
texaswriterhowdy, is anybody ever in here? never see conversation!! Would like to hear from someone in the Dallas loco!! i'm in this 24/7, feel free to post something!! website didn't seem too active either02:32
=== ghostx64 is now known as ghost64
=== ghost64 is now known as ghostx64x
=== ghostx64x is now known as ghostx64
=== ghostx64 is now known as sephr-android
=== sephr-android is now known as ghost
=== ghost is now known as ghostx
=== ghostx is now known as ghostp
texaswriterHi, just wondering if the dallas chapter of loco is still active. if anybody is active in here (other than bots), just post something here.09:52
sprideli believe so, #ubuntu-dallas for them12:11
* Linden940 is away: work14:03

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