
=== chrispluns is now known as binarymutant
Viper550Okay, I'm trying to build something with GRUB2 based off a mockup I made, but grub-mkfont spat back at me a whole bunch of gsub errors, and a completely broken font when I get to the grub screen02:18
infinityViper550: You know, the further from 1999 we get, the more obscure your nick gets.02:24
Viper550infinity, yeah. I'm trying to construct this. http://i.imgur.com/TgxQv.png02:28
Viper550however, grub-mkfont is not cooperating02:28
infinityBeer calls.  But I wish you luck.02:29
pittiGood morning04:08
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pittibdrung, doko: you mean the xzgv FTBFS? looks like a missing -lm?04:10
pittibdrung: looks like eclipse was uploaded and accepted, anything else that needs to be done there?04:10
soreauHow can I tell what configure options were used when building a certain package?04:31
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sladensoreau: apt-get source name-of-package04:47
pitti@pilot in04:49
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Beta 2 Released | Archive: Feature/UI Freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: pitti
soreausladen: Sorry, it was my understanding that only downloads the source of the package, including ubuntu patches04:54
pittidoko: ah, was this the gdk-pixbuf one? seems seb128 reverted the libs.private thing there04:54
slangaseksoreau: the "source of the package" includes all scripts used to control compilation and installation of the package contents04:57
soreauslangasek: Ah ok.. I did not know that04:58
soreauslangasek: Specifically, where would I find the configure line though?04:58
slangaseksoreau: if you want to know the precise configure line used, it's easiest to check the build log04:59
soreauslangasek: Which is also included I'm assuming04:59
slangasekotherwise, it's somewhere in debian/rules and friends04:59
soreauslangasek: The build log isn't jumping out at me from what I can see05:03
soreauWhere can I find it?05:04
slangaseksoreau: under the package page on launchpad05:04
slangasek(it's not part of the source, that would be a bootstrapping paradox)05:04
slangasekhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/$pkg, -> click on the version, click on the architecture name, click on the build log05:05
soreauah ha05:06
soreauslangasek: thanks05:06
soreaufound the configure shebang and what I needed to know05:07
didrocksgood morning05:46
ScottKdidrocks: Good morning.05:52
didrockshey ScottK05:52
ScottKdidrocks: Qt did finish on armel, so your way is clear to upload it again.05:52
* ScottK is off to bed.05:52
didrocksScottK: ok, just waiting some minutes to have some feedback from agateau and then pushing both patches. Thanks for the notice!05:52
didrocksScottK: have a good night05:52
pittisladen: did you see https://launchpadlibrarian.net/81266457/buildlog_ubuntu-oneiric-i386.ubuntu-mono_0.0.35_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz ?06:22
siretartinfinity: that's a bit sad, because there are a number of IMO quite important issue fixed by this upload. I think I could do a new upload with something like less than 6 patches06:56
infinitysiretart: Even the crazy 63 upstream cherrypicks, I can deal with, I'm not sure that multi-arching a library without SERIOUS revdep testing when we're this cose to release is safe, though.06:59
dholbachgood morning07:02
infinitysiretart: Any chance for an upload with all the upstream fixes, but none of the multiarch scary?  vorlon, doko, and I were all on the same page there.  It's just too late to test if it'll break.07:03
pooliehi dholbach07:05
dholbachhey poolie07:05
pooliedoko, congratulations, you are officially affected by more bugs than anyone else in lp07:05
poolie(per bug 858618)07:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 858618 in Launchpad itself "hard to find bugs that affect you in a project" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85861807:05
infinityMaybe he's just drawn to green text?07:06
poolieor bugs07:06
infinityWell, reporters are automagically "affected", right?07:06
infinitySo, mass FTBFS filings would do it. :P07:07
pooliemaybe not for api filing07:07
siretartinfinity: oh, sure, I'll just revert the multiarch commit then07:11
infinitysiretart: That would be lovely.  Make sure it wasn't several commits (ie: don't let it linger half-baked) :)07:11
siretartno, it was implemented in single commit by ceros07:12
dholbachhey infinity07:12
