
Davieycyphermox: tracker, build1 and this build2 - both No change rebuild against libcamel-1.2-29?00:06
ScottKdoko: Looks like they're all retried.00:44
infinityDid someone really go do that manually?00:44
infinityI was about to just do it as a batch. :P00:44
ScottKI did the ones that weren't done already.00:48
ScottKLP is pretty fast tonight, so it didn't take very long.00:48
infinityYou really shouldn't have said that.00:48
infinityYou'll jinx it.00:48
ScottK(mindless work while supervising youngest child's violin practice)00:49
ScottKYou're assuming I care.00:49
ScottKMy work is done ....00:49
infinityAnything to take your mind off the screeching?00:49
ScottKIt was plucking, but yeah.00:49
* micahg would've piped the ubuntu-desktop packageset list to ubuntu-build for powerpc00:51
slangasekI was sure that sentence was going to end "to /dev/audio"00:52
infinityThe only thing being piped to /dev/audio right now is Master of Puppets.01:28
slangasekinfinity: could you review the dpkg in the queue?  it should be as easy as it looks01:39
infinityslangasek: And as long as the hash of the installer-created files is the same (ie: they have those exact contents), we get no prompts on hijack, right?01:41
slangasekthat's my experience, yes01:41
infinityIt's been a while since I've dealt with hijacking.01:41
slangasek(tests clean here... so unless I screwed up the conffile contents, we should be good)01:41
infinityKay.  Assuming you installed it over a pre-existing file, and it didn't asplode, yay.01:42
slangaseki.e., unless I screwed up my local file prior to unpacking dpkg over it01:42
infinityAccepted, and back to wishing I still had hair.01:42
slangasek... thanks? :)01:43
infinityThose were two reasonably unrelated thoughts.01:43
cyphermoxDaviey: yes02:09
pittiDaviey: postgresql-8.4-postgis is NBS, so it shouldn't be an alternative dependency04:13
pittiDaviey: that's why the uploads were necessary in the first place04:13
pittinow just waiting for powerpc to finally catch up04:14
ScottKFYI, those ^^^ are my uploads, so I need someone to review.  They're just a straight pull from upstream, no fanciness.05:51
infinityI only review fancy uploads.05:51
ScottKIt did involve using git, so it's kind of fancy ...05:51
pittiScottK: I'm watching the queue anyway between builds and sponsors, will get to them, too05:53
ScottKpitti: Thanks.05:53
infinityLooks sane to me.05:55
Davieypitti: ah!  Makes sense :)06:23
=== ara is now known as Guest99538
loolslangasek: ca-certificates needs to run the fixed c_rehash; a Depends would be fine I guess08:42
micahgpitti: I take your request to upload blueman as an ACK?08:52
pittimicahg: ah, it was meant to be; I thought Stefano already acked it08:55
micahgpitti: he wanted more info08:55
pittibut as this now is more or less a Xubuntu specific thing, if you and charlie-tca are happy with it, that's fine08:55
micahgand testing08:55
micahgpitti: ok, thanks, will upload in a bit, still trying to get some updates out ATM08:56
pittican someone please review my gobject-introspection and apport uploads?09:06
pitticjwatson maybe?09:07
cjwatson... too slow09:12
cjwatson(wasn't me)09:12
cjwatsonapport's fine, accepted09:13
loolcjwatson: would you kick ca-certificates?  I'll reupload it with a bumped Depends instead of a Conflicts09:16
cjwatsonlool: no ca-certificates in the queue09:17
lool01:22 -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Removed package: ca-certificates09:17
loolsorry, missed that in the log09:17
tjaaltonguess this is a better place to ask for a FFE. bug 86029709:32
ubot4Launchpad bug 860297 in sssd (Ubuntu) "FFE: sssd 1.5.8 -> 1.5.13 (affects: 2) (heat: 14)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86029709:32
infinitytjaalton: Upload away, the upstream changelog and justifications seem sane.09:57
Davieydidrocks: Am i being crazy?  sni-qt - - build-dep on debhelper 9 (fix lintian warning as debian/compat is 9) .. Is 9 in oneiric?09:57
infinitytjaalton: I'll leave it to someone else to review, though, it's 4am here, and I need sleep. :P09:57
infinityDaviey: It sure isn't.09:58
