[07:07] good morning all [07:08] hi dpm [07:11] hey sagaci :) [07:13] is there any way to raise the &batch= from 300 to higher number? [07:13] +filter?person=name&batch=300&memo=50&start=150 [07:14] I have like 950 translations in this one template and would like to do ctrl+f for those [07:14] artnay_, would be useful [07:17] batch seems to use 300 as the highest possible value when indexing templates/filtering user contributed translations [07:56] dpm: goodmorning [08:05] hey TLE, good morning! [08:06] artnay_, there isn't any plan to raise that number. I think the limit was set for performance purposes and to avoid timeouts and oopses. You might want to check if there is an existing bug in LP for that [08:23] dpm: so what was the story about the lang packs [09:31] phew, finished the release notes for GNOME, just in time [09:38] Anyone know a good place to talk about wishlist items for translating on launchpad? [09:39] I'd like to be able to easily report bugs in translations as I'm doing them. For example if a string has a typo on them I want to be able to tick a box and it autogenerate a bug report. [09:58] I think you report it as a wishlist bug against launchpad translations [10:00] I'm starting to think it's just me being lazy :/ [11:02] head_victim: maybe, I mean I can sort of see your point, but for me what you are asking would be very far down the prioritized list that I would like to see in launchpad translations, efter e.g. a feedback on proofreading-system [11:55] what was the date/freeze when the new base packs for translations start happening? I remember reading it somewhere [12:32] sagaci: see here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule [12:35] that tells me when the freezes happen but the most recent base packs are dated 24/08, just wondering when newer packs will be available [16:13] Hello dpm! [16:13] i have some questions about the email about meadow mari team [16:14] hi andrejz [16:14] sure [16:14] btw andrejz, kelemengabor, are you up for the call tomorrow? [16:14] how/where can plural forms be specified ? [16:15] dpm: probably yes :) [16:15] yes [16:16] andrejz, they just need to file a support request against the launchpad project and any lp developer can set those in lp. If they ping me about it, I've also got permissions to do it, so this might speed things up [16:16] andrejz, kelemengabor, cool, thanks [16:16] well they only have 1 plural form so it should be easy [16:24] to quote team admin: Meadow Mari and Hill Mari both have only 1 plural form when it is used with numbers. [16:24] 0 words = 0 мут [16:24] 1 word = 1 мут [16:24] 2 words = 2 мут [16:25] dpm, a question has already been asked - https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/172120 [16:27] andrejz, ok, let me see if I can get to it by tomorrow's call, where I'd like to do a review of pending support requests [16:28] great [16:28] i am writing a reply right now [16:28] can you also please forward me the actions from the last meeting? [16:37] dpm [16:38] i am writing an email about translations of universe packages in launchpad [16:38] i am wondering are they going to be translatable under translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu or seperately [16:39] andrejz, they'll be translatable under the same urls [16:40] ok [16:40] i.e. there won't be a distinction between universe and main [16:40] another question: when do 12.04 translations branch from the current ones [16:40] some of the KDE tempaltes still have a priority 0. [16:41] it would be good to sort that out at least before 12.04 is opened so we have a fresh start [16:41] maybe you can apply this with the script [16:41] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ak3RvMevQNNMdFV6eDV1U29Ea3JpUUQ2SkNKTUNYZHc&hl=en_US [16:42] and then we can create a new list to set priorities [16:42] dpm, want language approval for https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-l10n-or .. [16:49] andrejz, sure, I'll try to do this before our call tomorrow. I've got more time now that developer.ubuntu.com is online, but also a lot to catch up on translations :) [16:49] that's great to hear [16:49] (that you have more time) [16:50] :-) [17:04] dpm i just sent an email to ubuntu-translations about the Universe packages [17:04] thanks andrejz [17:04] please add if you think anything crucial is missing [17:04] ok [17:04] i am not fully aware of all the details