
seidoshi everybody00:07
seidoswell that figures that the list would bounce an email from an unregistered account00:07
seidosi had to do it to find out though00:07
seidosjust heard about a hackathon @ UCLA this 10/2700:08
seidosanyone else watching Colbert?  loving the purple tie01:49
DarkwingDuckkdub_: ping02:24
bkerensapleia2: What do you use for twitter ;)06:50
pleia2bitlbee and my phone06:53
bkerensaoh ok06:55
bkerensapleia2: Well I run OpenBox now so I need to find a new client06:55
pleia2oh, and the image posts I do via email to flickr06:55
bkerensaTweetDeck is not working out so well with OpenBox06:55
pleia2I run seesmic web on my 2nd desktop to view twitter and facebook06:55
pleia2and g+ gets it's own browser window because it's interface automagically updates without clicky clicky (ahem, twitter!)06:56
nhainesbkerensa: use gwibber?06:56
bkerensanhaines: :P not working06:57
pleia2bkerensa @ gmail, si?06:57
bkerensayeah gmail for personal stuffs06:57
pleia2your email address06:57
pleia2sending you a picture06:58
bkerensanhaines: I'm giving Crunchbang a spin :) apparently OpenBox on Ubuntu does not work so well due to the release cycles06:58
pleia2twitter, facebook, g+, respectively06:58
pleia2try fluxbox, it actually has an active maintainer in debian06:58
bkerensacrunchbang does :)06:59
pleia2ah, good06:59
bkerensain fact the crunchbang guy used to have crunchbang as a ubuntu base but the release cycles were to fast for him to handle :)06:59
pleia2distros that base on LTS are smart07:00
* bkerensa is using Crunchbang on his FreekBox for the lightweight.... Xubuntu failed me so idk :P 07:00
pleia2Day changed to 28 Sep 2011 :(07:00
pleia2my alarm is going off in 7 hours07:00
bkerensatime for bed?07:00
pleia2yeah, Xubuntu isn't what you want for lightweight07:00
bkerensapleia2: Well I just dont want Unity07:01
pleia2bright side, it's the 28th now, so now I can say my birthday is tomorrow \o/07:01
bkerensaand KDE is not my thing07:01
pleia2but two more sleepies before birthday07:01
bkerensaidk I'm being radical lately when it comes to usage :P07:01
* bkerensa has formatted his desktop and laptop likely 10 times in two months07:02
pleia2my desktop evolution went evolution (16) > fluxbox > xfce407:02
bkerensakeep trying to find something that is not using Unity but still Debian or Ubuntu based07:02
pleia2at this point I think I've used xfce4 longer than any other windowing interface thing ever07:03
bkerensapleia2: I guess I could just run LPS?07:03
pleia2you swim laps, not run them07:03
bkerensahttp://www.spi.dod.mil/lipose.htm <-- Lightweight Portable Security07:03
bkerensathe DOD decided to release a distro07:04
bkerensaand made their ISO's public07:04
pleia2yeah, they've been pretty outspoken about their open source documents and push lately07:04
pleia2it's pretty cool07:04
bkerensamaybe the gov will save money07:04
bkerensainstead of pouring billions into licensing07:04
bkerensapleia2: What is your thoughts on Xubuntu 11.10?07:05
bkerensaAny major changes?07:05
pleia2it uses xfce 4.8 which is muy shiny07:05
pleia2(upgrade from 4.6)07:05
pleia2oh wait07:05
pleia2no, not a huge jump from 11.0407:05
pleia2switched to lightdm with the rest of ubuntu, changed some of the defaults07:07
bkerensapleia2: Why does Maverick seem more lightweight then Natty (Classic)07:07
pleia2regular Ubuntu?07:07
bkerensaindeed yeah07:07
bkerensaI noticed Natty (Classic) seems to consume more CPU then Maverick07:07
pleia2I don't know07:07
pleia2gnome runs all kinds of background stuff and always gets bigger, who knows07:08
pleia2I am giving an Ubuntu 11.10 talk in Philly in a couple weeks because I figured "if I'm going, I might as well give a talk!" when did I become this person? I need to write a talk07:08
bkerensawell ttyl sleep time :D07:09
pleia2night bkerensa07:09
pleia2I should do the same, I have a degraded raid array to deal with in the morning :(07:09
bkerensaor perhaps my excuse is reformatting so I gotta go to bed :P07:09
* pleia2 wanders toward beed07:12
pleia2bed too!07:12
pleia2night everyone07:13
nhainespleia2: good night!07:13
=== sn9 is now known as TheTinker
bkerensanhaines: my desktop almost exploded07:56
bkerensaThat was intense07:57
bkerensasomething wicked happened to my CPU fan07:57
bkerensaI smelled melting plastic then I heard my cpu fan and power supply fan start going super loud and fast07:57
nhainesbkerensa: that's what you get for running GNOME3!  :P08:14
raevolcheck out a project i am involved with: www.openmw.org17:32
nhainesIt is possible that this page is not suitable for visiting in a work environment.17:42
