
roooottryed both 32 - 6400:00
nemoso. yeah. indicator-applet-appmenu - 100% CPU.  looking for cluse online, but don't see anything yet.00:00
smwroooot, don't use unity00:00
roooottryed ubuntu classic00:00
ZeloZeloscant you have all those in one install,,,add xfce and plasma or whatever to the normal dist?00:00
rooootseemed nice00:00
aeon-ltdZeloZelos: yes00:00
rooootbut now imma try to just install xubuntu00:00
rooooti know my cpu load was like 0.9000:00
zykotick9ZeloZelos, you are correct - doesn't matter what you start with, you can install whatever you want00:00
rooooton ubuntu00:00
aeon-ltdunder 1 means nothing hanged00:01
soreaunemo: What version of ubuntu?00:01
zykotick9roooot, load less then 1 means your CPU wasn't even maxed... just saying.00:01
nemosoreau: it's my mom's machine. she was complaining of horrible performance00:01
aeon-ltdanything under 1 means it was processed with no wait for cpu usage00:01
ZeloZelosaeon-ltd, zykotick9 will they play nicely together? well not "together" but can exist along each other w no issues?00:01
=== nyx is now known as Guest55418
rooootso is cpu usage 5% good?00:01
rooootim guessing00:02
zykotick9ZeloZelos, sure just choose which you want to boot into using GDM/KDM/etc.00:02
soreaunemo: Using unity?00:02
aeon-ltdZeloZelos: yes because you don't use 2 at the same time, for DEs you only use one session at a time00:02
=== Guest55418 is now known as username
nemosoreau: I noticed a lot of oom kills, but couldn't find a reason.  could be related to the fact that every time that applet is started it goes to 100%00:02
nemosoreau: no. gnome classic. she is not at all a fan of Unity00:02
nemofinds it horribly confusing00:02
zykotick9roooot, cpu % is NOT the same as load00:02
soreaunemo: (is is)00:02
soreaunemo: (it is)00:02
rooootwhats the cmd for load again sudo top?00:02
SIFTUroooot: uptime or top00:02
zykotick9roooot, just "top" no sudo required00:02
nemosoreau: hm. it just froze up on her again00:02
soreaunemo: Doesn't seem to pose an immediate problem here on natty+classic gnome00:03
soreaunemo: Does it make a difference what wm is running?00:03
soreaunemo: (I'm using compiz master here)00:03
nemosoreau: she's using classic + compiz.  don't know if window manager is a factor yet00:03
smwnemo, my desktop is not a netbook :-P00:03
nemoI'm trying to do this remotely, which is rather difficult00:03
nemosmw: huh?00:04
smwnemo, die unity die00:04
nemosoreau: I'm asking her to log into her 2nd account to see if it has the same behaviour00:04
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rooootload average is00:04
soreaunemo: Does it work fine at startup and then use more resources as time goes on?00:04
FloodBot1roooot: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:04
zykotick9smw, honestly - if you don't want Unity you should seek out another distro... just saying.00:04
aeon-ltdroooot: the others?00:04
nemosoreau: in terms of memory usage, I haven't tracked down the leak yet. but indicator-applet-appmenu will start out at 0% but climb very rapidly to 100% of CPU00:05
smwzykotick9, I plan to do that. I have been using ubuntu for years and I have been recently playing with other distros.00:05
soreaunemo: Is it nvidia?00:05
rooootnow its between like 0.06 but its the first 1 is 0.05. 0/09, 0.2300:05
nemosoreau: I suspect the freezes she is experiencing are the laptop overheating00:05
smwzykotick9, debian wheezy and pcbsd are at the top of the list00:05
ZeloZelossomeone else was in here complaining about unity..its nice for what it is and what it does00:05
smwzykotick9, perhaps back to arch00:05
soreaunemo: What graphics card is it?00:06
rooootnow its like 0.02, 0.07, 0.21 aeon00:06
rooootgood i guess?00:06
nemosoreau: I'm still waiting for her machine to reboot00:06
nemosoreau: then she has to setup an ssh tunnel for me :)00:06
soreaunemo: You don't know what graphics card she has?00:06
nemosoreau: I could tell you more precisely once I'm connected back to it.  she is 5000 km away00:07
aeon-ltdroooot: yes00:07
nemosoreau: ok. indicator-applet-appmenu appears to only go wild in her account. not her boyriend's00:07
nemosoreau: wondering if I should just blow away her entire gnome profile00:08
soreaunemo: Tell her to get a new bf. Problem solved.00:08
nemosoreau: um. his account is fine :-p00:08
soreaunemo: But then she could just take over her bf's working account and get rid of him in the process. Kill two birds with one stone00:08
=== Evixion` is now known as Evixion
TrueColorsh2ph * asn-generic/* ... destination diretory /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.1 doesn't exist or isnt' a directory00:09
kisukeok is anyone familiar with cron enough to help me set upa an hourly script?00:09
soreaunemo: (I'm just trolling you until you tell me What Graphics Card The Machine Has...!)00:09
TrueColorsit only has python inside /usr/local/lib00:09
nemo01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc M880G [Mobility Radeon HD 4200]00:10
soreaunemo: I find it hard to believe you don't know if it's intel, radeon or nvidia off the top of your head00:10
nemoI don't00:10
nemobut I just pasted it00:10
nemoand it is running fglrx00:10
soreaunemo: Using fglrx or radeon driver?00:10
nemoas noted, indicator-applet-appmenu only seems to run wild on her side00:10
nemoI am really considering wiping all her gnome settings00:10
soreaunemo: Get rid of fglrx first and foremost. (possibly after confirming metacity doesn't exhibit the issue)00:11
nemosoreau: I tried attaching ltrace -S but it wasn't too informative00:11
soreaunemo: You're not listening00:11
nemosoreau: why would compiz have anything to do w/ indicator-applet-appmenu ?00:11
soreaunemo: Why would you ask for support here if you know better?00:11
* soreau finds something more productive to do00:11
nemoand for that matter, why would symptoms be different on two otherwise identical desktops00:11
nemosoreau: I'm just looking for justification before doing something drastic00:12
soreaunemo: Uninstalling fglrx is certainly not drastic on natty unless someone installed it from the AMD website00:12
kisukeok is anyone familiar with (ana)cron enough to help me figure out how to set up an hourly script?00:13
nemook. 2 identical desktops. both using fglrx. both using compiz. one has an applet that is sucking up 100% of CPU, the other doens't, and your recommendation is "get rid of 3D acceleration"00:13
soreaunemo: I suggest 1) Try metacity and see how that fares 2) If it's ok, remove fglrx and use the radeon driver 3) If that's going well, try installing xorg-edgers and/or a newer kernel since this will provide better/latest radeon driver bits00:13
SIFTUkisuke: just ask what you are trying to do00:13
soreaunemo: If 1) has no effect, and another user is fine, create a new user and delete the problematic one00:14
kisukeSIFTU: play acouple of rounds of kmem russian roulette on an hourly basis00:14
kisukeSIFTU: got the script set, just setting up the cron job is whats stymingh me.00:15
nemosoreau: I wonder if it is related to:00:15
nemoUnable to register the object to DBus: An object is already exported for the interface com.canonical.AppMenu.Registrar at /com/canonical/AppMenu/Registrar00:15
soreaunemo: And FYI, I never said "get rid of 3D acceleration", I said get rid of fglrx. The open radeon driver handles acceleration fine00:15
nemoin the log.00:15
soreaunemo: That looks like a typical dbus warning if I were to guess00:15
* nemo checks the log on other account00:15
SIFTUkisuke: sigh ok.. sudo crontab -e (as you probably need root to overwrite memory like that)00:15
SIFTUkisuke: 0 * * * * /full/path/to/script00:16
user7fuck yea00:16
soreaunemo: Many times, proprietary drivers can cause memory leaks in unlikely places00:16
nemosoreau: actually, no log on the functioning account. only the broken one00:16
user7холи щеет00:16
zykotick9!ru | user700:16
ubottuuser7: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.00:16
soreaunemo: Well I think you should just figure this out on your own since you obviously know better00:16
kisukeSIFTU: to get to kmem yeah. and thank you. when my PC repair rteacher said make me an odd problem, i dont think trhis is what he had in mind00:16
SIFTUkisuke: good luck with your now unstable computer :)00:17
kisukeSIFTU: thats the idea, again thanks for the help,00:17
nemosoreau: it seems like a rather tenuous thread you are hanging this on is all...  I'm open to trying the radeon driver. behaviour may have improved00:19
nemoI just don't see how one proprietary driver could cause *one* app in *one* profile to screw up.00:19
soreaunemo: Have you even tried 1) yet?00:19
nemoyou have any idea how hard it is to explain stuff to your mom when she's 5000 km away?00:20
nemojust hang on. but no.00:20
soreaunemo: No, I don't know your mom. But after that, try !resetpanel00:20
soreaunemo: I figured you'd already tried all the basics00:21
SIFTUnemo: I support my mums PC 15000kms away.. wouldnt make any difference if it was 1 km away00:21
soreauSIFTU: I was thinking 1ft00:22
OerHekswhat app is causing problems on different accounts ?00:22
SIFTUsoreau: well that would be easy.. move over mom00:22
soreauOerHeks: That's a generic question00:22
soreauSIFTU: Yea but if you had to guide her00:23
SIFTUsoreau: true00:23
nemolast message in the log before kernel crash was CE: hpet increasing min_delta_ns00:23
jeremy77hi I have finally kicked microsoft off my pc and have 25 minits left on my transfer of all my backup files from my storage drive which is NTFS and want to make this storage drive into a linux native storage due to permissions problems and slow transfer rates so can some one suggest what kind of format to use. it will also be a shared on a network too a windows pc00:24
nemos/kernel crash/system lockup/ I don't actually know if it was a kernel crash, although she says magic sysrq did not work00:24
SIFTUnemo: google+ now has screensharing in the hangout too00:24
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SIFTUjeremy77: just use ext4 which is pretty much default now00:24
qinjeremy77: If you use ftp or web, then file-system do not matter.00:25
jeremy77will a windows pc on my home network be able to read the drive if ext4  ? thanks00:26
qinjeremy77: uhm? windows do not support ext4 too well, how do you want to share files?00:27
SIFTUjeremy77: no natively, you might be able to get a driver for it.. but you can share it via samba as a windows network share00:27
d1miguelwhats up guys? i'm having a problem with my Windows 7 x64 guest on Ubuntu 11.04 and i wanted to see if any of you can give me some insight, i'm stumped00:27
zykotick9d1miguel, #vbox if you're using virtualbox00:28
d1miguelokay ty!00:28
nemosoreau: FWIW, panel reset was a good suggestion. indicator-applet-appmenu cpu usage seems to be completely resolved00:28
soreaunemo: cool00:29
nemosoreau: my mom had enjoyed customising her side. had done quite a lot to the panels, although why that would muck it up... I hae no clue00:29
jeremy77SIFTU,  I will share it via samba as windows network share cause I think it will be easiest and was not sure if windows would be confused that it is ext400:29
nemoshe had it sliding in and out, had replaced the wider 3 part menu with the small button, removed the bottom panel, etc... all in interest of saving space. perhaps she removed something that caused it to freak out00:29
SIFTUjeremy77: windows wont see the underlying filesystem at all.. it could be anything.. samba handles all that00:29
soreauthe world may never know00:29
jeremy77SIFTU,  that is perfect. thanks for the info00:31
subcoolwhat is wish00:31
aenima6hi i have a quick networking issue, linux noob here00:31
subcool!ubottu wish00:31
subcool! wish00:32
d1miguelwhats ubuntu general chat?00:32
SIFTUaenima6: ask away00:32
Picid1miguel: #ubuntu-offtopic00:32
tiago_does anyone know how to backup your whole system to a external hard drive with command line?00:32
subcoolcould someone tell me about this program Wish?! -its using 30% of my Cpu00:32
subcooltiago_, its in the guide..00:32
SIFTUtiago_: http://www.backuphowto.info/linux-backup-hard-disk-clone-dd00:33
tiago_thanks !!00:33
aenima6thanks, its xbmc live related, hope thats ok, but i dont think its specific to that. anyways when i use wired connection, my internet and smb network work fine, go to wireless, and my smb network works, but no internet working in xbmc00:33
aenima6so i added a 10 second delay to xbmc startup, then i get internet connection, but i cant connect to my smb00:34
subcoolgood old xbmc. Hey aenima6 i was looking into it. Can i host videos and watch them off my wii or soething? Or does the display have to be attached to the computer00:35
nemosoreau: quick question. she was wondering why she doesn't see network management under her account. can nm-applet only be active on one side at a time?00:35
aenima6subcool im running it off a htpc00:36
Phr3d13how would i uninstall something that was installed via this command - sudo dpkg --force-architecture -i mmc_1.7.0_i386.deb00:37
nemohm. googling, I find bugs on that subject00:38
Phr3d13i tried sudo dpkg -r mmc_1.7.0_i386.deb, but all it does is bring up the software center saying it can't install it because of wrong architecture00:38
subcoolaenima6, whats an htpc?00:39
aenima6subcool, home theater pc00:39
subcoolPhr3d13, what about apt-get remove blah.deb? - lol i know urs is ... more knowledgeable though00:40
soreaunemo: I'm not sure how NetworkManager/nm-applet works for multiple accounts. Make sure both are running though, and you have notification area and/or indicator applet added to the panel00:40
subcoolaenima6,whats the diference?00:40
soreau(I forget in which nm-applet displays)00:40
subcoolaenima6, didnt really answer my question at all now that i think about it..00:40
Phr3d13didn't use apt-get to get it00:40
rectec794613do you guys support oneiric users?00:40
aenima6subcool, im running a small linux build just to watch my networked media on my bedroom tv00:41
subcoolPhr3d13, idk-00:41
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+100:41
aenima6subcool, i dont think would help a wii00:41
tiago_is there any disadvantage to creating an image of the filesystem and saving it, instead of just backing up everything? and how much time would a fs of 500G take to create?00:41
rectec794613do you guys support oneiric users?00:41
nemosoreau: tried running nm-applet from 2nd account and it complained that it was already running00:41
Picirectec794613: No, thats what #ubuntu+1 is for.00:41
Phr3d13!oneric | rectec79461300:41
ubotturectec794613: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+100:41
SIFTUtiago_: a long time.. no disadvantage in creating an image.. actually there are advantages are you can compress it00:41
nemosoreau: there seem to be a few bugs on the subject, and some workarounds involving kills -  I suggested mom just put up with it for now00:42
subcoolaenima6, thers the answer. kinda- SO.. the media is hosted off ur htpc, - i guess my questions is, can you watch ur media via ethernet?00:42
lovre__hi all00:42
rectec794613Pici: k thanks00:42
tiago_SIFTU: what order of compression?00:42
subcoolaenima6, iphone- android...00:42
SIFTUtiago_: depends on your data00:42
lovre__sorry for OT, but does someone have Samsung SGH-E250 or similar phone? I need some help...00:42
soreaunemo: FWIW, I chmod -x both and just use scripts to handle my networking setups00:42
tiago_ok thanks !00:42
TrollymctrollI farted and pooped my pants00:42
aenima6subcool, my media is stored on a pc on my network, i stream to my htpc,but yeah i can also stream to my android phone00:43
soreau! ops | Trollymctroll00:43
ubottuTrollymctroll: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, or rww!00:43
|GoLTaR|i try to extraxt file , but i goot this error :/ /usr/bin/touch: 1: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")") can somebady help me? o.O00:43
soreau|GoLTaR|: What command gives you that output?00:43
subcoolaenima6, ok we are getting somehwere. Im trying to run xbmc but- im running into issue have issue with other stuff, and wondering if i waste my time.00:44
|GoLTaR|tar zxvf file.tar.gz00:44
subcoolAnyone know what WISh is? - i have it and dont know why00:44
subcooland its a CPU killer00:44
IdleOneTrollymctroll: could you please take the nonsense somewhere not Ubuntu related. thanks.00:44
soreau|GoLTaR|: Does the file name contain special characters and/or spaces?00:44
|GoLTaR|i try with 5 -6 files.. same error :/00:45
aenima6subcool, i see. well i knew nothing of linux before i started using xbmc, so if you have linux knowledge its probably worth running if you stream a lot of media00:45
nerdynickHoping I can get this answered here. Is anyone familiar with Package Repo Pooling?00:45
soreau|GoLTaR|: Does it make a difference if you try tar -xf /full/path/to/file.tar ?00:45
|GoLTaR|i will try now00:45
subcoolaenima6, ya, i do- im running tversity off XP now- and i cant stand it. So im trying to move onward, but xbmc always gives me hell. Im hoping to get it working this time around, but first im working on the networking stuff..00:46
aenima6subcool, yeah i have no trouble with it as long as im running a wired connection.00:46
subcoolaenima6,  u dont wanna run it wirelessly.. - except to the revieveing device.00:47
|GoLTaR|it work like that00:47
soreau|GoLTaR| :)00:47
aenima6subcool, thats what im talking about00:47
subcoolaenima6, if u had ipkunfu or 2-3 eth's connecting sure..00:47
|GoLTaR|but why? :/00:47
soreau|GoLTaR|: You might look into 'tar --help' or 'man tar'00:48
subcoolwireless runs at 100+/mbit/s wireless runs barely 1000:48
aenima6subcool, i have a couple TVs in teh house that arent by a connection so im trying to get it running wireless so i can throw the tiny pc onto any TV in the house00:48
SIFTUaenima6: have you run basic networking troubleshooting.. ping, traceroute, routing table (netstat -rn), dns (/etc/resolv.conf)00:49
aenima6SIFTU, yes thats where im getting confused. I can ping the outside internet. I can see my SMB media share, but i cant touch the internet within XBMC00:50
SIFTUaenima6: then it's not a OS problem00:50
aenima6SIFTU, yes Im realizing this now.00:51
subcoolaenima6, what? idk about that00:51
subcoolwireless alone will not block specific ports00:51
subcoolcheck a firewall or something00:51
subcoolSMB sucks00:51
FloodBot1subcool: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:51
|GoLTaR|im trying to make update to ubuntu and i got the same error :/00:52
bekorhi, i am new to ubuntu 10.04  looking for opinions on unity00:52
subcooli hate you flood- statement stands. OS PROBLEM00:52
subcoolwireless hardware CAN NOT limit connectivity to SPECIFIC ports00:52
subcoolunless FIREWALLED00:52
zookabekor - Try it out and decide for yourself if you like it :)00:52
aenima6subcool, SIFTU, the thing is, if i add a 10 second delay before XBMC runs, then it sees the internet, but wont see my SMB.00:52
subcoolOS PROBLEM!!!!!00:52
zookabekor - many people like it, many people prefer something else. You always have the choice with linux00:53
subcoolaenima6, is the pc a POS?00:53
aenima6subcool, no its a intel atom/nvidia ION00:53
bekorhave you been using it yourself?00:53
zookabekor - I used it for quite a while on 11.04, I am currently using AwesomeWM because I've always wanted to try it. I do still use Unity for regular usage / school though00:54
subcoolaenima6, ya.. id count that as a pOS00:54
subcoolaenima6, and Atom processor wont be able to handle that kinda work00:55
aenima6subcool, well its the size of a dvd case, and it does everything it needs to do. just this lame wireless isue00:55
subcooli cant get it to work on a 64bit celeron00:55
aenima6subcool, it handles 1080 files no problem00:55
bekorawsomewm? i will have to look into that will it work on computers with 512mb RAM?00:55
subcoolaenima6, its not like that00:55
subcoolthink of it like this00:55
subcoolrunning a super computer off of a 30$router00:56
subcool"technically" can work.. WIll it!? - uh00:56
subcooli bet if u try the same setup on something not netbook- it will work00:56
aenima6subcool, well its not a streaming issue, bc i cant even reach my network00:56
aenima6it works on my jolicloud netbook actually00:56
subcoolOS- something is blocking u00:56
SIFTUsubcool: it uses the GPU for video rendering.. it's plenty powerful enough00:57
subcoolSIFTU, no- i get that, im not talkinb about video render00:57
zookabekor - for low ram set-ups, I would suggest install Xubuntu or Lubuntu instead of Ubuntu. They use different desktop environments that work much better in low ram systems. They are both very conventional setups and you should have no problems getting used to them. However, if you research awesome or another window manager and want to try them, they are very good for such systems as well. They just take a lot more work to get used to.00:57
subcoolSIFTU, im talkiing about file render.00:57
zookaWoops, typed that up for nothing00:57
SIFTUsubcool: file render.. righto00:58
subcoolaenima6, what doesnt make sense to me- is if u put a stall on the XBMC to start, that shouldnt kill smb, unless something else was also put on hold...00:58
subcoolSIFTU, u get the idea..00:58
subcoolsmb works just fine if XBMC isnt initaited?00:58
aenima6subcool, yeah, thats why im confused, and why i came here bc i dont understand how linux OS works00:59
SIFTUaenima6: did you see my PM00:59
aenima6subcool, smb works with xbmc initialized00:59
subcoolbutu dont have interenet00:59
shawnboyis there any alternative to MythTV for DVR on Ubuntu?00:59
aenima6just not when i delay the issue so that internet works within xbmc00:59
aenima6SIFTU no i didnt, ill look00:59
subcoolaenima6, maybe xbmc is hosing ur internet due to the lag..01:00
subcoolxbmc hoses my computer-01:00
aenima6but i can still ping out in the terminal01:00
subcoolthats what iw as working on now- but im working on netowrking issues first01:00
smwsubcool, I find xbmc runs fine on my computer01:01
subcoolya, xbmc is hosing u01:01
subcoolswm, ya, i was aksing about wish- it was cloggin my cpu. i just figured it out- imma try now once i dl something01:01
subcoolaenima6, what happens if u put a 30sec delay01:02
subcoolor a minute?01:02
subcoollets the computer startup and settle before loading xbmc01:02
aenima6havent tried, but i guess i could, thanks for the diea01:02
smwshawnboy, MythTV is the best option. Not sure if there are others.01:02
=== }Relic{ is now known as [Relic]
smwshawnboy, what is wrong with mythtv?01:03
smwshawnboy, (also, xbmc is best for media already recorded)01:04
Loshkishawnboy: see also http://alternativeto.net/software/mythtv. There's no clear winner (IMO)...01:05
aenima6subcool, ok i have no idea why, but didnt even make the change or reboot or anytyhign, just went back to xbmc and tried again and it works, its streaming from my network and i can see inet01:06
shawnboysmw, well, i setup the backend and mythtv seems to work well on that machine both back and front ends.01:06
shawnboybut running frontend on my laptop... frontend freezes, loops (restarts, then freezes again) , things like that.01:07
shawnboyI started with 0.23, upgraded all to 0.24.1 and no improvements.01:07
smwshawnboy, perhaps xbmc? I think it can connect to recorded mythtv01:07
smwshawnboy, not sure.01:07
shawnboyit's a lot of grief, but so many people use it, I figure this can't be the norm.01:07
smwshawnboy, I auto download my media and stream to xbmc frontends throughout the house01:08
Sumpterhey how do I set up irc through the default ubuntu client?01:08
smwSumpter, what is the default ubuntu client?01:09
Sumpterempathy I think01:09
smwSumpter, I did not know there was one... I use xchat01:09
shawnboyi just got an HDhomerun tuner and want to record, pause, etc live tv.01:09
smwSumpter, empathy is not an irc program01:09
Sumpterits right up there in the top corner01:09
Sumpteroh okay well theres something01:09
shawnboyi already use torrents, but not all the tv shows i like are available.01:09
smwSumpter, also, im clients are not good irc clients01:09
Fail_BOtI'm an idiot.. I deleted my /etc/passwd file, and now ubuntu will not boot.  I used a slackware cd I had floating around to boot, mounted the drive, and there are no back ups, can I manually create a file, or is there a "temp" I can use to allow me to boot?01:09
Sumpterbecause it asks me to set up irc chats, but i cant log in01:09
smwshawnboy, that is odd :-P01:09
shawnboyso I want to use my new hdhomerun to record live TV01:09
subcoolaenima6, awesome!! gotta love how that happens..01:10
Sumpterbecause it asks me to set up irc chats, but i cant log in01:10
subcoolaenima6, glad i couldnt help :)01:10
Sumptersorry about the double post my bad01:10
aenima6haha thanks. yeah i wish i had some idea what it is. bc im sure next time i boot up it wont work01:10
Sumpteralso how can I set up a linux distro on a usb drive while in ubuntu01:10
smwshawnboy, what can't you find on torrents? I am very curious. I have gotten the idea that everything except some news shows are not uploaded :-P01:11
Fail_BOtI also deleted /etc/shadow and /etc/g****01:11
smwshawnboy, (I am in no way condoning piracy ;-) )01:11
shawnboyfor example my wife and I like cooking shows on PBS. Not to big on those on the torrent sites.01:11
smwFail_BOt, what is wrong with you? lol01:12
smwFail_BOt, I suggest I reinstall...01:12
smwFail_BOt, is there a reason you deleted every file that contains user info?01:12
subcoolaenima6, see im working on the same thing now, and having issues with smb myself. ugh.. what a b*01:12
Fail_BOtI'm building an LFS, and was trying to create users but couldn't lock the pwd file01:12
Sumpterso anyone?01:12
Fail_BOtThe internets told me too01:12
explodeswhats the name of the torrent client that comes with ubuntu?01:12
Sumpterhow can I use the default client to set up irc01:12
smwexplodes, transmission01:12
Fail_BOtSo I can't just "fake" a file to boot?01:13
philipballew how can I tell the size or a folders contents or a file from bash?01:13
smwFail_BOt, you could take one from a correctly installed system.01:13
smwFail_BOt, you would need to make sure you could login to root.01:14
Kjekkeni have installed ubuntu 11.04 from usv but when i boot from hd i get "running /scripts/init-bottom Done .."01:14
Kjekkenand it just hangs01:14
smwFail_BOt, but why would you? God knows what could go wrong01:14
wildbat!undelete | Fail_BOt: you can try UNdelete it from live CD ~01:14
ubottuFail_BOt: you can try UNdelete it from live CD ~: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel01:14
Fail_BOtIf I had a live cd I would just reinstall.....01:14
smwFail_BOt, perhaps you could boot in single user mode01:15
g0rshas anybody installed ubuntu distro on a usb drive?01:15
soreau! anybody | g0rs01:15
ubottug0rs: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.01:15
IdleOne!usb | g0rs01:15
ubottug0rs: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent01:15
g0rshello, i'm trying to install ubuntu OS , a full installation onto a 8 GB USB drive . It is not an installation disk but a complete working ubuntu OS which is bootable from the USB drive. Can anybody let me know if you did that already and  how to setup partitions and install it01:16
Sumpter@gors yes I have it works very well01:17
soreaug0rs: See the second link ubottu gave01:17
SumpterI just followed the guide on ubuntu01:17
g0rsSumpter: Did you have to boot from a DVD to install it or did you install it from you computer?01:17
Sumpterit gives you an auto installer for usb01:17
Sumpterno I installed from a usb drive to install01:17
Sumpterbut it runs good off usb anyways01:17
Kjekkeni just installed ubuntu 11.04 from usb and i have never used so much time installing :P01:17
g0rsSumpter: The dvd drive wont work on my computer. I had to use install everything via USB.01:17
Sumpterwell this will work for you then01:18
Kjekkenmy boot is now frozen in "running /scripts/init-bottom Done .."01:18
Sumpterworked for me01:18
Sumpterjust get the image for ubuntu01:18
soreauKjekken: Does the computer freeze?01:18
g0rsokay and afer that?01:18
Sumpterand download the universal usb installer that they link you to01:18
Kjekkencursor blinks01:19
darbehi guys01:19
soreauKjekken: Can you get to a tty and try 'sudo service gdm restart'?01:19
Kjekkenjust enter as command before i boot?01:20
g0rsSumpter: are you talking about installation usb drive? Or you are talking about intsalling the bootloader with the boot disk?01:20
soreau! tty01:20
ubottuTo get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.01:20
g0rsSumpter: did you follow any tutorial on the web?01:20
Sumpter@ g0rs http://www.pendrivelinux.com/downloads/Universal-USB-Installer/Universal-USB-Installer.exe01:20
Sumpteryea ill link you01:20
Sumpter@g0rs http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download01:21
soreaug0rs: For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent01:21
Sumptertell them you want to make a usb drive01:21
Kjekkenwill try that01:21
g0rsSumpter: I'm on linux. Windows is a no no . I hate micro$oft :/01:21
Sumpterwell then im not sure to be honest01:21
Kjekkeni also had a problem with screen going black if i dont add nomodeset01:21
Sumpterdo you have a windows boot partition?01:21
Kjekkennot sure if they are related01:21
Sumpterim on ubuntu now, but i keep windows on a seperate partition01:22
g0rsSumpter: ubuntu has a start up disk creator which works on th e USB drive. I Could create a USB linux installation drive with that.01:22
revilodrawhello. as of yesterday my mouse started acting strangely. when i highlight text, or drag and drop, my pointer refuses to "let go". i'm running 11.04 on a toshiba u300 laptop. any ideas?01:22
soreau! usb | g0rs:01:22
ubottug0rs:: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent01:22
Sumpterbut I thought you wanted to install ubuntu?01:22
Sumpterare you already running it?01:22
g0rsSumpter: I have installed ubuntu on my computer. I want to install it again onto a USB drive.01:23
soreau! usb | g0rs:01:23
Sumpterah okay then yeah do that01:23
RyuGunsHow exactly do you pronounce ubuntu?01:24
rypervencheRyuGuns: Wikipedia.01:24
g0rsSumpter: after we install the bootable image onto USB , how do we install the OS ont the usb drive again?01:25
SumpterI would assume that is how you do it. To be honest I'm a newbie to the whole linux world01:26
lilnastyme too!01:26
lilnastyi love it,hate windows01:26
lilnastylearning about wine and how it works anf terminal commands and you?01:26
g0rsSumpter: there are tutorials o the web for installinux onto flash drives.I can take a look at them.01:26
lilnastyits easier to burn the iso on disc01:27
g0rslilnasty: my computer's dvd drive wont work . i have to install everything with usb.01:27
Kjekkenubuntu homepage has a nice tutorial01:28
Kjekkenjust go there and check it out01:28
Sumpter@g0rs okay, sorry I couldn't help more. I'm actually trying to do the same thing. I want to put DSL on a flash drive01:28
g0rsThanks Kjekken01:28
lilnastyno one talks here01:28
lilnastyTHEN WHY BE IN ROOM01:28
lilnastyWHATS UP WITH THIS01:28
g0rsSumpter: Thanks, DLS on flash drive is pretty easy01:28
revilodrawlilnasty: lol01:28
revilodrawlilnasty: u mad01:29
Sumpterfrom linux?01:29
lilnastyNO LOL01:29
GreenEqualizerPlease don't type in caps01:29
kthomas_vhSTOP SHOUTING!!!01:29
qin!caps | lilnasty01:29
ubottulilnasty: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.01:29
lunixh are you ?01:29
g0rsSumpter: as a matter of fact, I wanted to install linux on a micro SD card and boot it with ausb adapter . This would be one of my projects :)01:29
lilnastyim good01:29
revilodrawi should have shouted. how can i reinstall my mouse drivers?\01:29
Sumpteryeah. Hey maybe you can help me then. How do you install DSL onto a usb flash drive?01:29
lilnastywhats up with wine paths to propellerheads reason not opening factory sound bank from within the program?01:29
lilnastygoto mouse driver website01:30
g0rsSumpter: there aretutorials for the same. You can install DSL iso onto flash without any tweaks.01:30
lilnastyuse the install method from the ubuntu website to install from flash drive01:30
revilodrawlilnasty: good idea, i would try that if i used windows01:30
shawnboyhow do I completely uninstall a package with no trace of it so if I re-install it, it downloads it all over again?01:30
lilnastyrevil is a clown lol01:30
lilnastywhy use flash drive,use cd01:30
Sumpter@g0rs but how do I install an iso to usb in linux?01:31
lilnastywhen its on the cd it has the auto run feature01:31
g0rsSumpter: there are no tricks, you install the iso using usb disk creator or with pen drive linux.01:31
Sumpteri could boot up xp, but its so slow01:31
lilnastyyou put the cd in and either run  it or install it01:31
Sumpterusb disk creator is preinstalled?01:31
Sumpteror do i need to download?01:31
revilodrawlilnasty: i am a clown, true, but how do i reinstall mouse drivers? my mouse is being a freak01:31
kthomas_vhjust installed ubuntu on a laptop,  cannot auth with 10-char WEP on wifi,  suggestions?  Have tried converting to hex-16.01:31
g0rsusb disc creator is installed with ubuntu01:32
ex0_use UNETBOOTIN its a great live usb creator multi platform support01:32
Sumpter@g0rs okay thanks01:32
Sumpter@g0rs how do I get to it?01:32
g0rsunetboot is a great software for creating installation disk or full OS installations.01:32
roootanyone know how to make xubuntu load the right source node for audio?01:33
lilnastysumpter may i ask why you want it on usb?01:33
g0rsSumpter: unetboot is on sf.net01:33
SumpterI cant seem to resize my windows partition01:33
Sumptergparted is showing unallocated for the entire drive01:33
Sumpterand the default one doesn't work01:34
qing0rs: apt-get install unetbootin ?01:34
g0rsqin: probably yes , please check01:34
ex0_its in the repositories..01:34
ex0_its a great tool01:35
Sumpterthe only thing i saw preinstalled is startup disk01:35
tiago_i'm doing a backup of my system to a external HD. Should I see an immediate change in df output?01:35
SteveThingDoes anyone know if 11.04 x32/x64 will detect my SSD during install and configure ext4 accordingly?01:35
shawnboyhow do I completely uninstall a package with no trace of it so if I re-install it, it downloads it all over again?01:35
ex0_right...u have to use synaptic manager to search and download it, or sudo apt-get install unetbootin01:35
beatbreakerhi, reccommend something to view massive log files with 600 MEG01:35
beatbreakerin gnome01:36
Sumpter@g0rs hey I've tried the apt-get thing but it wants me to root01:36
g0rsSumpter: type sudo apt-get01:36
Sumpter@g0rs and when I type su and my password it says authentication failed01:36
=== jack is now known as Guest35002
qinbeatbreaker: rather breake it by 1000 lines, before viewing, what logs?01:37
g0rsSumpter: you can use your package manager to install it01:37
Sumptergot it with sudo01:37
Sumpterwhat is sudo btw?01:37
beatbreakerqin, java stack trace logs01:37
Guest35002is there anyone know how to change a file code?01:37
Sumpteronly linux experience i have is android01:37
Guest35002from ascii text to ascii programme c++ text?01:38
roootanyone know how to make ubuntu load the right audio source node on boot?01:38
roootetc 0x001:38
SteveThingDoes anyone know if 11.04 x32/x64 will detect my SSD during install and configure ext4 accordingly?01:38
beatbreakerSumpter, instsall Arch01:38
Sumpterwhat is that?01:38
Guest35002except iconv01:38
Guest35002or recode01:39
ChronicSyncopeSteveThing, i don't *know* but i would imagine it would... it wouldn't be that hard to find out01:39
Guest35002they don't work with large files01:39
shawnboyso nobody knows how to completely remove a package to make it as you never installed it?01:40
Sumpter@beatbreaker what is Arch?01:40
aj00200shawnboy: does apt-get purge suit your needs?01:40
beatbreakerSumpter, if you want to learn linux then install ArchLinux01:40
Guest35002is there any tools to change a large file's code?01:40
Sumpterfrom the sudo thing?01:40
beatbreakerhi, reccommend something to view massive log files with 600 MEG in Gnome, not Gedit and GUI preferred01:41
Sumpter@beatbreaker from the sudo thing?01:41
shawnboyI tried aptitude purge, but when I reinstall it says "selecting previously deselected package" and uses what's on the hard drive.01:42
tiago_beatbreaker: emacs, vim?01:42
g0rsSumpter: are you a student or do you work?01:42
beatbreakertiago_, I use VIM already, maybe gvim I guess01:42
aj00200shawnboy: is it possible that the install data is cached somewhere?01:43
Sumpter@g0rs student01:43
beatbreakerSumpter, if you want to resize your partitions, download gparted and boot into that01:43
linn-meretheneed seriously help on installing a network printer.. Canon mg series01:43
SIFTUshawnboy: apt-get clean?01:43
Sumpter@beatbreaker ive tried but it says the entire hdd is unallocated space01:43
g0rsis anbody working  in a computer here?01:43
g0rsis anbody working  in a company here?01:43
Sumpteri thought you were crazy at first, we're all at computers01:44
roootanyone know how to save hda analyzer settings so i can just boot my system up and wont habe to mess with any settings01:44
beatbreakerSumpter, make sure you get the latest version01:44
beatbreakerwhat file system is it?01:44
beatbreakeryou can also try parted magic to boot into01:44
Sumpter@beatbreaker NTFS01:44
linn-merethecan someone please help me installing a network printer?01:45
subcool_this is the proper use right? ssh@ip01:45
g0rslinn-merethe: what printer is it? i could instal an epson wlan network printer using third party drivers.01:46
roootanyone know how to make the hda analyzer settings stick?01:47
shawnboyaj00200, don't know.01:47
shawnboySIFTU, haven't tried that one.01:47
linn-meretheg0rs: Its a canon printer..tried setting it up with samba and all that stuff but i cant find anything..01:47
g0rslinn-merethe: there might be support for canon printers. You might try searching for its drivers.Do you know which year or model it is?01:48
thenickpersonis ~/Public really used for anything?01:50
g0rslinn-merethe: if i were you, i'd find out its model number and find its driver in  search engine like google. there is a good chance that there is already a driver for it.01:50
jtruckswhat are poeple n 10.04 LTS using for A/V? the stock clamav stuff is 0.94, but I need to get 0.95. Is there a safe repo to get that from, or should I compile and build my own package?01:50
* jtrucks doesn't want to use some fly-by-night package repo.01:50
linn-meretheg0rs: yes its 2011, but it wont even find it..and when i press on windows-printers via samba ..nothing..tells there are no shared printers and i should check my firewall settings01:50
g0rslinn-merethe: probabbly you have to install it with native llinux support and not with samba.01:51
jojo_any one here who can help me01:51
jojo_its about the network manager?01:52
linn-meretheg0rs: how do i do that?01:52
g0rslinn-merethe: which distro are you using?01:52
jtrucksjojo_: just ask the question.01:52
linn-merethegors: noob here.. sorry.. what do you mean bu distro01:52
jojo_how can i edit the ip address of the shared internet i used network manager to shared01:52
jojo_how can i edit the ip address of the shared internet i used network manager to shared internet01:52
g0rslinn-merethe: are you running ubuntu?01:53
linn-meretheg0rs: yes, the latest one.. 10.401:53
g0rslinn-merethe: you'd have to find a package which is compatible with your printer. it is usually a .deb file01:53
aj00200jojo_: try this: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=!ip01:53
g0rslinn-merethe: let me know your printer name01:53
jtruckslinn-merethe: that isn't the latest, but it isthe latest LTS install.01:53
jojo_jtrucks: how can i edit the ip address of the shared internet i used network manager to shared internet01:53
jtrucksjojo_: why are you asking me? if I had an answer I would have answered.01:53
aj00200jojo_: that depends a lot on your network setup01:54
linn-meretheg0rs: Canon Mg525001:54
jojo_aj00200 : ok i will try the website now01:54