tjaaltoninfinity: ok, thanks!09:58
didrocksDaviey: no, I am crazy, sorry, I wanted to change debian/compat, reject it :)09:58
didrocksDaviey: shouldn't do things while on the phone I guess :)09:59
pittididrocks, Daviey: compat level 9 is in natty or even earlier10:00
pittiit's mainly for multiarch compat10:00
cjwatsonyes, it just isn't final yet10:00
pitti^ that's why it's still dh 8.x10:00
cjwatsonbut you don't actually have version 910:00
pittibut yeah, we shouldn't bump it for no reason10:00
cjwatsonas the lintian-info for that note says, if you're using a non-final version of debhelper, you should override lintian, not add a build-dep on a nonexistent version10:00
micahgpitti: can you copy firefox 3.6.23+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 from ubuntu-mozilla-security to lucid-security?10:03
Davieypitti: was i wrong?10:03
pittiDaviey: haven't seen the patch; but a >= 9 build dep is of course wrong10:03
pittiDaviey: I thought you meant bumping compat to 910:04
Davieyah, no - i don't care about that.10:04
Davieypitti: sorry, i thought you were correcting me :)10:04
cjwatsonngg, d-i ftbfs10:12
=== pitti changed the topic of #ubuntu-release to: Beta 2 released! (Archive freeze remains in effect.) | http://pad.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-release | Oneiric Ocelot Release Coordination. Please don't upload things during freezes where you shouldn't, or be prepared to apologise to the release team with beer | we accept payment in cash, check or ocelot food | melior malum quod cognoscis
pittimoved our etherpad to pad.ubuntu.com, which is hopefully  more stable10:18
pittiand left a pointer in the old one10:18
DavieyThe old one was run by a plonker aiui.10:25
didrocksDaviey: pushe a new sni-qt, sorry for the oversight10:32
micahgis another archive admin available for a copy?10:32
pittimicahg: sorry, was in a meeting and then stuck in the chinese image fix10:33
pittimicahg: can do now10:33
micahgpitti: no problem, just didn't want to miss the next publisher :) (I know I have a half hour)10:34
pitticjwatson: so, above live-build fixes --package with local .deb; I used that to build a new chinese iso with the new defualts package which also just landed in the queue, and it built a nicely sized and working iso10:34
cjwatsonok, reviewing10:36
cjwatsonI wish queue diff generation were instant and magic10:37
pittimicahg: done10:37
micahgpitti: thanks!10:37
pitticjwatson: not that urgent, fine to do it in an hour or two even; just wanted to give some context how I tested10:37
pitticjwatson: once it's in, I'll re-spin another chinese build to double-check the size10:38
cjwatsons'ok, accepted now10:39
pitti+1 on magic queuediff, though10:39
pittisometimes it's weird, I see the diff in the webui, but queuediff doesn't yet10:39
pittiten minutes later it works10:39
cjwatsonI think that's just random HTTP failure10:39
pittimust be some difference between logged in and unauthenticated10:39
cjwatsonin such cases retrying queuediff a few times often works10:40
pittiah, interesting10:40
cjwatsonor maybe depends which appserver you hit or something10:40
cjwatsonI wish launchpadlib had better automatic backoff/retry support10:40
pittiI got so used to it that I'm getting grumpy with logging into cocoplum, fetching, and mdebdiff'ing10:40
didrocksFYI, bug #732016, I'm emailing the documentation team now11:32
ubot4Launchpad bug 732016 in unity-2d (Ubuntu) (and 4 other projects) "UIFe: Desktop should be titled (affects: 8) (dups: 4) (heat: 64)" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73201611:32
pitticjwatson: oh, seems http://china-images.ubuntu.com/oneiric/daily-live/ is not covered by auto-cleaning old images? I don't see where these images are hosted on antimony12:24
cjwatsonno, I've just been pruning by hand for now12:26
cjwatsonI'll go and do that12:26
pittioh, thanks; can cleanup myself, too, but I was looking in /full12:26
cjwatsonI've nuked a batch12:27
pittiso i386 got smaller, but amd64 actually grew12:36
pittimy own local build was 691 MB (amd64)12:36
pittiwill investigate in a few12:36
