
akgranerMorning all13:22
akgranernigelb, pleia2 do you all know hw difficult it would be to add next issue/previous issue links to the top of the UWN wiki13:37
akgranerI don't know what's involved  - to do that13:37
akgranerand we have over 200 issues to go through - but if someone knows how and can show me I'll be happy to set it up and put it on the template13:38
nigelbakgraner: Not sure. But I can take a look when I get a chance.13:45
akgranerok maybe ask YoBoy - I think they use it on their French version13:46
pleia2all the wiki stuff we do now is done manually15:51
akgraneryep I know - I just didn't know how to  add something like that15:55
akgranerjust got asked if it would be possible for us to do15:55
pleia2the tricky part is that any script written would have to be logged in via launchpad, and I'm not sure how that would work15:59
philipballewa password authentication script could be written into launchpad I would think pleia2 where they allow something like a script to access it.16:01
akgranerI figured it would screw up the scripts16:01
akgranerI was thinking previous issue - that could be added manually but danf doing that to 200+ issues would be tedious16:02
pleia2philipballew: not changes to launchpad (there's launchpad lib for that), changes to the wiki16:06
pleia2the wiki requires you first to auth through launchpad16:06
pleia2if there's a way, nigelb will find it :)16:07
nigelbOr nhandler :)16:07
philipballewhaha, I need to learn how launchpad works sometime better then I do now16:08
akgranergood luck I thinnk even LP people say that16:09
philipballewI understand rev systems pretty well, Just have not takin the time do do anything with that one. :)it looks interesting16:10
akgranerpleia2, what's the wiki to add interview links too18:30
* akgraner forgot to book mark it18:30
akgranerI won't add all three at once18:30
akgranerI'll space them out18:30
akgranerwell DOH - that should be easy to remember18:30
* akgraner bookmarks and adds to my post-it note of important things to remember system :-)18:34
akgranerhow long does it take from the time you post it on the wiki from the time the Fridge picks it up - just curious18:35
pleia2I'm not sure how often the cron job is run18:35
pleia2maybe hourly?18:35
akgranerahh ok18:35

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