akkI tend not to click on random links that show up with no more explanation than "check this out" anyway.17:45
akkI figure if it's interesting enough to check out, it's interesting enough to merit a description of what it is.17:45
raevolit's an open source reimplementation of the morrowind game engine17:54
raevoli'm not sure why it would be nsfw, other than being game related17:54
raevolthanks for the incredibly hostile response guys, love this community a lot17:54
pleia2raevol: we don't know you very well and it's common for people to use IRC to spam malicious links, I didn't click it either17:55
pleia2just next time tell us what it is :)17:56
raevola simple "what is this?" would do though, rather than implying i'm some kind of creep or spammer17:56
TheTinkeri've been alternately labeled a creep and a spammer (not here) and i don't even do that17:57
TheTinkersuch is irc17:57
pleia2one of the private servers I work on even has a kickban spam filter on the regex with "check out $link"17:58
raevolevery other irc channel i frequent is more welcoming and understanding than this one, maybe i just have really good luck with irc17:58
nhainesraevol: I clicked on the link and my company's content filter blocked it.18:19
nhainesraevol: that doesn't put me on a "list" with HR (I think) but I've worked for other companies that are absolutely fanatical about that kind of thing.18:20
raevolnhaines: if your company has a content filter, you probably shouldn't be on irc, or clicking random links, even if they aren't nsfw18:25
nhainesraevol: meanwhile, I don't access IRC from my company's network and when I open "random" links they're on a secured secondary computer.18:29
raevolnhaines: secured, but still subject to your company's content filter?18:30
nhainesYes.  All computers connected to the network are subject to the content filter.18:30
nhainesI don't know what you think "secured" means, but in this instance it means a different system with a different OS and minimal work-related data.18:31
pleia2raevol: I'm sure no one meant to be unwelcoming, I'm sorry that we've given that impression18:31
raevolpleia2: no worries, sorry if i am a little touchy18:32
nhainesraevol: I didn't give a warning in-channel because your link was "bad" (I have no way to know this yet), I did it because some people work for tyrants.  :)18:32
raevolyea... i think common sense would dictate to not use IRC nor do any non-work related web browsing if your employer filters or tracks your web usage18:33
raevolbut then again, common sense is increasingly rare these days18:33
nhainesMy company doesn't really care what I do when I'm on break but they still don't want me playing games or streaming media at any time.18:34
pleia2it really depends on the company, I don't think it's fair to put that all under "common sense" and accuse people of not having common sense if their work environment varies18:36
pleia2meh, hot again today, I'm ready for summer to be over in SF now18:38
pleia2(looks like it'll cool down this weekend)18:38
raevolit's finally getting cloudy in san diego18:38
pleia2does san diego have summer weather at the normal summer time?18:39
pleia2san francisco's July-Aug is cold, Sept-Oct is hot thing still weirds me out18:39
raevolsan diego has summer weather most of the year18:39
raevoloctober-march has a little bit of clouds and rain18:40
raevolinterspersed with more summer weather18:40
pleia2I think we got rain in january, but mostly we don't have weather, it's just in the 50s all the time18:40
pleia2but 80s today, and no AC in my condo :(18:41
pleia2and I work from home18:41
akkIt's so weird how SF is as hot as SJ this summer.18:42
akk(just got to 80 here)18:42
pleia2last september was worse, got over 90!18:42
pleia2hit 100 in the mission one day, we all thought we were going to die :)18:43
raevolsimple-scan has crashed every time i've tried to save this document18:44
raevoland i have to rescan it every time it crashes18:44
raevolabout to smash my head into the wall18:44
raevolwish i could find a good windows scanning utility18:44
* akk has pretty good luck in ubuntu with xsane-gimp18:44
pleia2maybe try xsane?18:44
raevolgonna try windows pciture viewer :P then i won't have to transfer it anyway18:45
kdubhey greg-g, move from michigan? :P19:49
pleia2yeah, we need to stop stealing people from other locos19:50
* kdub considers applying for membership a third time...19:51
kdubpleia2, is that still done be an america's regional board?19:52
kdubalso, the first too times i've been rejected for being too developery19:53