jdstrandDaviey: fyi, patch acked12:48
jdstrandDaviey: (the libvirt one you asked about)12:48
Davieyjdstrand: rocking!12:48
evI'd appreciate comment from someone on the release team as to whether I can upload the changes noted in bug 86141013:35
ubot4Launchpad bug 861410 in ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu screenshots need to be updated to reflect the lastest UI iteration (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86141013:35
loolcjwatson: Thanks for bringing attention to that other ca-certificates bug; indeed my upload fixed that one, but because it might reappear after oneiric we don't nuke the original cause of the issue (plain c_rehash in postinst), I've opted to do another upload to cleanup postinst ^14:03
ScottKev: I'd imagine you pretty much have to.14:03
lools/we don't nuke/if we don't nuke14:03
evScottK: I just wanted to make sure I ran it past you guys first, to be sure I wasn't stepping on toes14:04
evwill do14:04
skaethi ev,  why were all the properties properties changed: -x to +x)14:04
evskaet: I fixed that in the merge14:04
evit was because Christian had his branch on a vfat filesystem14:04
evbut trunk to the previous uploaded version is free of that noise14:04
skaetev,  coolio.   thanks.     getting the updates in now is good by me.14:05
evgreat, thanks!14:05
pittiev: just answered to the UIFE, sorry for delay14:18
pitti(it's really just a bug fix)14:18
pittihey skaet14:19
skaetheya pitti14:19
araskaet, hello, what time is the Final Freeze? :)14:26
skaetara, 2100 UTC14:26
pitti2100 UTC14:26
araskaet, tomorrow, 21:00UTC, isn't it?14:27
araawesome, thanks!14:27
pittiskaet: so, LangpackTranslationDeadline is October 6th14:38
pittiskaet: so I'd request a full export on October 6th evening, so that on Friday, Oct 7 I can build/upload the final langpacks14:38
pittiskaet: that's right after RC (if we have an RC)14:38
pittidoes that sound alright?14:38
pitti(same procedure as every year)14:38
skaetpitti, yes that sounds right.   RC is going to be more like we did in Natty.14:39
skaetrelease candidate process checklists need to be modified into LTS and non,  I suspect.14:40
pittiskaet: is that the full story, with releases.u.c., announcement, etc, or just an internal testing round with QA and tracker?14:40
skaetpitti,  internal testing round with QA and tracker.14:40
pittiok, as I thought14:40
pittiso if we have delta langpacks for these, it's no biggie14:40
skaetpitti,   I'll make a point of clarifying this at the release meeting, and take a pass at the checklist.14:41
jdstrandDaviey: I see that glance got promoted. this was conditional on documentation being updated to reflect that it assumes a trusted network. is this captured in a bug somewhere? was this already done?14:43
pitti^ behold! last package for GNOME 3.2 final14:43
pittiand it's trivial, just updated Thai translations14:44
pittiwe reviewed the other stuff on http://people.canonical.com/~platform/desktop/versions.html, and this was the only one left14:44
pittithere might be some .1 post-release bug fix upstream updates before we release,of course14:44
ScottKFor RC, we just have to remember that when we say an image is a release candidate image, we actually mean that now.14:48
pittifor that we'd need to adjust the langpack translation deadline14:48
pittiif we put it 7 days before final release, we can't make a true RC14:48
pittiat least not 7 days before14:49
ScottKI had expected that to be when we started working on getting final images.  It normally takes a few days to beat down RC bugs.14:51
Laneyare we having a separate unseeded universe final freeze again?14:53
ScottKskaet and tumbleweed: Historically final freeze for unseeded Universe/Multiverse packages has been much later (release week).  I didn't see any discussion of that this time?14:53
ScottKLaney: ^^^ I was already typing that ...14:53
skaetScottK,  Laney,   yes,  that was an oversite.   We need to come up with a process page, so it can get added and tracked.14:54
LaneyFinalFreeze already says it14:55
* skaet goes back to staring at pages. :)14:55