g0rslinn-merethe: there is support for your printer. Try here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=165588001:55
aj00200Does anyone know when Firefox 7 will hit the repos? OMGUbuntu said within hours but that was hours ago. It doesn't even appear to be in the firefox-stable PPA01:55
jojo_aj00200 : i shared internet using network manager and i wanted to edit the range of the ip address how can i do that???01:55
subcool_i hate brain farts01:55
jojo_aj00200 : i shared internet using network manager and i wanted to edit the range of the ip address how can i do that???01:56
xanguaaj00200: it is01:57
wyang_i tried "service iptables start"01:58
wyang_but the status is still fail01:58
jojo_any one here who know..s01:59
jojo_aj00200 : i shared internet using network manager and i wanted to edit the range of the ip address how can i do that???01:59
xangua!oneiric | Rodrigo01:59
aj00200jojo_: the internal address or the external address?01:59
ubottuRodrigo: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+101:59
jojo_aj00200 : internal ip address01:59
aj00200xangua: that is weird. I can't seem to get the update manager to get it. Even switching between US Server and the "Main Server" don't make a difference01:59
aj00200jojo_: you will need to make a manual connection setup02:00
xanguaaj00200: if you are using natty you will have to wait or activate backports/proposed updates maybe02:00
jojo_yes may if thats the case02:00
xanguaaj00200: the ppa is for earlier ubuntu releases02:01
PromilleThey keyboard layout(i use the norwegian layout with "æøå") goes back to USA layout _even though_ i apply norwegian layout system wide, and deletes everything else. Any idea how to save it permanently?02:01
PromilleUbuntu 11.0402:01
jojo_aj00200 : yes may be you cannot edit the default address of a shared network..?02:01
Rodrigo11.10 b202:01
RodrigoNet start02:02
aj00200jojo_: it depends on the hardware you use to run your network. Try reading the manual for the device you connect to (such as your router)02:02
xanguaRodrigo: /join #ubuntu+102:03
jojo_aj00200 : http://www.somewhereville.com/?p=1196 my connection is like this one02:03
linn-meretheg0rs: why do i have to type a password in the terminal?02:04
jojo_aj00200 : http://www.somewhereville.com/?p=1196 my connection is like this one02:04
g0rslinn-merethe: whenyou install something you'd have to enter your password .02:04
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linn-meretheg0rs: yes, but the password i am typing is wrong..i only have one password and i have only 2 seconds to type it..02:05
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g0rslinn-merethe: ubuntu doesnt have a root password . your login pw should be used there.02:05
=== jtrucks is now known as everyone
aj00200jojo_: then you will probably need to change your IP in your NAT device02:06
g0rslinn-merethe: can i pm you ?02:06
linn-meretheg0rs: thats what i am using...when it asks me for the password i cant type i have to press enter then type the password fast. yes you can02:06
g0rslinn-merethe: there is no time limit for entering password.02:07
jeremy77is there a short cut key to pull up the desktop switcher in 11.04 ?02:07
g0rslinn-merethe: why did you have to enter your password? were you installing something?02:07
Promillelinn-merethe: when you enter password it shows up as blanks in terminal, not02:07
aj00200jojo_: you may also be able to do it in the switch02:07
=== everyone is now known as jtrucks
Promillelinn-merethe: not like ******* which is normal02:07
g0rslinn-merethe: you wont see any characters on the terminal when you're typing your password.02:08
linn-meretheg0rs: can we go on a private screen?02:08
aj00200jeremy77: Super Key + s02:08
g0rshi aartist02:09
jojo_aj00200 : Im able to shared internet now...02:09
jeremy77aj00200, thanks . it works! now is there a way to make that a short cut on taskbar02:10
g0rslinn-merethe: i sent you a pm, it should be visible in your irc client02:10
ahoneycunanyone here ?02:11
roootahoneycun,  no02:11
aj00200jeremy77: you can probably right-click and select add widgets or something like that. But there should be one there by default02:11
g0rshello ahoneycun02:11
roootanyone know of  any equalizer?02:12
aartistHi ahoneycun02:12
aj00200rooot: maybe audacity?02:12
roootaj00200,  kind havin trouble with my audio... its not loadin the right settings i think02:12
ahoneycunanyone knows how to intergate a music player in the sound menu?02:12
roootaj00200,  i have to change it every reboot via hda analizer02:13
jeremy77aj00200,  there was but I dont like unity and went to ubuntu clasic.  that desktop switcher was the only thing I liked about unity02:13
miles__Is there a better room for Quickly related questions ?02:13
aj00200jeremy77: sorry, but I don't know how to make a shortcut for that. But I would like to encourage you to give Unity an extended try. You can Use Super Key + 1-9 for window switching if you did not know that already02:14
w30jeremy77, make a panel addition of workspace switcher to bottom panel02:16
miles__the answer i was looking for was #quickly02:16
aj00200xangua: I'm still not seeing Firefox 7, with or without the PPA. Any ideas?02:16
xanguaaj00200: wait¿ download it from firefox.com¿02:16
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=== Be is now known as lolcat
jeremy77aj00200, I have tried 3 or for times to get use to it. I just like the traditional gnome with docky instead of bottom panel. guess its just a personal preference02:17
aj00200jeremy77: ok. w30's suggestion sounds correct. Try that out.02:17
aj00200xangua: ok, thanks.02:17
w30jeremy77, then put a workplace switcher on - in the top panel02:18
jeremy77w30, that worked, thanks.  too bad it dont pull up all four desktops on screen like the unity one02:19
qinjeremy77: Mod4-e02:20
jeremy77qin,  Mod4-e   ??02:21
qinjeremy77: If you run compiz, press: "windows" key and e02:22
jeremy77qin, oh ok. just installed ccc manager so I will try that02:23
qinjeremy77: I think it is expo plugin.02:24
roootanyone know how to make a script to run on startup for my sound settings?02:32
apporcI found that the fonts used by my nautilus Navigation toolbar and firefox Navigation toolbar are different, which though i configed both as "Ubuntu" font.02:33
apporcUbuntu 10.0402:34
apporcrooot: there some places to set it .02:34
roootyes i know02:35
roootive been doing it in hda analyzer02:35
roootbut i dont wanna keep doing it02:35
roootapporc,  i wanna just make a script uppon start up02:35
apporcrooot: System-Preferences-Startup Applications . this is one.02:35
roootapporc,  do u know anything about the hda-analyzer.diff file? do u think i can make it load upon start up02:36
apporcrooot: I am not familiar with that . but as you want to load it upon startup . there are some approach .02:37
rawfodogI want to install lubuntu, but before I do I am testing to see if wifi works off the live cd. Thing is, it's doing that thing where in ADDITIONAL DRIVERS it shows broadcom, but the paradox is, I need INTERNET ACCESS TO ACTIVATE THE DRIVER. How do I do this manually ?02:37
apporcrooot: you can write to the /etc/rc.local02:37
roootapporc,  because if anyone has any experience in hda analyzer they all know that all the settings will vanish after restart02:37
roootapporc,  i can put the .diff file in their?02:38
apporcrooot: you can look that file ,you edit it and write some commands there for the os to run upon startup02:38
roootyeh but the .diff file has alot of stuff in it lol.. do u need to put any option lines or anything like that in their?02:39
apporcrooot:at your case ,maybe you can edit a "patch"command for the .diff file02:39
roootKnow any Patch commands?02:40
KirinDaveHey all, I have a rather specific question. I'm looking for someone with a laptop with an intel hd 3000. I'm trying to scope out which laptop to buy as a full-time ubuntu machine, but my wife demands I keep playing Minecraft with her.02:40
ubottuPatches are files describing the changes in code to achieve some results.  There are a number of ways these can be produced, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems may provide some useful guidelines.02:41
KirinDaveI'm trying to find out if I can get away with integrated graphics, or if I have to find something with discrete graphics. I figured the easiest way would be to ask in here.02:41
kathey, anyone know when Firefox 7 hits the repos?02:41
apporcrooot:I though , it is one configuration file that will change every time you restart , isn't it? then how about the .diff file .It is diff original-configuration present-configuration?02:42
KirinDaveMaybe I should ask in #minecraft as well..02:43
xanguakat if you use lucid or  maverick use the ppa02:43
roootapporc,  yes  everytime u restart the settings go back to normal but i do believe the .diff file stays the same02:43
xanguaif you use natty wait02:43
ubottuFirefox 6 has been released as a security update for 11.04. For 10.04 and 10.10, you can use the unofficial and unsupported PPA at https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable02:43
jeremy77I formated my 250 gig drive as ext4 and coppied all my files back to it and rebooter my pc and when I go to properties of drive it says The permissions of 250 GB hard drive could not be determined.  how do I set permissions to that drive ?02:43
apporcrooot: where does the .diff come from in you case?02:43
roootapporc,  its saved to ur file system.. so im wondering if i move it and find a way to make it load on its own and dont use hda analyzer anymore if it will be good02:43
xanguaor download it from firefox.com kat02:43
roootapporc,  when u edit hda analyzer.. it saves a file.. called hda-analyzer.diff which are the settings u applied02:44
apporcrooot:where is this file located?02:44
roootapporc,  i do believe in /tmp/02:45
apporcrooot: you found it in /tmp ?02:45
roootapporc,  it generated in there.. "saved"02:45
roootapporc,  when u open the file the first line is Diff for codec 0/0 (0x10ec0888):02:46
roootapporc,  and then load of stuff after02:47
apporcrooot: seconds.02:48
roootapporc,  kk02:48
jeremy77how can I take ownership of a 250 GB hard drive formated to ext4 ?02:49
roootapporc,  could i make a config file and put it in the module direc?02:52
apporcrooot: see this post , will it help yo u .02:52
apporcrooot: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1435136.html02:52
apporcrooot: it refered one patch file someone written.02:52
roootwho wrote the script02:54
roootis it the lidex guy?02:54
apporcrooot: maybe it's a bug still unfixed... According to this post :http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:RXCo8RjaZaAJ:osdir.com/ml/ubuntu-bugs/2010-04/msg83805.html+hda-analyzer.diff+patch&cd=9&hl=en&ct=clnk02:56
roootcould i do this02:57
roootapporc,  Running the following command as root fixes sound on my laptop:02:57
rooot# hda-verb /dev/snd/hwC0D0 0x19 SET_PIN_WIDGET_CONTROL 0x22The 0x22 represents VREF_GRD02:57
IbisDoes anyone have any ideas why I'm not getting any results for following this tutorial? http://serverfault.com/questions/112795/how-can-i-run-a-server-on-linux-on-port-80-as-a-normal-user           (The point is, I want to use port 80 for testing my Website. But the server is runned by a NON-Root account)02:59
IbisThe page can not be found when I try to access my testing webpage on port 80, instead of 808003:00
Chaintechhi all03:01
_Ray_Hi. In Gentoo, I could select a specific package version to install by emerging package=version. Is there a way to specify which version of a package I want to install in Ubuntu? Specifically, packages.ubuntu.com lists the latest GCC as 4.5 for Natty, but 4.6 for Oneiric. I'd want to have 4.6 on Natty.03:03
xangua!latest | _Ray_03:05
ubottu_Ray_: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.03:05
xanguaso search a ppa or compile yourself03:05
roootis there anywhere... where i can get hda verb?03:10
fuhoHi, could someone help me set up putty to show box-draw characters when I connect to my VPS?03:11
fuhoI tried connecting directly from xterm and it works fine. If i try locale on VPS from xterm i get utf8, if I try locale on VPS from putty it returns POSIX03:13
fuhoI set putty terminal-type string to xterm.03:13
hydrometwhen I use aptitude to search for a package, on my Ubuntu 11.04 Server system, if the package is installed it comes back like this:03:14
hydrometi A dpkg-dev                                                             - Debian package development tools03:14
hydrometwhat does the "A" mean to the right of the letter "i" (where "i" indicates its installed)?03:14
fuhoI basically tried all the combinations :( I had the same problem a ayear ago and gave up back then, but using direct ssh from gnome-terminal sucks.03:15
hydrometdoes anyone know what the difference is between "I' and "i A" when aptitude is used to display a list of installed packages?03:17
hydrometoops, I mean the difference between "i" and "i A"03:17
alpha1I have done a local install (since I am not administrator) of git and would like to bind the command "git" to the actual git program file ~/installs/bin/git. How do I do this? I guess it should be done in .bashrc but I don't know how03:18
crasshydromet: I believe that means the package was automatically installed03:18
Seven_Six_TwoAfter the update, pulseaudio won't start. Sound works from media players, no panel volume control. Complete details at http://pastebin.com/LFxWJW7d03:18
hydrometthanks crass:03:18
IbisAny ideas why this doesn't redirect connection from port 80 to 9001? I used this command to get this effect: sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp –dport 80 -j REDIRECT –to-port 900103:20
alpha1ok, I found what I was looking for (alias)03:20
IbisRunning a webserver here on port 9001, as a non root user (regular user).03:20
SIFTUIbis: you are working n the nat table.. only your local machine or on a router?03:22
IbisOnly on localhost I am working on.03:23
IbisIt's nothing special other than being a test-only server.03:23
SIFTUIbis: you probably want to use the INPUT chain then03:23
IbisHow can I do that exactly?03:25
SIFTUIbis: hmm you might be right after looking at some examples03:25
IbisSIFTU: How and how cna I delete previous rules?03:28
SIFTUIbis: you might want to play with fwbuilder to build your rules03:31
IbisAlrighties, thanks for the suggestions SIFTU.03:34
kuchikuwhat's the latest version of firefox for ubuntu ?03:42
kuchikui got version 6 but heard there's version 803:42
xangua7 is stable, firefox.com03:43
kuchikuhow to install one ?03:44
roootanyone know the model for limbo 6000a?03:44
kuchikui can't seems to get it on the software center03:44
rwwoh great, now I get to go modify a tonne of factoids for the "how do i get firefox 7?!" crowd, don't I03:44
rww!latest | kuchiku03:44
ubottukuchiku: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.03:44
roootanyone know the model for zareason that work for  the sound card?03:46
kuchikusilverlight or moonlight wont work03:47
kuchikusay not compatible03:47
dr_willismoonlight does nit have all the features silverlight does03:48
kuchikuis there a silverlight for ubuntu then ?03:48
dr_williskuchiku:  moonlight is it.03:49
dr_williswhat are you trying to run03:49
kuchikui installed silverlight and firefox version 6 said it is not compatible so it disable it03:50
=== Mud is now known as Guest41668
dr_willisinstalled silverlight how03:50
widewakehey there. i'm trying to update java. DLed update, cant figure the rest03:51
kuchikudrwillisssssssss silverlight is for windows system03:51
CyclotronHi.. i am unable to find a manual entry for the command - alias. plz help03:52
dr_williskuchiku:  yes it is. moonlight is for linux.03:52
dr_willisCyclotron: it may be a bash builtin command03:53
SIFTUCyclotron: alias <name>='command'03:53
Cyclotrondr_willis: how do i execute it.. e.g alias testcmd = 'ls -lrt'03:53
dr_willisi think your spaces are wrong.03:54
Cyclotrondr_willis: lemme try03:54
G00053graphical ui rdp client ?03:54
dr_willisbash guides give examples of alias03:54
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SIFTUCyclotron: yeah take the spaces out between the =03:54
SIFTUG00053: remmina in my preferred03:55
Cyclotrondr_willis/SIFTU: thanks.. it was an issue with the space :-). by the way why isnt there a manual entry?03:55
soreauHow can you log into an ftp site with implicit ssl enabled?03:55
dr_willisCyclotron: its a.bash built in command03:55
SIFTUCyclotron: there is for me03:55
locojay_hi i m installing ubuntu 11.04 alter text mode on a 2011 mac mini. after selecting the usb stick to boo i get install ubuntu . after pressing i only see a black screen and nothing happens03:55
dr_williswould be my guess03:55
SIFTUCyclotron: http://pastebin.com/UWrZX78M03:56
locojay_do i need to set something in edit mode?03:56
dr_willisalias --help  perhaps03:56
=== SoulShadow is now known as Shadows`sleep
locojay_is there a only text install03:56
Cyclotrondr_willis: Seems like SIFT is having a man entry for alias but not me.. any idea?03:56
SIFTUCyclotron: I run a different distro03:57
CyclotronSIFT: which is ur distro?03:57
SIFTUCyclotron: Arch Linux03:57
CyclotronSIFTU: oh okie... is there a way to add it to the manual... like some sort of manual entry?03:57
roootanyoe know if zareason computer is compbat with ubuntu?03:58
roootIm guessing so?03:58
dr_willisyou allready know how to make an alias.. ;)03:59
roootAnd if so what model should i use for an options line in alsa-base.conf03:59
dr_willis!hcl | rooot03:59
ubotturooot: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection03:59
tapoutOn an old install, I had a bunch of passwords... where would that file be and is there a way to import them into my new install (ssd)03:59
roootit doesnt say it03:59
dr_willisforums perhaps04:00
Cyclotrondr_willis: haha.. but just curious :)04:00
roootits called zareason04:00
shawnboycan someone point me in a good direction for learning how to change audio from pulseaudio to something else?04:01
shawnboyI've never messed with audio stuff before in ubuntu04:01
SIFTUCyclotron: I'm not sue but I think you can just add it /usr/share/man....04:01
widewakeCant get this to work, trying the commands nothing happens. http://java.com/en/download/help/linux_install.xml#selfextracting04:01
dr_willismost bash builtins dont have man pages04:01
dr_willisinfo bash may have docs on it04:02
elbetoI have libreoffice 3.3, but cant install 3.4, I get: wrong architecture, and it is not, anyone having the same problem?04:02
Seven_Six_Twocan someone please pastebin their /etc/pulse/client.conf ? Thanks04:03
Ibiselbeto: You might be to install libreoffice of a 64bit machine04:03
IbisTry downloaded a 32bit, i386, version of it04:04
tapoutWhere are the passwords stored ?  System->Preferences->Passwords .. what file is that using?04:04
shawnboyso how do I change from pulseaudio to a different audio____04:04
elbetoIbis: im sure my machine is 64bit, how do i find out?04:05
Seven_Six_Twoelbeto, cat /proc/cpuinfo04:06
Ibiselbeto: Open up System monitor04:06
Ibiselbeto: In terminal: uname -h04:07
SIFTUelbeto: grep /proc/cpuinfo vmx04:08
SIFTUelbeto: ah sorry.. i was thinking virtualizatio04:09
shawnboyhowto change from pulseaudio to different sound daemon?04:09
dr_willisshawnboy:  why do you need to04:09
furyoshonendoes 11.04 have a graphics card monitor?04:09
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions04:09
zykotick9elbeto, the shortest way is "uname -m"04:09
Seven_Six_Twopulse doesn't start for me...04:10
Seven_Six_TwoI'm trying to start it with apport, but it's taking a while04:10
elbetoit is 64bit, so i dont know why i cannot install libreoffice 3.404:10
=== eboyjr is now known as sephr-android
widewakehow can i update java? http://java.com/en/download/help/linux_install.xml#selfextracting04:12
christopherso your computer is 64bit, did you install the 64bit version of ubuntu or the generic 32bit?04:12
Seven_Six_Twoelbeto, where are you trying to install it from?04:12
zykotick9christopher, "uname -m" says what OS versions 32/64 they have.  (well, technically you could have a different kernel and userspace, but that very irregular)04:13
Ibiszykotick9: Oh you're right, I meant to say that.04:13
elbetoSeven_Six_Two:  LibO_3.4.0_Linux_x86_install-deb_en-US.tar.gz04:13
=== sephr-android is now known as eboyjr
IbisMines is i68604:14
Seven_Six_Twoelbeto, from where? libreoffice site?04:14
Seven_Six_Twoelbeto, that's an x86 file, not 64 bit04:14
=== loganhoup is now known as LoganHoup
locojay_ubuntu 11.04 alternate text on mac min. install ubuntu--> e --> replace quiet with nomodeset ==> still black screen??04:16
shawnboydr_willis, I'm having freeze issues with MythTV. In that irc channel, I was told to get latest release. I have latest release. The he said it's probably pulseaudio issue and that there are better alternatives to pulseaudio anyway.04:16
shawnboydr_willis, I know that's controversial, but if there is another audio daemon I could try, I'd be interested if it solved the mythtv freezess.04:17
zykotick9shawnboy, i've run myth for years, and honestly it's never been 100% stable (probably why it will never be a debian package).  Good luck though!  Myth Rocks!04:17
Seven_Six_Twoshawnboy, mythtv has an alsa output module? try that04:17
elbetoSeven_Six_Two: that explains it, thanks04:18
shawnboyzykotick9, I'm sure it would rock if it didn't freeze when I tried to exit watching TV.04:18
zykotick9shawnboy, if it's a constant issue/problem then that really sucks man.  hope you find a fix!04:19
shawnboySeven_Six_Two, any helpful push as to how I try the alsa module for myth?04:19
shawnboyzykotick9, yes, every time I exit TV it hangs.04:19
D3CRYP70Rhello world04:20
Seven_Six_Twoshawnboy, well, you could uninstall all of the pulse stuff, and install the alsa stuff. As for myth, I don't know how to do it, but there's likely documentation about enabling it. Some programs have either different versions, or separate modules for input and output.04:20
zykotick9shawnboy, try changing your video and audio outputs first, see if those make a difference - i'd start with video if i where you.04:21
curiousxecho "Hello world" > my_first_program.sh =P04:21
D3CRYP70R#include <iostream> using namespace std; my first program04:21
shawnboyzykotick9, you mean in mythtv? would that be on the frontend?04:22
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zykotick9curiousx, technically you'd need a #! line to make that a real script04:22
zykotick9shawnboy, frontend04:22
paean_curiousx, zykotick9, you'd also need to write echo twice, wouldn't you?04:23
Seven_Six_Twoshawnboy, http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/ALSA04:23
paean_echo echo "Hello world" > program.sh04:23
curiousxzykotick9: xD i just joking =P04:23
Guest37539using Ubuntu oneiric beta one.. Its asking for partial upgrade.. So should I go with it.. I have read that its not advisable to partial upgrade04:23
widewakehow can i update java? http://java.com/en/download/help/linux_install.xml#selfextracting04:24
Guest37539using Ubuntu oneiric beta one.. Its asking for partial upgrade.. So should I go with it.. I have read that its not advisable to partial upgrade04:24
zykotick9curiousx, ;) plus the darn "bash: Hello: command not found"04:24
NorthwoodsIs there a keyboard shortcut for terminal window ?04:24
cowo_pengenhem ,,,04:24
paean_Northwoods, depends on your desktop, by default ctrl alt T04:25
Seven_Six_TwoGuest37539, I've done it before without problems. You will have to do another one when that finishes, and keep doing it until there's no more to do. don't reboot until the end. Buyer Beware. Caution. Achtung!04:25
Northwoodspaean_: thanks04:25
Northwoodsit worked04:25
cowo_pengenthere is a way to make a partition??? cause i installed without make partition04:25
Guest37539thnx Seven_Six_Two04:26
curiousxNorthwoods: try Ctrl + T04:26
dr_williscowo_pengen:  clarify that to the channel04:26
Northwoodscuriousx , crtl alt T workds04:26
Seven_Six_Twocowo_pengen, you can probably resize and make a new one. try gparted or qtparted04:26
NorthwoodsCrtl +T doesn't04:26
curiousxyeah! i don't remember but there ya go04:27
cowo_pengenseven ,,, it cannt ,  cos just one partition in my hdd , system partition04:27
shawnboyzykotick9, Seven_Six_Two I found settings page for frontend with sound. it was set to alsa. I chose scan and it gave other choices.. I changed to pulseaudio.04:27
D3CRYP70Rokay im still having problem with my laptop freezing while running ubuntu any help......04:27
Seven_Six_Twocowo_pengen, oh, do it from a live cd04:28
cowo_pengenoke seven lets try first ,,thank04:28
curiousxi dont see paean_ sory about that =P04:28
shawnboyoh my gosh, zykotick9 Seven_Six_Two. it worked.04:28
zykotick9shawnboy, i've been looking for ANY video output in frontend settings and can't find any!?  but i remember getting vdpau support going in myth a while ago, and can't find that setting either?!  GLAD the audio did it!!!04:29
curiousxheya! pielstick04:29
Seven_Six_TwoD3CRYP70R, any flashing lights? Can you reproduce the freezing?04:29
widewakehow can i update java? http://java.com/en/download/help/linux_install.xml#selfextracting04:29
widewaketrying the instructions not working out04:30
shawnboyzykotick9, I had amd/ati driver isssue (apparently) before which resulted in two top halves showing in the screen instead of whole pic.04:31
cowo_pengeni used empathy,,, but i can search any list room here04:31
D3CRYP70RSeven_Six_two no none of the above... just randomly freezes every now and then screen gets glitchy04:31
shawnboyzykotick9, I was told to change from CPU+ to Slim on some setting and it fixed that.04:31
zykotick9shawnboy, i don't go near ATI/AMD I haven't for like 7+ years.  Though ATI was my 1st 3D game experience on gnu/linux.04:32
Seven_Six_Twoleave top in a terminal sorted by cpu use, maybe see the offending process04:32
shawnboyI had to take it on my Dell laptop. Couldn't find a laptop at the time with nVidia04:33
locojay_will try xubuntu as they have a text based install04:33
zykotick9shawnboy, laptops with nvidia are WAY too expensive.  I think ATI has come a long way though.04:33
tapoutWhere are the passwords stored ?  System->Preferences->Passwords .. what file is that using?04:34
* zykotick9 wishes ATI would open source it's firmware (along with the now opensource driver)04:35
shawnboyzykotick9, there have been some glitches--like usually after kernel update I have to reinstall drivers--but for most part amd drivers have done well for me.04:35
zykotick9shawnboy, that's good to hear man.04:36
shawnboyzykotick9, Seven_Six_Two , well thanks guys for the help. I'm headed out now.04:39
zykotick9shawnboy, i currently use myth with OTA HD TV and schedulesdirect for the TV listings - I only get 5 channels but it's super cool to be able to PVR  it all in HD (those mpegs get big quick though - I've NEVER gotten the transcoding to work which is a MAJOR drag04:40
shawnboyzykotick9, same use here. it will be cool with my new HDhomerun04:40
tapoutWhere are the passwords stored ?  System->Preferences->Passwords .. what file is that using?04:40
paean_tapout, not sure where they're stored exactly, but the frontend's name is seahorse.  Not sure if that can help you at all.04:41
widewake how can i update java? http://java.com/en/download/help/linux_install.xml#selfextracting   i try this and nothing :\04:41
zykotick9tapout, in a terminal try "cat /etc/passwd"04:42
zykotick9tapout, but the "passwords" aren't really stored there04:42
HACKhalo2hi, i screwed up and acenedtally removed the ubuntu ndiswrapper module, and I need to reinstall it04:43
HACKhalo2the wiki pages and stuff google pointed me to did nothing04:44
paean_HACKhalo2, sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper?04:44
HACKhalo2did that, no go04:44
HACKhalo2the kernel module is gone04:45
paean_HACKhalo2, sorry, can't help you beyond that. I think I've had the same problem with another module before, and I have yet to fix it.04:46
HACKhalo2is there a package for ubuntu kernel modules?04:46
Seven_Six_Twowidewake, which step did nothing?04:47
paean_HACKhalo2, dsmesg maybe04:47
Seven_Six_TwoHACKhalo2, try sudo modprobe ndiswrapper04:48
paean_modprobe -- that's what I was trying to think of.04:48
curiousxHACKhalo2: a package for installing modules ?04:49
HACKhalo2Seven_Six_Two Fatal error, cannot find /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/misc/ndiswrapper.ko04:49
HACKhalo2where uname -r is the latest kernel'04:49
widewakeSeven_Six_Two, all of them, though i changed file to executable manually04:50
Seven_Six_Twowidewake, are you in the same directory as the downloaded file?04:50
widewakeSeven_Six_Two, no04:51
tapoutOld install of ubuntu, has all my passwords for chromium.  New install, how do I get the old passwords into ubuntu?04:51
widewakeSeven_Six_Two, :)04:51
Seven_Six_Twowidewake, and when you do  ls -l   do you see the file with the "x" permission set?04:51
HACKhalo2Seven_Six_Two, the KO file is in /kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper04:51
ChheapshotHACKhalo2: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper Check the section 5 on removing the ndiswrapper. And then try installing it again04:52
widewakeSeven_Six_Two,  see a few yes04:52
Seven_Six_Twowidewake, rwxrwxrwx?04:52
widewakeSeven_Six_Two,  drwxrwx04:53
paulus68!ndiswrapper |hackhalo204:53
ubottuhackhalo2: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:53
Seven_Six_Twowidewake, what dir are you in? pwd will tell you04:54
widewakeSeven_Six_Two,  the file is located in downloads, how to enter downloads? not sure04:54
widewakeSeven_Six_Two, home user04:54
Seven_Six_Twowidewake, sudo cp ~/Downloads/<javainstaller> /usr/java && cd /usr/java && sudo ./<javainstaller>04:56
xenlandHello everyone04:56
Seven_Six_Twowidewake, replace <> with actual file name04:56
widewakeSeven_Six_Two, k,04:56
xenlandlooking for a easier to configure solution for sending/recieving emails with domain support. Postfix is nearly imposible to get my Cloud VPS from Rackspace going it.04:57
xenlandAt best I can send emails but never recieve them, DNS is setup fine04:57
Seven_Six_Twoxenland, google apps04:57
xenlandGoogle Apps?04:57
Seven_Six_Twoxenland, yes, they do domain support. 10 accounts with the free version04:58
xenlandDo you have a link I could check out?04:58
Seven_Six_Twoxenland, http://www.google.com/a04:58
Seven_Six_Twoxenland, bottom left, under "solutions"04:59
malakhixenland: are you able to send mail on the local host?04:59
widewakeSeven_Six_Two, cp: cannot create regular file `/samet/java': No such file or directory05:00
HACKhalo2the problem I'm having is that I'm using this laptop to move the files I need to the desktop I'm trying to get ndiswrapper installed on05:00
xenlandDo you think it would be possible to send emails with from my webserver box with a PHP script? I would just have to manually set the "FROM:" or somthing albet right?05:00
Seven_Six_Twowidewake, no no, /usr/ is a directory. don't change that05:00
widewakeSeven_Six_Two, k tried that too05:01
Seven_Six_Twowidewake, only change <javainstaller> to whatever the filename is that you downloaded05:01
Seven_Six_Twowidewake, there is a space before /usr05:02
widewakeSeven_Six_Two, bash: cd: /usr/java: Not a directory ---->        sudo cp ~/Downloads/jre-6u27-linux-i586.bin /usr/java && cd /usr/java && sudo ./jre-6u27-linux-i586.bin05:02
malakhixenland: depends on the PHP script. If there's no SMTP server on the localhost, the script has to be able to talk SMTP to a remote host.05:02
Seven_Six_Twowidewake, can you do ls -l /usr | grep java05:02
rhizmoeugh. ubuntu has a zombie fetish. getting sick of rebooting in order to kill processes.05:02
widewakeSeven_Six_Two, k done05:02
xenlandSo basically PHP can only send using the domain name if the DNS servers were pointed to that box that contained the PHP script?05:03
paulus68xenland:  use phpmailer05:03
widewakeSeven_Six_Two, -rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 21630577 2011-09-27 22:01 java05:04
xenlandthanks everyone05:04
IbisSIFTU: I do not understand that GUI good enough. (fwbuuilder) cli seems to be the better way to do this.  I do not know what the lowercase j (jump) switch can be used for.05:04
tapoutOld install of ubuntu, has all my passwords for chromium.  New install, how do I get the old passwords into ubuntu?05:04
paulus68xenland: http://phpmailer.worxware.com/05:04
Seven_Six_Twowidewake, haha..ok    sudo rm /usr/java && mkdir /usr/java05:05
Chheapshottapout: not all sure but u could try to copy the old settings from your chromium to the new install of ubuntu theyr at ~/.config/chromium/Default05:05
Seven_Six_Twowidewake, get a sudo in there for the mkdir05:05
widewakeSeven_Six_Two,  removed the space before user got this. cp: missing destination file operand after `/home/samet/Downloads/jre-6u27-linux-i586.bin/usr/java'05:05
widewake  05:05
widewakeSeven_Six_Two,  proceed with sudo?05:05
Seven_Six_Twowidewake, no, there is supposed to be a space before /usr. yeah, delete the file that's there with the first command, then make a directory with the same name, in the same place05:06
tapoutChheapshot, some time ago, they moved it all to the seahorse password management.. the Login Data sqlite file is empty05:07
widewakeSeven_Six_Two,  permission deniieeed05:07
widewakeSeven_Six_Two, ouch05:07
Seven_Six_Twowhat command was denied?05:07
tapoutis there a way to have one master passowrd, and all your passwords on every computer?05:07
widewakeSeven_Six_Two, mkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/java': Permission denied05:07
tapoutdoes lastpass/keepass work?05:07
Seven_Six_Twowidewake, sudo mkdir /usr/java05:07
widewakeSeven_Six_Two,  kk05:08
Seven_Six_Twothen copy the file there05:08
widewakeSeven_Six_Two,  roger, engines are on go05:08
Seven_Six_Twowith sudo05:08
Chheapshottapout: well if its possible u to log in to the old ubuntu u could always just use the chromes Building password sync. Just enable it from the settings and then login in the chromium in the new install of ubuntu and it should sync all the settings and passwords.05:09
Chheapshotbuild in *05:09
widewakeSeven_Six_Two,  hows that?05:09
chumbawambawhere am i?05:10
widewakeirc chatroom chumba05:10
Seven_Six_Twowidewake, do the first set of commands05:10
widewakepissing the night away05:10
chumbawambaholy crap, how did I get here?05:10
widewakeSeven_Six_Two, ah05:10
Seven_Six_Twosudo cp ~/Downloads/jre-6u27-linux-i586.bin /usr/java && cd /usr/java && sudo ./jre-6u27-linux-i586.bin05:10
widewakeSeven_Six_Two,  cp: missing destination file operand after `/home/samet/Downloads/jre-6u27-linux-i586.bin/usr/java'05:10
widewakeTry `cp --help' for more information.05:10
chumbawambaIs this heaven? or maybe it's hell?05:10
rabbi1just installed virtualbox, how can i get windows to it ?05:10
widewakeSeven_Six_Two,  for sudo cp ~/Downloads/jre-6u27-linux-i586.bin/usr/java && cd /usr/java && sudo ./jre-6u27-linux-i586.bin05:11
Seven_Six_Twowidewake, put a space after .bin05:11
TheishiI recently installed a new video card with HDMI output. I plugged this into my tv and I have picture fine, but no audio. In my sound settings HDMI is an option (selected of course), and when i try to test the sound nothing happens05:11
chumbawambaam listening to latest clif high interview, anyone interested in the link?05:11
Seven_Six_Twochumbawamba, I'll bet some people in #ubuntu-offtopic would be05:12
widewakeSeven_Six_Two, mm nope. space after?05:12
chumbawambaHey, have they fixed that bug yet where when you sometimes maximize a window and it goes all white? totally annoying.05:12
lmnopI <3 UBUNtu!05:12
Seven_Six_Twowidewake, look at what I pasted, and compare it to what you pasted05:12
tapoutChheapshot, what is the building password sync?  Iv'e got the sync setup but it only does my favorites05:13
Seven_Six_Twojre-6u27-linux-i586.bin /usr/java05:13
widewakeSeven_Six_Two,  lol i believe i did that.  ooh that bin. kk05:13
chumbawambawell, it was fun chatting with you.05:13
HACKhalo2is it possible to roll back from the 2.6.38-11 kernel back to 2.6.38-10, remove the -11 kernel, and reinstall it?05:14
widewakeSeven_Six_Two, engines starting05:14
Chheapshottapout: There should be a setting to sync everything. All the plugins passwords bookmarks themes. U login there with your gmail account05:14
widewakeSeven_Six_Two,  landed in java05:14
Seven_Six_TwoHACKhalo2, yes. install the other kernel, choose it from grub05:15
Seven_Six_Twowidewake, so you're good to go?05:15
widewakeSeven_Six_Two, i believe so. i shall test05:15
HACKhalo2seven_six_two, my desktop doesn't have a grub select screen (grub2 thing I believe), how would I trigger it on boot?05:15
madduckwow, I cannot believe Ubuntu really just switches a happy 10.10 user to Unity with 11.0405:16
madduckno question asked05:16
madduckhow can I go back to GNOME?05:16
rabbi1guys, just installed virtualbox, how can i get windows to it ?05:16
Seven_Six_TwoHACKhalo2, not sure, sorry05:16
HACKhalo2no problem05:16
Seven_Six_Twomadduck, choose gnome from the login screen05:16
madduckSeven_Six_Two: aha, we have autologon…05:16
Seven_Six_Twomadduck, maybe it's called classic gnome. Well then, you'll have to turn that off!05:17
madduckSeven_Six_Two: or change the default. Strangely, there is no selection possible in the login screen, I just tried…05:17
Seven_Six_Twomadduck, if it's any consolation, they also switched the unhappy 10.10 users05:17
madduckso I have to "fix it" in login manager05:18
madduckSeven_Six_Two: hehe05:18
curiousxrabbi1: do you have an iso image of windows on your HDD ?05:18
widewakeSeven_Six_Two, hmm java still thinks i have update 26.05:18
madduckridiculous, just because mark or some other executive thought it was better to ride some wave…05:18
curiousxi don't know if i can help on that but...05:18
rabbi1curiousx: nope05:18
Seven_Six_Twomadduck, that's the joy of what he does. you get it for free, so he doesn't have to hold back05:19
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widewakeSeven_Six_Two, i think if i find the path for the update, in java control panel i can set it too 2705:19
curiousxdo you have a CD ?05:19
rabbi1curiousx: i got winxp cd05:19
madduckoh, and I hate how they install Ubuntu One on upgrades, even though I previously purged it05:19
madduckubuntu is starting to taste bitterer every day…05:19
paulus68rabbi1: insert the windows cd in your cdrom drive and launch it from there05:19
Seven_Six_Twowidewake, that's beyond me now. the "which" command will show you the binary you're calling (which java)05:19
curiousxok, run Virtualbox, create a new machine, with name Guinbug then fallow the instructions, if you have question ask me =)05:20
rabbi1paulus68: boot from cd ?05:20
rabbi1curiousx: sure, thank you ... :)05:20
rabbi1brb friends05:20
lmnopdude only ubuntu it is good, try it05:20
curiousxthen i'll wirte you how to boot with de CD05:20
Seven_Six_Twomadduck, have you considered gentoo or slackware?05:20
paulus68rabbi1: yes when creating a new machine you boot from cd05:20
digital_838ubottu oneric irc channel05:20
ubottudigital_838: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:20
paulus68digital #ubuntu+105:21
madduckSeven_Six_Two: I am a Debian user myself, for something like 15 years now. Ubuntu around 2008 or so was perfect for parents. Now, Debian has come a long way and Ubuntu has gone a long way, so I think I am just going to use Debian from now on.05:21
digital_838paulus68- thanks!05:21
rabbi1paulus68: sure, brb thank you05:21
paulus68rabbi1: yw05:21
Seven_Six_Twomadduck, I switched to debian for my server...05:21
lmnopgreat unhappy user...05:21
madduckhwo do i make gdm let the user choose the session??05:22
widewakeSeven_Six_Two, it tells me /usr/bin/java  .   thanks for your help appreciated, will poke around05:22
lmnopits fine, you can make more05:22
lmnop'debian like'05:22
Seven_Six_Twomaddog_, to each his own. I like unity, and if I could just get pulseaudio to start, I'd be happy!05:22
bao2how can i join fedora irc05:23