infinityThen give us a non-ma version of the last upload, I'll cringe at the 63 cherrypicks, and let it through.07:13
dholbachhey siretart07:13
dholbachhow are you all doing?07:13
infinityHey Daniel.07:13
infinitySleepy.  You? :)07:13
dholbachsleepy too :-P07:13
dholbachI hope the coffee is going to fix it :)07:13
infinityI've heard claims that it does.07:14
siretartdholbach: hey! thanks, I've just returned home on monday from my trip to california (where, among others, I've met infinity at LPC) :-)07:15
dholbachnice :)07:15
infinityTurns out that siretart's still German.07:16
infinityHe should really fix that.07:16
siretartdo we already know the name for the ubuntu p-series?07:16
siretartinfinity: working on it, but probably requires a job for me in the us07:16
infinitysiretart: Prepubescent Pterodactyl.07:17
infinitysiretart: Just to make sure no one can spell it.07:17
soreauinfinity: Is that a joke or the real name?07:32
infinitysoreau: A joke. :P07:33
soreauinfinity: That's a pretty good one in any event07:33
soreauhow long did it take you to come up with that? :)07:33
infinitysoreau: A few seconds?07:34
soreauinfinity: Twas rhetorical but touché07:36
dokopoolie, filed by a script, but the fixes are unfortunately non-scriptable ;-P07:49
infinitydoko: I wouldn't call that unfortunate.  We'd all be out of jobs if we could script things like that. :P07:51
micahginfinity: we could do bug fixes instead of build fixes :)07:51
infinitymicahg: If we can script one, we can script the other. :)07:52
micahginfinity: build fixes especially DSO ones seem scriptable in theory07:53
dokopitti: new glibmm needed :-/08:02
pittidoko: new in what regard?08:02
pittiit built fine everywhere?08:03
pittiand matching gtkmm3.0 uploaded as well08:03
dokopitti, it's stalled everywhere08:03
dokoaccording to http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/ftbfs/08:03
pittiI don't see glibmm there08:04
pittiwhat do you mean by "stalled"?08:04
* pitti is still confused what you mean -- https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glibmm2.4/2.30.0-0ubuntu1 looks just fine08:05
jamespagemorning all08:05
pittidoko: oh, do you mean the orange gtkmm3.0 there?08:05
pittidoko: it's building on armel, and built on all others08:05
dokopitti: re 749159, you're fighting a bot. have fun08:06
seb128slangasek, hey08:06
seb128slangasek, ok, so booting with gfx...=text "fixes" my monitors being screwed when booting docked08:07
pittidoko: FYI, retrying ubiquity; looks like the g-i fix that I uploaded a few days ago08:08
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dokoseb128, pitti: please care about http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=640450, seen in oneiric too08:29
ubottuDebian bug 640450 in src:libgnomeprintui "libgnomeprintui: FTBFS: gnome-print-layout-selector.c:528: undefined reference to `ceil'" [Serious,Open]08:29
pittiah, ubiquity builds now08:30
* pitti throws gobject-introspection FTBFS fix queue-wards08:39
bdrungpitti: no08:42
pittiogra, asac: should linux-linaro-vexpress get seeded somewhere? (see http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt)08:44
pittikirkland, Daviey: also from component-mismatches, powernap wants to go to universe again; I thought this was meant to be in main/default server instasll?08:44
Davieyhmm, i thought i fixed that08:45
infinitypitti: It should be pulled in by d-i, I believe, once Colin re-enables that target.08:46
infinitypitti: I think.08:46
Davieypitti: should now be fixed08:49
pittiDaviey: cheers08:49
infinitypitti: I pinged Colin about the d-i/vexpress thing, but I'm heading to bed soon.  Might want to follow up with him and make sure I'm not full of it.08:53
cjwatsonpitti: yeah, I'm sorting that out now, please leave it in main or it'll make d-i FTBFS09:05
pitticjwatson: oh, I didn't want to demote it; just asking how we want to keep it in main; thanks!09:06
pitticjwatson: ah, seems we missed merging live-build from Debian again; do you mind if I upload a targetted one-line patch to fix bug 857494?09:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 857494 in live-build (Ubuntu) "package in config/chroot_packages/ isn't installed in the chroot" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85749409:17
pittithis is mainly to make ubuntu-defaults-image's --package option work with a local .deb09:17
cjwatsonpitti: go ahead09:17
cjwatsonthe merge was big and complicated09:17
pitti(want to test it again, so still need an hour or so)09:17
