
dholbachgood morning07:02
=== kinoucho` is now known as kinouchou
dscasselpaultag: You let mailing lists send notifications to your phone?14:28
* dscassel doesn't have a smart phone, but imagines he'd turn as much of that as he could off.14:28
paultagdscassel: Yes, since I'm on the loco-council14:32
paultagdscassel: if someone has an issue and needs help, I want to help14:32
paultagit's about the only list that high-volume would kill me on14:32
* paultag gets back to swearing at oricle14:32
dscasselpaultag: I suppose that's sensible.  Your dedication is admirable. :)14:37
paultagdscassel: well, I know what it's like to be ignored on a mailing list - I swore that i'd never ignore someone in need :)14:39
paultagbut those (two) threads were abuse of the bat-phone14:40
czajkowskialoha 14:40
paultaghowdy doodie czajkowski 14:40
czajkowskiwho highlighted us 14:40
paultagczajkowski: me14:40
paultagI did not mean to14:40
czajkowskiah ok14:40
paultagJESUS CHRIST14:43
paultagHow does mailing the list again help?!?!14:43
paultagWhere's "Chuck Frain"14:44
marcusi personally find it useful to share the information about that.14:45
paultagmarcus: yes, but when it's a back and forth coversation sending 5 emails in a minute14:45
paultagit's something that should be done on IRC or off list14:45
paultagand then condenced and pushed out14:46
paultagwe all get enough mail as-is, we don't need to re-hash everything on list14:46
marcusmaybe, but an email filter could also help if you feel disturbed14:46
paultagin fact, I'm fairly sure all these topics are on the archives14:46
marcusi think a list is meant for things like that14:46
paultagmarcus: I'm on the loco-council, like I said14:46
paultagmarcus: if I wanted to filter out mail for stuff i'm overseeing, I'd not be doing my job14:46
paultagmarcus: so next time, when you have a real problem, your mail gets trashed14:46
paultagso I'll keep it as is14:46
paultagjust know it's pissing me off14:46
marcusso there is no way to discuss inter-loco problems from what i hear now.14:47
paultagmarcus: I don't understand.14:47
marcusfor us it is important to know that otheres have not received the book, too. I thought the ml is the best way to reach them14:49
paultagmarcus: so email the loco-council about it14:49
paultagThis is the message on the mailing list:14:49
paultagThis is a low-volume mailing list for LoCo Team contacts. 14:49
paultag5 mails a minute is not low-volume14:49
marcusbut are the loco contacts on the council list ?14:49
paultagmarcus: no, but they don't need to be 14:50
marcushow should i know then that others have the same problem14:50
paultagmarcus: AFAIK there is no one else who has had this problem14:50
marcusthen you might talk to the ubuntu-gr or the ubuntu-ma guys14:50
marcusand that are only two i know of14:50
czajkowskimarcus: but it's nothing to do with us 14:50
czajkowskias I pointed out now a few times at least 14:50
czajkowskiit's the publisher 14:50
paultagmarcus: loco-contacts is "This is now ready for everyone - come and get it" or "We just did this awesome thing here, check it out" or stuff like that14:51
czajkowskior if they did they followed the instructions and mailed the person in question as jono has said oin the mail 14:51
paultagor general discussion14:51
* paultag goes back to work14:51
marcusbut it has been announced as it is something official14:51
paultagmarcus: so look at  the thread in the archive14:52
paultagmarcus: it was talked about there14:52
czajkowskiit was on jonons blog and clearly states it has nothing to do with loco contacts or canonical or jono it has to do with the publsieher14:52
czajkowskimabe the mail wasn't received on time 14:52
czajkowskibut it's their call 14:52
czajkowskidid you send it for the two teams your contact of 14:52
marcusi just dont like promises that are not kept14:52
paultagmarcus: We got a copy14:53
paultagbecause we followed directions :)14:53
paultagjust sayn'14:53
czajkowskimarcus: you're the only one saying on the list, clearly if there were othrs we'd know there was an issue, and there isn't 14:54
dscasselI never heard back either, but I haven't actively pursued it or looked into it too deeply.14:56
dscassel(I did put the order in. Can't remember if I followed instructions to the letter)14:57