Laneymaybe add an "until [some date]" to the end of the last sentence there.14:55
ScottKMy recommendation would be 1200UTC on the 11th.14:56
Laneydon't we usually reserve the last couple of days for RC fixes only even in *verse?14:57
ScottKThat leaves 36 hours for OMG WTF BBQ situations and mirror sync.14:57
tumbleweedseems reasonable14:58
skaetScottK,  given the number of images that need to be respun if its an kitten killer situation,  would actually like a little more margin.   What would it hurt to make it 72 hours?14:59
tumbleweedsurely we're talking about things that aren't seeded14:59
Laneylike: FeatureFreeze up until the 6th, FinalFreeze until the 11th, OMG WTF Freeze thereafter14:59
ScottKThis is for non-seeded stuff?14:59
ScottKskaet: Images aren't relevant.14:59
skaetScottK,  its more in the lines of one more thing to track and double check.15:01
ScottKWe've done it this way for years.15:01
skaetwhile doing the images, to make sure no interaction with any of the flavors.15:02
ScottKskaet: I'm not aware of there ever being an actual problem from that.15:03
ScottKThis is too much like work and fighting with management of idiocy.15:03
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LaneyI put a couple of words into FinalFreeze, just needs a date on the schedule15:07
* skaet figures to wait for ScottK to rejoin channel before continuing discussion. 15:07
Laneyoh, he left?15:08
skaetThanks Laney15:08
skaetyeah,  at 10.03, looks like he left all the channels,  so unfortunate bit of timing.15:08
* Laney has parts hidden15:08
* skaet notes that 10.03 was her time zone.... sorry.15:08
Laneyhttp://qa.ubuntuwire.com/bugs/rcbugs/ I figure we should have a few days looking at RC bugs15:09
Laneyso release - 5 days or so for Unseeded Universe Final Freeze15:09
skaetseems reasonable to me.   Possibly we should turn this into a thread topic on u-release mail list though,  so others can weigh in, and we can get some clarity.15:10
Laneyif you like15:12
* pitti accepts unity-lens-musicstore and holds his breath15:19
Davieyjdstrand: I will make sure it is documented today.15:23
Daviey(glance ssl)15:23
jdstrandDaviey: thanks15:23
=== mvo_ is now known as mvo
pittigood night everyone15:32
skaetgood night pitti!15:33
lamontogra_: around?16:22
ogra_how do you know i need t lose weight ? :)16:22
* ogra_ checks his webcam if its on :P16:22
DavieyHey.. I've just put a sync in for ruby-rails-2.3.. The current version will not install due ruby being too new.  This sync should fix it, new upstream version of rails.16:42
Davieybug 86152416:43
ubot4Launchpad bug 861524 in rails (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 1 other project) "[oneiric] rails is not installable (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86152416:43
DavieyAs the current one cannot be used, it seems safer to just go with what is in Debian.16:43
Daviey(just goes to show nobody tested rails until today.)16:45
DavieyOh crap, it's worse than i thought16:56
bdmurraycjwatson: could you approve the kerneloops upload (disabling it) now?17:13
micahgskaet: I'd like to chat with you about nss/nspr when you have a chance17:15
skaetmicahg,  nss/nspr?   education please,  not parsing that acronym.17:16
micahgskaet: the mozilla security library and portable runtime17:16
skaetthanks micahg.17:16
micahgskaet: nss contains the trusted root certs and it would be nice to update before release17:17
micahgerr, trusted root certs for some programs17:17
skaetmicahg,  when would the changes land?17:17
micahgskaet: that's the problem, I don't think I can land it today, plus I'm off tomorrow and Friday, I was thinking to land Sunday if that would be ok?  This is something that we push out at times as security updates as well and I can do some testing before pushing it out17:18
skaetmicahg,  is the only thing being updated the certs, or are there some code updates happening too?17:22
micahgskaet: unfortunately code updates, but NSS has a good record of not breaking binary compatibility with updates17:23
Davieymicahg: What sort of SRU cadence do you do for these usually?17:25