tapoutSeven_Six_Two, this is redfox, come in over... *crackle*05:23
madduckSeven_Six_Two: absolutely, I am not against unity or innovation, but my mum's face suggests she just wants no changes05:23
Seven_Six_Twomadduck, haha...my mom's the same. I just tell her to suck it up, because she can't switch it back anyhow05:23
Seven_Six_Twomadduck, and I think it's easier for her using unity05:24
tapoutwhiskey tango foxtrot Seven_Six_Two , this is redfox.. over05:24
madduckSeven_Six_Two: I am bofh everywhere else except family ;)05:24
paulus68madduck:  if the mums are happy with a feature don't try to talk them out of it had the same with mine when she by accident activated T9spelling on her mobile05:24
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bao2how can i join fedora irc05:25
Seven_Six_Twobao2, sort of the same way you got here05:25
paulus68bao2: google might be your friend here05:25
madduckokay, the craziest thing about 11.04 must be that the laptop goes off the net until someone logs in05:25
madducknetwork manager for the win!05:25
paulus68madduck: running 11.04 on a laptop to never had a problem with that05:26
madduckbug #1 in ubuntu is to kill microsoft, bug #2 must be to achieve the level of windows05:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105:26
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 2 could not be found05:26
paulus68madduck who's a liar?05:27
madduckpaulus68: ubottu is05:27
madduckLaunchpad bug 2 in Ubuntu "Repeat the UI and admin mistakes of Windows, slowly, one after the other"05:28
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 2 could not be found05:28
paulus68madduck: problem is that he's not human ;)05:28
madduckmachines can (be instructed to) lie ;)05:28
madduckinstead of Unity, maybe canonical should have made ubottu pass the turing test05:29
madduckanyway, I should stop ranting…05:29
HACKhalo2ok, booting into the previous kernel and trying to get ndiswrapper to work causes it to hang05:29
Glitchy_how do I create a directory...05:30
Glitchy_I'm trying to set up my vpn on ubuntu...kinda lost05:30
Glitchy_anyone? bueller?05:31
jincreatorHi, everyone! I'm trying to share printer at Ubuntu 11.04 with Canon LP3300. When I tried to print from Mac, it asked my(Ubuntu) account and password. How can I share printer to guest?05:32
StepNjumpguys, my screen keeps dimming. how can i keep it at the same intensity for longer period of time?05:32
paulus68Glitchy_: to create a directory use mkdir05:32
paulus68!vpn | Glitchy_05:33
ubottuGlitchy_: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN05:33
rabbi1How can i disable this shadow effect of the "windows" in 11.04  ?05:33
paulus68rabbi1: which shadow effect05:34
rabbi1paulus68: application windows has got some shadow effects around it05:34
max_can someone help me configure my soundcard please? I am using HDMI, it is listed in the sound configuration, but no audio comes out05:34
HACKhalo2the ndiswrapper KO file is in the correct ubuntu directory in the kernel tree05:35
prasenjeetp_for some reason, setting up the "exclude list" of sites from the proxy settings doesnt work for me on ubuntu ... even if i put .mydomain.com in my exclude list, whatever.mydomain.com still hits the proxy server05:38
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bao2加入 #linux 需要邀请05:38
FloodBot1bao2: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:38
paulus68!cn |bao205:39
ubottubao2: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw05:39
senecatheadmin: hi05:41
senecamy vpn connection is taking too long to connect05:41
linuxuz3rwhat is a vpn for?05:42
bao2who can invite me join #linux05:43
linuxuz3rbao2: try ##linux05:44
senecalinuxuz3r: for conneting server05:44
senecafrom machine05:44
linuxuz3rbao2: are you chinese05:44
soreauDoes anyone know what the titlebar button is called that typically does the same as titlebar double click action?05:45
linuxuz3rseneca connecting servers to what05:45
senecalinuxuz3r: from a developers machine server05:46
bao2i chinese05:46
senecalinuxuz3r: from a developers machine to server05:46
urlin2usoreau, maximize ?05:46
linuxuz3rbao2: have you seen the movie shaolin 201105:47
soreauurlin2u: No, it's usually a button represented by 4 dots05:47
linuxuz3rok was wondering if it is good05:47
soreauurlin2u: It's on some themes but I can't seem to get one that has it.. they all just go to 'custom' in the theme selector05:47
bao2ok ,i will see shaolin05:47
urlin2usoreau, not sure, lol05:48
widewakeSeven_Six_Two, i found some instructions, removed previous version, now  on step five im getting no such file or directory any idea? if your able to tinker some more https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/java#TOC-INSTALL-MANUALLY05:48
celltechWhat's our version of yahoo messenger05:48
silv3r_m00nhi there05:48
silv3r_m00ntotem is not playing vcds and .dat files, how to make it play ?05:49
caesar_how do you install fonts?05:49
linuxuz3ris this site up05:50
rwebbQuestion about install05:50
caesar_im listening05:51
widewaketrying to DL java 6 update 27, ive fallowed all steps till step 5, im getting no such directory or file even though i just created directory. help plz https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/java#TOC-INSTALL-MANUALLY05:51
bao2> Time.now05:51
celltechOk. What drivers do I need to make my video camera a webcam05:51
rwebbI installed Ubuntu 11.4 to run along side of Windows Vista and now windows will not boot ??05:52
caesar_linuxuz3r: gratsi05:52
urlin2urwebb, try sudo update-grub in ubuntu05:52
The_BROSI installed Talika applet into panel, but my panels has dissapeared. How to uninstull that app or how to run Synaptic?05:53
linuxuz3rrwebb: what grub version did you use05:53
urlin2urwebb, look for vista to show in the terminal.05:53
linuxuz3rThe_BROS: run gnome in failsafe05:54
The_BROSlinuxuz3r: and then?05:54
The_BROSlinuxuz3r: I will try05:54
linuxuz3ror delete every .gnome .gnome* folder you have in your home directory05:54
The_BROSlinuxuz3r: but how it will be working after I delete?05:55
rwebbok, ran sudo update-grub, this is the results Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.38-11-generic05:56
rwebbFound initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.38-11-generic05:56
rwebbFound linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.38-8-generic05:56
rwebbFound initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.38-8-generic05:56
rwebbFound memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+.bin05:56
rwebbFound Windows Recovery Environment (loader) on /dev/sda105:56
rwebbFound Windows Vista (loader) on /dev/sda205:56
Flannelrwebb: in the future, please use pastebin.  Thanks.05:56
rwebbFlannel- sorry new at this05:57
Flannelrwebb: No worries.05:57
Dimitri_Paolinohow can I find the linux version inside the source directory?05:57
urlin2urwebb, looks like you found the recovery sda1, and the OS sda2, do you sy=till have a recovery partiton or is sda1 the boot partition.05:57
Dimitri_Paolinodoes anyone know that?05:58
rwebburlin2u - not sure ?05:58
urlin2urwebb, I suspect sda2 is the OS I would boot that from grub06:00
rwebburlin2u - thanks, how do I do that ?06:01
urlin2urwebb, as of now when you boot you should be getting a grub menu. You said vista didn't boot, ubuntu is so how did you get to ubuntu?06:03
urlin2urwebb, that update-grub command rewrote the grub menu to include the 2 vista refrences.06:04
rwebburlin2u, when I re-start my computer I do not get an option to choose, Ubuntu loads06:04
urlin2urwebb, have you rebooted since you ran the update-grub?06:04
paulus68Dimitri_Paolino lsb_release -a06:05
rwebbI'll try re-booting now06:05
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urlin2urwebb, try it and make sure you look close vista will show twice one wil be named recovery I would not choose that one, as it may trigger a recovery.06:05
ScottSanbarPlease see the following forum post to see if you can help me:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11292304#post1129230406:08
proxyman_can someone tell me hint or something where i should start to look. i have now working squid server. All computer in my LAN uses that squid and its fast, but if i use my proxy from WAN address its veeery veery slow (like 5min opens half of the page).06:08
rwebburlin2u- just re-booted, still no option to choose windows06:08
choutibhow to join a chat rom06:12
proxyman_   /join #some_room_name06:12
urlin2urwebb, run this script in Ubuntu and pastebin the RESULTS.txt.  http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/06:13
xust-How exactly am i supposed to mount a new drive in 11.04?06:14
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xust-i'm definitely a noob, and googling comes up with everything but what I need to do.06:14
xust-i'm not trying to partition it06:15
xust-i'm not trying to install ubuntu to it06:15
urlin2uxust-, new drive? details would be helpful, is it formatted, is it  internal or external, to startwith06:17
xust-it's formatted NTFS, internal06:17
tapoutis there a way to get the harddrive serial number from a running machine?  I have 4 drives, and i want to make sure I pull out the right drive when i reboot06:17
urlin2uxust-, go to home and look in the left panel to see if it shows if so click it.06:17
xust-...left panel?06:18
urlin2uxust-, open home06:18
xust-in the file manager?!06:18
xust-nothing shows06:18
rwebburlin2u- I must be doing something wrong because I ran http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/ and it said no such file or directory ?06:19
xust-it shows home/desktop/file system/network/trash | shortcuts to useful directories06:19
xust-file system = the drive it's installed on...06:19
urlin2urwebb, did you down load it and extract it to the desktop and run this command  sudo bash ~/Desktop/boot_info_script.sh06:20
urlin2uxust-, home-devices, have just installed it?06:21
urlin2uxust-, huh06:22
MeirDI accidently clicked some key on my laptop and it took me to a shell screen06:22
MeirDHow can I return to the GUI?06:23
urlin2uMeirD, alt-f706:23
MeirDWhat is that mode?06:23
urlin2uMeirD, usually it is two keys alt-f106:23
urlin2uMeirD, tty06:24
munskingdoes anyone know a good very small but modern distro? (i tried damn small linux but i heard that's outdated)06:24
munskingall i need is networking + gui + java really06:24
urlin2umunsking, bodhilinux06:24
munskingooh looks nice, tnx06:25
rwebbulin2u - not sure what I'm supposed to download06:25
urlin2umunsking, puppylinux and various pupplets are pretty small06:25
sdperez79how do i install adobe flash player on ubuntu gz zip file i already extracted it06:26
urlin2urwebb, in the link it says download boot info script, do that then extract it to the desktop and copy and paste that command to a terminal.06:26
sdperez79i have a folder called usr and a .so file??06:26
Polahsdperez79: You can install flash player from the repositories06:27
thauriswulfaHELP: Swap space is not getting used in xubuntu ,its already swapped on in gparted. How do I enable it? xubuntu also deny to hibernate,reporting less swap space.06:27
munskingurlin2u: bodhilinux is 1.5 gigs, damn small linux is 50mb xD so it's not all that small06:27
munskingbut puppylinux sounds better, 100mb06:27
urlin2umunsking, yep it depends on what you want really.06:28
sdperez79i need this one for steam06:28
Polahsdperez79: With the flash plugin from the repos you can view videos on the steampowered website, just not in the actual Steam client.06:29
munskingurlin2u: well what i want to try is to make a portable system that will run on any computer just for browsing + minecraft(server)06:29
rabbi1curiousx: FATAL: No bootable medium found ! system halted06:29
urlin2umunsking, puppy is very good and there a a variety of remixes called pupplets, I think browser puppy is the smallest.06:29
munskingon linux cause i wrote some scripts for that server that would be nice to have built in06:29
munskinghmmkay, tnx06:29
urlin2umunsking, puppy is set up to be portable, works great on a thumb.06:31
munskingurlin2u: does puppy have apt-get as well? cause that'd be great06:31
urlin2uthauriswulfa, if the swap is at the least equal to the ram hibernate may work.06:32
Morfeus^Good Morning06:33
Athenoncan someone recommend a tutorial for an ipsec/l2tp SERVER tutorial for 11.04?06:34
paulus68munsking: you can also have Tiny Core Linux   http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/3842506:35
Glitchy_okay I need help...anyone out there?06:35
urlin2umunsking, it has a package retriever like synaptic, forget the name.06:35
ubottuGlitchy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:35
urlin2umunsking, puppy runs in root as well,06:35
thauriswulfaurlin2u: actually the uuid was different in fstab06:36
Glitchy_I'm am trying to set up a vpn on ubuntu 11, i have hit a snag06:36
urlin2uthauriswulfa, you get it fixed then?06:36
munskingurlin2u: "runs in root" what do you mean by that?06:36
urlin2umunsking, super user basically no sudo06:37
dagerivmy plug and play usb mouse periodically does not send input to ubuntu. very weird. started happening after i tried another wireless usb mouse.06:37
ikoniamunsking: urlin2u maybe take the puppychat to #puppylinux please.06:37
paulus68munsking: http://www.linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/reviews/6702/106:37
rwebburlin2u- I downloaded and extracted to the desktop, ran the command and it said "Command not found"06:37
munskingpaulus68: thanks :)06:37
paulus68munsking: your welcome06:38
urlin2urwebb, you copied and pasted this command? sudo bash ~/Desktop/boot_info_script.sh06:38
pahnin i cudnt boot ubuntu 11.10 from usb, tried unetbootin, live usb install, universal... etc06:38
pahninsomeone plz help06:39
urlin2urwebb, not sure what to say it always works.06:39
rwebbI'll try again06:39
urlin2urwebb, you extracted the download comes in a zip.06:39
ikoniapahnin: try the channel #ubuntu+1 for 11.10 support disussion06:39
pahninokay thanx06:40
dagerivhow can I check if theres a problem with my usb mouse? like if theres something weing with the circuitry or something06:40
Glitchy_paulus any help?06:40
ikoniaGlitchy_: you've still not told us the problem06:41
Glitchy_I did, it was way up there...06:42
ikoniaGlitchy_: no, you said "I'm trying to setup a vpn, I've hit a snag" that explains nothing.06:42
Glitchy_I sorry it was sent just to paulus...hang on06:42
Glitchy_trying to move files from dir to dir and the destination folder is locked06:42
ikoniaGlitchy_: thats fine, paulus68 can help you then.06:42
paulus68Glitchy, ikonia I can help on the how to make a dir not an expert on vpn though06:44
ikonia!pm > Glitchy_06:45
ubottuGlitchy_, please see my private message06:45
Glitchy_the current problem is transferring files from one dir to another...I have a walk through just can't move the files06:45
ikoniaGlitchy_: where are you trying to move files from and to06:45
Glitchy_ikonia, why did you just pm me that?06:45
ikoniaGlitchy_: because you sent me a pm06:46
Glitchy_I just messaged, i thought a query was a pm06:46
dr_willisGlitchy_:  like this?06:46
dr_willisthats not a pm06:46
kai_Is it possible to use the indicator-cpufreq in xUbuntu?06:47
Glitchy_anyway, back to the issue at hand...that's what i thought...anyway, trying to move a file from my download folder, to a folder in the etc. dir06:47
dr_willisyour client just flagged the line with your nick in it06:47
ikoniaGlitchy_: where are you trying to move files, from and to06:47
Glitchy_this room must be lagging06:47
thenickpersonI have an issue with conky, can someone please help me out?06:48
ikoniathenickperson: explain the issue, it's like saying "I have a fixfor conky" - it tells you nothing06:48
dr_willisGlitchy_:  whats the exact command line you are using also.06:48
Glitchy_ /msg06:48
Glitchy_what command should i use?06:48
ikoniaGlitchy_: when you "/msg" someone - that is a pm06:48
ikoniaGlitchy_: where are you trying to move files FROM and TO06:49
Glitchy_It doesn't show it as such on my sys...dammit06:49
paulus68thenickperson: check out this link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=281865&highlight=Conkey06:49
dr_willisGlitchy_:  whats the copy command you are doing.06:49
ChheapshotGlitchy_: sound like a problem with permissions06:49
Glitchy_tried cut, copy, and then tried running through the term mv file to des...none have worked06:49
Glitchy_probably is, just not sure how to fix it06:50
ikoniaGlitchy_: listen very carefully06:50
Chheapshotsudo ..?06:50
ikoniaGlitchy_: where are you moving files FROM and TO06:50
ikoniaGlitchy_: what directories06:50
dr_willisGlitchy_:  whats the EXACT mv command you tried06:50
pete_I'm going to do a disk dump (dd) but how do I find out what the disk name is (sda, sdb, sdb1 etc?)06:50
thenickpersonalright, sorry, just used to asking first. anyway, I'm trying to get conky to start when I log in. I can start conky whenever, and it works fine, right on top of my desktop. my issue is getting it to run and display when I'm logging in. there are tutorials online that say to put "sleep 10 && conky" in your login items, or in a shell script that's in your login items, but it doesn't work. I can just start "conky" on startup, but when nautilus opens, i06:50
celltechIs there a generic driver to make all cameras work as a web cam06:50
ikoniacelltech: no06:50
Glitchy_mv home..../file et/file06:50
paulus68ikonia from download folder to etc folder is he trying to copy something06:51
dr_willispete_:  sudo fdisk -l    is one way06:51
ikoniaGlitchy_: give us the EXACT command you used or tell us where you are moving files from and to06:51
rwebbUlin2u - yeah I extracted the file to the desktop - package had 2 files the boot_info_script.sh and a change log06:51
popeypete_: disk utility06:51
celltechThen I wonder why my video camera has a PC cam option if it's not gonna work06:51
popeycelltech: because the manufacturer assumes "PC = Windows PC"06:52
celltechWell they should di06:52
paulus68thenickperson: check out the link I sent you this covers it all also your question is answered there06:52
dr_willisit may have windows drivers also06:52
Glitchy_mv home/name/home/downloads/file etc/vpn/06:52
Glitchy_exact command06:52
ikoniathenickperson: increase the sleep to 30 as a test06:52
ikoniaGlitchy_: put sudo infront of it06:52
popeyikonia: still wont work06:52
Glitchy_I'm running in root06:52
hacked_kernelhow to keep maximized window controls always shown in the global menu?06:53
ikoniapopey: the sleep command06:53
popeyit needs a leading / on home and on etc06:53
ikoniaGlitchy_: you're not06:53
dr_willisGlitchy_:  your path is also wrong06:53
ikoniapopey: I'm assuming he's just messed up copy and pasting to us as he's done 10 times so far06:53
Glitchy_what's the lead supposed to be06:53
popeyfair enough06:53
thenickpersonpaul: I appreciate it, but the thing is, my conky script is BASED off the script here, which would always work for me on 10.04 (on 11.10 now). hm, I don't know if I tried a delay that large, good idea.06:53
ikoniapopey: you are correct, but I've asked 10 times for stuff and it comes back different each time, so I can only assume it's a copy and paste error06:53
popeyikonia: well, indeed, downloads would be Downloads, so its not a copy/paste06:54
dr_willissudo cp /path/to/foo /path/to/bar06:54
thenickpersonis there any reason why "sleep 10 && conky" would work after logging in, and "conky" would work as a startup item, but "sleep 10 && conky" won't work as a startup item?06:54
Glitchy_What's the correct path then?06:54
ikoniapopey: sorry, I meant "re-typing" as it's obvious he's re-typing rather than actually copy and paste06:54
pete_thanks popey, another quick question06:54
dr_willisGlitchy_:  paths begin eith / the way i showed nirmally06:54
fidyduceI having trouble making a bootable thumbdrive... all the usb pendrive pages produce nothing... anyone know a sure fire method?06:54
ikoniathenickperson: I'm not suggesting you keep that sleep time at 30, just run it as a test06:55
somsipthenickperson: doesn't conkyhave to be started in the background: sleep 10 && conky & ?06:55
Glitchy_dr can I just message you ikonia is being a dick06:55
ikoniaGlitchy_: drop the language and attitude, that is uncalled for06:55
dr_willisGlitchy_:  you need to cut and paste the exact command line you are using06:55
pete_dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdc/image.img   if sda is a harddrive in the machine and sdc is a USB harddrive correct?06:55
Glitchy_your the one with attitude dude, i did nothing to you, i accidentally messaged you and you have done nothing but not help me06:56
dr_willisand i showed.an examply of how to use sudo cp06:56
ikoniapete_: no06:56
popeypete_: NO06:56
ikoniapete_: dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdc06:56
thenickpersonI'm going to try "sleep 30 && conky" as a startup item. thanks, brb06:56
ikoniaooh, sorry popey didn't realise you where helping.06:56
popeypete_: what do you want to achieve06:56
popeypete_: do you want to make an image?06:56
pete_i want to backup one harddrive onto another as an image06:56
popeypete_: if so you need to mount sdc up somewhere06:56
ikoniaGlitchy_: I've asked you for information specfically 10 times, I'm trying to help you as is dr_willis06:57
popeypete_: if its a usb stick/drive its probably already mounted under /media somwhere06:57
ikoniaGlitchy_: we need the exact info you are using to give you help.06:57
pete_I have a USB key in there, I've booted Ubuntu, I have the internal HDD I want to backup onto a second USB drive attached06:57
dr_willisGlitchy_:  paste it to the channel. i may have to leave at any time06:57
Glitchy_what I said was almost exact06:57
popeypete_: so something like dd if=/dev/sda of=/media/diskname/image.img06:57
ikoniaGlitchy_: "almost exact" is not exact, we need EXACT06:57
Glitchy_I no longer have the terminal open06:57
pete_ok, how do I find /media name of drive?06:58
Glitchy_I can't give you exact06:58
thenickpersonopen your terminal and press the up arrow until you see that command06:58
popeypete_: type "mount", it will tell you where it's mounted06:58
dr_willisopen new term. use history command to see Glitchy_06:58
popeypete_: look for your usb drive in the output06:58
ikoniaGlitchy_: then where exactly do you want to move files from and to06:58
Glitchy_I can't give you exacts, it doesn't show06:58
ikoniaGlitchy_: then where exactly do you want to move files from and to06:58
Glitchy_from my download folder to etc/openvpn06:59
thenickpersonalso, about my problem, "sleep 30 && conky" still isn't working. :| the delay is in seconds by default, yes? it's odd, it works fine when I use terminal AFTER I've logged in, even with sleep before it.06:59
ikoniaGlitchy_: what is the name of the file you want to move06:59
ikoniathenickperson: correct06:59
Oxihow to restore the graphical setting in command mode06:59
pete_should sda be mounted?06:59
thenickpersonI'm thinking it's a weird priority issue between nautilus and conky06:59
urlin2urwebb, I have to crash but the script posted is helpful, you can also post the problem at the Ubuntu forums, past the script there as well if that is your choice.06:59
ikoniathenickperson: so it sounds as if it's the actual startup that's not getting executed.06:59
popeypete_: if thats your boot drive, yes06:59
ikoniathenickperson: change the conky command to something simple like "touch /var/tmp/testfile"06:59
popeypete_: I wouldn't be doing a dd of my boot drive though06:59
ikoniathenickperson: see if /var/tmp/testfile gets created at login, then you know the script is being executed07:00
Oxihow to restore the graphical setting in command mode07:00
popeypete_: personally I'd use clonezilla to do what you're trying to achieve07:00
popeypete_: you make a clonezilla stick/cd and boot from it, it has a nice menu for doing this kind of thing07:00
pete_what do you mean you wouldn't dd your boot drive?07:00
rwebburlin2u- Thanks for the help, already posted a question to Ubuntu Help07:00
popeypete_: correct07:00
ikoniaGlitchy_: so "sudo cp ~/Downloads/openvpn-US.config /etc/openvpn"07:01
thenickpersonI don't see conky in my processes. and hm, that test file is an awesome idea, thanks, I'll try it.07:01
Glitchy_can I use mv instead?07:01
dr_willisGlitchy_:  use cp first07:01
fidyduceAnyone know a sure fire method towards making a bootable usb?07:01
pete_popey, why not?07:01
ikoniaGlitchy_: use copy incase it goes wrong07:01
hacked_kernelhow to keep maximized window controls always shown in the global menu?07:01
popeyfidyduce: unetbootin is pretty reliable for me07:01
popeypete_: because the disk is mounted and will change whilst you're copying it07:01
Oxihow to restore the graphical setting in command mode07:01
popeypete_: thus rendering the image inconsistent07:02
Chheapshotfidyduce: what kind of usb are u trying to make?07:02
Glitchy_"cp: cannot stat `/home/silence/Downloads/openvpn-US.config': No such file or directory07:02
pete_popey, no, I have booted into a USB key, I am dd'ing the internal hard drive07:02
Glitchy_I know it's there07:02
pete_it is bootable.07:02
ikoniaGlitchy_: so the file is not called openvpn-US.config then07:02
Glitchy_I can clearly see07:02
fidyducePopey> thanks man...07:02
dr_willisGlitchy_: you spelt  somthing wrong07:02
popeypete_: ah, okay. cool then07:02
ikoniaGlitchy_: ls -la /home/silence/Downloads/openvpn-US.config07:02
pete_ok, it now looks like07:03
dr_willisGlitchy_:  case is impornrant07:03
Glitchy_ls being list...what is -la?07:03
ikoniaGlitchy_: it's just options that show more detail07:03
dr_willisbbl off to work.07:03
Glitchy_so casing on words does matter?07:03
dr_willisGlitchy_:  yes07:03
thenickpersonI tried "touch ~/Desktop/test.txt" as a startup item, and it didn't work. I paste it into terminal after logging in, and it works. seems like commands don't want to run when I log in?07:03
popeypete_: I have to go, sorry07:03
dr_willisi just said it did.07:03
pete_dd if=/dev/sda of=/media/f78998jhf...9b/image.img  where the ... is a bunch of letters and numbers, correct?07:03
Glitchy_that would explain it..07:03
ikoniaGlitchy_: this is why we keep asking you for exact information07:04
ChheapshotGlitchy_: try using tab to fill the rest of the file name07:04
pete_cheers for your help popey07:04
Oxican any one help me ?how to restore the graphical setting in command mode07:04
popeypete_: np07:04
ikoniathenickperson: ok, so now we know the issue, it's not your script or conky, it's that startup items aren't happening07:04
dr_willisCAse mAttERs07:04
dr_willis;)  bbl07:04
Glitchy_the silence was capatilized...had no idea it was til now07:04
proxyman_Oxi:  what ubuntu you have?07:04
pete_popey, just befor eyou go can you scan that line for me.  it is right now?07:04
Oxi<proxyman 11.407:05
ubottuUnity is the default UI for Ubuntu 11.04. Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. You can still boot to the classic GNOME desktop; see !classic.07:05
thenickpersonikonia: that's odd, because I added "pidgin" myself as a startup item, and it works fine. :|07:05
Glitchy_the silence was capatilized...had no idea it was til now07:05
Oxi<proxyman 11.407:05
proxyman_Oxi:  command mode you are referring cli = command line interface? well you can search gdm or lightmd and restart that service07:06
Glitchy_whoops posted that twice...is there a way to search for a file on this like windows?07:06
pete_ikonia, is this correct:  dd if=/dev/sda of=/media/f78998jhf...9b/image.img  where the ... is a bunch of letters and numbers, correct?07:06
thenickpersonikonia: what should I try now?07:07
popeypete_: looks good07:07
pete_thanks, popey, had to pop a sudo in there... but seems to be working  cheers07:08
proxyman_Oxi: sudo service gdm restart07:08
Oxi<proxyman thanks07:08
thenickpersonikonia: could this be an issue with permissions?07:08
proxyman_Oxi: im not now front of linux so i cant test it but it should work07:08
ikoniathenickperson: I don't think so (although possible)07:09
proxyman_Oxi: other way is sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart07:09
ikoniathenickperson: using startup option, are you putting the commands in direct or using a script ?07:09
proxyman_Oxi: you are using gnome right?07:09
proxyman_Oxi: or kde?07:10
thenickpersonikonia: directly. however, I did use shell scripts as well (I put the bash thing on the first line, and they had the right permissions) and that still didn't work.07:10
ikoniathenickperson: could you show me "ls -la" on that script please.07:10
thenickpersonikonia: I don't have a script right now, should I write/copy one for conky07:11
ikoniathenickperson: the reason I'm asking this is if you get a script working that works fine and tested, and then ask startup to call it, if it doesn't work, you know it's not being called, rather than being called and not working07:11
ikoniathenickperson: just narrowing it down07:12
rabbi1how can i get shokwave flash plugin?07:12
thenickpersonikonia: awesome, makes sense, I'll try it, thanks07:12
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thenickpersonincludes flash07:13
thenickpersonikonia: I have a script that's exactly this:07:15
thenickperson#! /bin/bash/07:15
thenickpersonsleep 1207:15
thenickpersonconky && conky -c conkyrc2;07:15
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thenickperson(sorry, didn't realize that would be in multiple messages)07:16
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jojo__any body know about webcontent filtering in ubuntu beside squidGuard07:17
rabbi1thenickperson: thanks :)07:17
jojo__it there another webfiltering in ubuntu07:17
paulus68thenickperson: just sent you a pm with the specs of the conky bash script07:18
zykes-if i get an error when checking a errorous filesystem saying that fsck is restarting that means what ?07:19
thenickpersonpaulus68: thanks!07:19
paulus68thenickperson: according to page 92 of this link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=281865&highlight=conky&page=9207:19
paulus68thenickperson: YW07:19
thenickpersonpaulus68: one question. in the else part of that, there are references to three conky startup scripts. I just use .conkyrc, is that alright?07:20
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thenickpersonpaulus68: also, why "killall conky"?07:21
arun__wonder why nobody is logging onto android-dev lately?07:21
rapierhi there, im having trouble installing a driver for the intel n 1000 ive tried loads of stuff ive read on forums and the ubuntu site, im running 10.10 can anyone help me please?07:21
danishbackerhi is there any system wide equalizer for ubuntu otherthan pulseaudio07:22
rapierthats the intel wireless n 100007:22
danishbackersound quality is not good for pulseaudio07:22
paulus68thenickperson: you just use 1 then as this is an example, if there is a conky running these instances will be killed first before launching a fresh one07:23
thenickpersonpaulus68: do I just add that script to startup items and log in? and ah, thanks, I realize that guy uses 3 configs while I just use one07:24
thenickpersondanishbacker: pulseaudio has its annoying issues. have you tried alsamixer?07:24
paulus68thenickperson: yes and as mentioned before this is an example, if you have the time to go through this post on the forum then you might some nice and interesting things that you can do with conky07:25
paulus68thenickperson: brb07:25
thenickpersonpaulus68: thanks, I'll try this out now07:25
arun__is android-dev down or something? i have not been able to see anybody logging in for quite a few days07:28
thenickpersonpaulus68: I logged in with the script, but conky just did what it would do without sleep. it displays the moment I log in to my account, and stays open, but is completely hidden once nautilus starts the desktop.07:28
phobelexxinstall openbravo issue07:29
phobelexxcan anyone please help07:29
thenickpersonpaulus68: going to try again, this time with sleep and conky in a shell script07:30
dr_willis i always make a startconky.sh script ;)07:31
thenickpersonpaulus68: whoah, it's working apparently! o_o07:31
paulus68thenickperson: glad to hear that07:32
Glitchy_dammit i need more help...i can't find a ca.crt file. how can i run a search via terminal?07:32
thenickpersonthanks for your help!07:32
dr_willisconky has learned some new tricks over the last year or two07:32
thenickpersonis there a way I can have conky wait until nautilus has opened instead? say, to optimize how soon it starts, and to avoid issues with nautilus taking unusually long to open.07:32
thenickpersonrather, know when nautilus has control of the desktop07:33
pete_hey, if I do a disk dump (dd) it only copies the files right, like I don't need a disk bigger than the HDD?07:33
dr_willisGlitchy_:  sudo updatedb     then  locate filename07:33
Glitchy_so: sudo updatedb ca.crt07:33
dr_willispete_:  ut does the whole hd. empty spave and all07:33
paulus68thenickperson: I think adapt the sleep might be able to help you07:34
dr_willisGlitchy_:  no.. its 2 cimmands07:34
Glitchy_sudo updatedb locate ca.crt07:34
Glitchy_o gotcha ok07:34
vltHello. Any idea why I get "passwd: Authentication token manipulation error \n passwd: password unchanged" when I want to change the password by typing "passwd" as root?07:34
pete_how do I stop it?07:34
thenickpersonpaulus68: I mean, I can just change the value for sleep to anything, I just thought that would be a cool hack if possible07:34
dr_willispete_:  ctrl c07:34
dr_willispete_:  dding a 100gb filesystem takes up 100gb07:35
Glitchy_I don't think that's the right one...how many ubuntu ca.crt07:35
paulus68thenickperson: yes07:35
dr_willispete_:  even if the fs is empty07:35
Glitchy_how many ca.crt's does ubuntu have?07:35
dr_willisno idea what ca.crt even us07:36
dr_willisis for07:36
Glitchy_certificate file...I think I just will try it and see what happens07:36
Glitchy_thanks for the assist again dr w07:36
dr_willisGlitchy_:  you may want tobe reading somebash tutorials soon. ;)07:37
Glitchy_lol I know it, i'm terrible with this stuff...to unlock a folder it's sudo 777 something lol07:38
damnocan I use the same swap partition for two different verions of ubu installations?07:38
thenickpersonpaulus68: well this does work, thanks07:38
Peetz0rI use sslh to run ssh and https over port 443. Connecting to ssh over 443 takes way longer than over port 22. Can this be fixed, and how?07:38
ikoniaGlitchy_: what folder are you trying to change permissions on07:38
dr_willisGlitchy_:  go read the tutorials NOW i think... :)07:38
Glitchy_lol can you link me?07:38
teweWorkdefault encoding in ubuntu is UTF-8 and that's fine, but how can I tell to cat (or the terminal?) that the file I want to print is in ISO-8859-2?07:39
Glitchy_it's owned by root...07:39
ikoniaGlitchy_: best to keep that locked for security reasons07:39
ikoniaGlitchy_: use sudo to copy the files in.07:39
thenickpersonI'm curious, is there any way to start a program as a startup item so that it doesn't open any windows, or minimizes them when it starts? maybe a command line flag?07:39
Glitchy_okay, i'll do that07:39
dr_willisdamno:  if you dont use the suspend ir hibernate stuff. yes07:39
ikoniathenickperson: depends on the software, some can run in a daemon mode07:39
Peetz0rthenickperson: some programs have that. try programname --help in the terminal07:39
damnodr_willis: I thought the same.. thanks07:40
Glitchy_thanks, still need a link to those tuts dr w if you can send it my way, that way I don't have to bug ya guys every five seconds07:40
p896gbmdoes anybone here have xvidcap working on ubuntu? i'm completely at a loss on how to get sound to work07:40
dr_willisGlitchy_:  hit up google or delicious.com for bash shell tutorials07:40
=== Tectu is now known as Tectu|off
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal07:40
curiousxGlitchy_: and also see "/j #bash07:41
thenickpersongood idea. I'm curious if I can do this in pidgin (and maybe firefox). I tried pidgin --help, but didn't find anything that looks useful07:41
Glitchy_bash shell, got it07:41
dr_willisGlitchy_:  see delicious.com/dr_willis also07:42
dr_willismy bookmarks07:42
ikoniathenickperson: for some tools you can also do -minimised for window positioning, which essentially is start minimised, but it's only a few07:42
thenickpersonawesome, thanks07:43
thenickpersonalso, does anyone know of a plugin for pidgin that resizes the height of the contact list so that it's never taller than the actual list of contacts being displayed (like you can do with trillian on windows or adium on a mac)?07:44
ikoniathenickperson: may want to try #pidgin for that07:44
Glitchy_okay it's not working, im over this for the night07:44
Glitchy_later and thanks for your help07:45
thenickpersonikonia: aw, I found a post on it but the link to the plugin 404s. :| thanks07:45
IbisIs there by any chance an easier way to redirect request to port 80, to a different port? Like if I running apache on port 8080,  I would like to make all requests from port 80 to go to port 808007:50
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dr_willisIbis: like a ssh tunnel?07:51
curiousxIbis: iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --destination-port 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 808007:51
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dr_willisi dont see why you dont set apache to listen to both07:52
Ibiscuriousx: I tried that, but it's not working the way I want it to. Visiting  shows nothing. Other than an error message generated by my web browser.07:52
Ibisdr_willis, apache is just an example, I'm running a webserver WITHOUT root.07:52
iSeeDeadPixelsi can't eject the cd by using my laptops keyboard button, it's a MSI P60007:53
iSeeDeadPixelsit does show up in my dmesg tho07:53
IbisIt's /easier/ to do this. programs running in /home/ rather than going through all the headache of having to edit files in root directories.07:53
dr_willisiSeeDeadPixels:  try the eject command07:54
pulse00hi all. i'm trying to setup permissions using setfacl in the cache folder of my webapp so that files created either by my user or the webserver can be written and deleted both by my user and the webserver. however, when the webserver creates a new file, getfacl overwrites some permissions and instead of having "rwx", there's a comment stating "#effective:r-x" - preventing me from deleting the file. anyone an idea07:54
pulse00where the #effective part comes from?07:54
iSeeDeadPixelsdr_willis: that obviously works07:54
ikoniapulse00: what version of ubuntu are you using ?07:54
pulse00ikonia: just a second07:55
dr_willisiSeeDeadPixels:  obvioulsy? not really.. so you are saying your button is actually broken. not a locked drive07:55
AbababHello. I'm looking for one program. It should listen a pop3 or imap email box and save all the email attachments to a folder. Any suggestions? I need to run it headless07:55
pulse00ikonia: 10.04 lucis07:55
iSeeDeadPixelsdr_willis: the button is not mapped07:56
ikonia!info httpd lucid07:56
ubottuPackage httpd does not exist in lucid07:56
ikonia!info apache2 lucid07:56
ubottuapache2 (source: apache2): Apache HTTP Server metapackage. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.14-5ubuntu8.6 (lucid), package size 1 kB, installed size 36 kB07:56
dr_willisiSeeDeadPixels:  you got a button thats not part of the optical drive unit?07:56
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iSeeDeadPixelsdr_willis: yes07:57
ikoniapulse00: so the user running the webserver, is that www-data (I can't remember without checking)07:57
dr_willisthats new.07:57
iSeeDeadPixelsHow so?07:58
pulse00ikonia: yes, it's www-data07:58
dr_willisive never seen a laptop set up that way07:58
ikoniapulse00: so can you show me ls -la on a file created by the webserver please.07:58
WindovozI wonder if Ubuntu will be as fast as my Windows XP on my netbook?07:59
pulse00ikonia: drwxr-xr-x+ 8 www-data www-data 4096 Sep 28 09:50 prod07:59
fritschWindovoz: just give it a try07:59
dr_willisWindovoz: .faster i find then xp07:59
pulse00ikonia: this ist the getfacl for the "prod" folder: https://gist.github.com/124728707:59