dscasselI've also already got a copy of the book from a conference pack.  The only thing I wanted this one for was to send off to some other city as a reward for being awesome.14:58
marcusczajkowski, "Our LoCo did all of the above as well but we never heard back from Heather!" Michael Kotsarinis on the list a few minutes ago14:58
* dscassel totally acknowledges there's not much the LC can do...14:58
marcusmaybe the lc could get in contact with Heather (i do not even have her address)14:59
czajkowskidscassel: THANK YOU!!!!15:00
czajkowskimarcus: it's in the post!!!!!15:01
czajkowskiemail her 15:01
marcusin general i do not like the tone here either.15:01
czajkowskiI've asked someone else to help me get more information15:02
czajkowskibut at the end of the day it's not a loco council issue 15:02
czajkowskithe best we can do is see if we can find more info for folks but it's not our area and has nothing to do with us 15:02
marcusmaybe, but at the end of the day i feel left alone and pissed off15:02
czajkowskiis all myself and paultag are trying out best to explai 15:02
paultagmarcus: I've had a super shitty day and it's not really your fault15:02
czajkowskimarcus: but taking it out on us isn;'t gonna help 15:02
marcusi will try to get in contact with heather and send a little update mail on the list if i got an reply (if i am allowed to and not treated as spam)15:03
czajkowskimarcus: nobody is saying your posts are spam 15:05
czajkowskijust the ml gets little traffic15:05
marcusit just gave me that feeling15:05
czajkowskiand it's been replying over one thread back and forth and the info was thre 15:05
czajkowskinobody said your mail was spam 15:05
paultagI might have insinuated it15:05
marcusto be concrete czajkowski i have overread the info (heathers email) due to font size change in you mail15:06
marcusmy brain treated the sentence as signature or something like that15:06
czajkowskiI'm sorry the mail appeared that way15:07
czajkowskiusing a web based client at work 15:07
czajkowskiand trying to help to resolve the issues for you 15:07
marcusok, i think we can solve that issue.15:08
AlanBellczajkowski: fwiw I sent a mail request for the book too, following the instructions to the letter15:31
czajkowskiI've juse sent a mail asking from the lc point of view if there is any issue 15:31
czajkowskiit's not our area but we'll try and help15:31
czajkowskithe issue re ordering cd's on the form and it saying natty has now been resolved15:36
czajkowskisee I do get stuff right ocassionally15:57
czajkowskimarcus I beleieve you will be getting a mail now from heather 16:00
czajkowskiAlanBell: I mentioned your team also 16:00
czajkowskialso ther was a limited supply as far as I can tell 16:01
AlanBellI don't have a plan of what to do with the book so I never followed up16:01
AlanBellbut if paultag got a copy then some must have gone out16:02
paultagAlanBell: ohio16:02
paultagI got a copy, but it was as a reviewer16:02
AlanBellwonder if it was a US thing16:02
paultagpersonally, that is16:02
paultagohio got one too16:02
AlanBellI got one in a conference pack, it was a prize for a quiz night16:03
AlanBellwent to a gentoo user as we considered her to be the person who was most in need of it16:03
akgranerNC got their copies as well16:04
pleia2I followed-up with heather in august, our book are finally in the mail (I sent an email to the list saying so)16:04
* AlanBell wonders if international shipping wasn't part of the deal16:04
czajkowskiseems to be an issue with teams outside of the USA mostly 16:17
CrazyLemonis there any way to see who's admin of our loco mailing list?19:43
pleia2CrazyLemon: at the bottom of the listinfo page you should see: ubuntu-blah-blah is run by19:51
pleia2like https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-ca has: Ubuntu-us-ca list run by lyz at ubuntu.com, david.wonderly at kubuntu.org, jdeslip at gmail.com19:51
CrazyLemonpleia2 hmm..i don't see that kind of info at https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-si19:53
pleia2CrazyLemon: ah, in that case the only way to get ahold of them is emailing ubuntu-si-owner@lists.ubuntu.com19:54
CrazyLemonpleia2 awesome..thanks alot19:55

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