skaetmicahg,  suggest prepare it up,  and then lets discuss in the channel early next monday.   we'll have a better idea how things are looking overall then,  i'm leaning to including but would like to get others on the release team's opinions.17:25
micahgDaviey: usually it's been as needed to fix security issues17:25
micahgor keep Firefox/Thunderbird working17:26
micahgskaet: will do, thanks17:27
SpamapSjuju has been uploaded to oneiric's NEW queue17:39
SpamapSslangasek: Hi, just an FYI,  the ensemble -> juju rename we discussed on Monday is now in the NEW queue18:04
micahgskaet: we've got a potential issue that could possibly affect thunderbird upgrades from natty -> oneiric (firefox will be fixed with the Firefox 7 update for natty later this week), should I file a tracking bug? (mozilla Bug 680802)18:18
ubot4Mozilla bug 680802 in Add-ons Manager "Upgrade Firefox when there is an add-on update waiting to be installed uninstalls the add-on" [Major,Assigned: ] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=68080218:18
skaetmicahg,  yes please.18:18
micahgskaet: eta on upload would be sunday18:19
skaetmicahg,   understood.   Let me know the LP bug number when you have it.18:20
micahgskaet: Bug #86166418:23
ubot4Launchpad bug 861664 in thunderbird (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 1 other project) "Upgrading Firefox/Thunderbird when an add-on update is waiting to be installed hides the add-on (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86166418:23
skaetThanks micahg !18:24
micahgskaet: even though it's temporary, perceived impact is high, so I'm marking it high18:25
skaetmicahg:  ok.18:25
micahgskaet: actually, I should probably update Firefox as well for those who don't fully update before jumping to the next Ubuntu release18:27
skaetyes.  seems prudent, as that may well happen. sigh.18:29
* tumbleweed wonders why barry didn't just sync python-peak.rules19:09
tumbleweedbarry: any reason you didn't sync python-peak.rules? We'll now have another tarball mismatch (not that this is particularly serious, I just rushed reviewing it in Debian, so we could sync)19:23
barrytumbleweed: i'm sorry, i didn't realize you were doing that.  yeah, we should definitely sync then.  is .rules ready to sync?  .util got rejected (rightly so) so i should request a sync for that one too19:25
tumbleweedno, it can't be synced now, there's a tarball mismatch :)19:25
* tumbleweed should have told you, I guess :P19:26
barrytumbleweed: dang.  what can we do about it now?19:27
barrytumbleweed: at least .util can be syncd19:27
tumbleweedah it has to be fake-synced, until there's a new upstream version19:28
tumbleweedutil can still be synced19:28
barrytumbleweed: okay, i'll request a sync for util19:30
barrytumbleweed: please confirm: i should use syncpackage to request a fake sync for .rules?  and for .util?19:33
cyphermoxcould someone please ack network-manager? fixing the wired+wireless routing bug (bug 856333) :)19:34
ubot4Launchpad bug 856333 in network-manager (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "(oneiric) wired connection unnaturally slow (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 20)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85633319:34
* micahg hugs cyphermox19:34
cyphermoxmicahg: heh, took way longer to figure that one out than it should have ;)19:35
tumbleweedbarry: you can syncpackage .util yourself, or requist an archive-admin sync, no faksync required, we don't have a tarball mismatch there19:35
* micahg wonders if that will also fix his own wireless routing issue19:35
tumbleweedbarry: .rules will need fakesyncs in the future, but it's mostly in sync now, so no need to touch it19:36
cyphermoxmicahg: what wireless routing issue ?19:36
micahgcyphermox: will have to chat later...too much to do19:36
barrytumbleweed: ack, thanks.  will do .util now and we can clean up .rules for P19:37
cyphermoxsure, just ping me if you need me to look at it19:37
tumbleweedcyphermox: if it's what I was experiencing, I was getting ethernet loops when connected by wireless and wifi at the same time (but that was a week or two ago)19:37
