
nuvolario/ morning06:34
Kilosmorning superfly and others06:45
KilosMaaz, coffee on06:49
* Maaz starts grinding coffee06:49
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!06:53
superflyhi Kilos06:56
superflymorning octoquad06:56
octoquadmorning superfly, did you get my message?07:05
superflyoctoquad: I did07:05
Kiloshi octoquad 07:05
Kilosmorning nlsthzn 07:05
octoquadmorning Kilos07:05
superflyI tried to replace the id, but the module itself is requesting an invalid URL07:05
superflyoctoquad: http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/v3ljpciepcncmjkl2tsoao7290@group.calendar.google.com/public/full?max-results=2500&orderby=starttime&singleevents=true&start-min=2011-09-28T00:00:00+02:00&start-max=2011-09-28T23:59:00+02:0007:05
nlsthznHi Kilos , all ...07:06
superflyhi nlsthzn07:06
superflyoctoquad: ah wait, I fixed it07:07
octoquadsuperfly: my apologies if you see it disabled, I didn't know you were working on it...07:08
superflyoctoquad: no worries07:08
superflystill the wrong date07:08
nlsthznhey superfly ... sorry for the delay... the floor in front of the PC got mopped so I was "cut-off" :)07:14
superflynlsthzn: hehe, np07:16
octoquadsuperfly: the feed url is correct, and I can access the events via an rss feed as well07:28
Kiloshi morgs 07:28
superflyoctoquad: yeah, it is... I think there's a bug in the SimplePie component that it uses07:28
superflyoctoquad: I just can't find any solid evidenceon it07:29
octoquadhmm, I'm getting the error again: feed could not be found at...07:30
superflyoctoquad: did you switch on "only show today's events" ?07:31
superflythat's your problem... switch it off07:31
octoquadhmm, ok, I'm gonna have a look at it this evening again...gotta get some work done07:33
octoquadis it possible to delete the cache from sites/all/modules/gcal_events/cache07:35
octoquadmorning morgs07:40
superflymorning morgs07:44
morgshey hey07:44
magespawnhowdy all08:52
nlsthzno/ magespawn 09:05
magespawnhowdy nlsthzn09:06
Kiloslo magespawn drussell 09:06
magespawnhi Kilos09:06
superflyheya magespawn09:08
magespawnhi superfly09:08
magespawnthe router problem is a account athentication problem 09:09
magespawnnot the router or my setup09:09
superflymagespawn: that's what I said yesterday09:09
magespawnhad to be sure09:09
drussellhiya Kilos :o)09:09
magespawnmy new exercise is to run a virtual win xp on ubuntu so that I can access my business banking.09:11
morgsPower out in most of CT...09:37
superflymorgs: yep, I heard so09:38
superflyUPS FTW09:38
magespawnsuperfly if i run win xp in virtual machine will the ubuntu firwall and security cover the virtual machine?09:48
superflymagespawn: it depends on if you're using NAT or bridged mode09:48
magespawncool then i can leave of all of the antivirus and firewall?09:49
superflyIt's Windows... no matter where it is, you need Antivirus09:50
magespawnokay then. you see the comment before about the banking?09:50
magespawnwhat vitual machine software would you use?09:52
Kilosreally sucks having to use windows hey magespawn 10:01
Kilosyou wanna know what good antivirus and firewall to use?10:01
magespawnnot one i have to pay for.10:14
Kilosavast and zonealarm10:14
Kilosboth have free versions and they used by rotek10:14
Kilosor were as far as i know 10:15
Kilosand avast doesnt kill performance as bad as avg10:16
magespawni have used zonealarm before, i will try the avast10:26
superflymagespawn: You can also try Antivir10:30
magespawnokay 10:32
magespawnand Clam?10:32
Kilosmost peeps i know use avast anti and zonealarm magespawn 10:33
Kilosclam is ubuntu10:33
superflymagespawn: clam is good for mail servers, but it's not good as a Windows AV10:35
magespawnwhat are ports marked qos for on a desktop switch?12:29
Vhatathey have quality of service enabled?12:32
magespawndid not know you could have that with a switch12:33
magespawnyes that is right according to the manufacturers website12:34
magespawnfor gaming, videos chatting etc.12:35
Vhataswitches and qos are both layer 212:36
magespawnstill sorting the whole layer thing out really12:44
kodezhello everyone. is there anyone who is using or able to configure Drupal 7 on ubuntu 11.04? i have a challenge to solve the pdo requirements14:24
magespawnhi kodez14:45
magespawni am not a drupal person14:46
magespawnsuperfly would know if he is not one14:46
kodezhi magespawn14:56
Kilosevening all17:24
superflyhi Kilos17:32
Kilossawubona inetpro 18:05
inetproKilos: ngisapila, wena unjani?18:05
Kiloslungile siyabonga18:05
Kiloslol nee man18:06
Kiloshoe gaan dit18:06
* inetpro had another very rough day, not speaking about the rough week, month, years18:06
Kiloswork or all the estras18:07
inetprostarted with me freebsd mail gateway failing for the first time in many years 18:07
inetproon top of some people expecting us to use a hammer to fix other problems18:08
Kilosbigger the prob the bigger the hammer18:08
Kilosgood thing you bought a smallish bike hey18:09
Kilosfuel going up 55c a litre they say18:09
inetproeish! when?18:09
Kilosnext wednesday i think18:10
inetpronext week I guess18:10
inetproI still use less than R60 per week for fuel18:11
Kilosyeah small bikes are the answer18:11
Kiloswhat would it cost by car?18:11
inetproKilos: +R20018:11
Kilossmall diffs hey18:12
inetprowell that is just fuel18:12
Kilosand the traffic irritation you save18:13
inetproand the big services which are now just small services18:14
inetprowhile I must admit they are more frequent18:14
inetproshould actually be doing it meself18:15
Kilosyou have so much spare tim18:15
inetprohmm... that is a problem18:15
* inetpro wonders who runs the UCT mailman infrastructure18:17
inetprowe had a user today who was unintentionally subscribed to a mailing list 18:20
inetprosome people suddenly thought that we were bombarded by SPAM when other subscribers caused a panic with unsubscribe messages18:21
inetproand that is when I was asked to use a hammer to block messages by subject18:22
inetpronot a nice thing to do18:22
tumbleweedinetpro: ICTS do, but I can't tell you excatly who in ICTS18:37
* tumbleweed can find out, though18:38
inetprotumbleweed: it's not a problem, was just a temporary BIG crisis at the time18:42
inetproand the 65 odd messages to a single user was certainly not the cause of my mail gateway crash18:43
* inetpro was just surprised to see such a big deployment of mailman18:47
inetproquite a lot of mailing lists on that server18:47
tumbleweedmostly legacy18:49
tumbleweednot many people know about them these days18:49
inetprotumbleweed: do they use something else these days?18:52
tumbleweedinetpro: yeah, a web course management system, vula.uct.ac.za (it's a sakai)18:59
inetprohmm... interesting19:00
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:01
tumbleweedit also has mailing lists, which most people also don't know abut19:02

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