
dorganI'm here too now DammitJim18:08
DammitJimthat's cheating, dude!18:10
zushey guys18:22
maxolasersquadHey zus 18:36
zusmaxolasersquad,  howdy...18:36
zusdoes anyone use google voice? i just set one up hoping to use my laptop as a glorified cell phone...but im afraid  having to chose a number for it to ring when people call my google number might go against  prepaid minutes18:47
maxolasersquadI use GoogleVoice.18:50
maxolasersquadIf you make calls from your laptop, like through the Call button feature in GMail, then it has nothing to do with your cell phone and is free.18:51
maxolasersquadIf you make a call by having it ring your cell phone so when you pick up the call it calls the other person, then yes, even during the ringing, it is using your cell minutes.18:52
zusthanks  maxolasersquad  cos i haev 4 minutes left till nextt month18:55
zussilly walmart tracfones18:56
maxolasersquadMy daughter has a GVoice account and uses it to call her friends.  I gave her my headset and she really enjoys it.  One day I'll get her a proper microphone so she isn't tethered to her machine.19:30
dorganhello all19:57
dorganis the release party planned yet?19:57
zusmaxolasersquad,  yeah i need new headset mic,..20:37
dorganDammitJim: you still around?20:55
DammitJimdid you fix it?20:57
DammitJimor do you need me to beam it? ;)20:57
dorgannah i fixed it21:00
dorganso instead of takinga day for my process to run its now going to take ~1 hour21:00
dorganand then i have to do 2 more processes just to have 1 states worth of data :)  then 22 states to go21:01
DammitJimwhat did you change?21:02
dorganinstead of issuing a query for each possible +4 value...i just issue one query for the entire zip code21:07
dorganso i went from issuing 10,000 queries to 121:08
dorgansuch a novel SQL practice, and since i been just trying to wrap my head around all this GIS stuff to begin with it never even occurred to me to do that.21:09
dorganAll for freaking Sales Tax21:09
DammitJimawesome, dude!21:16

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