cyphermoxtumbleweed: yup19:37
cyphermoxtraffic coming out eth0 and in wlan0 (and trouble coming in both sides)19:38
barrytumbleweed: .util syncpackage'd20:04
tumbleweedin that case, \o/, one less ftbfs package20:05
Davieybjf: bdmurray asked that kerneloops be disabled now, happy with that/20:05
bjfDaviey, that's ogasawara's call20:05
Davieybjf: thanks20:05
ogasawaraDaviey: yes, I'm fine with that20:05
barrytumbleweed: well, actually not quite yet :).  we need to get .util and .rules landed and then do a rebuild of turbojson (the original ftbs).  but i've tested this locally and think it will work20:05
tumbleweedbarry: heh. .rules alreday landed. Yeah Itested it locally too20:06
Davieyogasawara: super20:06
barrycool.  just waiting for .util and then i'll hit the big button20:06
infinitybjf / Daviey / ogasawara: bdmurray has had a kerneloops upload in the unapproved queue for over a week that disables it, I've just been waiting on Final Freeze to accept it.20:10
Davieyinfinity: Yeah, saw it there - and bdmurray pinged about it earlier.20:11
DavieySeemed a good idea to check ;)20:11
infinityMan, I hate how uninformative the queue UI is about syncs. :/20:12
Davieyinfinity: Try to get praise/blame history.20:12
Davieyseems they are not attributed to anymore anymore.20:12
Davieyanyone anymore*20:12
infinityThat's the only info I *do* see. :P20:13
infinityYou get curren version, source archive, and requestor.20:13
infinityBut no previous version, no diffs, nothing to review, really.20:14
Davieyinfinity: no, i mean once accepted20:14
tumbleweedDaviey: I opened a bug for that earlier today20:15
tumbleweed(err not for teh queue, for the package's page)20:15
infinityDaviey: Ahh.20:15
tumbleweedbut yes, they should be more reviewable in the queue too. /me files a bug20:15
Davieywhy can't the world be perfect today..20:16
tumbleweedoh, bug 85156220:16
ubot4Launchpad bug 851562 in launchpad "Diff's not available for sync's on +queue page like for regular uploads (affects: 1) (heat: 22)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85156220:16
infinityEven having the previous version would be a huge help.  I can't tell if someone's trying to force over an XubuntuX version, etc.20:16
* tumbleweed can assure you that both of the current sync proposals are OK :)20:17
infinityI'm a naturally untrusting person. :P20:17
cjwatsonogra_ and other ARM folks: merry Christmas, rmadison now lists all architectures21:19
infinitycjwatson: \o/21:50
infinitycjwatson: (Can I be a powerpc folk instead?)21:50
slangasekinfinity: yes, you can be a 604e21:51
kirklandcan I get someone to accept that keystone upload?21:52
infinityslangasek: Hrmph.  Then you get to be an ev4.21:52
slangasekkirkland: looking21:53
* micahg hugs cjwatson21:53
kirklandslangasek: one-line bug fix, forwarded upstream;  grabbed two missing source/configuration files from upstream22:00
slangasekkirkland: why does debian/copyright on this package claim that it's called "glance"?  Is the rest of the copyright information here correct?22:01
kirklandslangasek: i'm guessing zul copied glance's packaging22:01
kirklandslangasek: zul did the original packaging ... we're just fixing two bugs to get it functional22:02
slangasekI was just curious why these missing files were added as patches, wondering if we were upstream for it - seems not :)22:02
slangasekand the copyright file is... not illegal.  So accepting.22:02
kirklandslangasek: right22:02
kirklandslangasek: thanks;  i'll open a bug on the copyright file now22:03
infinityslangasek: "Not illegal" is a pretty high bar.22:03
slangasekit's not illegal to list extra people as having copyright when they don't22:03
slangasekfor instance, it's not illegal to claim that the US Government holds copyright on glance even though it probably doesn't :)22:04
slangasek(but upstream themselves make this claim, so anyway)22:05
* infinity is puzzled by oem-config-slideshow-ubuntu, which appears to be identical to ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu, except for one stanza.22:08
