
slashtommorning airurando08:43
airurandohey slashtom08:45
slashtomgood morning08:50
airurandohey czajkowski08:54
czajkowskihows the wee kids08:54
airurandogood.  at school.08:56
airurandoforgot to ask you... How id the new job going?08:57
czajkowskivery busy08:59
airurandothat's great09:01
czajkowskilots of them09:04
czajkowskiinto onenow09:04
BenChapmanMorning folks09:17
BenChapmanTribaal: Hey :)09:29
Tribaalmy flatmate email wasn't very successful :) I'll try normal channels instead :)09:36
Tribaalis it uncommon / weird to share flats in Ireland? Or is it just bad luck?09:37
slashtomcommon enough, http://daft.ie/09:38
ebelquite common.09:41
Tribaalthanks :)09:45
dumb1224my virtual terminal is behaving strangly...10:15
dumb1224it doesn't wrap the line that is longer than the width of the window10:15
dstaar1did you try to resize your terminal window?10:16
dumb1224it then displays random charactors,usually some command you type previously. any solution?10:16
dumb1224yea, after maximise the window its fine10:17
dstaar1that sounds really strange10:17
dumb1224but only within the width of the window.10:17
dumb1224i ssh onto another machine and this behaviour is gone,,so must have something to do with the terminal10:18
dstaar1it seems so.10:18
dumb1224I have also installed konsole and it's the same behaviour10:19
dumb1224although I didn't install the whole KDE10:19
dstaar1sounds weird10:20
dstaar1but i have absolutely no idea10:21
dumb1224no problem thanks all the same...:D10:22
BenChapmanSlashtom Tribaal: It's easy enough *once* you find the right place with the right people :P10:23
BenChapmanShort term lets are a bitch to find though :(10:23
dumb1224such a beaUtiFull day!! ^_____^10:24
dumb1224indian summer?10:24
dstaar1also in germany a nice and sunny day10:24
dumb1224dstaar1: you are in germany?10:25
BenChapmanShame I'm stuck in an office, but at least there's a huge window beside me10:25
dstaar1yep i'm in germany10:25
dstaar1i'll live in dublin for half a year from 2012 to 2013 that's why i am here10:26
dumb1224dstaar1: nice!10:27
BenChapmandstaar1: erasmus year or something like that?10:27
dstaar1that was my plan but my university has no exchange contract with dublin10:28
BenChapmanAh, that sucks. :(10:29
BenChapmanSo what are you doing instead?10:29
dstaar1yeah a lot. my plan now is to work in dublin10:29
BenChapmanoh cool. Found a job yet ?10:29
BenChapmanactually, may be a bit early :P10:30
dstaar1no it's too early.10:30
BenChapmanYeah, so what is it that you do?10:30
dstaar1i wanna start my search in fall next year10:30
dstaar1right now i study computer science in a master program10:31
* slashtom gets told to go out on the roof and use up megabytes... lovely day for it :P10:32
* BenChapman wishes there was a roof...10:32
BenChapmanthere is technically a roof but it's locked10:32
slashtomwell, it's a large 4th floor balcony pointing out towards the equater10:33
dstaar1BenChapman maybe you know some good addresses for getting a job.10:33
BenChapmandstaar1: I'm afraid I'm not sure what specifically you're looking for, is it engineering type jobs or more software based?10:34
BenChapmanOr just anything you can get?10:34
slashtomdstaar1: try monster.ie10:34
dumb1224slashtom: you mean facing south?10:34
BenChapmandstaar1: http://technicaljobs.ie/ might be a good place to start also10:34
dstaar1i prefer software based, preferable as programmer10:35
slashtomyes, that's the direction of the eqautor10:35
BenChapmandstaar1: and what languages do you use?10:35
dumb1224our roof is full of solar panels and research equips10:35
slashtomthe satellite is above the indian ocean, and i need to test today :P10:36
BenChapmanslashtom: sounds aweosme :P10:36
slashtom$5/MB though10:37
BenChapmanthat's how much you get charged?10:37
BenChapmanthat's not much more than mobile internet cost in Ireland a few years ago :P10:37
slashtomyes, and call rates of around $1/min10:38
slashtomalthough if you want 256Kb of guarenteed bandwidth that will cost you about $30/min10:38
dstaar1it's like a talk from 199210:40
BenChapmanI wasn't even born then10:40
dstaar1oh, dear my young fellow :D10:41
BenChapman;) 1993... a year later, 24 days before a japanese man started work on Ruby10:42
dumb1224slashtom: what satellite? commercial or research one?10:42
dstaar1god bless Matz :D10:42
dumb1224slashtom: i see10:42
slashtomcommercial, inmarsat10:42
ebeldstaar1: try mailing lists & look at the archives. e.g. ILUG, python ireland, ruby ireland, etc.10:43
dstaar1BenChapman: You are a ruby lover?10:43
BenChapmanGosh no, not at all. I'm a PHP dev10:43
ebel(for jobs that is. and apply for jobs from a long time ago, I've replied to job adverts that were 12 months old, etc.)10:43
dstaar1hi ebel.10:43
dstaar1i already subscribed at the ILUG mailing list10:43
BenChapmanSpeaking of which. this OpenERP thread has been going for ages10:44
dumb1224dstaar1: which part of germany are you from?I've been to the baden wurttemberg state last summer10:45
dstaar1i live in the suburban area of berlin10:45
dumb1224dstaar1: black forest,,,nice place10:45
dstaar1in the south east10:45
dumb1224oh cool10:45
dstaar1it is a nice region.10:46
dstaar1but far away from baden würtemberg :D10:46
BenChapmanhey czajkowski10:46
czajkowskiBenChapman: howdy10:46
czajkowskihows things10:46
dumb1224yea...technically I went to freiburg,,,in the black forest area10:46
dstaar1ebel: You mean it's a good strategy to apply for old job offerings?10:47
