
ubottusoreau called the ops in #ubuntu (Trollymctroll)00:43
elkyWith a name like that, surely they're innocent.00:46
ubottuIn ubottu, GreenEqualizer said: why is that01:40
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ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (rwebb appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)05:56
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (rwebb appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)05:56
bazhanghe's in -ru already, not asked a thing09:12
bazhang* Sepomex has quit (Quit: Haitianos < Mierda)09:22
bazhangmore of that gnaa fellow09:22
bazhangvibhav, done with what?09:22
ikoniavibhav: how did I tell you you would be notified when it would be unmuted09:23
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elkyHow not to get unmuted, tip #251: mimic ops in other channels to annoy them.10:04
ikoniaelky: this is exactly why I'm not unmuting him in offtopic10:26
ikoniain #ubuntu sorry10:26
ikoniahe can't control his actions and is a disruption.10:26
ikonianeed a good wiki update for the nvidia/ati enabling in unity10:38
* ikonia looks for unity users help.....10:38
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Amaranthikonia: should be the same as compiz always has been: install the driver and reboot12:22
Amaranthas long as you're still choosing the 'Ubuntu' desktop at login and not explicitly choosing 'Ubuntu 2D' it'll try to start unity each login and only fall back to unity-2d if you don't have the drivers12:22
ikoniaAmaranth: sorry, I meant with documenting how to use the tool12:36
ikoniaaccessing the tool, using it,12:36
ikoniaonly minior changes but quite significant12:36
Amaranthusing what tool?12:37
ikoniasoftware drivers12:37
ikoniato install the nvidia / ati modules12:37
Amaranthoh, i have no idea12:37
Amaranthi've only used intel hardware for like 3 years now12:37
ikoniaI've not needed it for a long time, I just checked the docs due a problem someone was having and it's still based around the pre-unity menu/layouts12:38
Sidewinder1I was just wondering if any of you can "fix", or are working on "fixing" the FloodBots in #u, as they seem to be flooding the channel themselves. :-)12:50
ikoniait's been noticed and trying to be resolved12:51
Sidewinder1ikonia, Thanks; am parting now...12:52
LjL"trying to be resolved" = "watching and waiting for freenode to fix chanserv"12:52
PiciIts quicker than explaining the real reason.12:53
ikoniait's not the most inspiring response to give is it12:53
PiciWhy do people insist in suggesting vi to new users?14:05
ikoniano idea14:05
ikoniawhat's the default EDITOR environment set to in 11.04 ?14:05
ikoniaI wonder if there is a better way to leverage that14:06
ikoniaeg: a way of just calling "edit" which picks up whatever $EDITOR is set to14:06
Piciedit seems to be symlinked to /usr/bin/run-mailcap here.14:07
ikonianano is ?14:08
Pici'edit' is.14:08
ikoniamaybe a differnt term then14:08
Myrttiyurik3829: hi14:22
h00kIt's probably best to take this to a /query, is anyone else doing this at the moment?15:28
h00kI don't have time right now15:28
jussih00k: what?15:29
h00kOh, I was referring to kkulhavy15:30
jussiyes, I have him in PM15:30
AlexDevilLXcan i be unbanned from #ubuntu-offtopic?>15:34
ikoniaAlexDevilLX: not at this time15:34
ikoniaAlexDevilLX: you had many many warnings and where told that if you continued the next ban would be a long one.15:34
ikoniayou continued15:34
AlexDevilLXi will not do it15:35
ikoniaif you find it funny, great.15:35
ikoniatoo late for that15:35
AlexDevilLXno more "vs"15:35
ikoniayou should have not done it when you where told many times15:35
AlexDevilLXok, when i'll be unbanned?15:35
AlexDevilLXi made that mistake accidently15:35
ikoniayou where given many fair warnings and a short term ban15:35
ikoniaAlexDevilLX: 2 months is the next time this will be revisited15:35
ikoniaAlexDevilLX: no, you didn't.15:35
ikoniaAlexDevilLX: please come back in 60 days and we'll revisit it then.15:36
AlexDevilLXby "wan vs lan" i meant whats a difference because i tried to setup my router15:36
AlexDevilLXso in 60 days i'll be unbanned?15:36
ikoniaAlexDevilLX: bye.15:36
ikoniaAlexDevilLX: in 60 days will review it and disucss it with you15:36
ikoniathe document kkulhavy was ranting about is for raidtools not mdadm, and if he'd read it instead of ranting about it, would have been clear15:38
IdleOneI would like to discuss my removal from #ubuntu-offtopic and also I would like some explanation on this no lactose rule?17:06
rwwnot at this time17:07
jussiIdleOne: you are banned for 20000 years, out now!17:07
rwwcome back in three months17:07
IdleOne:( you all suck!17:07
rwwdeal's off17:07
rwwfour years17:07
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, tavish said: !cheese is <reply> lactose and lactose related jokes are not tolerated i this channel. Please consider moving the discussion to #farm or #dairy.17:15
ikonia20000 years, that seems rather light to me.17:17
jussiikonia: Im in a good mood?17:18
jussimeh, I blame the baby17:19
ikoniaha ha, have you gone soft now ?17:19
jussivery :P17:19
* jussi bans ikonia for 40,000 years to prove his hardness! :P17:20
ikoniayou can't ban me, I'll just evade, blah blah blah17:20
ikoniaI'll write to Mark, get you fired etc etc17:20
ikoniahang on, I'll get the standard script17:21
* h00k wants to work for Mark someday17:22
jussiIm going to roll my own distro and be awesomer than marks distro :P17:23
rwwh00k: I'm sorry.17:24
ikoniajussi: ever done anything in Linux ?17:25
ikoniaif the answer is "yes" then you are not qualified to tell stories about making your own distro17:25
jussiikonia: I read about it! :P17:25
ikoniajussi: you are qualified to rename files and pass them off as your own product.17:26
jussiikonia: awesome !!!17:26
jussianyway, this is probably the worng venue for our joking... although I wonder where we should go17:26
ikoniaI'm going to the secret channel to talk about the log readers17:27
Myrttiyou kids17:27
ikoniahang on just let me enter the channel password17:27
ikonia /msg chanserv access #opssecret can0nical17:28
ikoniaoops, oh no17:28
oCeanoh oh17:28
ikoniajussi: please change the password on the secret channel ASAP17:28
h00krww: )17:30
* genii-around takes "coffee" off of highlighting until CoffeeIV leaves19:19
h00kgenii-around, good call.19:43
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