didrockspitti: if you want using the french package… :-)09:17
pittiyeah, a merge at this point would be way too intrusive now09:18
seb128cjwatson, hey09:18
pittididrocks: I have a local -ch-zh here, for downsizing; I'll use that for testing09:18
didrockspitti: I noticed that there is no way to add search engines as well (we did that for the french documentation). I think I'll work on that for P.09:18
didrocksgreat :)09:18
pittididrocks: ah, I think we removed that because firefox doesn't allow us to09:19
didrocksnot sure if I forgot on the list of things we did in the french respin09:19
tjaaltoncould a member of the release team ack/nack the ffe for sssd I filed, bug 86029709:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 860297 in sssd (Ubuntu) "FFE: sssd 1.5.8 -> 1.5.13" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86029709:19
pittididrocks: I discussed that with Chris, and there was something which prevented us from adding them09:19
didrockspitti: hum, we have an agreement with mozilla europe as the french loco team, so we will maybe retweak it (the head of mozilla europe is french, it helps)09:19
seb128cjwatson, grub gfxpayload=... option is breaking my screen outputs when docked09:20
seb128cjwatson, it was when setting it to =text (slangasek suggestion from yesterday)09:20
seb128cjwatson, do you know what info would be useful in a bug and where to file it?09:20
seb128where ... is $linux_gfx_mode (or whatever is the default, not sure of the name now)09:21
seb128"it works when setting it to =text"09:22
cjwatsonseb128: not on grub, sounds like a kernel bug09:23
cjwatsonI mean, unless grub2 is leaving the registers in some kind of invalid state which is possible, but grub2 isn't the place to start analysing that I think09:24
seb128cjwatson, ok thanks09:26
seb128I will open a kernel bug09:27
sladenpitti: ta09:35
apwseb128, does your machine work ok on natty, and does it have seemless boot there ?09:35
sladenpitti: (hadn't seen it, was asleep)09:35
seb128apw, yes and yes09:35
seb128apw, it's a dell latitude e641009:35
apwoh god not those heaps09:35
seb128apw, oneiric works when I boot undocked, if I boot docked I get the external monitor to turn purple (grub background like) and then never get anything else on screen09:36
seb128no plymouth, no lightdm, not vts09:36
seb128I can switch to vts, the num lock status change09:36
seb128so I think it boots and work, the screen just stay purple (and on)09:36
seb128same on the laptop and external screens09:36
apwso the machine boots then ... well thats something.  means we can get register dumps off it ... sigh09:36
seb128if I boot undocked, wait for lightdm to show up and dock the laptop it works fine09:36
seb128if I boot docked with gfxpayload=text it works fine09:37
apwwhere does grub show up when its docked, the same place ?09:37
seb128seems so09:37
apwwhat sort of graphics does it have ?09:37
seb128well I usually boot docked with lid closed, i.e only external monitor09:37
seb128apw, the i5 integrated card09:38
seb128i.e intel09:38
apwso sounds like unpicking bios setup is still broken, *cries*09:38
* apw HATES BIOS09:38
seb128apw, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/857434 might have some details about my config09:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 857434 in linux (Ubuntu) "creates a 5 seconds delay in the boot" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:39
seb128apw, it's a bug I opened recently on plymouth, which seems to be a duplicate of bug #85498609:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 854986 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "[eDP1] 5 second delay between Xorg starting and the greeter starting (Dell Latitude E6410)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85498609:39
apwseb128, that title is missing a 'what'09:39
seb128apw, oh, I use ecryptfs which means plymouth is loaded in the initramfs09:40
seb128apw, "what" was the component I opened the bug against, i.e plymouth09:40
seb128apw, i.e see the plymouth bar on https://launchpadlibrarian.net/80738739/oneiric-20110923-1.png09:40
seb128apw, but I think it's the same as the other bug, edp probbing being slow, it just happens in the initramfs there due to ecryptfs use09:41
apwits curtainly stupid that cryptsetup ends up doing things even when you don't have root encrypted, but hey09:41
seb128yeah, it's another bug...09:41
apw5s added to the boot won't show up against the myriad of other delays09:41