ikoniapulse00: what is the location of this file on the file system07:59
Windovozfritsch: how can I ? without ruining the current stuff?07:59
iSeeDeadPixelsdr_willis: http://paste.ubuntu.com/698356/07:59
fritschWindovoz: just start from cd / usb stick07:59
fritschWindovoz: there is a tryout mode08:00
Windovozit will be fast from usb too?08:00
pulse00ikonia: the full path is /var/www/vhosts/example.com/website/app/cache/prod08:00
ikoniafritsch: running from a usb/cd will not be a valid performance test08:00
fritschWindovoz: it will boot a little slow08:00
dr_willisvery useable Windovoz08:00
ikoniait will run slower08:00
fritschWindovoz: but when stuff is in memory08:00
Godfather_how can i open the "Run application" with keys?08:00
=== Tectu|off is now known as Tectu
fritschWindovoz: i think it will be as fast as xp anyways - even from stick / cd :-)08:01
WindovozOK, the USB mode is read-only ? Like CD-mode08:01
ikoniafritsch: then you think wrong08:01
fritschikonia: ubuntu got so slow over time?08:01
ikoniafritsch: running an OS against another OS running from a CD/external USB will never be as responsive08:01
fritschikonia: i know, was just kidding above08:01
ikoniafritsch: it's nothing to do with the OS, an internal disk based OS that is uncompressed will run faster by default than a OS booting on an external OS in a compressed format08:02
iSeeDeadPixelsdr_willis: any idea?08:02
ikoniafritsch: please don't "joke" to misslead people08:02
fritschikonia: i placed a smiley08:02
Windovozhey guys08:02
ikoniapulse00: I'm just trying to work out which would take priority here in terms of file creation mask08:02
monotoniaI used ceni to manage network connections, but I wanted to come back to network-manager, so I uninstalled it. Now wlan1 and eth1 dissapeared from my ifconfig and no application can see them. What to do to restore them?08:03
subcoolxorg.conf Q08:03
fritschmonotonia: i think you have to restore the default /etc/network/interfaces08:04
fritschmonotonia: normally there are just two lines in08:04
subcoolIm reading a thing explaining how to fix my video. It mentions adding a section to the xorg.conf file. But, the only file i have is an xorg.conf.d file and it doesnt look much like the section that is being added08:04
fritschmonotonia: auto lo08:04
fritschmonotonia: iface lo inet loopback08:04
monotoniafritsch: the problem is, there are08:04
monotoniafritsch: nothing else08:04
fritschmonotonia: this is kind of strange then08:05
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Windovozyou didn't tell me if USB mode will be read-only or not08:05
curiousxmonotonia: sudo dhclient08:05
iSeeDeadPixelsdr_willis: any idea?08:05
fritschWindovoz: per default ubuntu live does not write to any disk08:06
monotoniafritsch: done, reboot or something?08:06
fritschWindovoz: but you can have write access, by accessing folders and so on08:06
Windovozcan I "install" it on USB?08:06
fritschmonotonia: you can try to restart network-manager daemon08:06
fritschWindovoz: this can also be done08:06
Windovozhow do I do that?08:07
fritschWindovoz: as ikonia mentioned, it will be slow08:07
Windovozfritsch: but that will not be compressed anymore08:07
monotoniafritsch: still only eth0 and lo in ifconfig08:07
fritschmonotonia: there only has to be lo device08:07
fritschmonotonia: the rest is done with network-manager08:08
fritschmonotonia: ah! got you08:08
fritschmonotonia: ifconfig just reports eth0 and lo08:08
fritschmonotonia: correct?08:08
monotoniafritsch: yes08:08
IbisFinally, something that works.       I used: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/rinetd-redirects-tcp-connections-from-one-ip-address-and-port-to-another.html08:08
fritschmonotonia: rightclick on nm-applet and click: activate wireless08:08
iSeeDeadPixelshttp://paste.ubuntu.com/698356/ my eject button doesn't work, any ideas?08:08
curiousxthx Ibis08:08
fritschmonotonia: which interface is missing?08:09
monotoniafritsch: there is no option like that08:09
Ibisdr_willis: That will do.08:09
Ibiscuriousx: You're welcome. Thanks you to for your time.08:09
fritschmonotonia: is this a laptop and wireless is missing?08:09
monotoniafritsch: eth1, for usb, and wlan, for wifi08:09
WindovozHow do I install Ubuntu to USB flash?08:09
curiousxyour welcome too dude ==)08:09
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IbisWindovoz: Use unetbootin08:09
monotoniafritsch: before uninstalling ceni it worked08:09
Chat0831naon eta teh artina ah08:09
dr_willisWindovoz:  full install or a live cd setup.08:10
fritschmonotonia: okay, can you "replug" the usb device?08:10
Windovozdr_willis: full install08:10
Chat0831hey nuju naraon08:10
iSeeDeadPixelshttp://paste.ubuntu.com/698356/ my eject button doesn't work, any ideas? @ dr_willis08:10
Chat0831meni rame kieu08:10
monotoniafritsch: lol, I did it many, many times, really08:10
dr_willisWindovoz:  boot a cd. install to flash same as you.would a hd.08:10
monotoniafritsch: it just stopped seeing it08:10
IbisWindovoz: unetbootin.sourceforge.net/             <----- That program will put your ISO file you downloaded from ubuntu into your USB flash drive.          You then turn off your computer. Turn it back on and BE sure to ask your comptuer to boot from your USB drive and not your HARDDRIVe08:10
fritschmonotonia: lsusb does report it?08:11
=== Chat0831 is now known as euis
iSeeDeadPixelsmonotonia: what does your dmesg saf?08:11
curiousxiSeeDeadPixels: tipe "eject" in the terminal08:11
euiskumaha daramang gaya ??08:11
WindovozIbis: that is live USB mode08:11
dr_willisiSeeDeadPixels:  never seen a software contrilled eject media bytton. so no08:11
Vladislaseuis, damang08:11
IbisWindovoz: Yea... And you can install from it too.08:11
iSeeDeadPixelscuriousx: No.08:11
curiousxand eject -t to close08:11
IbisWindovoz: OoOooo I get it. Sorry, I misread that.08:12
iSeeDeadPixelsdr_willis: it's just a keybard button08:12
dr_willisiSeeDeadPixels:  you may want to give more details when yiu reask the question. ;)08:12
Windovozdr_willis Ibis: OK, I have a computer with DVD-ROM, I want to use ubuntu from USB flash on netbook08:12
IbisWindovoz: Basically, select an option that asks "How do you want to partition". Click on "Something else", and ask it to use your USB drive.08:12
monotoniafritsch: wow, i plugged it in and it works, hurray, now if only wi-fi started to work too08:12
iSeeDeadPixelsdr_willis: learning dvorak, slow typing08:12
dr_willisiSeeDeadPixels:  nwver seen a laptoo like that.  so i have ni idea in it08:12
fritschmonotonia: just reboot :-)08:12
IbisWindovoz: Oh then use Unetbootin. Lol, confusing me.08:12
fritschmonotonia: it is easier than fiddling with modul loading08:13
dr_willison my android phone typing slowly..08:13
monotoniafritsch: ok, if I won't return it means it worked :)08:13
IbisWindovoz: That is exactly HOW I install ubuntu every time. I not going to waste money On CD-disks.08:13
euisteu di waro nyeri hate awas tah08:13
fritschmonotonia: returning and saying thx is always a good idea08:13
euisdi tungguan di pajagalan08:13
iSeeDeadPixelshttp://paste.ubuntu.com/698356/ my eject button doesn't work, i do know about the terminal command, but i want my button to work08:13
euiswew ah08:13
IbisWindovoz: Oh wait. Wow, I confused myself.08:13
dr_willisWindovoz:  a live usb can install to a hd. a full install to a usb cant08:14
IbisWindovoz: With your "CD disk", you will eventually get to the installation option asking "How do you want to partition".08:14
iSeeDeadPixelsthat better?08:14
dr_willisiSeeDeadPixels:  call it a eject multimedia jeybord button08:14
IbisWindovoz: it may also say "install next to, or besides windows".       Click on something else and be extremely sure you select USB flash drive to "Install TO".08:15
dr_willisotherwise we think its the button on the cd.08:15
Ibisdr_willis: Can't install to USB? o_O08:15
dr_willisIbis:  hmm? i use a live flash setup to install to hd ir a usb to make a full install08:16
dr_williscd or live ysb --> full install to hd08:16
Ibisdr_willis: I thought Windovoz here wanted to install and use ubuntu from USB and not Harddrive.            At first, I was instructing to use Unetbootin to install to  "hd".08:17
dr_willisor full install to a second flash drive08:17
dr_willisIbis:  no ide what he wants... ;)08:17
dr_willislive use unetbiitin or pendrive linux tools08:18
IbisWindovoz: So. Exactly.. What are you trying to do?               You want to install this to your /HardDrive/?08:18
dr_willisfull use cd ir luve ysb. to do full insrall08:18
iSeeDeadPixelsand ubuntu doesn't wanna install on a raid too08:19
dr_willisndirc still has this lame keybord bug.08:19
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto08:19
iSeeDeadPixelsdr_willis: use AndChat08:19
dr_willisiSeeDeadPixels:  i am08:20
dr_willisit has a keybord bug08:20
iSeeDeadPixelsand it's a HW Raid008:20
dr_willisit wont echo wgat i type after a while08:20
fritschiSeeDeadPixels: what controller are you using?08:20
iSeeDeadPixelsfritsch: onbaord08:21
fritschiSeeDeadPixels: a - a pseudo ICH10 one?08:21
dr_willisi dont bother with raid anymore.08:21
iSeeDeadPixelsit worked on older distro08:21
fritschiSeeDeadPixels: and now ubuntu only sees separate disks?08:21
dr_willisalternative cd is needed for a raid install i thought08:21
iSeeDeadPixelsNo, it sees the raid08:21
fritschiSeeDeadPixels: okay, then i did not get the problem08:22
iSeeDeadPixelsit's a Asus Rampage II Extreme08:22
iSeeDeadPixelsbut it fails to install08:22
iSeeDeadPixelsand it can't install grub08:22
fritschiSeeDeadPixels: what is the rror message?08:22
fritschiSeeDeadPixels: could you switch terminals and see some of them?08:23
iSeeDeadPixelsfritsch: it hangs at the checklist screen08:23
iSeeDeadPixelsi got it to install08:23
monotoniafritsch: unfortunately, still no wlan08:23
iSeeDeadPixelsbut then grub failed to install08:23
fritschmonotonia: wireless is internal?08:23
murlidharcan anyone confirm that twitux client is no longer workind in 11.0408:24
fritschiSeeDeadPixels: that makes sense, grub does not take the correct device08:24
monotoniafritsch: yes08:24
iSeeDeadPixelsfritsch: let him do a lspci along with a lsmod08:24
fritschmonotonia: can you pastebin an lspci08:24
iSeeDeadPixelsfritsch: i tried installing grub onto the raid, didn't work08:24
fritschiSeeDeadPixels: you could run from live cd chrooting into it08:25
iSeeDeadPixelslater today maybe08:25
monotoniafritsch: it's this one: Network controller: Intersil Corporation ISL3886 [Prism Javelin/Prism Xbow] (rev 01). I use native drivers, they worked fine before I uninstalled ceni.08:25
fritschmonotonia: are they loaded?08:26
fritschmonotonia: try rmmodding them and modprobe them again08:26
rapierhi, i am trying to install the drivers to recognise my intel wireless. i have the needed files but having trouble with getting them installed, can anyone help me out pls?08:26
fritschrapier: normally intel wireless does not need you to install drivers08:27
fritschrapier: they are integrated into the kernel08:27
rapiermy wireless is still not working, i can softblock on and off bt iwconfig is not showing it at all.08:28
iSeeDeadPixelswhat's in your dmesg?08:28
fritschrapier: please pastebin a dmesg output08:28
fritschiSeeDeadPixels: hehe08:28
rapierim running ubuntu 10.1008:28
iSeeDeadPixelsdmesg | grep "intel"08:29
iSeeDeadPixelsenter that command and pastebin it08:29
rapier[    0.000000]  [<c17cbf50>] detect_intel_iommu+0x12/0x7a08:29
rapier[    4.254833] intel_idle: MWAIT substates: 0x2222008:29
rapier[    4.254836] intel_idle: does not run on family 6 model 2308:29
rapier[    4.647226] agpgart-intel 0000:00:00.0: Intel GM45 Chipset08:29
rapier[    4.647417] agpgart-intel 0000:00:00.0: detected gtt size: 2097152K total, 262144K mappable08:29
FloodBot1rapier: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:29
rapier[    4.648949] agpgart-intel 0000:00:00.0: detected 65536K stolen memory08:29
monotoniafritsch: i get what's modprobe, but what's rmmodding?08:29
fritschrapier: this is not the pastebin08:29
fritschmonotonia: loading "drivers"08:29
iSeeDeadPixelsmonotonia: rmmod08:30
murlidharcan anyone confirm that twitux client is no longer working in 11.04 ?08:30
iSeeDeadPixelsrapier: please pastebin it08:30
rapierlike this?08:31
monotoniafritsch: just "rmmod p54pci"? done.08:31
fritschrapier: please paste whole dmesg08:31
fritschmonotonia: yes, try this08:31
monotoniafritsch: now reboot?08:31
fritschmonotonia: and afterwards modprobe p54pci08:31
fritschmonotonia: and then give me the output of dmesg into a pastebin08:31
fritschmonotonia: no reboot08:32
iSeeDeadPixelsrapier: is that the full output of > dmesg | grep "intel"08:32
fritschiSeeDeadPixels: the grep is wrong here08:32
rapierthis one?08:32
fritschrapier: yes, is there a hardware killswitch?08:33
rapierits a touch sensitive switch08:33
rapierit seems to work08:34
rapierrfkill shows that it does.08:34
dsprhi guise08:34
fritschrapier: i do not see any wireless in the logs08:34
iSeeDeadPixelsrapier: lspci in a pastebin?08:34
=== dspr is now known as disappear
WindovozIbis: dr_willis: I think I need two usb flash sticks - one for live USB and one for install, right08:35
ambujhello everybody!!!08:35
monotoniafritsch: http://pastebin.com/HepvvHAC weird, in the end it says it can't find firmware, even if I wget-ed (again) it a moment ago08:35
fritschmonotonia: place it at the correct location08:35
rapierthx for helping guys, ive been at it for 3 days now :(08:35
ambujhey atleast reply08:35
fritschrapier: this is oneiric unstable08:35
ambujis my messages delivered to u??08:35
fritschrapier: did it work with 11.04?08:35
rapierwhat does that mean?08:35
fritschrapier: you are not using a stable ubuntu release08:36
monotoniafritsch: I used this instruction: http://wiki.debian.org/prism54#p54pci08:36
fritschmonotonia: copy the firmware to /lib/firmware08:36
rapierehm this is the first time ive installed ubuntu, i was using backtrack and the wifi worked but once i switched to blackbuntu it stopped.08:36
iSeeDeadPixelsrapier: he needs to load the iwlwifi driver08:36
fritschmonotonia: and do: rmmod "yourdriver" && modprobe "yourDriver"08:36
ionutPkernel page size is in bit or in byte?08:37
ionutPis expressed *08:37
fritschionutP: without looking it must be byte08:37
fritschionutP: bit does not make any sense08:37
iSeeDeadPixelsfritsch: he needs to load iwlwifi08:37
fritschiSeeDeadPixels: should be loaded automatically08:38
iSeeDeadPixelsrapier: lsmod | grep "iwl"08:38
fritschionutP: you asked for the size, correct - not the count08:38
iSeeDeadPixelscan you pastebin that?08:38
ionutPyes size08:38
monotoniafritsch: thanks, you are the greatest :)08:38
fritschmonotonia: no, i am not08:39
rapierit doesnt do anthing lsmod | grep "iwl"08:39
fritschionutP: it is byte, but normally kbyte08:39
iSeeDeadPixelsrapier: modprobe iwlwifi08:39
fritschionutP: there is not so much room in one byte - only 8 bit08:39
ionutPwanted to play with memory mapped file thats why i ask about the size08:40
rapierFATAL: Module iwlwifi not found.08:40
fritschrapier: did you mess with the kernel?08:40
iSeeDeadPixelsrapier: uname -a08:40
rapiermate i honestly dont know what i messed with, i just copy and paste stuff :(08:40
iSeeDeadPixelsfritsch: he's not using Ubuntu but a derative08:41
=== Marc is now known as mproffit
fritschiSeeDeadPixels: jep, if it is a very old version the modul is called iwlagn08:41
murlidharcan anyone confirm that twitux twitter client is no longer working in 11.04 ?08:41
rapieri have not made any updates as of yet, this is a fresh install of 3 days ago.08:41
fritschmurlidhar: read for the third time now - dont know08:41
iSeeDeadPixelsrapier: uname -a ?08:41
conntrack-why would IP be fragmenting between two machines?08:41
fritschconntrack-: mtu problem? bad switch?08:41
fritschconntrack-: IP, you mean tcp?08:42
conntrack-There is no switch08:42
rapierLinux 1337 2.6.39-3-bb03 #10 SMP Tue Jul 12 14:01:04 ICT 2011 i686 GNU/Linux08:42
conntrack-fritsch: Yes08:42
fritschconntrack-: what do you mean be fragmenting?08:42
iSeeDeadPixelsrapier: distro?08:42
fritschconntrack-: it is normal, that packages are fragmented and build up later08:42
murlidharFiremanEd: well hopefully someone knows it. maybe i shouldn't hve repeated it cuz if anyone had known about it they would have told me already.08:42
fritschrapier: uname -a as iSeeDeadPixels said08:43
ikoniarapier: we don't support that here08:43
iSeeDeadPixelsweird stuff08:43
ikoniarapier: please use the blacbuntu support resources.08:43
conntrack-fritsch: The checksum is incorrect08:43
iSeeDeadPixelsfritsch: Linux 1337 2.6.39-3-bb03 #10 SMP Tue Jul 12 14:01:04 ICT 2011 i686 GNU/Linux08:43
fritschconntrack-: oha! meaning it gets broken?08:43
ambuji am getting stange color in videos08:43
iSeeDeadPixelshe posted it already08:43
ambujprobably messed up my nvidia settings :(08:43
rapierehm ok, i thought it would have been the same.  thanks for your time.08:44
ikoniarapier: no problem08:44
conntrack-fritsch: I guess so. I don't actually know :)08:44
iSeeDeadPixelsnp rapier08:44
fritschconntrack-: what is your usecase? you are just copying files?08:44
iSeeDeadPixelstry googling08:44
ambujhey can anybody solve my query??08:44
conntrack-fritsch: Browsing08:44
ambujis i am talking to myself08:44
fritschambuj: you said probably08:44
conntrack-fritsch: A have set a ttl 255 though08:44
Peetz0rI use sslh to run ssh and https over port 443. Connecting to ssh over 443 takes way longer than over port 22. Can this be fixed, and how?08:45
conntrack-fritsch: Could that be why?08:45
fritschconntrack-: no, this just means 255 hobs between you and target08:45
fritschconntrack-: why did you change that setting?08:45
rabbi1installed virtualbox, unable to get the usb, saying need to add user to vbox08:45
fritschconntrack-: do you have packet loss when doing ping?08:45
conntrack-fritsch: Not now :)08:46
fritschconntrack-: sorry, cannot really get your problem08:46
WindovozWhich version of Ubuntu is better for Netbook with 1Gb RAM and 1.6 Atom CPU?08:46
conntrack-fritsch: The thing is that the fragmented packets appear to evidence the firewall08:46
lion42Windovoz, either 11.04 or... what's the lts, 10.10? 10.04?08:47
lion42should be fine.08:47
curiousxrabbi1: did you install the Vbox guest additions ?08:47
lion42Windovoz, are you used to using an older version? Are you interested in using unity?08:47
rabbi1curiousx: yes, i did08:47
fritschconntrack-: you mangle them in your firewall?08:47
conntrack-fritsch: No08:47
Windovozlion42: I meant there are different desktops , right? I don't want old version/08:47
fritschconntrack-: iptables -F and retry without08:47
lion42Windovoz, then 11.0408:48
curiousxrabbi1: yours usb port doesn't work on the windows virtual machine ?08:48
WindovozWhy is 32-bit version "recommended"08:48
rabbi1curiousx: yeah08:48
lion42Windovoz, because a lot of users don't know if they have a 32 bit or 64 bit machine, and 64 bit machines can use 32 bit os just fine.08:48
lion42Unless you have a bunch of ram or a high end machine, which a netbook obviously isn't, 32 is fine.08:49
Windovozlion42: What if I do know?08:49
Windovozok then08:49
curiousxwaith me a minute i'll run my Winbug virtual machine =P08:49
rabbi1curiousx: okies...08:49
fritschlion42: 64bit packages are compiled with isse2 support, this is a great advantage08:50
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conntrack-fritsch: Didn't help. Thanks for taking the time to think about the issue :) I look into it later08:53
rabbi1curiousx: u there?08:53
=== Skywalker is now known as Guest18354
Vurtnehello all08:54
VurtneSmf - Hahaha êàê âàì song?08:55
curiousxthe solution is adding your user to VirtualBox group i think08:55
fritschVurtne: keyboard working fine?08:56
curiousxsome like ---> sudo adduser $USER VirtualBox08:56
Vurtnefritsch yes08:56
Vurtneà ÷òî?08:56
Vurtneó òåáÿ ïðîáëåìû?08:57
fritschmmh, is this some kind of new spambot?08:57
Vurtnewtf O.j08:57
Vurtnei dont spek english08:58
rabbi1curiousx: yeah, that's what the dialog box say, but how can i add it ?08:58
curiousxrabbi1: sudo adduser $USER vboxusers08:59
Vurtnespeak Russia?08:59
ikonia!ru | Vurtne08:59
ubottuVurtne: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.08:59
bazhangVurtne, #ubuntu-ru08:59
rabbi1curiousx: the group already exists09:00
curiousxmmm... i dont know what clould be the problem =(09:03
curiousxtry again09:03
rabbi1curiousx: that's k, thank you for the support09:04
curiousxlook what i have09:04
curiousxsudo adduser $USER vboxusers09:04
curiousx[sudo] password for curiousx:09:04
curiousxAdding user `curiousx' to group `vboxusers09:04
curiousxAdding user curiousx to group vboxusers09:05
fritschcuriousx: this is good, logout and in again and it sould be fine09:05
fritschcuriousx: ups :-) you just showd it to some one09:05
curiousxyes like fritsch wrote try again rabbi1 logout09:06
curiousxAdding user curiousx to group vboxusers09:06
mordofhow do i check what my individual core speed is?09:06
curiousxthanks fritsch =)09:07
jpdsmordof: less /proc/cpuinfo09:07
mordofjpds: ty09:07
boumahow do i fix it so that the root pw is requested and a sata/esata can be mounted without being added to fstab or a manual sudo mount etc??09:07
rabbi1curiousx: $user is linux user or windows username?09:08
curiousxrabbi1: write with upercase, is the user with you are loging on your system09:09
curiousxnot the user of windows09:09
htlmIs there a room for andriod cellphones?09:11
ikoniahtlm: #anrdoid ?09:11
jpdshtlm: #android ?09:11
ikoniabit of common sense works wonders09:11
Vurtneóðà çàðàãåñòðèðîâàëñÿ09:12
Vurtneâñåì ïðèâåò09:12
ikoniaVurtne: stop09:12
ikoniaVurtne: you have been told #ubuntu-ru09:12
Vurtnek sory09:12
htlmit's not common sense it's more of a guess09:12
ikoniaVurtne: you will not be warned again09:12
ikoniahtlm: no, I looked on the channel list and found it, hence common sense09:12
legalimpurityheyy hi everyone! up here first time09:13
Myrttilegalimpurity: welcome!09:14
htlmWell, its just a  "hey  do you.know of this , if not lets give a guess... "  either way still works ,thank you anyways09:14
qiyongshould I use distro rails or gem's?09:15
htlmHi new guy09:15
legalimpuritythnxx. canany one help me here.. whatzz IRC networks all abt>? what is thsi chat group aboutt?? any particular area of interest?09:15
=== Tectu is now known as Tectu|off
htlmlegalimpurity  you have a big name...  This is for people with computer help that everyone  volunteers for to help out ... And hopefully u do the same...   this is more for the operative system type of help called ubuntu09:20
Sidewinder1He's gone.09:21
htlmI'm on my android device so , this is such a small stream compared to a computer09:22
Rurd2dihow do you save and leave visudo09:22
Rurd2di<Rurd2di> how do you save and leave visudo09:22
Rurd2di<Rurd2di> lol09:22
FloodBot1Rurd2di: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:22
htlmSidewinder1 long time huh09:23
curiousxRurd2di: to save press "Ctrl + O" to exit press "Ctrl + X"09:23
Sidewinder1htlm, Hope you're well...09:23
curiousxif there are somthing wrong in the syntax visudo will tell you09:24
Rurd2dilogin and out to take effect Sidewinder1 ?09:24
htlmRrr!  U too   and  I hope things are well ?09:24
Kjekkenmy computer hangs in boot at "Begin: Running /scripts/init-button ... done." any tips?09:24
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htlmstretch out my thing but I would think if you would make sure you can mess with the boot priority or some kinda thing that makes keep your start up ... it's a guess09:25
htlmscript I mean09:26
faLUCEhi.  Is it possible to run a graphical program with rc.local ? for example: xclcok I can run non-graphical processes, but I don't understand how to run gui programs09:27
faLUCEhi.  Is it possible to run a graphical program with rc.local ? for example: xclok .                  I can run non-graphical processes, but I don't understand how to run gui programs09:27
htlmSidewinder1    u got sometime ?09:29
Sidewinder1htlm, A littlt.09:29
* pr_Black думает что ставить на нетбук09:30
Sidewinder1littlebear, even.09:30
Tm_T!ru | pr_Black09:30
ubottupr_Black: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.09:30
zhosomebody here have an experience with rsync (exit 24) "file has vanished"?09:30
htlmNo not me.09:30
strangehey guys i have a problem with my touch screen in ubuntu it seems to work but all movement is inverted if i touch it on the right it recognizes it left etc09:30
Kjekkenhtlm ? what?09:31
RajDev_Kinghello guys I have a problem or can say a doubt that.... I am using Windows Xp as well as Ubuntu 11.04 on dual mode but whenever I try to play sound in Xp it won't  work but at the same time ubuntu will do it,,, That my sound system is supported in ubuntu but not in Xp. Xp says that my sound card is damaged so why is it working in ubuntu..09:31
strangeRajDev_King, i think your problem is windows related not ubuntu09:31
strangeie wrong channel09:32
Peetz0rRajDev_King: windows probablyneeds drivers, whileubuntu already has those in the kernel. Try #windows for more help09:32
RajDev_KingI see09:33
htlm Kjekken scirpt out my thing but I would think if you would make sure you can mess with the boot priority or some kinda thing that makes keep your start up ... it's a guess09:33
Sidewinder1RajDev_King, I seem to remember a similar problem with my dual boot, my solution was to cold reboot when switching from one OS to the other, warm reboot (restart) seemed to be the problem.09:33
htlmKjekken  something with a script that you wrote poss we convene messing with it .. From booting up I mean09:35
RajDev_KingSidewinder1: I didn't get you???09:35
Sidewinder1RajDev_King, That's simply a suggestion; something to try.09:35
RajDev_KingSidewinder1: Yeah Please tell me how to do it..09:36
htlmSidewinder1  does it  seem like the grub not working?09:37
Sidewinder1RajDev_King, When going from ubuntu to win and vice-versa, use "Shut-Down" and NOT "Restart".09:37
htlmRajDev_King  what your computer brand09:37
RajDev_Kinghtlm: it's intel pentium 409:38
RajDev_King Sidewinder1; Oh I see..09:38
RajDev_KingOkae thank you all for your support I will get back to you if still the problem's floating..09:40
htlm Not the cpu .but it does help indircetly.... what is your brand I'm hoping it's not a toishba  ...09:40
RajDev_Kinghtlm: It's samsung09:40
RajDev_Kingno..no... it's INTEX09:40
RajDev_KingMy LCD is Samsung09:40
RajDev_KingWell Ubuntu's so complex09:41
RajDev_KingSometimes it's very difficult to deal with it..09:41
htlmRajDev_King  so im guessing its about 5 _11 yrs. Old ?09:42
RajDev_KingYeah it's 5 yrs old.09:42
vltHello. What can be a reason for "passwd: Authentication token manipulation error \n passwd: password unchanged" when I want to change the password by typing "passwd" as root? (/usr/bin/passwd looks fine: 4755 root:root)09:42
Sidewinder1Looks like the three floodbots are having an argument. :-)09:46
rabbi1how do i get only network manager on notification area ?09:51
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htlm No this is . Very easy most things r e renamed  and move around from windows  and mac   but once you find the groove about knowing how ubuntu   works  you can see huge ocean of computer stuff! Try resisting the vast customization alone can get lost for weeks  on just how you what your computer to look like,,,  some ppl like windows feel or a mac look  which makes it easier to switch over to linux .... So ultimately you are the person of choice,,, lol so ha09:53
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htlmwhat I miss bots fightimg?09:54
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ahhughezhey guys, day #3 now.... trying to connect apple magic trackpad :'( I can scan + see the device and I can now run sudo hidd --connect XX:XX:XX..... but it says 'Can't create HID control channel: Operation now in progress' is there something I am missing (and obviously dont know about)?09:57
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htlmdoes anyone know how to read through phone09:58
htlmdoes anyone know how to root your phone  (andriod)09:59
LjLhtlm: that's hardly ontopic for here, try #android-root09:59
newmanAnyone here managed to use Eclipse for development? It seems to freeze each time I right or left click on a file in project explorer.09:59
ahhughezhtlm, depends on the phone and the version. goto #android09:59
crimsonmanehello. i'm using 10.04 LTS and am trying to upgrade Thunderbird to the latest. There's no update option within Thunderbird itself. I have downloaded thunderbird-7.0.tar.bz and do not know how to proceed.09:59
ahhugheznewman, CONSTANTLY use it for java09:59
linuxuz3rnewman, i have10:00
linuxuz3rit works fine10:00
htlmLjL just lookin for a channel thanks10:00
newmanlinuxuz3r: 4.1, natty and java 1.6-26. You?10:00
linuxuz3r10.04 lynx and java 1.510:01
newmanahhughez: Same to you? I'm using it for PHP though10:01
=== ahhughez is now known as ahhughez-away
htlmahhughez thanks...   No ones there.. Ive been there for like 30 mins. To 1hr10:02
newmanB-/ I can create a remote project, and refresh it. But as soon as I click on a project files, seems it doesn't matter which kind, eclipse freezes.10:02
crimsonmanehello. i'm using 10.04 LTS and am trying to upgrade Thunderbird to the latest. There's no update option within Thunderbird itself. I have downloaded thunderbird-7.0.tar.bz and do not know how to proceed.10:03
linuxuz3rhave you tried the update10:03
linuxuz3reclipse helios or eclipse 3.710:04
newmanlinuxuz3r: Yup, I'm trying 4.1 now10:05
crimsonmanehello. i'm using 10.04 LTS and am trying to upgrade Thunderbird to the latest. There's no update option within Thunderbird itself. I have downloaded thunderbird-7.0.tar.bz and do not know how to proceed.10:07
Chheapshotcrimsonmane: sudo apt-get upgrade thunderbird10:12
crimsonmaneoutput is ... 0 upgraded message10:13
Chheapshotcrimsonmane: are u sure u arent already running the latest version. Ubuntu usually updates all programs automatically10:13
crimsonmaneAbout says i'm using 3.110:13
drgreen+o FloodBot1] by ChanServ10:14
crimsonmanewhich is what's available in the software center10:14
drgreenpaste failed10:14
Sidewinder1crimsonmane, 3.1.13 is the current version for 10.04.10:16
crimsonmanewhy can't i upgrade to 7? aren't i supposed to be able to arbitrarily install?10:16
crimsonmanei need to upgrade because Lightning doesn't work with 3.1..1310:17
silv3r_m00nhow to convert .dat vcd files to mpeg , on ubuntu ?10:18
faLUCEhi, In the "startup applications" I put  "/home/user/./myscript"  . myscript only contains "xclock" . Unfortunately, I don't see xclock after login. why ?10:18
Sidewinder1crimsonmane, It may not work and also may ruin the current version. That being said, if you open the .tar.bz file with "Archive Manager", you should find a readme type file with installation instructions.10:18
Chheapshotcrimsonmane: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/thunderbird-stable10:18
crimsonmanesidewinder1 - that readme file gives a link to mozilla download page. there are no instructions there10:19
Chheapshotcrimsonmane: sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get upgrade and u should have 710:19
Sidewinder1Chheapshot, Not if he's running 10.04, correct?10:19
crimsonmanehe tol dme to add mozilla to my repositories10:20
crimsonmanei'm typing in last command now10:20
Chheapshotwell it worked for me atleast when i tried it10:20
crimsonmaneit's working so far10:20
Chheapshotupgraded from 3.13 to 710:20
crimsonmanei spent the last 4 hours searching online determined to find the answer myself10:21
Chheapshotcrimsonmane: :D hehe sometimes u just cant find what u'r looking for. I hit the 2nd result from google to find that repository :P10:21
crimsonmaneyou probably have my experience with linux10:22
Sidewinder1crimsonmane, Certainly hope you backed everything up.. :-)10:22
crimsonmaneno i didn't back everything up. i use gmail IMAP settings so there is nothing to "lose"10:22
crimsonmanealright lets see if this worked!10:23
crimsonmanelet's see if it worked!10:23
crimsonmaneomg can't see my own typing10:23
Chheapshotcrimsonmane: hope it did :D10:23
sven_how can it be ubuntu gives me thunderbird version 3, and on mozilla they have 7? its mainly about my "virtual identies" plugin :/10:23
Sidewinder1Nothing can go wrong, go wrong,...10:23
crimsonmaneFLAWLESS IT WORKED10:23
Chheapshotcrimsonmane: cheers10:24
Sidewinder1!pm > shubham10:24
ubottushubham, please see my private message10:24
crimsonmaneactually it broke the addon that syncs my address book with google. but i'm happy10:25
Chheapshotcrimsonmane: it doesnt support 7 or?10:25
crimsonmanedunno yet.10:25
t_janyone know how to fix the asm include bug with clang on 11.04?10:26
crimsonmaneoh nevermind, the contacts sync addon still works. it's the indicator icon that doesn't. i can't stand Evolution10:26
crimsonmaneso that one addon is out of date. i can survive.10:26
t_ji exported CFLAGS=-I/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu10:28
shubhamhey plz am new to this can anybody solve my query?10:28
shubhammy all videos giving blue color10:28
waxheadHi everyone...10:28
waxheadI've got an i3 machine and I wanted to install 64bit, but instead 32bit with pae was installed...10:29
shubhamall videos showing blue colors and whenever i open nvidia settings it maggically fixes10:29
waxheadhow do I get the 64bit version installed?10:29
shubhambt when i closes it again becomes blue!!10:29
Sidewinder1!nvidia | shubham10:29
ubottushubham: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto10:29
shubhami have seen nothing there!!!10:30
Sidewinder1shubham, You may need to install the "Restricted Extras", driver.10:30
shubhamyaa i have installed10:30
waxheadshubham, check that it's actually being used though10:31
shubhambt i thing my nvidia settings are not saved10:31
shubhamit color settings changes each time10:31
timofonicI have problems hearing audio from my HDMI monitor, it worked previously on Windows Vista and I selected the correct output under Ubuntu 11.04. Please, can anyone help me?10:31
waxheadmy headache for ages has been that the drivers are installed, but not in use10:31
negevhi, what is wrong with this in /etc/sudoers?     negev ALL = NOPASSWD: /sbin/ifup eth0:0,/sbin/ifup eth0:1,/sbin/ifdown eth0:0,/sbin/ifdown eth0:1,/usr/sbin/apache2ctl graceful-stop10:31
waxheadwhich is just painful...10:31
Sidewinder1shubham, I seem to remember someone else complaining about the same sort of thing but I forget the solution; 11.04, right?10:32
timofonicUhh, I found was the nr2 output10:32
timofonicThanks anyway10:32
shubhamnvidia making junk drivers10:33
shubhamwhats its use10:33
shubhamit is not able to save its setting!10:33
ikoniashubham: you need to save it to a config file10:33
crimsonmanealright so we have another problem. Thunderbird7 is not installing any addons when i tell it do... how to proceed?10:33
shubhami do even after becoming root user10:34
ikoniashubham: whats the actual problem you are having ?10:34
Chheapshotcrimsonmane: what does it do? any error?10:34
crimsonmaneit recognizes that i press the button on that addon, but there is no response.10:34
crimsonmanei have found "install from file" on the wrenches upper right corner. gonna try it10:35
shubhambt it each time changes to bizzare blue colour settings in videos10:35
shubhamit totally ruined my video experiance10:35
shubhamits like seeing avatar characters in all videos10:35
Chheapshotcrimsonmane: it might be that the addons wont support version 7 yet or something. But there was a way to trick them that u'r using older version.10:35
ikoniashubham: can you fix this with a config change /?10:35
ikoniashubham: can you fix this with a config change /?10:36
shubhamhow to change config file settings?10:36
crimsonmanei was able to download the manual file from mozilla. very easy, that part. it could be a little more clear about what the 'tools menu' actually means10:36
shubhamhow to open it through notepad?10:36
ikoniashubham: notepad ?10:37
Sidewinder1shubham, gksudo gedit.10:37
shubhamohh sorry am new in ubuntu used to be window user sorry!!!!10:37
crimsonmanenext up, getting Thunderbird into the notifications applet10:37
Sidewinder1ikonia, Don't ya just love windows nomenclature?10:37
ikoniashubham: that's fine, I'm just trying to get where you are up to10:37
ikoniashubham: have you endabled the "nvidia drivers" from the ubuntu hardware tool ?10:38
mang0What's the best computer you reckon I could get for around £200? Custom built or pre built, doesn't matter.10:39
shubhamall is fine except video colors10:39
vagyi've a question: i connect via ssh on a 10.04 (server) system ... is it possible to monitor whatever messages the kernel or daemons generate by monitoring some tty device?10:39
mang0Oops, sorry was menna be in offtopic10:39
ikoniashubham: ok. So is it all videos or just some videos ?10:39
ikoniavagy: dmesg10:39
ikoniavagy: syslog10:39
shubhamall videos10:39
ikoniashubham: can you run the command "file" against one of those video files for me10:39
shubhamavatar like blue colors in videos10:39
ikoniashubham: eg: "file myvideo.avi"10:39
shubhamhow to run command file?10:40
ikoniashubham: open a terminal, change directory to where one of your video files is, and run "file videofilename.avi"10:40
vagyikonia: thank you10:42
Chheapshotah what was the command to quiet those floodbot messages on irssi. I mean on /ignore10:42
shubhamhey i have seen this page bt it fixes only color in totem10:42
shubhamvlc still showing blue color10:42
shubhami used step 210:43
vltHello. When I open an OpenOffice odt document and scroll to its end the program closes. Why?10:43
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shubhamikonia ??10:44
ikoniashubham: use step 310:44
ikoniashubham: did you get the information I asked for10:44
shubhamok bt it saying it will use higher cpu usage10:44
shubhamthat i dont want!10:44
ikoniashubham: probably10:44
ikoniashubham: you'll have to deal with it, it's a bug10:44
shubhamyaa ok!! fine!!!10:45
shubhamnvidia sucks10:45
=== ahhughez-away is now known as ahhughez
shubhamubuntu rocks!!10:45
vltshubham: rocks?10:45
shubhamits all nvidia fault!10:45
ikoniashubham: don't need silly pointless ill educated comments please.10:45
ikoniashubham: no, it's not, please don't spout nonsense. Accept the bug, and the work around.10:45
shubhamok ok10:46
maxillusionisthas anybody got some idea to use dialog in bash running under ubuntu10:46
vltAnd what can be a reason for "passwd: Authentication token manipulation error \n passwd: password unchanged" when I want to change the password by typing "passwd" as root? (/usr/bin/passwd looks fine: 4755 root:root)10:46
ikoniavlt: you shouldn't be root10:46
ikoniavlt: the root user in Ubuntu is locked10:47
saju_mi have ubuntuu 10.04. How upgrade ubuntu 10.04 to 10.04.3 ???10:47
shubhamthanks ikonia:10:47
maxillusionistvlt use the graphical windows its far easier10:47
ahhughezback to my trackpad + keyboard issues. Can anyone confirm all I need to do for bluetooth is 1) install bluez, 2) `sudo bluez-simple-agent hci0 XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX` 3) `sudo bluez-test-device trusted XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX yes` 4) restart10:47
ikoniasaju_m: just use the update manager to install updates as they are offered to you10:47
jribmaxillusionist: what's your question exactly?10:47
Sidewinder1shubham, Why not just use Totem (that's what I use), rather than vlc?10:47
yurik3829ahhughez: Is bluez not already installed?10:48
shubhamno na i will give u example10:48
ahhughezyurik3829, nope.. but it is now.10:48
shubhamsome videos hangs in totem when i use seek baar10:48
Chheapshotsaju_m: it should automatically update to 10.04.310:48
shubhamvlc is totally stable in that manner!10:48
yurik3829ahhughez: Have you tried the official guide here? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup10:48
vltmaxillusionist: I have no graphical windows here.10:48