* slangasek writes dh_slideshow22:11
kirklandslangasek: fixed copyright issue in a branch and sent to the upstream packagers22:11
slangasekinfinity: can you remind me where it's defined what seeds get pulled onto the ISOs?22:16
slangasekkirkland: ok, cheers :)22:16
infinityslangasek: In what sense?  You mean, where people document it after the fact and pretend it's true, or the code that does the work?22:17
slangasekinfinity: the code that does the work :)22:17
infinityslangasek: livecd-rootfs/live-buid/auto/config for anything livefs-based.22:18
infinityslangasek: debian-cd/*mumble* for alternates and the tiny /pool/ on some livecds.22:18
slangasekinfinity: ah, I meant specifically the ISO part22:18
slangasekyeah, I'm coming up empty on the *mumble*22:18
slangasekoh, I see22:18
slangasekI'm looking at an upstream debian-cd branch, wtf22:18
infinityI'm looking for the mumble bit myself now. :P22:19
slangasekthere, *now* I see it22:19
cjwatsonI think you want cdimage/bin/list-seeds22:19
infinityHey look, it's the inheritance code again.22:20
slangasekcjwatson: ah, got there, scratched my head, went looking again for something more declarative :)  ok, thanks22:20
infinityThat's 3 places that I know that lives.22:20
* infinity reminds himself to put that in germinate as a helper instead.22:21
micahgcan I get someone to copy from a PPA to archive please?22:26
* cjwatson almost finishes moving NBS generation entirely off cocoplum and stalls on an RT ticket22:33
micahgcancel my AA request...22:52
infinitymicahg: Okay!22:57
slangasekcjwatson: did you have thoughts on getting improved handling on bug #759545?  Is the ucf comparison being done at the wrong point?23:10
ubot4Launchpad bug 759545 in grub2 (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 3 other projects) "user prompted to update unmodified grub configuration during Ubuntu server upgrade (affects: 3) (heat: 27)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75954523:10
slangasekSpamapS: juju accepted23:30
SpamapSslangasek: !! Thanks!23:31
SpamapSall juju ever wanted was to be accepted.. to be one of the packages.23:31
slangaseky/w :)23:31
slangasekman, quit anthropomorphising the software, it really hates that23:32
infinityslangasek: Any chance I can get a once-over on jasper-initramfs, flash-kernel, and livecd-rootfs?23:44
infinityslangasek: Before you ask, removing mkdosfs from jasper was cleaning up after code that was removed several versions ago.  I missed noting that in the changelog.23:47
slangasekinfinity: what's the jasper-initramfs change in partition type check?23:49
slangasekoh, n/m23:49
slangasekthat's an addition, not a change23:49
slangasekhave confidence in my review23:49
infinityHey, you caught your mistake, that's close enough to perfection where I come from.23:50
slangasekI thought you were from Canada23:50
slangasekis that all the higher the standards are there?23:50
infinityWell, if you caught your mistakes while covered in maple syrup, THAT would be perfection.23:51
slangasekinfinity: I don't understand the flash-kernel change, how is umount racy without -l?23:51
slangasekis this a workaround for a buggy umount?  (hopefully not the util-linux one?)23:51
infinityIt's util-linux, it's not a umount bug (I don't think), but something's keep a file on that filesystem open for just a split second, long enough to make umount refuse to umount it.23:52
infinityThe fun part?23:52
infinityAny debug code added to attempt to trace it adds just enough delay to make it go away.23:52
infinitySo, not really sure what's keeping something open.  But -l makes it happy, and can't really do any harm.23:53
infinityThe bug that I helpfully forgot to mention in the changelog is #77941023:54
slangasekah, so it's a race with the fs being in use, not a race with umount returning success before it's unmounted - got it23:57
infinityI ran flash-kernel in a loop of 1000 tries with -l and it always DTRT and cleans up properly, so I call it a success.23:58
infinityA success, and possibly a dead SD card.23:58

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