seb128apw, heh, that chart shows that unity is loaded at 10s, it means it double the boot time to greeter for me ;-)09:42
seb128ups, unity->unity-greeter (lightdm)09:43
sladenpitti: weird.  It's building here without 'rsvg' installed;  imagemagick must have some other way of doing .svg rasterisation09:43
apwbut its ok, you get a nice 20s to look at a blank desktop after that, so its just getting you used to it09:43
* apw notes that the "google" command line tool just stopped working for natty ... seems its using the wrong URLs09:44
seb128apw, still, what info would be useful in a bug about the "booting docked with gfxpayload=$linux_gfx_mode screws screen outputs"09:44
apwif you filed it against linux,t hen i'd expect we have whats needed in basic.  if its intel i am going to ask you for an intel_reg_dump from a good boot and a bad boot, which means you'll need to get ssh working i suspect09:45
MacSlowRAOF, ping09:45
seb128apw, ok09:45
RAOFMacSlow: Pong.09:54
MacSlowRAOF, hey there... what's the source-package of libgl1-mesa-dri? Just "mesa3d"?09:55
RAOFMacSlow: mesa09:55
MacSlowah ok thanks09:55
RAOF(apt-cache show libgl1-mesa-dri will show "Source: mesa" for future reference)09:56
MacSlowRAOF, I'm not sure I'll remember this a week from now :)09:58
MacSlowRAOF, and grepping through my megs of xchatlogs-data isn't usually my typical way to search for info ;)09:58
RAOFJust remember "apt-cache show".  It's the font of all knowledge!09:59
Laneyhttp://www.guardian.co.uk/travel/2011/sep/28/orlando-florida-cultural-top-10 :-)10:12
pittididrocks: live-build fix uploaded10:22
didrockspitti: thanks! :)10:22
pittimicahg: eww @ autom4te.cache/ in the blueman upload10:44
pittimicahg: (not a blocker, but would be nice to clean up in the next upload)10:44
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micahgpitti: sorry, where was that12:00
pittimicahg: blueman12:01
micahgpitti: right, but I don't see it anywhere12:01
pittimicahg: hm, it was in the diff12:09
micahgpitti: ah, I didn't look that hard at the 1.21 -> 1.22 part of the diff12:10
micahgpitti: it's really weird, I don't have that in my local copy of the blueman source...12:11
micahgpitti: I'll look at the diff a little later, nap time now :)12:11
pittimicahg: perhaps debian/rules clean calls autoreconf or so (dh_autoreconf DTRT)12:12
pittimicahg: but not a biggie, sleep well!12:12
micahgpitti: thanks12:12
=== Amaranthus is now known as Amaranth
alfmatosoneiric beta 2 is not downladable, atm...12:38
alfmatosHTTP 40312:38
pittihm, works here12:38
sagaciworks here12:39
sagacivia wget :)12:39
ionalfmatos: Try without a proxy.12:40
alfmatosno proxy here12:40
alfmatos(or transparent)12:40
alfmatosso it works for everyone12:41
alfmatosi'm in europe, what ip do you guys get?12:42
alfmatoshost releases.ubuntu.com releases.ubuntu.com has address
alfmatosthe same?12:43
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
ogra_thats a round robin DNS entry i think, will return varying IP adresses12:45
pitti91.189.92.157 here, but what ogra said12:45
pittialfmatos: do you use a proxy?12:45
ogra_or a provider that secretly puts one in the loop :)12:46
alfmatospitti: don't think so12:49
alfmatospitti: not explicit12:49
AmaranthI don't think that one is round-robin DNS actually12:51
alfmatosuhmm, i can't seem to wget directly from the ip12:53
alfmatosi get redirected12:53
alfmatosbut the weird thing is that i can download the .torrent or zsync12:54
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ogra_Amaranth, well, in any case it returns different IPs for different requests12:55
ogra_i get a 403 here with wget ... now thats weird12:55
Amaranthogra_: I guess something is caching it for me, I always get the same thing12:55
ogra_i get .157 pitti does12:55
alfmatosso, it is 40312:56
ogra_though the 403 is bothering12:56
pittiogra_: #is then?12:56
alfmatosis that just something someone can chmod ?12:56
pittino idea12:56
ogra_alfmatos, seems to be a issue with the machine that resolves to .16012:59
ogra_retrying it several times here, if i get a different IP it seems to work12:59
alfmatosogra_: so possibly someone should fix that13:04
alfmatosi'll try to flush my dns cache13:04
alfmatosand retry13:04
alfmatosgot it now13:04
ogra_the datacenter troops are on it13:04
alfmatos160, sucked again =)13:04
alfmatoscool, hope i helped. :)13:04
ogra_they will fix it :)13:05
ogra_thanks for reporting !13:05
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pittitseliot: hey Alberto!13:19