Chheapshotsaju_m: 10.04.3 isnt a major upgrade10:48
ahhughezyurik3829, for 3 days straight :'(10:49
shubhamikonia sidewinder1 even my fingerprint reader isnt workin10:49
Sidewinder1shubham, I have never had that problem with avi.s, what you describe happens rarely, with other file formats.10:49
shubhammy laptop is hp dv4 1241tx10:49
maxillusionistcan anybody suggest some ebooks on ubuntu10:49
jribmaxillusionist: help.ubuntu.com10:50
shubhamyaa its usually does with mkv format10:50
maxillusionistany links wuld be fine10:50
vltikonia: Currently I can login as root. It doesn't seem to be locked. Any idea how to check that?10:50
ikoniavlt: did you install this machine.10:50
soreauahhughez: bluetooth should already work OOTB.. which version of ubuntu are you using?10:50
shubhamand mkv format is gud as far i talk abt clarity yet in small size10:50
ahhughezsoreau,  11.0410:50
Chheapshotsaju_m: type in terminal  lsb_release -a  to check your current version10:50
vltikonia: Yes.10:51
soreauahhughez: Did you try running bluetooth-properties?10:51
ikoniavlt: and it's ubuntu ?10:51
vltikonia: 10.04 LTS10:52
soreauvlt: Did you check the md5sum of the image you used to install ubuntu?10:52
saju_mChheapshot: 10.04 is the current version10:52
vltsoreau: Installed by debootstrap10:53
ikoniavlt: who set the root passsword ?10:53
vltikonia: Me10:53
saju_mChheapshot: which is the major upgrade ?10:53
ikoniavlt: ok, so that's why you can login as root10:53
ikoniavlt: you've disabled the ubuntu security model10:53
soreau! pm | ahhughez10:54
ubottuahhughez: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.10:54
ahhughezmy blueze list-devices == http://pastie.org/private/yjackvjjwfzge9hwxq8oq10:54
yurik3829shubham: Some finger print readers aren't well supported by Linux. Fedora has the best support for them I believe10:54
soreauahhughez: You did not answer my previous quewstion10:54
vltikonia: Yes. But how to change the passwd?10:54
soreauquestion, even10:54
ahhughezno, have not run bluetooth-properties soreau.. havent seen that in any of the howto guides :/10:54
soreauahhughez: Try running it as your normal user10:55
ikoniavlt: you use the passwd command as you've been trying, but you've clearly changed something (probably when setting the root password the first time)10:55
ahhughezsoreau,  The program 'bluetooth-properties' is currently not installed.  should I do this?10:55
ikoniavlt: to be honest, I'm of the stance this week, that if think you know enough to set the root password then you should know what you're doing.10:55
vltikonia: What to check first (after /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, /usr/bin/passwd)?10:55
soreauahhughez: It should already have been installed. But since it isn't, install it10:55
shubhamyurik3829: ohh now i have to install fedora?? :O plz can u help out in ubuntu only?10:55
soreauikonia: this week only? :)10:56
vltikonia: After installing I just ran "passwd" once to set the root password.10:56
ikoniavlt: then you should know what you're doing10:56
ikoniavlt: if you think you know enough to bypass the security model and login as root directly, you should be confident10:56
yurik3829shubham: You don't have to install Fedora, though if you're having hardware problems with Ubuntu, it's always worth trying a different distro. Fedora is very bleeding edge, so can have good support sometimes.10:56
ikoniavlt: I'm sure someone else maybe willing to help you10:57
soreauikonia: not to mention using debootstrap to install.. ubuntu (?)10:57
shubhamyurik3829: ok and my ir remote also not working it use to work in windows!10:57
Chheapshotsaju_m: Have u installed all the updates what it suggests to you?10:58
Chheapshotsaju_m: The newest version of ubuntu is 11.04 at the moment10:58
saju_mChheapshot: that i know10:59
saju_m10.04 have LTS10:59
ikonia!pm > shubham10:59
ubottushubham, please see my private message10:59
ahhughezsoreau, w00t (kinda).... I can see the devices... Im not sure they are working tho.... the greyed out bluetooth icon with a padlock on it is probably not the best sign right?11:00
saju_mChheapshot: i want to upgrade to latest version(patch) of ubuntu 10.0411:00
=== Xano_ is now known as Xano
soreauahhughez: I'm still wondering how you managed to install 10.04 without bluetooth packages11:00
auronandacesaju_m: if you update normally then you are using the latest11:00
MonkeyDustsaju_m: try sudo apt-get update || sudo apt-get upgrade11:00
=== Tectu|off is now known as Tectu
ahhughez11.04 soreau and this is mythbuntu...11:01
soreauahhughez: I recommend you ensure all of the following packages are installed: bluez bluez-alsa bluez-cups bluez-gstreamer gnome-bluetooth libbluetooth3 libgnome-bluetooth7 pulseaudio-module-bluetooth11:02
soreauahhughez: especially gnome-bluetooth, provided you're using gnome11:02
ahhughezE: Unable to locate package libgnome-bluetooth711:03
MonkeyDustahhughez: try apt-cache search [package]11:03
soreauhe may have some repos not enabled11:03
crimsonmanedon't forget "sudo" at the front11:04
ahhughezI have not added any repos11:04
MonkeyDustcrimsonmane: sudo not needed for apt-cache11:04
soreauahhughez: Sorry, that package is provided by gnome-bluetooth11:05
soreauahhughez: So for now, just try installing gnome-bluetooth if it isn't already11:05
ahhughezI got that already :) will check the rest now too11:05
soreauahhughez: And use bluetooth-properties11:05
maxillusionistyeah sudo is needed for installing things11:06
Chheapshotor just sudo !! afterwards11:07
maxillusionistlike libraries etc and also packages11:07
Chheapshotsudo !!  repeats the last command with sudo added to it11:07
soreauMake me a sandwich. 'No!' sudo !! 'hm, ok'11:08
crimsonmanei'll try that when i get home11:09
omidomid_what's the jockey-backend? i want to install ATI drivers or codecs and it says waiting for jockey-backent to close and nothing happens for hours.11:09
Chheapshotsoreau: lol :D11:09
ahhughezsoreau, all on the way... except  pulseaudio-module-bluetooth  I dont want/have any bluetooth audio output11:10
yellabs-r2any one here got an wacom bamboo touch and got it working OK ?11:10
=== Xano_ is now known as Xano
fmauroyellabs-r2: I've tried it like some two weeks ago and didn't get the pressure sensor to work11:10
soreauahhughez: All of these packages are installed by default on a normal ubuntu 10.04 install11:10
fmauroyellabs-r2: and only absolute positions on the tablet... so, nope11:10
yellabs-r2so i better not invest in one then..11:11
yellabs-r2to bad11:11
ahhughezsoreau, 11.0411:11
fmauroyellabs-r2: the regular tablets from wacom work just fine11:11
crimsonmaneyellabs-r2: the Ubuntu that i think is still in Beta has lots more built-in ability to work with that type of stuff.11:11
yellabs-r2the wacom bamboo touch is the one i need, for librabry setup11:12
soreauahhughez: Oh, woops.. I read you wrong. sec11:12
yellabs-r2exposition material ( multi touch )11:12
fmauroyellabs-r2: yeah , it's possible they've added the drivers to the new kernel, I'll have a look11:12
soreauahhughez: bluez bluez-alsa bluez-cups bluez-gstreamer gnome-bluetooth libbluetooth3 libgnome-bluetooth8 pulseaudio-module-bluetooth11:12
tasslehoffanyone wiki for how to reinstall on encrypted lvm without formatting? mounting encrypted volumes from the livecd and such.11:12
soreauahhughez: Though the libs are probably provided by gnome-bluetooth package11:13
ikoniatasslehoff: can't be done11:13
ahhughezyep soreau, looks like they are all there... but why dont I get a bluetooth icon on the task/menu/bar thing at the top (what is the name for that anyway?)11:13
tasslehoffikonia: hmm. I'm quite certain I've done it before.11:13
michihi wer da der de kann11:13
inztasslehoff, if you have plenty of disk space, then it can be done without losing data, but not without formatting11:14
soreauahhughez: Not sure.. you may need to add something to the panel. Are you using classic gnome with gnome-panel? (not unity)11:14
bazhang!de | michi11:14
ubottumichi: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!11:14
ikoniatasslehoff: good luck then11:14
tasslehoffI seem to recall booting the livecd and manually mounting the encrypted volumes to fix grub issues. Couldn't the installer then use the partitions I have unlocked?11:15
fmauroyellabs-r2: you could try this: http://frankgroeneveld.nl/2010/04/11/get-wacom-bamboo-fun-pen-working-in-ubuntu-lucid/ and go to a store and try it11:15
tasslehoffikonia: thanks, it means a lot11:15
yellabs-r2okey thanks11:15
fmauroyellabs-r2: np11:15
MonkeyDustfmauro: .nl? you dutch or belgian?11:15
nbjaymehi all!  is there a opensource Wiki capable of scribus export/ import?11:16
ahhughezsoreau, somethings busted :'(  I used bluetooth-properties and removed the trackpad, then did 'setup new device'... all went thru said it was 'Finished'.. seemed to go 'bold for about 5sec then greyed out   there was some output in the terminal ** Message: Failed to connect to device /org/bluez/835/hci0/dev_70_CD_60_FE_39_5811:17
soreauahhughez: You probably busted it before you started.. by follow all those random guides11:18
ahhughezand ** Message: has_config_widget 70:CD:60:FE:39:58 HumanInterfaceDeviceService11:18
soreauahhughez: Now you might have to reinstall all of those packages11:18
ahhughezsoreau, I didn't deviate from the official guide :'(11:18
ahhughezyou're the only deviation soreau Mwhaaahahaha :)~11:19
soreauahhughez: I'll certainly remember not to help you next time11:19
ahhughezheehehehe :)11:20
ahhughezjokes aside tho, you recommend I reinstall the bluetooth packages?11:20
soreauNo, I was just typing to see letters scroll up across the chat room11:21
yellabs-r2okey thanks again11:21
yellabs-r2bye all11:21
ahhughezplease don't tease the animals :) I'll follow your advice and try remove everything I can see bluetooth related soreau - thanks heaps for your help so far :)))))))11:21
ahhughezcan I list all of the packages installed via apt ?11:23
soreaudpkg -l11:23
tasslehoffikonia: I only fixed grub, and never reinstalled Ubuntu, so I take that back. But if I manually unlock the encrypted partition, the installer can't be made to install to the logical volumes?11:24
ahhughezso I got... bluez bluez-alsa bluez-compat bluez-cups bluez-gstreamer gnome-bluetooth libbluetooth3 libgnome-bluetooth8   remove and then install them or does apt have reinstall command?11:25
iSeeDeadPixelsanyone knows a DB Design tool for linux like access 2007/2010?11:26
vlcchromhello, how can i install vlc plugin on chrome? i'm on ubuntu 10.0411:26
openvoidahhughez, apt-get install bluez --reinstall11:26
siddhionI wrote a message on a web form and submitted it but it did not go through and I lost it. Is there any way I can retrieve it from Chrome's cache files?11:27
masterc57back|track 4 r1 will not create the swap space when the partitioner starts to create the partition/back|track is on a linux kernel11:30
Sidewinder1iSeeDeadPixels,  You mean Openoffice-Database?11:31
Sidewinder1iSeeDeadPixels, It should already be installed, by default.11:31
auronandace!backtrack | masterc5711:31
ubottumasterc57: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition11:31
RobinJis there an ubuntu bug fixer in here?11:32
auronandace!bug | RobinJ11:33
ubottuRobinJ: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.11:33
RobinJyeah i filed a bug auronandace, problem is that it's being throughly ignored on launchpad and that it's a rather critical one11:33
tasslehoffinz: what method were you thinking of? it's the encrypted home volume I want to keep11:34
auronandaceRobinJ: what is the bug?11:34
RobinJauronandace: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/85891611:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 858916 in Ubuntu "Graphic card 108°C in Ubuntu 11.10" [Undecided,New]11:35
iSeeDeadPixelsSidewinder1: i only have LibreOffice11:35
ahhughezhey soreau, you think this is a bad sign?  ** (bluetooth-properties:7436): WARNING **: Could not open RFKILL control device, please verify your installation11:35
auronandace!11.10 | RobinJ11:35
ubottuRobinJ: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+111:35
ActionParsnipRobinJ: oneiric discussion in #ubuntu+1 please11:35
Sidewinder1iSeeDeadPixels, 11.04?11:35
RobinJa bugfixer is a bugfixer, no matter what version11:36
ActionParsnipRobinJ: could try a different distro to see if it is ubuntu at fault, something like Mandriva or somesuch11:36
RobinJActionParsnip: not a problem with 11.0411:36
ActionParsnipRobinJ: oneiric ANYTHING is offtopic here11:36
iSeeDeadPixelsSidewinder1: yup11:37
Sidewinder1iSeeDeadPixels, Doesn't Libreoffice contain "Base"?11:38
nailoxhi all. Im getting a message in terminal from syslogd sayint CPU temp and speed is normal. it shows the msg every 5min. how can i stop this? Im on a VPS11:39
auronandace!info libreoffice-base | Sidewinder111:39
ubottuSidewinder1: libreoffice-base (source: libreoffice): office productivity suite -- database. In component main, is optional. Version 1:3.3.3-1ubuntu2 (natty), package size 1959 kB, installed size 7932 kB (Only available for alpha amd64 armel armhf hppa i386 ia64 mips mipsel powerpc powerpcspe ppc64 s390 s390x sparc kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386 all)11:39
ActionParsnipnailox: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc   please11:39
iSeeDeadPixelsSidewinder1: nop11:40
nailoxActionParsnip command not found. its ubuntu 10.4 LAMP11:40
Sidewinder1auronandace, Yes, I know; I was trying to address iSeeDeadPixels 's issues. :-)11:40
inztasslehoff, in short: create new encrypted partition, copy everything there, reconfigure few things11:41
auronandaceiSeeDeadPixels: sudo apt-get install libreoffice-base11:41
iSeeDeadPixelsoh, that11:41
ActionParsnipnailox: are there any bugs reported?11:41
Sidewinder1iSeeDeadPixels, Have a look here, maybe Base is a component that you need to download? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libreoffice11:41
inztasslehoff, probably easier to backup and reinstall though11:41
iSeeDeadPixelslibreoffice doent contain db design tool11:41
auronandaceiSeeDeadPixels: sudo apt-get install libreoffice-base11:42
tasslehoffinz: yeah.11:42
nailoxActionParsnip: can I pm u ?11:42
ActionParsnipnailox: if you want11:42
Sidewinder1iSeeDeadPixels, Please follow auronandace ' advice.11:42
CyONhai all , can anyone help me to upgrade my BIOS ? I'm using HP dv2000 intel centrino Duo.11:45
Sidewinder1CyON,  Perhaps #hardware may be a better channel?11:47
CyONSidewinder1: thanks!!11:48
Sidewinder1My pleasure.11:48
gnomeunityhello, i think i have unity, and i'd like to go back to my old looking gnome; how can i do that?11:48
fritschgnomeunity: logout and choose gnome classic11:49
auronandace!classic | gnomeunity11:49
ubottugnomeunity: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".11:49
ahhughezsoreau, thanks heaps... but I think this has me beaten. I think I might have to go the the mailing list to try and obtain some verbose logging... bluetooth-properties has no options11:49
auronandacegnomeunity: bear in mind that from 11.10 onwards there will not be the option of gnome211:49
ActionParsnipgnomeunity: Unity2D replaces Classic session in oneiric11:49
CyONSidewinder1: there is no replay from that channel what can I do ?11:51
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Sidewinder1CyON, Be patient or try back later?11:51
gnomeunityauronandace: what do you mean?11:51
gnomeunityActionParsnip: in one?11:52
ActionParsnipgnomeunity: how do you mean?11:52
CyONSidewinder1: ok ...is there any other channel related to hardware/BIOS/HP etc..11:52
auronandacegnomeunity: the next release of ubuntu and onwards won't give you the option of using gnome 211:52
ActionParsnipgnomeunity: Ubuntu Classic is an option in Natty and will make it look like the old school Gnome desktop. This is removed in Oneiric and instead Unity2D is in place11:52
gnomeunityso i'll be obligated to use the weird looking unity?11:54
Sidewinder1CyON, I don't know; have you tries 'searching' for a "how to" to flash the BIOS in your on your particular MOBO?11:54
Sidewinder1tried, even.11:54
compdocgnomeunity, no, there are other version of ubuntu with different desktops11:54
gnomeunitycompdoc: but gnome-shell won't be developped anymore?11:54
compdocI dont know about that11:55
ActionParsnipgnomeunity: its installable extra11:55
auronandacegnomeunity: gnome3 will be available but not gnome211:55
ActionParsnip!info gnome-shell oneiric11:55
ubottugnome-shell (source: gnome-shell): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.92-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 1019 kB, installed size 4732 kB11:55
gnomeunityi don't get the differences between gnome2 gnome3 gnome-shell unity?11:56
sagacihandsome, hi11:57
mactimesHi there.  I'm looking for a FTPD with WUI, which users management is independent from the local users (i.e., stored in a database or something like that).  A friend of mine recommended me one once, but he just can't remember.  Any ideas?11:57
ubottuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP11:58
handsomei'm a newer   ,please11:58
handsomehelp me11:58
Sidewinder1!ask | handsome11:58
ubottuhandsome: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:58
handsomeoh year, i see11:59
mactimesActionParsnip It had some sort of WUI front-end for administration, but also had a front-end for users to log in and upload/download files.11:59
phoenixsamprashow to change the default image viewer for GIMP ?? HELPP SOS12:00
yurik3829phoenixsampras: Right click on an image, go to properties, and you can choose the default program to open it with. Note: You have to do this for every file type.12:01
phoenixsamprasthank you brother12:02
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ActionParsnipmactimes: not sure there, you can use nautilus to mount the FTP folder and access it like a normal folder12:02
mactimesActionParsnip It's not for me to use.  I have some "slow" end users who could take advantage of this WUI.12:03
somethingintereshi all, I'm trying to convert a tif image to pdf. Does anyone know a command line tool that can do this? Thanks.12:04
fmauroMonkeyDust: it's just the server I'm connected to, I'm from switzerland12:04
mactimesActionParsnip They're not smart enough to use sshfs, it seems.12:04
openvoidsomethinginteres, tiff2pdf12:05
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somethinginteresopenvoid: thank you! Was hoping to find something like that.12:06
ActionParsnipmactimes: http://www.debianadmin.com/proftp-server-web-interfacefrontend-or-gui-tools.html12:06
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Odaymwhere does grub-md5-crypt usually reside?12:07
OdaymI did a locate and nothing came up12:07
mactimesActionParsnip I'll take a look.  Thank you.12:07
compdocOdaym, always updatedb first12:07
compdocsudo updatedb12:07
Odaymstill nothing12:07
Odaymis it a package I need to get?12:08
compdocnot familure with grub-md5-crypt, but most things grub are in /boot12:08
Odaymit's a way to generate a password to set for editing grub at the prompt12:09
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newmanAnyone here with natty and a working Eclipse install?12:11
Sidewinder1!anyone | newman12:12
ubottunewman: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.12:12
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:13
newmanOh come on.. Ok, I have natty and I'm trying to make Eclipse work as my environment for PHP development. I've tried 3.5 from repos, but then I can't get Install new software window to open, I've since tried to unpack&run 3.6, 3.7 and 4.1 as well. These versions freeze as I try to interact with files. And when exiting eclipse, as well.12:16
newmanSun jdk and openjdk installed, rather up to date ;)12:16
jribnewman: what does "I can't get the Install new software window to open" mean?12:17
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newmanjrib: I click on "Install new software" in the menu. The menu then disappears as it should, and I can keep on clicking in the Eclipse window, but no Install window ever appears.12:17
jribnewman: what menu?12:18
jribnewman: is this some eclipse menu?12:18
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jribnewman: I will return shortly.12:19
gnomeunitycan someone please explain me the differences between gnome2 gnome3 gnome-shell unity; are there different desktop manager? which ones are in use now?12:20
pratz_hey guys i have installed vim on ubuntu but i do not have all the features, but varient i have to install to get all the features ??12:20
newmanjrib: Yes, the Eclipse Help menu->"Install new software...". The Install window appears in newer eclipse versions, but they freeze when I'm working with them instead =[12:20
faLUCEhi, I added "/home/user/my_script" to "startup applications" of the gnome menu. Unfortunately, it is not executed after login. why? I can execute the script with command line.12:21
Odaymgnomeunity, there is no GnomeUnity. Unity is Unity, and Gnome is Gnome12:21
pratz_hey guys i have installed vim on ubuntu but i do not have all the features, but varient i have to install to get all the features ??12:21
RaTTuS|BIGfaLUCE - check .xsession-errors file it will tell you why12:21
auronandaceOdaym: unity is built on top of gnome12:22
OdaymGnome2 is Gnome2 and it is no longer used in most modern distros (ArchLinux and Fedora moved to Gnome3)12:22
Odaymare you sure?12:22
RaTTuS|BIGfaLUCE but you probably need to do /usr/bin/gnome-terminal -e /home/usr/script12:22
cobra-the-jokerhey guys .... i am using 10.04 here ... can i get the later artwork and GTK themes for later versions ( 10.10 , 11.04 ) ?12:22
Odaymthat's true, auronandace12:22
Odaymbut it ain't Gnome :)12:23
Odaymit's Unity12:23
Odaymand there is no Gnome Unity12:23
Odaymthere's Gnome, then there's Unity12:23
LjLUnity is a shell for GNOME.12:23
pratz_hey guys i have installed vim on ubuntu but i do not have all the features, but varient i have to install to get all the features ??12:24
faLUCERaTTuS|BIG: I understand the problem but I don't want to see a gnome-terminal in background12:24
RaTTuS|BIGpratz_ what features do you want12:24
pratz_RaTTuS|BIG: -clipboard12:24
faLUCERaTTuS|BIG: is it possible to hide the gnome-terminal ?12:24
RaTTuS|BIGfaLUCE - if you just run the command it will run iun the background - you dont need to use the terminal12:25
faLUCERaTTuS|BIG: but you said "/usr/bin/gnome-terminal -e /home/usr/script"12:26
pratz_RaTTuS|BIG: when i do :version in the list i get -clipboard, that mean it is disabled in the build, any suggestions ??12:26
RaTTuS|BIGpratz_ I have no Idea12:26
pratz_RaTTuS|BIG: ok12:26
faLUCERaTTuS|BIG: I don't understand what to add in "startup applications" in order to run /home/user/myscript12:27
RaTTuS|BIGfaLUCE - yes the terminal will open a new tereminal and run your script - if you just want it to run with no terminal [depends on your script] then you can just do /usr/home/script - but check the .xsession errors to see what is erring - as it should say12:27
RaTTuS|BIGalso check ps axOT to see if it's runing12:28
faLUCERaTTuS|BIG: ok thanks let's try12:29
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faLUCERaTTuS|BIG: gnome-session[1870]: WARNING: Could not launch application 'RestartScripts.desktop': Unable to start application: Failed to execute child process "/home/ocs/Sistema/SysScripts/./foo" (Permission denied)12:32
faLUCERaTTuS|BIG: which permissions should I add to foo ?12:33
RaTTuS|BIGumm - can you run it normall from a terminal session?12:33
cobra-the-jokerhow can i get 11.10 gtk themes ?12:33
faLUCERaTTuS|BIG: yes12:33
onezis ext4 better than ext3?12:33
=== Kartagis is now known as me
jribnewman: This advice assumes you are using the repository version and have properly removed the other versions you said you tried.  1) check bugs.ubuntu.com for a bug.  2) run eclipse from a terminal, attempt to access the menu, and look for interesting output 3) have you ever executed eclipse as root or using sudo?  4)  (this is related to 3) check the permissions and ownership of files eclipse uses,12:34
jribespecially where it puts user-installed plug-ins when using that menu12:34
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RaTTuS|BIGumm - you run it as :- ./ocs/Sisetma/SysScripts/./foo12:34
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Amin_hi, I use Transmission to download torrents but I've got to use vpn to override ISP limits. I don't have to use vpn in windows-utorrent but in ubuntu it limits my download speed with Transmission and Vuze. what's the problem?!12:35
compdocvpns are slow12:35
Jasonncompdoc: mine isnt :D12:35
compdocthey emulate a 10baseT network12:35
compdocJasonn, what you use?12:35
faLUCERaTTuS|BIG: I can run it from a terminal session in this way:   /home/ocs/Sistema/SysScripts/./foo12:35
Jasonncompdoc: openvpn-as12:36
alfmatoshi all12:36
Amin_sure they are. the problem is that I download at high speed with utorrent on windows but in ubuntu I have to use vpn.12:36
JasonnOnly allows for 2 clients, but thats enough for me12:36
alfmatosthe oneiric beta 2 file is not downloadable ATM12:36
alfmatos403 Forbidden12:36
Picialfmatos : Oneiric/11.10 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion.12:36
Jasonncompdoc: why, what do you use?12:36
Sidewinder1Amin_, If your ISP throttles you, if it were me, I'd find a new ISP; kinda' Off-topic, though.12:36
imanameenhi all :)12:36
RaTTuS|BIGkk - I'm not sure sorry ...12:37
newmanjrib: Ok, thanks, working on things :)12:37
Amin_Sidewinder1, but why on windows it does'nt limit me? by the way I'm at university using wifi, I have no chance.12:37
RaTTuS|BIGtime for coffee12:37
imanameenis this room about english literature?12:38
Sidewinder1Amin_, I can't really answer that, sorry. Unless it has something to do with port forwarding, within your ubuntu torrent clients.12:39
Amin_imanameen, lol yes !12:39
imanameenanybody interested in mystery plays?12:40
Sidewinder1!ot > imanameen12:41
ubottuimanameen, please see my private message12:41
imanameenim new here12:42
* Sidewinder1 Can't figure out how to mute/ignore the bloody FloodBots. :'(12:42
n4dsphow do you change the linux 'bloop' sound?12:42
Sidewinder1!ot | imanameen12:42
ubottuimanameen: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:42
faLUCERaTTuS|BIG: it's probably a bug. a workaround would be using an invisible application launcher, like gnome-terminal ... but which one?12:44
RaTTuS|BIGfaLUCE - give me 5 mins I'll just try something here12:45
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faLUCEthanks RaTTuS|BIG12:45
Sidewinder1n4dsp, Find the location of bloop.snd (or whatever it's name is) rename it; then pick a sound of your choosing and put it in the same dir and rename it bloop.snd.12:46
Sidewinder1n4dsp, At least that's how I would do it.12:46
imanameennothing works here :(12:49
RaTTuS|BIGfaLUCE - from a tereminal try /usr/bin/gnome-terminal --geometry 60x50+100+100  -e /script  ... then if that works you could try in the startup 2x2+1200+120012:50
imanameen33 f from iraq12:51
Piciimanameen: This is a support channel for Ubuntu, not a dating service.12:52
imanameeni know :)12:52
imanameenjust wanted to introduce myself :)12:53
Piciimanameen: Not really needed here.  If you just want to chat, theres #ubuntu-offtopic.12:53
ironhalikHmm anyone knows a way to convert midi to pc speaker beeps using 'beep'? :>12:53
imanameenhow do i find that ?:(12:54
conceptronichi is there any software  for print from Android?12:54
Nikahow to use PPA?(add to my system?)12:54
ubottuSince Ubuntu 9.10, a !ppa can be added using a single command «  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name » See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20PPAs for more details12:54
Piciimanameen: type: /join #ubuntu-offtopic12:54
Sidewinder1imanameen, just type "/join #ubuntu-offtopic"12:54
furyoshonenI am getting a periodic network disconnect, where my network connection will disconnect and say that there are "no networking devices located"12:54
ActionParsnipconceptronic: some apps in the market to print to various printers12:54
imanameenthank u :)12:54
furyoshonenhow should I go about problem solving for this issue?12:55
conceptronicaction : whats the software name?12:55
ActionParsnipfuryoshonen: when it drops, run:  dmesg | tail    see if it gives you any clues12:56
Sidewinder1furyoshonen, Wireless?12:56
furyoshonenActionParsnip thanks.12:56
furyoshonenSidewinderl no LAN12:56
ActionParsnipconceptronic: http://www.cnet.com/8301-19736_1-10272545-251.html12:57
furyoshonenor... wired12:57
Sidewinder1furyoshonen, Loose connection or bad wire, perhaps?12:57
ujjainDoes the opensource ATI driver support dual screen?12:57
ujjainand/or does the default VGA driver? (non-ATi)12:57
ActionParsnipfuryoshonen: disabling ipv6 helps things :)12:58
furyoshonensidewinderl I don't think so because restarting resolves the problem12:59
ujjainWhat is the name of the default VGA drivers in Ubuntu?12:59
nuclearwormhello, how to know the tv stream url from a web page?12:59
ujjainI am expecting this to go wrong ^12:59
ActionParsnipujjain: ati or radeon are common12:59
Amin_ hi, I use Transmission to download torrents but I've got to use vpn to override ISP limits. I don't have to use vpn in windows-utorrent but in ubuntu it limits my download speed with Transmission and Vuze. what's the problem?!12:59
ujjainActionParsnip: k, :)13:00
ActionParsnipAmin_: different drivers, different OS13:00
Sidewinder1Amin_, Did you research the "port-forwarding" situation as suggested earlier?13:00
Amin_Sidewinder1, I don't have an idea? what exactly should I do?13:01
ujjainCan I just remove the old driver and install the new one and hope Xorg.conf will still be correct?13:03
Sidewinder1Amin_, A step by step on port forwarding is a little beyond the scope of this channel; you might want to do a search for port forwarding, as it pertains to your router. and or wireless card.13:03
nuclearwormwhat is the embed code of a video stream?13:04
ActionParsnipnuclearworm: I'd ask in a html channel13:05
DarkForestInstall a extension called 'video hunter' in firefox, and this extension can show the video url13:05
nuclearwormActionParsnip, ok , thanks13:06
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nuclearwormActionParsnip, do you know an html channel?13:08
Picinuclearworm: #html13:09
Sidewinder1nuclearworm, If you only want to download the video stream, have a look for Firefox's add-on/extension of "UnPlug."13:09
faLUCERaTTuS|BIG: this is a workaround and, in addition, the terminal window is not invisible....13:11
Amin_is there anyway to bypass wifi connection download speed? (by deafult, the router gives 10mbps to each client)13:11
alexd285hello, I run 11.10 and Alt+Ctrl+Shift+R on GS isn't working on me, anyone else has the same issue?13:11
Picialexd285 : Oneiric/11.10 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion.13:13
alexd285Pici, ok13:13
ActionParsnipAmin_: how do you mean 'bypass'?13:13
nuclearwormSidewinder1 , i would like to watch tv streams on vlc instead of on a web page13:13
ActionParsnipAmin_: if the wireless link is 10Mb, you cannot go faster than that13:13
notlostyetHey, I've just added the firefox-stable PPA but no Firefox 7? What gives?13:14
ikonianotlostyet: ask the PPA maintainers13:14
ActionParsnipnotlostyet: run:  sudo apt-get update    then retry13:14
notlostyetI did that13:15
ikonianotlostyet: ask the PPA maintainers13:15
mia158hi there13:15
ujjainCan somebody please help me? Ubuntu is just always giving me pain when I try to change something.13:15
ujjainI uninstalled proprietrary VGA driver and installed the opensource version.13:16
ikoniaujjain: just state your problem13:16
ActionParsnipnotlostyet: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc     please13:16
ujjainIt doesn't boot anymore, I can press alt-f2 to get into this shell.13:16
notlostyetActionParsnip: natty13:16
ActionParsnipnotlostyet: ok then visit https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable    notice which releases are supported....13:16
Sidewinder1nuclearworm, I guess you could install UnPlug in Firefox; download the video; and watch it in vlc. But that sounds like more trouble than it's worth.13:16
ujjainI followed many different instructions  and tried the failsafe xorg.conf.13:16
mia158can someone please point me to a doc for configuring com port settings 9600/8/none/1 to connect to a switch console port? I am using ubuntu 10.10 and would like to connect to the switch using gnome-terminal or terminator13:17
ujjainCan somebody maybe lookup how I can recreate xorg.conf? dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver (I have it in text-file) doesn't do it, and failsafe xorg.conf doesn't boot.13:17
ActionParsnipnotlostyet: which (If you'd actually checked the PPA) you would have seen. That's "what gives"13:17
ikoniaujjain: if you remove /etc/X11/xorg.conf it will fall back to auto detect13:17
notlostyetSo older OS versions get newer software first13:18
notlostyetMakes sense13:18
ujjainikonia: I will rename xorg.conf and see what happens, thanks!13:18
ActionParsnipnotlostyet: its a 3rd party PPA, there is no control13:18
ActionParsnipnotlostyet: firefox 7 is in Oneiric13:18
BluesKajHiyas all13:18
ikonianotlostyet: one more time "ask the PPA maintainers"13:18
ActionParsnipnotlostyet: that PPA is maintained by some dude, its not an official repo so there is zero jusistiction of what releases they have to support13:19
deanHi all I was wondering whether you can run mac alongside ubuntu on a non apple machine?13:19
ActionParsnipnotlostyet: its nothing to do with canonical13:19
ActionParsnipdean: I'd check the apple licensing first13:20
ujjainikonia: thanks, you are my hero!13:20
deanActionParsnip, Ok cool thanks are you aware if vbox runs mac os?13:20
ActionParsnipnotlostyet: so you "makes sense" comment is worthless13:20
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ActionParsnipdean: not sure, I have zero interest in the OS13:21
notlostyetI do enjoy this non-helpful linux elitism13:21
notlostyethere was me thinking this was a general ubuntu chat room13:21
deanActionParsnip, No probs thanks anyway13:21
ActionParsnipnotlostyet: how is it elitism?13:21
ActionParsnipnotlostyet: no, this is the official support channel for ubuntu13:21
ikonianotlostyet: it is, that's why I gave you the correct information of talk to the PPA maintainer13:21
notlostyetbecause you probably know how you can help me but you're being unhelpful simply because you're smug and don't like people you think are newbies13:22
darkrisztyhi, can someone help me out with a surround related audio problem?13:22
ikonianotlostyet: no, the answer is to contact the PPA maintainer, only he knows what it supports and why13:22
ActionParsnipnotlostyet: lets break it down: you assed a 3rd party repo maintained by a non-canonical member and then moan it doesn't support your release. Think about it....13:22
ikonianotlostyet: it's genuine advice, it's not something "we" the community control,13:22
darkrisztymy rear speakers are not working, the front l+r, center and subwoofer are ok though13:22
notlostyetI don't care about the PPA13:22
ikonianotlostyet: sorry, have I missunderstood, I thought you where asking for help with a PPA13:23
ikonianotlostyet: what's the issue ?13:23
notlostyetthe fact that some of the biggest Ubuntu user websites are suggesting it blindly is irrelevent I suppose13:23
ikonialets try to help13:23
ActionParsnipnotlostyet: you can add it manually if you want, there are downloadable binaries on the firefox site13:23
notlostyetI want to install Firefox 7 on natty13:23
ActionParsnipnotlostyet: I have instructed how to get it13:23
ikonianotlostyet: what version of ubuntu are you running ?13:23
ikonianotlostyet: ok, you need to find a repo that contains it13:23
ikonianotlostyet: at the moment there is no official package for natty13:23
notlostyetDo you know of one?13:23
ikonianotlostyet: so you have a limited choice of using a 3rd party repo13:24
darkrisztycan you recommend another channel for audio related issues?13:24
ActionParsnipnotlostyet: i'll write you a script13:25
pielstickhi bro13:25
chroothi , i can't find the "inittab"  in ubuntu , where is it13:25
OerHeksnotlostyet, see this page with ppa and instructions > https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable13:25
notlostyetOerHeks: I've tried that PPA13:25
Sidewinder1!sound | darkriszty13:26
ubottudarkriszty: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.13:26
pielstickanybody have already prepared progs for wifi pentest?13:26
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darkrisztyok, thx13:27
ActionParsnip notlostyet: cd /opt; sudo wget ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/7.0/linux-i686/en-GB/firefox-7.0.tar.bz2;sudo tar jxvf ./firefox-7.0.tar.bz2; sudo rm ./firefox-7.0.tar.bz2 ; sudo ln -s /opt/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/firefox-7.013:27
ActionParsnipnotlostyet: OerHekscheck what releases the PPA uses13:28
ActionParsnipdarkriszty: all it does it download the binary archive which YOU could have done, then puts a link in /usr/bin    nothinig hard there at all13:28
notlostyetFuck it, i'll reinstall Arch13:28
ActionParsnipwhat a douche13:28
ikoniaActionParsnip: easy there13:29
ActionParsnipwell you do someone a favour and they don't even say thanks13:29
ActionParsnipthose are the worst kind of people13:29
pielstickoi , somebody know a names of programs for wifi pentest?13:29
Sidewinder1ActionParsnip, Some are like that. :'(13:30
ActionParsnippielstick: I'd ask in #backtrack-linux13:30
pielstickwhy not here13:30
maalacpielstick: you can also try blackbuntu13:30
ActionParsnipSidewinder1: even in real life i get right up to people if they are ignorant like that, no need for it at all13:30
Sidewinder1!backtrack > pielstick13:30
ubottupielstick, please see my private message13:30
ActionParsnippielstick: its possibly illegal activity13:30
Sidewinder1ActionParsnip, Agreed.13:31
darkrisztyubottu: it seems like i've tried almost all of those things13:31
ubottudarkriszty: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:31
ujjainUbuntu: I hate you.13:31
chrootis there anybody who knows how to change the runlevel in ubuntu?13:31
Stanley00ujjain: why?13:31
ubottuIn Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.13:31
jameswhello, i enjoy the use of the cpu frequency scaling applet, unfortunately, i have 8 different cpu cores i must manage. does anyone know of a way to combine them into one setting?13:31
forceflowjamesw: manually setting their scaling governor by writing to dev/sys/cpu or something like that13:32
pielstick<ActionParsnip> pielstick: its possibly illegal activity13:32
ujjainStanley00: 1) opensoruce driver doesn't do multi-monitor, proprietary driver needs lots of hacks 2) Ubuntu does not shut down anymore 3) I always get logged out within 10min 4) Sooo many issues all the time and OS not booting anymore.13:32
pielstickwhen its happen?13:32
faLUCERaTTuS|BIG: just found where the problem. myscript is in an usb attached memory.   /home/user/mydir/myscript <---- mydir is not a real dir but only a link to the usb memory. If I copy the script into a real dir, it works. but why doesn't it work in thie usb dev too ?13:33
chrootubottu,i want to start into text mode , not gui , so i want to change that inittab13:33
ubottuchroot: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:33
jvgelierror: no video mode activated on Natty . Any suggestions?13:33
ActionParsnipchroot: add the boot option:  text13:33
pielstickpentest of wifi is full legal activity13:33
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ActionParsnippielstick: its potentially illegal13:33
ujjainchroot: You can use a rescue disk, or boot in single user mode.13:33
ActionParsnip!text | chroot13:34
ubottuchroot: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode13:34
littlebearSidewinder1: hm?13:34
littlebearSidewinder1: 4hours ago you said even?13:34
chrootis this means that the /default/grub is eq to /etc/inittab ?13:34
chrootin ubuntu13:34