dstaar1it's nice for vacation but i don't wanna work there ^^10:47
ebeldstaar1: yes, apply for old job offerings. A lot of the time the company might not have found a person, or they might be still hiring.10:47
BenChapmanI've never actually applied for a job through an advert... I've always gone to companies I wanted to work for (not that I have much experience of it)10:48
dstaar1nice, thank you. That's smart.10:48
ebelBenChapman: that works too. :)10:49
dstaar1is there something like an overview for startups in dublin?10:49
BenChapmandstaar1: as in like a list of startups?10:49
dstaar1something like that, yes.10:50
dstaar1i'm just collecting strategies et cetera.10:50
dstaar1like i said, i'll start applying in february, march.10:50
slashtomyou mean like Twitter? ;)10:51
dstaar1twitter search for jobs in dublin is really great10:51
BenChapmandstaar1: Oh yeah, the irish twitter community is pretty close knit :) It's easy enough to find people and network!10:51
BenChapmanother places to look would be http://www.thedigitalhub.com/ , http://www.gec.ie/10:52
BenChapmancompanies in there10:52
BenChapmanDogpatch Labs (a startup incubator) launches on Thursday, would be worth a look :)10:52
dstaar1i mean #ubuntu-ie is the best example, i appreciate your help and until now it seems pretty easy to get in contact with people10:52
slashtomi meant, that twitter is one of the latest dublin startups ;)10:52
BenChapmanslashtom: not really a startup is it?10:53
dstaar1slashtom: sorry didn't understand that :D10:53
slashtomright, i need to head outside to look for the satellite, bbl10:54
dumb1224I'm a bit confused...search for companies on twitter or jobs on twitter?10:55
dstaar1actually jobs, a search like: "jobs, dublin"10:55
BenChapmandumb1224: well if you network with irish people on twitter, particularly dev community then you'll likely find people who will gladly give your CV a bit of time10:56
dumb1224wow...and what tools you use to search tweets?some specialised webapp I suppose?10:56
BenChapmandstaar1: Not into web development at all are you? :p10:56
ebelyes, find companies on twitter and ask the,10:56
ebelHave a look at conferences in ireland, and look at the name of companies speaking/sponsoring them10:56
BenChapmanThat's how I got my first contract work:)10:56
dstaar1sometimes i do web development with rails or java ;)10:57
dstaar1dumb: i just use the web search or the twitter client in my phone10:57
dumb1224thanks for the tips10:57
dstaar1your welcome10:58
dstaar1my hope at all is to get in contact with people who hire, or getting hints for nice companies.11:00
BenChapmandstaar1: well, my company is pretty nice ;)11:00
dstaar1i mean in berlin it won't be a problem for me cause i know the community there ;)11:01
dstaar1benchapman: what's the name for your company?11:01
BenChapmanbut we primarily do php/mysql11:01
BenChapmanthat said, we're using java a lot lately11:01
dstaar1i'm flexible ;)11:02
BenChapmanand looking to expand rapidly in the next year, so I'll keep you informed and in mind :)11:02
dstaar1sounds great :)11:02
dstaar1i'm the man you're looking for :D11:02
dstaar1i'm going to take my launch11:03
dstaar1see you later11:03
dumb1224hi,if I run ubuntu hardy, 8.04 pretty old release,13:53
dumb1224I find that packages available in 10.04 are not in the 8.04 repository13:53
dumb1224my source repository is the irish one, is that normal?13:54
ebelsometimes new packages are added13:54
ebelalso old releases don't have the package repository anymore13:55
BenChapmanebel: is it possible to add the new repos to the old, or do you essentially end up dist-upgrading13:55
ebelyou'd have to upgrade13:55
ebelthe old repos are still available at old-releases.ubuntu.com or something similar.13:56
dumb1224so the old release repository is not getting new packages?13:56
ebelyou can't really add 10.04 repos to 8.04 OS. it just wouldn't pull packages from them13:57
ebeldumb1224: it won't get any updates or changes, not even security fixes.13:57
ebelThere are very few good reasons *not* to upgrade.13:57
dumb1224ebel: hmmm.....it supposes to be a long term support release right?13:58
ebellong term support being 3 years on desktop, yes13:58
dumb1224right. I see what you mean. better keep up to date then13:59
slashtom"cztab playing with ubuntu for windows"??? - from the twitterweb15:50
* slashtom is confused15:56
czajkowskiI use a windows desktop15:58
czajkowskibut I still use U115:58
ebelI saw you can stream music with U1. Do you use that?15:58
slashtomi thought you were an open source evangelist?15:58
slashtomisn't ubuntuone the music thing that doesn't work here?15:59
ebelpartially works here.15:59
ebelBut I'm unsure if streaming is different, since there are different licenceing models.16:00
slashtomthis is why i like jamendo.com - it's the same everywhere, non-discriminatory16:00
ebelBut I can't find out.16:00
ebel(well I haven't looked too hard yet, more curious about personal recommendations ATM)16:00
slashtomdeadly, my super-TV-b-gone has shipped16:03
slashtomnow i can end this torment of sports being shown in bars :P16:03
czajkowskiebel: did you apply for the Ubuntu offical book16:05
ebelczajkowski: ages ago16:05
ebelIs there a new one?16:06
czajkowskilike people had to order a few months ago16:06
czajkowskiif you didnt get it16:06
czajkowskiyou need to drop me a line with your details and I'll follow up on it16:06

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