pittitseliot: any chance I could debug bug 855396 on your machine with ssh?13:19
tseliotpitti: hi Marin13:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 855396 in jockey (Ubuntu) "Jockey doesn't provide fglrx-updates" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85539613:19
tseliotpitti: I don't have a static ip13:20
pittitseliot: just tell me the current one :) usually you just need to enable port forwarding in the router13:20
pittitseliot: but you could also do ssh port forwarding to e. g. chinstrap13:21
pittiseems easier13:21
tseliotpitti: I think I did ssh port forwarding to chinstrap, let me check13:21
pittitseliot: ssh -R 2222:localhost:22 chinstrap...13:22
stgraberslangasek: ping13:53
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stgrabermvo_: ping14:07
stgrabermvo_: just talked with wendar about getting a staging PPA for the ARB. Could you create one? (you're the owner and administrator of the ARB team on LP)14:09
mvo_stgraber: done https://launchpad.net/~app-review-board/+archive/staging14:12
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stgrabermvo_: thanks14:12
mvo_stgraber: y14:13
wendarmvo_: thanks!14:13
tjaaltonstgraber: hey, do you remember why the libpam-sss pam-config priority was bumped? upstream says pam_sss.so should always be after pam_unix.so, and the change "broke" pam_ecryptfs.so in that you had to enter the password twice14:14
stgrabertjaalton: "- Bump pam-auth-update priority to 960 (512 + 256 + 128 + 64)" if that's what you're referring to, that was done based on pam-auth-update's documentation14:18
stgrabertjaalton: 512 = central network service, 256 = local authentication (through the cache), 128 = crypto, 64 = delegation of credentials for SSO14:19
tjaaltonstgraber: ok, where's that documentation?-)14:21
ion512 + 256 + 128 + 64? I didn’t know it was a bit field. I thought it was just a value for linear ordering.14:21
smosercjwatson, you have a minute?14:22
cjwatsonsmoser: ye14:22
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smoseri add http://paste.ubuntu.com/698522/14:22
smoserto /etc/default/grub.conf14:22
smoserand then 'update-grub'14:22
tjaaltonstgraber: ok it's on the spec14:22
smoserbut i still dont see a prompt14:22
cjwatsonshow me the resulting grub.cfg please14:23
cjwatsonand do you mean you don't see a menu?14:23
cjwatsonalso I hope you mean /etc/default/grub14:23
smoseri want to see the grub dialog/timeout.14:23
smoseryes, i meant /etc/default/grub14:23
cjwatsonyou probably need GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET=false too14:24
cjwatsonoh, you have that, confusingly written14:24
smoserhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/698528/ is the /etc/default/grub14:24
cjwatsoncould I have grub.cfg please?  you've pasted /etc/default/grub twice :)14:24
ScottKbarry: Would you be able to look at https://launchpadlibrarian.net/81310249/buildlog_ubuntu-oneiric-i386.unbound_1.4.13-0ubuntu1%7Eppa1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz14:26
smoserits possible that the gfx mode is screwing up, and/or just switching too quickly.14:26
barryScottK: i'll try.  i'll keep the browser window open14:28
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cjwatsonsmoser: sorry, I'm not entirely sure right now.  You could try GRUB_TIMEOUT=-1 as a workaround which I think will probably force it.14:30
slangasekstgraber: pong14:42
TanguyI am the maintainer of the Debian packages itstool and latexila.14:42
TanguyBoth of which have been diverging from Debian for release needs.14:43
TanguyNow that the last versions are in Debian testing, they may be integrated back, if it is relevant.14:43
stgraberslangasek: that was about bug 854967 and whether blacklisting nvidia in gfxpayload would be a problem for flickerless boot. Though you already answered that flickerless isn't working with binary drivers at the moment anyway.14:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 854967 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-updates (Ubuntu) "boot to rescue mode in Oneiric" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85496714:43
Riddellbarry: ping14:44
slangasekstgraber: right - true flickerless boot requires an in-kernel handoff without modeswitching, and we don't get that with binary drivers14:44
barryRiddell: pong14:44