Sidewinder1littlebear, Yes, I accidently hit the "Tab" key after typing little; sorry...13:35
pielsticknobody answer at this channel  : blackbuntu13:35
jvgelierror: no video mode activated on Natty . Any suggestions?13:35
ikoniapielstick: pardon ?13:35
ActionParsnipchroot: the /etc/default/grub is the place to define boot options13:35
pielstickshall waid13:35
ActionParsnipchroot: the boot option you need to add in the quotes with:  quiet splash     is: text13:36
TnudI'm having trouble understanding how I can extend my boot partion with gparted in live CD mode. Resize sure doesn't work :/13:36
chrootyeah , i have tried that , and worked ,13:36
TnudI've just used clonezilla to move my installation to a new hdd btw13:36
ActionParsnipchroot: where is the issue?13:36
chrooti just wonder is this equal betwen the inittab and grub13:37
ActionParsnip!boot | chroot13:37
ubottuchroot: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto13:37
chrootthey all change bootmod13:37
dweezpielstick, Blackbuntu's official IRC channel is on another irc network13:37
Sidewinder1Tnud, It may have something to do with the new hdds, UUID being different form the old hdds, UUID?13:38
dweezdon't know if it's allowed to post the network here or not13:38
brahmanaHi all13:38
chrootActionParsnip, i am leaning linux , and the teacher said inittab , but i do the same things in grub ,13:38
brahmanaI am running Linux #27-Ubuntu SMP Wed Mar 2 22:53:38 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux13:38
chrootActionParsnip, so i think it is equal between grub and inttab file13:38
dweezchroot, so you're wanting to change the runlevel?13:38
brahmanai.e. Ubuntu lucid on a t1.micro instance on Amazon EC213:39
brahmanaIt is the one available under free tier and comes with 8GB disk space.13:39
chrootalready changed , and now , i want to figure out the relationship between the two file13:39
TnudSidewinder1: I dunno, it's odd. How would one usually go about resizing the boot partion? I can only make it smaller13:40
brahmanaI attached an additional 100GB disk (which is /dev/sdm) and mounted in at /d/data113:40
ActionParsnipchroot: no, the grub file is only to set grub options, the boot services are managed differentlt. The only reason I mentioned the file as it achieved the text boot which you wanted13:40
Tnudeven though I have lots of unallocated space13:40
brahmanadf -h shows that the default disk of 8GB, mounted on my root partition, is almost full13:40
chrootActionParsnip, but they all worked ,one in redhat ditro  , and the other in ubuntu .13:41
SmilexI'm trying to push a file into a .jar package with the File Archiver software provided with ubuntu, but it won't push one of the files in, how do I open the archiver with my terminal to see the output?13:41
brahmanaI tried to dig around to see what is taking up disk space, but du -csh doesn't give me anything apart from the 14GB being used on the additional drive (/dev/sdm1)13:41
brahmanaHow can I find out what is taking so much of space on my first disk (/dev/sda1) of 8GB?13:42
Stanley00brahmana: use baobab, it's GUI tool...13:43
dweezChris_0076, modifying the runlevel in inittab works in redhat but I believe Ubuntu has replaced it13:43
brahmanaStanley00: this is a server machine and I have logged in to it via ssh.. so can't use GUI tools13:43
dweezchroot, read this page ==> http://www.debianadmin.com/debian-and-ubuntu-linux-run-levels.html13:44
dweezrunlevel 3 is cli (text) mode13:44
dweezActionParsnip got disconnected.13:44
ubottuIn Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.13:44
scarleobrahmana, cd to a folder on /dev/sda1 and run du -h again13:44
dweezlol, thanks zykotick9, where were you a few moments ago?13:45
Stanley00brahmana: use du without the -s switch, I think13:45
brahmanascarleo: did that on each folder present in / - they are showing the right numbers. Only df -h shows that it is 100%13:45
shubhamhey how to remove print$ from sambha sharing13:45
chrootubottu, ok , got it13:46
ubottuchroot: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:46
brahmanaStanley00: without -s I will get a list of all files, not useful13:46
scarleobrahmana, what is 100%?13:46
* brahmana hopes he can paste two lines here without being kicked.. !13:46
brahmanascarleo: here it is13:46
brahmanaFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/sda1             7.9G  7.8G     0 100% /13:46
Stanley00brahmana: ah, sorry, I didnt understand you from the beginning... haha13:47
dweezchroot, ubottu is a bot13:47
Sidewinder1!ubottu > chroot13:47
ubottuchroot, please see my private message13:47
shubhamhow to remove print$ from sambha sharing13:47
brahmanascarleo: that is the first line of output from df -h which shows that /dev/sda1 mounted on / is 100% (which I am pretty sure isn't)13:48
brahmanaStanley00: nm13:48
scarleobrahmana, dont run df -h, run du -h13:48
scarleobrahmana, from / if you want to see ecvery folder and file13:48
Chheapshotbrahmana: doesnt ubuntu come witha disk usage analyzer build in. A tool with nice UI13:49
brahmanascarleo: No, I don't want to see each and every file. I wan't to see disk level utilization13:49
aajgarHi. anyone know how to create a bootable USB with uefi support ? I am using unetbootin but my laptop is not booting from the USB. I have a Lenovo T420 with windows 7 .13:49
brahmanaCherothald: server machine.. logged in via ssh.. no gui13:49
brahmanaChheapshot: ^^13:49
brahmanasorry Cherothald13:50
scarleobrahmana, you said you wanted to find WHAT is taking space, not how much, correct?13:50
zykotick9brahmana, this might help -- "cd /" then run "du -sh * 2>/dev/null" to see what directories are taking all the space13:50
chrooti have a small problem when write shell script13:50
brahmanazykotick9: Did that and the only one taking space is the /d/data1 where my second drive is mounted13:50
RaTTuS|BIGdu / | sort -nr13:50
chrootand is there anybody who could explain to me the reason13:51
binniis it possible to uninstall/remove what was installed last time through apt-get/synaptic? (e.g. two packages and 10 dependencies)13:51
brahmanazykotick9: except for /d/data1, other directories will add up to 1 GB13:51
chrootbinni, yes13:52
chrootbinni, use apt-get remove filename13:52
compdocuse -purge13:53
chrootof apt-get purge filename13:53
compdocapt-get leaves lots to stuff behind otherwise13:53
shubham_rathihow to remove print$ folder from samba sharing??13:53
chrootwho can shell scripting13:53
binnichroot: well I meant remove them all in one command without having to write in the name of all the packages, like apt-get purge history-last or last-apt_get, but what is the difference between remove and purge?13:54
Sidewinder1binni, If installed with Synaptic, simply highlite what you want to remove, click "completely remove' than click "apply".13:54
shubham_rathiplease anyone can tell me?13:54
chrootHTKMFCC=true   ;   if $HTKMFCC ;then ....13:54
chrootis this script right13:55
Picichroot: #bash is the best place to ask shell scripting questions.13:55
chrootok , thank you .13:55
shubham_rathihow to remove print$ folder from samba sharing?13:55
chrootjoin #bash13:55
chrootPici , one more question , use what command to join #bash, thanks13:56
Picichroot: /join #bash13:56
shubham_rathianybody plz reply!!13:57
Pici!patience | shubham_rathi13:57
ubottushubham_rathi: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:57
Sidewinder1!pm | shubham_rathi13:58
ubottushubham_rathi: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.13:58
aajgaranyone successful in installing ubuntu with uefi bios on a dual boot configuration with Win 7 ?13:59
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.13:59
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:00
shubham_rathinobody answers me!!14:00
Picishubham_rathi: if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you.14:01
shubham_rathilol hii pici!!!14:01
faLUCEhow can I make rc.local access access to DISPLAY variable in order to launch graphical applications?14:01
jrtechHello I when to by bios to do configuartion but there area no setting there regarding the hardware in my computer.14:01
shubham_rathino problem am waiting14:01
ikoniajrtech: not really an ubuntu issue14:01
aajgarshubham_rathi: you want to disable printing in Samba ?14:02
aajgar        load printers = no14:02
aajgar        printing = bsd14:02
aajgar        printcap name = /dev/null14:02
aajgar        show add printer wizard = no14:02
aajgar        disable spoolss = yes14:02
FloodBot1aajgar: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:02
shubham_rathihow to do that? aajgar14:02
aajgaradd those in smb.conf , restart samba ,14:02
jrtechYou know of a channel I can get help regarding this issue.14:02
ikoniajrtech: contact the hardware vendor14:02
Picijrtech: Try ##hardware perhaps14:02
shubham_rathiwhere is smb.conf??14:03
shubham_rathiand how to add?14:03
shubham_rathiam noob in ubuntu!!!14:03
manasim new to ubuntu and ive just installed compiz14:04
aajgar/etc/samba/smb.conf  .. use an editor like vi to edit it .14:04
manasthe windows borders keep dissapearing14:04
shubham_rathiaajgar whereis smb.config file?14:05
shubham_rathiaajgar how to add in it?14:05
raccyep, vi or vim nice variant for newbie :D14:05
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shubham_rathisidewinder1 plz help me!14:05
Piciracc, aajgar: vim/vi are unreasonable to suggest to new users.14:05
Picishubham_rathi: please *read* the replies that aajgar has given you.14:05
Chheapshotshubham_rathi: sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf  for example14:05
manas_hi all14:06
aajgarmanas: under ccsm, there is a windows workaround, select that , probably it will fix it ,14:06
manas_the windows border keeps dissapearing14:06
ChheapshotAm I the only one using nano :D?14:06
shubham_rathichheapshot i have tried not working14:07
chrooti have a question?14:07
yurik3829Chheapshot: I can confidently say nano has more than one user14:07
jrtechNano = pick?14:07
RaTTuS|BIGshoot chroot14:07
aajgarshubham_rathi: use sudo gedit shubham_rathi: sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf14:07
ikoniaaajgar: gksudo14:07
raccChheapshot, nope, i used it for a long time, now i use vim :314:07
chrootRaTTuS|BIG, when you learn linux and unix , what you should learn ,14:08
ArnoldHello. Is there a way to move a window from one X server to another?14:08
RaTTuS|BIGlearn vi14:08
aajgarshubham_rathi: gksudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf14:08
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chrootRaTTuS|BIG, and i am a student conllege14:08
chrootRaTTuS|BIG, already14:08
chrootand ?14:08
ChheapshotCan someone point to a nice guide for vi or vim. I always feel overwhelmed when i try it14:08
Pici!ot | chroot14:08
ubottuchroot: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:08
PiciChheapshot: vimtutor14:09
Stanley00chroot: if so, learn what you will be teach ;)14:09
RaTTuS|BIGvi , grub , mysql14:09
Sidewinder1shubham_rathi, Open a terminal, type gksudo gedit , then open /etc/samba/samba.conf, then input the lines that aajgar said, save the file and then restart samba.14:09
jrtechChheaprshot man vi14:09
chrootok, ubottu14:09
raccChheapshot, info vi or vim14:09
chrooti just a new man to irc14:09
robinduckettAnyone know if Alin Andrei hangs about in here?14:09
PiciCan we please use the non-support discussions to #ubuntu-offtopic, folks are trying to get support questions asked here in #ubuntu.14:09
RaTTuS|BIGoh and irssi14:09
ikoniaRaTTuS|BIG: who are you talking to ? you just seem to be saying random words14:10
chrootRaTTuS|BIG, how can we continue talking14:11
chrootand not annoy ubottu14:11
Stanley00chroot: /join #ubuntu-chat or using pm14:11
ChheapshotPici: thx this vimtutor seems handy tutorial14:11
shubham_rathisidewinder1 aajgar but how to copy that copy option not coming when i selecting lines that aajgar wrote14:11
aajgartype it if you can't copy .. :)14:12
chrootStanley00, i just want to learn something about linux14:12
markskil1eckWas there an update yesterday/today? All of a sudden I'm seeing a different grub!14:12
Sidewinder1chroot, Or, right click on user-nick then click open dialog window... at least for x-chat.14:12
markskil1eck(a much prettier one, at that)14:12
chrootok , try14:12
Sidewinder1shubham_rathi, Try ctrl-shift-V14:13
shubham_rathisidewinder1 ok thanks :)14:14
Sidewinder1My pleasure.14:14
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chrootSidewinder1, i can't connect to the user.14:15
shubham_rathiaajgar sidewinder now how to restart samba?14:15
chrootcan you teach me how between us14:15
shubham_rathiaajgar sidewinder1 did i have to restart whole system?14:15
aajgarwhat version of ubuntu do you have ?14:15
aajgarfor anything above 10.04 you can use restart samba14:16
aajgaras root from the terminal ,14:16
shubham_rathiaajgar yaa i have 11.0414:17
shubham_rathiaajgar so how to restart it?14:17
aajgaropen terminal and do sudo restart samba .14:17
shubham_rathiaajgar ok thanks14:18
shubham_rathiaajgar error coming unknown job samba14:18
Sidewinder1unimtest, It's workin'.14:19
aajgarI am sorry , sudo restart smbd14:19
poisonhi all...i have mistakenly configured a mail account in Evolution..now i want to delete that account and create it agian14:19
hashi_would this be the right place to ask questions about upgrading ubuntu 9.10 to 10.04.x on a dual-boot system?14:19
shubham_rathiaajgar ok14:19
asteveafter you place something in /etc/cron.d do you have to restart crond?14:20
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aajgarasteve: I don't think you have to ,14:20
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Sidewinder1!eol | papol14:21
ubottupapol: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades14:21
fabienneI have two computers running ubuntu 11.04, I want to move files from one to the other over my network. How do I do it? I've right clicked on the folders, clicked share, allowed guest access. But still, it says on this computer (the one I want the files on) that it's unable to mount windows share? I don't get it, both computers are running linux, what's it got to do with windows?14:21
shubham_rathiaajgar hey print$ folder gone but even my other sharing folder gone did i have to again start their sharing?14:21
manaswhen i enable wobble windows and 3d cube, the windows border disapears14:22
dweezsounds like something crashed14:22
chrootfabienne, you can use samba14:22
chrootor ftp14:22
manasis it because i have both ccsm and tweak ubuntu?14:22
dweezsounds like something crashed, manas14:22
fabiennehow do i do it with ftp?14:22
manasbut its happening every time!!14:22
dweezfabienne, use scp14:22
chrootyou should install ftp server in your ubuntu machine14:23
craigbass1976We've got a bandwidth problem here...  Is there a sniffer I can install that will catch traffic to and from the WAN even though this box isn't the gateway?  Our firewall can't just be lef tin packet capture mode, or it crashes.14:23
ubottuscp is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/14:23
aajgarProbably , you will have to add the shares again ,14:23
fabienneDweez, chroot: Which is the easier way of doing it. An ftp server? Ok. Is there a tutorial for an ftp server?14:23
chrootif you use scp , you need install ssh14:23
fabienneI don't need ssh, it's just on a home network.14:23
craigbass1976fabienne, sudo apt-get install vsftpd I think14:23
aajgarfabienne: use rsync14:23
dweezwhy wouldn't you have ssh installed?14:24
dweezrsync is good too (but also (can) use ssh for it's transport)14:24
chrootfabienne, wait a min14:24
fmaurocraigbass1976: you will need to put a box between your gateway and LAN, manage everything from there with 2 NICs14:24
fabienneI have a NAS as well which uses ftp, so I'd like that to be compatible with these computers.14:24
fmaurocraigbass1976: not really a ubuntu question though14:24
craigbass1976fmauro, I suspected that would be the case.14:25
chrootfabienne, i have a small script , it will do the work for you (intsall ftp server)14:26
chrootand how can you get it14:26
chrootnow this is my problem14:26
fmaurowell you could reARP everyone to go through one NIC but that is just not feaseable for large networks.14:26
Sidewinder1fabienne, If you decide on the rsync method, you might also want to try the GUI front end called "Grsync".14:26
fmaurocraigbass1976: well you could reARP everyone to go through one NIC but that is just not feaseable for large networks.14:26
fabienneoh you can get filezilla for ubuntu, does that do ftp server?14:27
chrootok , i say you do it on your computer , it is easy14:27
craigbass1976fmauro, it SEEMS to have started when I put up a new ubuntu web server, but I really think it's coincidence...14:27
chrootare u ready14:28
fabiennechroot: ready for what?14:28
gliorosguys through shh how can i check that mod_rewrite is loaded14:28
chrooti said the command , you run it14:28
chrootit is really easy14:28
nuclearwormcan i install ubuntu using /cdrom as mount point? which problems will i have doing that?14:29
chrootfabienne, or you recieve my file , and run it ,that is all14:31
fabiennechroot: I clicked accept but it's not downloading14:31
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chrootfuny, is there anybody who knows how to transfer a file14:32
AndrewNTHhi i have ubuntu server - how do i find GB repositories for apt-get14:33
ePirathow can i free a specific port, which is used by another application?14:33
chrootfabienne, can i send the file to your mailbox14:34
kqianirc used to be used for file sharing14:34
Sidewinder1fabienne, Perhaps this might help: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grsync14:34
fmauroePirat: close the application using it14:35
kqianuntil torrents kicked in14:35
ePiratfmauro, how can i figure out which app is using it?14:35
aajgarePirat: look in /etc/services , comment the port # you want to free .14:35
yurik3829kqian: IRC is still used for filesharing. Join the Rizon network some time.14:36
Sidewinder1chroot, Just so you know, I have never succeeded in sending/receiving files in X-Chat and I have tried many times, port configs etc...14:36
Sidewinder1Perhaps I'm just 'thick".14:37
ePirataajgar, the port isnt listed there...14:37
req^There are a lot of things in the way of irc file transfers :)14:37
yurik3829Sidewinder1: Are you on a University or private network, where someone might be filtering certain traffic?14:38
aajgarthen it should be free, are you getting any errors when you try to access it ?14:38
Sidewinder1yurik3829, No, home network, wired and wireless; this particular box is wired.14:38
OerHeks!nomodeset > OerHeks14:40
hashiI'm trying to upgrade the linux side of a dual-boot w7/ubuntu9.10 system to ubuntu 10.04.3 without having 10.04.3 auto-misuse grub2 to overwrite /dev/sdx. Anyone know how to manage that? Thanks in advance.14:40
ubottuOerHeks, please see my private message14:40
aajgarcheck what app is using the port .. netstat -an | greop  <port#>14:40
InsektOhi all14:40
gliorosguys what that means  Options FollowSymLinks or SymLinksIfOwnerMatch is off which implies that RewriteRule directive is forbidden ?14:40
LasersHTTPhashi: Make a backup first before you try anything. It's a good general practice.14:41
madurax86___2.6.38 freezes randomly on my machine, no log messages and no call traces, sysrq does not work, to recover have to reset and windows has been running straight for 1d+ on same hardware i dont know how to report it as a bug even since i dont have any reports14:41
Sidewinder1hashi, Did you have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades14:41
hashiThanks and have done that Lasers14:41
hashiI'm just hoping that grub2 doesn't go nuts and decide to write a sector to the disk root which already has a bootloader.14:41
madurax86___all kernels after 2.6.38-8 freezes too14:42
jiltdilIs firefox 7 out for ubuntu 64bit>14:42
hashiYes, I took a look at that. I think the docs become somewhat null when you try to find about dual-boot setup behavior14:42
OerHeksjiltdil, no. not for regular updates, yet.14:43
Sidewinder1hashi, You may also wish to familiarize yourself with the differences between Grub Legacy and Grub2.14:43
jiltdilOerHeks, ya i see14:43
yurik3829jiltdil: Yes, you can use the ppa https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable14:43
hashirephase:: Is grub2's behavior managable during the EOL upgrade (update-manager -d) or are there no options for that?14:43
jiltdilyurik3829, hm not believe in ppa14:44
OerHeksjiltdil, if you can't  wait, you can  add ppa:chromium-daily/ppa and download 15.0.871014:44
hashiI've already installed grub2 on 9.10 but it's the automated process that worries me (update-manager -d)14:44
yurik3829jiltdil: The ppa works perfectly, but entirely up to you14:44
jiltdilyurik3829, i know it dude :) any way thanks for giving your valuabe time14:45
Sidewinder1hashi, With a version that is EOL, I don't believe that it's recommended to use the 'update' feature.14:45
hashiSidewinder: What is recommended instead?14:45
craigbass1976I'm watching top, and I see something not explained in the man pages.  Up in the summary section, in the Cpu(s): line, I see 0.3%us,  0.0%sy,  0.0%ni, 99.7%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st.  What's the 99.7%id mean?  The man page skips over that one14:46
Sidewinder1hashi, Back up your /home, as you said you already did, then clean install the version of your choice; I prefer LTS, 10.04 is current.14:46
mc89__when will firefox 7 get published the repos14:47
mc89__so i can use update centre to grab it14:47
Sidewinder1hashi, Then copy your backed-up /home to the new /home on the new install, I thinh..14:47
Sidewinder1think, even.14:47
gliorosI have this error have this error Options FollowSymLinks or SymLinksIfOwnerMatch is off which implies that RewriteRule directive is forbidden14:48
glioros<glioros> what that means and what can i do ?14:48
hashiSidewinder : I've got the entire disk imaged, so that's fine. I was just wondering what grub2 does during the upgrade (hopefully not clobber the root (/dev/sda)>14:48
somsipglioros: AllowOverride None would cause this14:48
yurik3829glioros: You have to turn on the options to follow symlinks in your apache config, for the specific website folder you're trying to use .htaccess in14:48
OerHeksmc89__, within days, i guess14:48
Sidewinder1hashi, I'm tellin' ya, with all due respect, I wouldn't trust "Upgrade" when you're dealing with EOL.14:49
gliorosyurik3829 how can i turn them on ?14:49
OerHeksmc89__  if you can't  wait, you can  add ppa:chromium-daily/ppa and update to download 15.0.871014:49
yurik3829glioros: One sec, I have my own copy of the config file, I'll find it14:49
OerHeksah sorry14:49
hashiOK: I don't trust it anyway. I've had terrible experiences with it in VMs but I was hoping a native box would behave better ;)14:50
OerHeksmc89__, ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable14:50
poisonhow do i install wine on natty?14:51
yurik3829glioros: Similar to this, this is how I do it on my web server http://pastebin.com/qiGiXGjB14:51
yurik3829glioros: Read the apache documentation for more info14:51
Sidewinder1hashi, Actually, my best friend is in the same position; he's currently running Hardy. When he's ready, I'll follow my own advice (big surprise there), afterall, it's his system. :-)14:51
ubuntu_anybody there ?14:51
Sidewinder1Oops, he's gone. Rats!14:51
yurik3829glioros: You have to add that (or modify) your httpd.conf file14:52
Sidewinder1ubuntu_, Only 1,611..14:52
somsipglioros: depending on your version, this may be in /etc/apache2/sites-available/default14:53
yurik3829I wouldn't know, I use Scientific Linux for servers14:53
gliorosguys do you think that this might be the reason the youtube to mp3 script is not running /14:53
mc89__OerHeks, added how do i update firefox though14:55
mc89__or do i just redownload it14:55
somethinginteresis there an easy way in bash to rename files even numbers 2.jpg 4.jpg etc?14:56
IbisAnyone here by any chance have experience using a software known as "FreeNX"?14:57
chrootchroot no14:58
OerHeksmc89__, just run update, FF 7 should appear as an regular update14:58
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Sidewinder1Ibis, Is this to which you are referring? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freenx14:58
mc89__yeah unfortunately it doesnt OerHeks14:58
gliorossomsip i am in /etc/apache2/sites-available/default14:58
somsipglioros: if AllowOverride is None, change it to All (this is *not* a very secure approach but it may work)14:59
gliorosis none14:59
somsipglioros: after saving it, sudo service apache2 restart, and try again14:59
Sidewinder1somethinginteres, You might get a better response in #bash.15:00
somethinginteresSidewinder1: thanks will go there. :)15:01
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IbisSidewinder1: Yea.15:01
Sidewinder1Ibis, I couldn't really answer your question but figgered' since no one else answered, I'd point you there; sorry it wasn't of more help. :'(15:03
gliorossomsip i change it to All15:03
gliorosand i am still getting the error Options FollowSymLinks or SymLinksIfOwnerMatch is off which implies that RewriteRule directive is forbidden15:03
chrootSidewinder1, can i ask some questions15:03
Sidewinder1!ask | chroot15:04
ubottuchroot: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:04
somsipglioros: okay - sounds like it's outside the scope of #ubuntu. I could guess at suggesting you add FollowSymLinks to the default file as suggest earlier by someone else, but it is just clutching at straws15:04
* Sidewinder1 Is not really intelligent, but ask away. :)15:04
wamichohey my server boots up and gives me this error reiserfs_read_locked_inode what does this mean ?15:05
chrootSidewinder1, copy that15:05
aajgarwamicho: I think you have some bad blocks on your disk ,15:06
Sidewinder1wamicho, reiserfs is a file system and not the default of ubuntu (ext3, ext4), if that helps...15:06
wamichoaajgar: is there a command to repair this ? tried fsck but nothing changed15:08
kkulhavyI want to add a new disk into crashed RAID15:08
yurik3178317wamicho: Does your server use Reiser FS? It's gone out of popularity since the main developer was convicted of murdering his wife...15:08
kkulhavyand the RAID howto asks me to do something that seems to be impossible15:08
kkulhavynamely run the raidhotadd command15:08
kkulhavyapt-file search raidhotadd doesnt find anything15:08
aajgarthat is a utility called reiserfsck , but I would first take a backup and then run it .,15:08
kkulhavyhow can I fix a broken raid in ubuntu?15:09
wamichoyurik3178317: ya been using that for a while now15:10
kkulhavyhow can I get command raidhotadd under ubuntu?15:11
kkulhavyThe Linux Documentation Project Software RAID Howto requires it15:11
kkulhavybut i cannot find it15:11
f00bar80i did setup a pptp vpn server on my ubuntu and want to know how to monitor a pptp client, any comment ??15:12
kkulhavy"This HOWTO is deprecated; the Linux RAID HOWTO is maintained as a wiki by the linux-raid community at http://raid.wiki.kernel.org/"15:13
kkulhavypoints to deadlink15:13
kkulhavyTypical official Linux documentation15:13
kkulhavyasks to do impossible things15:13
kkulhavyand points to deadlink15:13
jmusbachim horny15:14
kkulhavylinux foundation another deadlink15:15
kkulhavyanyone knows how to reconstruct raid array in ubuntu?15:15
woot1337using what?15:16
kkulhavyusing whatever15:17
kkulhavyProblem Exists Because This Is Linux15:18
kkulhavyand i feel angry and unfairly treated15:19
ensafDoes anyone know where i can get PDF books about linux?15:19
kkulhavybecause i contrbuted to the world already with many open source software and hardware projects15:19
kkulhavyand this is what I get back15:19
kkulhavyensaf, is it important that the books dont contain rubbish?15:21
Sidewinder1kkulhavy, I'd demand my money back!15:21
kkulhavyyes I demand my development time back which I contributed to the comunity15:21
kkulhavyor that the rubbish howtos that poison the google search results be deleted15:22
kkulhavythis is denial of service attack on google results15:22
kkulhavyin my opinion15:22
kkulhavy"the linux documentation project"15:22
kkulhavyI feel contemptuous.15:22
kkulhavyoh, n00b, rtfm!15:23
kkulhavyRubbish These Fucking Manuals15:23
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llutzcould someone show this troll the door15:23
KirinDavekkulhavy, cool story, bro.15:23
backintimehow do i force stop a backintime job?15:23
* Sidewinder1 Knew that was commin'. :)15:24
Sidewinder1Couldn't resist.15:24
f00bar80ppl any comment ?15:24
* Sidewinder1 Puts on his resistance cap.15:25
sdperez79I'm on a 64bit laptop with 4bg what would be the best version of ubuntu11.04 32 bit or 64 bit?15:25
sdperez79ubuntu recommend 32bit?15:25
kkulhavyI feel unfairly treated for being kicked15:25
KirinDavekkulhavy, gonna continue with your cool story, bro?15:26
Snicksiei'd recommend 64bit, but thats your choice sdperez79 ;)15:26
llutzsdperez79: 64bit to use all the 4gb15:26
kkulhavyI feel disrespected when u say cool story15:26
jussiKirinDave: please dont15:26
llutzkkulhavy: respect the rules and you're welcome here15:26
Sidewinder1kkulhavy, You kinda' asked for it, no?15:26
sdperez79will the 32 bit software onlinux be compatible?15:26
jussikkulhavy: for general chat, please join #ubuntu-offtopic, here is specifically support only15:26
Sidewinder1sdperez79, If your system is 64 bit, use that version.15:27
kkulhavyI feel unfairly treated, because I asked for support for software raid , and jussi says "for general chat, please join #ubuntu-offtopic"15:27
Sidewinder1sdperez79, 32 will work on 64; however, 64 won't work on 32; HTH.15:28
jussikkulhavy: you need to keep it specificly to support only in here, if you have complaints, please direct them to #ubuntu-ops.15:28
sdperez79kool.thanks sidewinder,snicksie,and llutz15:29
DeLorean731this is really cool15:30
FloodBot1DeLorean731: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:30
mang0What would you guys advise for a screen recorder?15:31
DeLorean731ah, no other links allowed I guess?15:31
RaTTuS|BIG3 lines maybe15:31
DeLorean731oh I see, my bad15:31
RaTTuS|BIGdunno for sure15:31
DeLorean731you're probably right15:31
DeLorean731since it said flood, not something else15:31
kkulhavyi found out the raid re-add15:31
kkulhavyits done by mdadm --add15:32
kkulhavylooks like the raidhotadd command is obsolete or not exists anymore15:32
kkulhavyand that the official howtos on the internet still recommend the old command15:32
kkulhavyhope other people can use this information too!15:32
strangehey guys i have a problem with my touch screen in ubuntu it seems to work but all movement is inverted if i touch it on the right it recognizes it left etc15:32
BattlecatI recently installed Ubuntu 11.04 via F4 CLI option. When I did this the installation was great. When it rebooted into the new CLI system the screen was all white with little black lines on it. I then tried other terminals such as F1 and F2. Those were also unreadable. I did manage to just type in the commands to get xorg and fluxbox. I gave it a few minutes to do its thing which was also scrambled. When I typed in startx it did go right into fluxbox and I 15:33
AlexDevilLXhi can i be unbanned from ubuntu-offtopic?15:33
ikoniaAlexDevilLX: join #ubuntu-ops - as you know.15:33
mang0AlexDevilLX: #ubuntu-ops15:33
ikoniakkulhavy: out of interest, was it raidtools or mdadm the howto was pointed at15:33
mang0Any ideas for a decent screen recorder for ubuntu? Video and sound.15:34
Sidewinder1mang0, Are you talkin' a snap-shot or streaming?15:35
trinimoseshi all15:35
OerHeksmang0, VLC can do that15:35
mang0Sidewinder1: Streaming. Like camstasia for windows, etc.15:35
mang0OerHeks: Really?!15:35
trinimosesi am getting the following error on my box : "cannot unlock the session because the authentication system failed to work. You must kill kscreenlocker manually "15:35
kkulhavyikonia, http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Software-RAID-HOWTO-8.html#ss8\15:36
Sidewinder1mang0, Have you checked out UnPlug? It's a FF add-on/extension for recording streaming video.15:36
ubottuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl15:36
ikoniakkulhavy: raidhotadd I believe is from the now defuct raidtools15:36
mang0Sidewinder1: No, will look into it, thankyou :)15:36
trinimosesany ideas guys ?15:37
Sidewinder1nphase, glad to've hepped'.15:37
BattlecatIs there a way to boot directly into a desktop without the intervention of XDM or GDM or any display manager? I am building a MAME box.15:37
ikoniaKirinDave: I think that is there for legacy systems (very old) that are still using raid tools.15:37
nphaseSidewinder1: huh15:37
AlexDevilLXbattlecat: like arcade?15:37
theadminDeLorean731: Interesting thing... Vim has a built-in tutorial mechanism of it's own, though, usually you can run it with "vim-tutor", and it explains so much more.15:37
OerHeksmango VLC > Media  > recordapp and select 'desktop' in record modus ( i am not sure about the menu, i use NL )15:38
Sidewinder1nphase, I did it again...Ggrrrr hit the "Tab' key by accident. Humblest apologies.15:38
BattlecatAlexDevilLX like arcade.15:38
nphaseSidewinder1: :)15:38
theadminBattlecat: Configure your display manager to autologin15:38
Sidewinder1Been on here WAY too long.15:38
Battlecattheadmin I would like to avoid using a DM because this is running on a P3 and anything I do not need I would rather not use.15:39
bastidrazortheadmin: DeLorean731 : the actual command in 'vimtutor'15:39
theadminbastidrazor: Ah, makes sense15:39
* Sidewinder1 Takes his clumbsy fingers and departs.. Have a good one, ALL!15:39
BattlecatI was so excited to get this CLI version of Ubuntu up and running this morning even with the White screens that I had to deal with.15:39
bastidrazortheadmin: i went back through it a few weeks ago to help my vimskills15:39
allowoverridetheadmin: could you explain that a little further for Battlecat15:40
theadminallowoverride: Sure, I can't type too fast just now, I'm in a very weird, almost crying state, don't force stuff on me15:40
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theadminBattlecat: Let me try and find something for you15:40
Battlecattheadmin thank you.15:40
ActionParsnipBattlecat: could use just openbox for lightness, or lxde if you want a light DE. There are ways to make Linux autorun the desktop without a login screen too15:40
allowoverrideim also wondering if that was the correct response. first, Battlecat what is a mame box15:40
Nikaanybody know about V4l2?(video for linux 2)15:41
ActionParsnipallowoverride: websearch for MAME   see what you find ;-)15:41
BattlecatI noticed that when I was using the Ubuntu derivative Lubuntu the LXDM has no GUI to allow for auto-login, you have to edit text files and the GDM once installed via APT-GET did not function correctly.15:41
theadminBattlecat: Okay, run this,  echo "exec ck-launch-session gnome-session" > ~/.xinitrc15:42
allowoverrideBattlecat: i read what your doing, that seems to the be the fix. good luck15:42
theadminBattlecat: Replace gnome-session with the session of your desktop15:42
Battlecata MAME box is a PC or MAC that is dedicated to running the MAME emulator with a Graphical front-end that is joystick friendly (usually).15:42
ActionParsnipBattlecat: weird. Could install minimal then install openbox for  light OS15:43
allowoverrideBattlecat: sounds fun :)15:43
BattlecatActionParsnip I went with Fluxbox because I know it and its easy to setup an auto run program without the actual desktop.15:43
ActionParsnipBattlecat: slim is a nice lightweight login manager15:43
trinimosescan anyone help me ?15:43
theadminBattlecat: sooo... Why do you need a DE at all? Just autostart your emulator on X startup (via .xinitrc)15:44
BattlecatDoes slim allow for both autologin and desktop selection?15:44
ActionParsnipBattlecat: fluxbox is a fine choice. Very powerful15:44
NikaHow can I found answer the question abot v4l2?!!15:44
llutzNika: maybe you just should ask your real question15:44
allowoverrideBattlecat: everyone has an opinion on a WM. pick the one with the prettiest background :)15:45
BattlecatI've read about using the .xinitrc but to be honest when I have tried it I usually end up with a non-functioning box.15:45
allowoverrideand themes15:45
theadminBattlecat: Means you're doing it wrong15:45
ActionParsnipBattlecat: i believe so, its very configurable. You can make the OS log you in and run the GUI without login screen too15:45
Nikamy qusetion about USE_USERPTR(I/O stream)15:45
allowoverrideBattlecat: i dont see why gnome wouldnt be an option though...15:45
BattlecatI use Wah!Cade as my Arcade FrontEnd. So I never see the desktop.15:45
c-beamsdd has gotten slower and slower, it started at 32M/s now its at 1M/s15:45
BattlecatI will look into slim.15:46
allowoverrideBattlecat: ic15:46
BattlecatTHe nice thing about Wah!Cade is that you never need to use a mouse or keyboard. The joystick and buttons do all the work.15:47
allowoverrideBattlecat: awesome!15:48
ActionParsnipBattlecat: http://linux.koolsolutions.com/2009/03/15/howto-autologin-into-your-linux-system-without-xdm-gdm-kdm-etc/15:48
allowoverrideis that in the ubuntu repos?15:48
BattlecatSo I could apt-get slim and configure that to autologin into fluxbox?15:48
allowoverrideActionParsnip: lol...15:48
ActionParsnipallowoverride: ?15:48
BattlecatOMG That is what I needed!15:49
ActionParsnipBattlecat: fluxbuntu uses both as default15:49
allowoverrideActionParsnip: oh, i like the link you found15:49
BattlecatOnce this is setup it stays inside my arcade cabinet.15:49
ActionParsnipGood ol duckduckgo15:49
BattlecatI collect Arcade machines but one of the machines I have is just a shell and that is where MAME comes in.15:50
AlexDevilLXbattlecat: my soul15:50
=== Mud is now known as Guest52891
c-beamsdd has gotten slower and slower, it started at 32M/s now its at 1M/s15:51
csenger41hey everyone :)15:51
Battlecatwhat is DD?15:51
ActionParsnipBattlecat: if you look at the code on the page it makes sense. Its dirty but it works15:51
Battlecatdungeons and dragons?15:51
csenger41i'd need help in moving window buttons in xubuntu15:51
c-beamsthe command 'dd'15:51
ActionParsnipBattlecat: bit-by-bit copy of one thing to a15:52
urthmove1Battlecat: it is a block level copying command on most *nix systems15:52
Battlecatoh okay15:52
BattlecatI have never used it15:52
urthmove1Battlecat: btw people are playing pathfinder instead these days15:52
ActionParsnipBattlecat: use it wrong and it can mean: disk destroyer15:52
=== Ghost is now known as Guest26039
Battlecatah I am behind. I am still stuck on Asteroids, Pacman, Space Invaders.15:53
Guest26039how to change nickname?15:53
csenger41any ideas? :S15:53
urthmove1Guest26039: you must register on freenode....15:53
Walex2GuestNNNN: use /nick15:53
ActionParsnipBattlecat: no xmen vs street fighter15:53
BattlecatAhh I tried them. To complicated for me.15:54
=== Guest26039 is now known as GHOSTx562
GHOSTx562Got it thanks!15:54
BattlecatI like simple and repetative. Kind of like my job.15:54
urthmove1Battlecat: A Mind Forever Voyaging was greatness back then15:54
c-beamsanyone know why dd would be getting progressively slower?15:54
allowoverrideBattlecat: do you have a wii? those original games are available. i just got dragon's lair lol15:54
ActionParsnipBattlecat: sounds like my sexlife15:54
Battlecatallowoverride I have the Dragons laid DVD set.15:54
csenger41guys u see what im typing?15:55
allowoverridei wonder if that will load on your linux box15:55
urthmove1how do I make my bash script run without putting ./ in front of it?15:55
Battlecatand… I have the original Dragons lair DVD from the arcade machine framed on my game room wall.15:55
BattlecatDragons lair works great on linux.15:55
bastidrazorurthmove1: put it in a directory that is in your path15:55
ikoniaurthmove1: put it in your PATH15:55
allowoverrideBattlecat: lol wow, cool. so i can build a mame box and use it there?15:55
Battlecatit was a laserdisc and it was big back then.15:55
