
IdleOnesomeone mind saying something in here as a test please.00:28
PendulumIdleOne: hiya00:29
IdleOnePendulum: hiya and thank you.00:29
Pendulumnp :)00:29
Pendulumhow goes?00:30
IdleOneerr, goes bad. I keep getting some weird error from one of my xchat scripts but only in this channel.00:30
Pendulumthat's rather annoying00:31
IdleOneevery time someone says anything I get a wall of Error: bunch of text.00:31
IdleOneexcept when you highlighted me00:32
PendulumIdleOne: so should I constantly highlight you? :P00:33
IdleOnehehe, you can highlight me anytime you like Pendulum :)00:33
PendulumIdleOne: I'll keep that in mind :)00:34
IdleOnewell that still works00:38
IdleOneI give up, this script is semi-broken.00:48

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