stgrabertseliot: ping (bug 854967). Anything against blacklisting all the nvidia chips in gfxpayload? that'd need an upload of each of the nvidia binary drivers.14:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 854967 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-updates (Ubuntu) "boot to rescue mode in Oneiric" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85496714:45
Riddellbarry: for UDD I'm thinking there should be a get-tar command.  my use case is  bzr co ubuntu:foo; make a change; bzr get-tar; debuild.  is that a common workflow?14:45
cjwatsonTanguy: we're almost at our final freeze for 11.10; can it wait for the next release cycle?14:46
barryRiddell: it's not typically how i work.  usually after the checkout, `bzr bd -S` does the trick for me14:46
Tanguycjwatson: I guess it can, I was just mentionning the possibility in case it wuold have been useful.14:46
TanguyPersonally I do not care.14:47
tseliotstgraber: no objection at all, and I have to re-upload them all because of another change anyway14:48
Riddellbarry: well that just gives you a source build, I'm wanting to see if I get a successful build and make changes based on that14:48
TanguyRiddell, barry, I have just arrived in the middle of your description, but are you talking of storing an upstream tarball in a package's version repository?14:48
RiddellTanguy: no, I'm talking about the full ubuntu package branches14:48
tseliotstgraber: therefore I'll take care of it this week14:48
barryRiddell: right, i always switch to sbuild or pbuilder to get the binary built.14:49
stgrabertseliot: thanks14:49
Riddellbarry: mm, I don't so I guess our workflows differ14:50
barryRiddell: yep.  i gravitate toward sbuild because it gives me all the control of the build environ i need, and a good environ for debugging build problems14:50
seb128slangasek, apw: I opened bug #861477 about my no screen when docked issue14:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 861477 in linux (Ubuntu) "Oneiric's grub gfxpayload=$linux_gfx_mode breaks display output (intel)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86147714:53
apwseb128, asked you for the intel_reg_dumps in the bug14:56
seb128apw, ok, getting that14:59
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pitti@pilot out15:24
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Beta 2 Released | Archive: Feature/UI Freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
=== mvo_ is now known as mvo
* dholbach hugs pitti15:30
smosermvo, does do-release-upgrade address entries in /etc/fstab at all ? for devices that will have changed names ?15:50
smoserie, when we upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 in EC2, the kernel will start changing the name from 'sda' to 'xvda'.  if there are entries like /dev/sdb in /etc/fstab (espeically without 'nobootwait') a reboot is going to result in a unavailable system.15:51
mvosmoser: it does that in the quirks handler if we tell it to, we did that in the past. but I don't think we do anything currently (natty->oneiric)15:52
cjwatsonthis is for maverick->later15:52
mvosmoser: that sounds like something we ought to fix in a quirks handler15:52
mvosmoser: I don't think we did this one15:52
cjwatsonnote that lucid used xvd*15:52
smosercjwatson, lucid-ec2 used sda15:53
cjwatsonfair enough, plain lucid in Xen didn't though15:53
* smoser apologizes for all the crap that he/ec2 has brought upon ubuntu 15:53
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wookeymvo: does anything guarantee the sources at http://ports.ubuntu.com/ and http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu to be the same?16:06
wookeyor does one have to carefully use the sources from the correct repo to be sure of not getting strageness?16:06
ogra_wookey, there might be minimal mirroring delays, bit thats about it16:07
wookeyand another question: apt-get source gets the source for the highest-priority/newest binary in the cache16:07
wookeyit does _not_ get the highest-priority/newest source package in the cache16:07
wookeyI assume that's how it's intended to work?16:08
wookeyso is there a way to tell it to get the newest source avaialble?16:08
wookey(this behaviour confused me immensely for hours last night...)16:08
seb128apw, ok, I updated the bug and the description, it seems to be happening only when booting with the lid closed, I'm pretty sure it was buggy lid open and docked as well before but maybe an update fixed it16:09
seb128apw, I got the intel_reg_dump logs for broken and working boots, I can't try without the station since the laptop has no dvi-d output, I can try with a vga cable later16:09