allowoverridesave me!15:56
urthmove1odd I put it as a ln -s in /usr/bin  but it still doesn't maybe I need to restart my terminal15:56
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BattlecatDragons lair and all the laserdisc games use a free GNU emu called Daphne. It works great on my machine.15:56
ikoniaBattlecat: maybe take this to #ubuntu-offtopic as it's moved beyond support discussion15:56
Battlecatyour right15:57
BattlecatThanks for the help! Any idea what the whole white screen issue is about? I have to currently type startx without being able to see anything I type.15:58
allowoverrideBattlecat: so to load daphne, i can load from repos? and then what hardware is needed for the dvd to run, just /dev/cdrom?15:59
allowoverrideand then autolog in. right?15:59
Battlecatallowoverride can you pm?15:59
allowoverrideper actionparsnips link instructions15:59
c-beamsdd has gotten slower and slower, it started at 32M/s now its at 1M/s16:00
allowoverridei dont see how its off-topic, but ok16:00
ikoniaallowoverride: you're issue isn 't, please continue16:00
Battlecator go to that offtopic chanell16:00
ikoniaI just meant the general emmulation chat16:00
Battlecatoh well16:00
AlexDevilLXhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:AndroidMarketWebSite.png ubuntu!16:00
fireprinthey guys. im having trouble with my ssh. i have tried both fromputty and terminal. It keeps giving me lagspikes. Im running ubuntu on both computers. Any thoughts or anything i should be searching for? (ping result is a steady 2ms average)16:02
silv3r_m00n1for unicode and nonenglish languages , if there are multiple font files , which one does the browser choose to display those characters ?16:02
fireprintthe lagspikes being that i can type semi decent.. when it sudden comes to a halt for some sec's.. then return, semi spike and then goes back to normal.16:03
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theadminsilv3r_m00n1: Whatever the webpage developers tell it to, OR whatever is in your settings16:03
allowoverridewhere does ufw store its save config?16:04
silv3r_m00n1theadmin: can it be determined ?16:04
silv3r_m00n1theadmin: for this particular language there are 15 ttf files , I just need to know which ttf file is in effect16:05
allowoverrideufw is a helper for iptables, correct?16:05
c-beamsI'm trying to create an image fo a 1TB drive. dd started off fast at 32M/s but has gotten progressively slower and is now at 1M/s. what do I do?16:05
theadminsilv3r_m00n1: Check your browser's settings, and page's code16:05
silv3r_m00n1theadmin: page is utf-8 with font family as arial , and browser setting has nothing very specific16:06
Maestr0hi there16:06
rurufufussanyone know a text editor that can search&replace from many open documents at once?16:06
Maestr0I have a Grub2 question, I've resized some partitions and now my computer boots with an error "grub rescue > error: no such partition"16:07
Maestr0I've figured out how to boot despite that16:07
Maestr0but for some reason it won't save the new settings16:07
Maestr0the root is hd0,msdos7 (which is now wrong) and should be hd0,msdos516:07
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning16:07
andrea_send list16:08
macalHola, hay alguien por aquí que haya instalado Skype en Xubuntu 10.04?16:09
ikonia!es | macal16:10
ubottumacal: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:10
theadminmacal: Just download it from skype.com16:10
kv10tI really needs some help. stopping a back in time job.16:10
f00bar80i did setup a pptp vpn server on my ubuntu and want to know how to monitor a pptp client, any comment ??16:11
Maestr0hm, I'll go mess with it some more myself then, thanks anyway16:11
clouderdoes anybody has some experience with live usb stick?16:11
michael_mbphi all16:12
michael_mbpis to possible to do quickly dev on Mac ?16:12
michael_mbpI do remember setting up pyGTK/python ages ago with fink16:12
c-beamsI'm trying to create an image fo a 1TB drive. dd started off fast at 32M/s but has gotten progressively slower and is now at 1M/s. what do I do?16:13
michael_mbpand I've recently got python with virtualenv all setup on my mac.16:13
ikoniamichael_mbp: on macos or ubuntu ?16:13
kv10tI really needs some help. stopping a back in time job.16:13
theadminmichael_mbp: Why are you asking this in #ubuntu ? We don't support OS X16:13
michael_mbpwell thought I'd ask here cause I only just ready about the whole quickly/pyGTK launch16:14
michael_mbpand OS X does run BSD...16:14
michael_mbpanyways thanks ...16:14
theadminmichael_mbp: Ubuntu is not even closely BSD-related...16:14
ikoniamichael_mbp: try #macosx16:14
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theadminikonia: You sure it's with one # ? I doubt the channel is official16:14
michael_mbptheadmin: didn't say it was :)16:14
clouderi installed several distributions on am usb stick, every distri started, except ubuntu16:15
ikoniaprobably ##16:15
michael_mbpok so hardware for ubuntu 11 and unity ui16:15
michael_mbpdo the specs need to be rather fancy to get it all running?16:15
ikoniamichael_mbp: check out ubuntu.com for system specs16:15
theadminmichael_mbp: Not really, you should be fine with 512 meters of RAM, 5GB of disk space and, let's see... 1ghz processor?16:16
michael_mbpmeters of RAM ...heh :p16:16
theadminmichael_mbp: Meters, megabytes... Same difference16:16
dgandhiIs there a package with a seeded pseudo-random-number generator that can output repeatable binary data? I need to generate TB of binary data that I can recreate at will from a small amount of config info.16:16
macalHi, someone who knows how to install Skype on Xubuntu 10.04?16:16
theadminmacal: From skype.com16:17
Captain_Harlockis the kdbg currently supported at the latest ubuntu?16:17
c-beamsI'm trying to create an image fo a 1TB drive. dd started off fast at 32M/s but has gotten progressively slower and is now at 1M/s. what do I do?16:17
michael_mbpnever head that version....16:17
savidI just installed gnome3 from the gnome3 ppa.  The theme is awful looking (orange boxy title bar, terrible fonts),   how can I get it to look like the screenshots on gnome3.org?16:17
macalThank you Theadmin, I'll try it16:17
savidI can't find "theme" anywhere in activities...16:18
cloudercould anybody help me with my live usb stick? i spent several hours, but it doesnt work - debian und crunchbang live system worked - only ubuntu doesnt16:18
theadminsavid: GNOME 3? Doesn't support themes without weird manipulations.16:18
ikoniac-beams: wait for it to finish16:18
c-beamsikonia, why is it getting slower and slower though?16:19
c-beamsikonia, if it contiunes getting slower it will never finish16:19
ikoniac-beams: is it continuing to get slower ?16:19
cloudernoone can help me?16:20
savidtheadmin,  ok, then why does mine look really crappy??16:20
dina_I am looking for help to install vodafone mobile broadband on ubuntu16:20
theadminsavid: We don't really support GNOME 3 here...16:21
llutzclouder: how did you create the stick from iso?16:21
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:21
theadmin!pm | clouder16:21
ubottuclouder: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.16:21
jeremy77hi I am trying to format a drive using disk utility on ubuntu 11.04. I unmount drive and delete all partitions and do guided partition ext 4 with the take ownership box checked but after its done and I mount drive it tells me I dont have permissions of that drive or anything I put on it. can anyone explain what I am doing wrong ?16:22
clouderwith shell command "dd", mac drive recovery and windows usb creater16:22
theadminclouder: Ubuntu can't just be dd'd16:22
llutzclouder: dd doesn't work with ubuntu-iso (yet)16:22
theadminclouder: You need to use a tool like unetbootin16:22
dina_installing a mobile broadband on ubuntu16:22
clouderso why is dd the way of the user guide?16:22
llutzseem to be changed with oneiric, they discovered hybrid-isos...16:22
os1risCan anyone help me? I have an ATI graphics card. Can't seem to get 3d effects to work or compiz.. Can anyone assist?16:22
cloudertheadmin: unetbootin didn't work too16:23
theadminclouder: Well, bad ISO then?16:23
BattlecatAre there any Ubuntu distros with GNOME 3 live to try?16:23
theadminBattlecat: GNOME 3 is default in Ubuntu 11.10, however, we do not support it yet.16:23
Battlecatahh okay thank you.16:24
cloudertheadmin: offical ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.iso and ubuntu-11.04-1.04-desktop-amd64.iso16:24
theadminclouder: I'm not sure if unetbootin does work with 64-bit images or not... Well, if you're running Windows, you can try LiLi, too16:25
BattlecatI am on a MAC at the moment running Virtual Box to test Ubuntu out while I waste time at work. What version of Ubuntu should I grab to try out GNOME 3?16:25
theadminBattlecat: 11.10 beta. But don't expect support here, head to #ubuntu+1 instead16:25
Battlecatokay but I do not see the beta offered on the ubuntu dl site.16:26
dina_I need help installing vodafone mobile broadband on ubuntu 11.0416:26
theadminBattlecat: Support, and download links, in #ubuntu+116:26
theadminBattlecat: Don't blame me if your system crashes, because it may, it IS a unstable release.16:27
m477how to enable tab-completion in bash?16:27
Battlecattheadmin I am trying it out in a virtual box. Nothing bad should happen should it?16:28
theadminBattlecat: Yeah, should be good enough16:28
theadminm477: Should be enabled by default...16:28
m477theadmin: i mean completion based on history16:29
theadminBattlecat: You'll need to install guest additions, though, or else you won't be able to work with GNOME3 -- 3D acceleration needed and such16:29
BattlecatIve got one of those macs with 4  of the ntel Core i3 processors.16:29
theadminm477: ?16:29
m477theadmin: for example ctrl+r doesnt search anything16:30
Battlecatand 8 gig of ram and a ATI Radeon HD 467016:30
Battlecatso I hope it would work . Hope being the word.16:30
Mac_WeberI'm on 10.04 LTS, but I want to install the latest git. How to do it using apt-get or aptitude?16:31
theadminMac_Weber: https://launchpad.net/~git-core/+archive/ppa16:32
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OnryoSeems Ubuntu is a bit different then other *nix systems in not enabling a root account by default? How do I check to see if superuser (su) enabled?16:33
theadminOnryo: It's not by default16:33
OnryoI try su16:33
theadminOnryo: Use sudo16:33
llutz!sudo | Onryo16:33
ubottuOnryo: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo16:33
Mac_Webertheadmin thanks16:33
WebETGUser454Hi guys, quick question about buntu16:34
=== WebETGUser454 is now known as kolix
kolixubuntu 10.04 *16:35
kolixcan i make my desktop look like this? - http://blog.brixandersen.dk/wp-content/uploads/conky.png16:35
kolixwith conky, etc16:35
kolixwhat type of window manager do i need16:35
Delphiouslooks like fluxbox to me16:35
popeykolix: i love that konky look too :D16:35
kolixso if install fluxbox it will remove the current look of the ugly ubuntu defualt desktop?16:36
pants_that looks like fluxbox but the conky is a bit distracting16:36
kolixpopey, yeah it's sweet16:36
cloudertheadmin: it worked - thanks a lot16:36
kolixdo i need GNOME or KDE for fluxbox?16:36
paean_does the perlre command exist for natty?  I get perlre: command not found.16:37
llutzkolix: just fluxbox16:37
kolixsudo apt-get fluxbox?16:37
popeythesheff17: haha, wrong channel :D16:37
thesheff17haha sorry16:37
llutzkolix: man apt-get  (install fluxbox)16:37
kolixllutz, does fluxbox give me power to edit my terminal settings too?16:38
kolixi.e. have transparent background?16:38
Onryotheadmin, things is that when I set up my RAID I used the alt distro. Manuely partitioned the drives in 1+0 raid mdadm. The UI front end was later built (Gnome) as I wanted it. More to the point. How do I check if there is a superuser account. I see /root home if I sudo.16:38
llutzkolix: idk16:38
theadminOnryo: There is one, it's just it has no password set16:39
theadminOnryo: Do you *really* need it? Just run the command I've PMed to you, then16:39
TheLegacehi guys, im migrating from fedora, and this environment path is confusing me16:39
TheLegaceim trying to set it in my profile16:39
TheLegacewhich file do i modify?16:39
theadminTheLegace: $PATH?16:40
theadminTheLegace: .bashrc is probably the best place16:40
Onryotheadmin no but I need to make ultra sure it is not on.16:40
TheLegacenow i see a whole buncha if statements16:40
theadminOnryo: By default, it is not.16:40
TheLegaceto do an export PATH_VAR= /path16:41
TheLegacedo i just write it in the file?16:41
theadminTheLegace: export PATH=/home/you/bin:$PATH # Something like this16:41
TheLegacetheadmin, PATH is not in the bashrc file16:42
Seven_Six_TwoI tried to install beta2 to see if I could fix my pulseaudio(won't start) and it isn't showing my raid devices! It asks if I'd like to enable them, just before the partitioner, but they aren't listed with my partitions.16:42
theadminTheLegace: So? It just reads the default values set wherever. You can just add that line and be fine16:42
TheLegaceor do i just do it on command line16:42
TheLegaceokie thats good16:42
theadminSeven_Six_Two: 11.10 support is in #ubuntu+116:43
symaxianWhy wouldnt an enviroment variable set in .profile be available?16:43
Onryotheadmin I did not do anything by default the way I installed this system. The Kernel is from kernel.org etc .... Just want to know how to check once again.16:43
theadminOnryo: You shouldn't bother, but you can lock the account by doing "sudo usermod -L root"16:44
theadminOnryo: Even though that IS just being paranoid16:44
clouderok, the boot loader of the usb stick is working, but after selecting "installung ubuntu" i get a black screen :/16:45
vachocan someone please help me? I want to install ODBC drivers for ORACLE16:46
TheLegaceif im installing kubuntu should i choose gdm or kdm?16:46
buhmanhow can I tell apt to change architecutures and reinstall packages appropriately?16:46
buhmansurely a 64-bit installation can bootstrap a 32-bit and then do some kexec sorcery and go from there right?16:47
urlin2uclouder, tap the shift key when you boot the stick hit f6 at the gui for choice of try without instal, install, check disc..ect, choose nomodeset for a low graphic boot.16:48
urlin2uTheLegace, where is that choice?16:49
TheLegacewhen i do sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop16:49
urlin2uTheLegace, what is installed now?16:49
urlin2uwhat desktop16:49
=== chrisbee is now known as Guest84761
___MAXvacho: wat is ur oracle version16:50
TheLegacei dont understand what you mean16:51
TheLegacei just typed that command16:51
TheLegaceand its installing now16:51
clouderurlin2u: with every option i get a black screen16:52
urlin2uTheLegace, if your running a apt-get install of kubuntu you must have a install, what is that desktop already installed, or are you using a minimal install, details man is the point here. :D16:52
TheLegaceit was gnome16:52
TheLegacethats installed16:52
TheLegacei just install 11.04 dvd16:53
TheLegaceand then i want kde now16:53
TheLegaceso im just installing it16:53
traphhi everyone16:53
pants_anyone have any experience with wacom tablets16:53
traphhow can I reset the keyboard configuration, composite key and such...16:54
glioroswhat is the server url ffmpeg converts videos ?16:54
urlin2uTheLegace, not sure really, gdm is gnome, kdm is kubuntu, lets get others help I think.16:54
pants_i'm not sure if me resetting my resolution higher than neccesary or what did it, but the wacom libraries made me unable to sign into ubuntu16:54
traphafter a fresh install, going through the installer, I have set the alt keys and I think that's why I cannot use the left alt key for anything under terminal or X1116:54
pants_or maybe it was because i tried installing gnome-shell and gnome3 and it didn't mesh well16:55
urlin2uclouder, do you have another computer to test the stick on, if you tap the shift at powering on you should get a gui right away, very quick.16:55
=== pants_ is now known as obx
TheLegaceurlin2u, its just a display manager16:55
TheLegacei think it has to do with the login screen you want16:55
TheLegaceya thats it16:56
urlin2uTheLegace, I realize that, I have just never used a dvd install.16:56
glioroswhat is the server url ffmpeg converts videos ?16:56
TheLegaceurlin2u, it works the same either way16:56
obxdoes that one guy who's the be all on the forums for wacoms come in here?16:56
urlin2uTheLegace, I think your right on the login16:56
sliptteesHi all, activated the magnifying glass here and I can only see half the screen16:57
obxalso, can you get rid of the little handles on scrollbars in ubuntu 11.04? they are kind of annoying16:57
=== Guest84761 is now known as ChrisBee
sliptteesThere is some shortcut to turn off the magnifying glass16:57
urlin2uslipttees, have you logged out and back in to see if this gets fixed?16:58
sliptteesurlin2u, no16:58
Ellipsis753hey, does anyone know of a widget thing for the ubuntu bar that replaces the need for the blue bar at the top of your program. Hopefully one with - [] X and move window.16:58
qinCould someone tell me how to get gmail (or any) labels work in mutt?16:58
urlin2uslipttees, I would try that, never used it there must be a wiki on it.16:58
clouderurlin2u: ok, other pc worked16:59
sliptteesurlin2u, :( .... my brother make this shit here :(16:59
obxanyone at all?16:59
ikoniaslipttees: control the language please.16:59
CalinouEllipsis753: you speak of a different theme?17:00
obxthe little handles are getting kind of annoying and they don't work right with my touchpad17:00
Calinoutry "Clearlooks"17:00
sliptteesikonia, sorry.17:00
clouderurlin2u: but shift doesnt show a gui17:00
sliptteesCan anyone help me disable the magnifier in GDM?17:00
urlin2uclouder, cool so the stick appears to be good, when you tap the shift you want to do it repeatedly kina quick ti catch that first gui, I have to go to school in a few minutes but this is the place for help.17:00
cheese /nick timetravel17:02
Ellipsis753calinou, sure I just don't like having decorations at the top of windows uses up space. That said I'd still like buttons at the top to close minimise or maximise or move a window.17:02
sliptteesCan anyone help me disable the magnifier in GDM?17:02
Ellipsis753also I'm on clearlooks, it's nice17:02
conntrack-Does tcp/udp port randomization create more CPU load?17:02
urlin2uslipttees, this might help. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Accessibility17:03
sliptteesurlin2u, u are god :D17:03
clouder@urlin2u doesnt change anything, starts grub on usb stick again with same issues17:04
urlin2uslipttees, hardly, I'm agnostic, but we all work together for the good of all, lol17:04
sliptteesurlin2u, :)17:04
sarkishey all, so ubuntu by default doesn't load up .bash_profile everytime i start up a new gnome-terminal17:04
alkafoourlin2u: you're unsure of the existence of yourself =P17:05
sarkisanyway to fix this?17:05
conntrack-Say on a webserver17:05
alkafoosarkis: sure you're using bash?17:05
urlin2ualkafoo, the importance of.17:05
sarkisalkafoo: ya im reading bash_profile is only read once per login17:05
alkafoosarkis: source ~/.bash_profile17:05
Guest9968hi all, please i did install open-cobol in my unbuntu 11.04 but i dont know where is the application. any help please?17:06
urlin2uclouder, do you have a linux install already there or was there on the HD?17:06
llutzsarkis: .bash_profile is only read when bash is invoked as login-shell17:06
alkafooGuest9968: dpkg -L open-cobol | grep bin17:06
obxGuys, is there any way to get rid of this? http://i.imgur.com/iI6Q9.png17:06
nierosHello all- I'm running 11.04 and trying to use a USB to serial adapter- if I do a lsusb I see a ttyS0 and a ttyUSB0, so I know it's recognizing the unit. However if I try and run putty with it, it gets denied (I've tried both) Any assistance is appreciated.17:06
Ellipsis753I think I'm looking at this wrong, is there a terminal command to move the current window? (or one to close, minimise or maximise it)17:07
alkafooobx: floating scrollbars, yes17:07
obxthey are kind of annoying tbh17:07
alkafooobx: http://mikebeach.org/2011/05/disable-the-overlay-scrollbars-in-ubuntu-natty/ maybe17:07
alkafooI can see how they would be17:07
sarkisllutz: interesting.. byobu for some reason appended . $(which byobu-launch) at the end of .bash_profile17:07
sarkisthat should go in .bashrc instead then17:07
musharrafhi to all17:07
obxit wouldn't be so bad but my touchpad is so sensitive that it makes scrolling a huge pain17:08
alkafooEllipsis753: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KeyboardShortcuts17:08
musharrafi just now install ubuntu 10.0417:08
musharrafits so nice!17:08
alkafooobx: can probably configure that, but =)17:08
alkafoomusharraf: +)17:08
easylancerHow can I find out what is the default version of python on ubuntu 10?17:09
obxyeah i don't remember how to configure my synaptic touchpad and honestly i remember it being a huge pain17:09
musharrafim so happy to install it.17:09
SIFTUeasylancer: python -V17:09
obxi think i got it to where it doesn't randomly do things when i type, but i'm not sure17:10
alkafooobx: I guess if it only bothers you when combined with this...17:10
nierosI feel like a damn usb to serial port should just work :|17:10
easylancerSIFTU, I accidentally installed another version of python and the original seem to be corrupted, is there a way to rollback?17:10
alkafooobx: you should be able to setup a shortcut for disabling it for long typing sessions17:10
obxi think that's what i did iirc17:10
alkafooeasylancer: accidentally how?17:10
obxthis is my third reinstall of ubuntu in a couple days because i half hazardly just start doing things17:11
skritenieros, what is the problem ( just got here) serial to usb adapter?17:11
easylancerI was trying to install MySQL-python and it seemed to install a version of python with it17:11
SIFTUeasylancer: what version are you running?17:11
easylancercommands like easy_install and pip which were working before are now missing17:11
easylancerSIFTU, python 2.7.1+17:12
zaxonspoxhello, did sbdy succeded instaling BCM4312 wifi card?17:12
obxOne more question, does evolution have a minimize to somewhere else and not in the lower bar option?17:12
SIFTUeasylancer: nothin wrong with that version.. what version do you need17:12
nierosskrite: I can grep it out of dmesg, and see it with lsusb: but (ttys0/ttyusb0) both don't work when I try and use a console emulator.17:13
nieroswhich are the two interfaces showing up17:13
easylancerSIFTU, I just need easy_install working again really17:13
tyoc213_how I can do for ls -R to print also the full path (because Im doing a grep and I cant see the dirs)17:13
obxzaxon, shouldn't that install with restricted hardware? i've got a broadcom wifi card and it showed up right away17:13
Ellipsis753alkafoo, thank you but I need terminal commands rather than keyboard shortcuts for closing windows etc.17:13
obxi could be mistaken of course17:13
zaxonspoxobx, i did installed it, but: the card is seeing WIFI but wont connect to ANY17:14
skritenieros, on my server, i have to give ownership to my user each time i reboot or i cannot use them in my software17:14
easylancerSIFTU, how do I change the default version of python also, I am sure the version that came with Ubuntu 10 was python 2.617:14
easylancerI would like to revert back to that17:14
SIFTUeasylancer: hard to tell without more specifics, but python looks fine if you are running 2.7, maybe you need to install some modules17:14
SIFTUeasylancer: do you have python2.6 in /usr/bin17:15
alkafooEllipsis753: oh?  Why's that?17:15
easylancerSIFTU, yes I do17:15
SIFTUeasylancer: and ls -la /usr/bin/python is a sym link to pythion2.717:17
SIFTUeasylancer: ?17:17
Ellipsis753alkafoo, I'd like to have buttons on the top bar to do those things, I can't think of another way and it's not just me that uses the computer, I'd like to have a way to do those things without using the keyboard. It's not just me that uses the computer and I know at least one of the other uses downright refuses to use keyboard commands.17:17
zaxonspoxobx, any idea? how to diagnose whats wrong?17:17
hyper_chhow do you file a bug at launchpad?17:17
easylancerSIFTU, yes thats correct17:17
SIFTUeasylancer: so you can just change that symlink17:17
ChheapshotIf i enable ufw don't i have to reboot before it starts?17:17
easylancerSIFTU, I will try that17:17
alkafooEllipsis753: buttons... there should already be buttons at the top of each window for that17:17
obxNo, I would see if you can get wired. See if the hardware is activated and check the forums. I know  every now and again my wireless card drivers will install WITH the system, and others I have to be connected via ethernet to do it.17:18
Ellipsis753alkafoo, I'd like buttons on the bar at the top, I've removed the standard bar for that. Are you deliberately being silly here?17:19
xtremelyboreddoes ubuntu support radeon hd 6500?17:20
zaxonspoxobx, so you didnt use ndiswrapper, or CLI with b43-installer or fwcutter?17:20
clouderi have an intel i3 with intel grafic chipset - when i try to start the live stick i get the bootloader (not the purpel GUI) and when i choose an option the screen turns black and nothing happens17:22
alkafooEllipsis753: nope, I just don't read minds on Wednesday17:22
obxno, mine just installed with restricted hardware. is this a dell computer? i know i've had problems and had to use ndiswrapper in the past17:22
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)17:23
zaxonspoxobx, no its Lenovo G550, with ndiswrapper it looks like its installed, but saw no WIFIs, with b43 module its seeing WIFIs but refuse to connect to ANY17:23
systemclientI am trying to get my university VPN working. I installed vpnc and the network manager thing, imported the .prf file and the connect fails immideatly "because there is no valid PSK"17:23
systemclientwhat is going on there?17:23
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tiagowhen doing dd to copy my system to an external HD, does it also copy the empty space??17:24
alkafootiago: yup17:25
sliptteesCan anyone help me disable the magnifier in GDM?17:25
Ellipsis753alkafoo, ok, sorry, Just that I'd already explained it in further detail further up and the pointing out that windows had a X in the top right thing made me wonder. Thanks anyway.17:25
alkafootiago: not much point dd'ing an open source OS17:25
SIFTUtiago: yes it is a block level copy (exact)17:25
tiagoalkafoo: is this copying faster though?,17:25
alkafootiago: it's much more useful for Windows, which by default attempts to bind itself to the hardware in odd ways17:25
alkafooEllipsis753: right17:25
tiagoand would making an image of system overcome this problem?17:25
alkafooEllipsis753: short of some built-in cute way, you can probably manage it with a script and wmctrl or devilspie17:26
obxi really wish i could be more help man, i would definitely go to the forums and see if there's anything you can conjure up there.17:26
Ellipsis753ok thank you.17:27
sliptteesCan anyone help me disable the magnifier in login screen?17:27
Chheapshotis it possible to make a guest account without a password. mainly for just web browsing17:29
alkafooEllipsis753: xprop can tell you the ACTIVE window, couple that with wmctrl17:29
sliptteesHi all, activated the magnifying glass here and I can only see half the screen17:29
ChheapshotOr what is the best and "safest" way to do it17:29
sliptteesThere is some shortcut to turn off the magnifying glass17:29
=== Xano_ is now known as Xano
zaxonspoxslipttees, Shift+WinKey+ScrollOut mayby?17:31
sliptteeszaxonspox, GDM17:31
tiagohow can i restore my system from an iso file ?? is it possible to say so in the reinstall ?17:35
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:35
clouderi have an intel i3 with intel grafic chipset - when i try to start the live stick i get the bootloader (not the purpel GUI) and when i choose an option the screen turns black and nothing happens17:36
honeybeeI just wired a SATA cable to a CD/DVD drive. I doesn't appear on the desktop. Is there a mount guru here :) ?17:36
honeybeeI did a lsscsi giving: [6:0:0:0]    cd/dvd  Optiarc  DVD RW AD-7170S  1.00  /dev/sr017:37
=== adamb is now known as juso
organikshey all17:41
honeybeehi organiks17:42
zaxonspoxhoneybee, did you put a Media in the drive?17:42
preetampls help me my webcam is not working in ubuntu 11.04. The cheese prog hangs whenevr I open the prog17:42
honeybeezaxonspox: There's a DVD in it17:42
thauriswulfaHELP:ubuntu hangs on dell when usb device is plugged17:43
Escherialhey, anyone happen to know why the unity launcher bar in 11.04 tends to get stuck under other applications?17:44
=== Guest5384 is now known as Hiz
Escherialit most often happens with eclipse :\ incredibly frustrating17:44
WilGilhello, I am trying to install ubuntu desktop from the alternate install cd.  When I hit the select and install software part if i check ubuntu desktop i get an install failed message.  Anyone know why?17:44
Escherialactually, strangely, i can still click icons on it; it just doesn't visually appear17:44
EscherialWilGil: posting the message would probably help17:45
WilGilone sec17:45
Chheapshothow does this ufw work. I enable it and didnt reboot or anything after it but after 2hours it suddenly kills my ssh connection. Why didnt it kill it the moment i enabled it?17:45
zaxonspoxhoneybee, try: sudo mount /dev/sr0 -t iso9660 /media/folder_that_exist17:45
honeybeezaxonspox: :) OK17:46
skegeekWhen I run 'aptitude upgrade' it gives a rather long 'changes' report. Is it vital to read ALL of this before I continue or can I treat it like a disclaimer?17:46
Kartagiswhat package has bash completion?17:47
honeybee(I should have tried that) ..... It now says mount: no medium found on /dev/sr017:47
zaxonspoxhoneybee, it looks like blank CD, did you open some burning soft to check that?17:48
dv310p3rWhy when I unzip files that come from another persons computer, that are 755, they turn into 700. How can I stop that?17:48
honeybeezaxonspox: Its a DVD video. I will try something with a file system17:48
WilGilOk, when installing i get a dialog box with the title "[!!] Select and install software".  Inside the box it says "Installation step failed.  An installation step failed.  You can try to run the failing item again from the menu, or skip it and choose something else.  The failing step is: Select and install software"17:48
oCeanKartagis: many packages. See /etc/bash_completion.d/17:49
WilGilif i don't choose install ubuntu desktop in the software selection screen i do not get this message.17:49
Gneadv310p3r: umask controls that17:49
WilGilBut I do want the desktop17:49
The_Janitorhey guys, where can i download the proprietary drivers for the BCM4318 wireless chip?17:50
dv310p3rGnea, umask?17:50
Gneadv310p3r: it's a command, use the terminal17:50
honeybeezaxonspox: It seems to work for a CDROM17:51
Gneadv310p3r: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/understanding-linux-unix-umask-value-usage.html17:51
honeybeezaxonspox: I actually want to burn a CD/DVD17:52
zaxonspoxThe_Janitor, ndiswrapper-common and ndisgtk17:52
EscherialWilGil: this may help you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=77946817:52
zaxonspoxThe_Janitor, if you want to install from a windows drivers17:52
EscherialWilGil: apparently, reburning the CD should help17:53
knandanHi..I am trying to install ubuntu desktop on vmware..17:53
knandanbut it seems it doesnt install..rather i get a command promt after some time..17:53
knandancan anybody please throw some light on this17:53
WilGilEscherial: thanks I have read that already.  I have tried with the cd and a usb17:54
WilGilI also tried on another machine in virtualbox like that thread suggested and had the same problem.  I have been working on this for 2 days and am starting to think there is a problem with the alt install image.17:55
zaxonspoxWilGil, try to do MD5SUM on the downloaded ISO to check if its correct17:55
wcchandlerI'm only pulling 4 kbps when updating... shouldn't I automatically be bumped to the closest/fastest mirror?17:55
willynillyis ubuntuforums.org giving blank screens to anyone else?17:55
evilgeniusHello, i need the channel for ubuntu germany17:55
OerHeks!de > evilgenius17:56
ubottuevilgenius, please see my private message17:56
WilGilzaxonspox: thanks, but i have tried that.  also i downloaded as a torrent which inherently does hash checks.  i am fairly  certain that if there is a problem with the image it is the one being distributed17:56
OerHekswillynilly, looks fine here17:57
* OerHeks does not say anything about the content age17:57
willynillyblank on two different computers here OerHeks17:57
WilGilI am about to try ubuntu server and see if that works.  I can't use the desktop cd because i am installing on a raid array17:57
willynilly2 different operating systems17:57
QuikNikhey all, how big of a flash drive to I need in order to boot ubuntu off of? the iso is ~700ish mb so do I need one just big enough for that? or should I have more free space available17:58
willynillyalso from my server17:58
willynillyI'm dubious that it works fine for you OerHeks, unless you're not talking about the link I posted17:58
inc0hi, is there any way to reset permissions? I ran chmod -R 777 on root...17:58
OerHeksis says "View Full Version : I can't install VMWAre Server because I had installed VM Player before" May 16th, 2007, 08:44 AM17:59
=== jthomas_ is now known as TheDracle
savidOk, so I made the mistake of installing gnome3.   Is it possible to go back without doing a full re-install?17:59
Kartagishow can I fix this? http://pastebin.com/9RCae1JP18:00
OerHekssavid no18:00
Kartagisinc0: no18:00
savidOerHeks, fantastc :-P18:00
alkafoosavid: yes, but what they're saying is a reinstall will be simpler18:00
inc0Kartagis, crap, so its eighter manual solving it or reinstalling whole system?18:01
Kartagisinc0: yes18:01
Kartagishow can I fix this? http://pastebin.com/9RCae1JP18:01
alkafoodowngrading is not something Debian distros "support" =)18:01
alkafoobut obviously it can be done with a certain amount of effort and knowhow18:01
alkafoousually a lot more than just reinstalling18:02
Kingsyok I have an mp3 player.. and when I plug it into my pc it only detects about 50% of the time.. why might that be?18:04
BenXYZIs there a utility for monitoring disk reads / drive access bundled with Ubuntu?18:05
Kingsybut also as a seperate question... when I do get it to detect what application can I use to sync music to it?18:05
happyfaceis there a way to back up my install's current state and restore it on another machine?18:06
Kingsyfor windows I use windwos media player..18:06
Kingsybanshee doesnt work18:06
ckbhey guys, I have a VM running ubuntu and a shared folder setup to my working copy of my SVN. On my Ubuntu VM, /path/to/root is the document root for apache2, and /mnt/hgfs/SVN is the path to my working copy. If I want these 2 directories to mirror each other, what is my best bet?18:06
KingsyI can see the mp3 player appear in banshee for a moment then it vanishes..18:06
kjp_1212hey guys, I am new to ubuntu and I cant get my wifi connection(it says firmware missing). I googled and found that we have to connect an ethernet cable and then click on additional drivers but the problem is I dont have a cable.Is there another way???18:08
usr13kjp_1212: So you are trying to establish a wireless connection?18:09
skritekjp_1212: not an easier way, but you could put the software on a cd or usb18:09
alkafoohappyface: yes, but usually just backing up ~/ (which includes all your personal configurations and personal data) and a list of what packages you installed is enough18:09
alkafoohappyface: the OS files themselves area already mirrored in thousands of places18:09
usr13kjp_1212: What is your wireless device? (make and model) (lspci)18:09
happyfacealkafoo, alright, I essentially want to move a real install to a VMWare instance18:10
skegeekThe bind9 package is used by many packages or only needed for DNS servers?18:10
alkafoohappyface: ah, there're instructions for that online18:10
happyfacealkafoo, really? hmm ill look harder then thanks18:10
lauratikahi everyone i wonder if there is a linux portable anti virus i can use with a ubuntu pen drive?18:10
alkafoohappyface: I mean you can convert to RAW or something and then dd to a partition, something like that18:10
usr13kjp_1212: In other words, what does   lspci  say about your wifi device?18:10
alkafoohappyface: you can also just do a network copy with rsync or ... well even cp18:10
happyfacealkafoo, that's always an option18:10
quellhorstanyone seen an install that can't properly reboot a system?18:11
dv310p3rSo, i've checked my umask, and it's supposed to be setting new directories to 755, but it's setting them to 700? Any ideas.18:11
dv310p3rin my etc/profile, it's 022, which is correct.18:11
dirtycookiehi, i have an eeepc 701 where i freshly installed xubuntu. the eeepc has a sdcard slot. inserting a 2gb generic card is no problem, it gets mounted automatically. But inserting a 16gb card from Transcend, doesnt get mounted automatically18:11
quellhorstso when it gets to the point where the system should shut down, it just hangs?18:11
alkafoohappyface: set up your partitions and boot a live image on top of your VMware install, then just cp it over18:11
usr13lauratika: This is for inspecting MS Windows PCs?18:11
alkafooquellhorst: could be your BIOS config18:11
alkafooor lack of BIOS config18:11
lauratikausr13 yes18:11
dirtycookiecan someone help18:11
evilgeniusHello, i cant start ubuntu software center after update-manager18:11
alkafoodirtycookie: maybe it isn't formatted18:12
usr13lauratika: http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/18:12
dirtycookiealkafoo: no it is formated from a windows machine with fat3218:12
FrotsI love ubuntu18:12
happyfacealkafoo, cool, thanks18:13
ckbcool thanks for the help guys18:13
dirtycookiealkafoo: when i try to mount it via terminal, the mount command hangs18:13
alkafoodirtycookie: if there's nothing on it, you might try reformatting it18:13
dirtycookiealkafoo: ctrl+c doesnt have any effect, only when i take out the card i gain control from my console18:13
lauratikausr13: i want more of a AV not the wholoe bundle18:14
dirtycookiealkafoo: tried different formats already18:14
lauratikaany ideas of just an AV...18:14
usr13dirtycookie: fdisk -l  #What does that say about your device18:14
alkafoolauratika: is clamscan not on there?18:14
dirtycookieusr13: 1 sec18:14
usr13lauratika: Do you not have enough disk space?18:14
lauratikausr13: exactly18:15
happyfacealkafoo, VMWare has a product called VMware vCenter Converter which does this for us :D18:15
lauratikaalkafoo: no is not there18:15
varniehow do I fix the following: random switches from one language to another while typing letters?18:15
dirtycookieusr13: fdisk -l /dev/sdb1 gives me: "Cannot open /dev/sdb"18:16
usr13lauratika: It is only a couple of megabytes..... ?18:16
alkafoohappyface: wouldn't know, I don't use proprietary binary nonsense =)18:16
varniei.e. I have EN and RU langs but when I type in English from time to time there appears some russian letters. that's odd.18:16
usr13dirtycookie: Must be defective18:16
lauratikausr13: what is the AV?... i dont need the other stuff18:16
dirtycookieusr13: impossible because i bought it today and i formated it on a windows machine, copied files onto it from a windows machine18:17
varnieops, I found out18:17
varnieit was enabled 'separate layout for each window" flag ;)18:17
skritevarnie:  what window manager are you using?18:17
usr13lauratika: It downloads current virus definitions at the time you use it, and that is the only effective way.  (It ops for a couple, I think McAffe and AVG, I always just use AGV).  But this discussion is clearly OT18:18
usr13dirtycookie: Why did you format it?  Wasnt' it already formatted?  What filesystem did you format to?18:20
usr13dirtycookie: What filesystem did you install on it?18:20
