lanyard16:53
jcastroyeah, I wish we would just use that16:53
AlanBellno, I know how to spell :)16:53
AlanBellI was just pondering QR codes and integration possibilities, don't think it is quite the right sort of thing for lanyrd integration16:55
jcastroI wish we did this + one of those awesome registration thingies17:00
akgranerjcastro, but we have LP :-P17:01
akgranerinsert sarcasm there....17:01
jcastroanyone half way decent with the gimp?17:28
AlanBelljcastro: to do what?17:42
jcastroI need to make 2 logos have a transparent background17:43
jcastroso that they are not huge white boxes17:43
AlanBellyup, easy17:43
jcastroI have a call in 15 minutes, can I ping you after that?17:43
nigelbAlanBell: ping18:41
nigelbAlanBell: Do you know of any open source, embeddable, polling system?18:42
AlanBellto do a big survey form thing?18:42
nigelbIts a yes/no poll.18:42
nigelbJust one question18:42
AlanBellso not limesurvey18:42
nigelbsomething, simpler.18:42
AlanBellthere are oodles of wordpress plugins to do that18:43
nigelbI don't use wordpress :)18:43
AlanBellnot sure really18:44
nigelbHrm, I could just use google docs.18:44
jcastro^^^ that18:46
jcastrowe need a limesurvey juju formula18:46
popeyspammy generated account or keyboard-mash extreme sports entrant?18:48
nigelbI applaud the effort to remember the username.18:50
popeylastpass ftw18:53
PiciAt least they have a normal realname.18:57
* Pici uses keepass219:00
jcastromhall119: around?23:59

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