apwseb128, sound good ta16:10
seb128apw, thank you for looking at it ;-)16:10
smosermvo bug 86153516:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 861535 in update-manager (Ubuntu P-series) "release-upgrade needs to address fstab entries for devices that will change names (sda -> xvda)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86153516:16
mvothanks smoser - is this P or do we need it for oneiric too?16:23
mvosmoser: nevermind, I just see that we should actually SRU it16:23
smosermvo, for this case, it would actually only affect 10.04 -> 12.04 or 10.10 -> 11.0416:23
mvoshould be simple to do16:24
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wookeymvo: did you see query re apt-get source behaviour above?16:26
mvowookey: yeah, I need to look at the source, but IIRC it should select the higest one. you can pass a version number too. do you see different behavior?16:27
wookeyyes. I have a pastebin with some detail in...16:29
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wookeythe version that apt-cache policy shows is the one that is downloaded, but that only the newest binary available, not the newest source available16:31
wookeyif I change the config so that the PPA binary arch (amd64) is listed in apt sources, instead of armel (which currently isn;t built) then is find the newer source package16:32
wookeys/is find/it finds/16:33
wookeyI could use the showsrc to find the version number and then pass that as a workaround.16:34
wookeybut I really wanted preferences to do this for me (because sometimes the PPA version won't be newest)16:34
mvowookey: thanks, I check it after dinner, but I'm unfortunately a bit overloaded with $stuff at this point16:35
wookeyyeah sure - me too :-)16:35
wookeyshoudl I file a proper bugrep with that info in it?16:35
wookeyNow I've understood what's going on it no longer urgent16:35
wookeyI also found that pinning doesn't work unless the archive key has been installed, which seems a bit odd.16:37
Davieyjhunt: Hello sir, how is udev looking?16:41
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hallynpitti: seb128: Just did an apt-get dist-upgrade on two oneiric laptops, and again, I now see17:54
hallyngsettings get org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power sleep-inactive-ac-type17:54
hallynthose were 'nothing' before the upgrade17:54
hallynthen I set it back to 'nothing', logged out and back in, it's still 'nothing'17:56
hallyn(and, again, my capslock-as-control preference got lost during the upgrade which is why i thought to check)17:56
ogra_hallyn, if you touch a keys, it gets stored in your home and wouldnt get touched by an upgrade of the system key17:57
ogra_at least thats how gconf operated, i suspect the same is true for dconf17:57
ogra_you need to wipe the key from your personal config to make it use the system default again17:58
ogra_(i think there is a  reset key option in dconf-editor)17:59
hallynogra_: what does 'touch a keys' mean?17:59
ogra_you changed a value17:59
hallynogra_: yesterday i opened the power settings manager, and set the values to 'do nothing'17:59
hallynthen i did apt-get dist-upgrade, and they got unset17:59
ogra_by i.e. selecting something in the control center17:59
hallynand since suspend is broken, i'm afraid that could cost others beside me some data17:59
ogra_oh, that actually sounds like it wiped your personal setting18:00
ogra_i dont think thats supposed to happen ... unless the key name changed or some such18:00
hallyni didn't pay enough attention to the packages being upgraded, whic his hwy i've not filed a bug yet.18:00
hallyn(was in a hurry, did '-y dist-upgrade)18:00
ogra_well, there was a change in gnome-power-manager for the "suspend after 30min regardless" issue18:04
ogra_and that actually touched the default settings18:04
seb128hallyn, ok18:20
DavieyIs removing ureadahead a viable workaround to bug #523484?  (/var being on a seperate parition)  The use case is a server enviroment, where i don't think the boot perf matters so much.18:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 523484 in ureadahead (Ubuntu) "ureadahead requires /var on root filesystem" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52348418:26
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jbichasladen: the new ubuntu-mono breaks the user-desktop icon21:34
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robert_ancell@pilot in23:17
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