kdubbut from reading the guidelines for 'developer membership', i don't think i should apply for that19:53
pleia2kdub: if you're an ubuntu developer you want to go through the dev membership board: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperMembershipBoard19:53
pleia2ah ok, I don't remember your application for some reason19:53
kdubi'm not exactly an ubuntu /developer/ though, like  MOTU19:53
pleia2care to share a link to your wiki page? I can offer some suggestions if needed19:54
kduboh, it was back when the michigan team was my home team, a few years ago :)19:54
kdubpleia2: thanks, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KevinDuBois19:54
pleia2kdub: this app actually looks pretty good, might want to add some future goals though19:56
pleia2and testimonials are always good :)19:56
kdubyeah... would you mind adding a testimonial? :)20:00
pleia2I'm on the board so I can't20:03
* bkerensa is likely going to defer applying for membership another month20:03
pleia2ask other people though :)20:03
bkerensaWas too busy to put my application together20:04
bkerensaand I got another convention20:04
bkerensaplus I start teaching Ubuntu classes in couple weeks at the FreeGeek Community Center :P20:04
bkerensaso maybe by January :D20:04
nhainesI am happy because I have ramen.20:11
nhainesI forgot to pick up forks while I was in the cafeteria (I wasn't eating ramen there) but my chop sticks will have to do.20:12
nhainesIn other news, I printed some audit cheat sheets I use to take notes while listening to calls and Ubuntu Light > Times New Roman.20:12
pleia2DarkwingDuck: I finally found a shipping tube big enough for this crazy banner!21:34
* pleia2 was getting ready to wrap the thing in bubblewrap and plastic and hope for the best21:34
raevolpleia2: is that for libertopia?21:44
pleia2raevol: yep, we're sending down the banner and tablecloth21:49
raevolsweet, i'll hopefully be helping with that, i need to chat with DarkwingDuck21:50
DarkwingDuckWhat's up?22:11
DarkwingDuckOH right, banner22:11
pleia2tried container store, a few office supply stores, USPS, a couple small fedexes, finally found a BIG fedex office that had the 4ft tubes :)22:13
pleia2I'll get it packed up tonight22:13
DarkwingDuckWell, there are two nominations up for leadership.22:16
pleia2yeah, us22:16
nhainesDoes the leadership team plan to suspend elections again if there are less than 4 nominations?22:55
DarkwingDuckWe did last time when we only had three...22:56
DarkwingDuckwell, rather, if there are three then there will be no elections, the three will assume the position.22:58
pleia2yeah, it's what I've done in other ubuntu teams, just a casual "if people have problems with these nominees, please speak up, otherwise they are the three"22:58
pleia2haven't really hand problems with it, edubuntu did a confirmation vote once22:58
DarkwingDuckHowever, if there are only two... I'm not sure what then.22:58
nhainesWhat does the leadership team plan to do if there are less than three nominees?22:58
pleia2we'll have to extend the nomination period22:59
DarkwingDuckInto UDS season. Woot.22:59
pleia2(the community council has had to do this a few times too)22:59
DarkwingDuckHopfully there is al least one person who wants to do it.23:00
greg-gkdub_: indeed :) Moved out here a few weeks ago23:28
* DarkwingDuck rubs eyes23:31
DarkwingDuckThis weekend is going to be insane.23:31
DarkwingDuckMy aunt and cousin are going to be here for the weekend. I think this is their second time visiting San Diego23:32
pleia2I'm flying to a memorial service in phoenix :\23:33
pleia2but I'll get to see a lot of family I haven't seen in a while23:33
raevolDarkwingDuck: what's the leadership team for?23:33
DarkwingDuckraevol: What one?23:33
raevolthe one that there's only 2 people nominated23:33
DarkwingDuckAhh, the Loco Leadership23:34
raevolfor ca?23:34
raevolhuh, i see23:34
iheartubuntusorry pleia223:35
pleia2iheartubuntu: sorry?23:35
DarkwingDuckraevol: pleia2 and myself are running for re-election.23:35
iheartubuntusorry to hear the news23:35
pleia2iheartubuntu: oh, thank you23:35
pleia2iheartubuntu: my uncle and I weren't close, but I am with his wife and other family, mostly going to be there for them23:35
raevoli see, i see23:35
iheartubuntuenjoying the cooler nights here in LA23:39
iheartubuntueasier to sleep :)23:39
iheartubuntusoon there will be ubuntu logos dancing in my head23:39
raevol20 minutes23:40
raevolguess i'll pack up now23:40

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