varniesystem->preferences->layouts-> switch off 'separate layout for each window'18:20
dirtycookieusr13: i formated it to fat3218:20
cyphahow can I test to see if my system can beep?18:20
usr13dirtycookie: What fiflesystem came on it when you got it?18:21
dirtycookieusr13: fat3218:21
usr13Did you change the partition(s)?18:21
=== prasenjeetp_ is now known as prasenjeetp
alkafoocypha: you can use any commandline audio player for that18:22
pyro_killerGentlemen! i have  aproblem with my ubumtu server, the speed up and down through apache is slow as hell , is there a way to tweak it? already reniced the user www-data to 1018:22
cyphaalkafoo, for beeps?18:22
usr13alkafoo: I think cypha is wanting to hear the MB beep, (not the sound chip).18:23
alkafooyeah I know18:23
alkafoobut people use that because they don't realize they can use mplayer =P18:23
pyro_killerit should give me 1-10MB it only gives me 20-80kB18:23
usr13cypha: Hold down a key like maybe delete or escape key while booting.18:23
usr13or one of the F keys18:24
alkafooor echo -e "\a"18:24
cyphano sound for echo -e "\a"18:25
Kingsywhat application can I use to sync music to an mp4 player?18:25
Kingsybanshee doesnt work..18:25
alkafoolucky you18:25
alkafooKingsy: which mp4 player?18:25
skegeekDoes updatedb just update a list of installed packages or is there more to it?18:25
usr13Kingsy: Your file manager.18:25
usr13skegeek: no18:25
alkafooskegeek: it doesn't do that, it makes a database of file names/paths on your box18:26
alkafooskegeek: if you want something that doesn't rely on a database, use find18:26
usr13skegeek: The whole filesystem18:26
alkafooskegeek: if you want package info, use dpkg or aptitude18:26
usr13skegeek:  or apt-get18:26
Kingsyusr13: nautilus wouldnt work.. it needs to be "synced"18:28
Kingsyif you just copy the files then the mp3 player says "no media" under music18:28
usr13skegeek: If you want to see what you have installed, do  ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.list18:28
Kingsyalkafoo: its a samsung YP-K518:29
lauratikai will wipe a hard drive that has windows 7 right now, but want a dual boots with ubunutu...which one should i install first?... windows or linux18:29
Kingsyalkafoo: its just an mp3 player18:29
usr13Kingsy: It will if you reboot it.18:29
pyro_killerlaurtika: windows 718:29
AG1TWindows 718:29
Kingsyusr13: nope18:29
Kingsyusr13: it says "no file"18:30
Kingsyit needs to be "synced"18:30
alkafoolauratika: installing Windows first will save you a little time18:30
usr13Kingsy: I don't know what your problem is but I've done it plenty of times on several mp3 players and works just fine.18:30
usr13It will sync when it is re-started18:31
Kingsybanshee seems to detect it but then it vanishes from the list on the left hand side after a second or so18:31
KingsyI can still see it in nautilus tho18:31
alkafoolauratika: Windows and Linux both have their own boot loaders; if you install Ubuntu second, it should auto-configure to list both OSes at bootup; if you install Windows second, you have to go back and reconfigure manually18:31
Kingsyusr13: what do you mean? I have restarted the mp3 player..18:31
usr13Kingsy: Well, either the files are there or they are not.18:32
lauratikaalkafoo: so windows first will be, thanx18:32
usr13what kind of mp3 player is it?18:32
Kingsyusr13: its a samsung YP-K518:33
alkafooKingsy: http://www.google.com/search?q=%22yp-k5%22%20%22linux%2218:35
cyphaany way to get my system beeps working?18:37
pyro_killerin ubuntu server, are there any restriction files for apache2 that restricts speed to eaach individual user?18:41
Kartagishow can I fix this? http://pastebin.com/9RCae1JP18:41
antivirtelhi, can someone suggest me an SMS sending/reciving app? I have a "413c:8184 Dell F3607gw v2 Mobile Broadband Module" built in to my netbook. Please suggest me an app!18:42
Farghanyone running firefox to version 7 ?18:43
pyro_killerKartagis: are you building perl from source?18:44
skegeekIs Zend Optimizer in the repos?18:44
Kartagispyro_killer: no, I am installing packages18:45
pyro_killerkartagis: try running this command: sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales18:46
pyro_killerkartagis: if that really does nothing: Edit /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local and add the following line:18:47
pyro_killeren_GB ISO-8859--118:47
Kartagispyro_killer: http://pastebin.com/XFLzf5WJ18:47
Kartagispyro_killer: I don't have such a file18:48
pyro_killerKartagis: then create the file18:51
pyro_killeri still havent gotten any suport on my problem of a slow ubuntu server18:52
llutzKartagis: sudo dpkg-reconfigure locale18:52
Kartagisllutz: http://pastebin.com/Vk0VgTc118:54
llutzKartagis: sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales18:54
pyro_killeri stil say create the file and add the line18:54
Anarchy7how to copy a file from one place to another?18:55
jexmexfor some reason my windows drive is not showing up, well it is, but only "SYSTEM RESERVE"18:55
pyro_killerAnarchy7: cp /the/file /where/you/want/a/copy18:55
llutzKartagis: ubuntu seem to have a different way (debian here, sry) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Locale18:56
Anarchy7thanks pyro_killer18:58
Anarchy7how to get out of man?18:58
usr13jexmex: Where do you see "SYSTEM RESERVE"?18:58
usr13Anarchy7: q18:58
jexmexsidebar in the listings of Computer, it says  GB Hard Disk: SYSTEM RESERVED18:58
jexmexthats the drive windows is on, but all that is in there is boot folder and System Volume Information18:59
usr13jexmex: So, which partition is that?18:59
jexmexshould be c: drive18:59
usr13jexmex: So, which partition is that?18:59
jexmexnot following, sorry19:00
usr13jexmex: sudo fdisk -l19:00
usr13jexmex: sudo fdisk -l |pastebinit19:00
usr13and send resulting URL, we'll have a look19:00
usr13jexmex: mount  #See if it mounted now.19:01
=== ErikT is now known as Erik_T
Ellipsis753Is there like a website where I can find lots of nice little widget things for the bar at the top?19:01
icariousIs there an official free variant of ubuntu? with a blobfree kernel and libre packages ?19:01
X-warriorIs there a web music player for server ? Similar to transmission web but a music player?19:02
usr13jexmex: mount |pastebinit  #Send resulting URL and we'll have a look.19:02
jexmexi like that pastebinit program19:04
usr13jexmex: I see that you have  /dev/sda1 & /dev/sdf1 & /dev/sdf2  mounted.  What I do not see, are any Linux partitions. Are you booting to a LiveCD?  Or what? And what exactly are you wanting to do with this system?  (What is your end goal?)19:05
usr13or are you using wubi?19:05
jexmexits installed (I installed from windows installer)19:06
usr13jexmex: Yea, I like it too.19:06
usr13jexmex: So it is wubi?19:06
jexmexI just want functioning install, when I did install I did it because my now ex employee said that it would run in windows, but after I did install, he realized it would just install in windows, but then dual boot19:06
usr13!wubi | jexmex19:07
ubottujexmex: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe19:07
jexmexyeah pretty sure its wubi19:07
usr13jexmex: If you have a wubi install, I am not the one to help you.  I know little if anything about wubi.19:07
jexmexam I better off uninstalling it and do a regular dual boot install?19:07
usr13jexmex: Yes (IMHO)19:08
jexmexok I will do that later today, back to windows for me for now :)19:08
usr13or... not so humble  ....19:08
jexmexthanks for all your help though19:08
icariousdoes the "free software only" option during installation removes blobs from the kernel?19:08
usr13icarious: What is a blob?19:09
usr13Only thing I can associate is a very old SiFi movie.19:09
auronandaceusr13: i think he means binary blobs (like firmwares)19:10
tazaHow would I allow all users to update system?19:10
tazaJust update system, not do anything else admin-related19:10
X-warriorIs there a web music player for server ? Similar to transmission web but a music player?19:10
usr13taza: Include them in admin group19:10
tazausr13: No, that's a bad idea19:11
icariousyup i meant non-free binary blobs19:11
genii-aroundtaza: Alternately add an allowed entry in sudoers file specifically for some command like sudo apt-get upgrade19:11
usr13taza: What?  Allowing them to update the system?  Or...?19:11
tazaAlso a bad idea.19:11
icariousi want a clean blob free system. sticking to Debian cause of it. is there any way i can use a similar environment under ubuntu?19:11
tazaicarious: No19:12
icarioustaza: ok.19:12
taza(Okay fine IIRC there was an ubuntu derivative 100% binary blob free, but can't recall it.)19:12
usr13taza: So what do you suggest?19:12
tazausr13: I don't *know*, but I know that idea is a bad one too.19:12
Gentoo64X-warrior, i think mpd is not 100% sure19:13
icarioustaza: i guess you are talking about trisquel. but its not official19:13
usr13taza: Well, I guess it depends on what you consider good or bad.  Why don't YOU just do the updates?19:13
GOMIis it possible that things in /tmp are automaticlly get removed ??19:13
X-warriorGentoo64, thanks will take a look19:13
tazausr13: Would you stop asking me questions about why and help with the how?19:13
GOMIi put some things there but nowhere to find now19:13
usr13taza: I suppose you could use  a cron job to do it once in a while.  Set up some sort of schedule?19:14
tazaicarious: Yeah, no official way to do it IIRC. Debian's fine if you're skilled enough to care.19:14
usr13taza: What version of Ubuntu is it?19:14
tazausr13: 11.0419:14
icarioustaza: ya i guess so . they recently switched to blob-free since squeeze. anyways thanks mates19:14
Smilexhow do I see what architecture my Ubuntu is? e.g. x8619:15
Gentoo64icarious, why do you want this? for the sake of being 100% open?19:15
usr13taza: Is a cron job acceptable?19:15
GOMISmilex, uname19:15
adubzi have done a search in linux for something my first search gave 190 results my second only 19619:15
adubzhow can i determine the 6 that were not found in the second search19:16
SmilexGOMI, it just says 'Linux'19:16
genii-aroundSmilex: uname -i19:16
GOMISmilex, uname -a19:16
tazausr13: *sigh* No.19:16
adubzor how can i output to a txt file and compare to tiles and find the ones that are different between the two19:16
icariousGentoo64: yes, and plus you are forced to trust vendors not to put backdoors and spyware into the blobs. dont wanna do that.19:16
Smilexok, not to sound too stupid, what does x86_6419:16
genii-aroundSmilex: 64 bit19:16
Gentoo64icarious, depends what blobs. i trust nvidia19:16
icariousGentoo64: i trust nouveau :P19:17
Smilexgenii-around, and all this time I've been thinking it's 32bit. Thanks all anyway19:17
Gentoo64nvidia is too fast to compare though19:17
Gentoo64blobs arent bad...19:17
Gentoo64theyre blobs for a reason19:17
GOMIdoes the /tmp folder automatically empty it files  , because i know for sure i put some things there ....19:17
usr13taza: Well, if you werent opposed to giving some details about the system, we could probably give you more specific advise.   Why is it you can't do it from time to time.  You could use teamviewer and have them call you once a month or so and you could do it.19:17
icariousGentoo64: i am having same performance with DRI under nouveau as i did with nvidia-glx once. 120-125 fps for a game called urban terror19:18
Gentoo64old card?19:18
CoffeeIVGOMI: I think /tmp is cleaned on a reboot19:18
Gentoo64icarious, ^19:18
icariousGentoo64: 9400 GT,19:18
auronandace!attitude | taza19:18
ubottutaza: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines19:18
Gentoo64i dont believe you lol19:18
GOMICoffeeIV,  for real -_-!) ....that sucks19:18
Gentoo64no way is nouveau anywhere near as fast, never will be19:18
Gentoo64im on nouveau now19:19
usr13taza: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticSecurityUpdates19:19
icariousGentoo64: its true. under debian testing with libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental installed along with nouveau19:19
Gentoo64ok whatever19:19
tazaI won't have ACCESS to the hardware, and it's a kiosk machine.19:19
usr13taza: You are an idiot if you think you are going to get any more help from this channel.  I think you need to change your attitude.  I assure you that you are now on my ignore list.19:19
icariousthat made me to switch. even i was using the proprietary nvidia till last week. things are working fine.19:20
Gentoo64i use nouveau on my hardened desktop (which i would never use blobs) and i miss vdpau and the speed. nouveau does seem to strangely have a better image quality though19:21
tazaI still use proprietary nvidia, but then again, I like a little gaming19:21
GOMICoffeeIV,  is it possible to get things back or is that the end ?19:21
Gentoo64mplayer2 tears with nouveau, dont with vdpau19:21
icariousGentoo64: a few minor glitches are there i agree. but its workable . and 3d gaming performance is pretty good. so its fine with me.anyways i guess this is offtopic here . cause i am not a ubuntu guy :P19:22
Gentoo64me neither, but were not talking about distros19:22
icariouswe are having blob wars haha. yes you do need nvidia-settings. specially for dualhead19:23
vachocan someone please help me? I am getting this error : http://pastebin.com/1gjHzqV5 after following this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PHPOracle19:23
Gentoo64ah idk i dont use dual, or nvidia settings. nouveau is improving though a lot of work goes into it19:23
vachoI get the error after runnig sudo pecl install oci819:23
icariousi had dualhead before. with nvidia-settings i could configure both of the displays to spawn two different x screens. with nouveau i couldnt .19:25
vachoanyone please?19:25
CoffeeIVGOMI: if you rebooted and lost data in /tmp , it is probably the end.  However, if it is worth it to you to spend some time for a small chance at getting all the files back but without their original file names, then turn off the computer now, and do some research on finding a live CD with forensic tools on it that you can use to examine the disk19:26
Gentoo64GOMI, it empties on boot, so i think if you havent rebooted go into a livecd and they could be there still19:27
CoffeeIVGOMI: it's possible, but it might not be worth it.  It's not rocket science, but for a lot of new linux people, booting a live CD and scaning disk images and such would be the most advanced thing they'd ever done19:27
* conntrack- chuckles19:30
* alkafoo chuckles louder19:31
davis_will ever ubuntu support games like GTA 4, Portal 2, Black-Ops or type-like?19:31
Gentoo64not without wine19:31
ActionParsnipdavis_: check the wine appdb19:31
alkafoodavis_: it's up to the game developers to make them more cross platform friendly19:31
Gentoo64linux doesnt have DX only opengl19:32
Gentoo64and almost all games use dx19:32
ActionParsnipdavis_: games like doom3 have native installers, go moan to your short sighted game developers19:32
* conntrack- is listening to foofighters - Pretender19:32
auronandace!ot conntrack-19:32
ActionParsnipconntrack-: nobody cares19:32
tazaPretty much all Humble Bundle games run on Linux19:32
auronandace!ot | conntrack-19:32
ubottuconntrack-: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:32
ActionParsnipdavis_: its the responsibilities of games devs to either make games run nice in wine, or make a native installer19:33
arieshi guys19:33
arieshi guys19:33
arieshi guys19:33
FloodBot1aries: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:34
ActionParsniphi aries19:34
arieshi guys19:34
alkafooreally even if they used DirectX but programmed their games better, they'd work via Wine19:34
FloodBot1aries: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:34
alkafooplenty of decently programmed DirectX games work via Wine just fine19:34
FloodBot1aries: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:34
GOMITHANKS  for the tips , will try them out19:37
KartagisI've updated /etc/adduser.conf to have the users' HOME under /srv/www, the directory and the user's own directory exists (I've checked), but when I do su - user, I get No directory, logging in with HOME=/. why?19:37
Ghostx562Hello using ubutn natty and i can't connect to the internet anymore need help to reconfig my connection19:39
pyro_killerpost your ifconfig?19:39
Ghostx562Im using my laptop, how would i copy it here?19:40
Ghostx562ubuntu natty is on a desktop19:40
jcphami always troubleshoot network issues by pinging things19:40
jcphamso ifconfig19:40
suniceGhostx562: Are you using the GUI, or did you make changes to /etc/network/interfaces?19:40
jcphamping localhost. if localhost responds network most likely works19:41
Ghostx562using GUI, i restarted my pc and now network won't connect19:41
Ghostx562jcpham, just pinged localhost19:41
KartagisI've updated /etc/adduser.conf to have the users' HOME under /srv/www, the directory and the user's own directory exists (I've checked), but when I do su - user, I get No directory, logging in with HOME=/. why?19:41
jcphamthen ping your gateway19:41
jcphamthen try to ping something public like
suniceGhostx562: when you do the ifconfig, do you have an IP?19:42
Ghostx562its still popping up on terminal saying 64 bytes from localhost ( icmp_req## ttl=64 time=0.055 ms19:42
jcphamctrl c19:42
Ghostx562for inet address it shows
Ghostx562and mask
jcphamthats lo19:43
jcphamno eth019:43
Ghostx562eth0 doesn't show an IP19:44
alkafoolower than lo =P19:44
jcphamwho knows the dhclient command to release and renew?19:44
suniceGhostx562: do you have connectivity lights on the ethernet?19:45
Kartagisdhclient -k I think19:45
Ghostx562sunice, not on my router, it isn't flashing19:45
sunicejcpham: ifup ifdow19:45
jcphamsounds like a hardware problem or dhcp19:45
Ghostx562nor on the back19:45
sunicejcpham: ifdown eth019:45
Ghostx562ifdown: faild to open statefile /var/run/network/ifstate: permission denied19:46
jcphamGhostx562, see sunice's comments on ways to release/renew enable/diasable19:46
Ghostx562using sudo i get, RTNETLINK answers: no such process19:47
Ghostx562using sudo ifdown eth019:47
Ghostx562just tried ifup19:47
afeijohey guys, how can I remove a folder named -files ?19:47
cootHello, how to upgrade kubuntu 9.10 to kubuntu 11.04 at once?19:48
jcphamsudo cat /etc/network/interfaces19:48
xangua coot clean install19:48
jcphamwait on the new version it isn't there anymore is it19:48
usr13alkafoo: rm -rf19:48
jcphami quit19:48
cootxangua: thanks.19:49
Ghostx562jcpham, i get auto eth019:49
jcphamI'd verify the NIC has a link light19:49
Ghostx562iface eth0 inet dhcp19:49
jcphamauto eth0 is dhcp19:49
jcphamyeah that's normal19:49
brunnerwhich process or package is it that monitors the link state of my NIC and executes DHCP requests when a cable is connected?19:49
Ghostx562jcp, yep green light and a yellow one19:50
ikoniabrunner: that will be done through gnome-network-manager normally19:50
KartagisI've updated /etc/adduser.conf to have the users' HOME under /srv/www, the directory and the user's own directory exists (I've checked), but when I do su - user, I get No directory, logging in with HOME=/. why?19:50
brunnerikonia: got it.  so if I have a system that doesn't have X installed, it won't do that, correct?19:50
jcphamso you have a link. check19:50
jcphamlocalhost responds to pings19:50
ikoniabrunner: depends if you configure it through /etc/network/interfaces, if you don't, no, it won't19:51
Ghostx562try to ping the gateway?19:51
jcphambut eth0 is nowhere to be seen19:51
Ghostx562gateway is right?19:51
jcphamifconfig and tell me19:51
ikoniaKartagis: grep $username /etc/passwd and lets see the restuls (it contains no password inforamtion)19:51
Ghostx562jcp, i get Connect: Network is unreachable19:52
brunnerikonia: I want it to act the way gnome-network-manager does, where it does a DHCP request any time a cable is plugged in19:52
Kartagisikonia: vetbbc.com:x:1000:100:BBC Veteriner Klinigi,,,:/srv/www/vetbbc.com:/bin/bash19:52
jcphamdmesg |grep eth019:52
ikoniaKartagis: ok, so that's all set spot on, look at the permissions on the home dir as I suspect that's the issue19:52
ikoniabrunner: if you configure it in the /etc/network/interfaces file, it will19:53
Kartagisikonia: 600, maybe that's why?19:53
soreauafeijo: rm -rf -- -files19:53
ikoniaKartagis: is the user the owner ?19:53
brunnerikonia: okay, because I thought turning on dhcp via the interfaces file would just cause it to do a DHCP request when the machine is turned on19:53
ikoniaKartagis: (and look at the permissions on /srv and /srv/www as the user needs to be able to get into them to see his home dir19:53
Kartagisikonia: yes19:53
ikoniabrunner: well, it will, but the cables not plugged in, so it will keep going19:53
ikoniaKartagis: if you su - $user19:54
afeijosoreau, now my friend said he need to access that folder, is that possible?19:54
ikoniaKartagis: can you then cd into the home dir ?19:54
Ghostx562jcpham, use pastebin for outcome?19:54
afeijocd -- -files worked19:54
afeijothanks soreau !!19:54
=== rochild is now known as Sarayu
soreauafeijo: The special option -- means "end of options" to every POSIX command except echo and test. E.g., mv -- *.png /somedir # see also http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/dict/terms/end_of_options19:55
Kartagisikonia: permission denied19:55
ikoniaKartagis: we have a winner !19:55
brunnerikonia: but you're saying there's a way to configure the interfaces file to do a dhcp request each time a cable is plugged in?19:55
Kartagisikonia: /srv/ and /srv/www are botb 75519:55
ikoniabrunner: it will do that automatically19:55
ikoniabrunner: if you configure it in /etc/network/interfaces, it will do it19:55
ikoniaKartagis: ls -la /srv (pastebin please)19:55
Ghostx562jcpham, http://paste.ubuntu.com/698697/19:56
jcphamthat looks like ahardware problem or dhcp problem to me19:56
jcphami'm looking19:56
wcchandlerwhen I'm shutting down it fails...  is there a log file of the messages from shutting down?  I want to know where it stops/hangs at19:56
Kartagisikonia: http://pastebin.com/QbNaKSrE19:57
Ghostx562jcpham, rebooting router now19:57
brunnerikonia: got it, thanks19:57
jcphamAnyone have a second opinion on Ghostx562's paste above?19:57
Ghostx562jcpham, this happened after removing moblock19:57
brunnerikonia: is there a special command to make it behave that way?19:57
jcphami'm googling what moblock is ;p19:58
ikoniabrunner: no19:58
Ghostx562jcpham, got it workign19:58
ikoniaKartagis: ls -la /srv/www19:58
Ghostx562seems it needed a router reset19:58
Ghostx562gonna ping an ip now19:58
jcphamgo figure :)19:58
brunnerikonia: so "auto eth0" and "iface eth0 inet dhcp" will do the trick?19:58
ikoniabrunner: looks spot on19:59
Kartagisikonia: drwx------ 3 vetbbc.com users 4096 Sep 28 23:57 vetbbc.com19:59
KartagisI'm guessing 600 was the problem19:59
ikoniaKartagis: no19:59
ikoniaKartagis: can you run "id" on the user vetbbc.com20:00
ikoniaKartagis: 600 is a good permission20:00
Ghostx562jcpham, thanks when you said hardware i just unplugged my router and it worked again20:00
brunnerikonia: awesome. thanks so much :D20:00
Kartagisikonia: uid=1000(vetbbc.com) gid=100(users) groups=100(users)20:00
jcphamGhostx562 you can now troubleshoot a debin network problem!20:00
ikoniaKartagis: that should be fine20:00
ikoniaKartagis: can the user get into /srv ?20:00
jcphamthe only other issue would have been if you had NO eth0 and that would've most likely been a driver issue20:00
Ghostx562jcpham, i hope so20:01
Kartagisikonia: yes, and /srv/www too. 700 fixed it though20:01
ikoniaKartagis: why do you need write access ?20:02
ikoniaKartagis: most odd20:02
ikoniaKartagis: glad your fixed20:02
Kartagisikonia: thanks20:02
staff_nowahi anybody programming in prolog ? have question20:03
ikoniastaff_nowa: no, this is ubuntu support, not prolog20:04
nnhow do i run a binary file that opens default in gedit?20:04
nnis there a command?20:04
xanguann: right clic-properties-run as program20:04
nni dont see that option anywhere20:05
nnanyone know anything about waf? im trying to install/compile some python scripts and im totally lost20:06
deadpoolhey guys I am trying to install ubuntu 11.04, I downloaded the image from the website a few times and burned them onto the ct, but I was unable to install it from the reboot20:06
deadpoolso I ended up downloading a torrent taht someone told me would work20:06
deadpooland it did install but I didn't know it was ubuntu server20:06
deadpoolcan I still use the regular ubuntu with the GUI from there?20:07
genii-arounddeadpool: Just install package ubuntu-desktop20:07
Kartagisikonia: how do I fix http://pastebin.com/cj1nyvSV ?20:07
deadpoolwhere do I do that20:07
ikoniaKartagis: they are just warnings,20:07
Kartagisikonia: I've tried dpkg-reconfigure locales20:07
ikoniaKartagis: it's shell parameters, not system20:07
ikoniaKartagis: are they causing you a problem ?20:08
genii-arounddeadpool: eg: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop20:08
Kartagisikonia: I don't to get them20:08
Kartagiswant to*20:08
deadpooloh ok thanks geniil, I am switching from windows to ubuntu20:08
paulus68ikonia do you ever sleep ;)20:08
ikoniaKartagis: sorry what ?20:09
ikoniapaulus68: sometimes20:09
Kartagisikonia: I don't want to get them20:09
ikoniaKartagis: why ? are they causing you problems ?20:09
ikoniaKartagis: they are just warnings20:09
paulus68ikonia: most of the time when I am connecting you are wondering arround to oops that's just indicating that I don't sleep much either :)20:09
Kartagisikonia: I didn't receive them before, and I'm afraid they might cause trouble in the future20:10
ikoniaKartagis: they shouldn't do, hence them being warnings20:10
nn'bash: ./waf no such file or directory'20:11
nnhow would i install waf20:11
ikoniann: what do the instructions say20:11
nnyeah i dont understand the majority of the instructions actually20:11
Ep1kMalwarehai guyz.20:11
ikoniann: what does it actually say to do20:12
Ep1kMalwareI need a little help, I'm a freebsd user and I've had some concerns about this ubuntu box.20:12
Ep1kMalwareIt's not making sense.20:12
ikoniaEp1kMalware: just ask20:12
Ep1kMalwareit's mounted on sda3, sda2, sda1, sda0 and hda* don't exist.20:13
Ep1kMalwareand it's making editing fstab a complete mess.20:13
genii-aroundEp1kMalware: Ubuntu uses libata which makes all drives appear as sdX20:13
ikoniaEp1kMalware: that's fine, hdX doesn't exist any more due to libata, and sda0 is never a device, it starts at 120:13
Ep1kMalwaregenii-around: I've done the same modifaction only last week and / was mounted on /dev/hda020:13
=== dream is now known as fdsadsa
Ep1kMalwarewhy does it start at 1?20:14
* Ep1kMalware facepalms20:14
Ep1kMalwarealright, thanks.20:14
nn^ thats what it says to do20:15
nnbut ./waf doesnt do anything20:15
nnand i dont know how to install it20:15
ikoniann: are you fdsadsa ?20:15
ikoniann: ok, so are you in the same directory as the "waf" file ?20:16
nnyeah ive tried running it but it doesnt change anything when i try to ./waf20:16
nnand yes im in the folder with the binary file or whatever20:16
ikoniann: that's not what I asked20:16
ikoniann: please run "ls -la waf" and pastebin the output20:16
sven_hi! i just booted my well working 11.4, 64bit, lvm2-root-on-sda5 system with a system that is basically the same just 32bit and sdb.... how can i access my lvm partitions?20:17
nnno such file or directory20:17
ikoniann: so you're not in the same directory as it20:17
nnhow do i know what the right dir is20:17
tomodachisven_: does the decies pop up if you type lvdisplay20:17
ikoniann: where did you put it20:18
=== sysadamin is now known as syadamin|away
sven_tomodachi, nope, just my usbsticks (sdb) devices :/20:18
nnits in /dream/drobilla-lad20:18
ikoniann: then change to that directory and run it20:18
ikoniann: that is "change directory"20:18
sven_tomodachi, just to mention, my sda still works fine, i can boot it etc. just need to access some data (need 32bit for that)20:20
nnit says -rwxr-xr-x 1 dream dream 89530 2011-09-26 05:56 waf (in green)20:20
Dalek`does anyone know how to install Free Rapid Downloaded in Ubuntu 11.04?20:20
nndo i need to run it from the drobilla folder? cuz i just copy pasted it to the /dream/ folder20:21
ikoniann: now try to run it20:21
ikoniann: you can run it from where ever you want20:21
skegeekIs there any reason for a server to have two 512 Swap partitions?20:21
nnhow do i cd to the /dream/drobilla dir20:21
ikoniaskegeek: are they on different partitions ?20:21
ikoniann: cd /dream/drobilla20:21
nni tried that20:22
soreaunn: You may need to specify the complete path20:22
nndream is my home dir20:22
paulus68nn:  pay attention it's case sensitive20:22
skegeekThey're virtual machine swap images.20:22
ikoniann: can you start giving more info, "what did it say when you tried" for example20:22
nnso i dont know what would come before that20:22
soreaunn: cd ~/dream/drobilla20:22
soreaunn: Or cd $HOME/dream/drobilla20:23
paulus68nn:  Or cd /home/dream/drobilla20:23
nnk im in the right dir now20:23
nnit was ~/drobilla20:23
soreaunn: or /home/username/dream/drobilla20:24
=== Hunter is now known as Guest7635
nnnow im trying to configure waf and it keeps saying 'configuration failed'20:26
nnthe commands are in that pastebin20:26
ikoniann: what options did you pass it20:26
soreaunn: You may need to install dependencies.. (haven't seen your pastebin)20:27
Simone1arr wheres the channel for backtrack20:27
jimubaocd ~/dream20:27
soreau! compile | nn20:27
ubottunn: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall20:27
ikoniaskegeek: #backtrack-linux20:27
fdsadsa./waf configure --prefix=/usr/local --debug --strict20:27
qin!bt | Simone120:27
ikoniasoreau: just needs python20:27
jimubao! compile20:27
soreauikonia: k20:27
ikoniafdsadsa: just issue "./waf configure"20:27
ikoniasoreau: thats what the docs say, I don't believe it though20:27
soreauikonia: Can I see the output?20:27
jman88888does anybody know how to make the touchpad less screwy with a Macbook Late 2009?20:28
=== quiesense is now known as quiescens
soreauok, now I'm confused20:29
soreaufdsadsa == nn?20:29
=== fdsadsa is now known as nn2
guntbertSimone1:  #backtrack-linux20:29
ikoniann: you're missing software package pkg-config20:29
ikoniasoreau: and there is the lives, it also needs pkgconfig20:29
genii-around!backtrack | Simone120:29
ubottuSimone1: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition20:29
nnhow do i install that20:30
ikonia!info pkgconfig20:30
ubottuPackage pkgconfig does not exist in natty20:30
ikonia!info pkg-config20:30
ubottupkg-config (source: pkg-config): manage compile and link flags for libraries. In component main, is optional. Version 0.25-1.1ubuntu1 (natty), package size 38 kB, installed size 148 kB20:30
ikoniann: install the package pkg-config20:30
ikoniann: have you ever used any linux before ?20:30
nnnot until like 2 days ago20:31
skegeekI am not looking for security,  I'm just not sure why my server needs two 512 Swap images versus only one or just a 1G image.20:31
soreauikonia: His configure output says pkg-config is installed..20:31
nni just looked in the software center20:31
ikoniasoreau: so it does, well spotted20:31
nnand yeah its already installed20:31
ikonialv2core ?20:31
soreauikonia: I'm looking for the other dep and not finding much for lv2core yet20:31
ikoniasoreau: me neither20:31
ikoniann: side issue, take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com to get an overview/introduction on how to use ubuntu20:32
soreauikonia: Ah, it's very old...20:32
nni get most of it.. its just some instructions are kind of over my head20:32
ikoniasoreau: you found it ?20:32
obxguys what's a better twitter client for ubuntu20:32
soreauikonia: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/lv2core20:32
ikoniann: you can't say "you get most of it" when you can't change directory.20:32
obxcause tweetdeck is failing me20:32
ikoniann: you need to pickup the basics from https://help.ubuntu.com20:32
obxdid tweetdeck remove the deckly support or something cause i can't do long updates anymore20:33
ikoniasoreau: ok, so not in natty then....great20:33
ikonia!info lv2core20:33
ubottulv2core (source: lv2core): The LV2 audio plugin specification. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0-3 (natty), package size 15 kB, installed size 112 kB20:33
ikoniaahhh its there20:33
TrueColorsHow would you give a file write permissions? sudo chmod +w /path/to/file ?20:33
ikoniann: you need to install the package lv2core20:34
ikoniasoreau: good fine20:34
nnyeah i just did20:34
nnbut it says the same thing when i waf configure20:34
nndo i need to restart terminal or something20:34
ikoniann: how did you install it ?20:34
soreauikonia: Were you grepping for 'dev' too? ;)20:34
nnfrom the software center20:34
sven_any hints on the lvm2 thingy? i notice that pvscan does only see the pv on /dev/dm-0, and there does not seem to be a /dev/dm-n device for sda5 - but i dont know how this would be created :/20:34
ikoniasoreau: maybe......20:34
beefman_hi.  just did upgrade to 11.04 and lost my grub installation...  i got to the grub rescue prompt, found my hd, set it, set the initrd, now am in it, but dunno what to do next.  any advice?20:35
soreauhm hm hm20:35
ikoniann: why do you want this waf ? do you know what it is ?20:35
ikoniann: I've just read what it is and I'm concerned it may not be what you're expecting20:35
nni have to have it to install an audio suite20:35
soreauikonia: Looks like that package doesn't provide any development headers but there's no corresponding -dev package for it20:36
nnand it requires ./waf to compile python20:36
nni believe20:36
ikoniann: are you sure ?20:36
ikoniann: what audio package20:36
ejerbeefman_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling_GRUB220:36
ikoniann: I'd be VERY surprised if it needed waf20:36
soreauikonia: I believe waf is an uncommon build system20:36
obxanybody? rofl20:36
soreauikonia: Some packages use it20:37
nnthe only instructions included are ./waf commands20:37
ikoniasoreau: correct,20:37
ikoniasoreau: hence my concern this may not have been what nn what expecting20:37
beefman_ejer: will a 10.04 cd have boot repair?20:37
beefman_compatible with 11.04?20:37
soreauikonia: Why not? I don't see any packages for drobilla..20:38
ejerbeefman_, don't think so...20:38
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nni installed the packages with svn20:38
genii-around!info tweetdeck20:38
ubottuPackage tweetdeck does not exist in natty20:38
ikoniasoreau: based on the basic issues we where seeing, I was concerned that nn wasn't actually expecting this to be a set of tools for building software20:38
nnbut i cant install/compile them w/o waf i dont think20:38
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ejerbeefman_, I would grab the new livecd if I were you20:38
ikoniann: which packages did you install20:38
nnall of them20:39
ikoniann: all of what ?20:39
jman88888does anybody know how to make the touchpad less screwy with a Macbook Late 2009?20:39
ikoniaam I missing something ?20:39
nnhttp://drobilla.net/software/ingen/ everything listen on the top left of that page20:39
nnit did it all auto with svn20:39
ikoniann: if you've installed them ? how did you do it without waf ?20:39
ikoniasvn auto built them ?20:39
nnno it just installed a bunch of script files and stuff20:40
ikoniann: ok, so you just downloaded the source code20:40
nnpretty much i think20:40
jman88888Can anybody see these messages?20:40
aeon-ltdjman88888: yes20:40
jman88888aeon-ltd: thanks20:41
ejerjman88888, less screwy is not really enough info20:41
sven_lvm2 thingy is resolved, first had to cryptsetup the device...20:41
ejerjman88888, check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook5-2/Natty#Trackpad20:41
jman88888ejer: oh sorry i mean its like sticky seemingly, and if i have 2 fingers on it it doesnt move.20:41
soreaunn: Those screenshots look nice and all but have you explored other alternatives that are much easier to install such as ardour?20:42
ejerjman88888, do sudo dmidecode -s system-product-name - so we know what model u have20:42
jman88888Macbook 6,120:42
ArsaneritI have sound through 'oss', but not through 'alsa'; e.g., if I play 'mplayer' just like that, it is silent, but 'mplayer -ao oss' gives sound. Flash @ Firebox has no sound. I can't find the appropiate configuration in "Sound and Video Configuration". In alsamixer nothing of relevance is muted. How do I get my sound in Alsa to work? I've been through https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting but I do have sound in some ...20:42
ikoniann: is there a file called "config.cache" in that directory ?20:42
Arsanerit... circumstances, just not in others...20:42
ikonia(the waf directory)20:42
nnyeah i have but this one ive used before20:42
lsvif there is a bug with NetworkManager in Red Hat Enterprise is that bug also in Ubuntu or is it a different NetworkManager?20:42
ikonialsv: same product, different version/dependencies20:43
lsvthis is why I ask --> http://www.hispasec.com/unaaldia/4719  (it is in spanish though)20:43
nnnope in /drobilla theres folders of all the progs, an install readme, a readme, a waf binary and a wscript20:43
lsvikonia: thanks20:43
ikoniann: no config.cache though ?20:43
sburwood1Where do I go for a Wifi (if possible N and, why not N300) solution for my desktop?20:44
genii-around!hcl | sburwood120:45
ubottusburwood1: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection20:45
ikoniann: one moment20:45
ikoniasoreau: have you actually got an ubuntu box at hand20:45
soreauikonia: yes20:45
soreaua couple20:45
ejerjman88888, you can check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook6-1/Lucid#Trackpad20:45
nnwhat does it mean to check out a directory?20:45
sburwood1genii-around: Thx.  I'm going to look into that20:45
ikoniasoreau: can you look for me what the lv2core package actually has in it ?20:45
soreaunn: It's basically downloading a snapshot of the development directory20:45
soreauikonia: Sure, it's right here http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/all/lv2core/filelist20:46
ikoniasoreau: bravo20:46
soreauoh it does have dev stuff...20:46
soreauoverlooked it20:46
mr_robotoAlguém sabe algum programa legal para programar php no ubuntu sem ser o eclipse?20:47
ikoniasoreau: 1 header and 1 package config file20:47
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soreauso pkg-config should find it20:47
=== venom is now known as figueredo
soreaunn: Does 'echo $PKG_CONFIG_PATH' show anything?20:48
monkadelicdHas anyone here installed Packet Tracer on 11.04?20:48
nnwtf i have lv2core installed but i keeps saying not found in the ./waf configure20:48
soreaunn: What does 'pkg-config --modversion lv2core' say?20:48
nni guess i need 4.020:49
soreaunn: Does /usr/lib/pkgconfig/lv2core.pc exist?20:49
monkadelicdAnyone have experience with Cisco Packet Tracer?20:49
jribsoreau: i just noticed your last line and have no clue if you have checked this but this sounds like a "i compiled my own pkg-config to /usr/local" problem20:49
monkadelicdspecifically installing?20:49
ejerpretty doubtful monkadelicd20:50
ikoniajrib: I really REALLY hope not20:50
nnhow do i get the newest lv2core installed?20:50
soreaunn: Well you may have to build lv2core yourself too then20:50
soreaujrib: I don't think this is the case but anything is possible20:50
soreaunn: What is the output of 'which pkg-config'?20:50
ikoniann: please show me the output of "which pkg-config"20:50
monkadelicdok... I'm not very experienced with Ubuntu or Linux in general but I'm no moron...20:50
ikoniamonkadelicd: no-one is saying you're a mornon20:51
monkadelicdI installed packet tracer from a .bin file and I can't find it anywhere in the installed applications on 11.0420:51
nnfsda /usr/bin/pkg-config20:51
monkadelicdwhere can I look?20:51
ikoniamonkadelicd: it won't be20:51
ikoniamonkadelicd: it won't update the menus as it's a binary file20:51
ikoniamonkadelicd: the documentation should tell you where it installs to20:51
monkadelicdeverything I'20:51
ejermonkadelicd, you installed it using WINE right20:52
ikoniann: ls -la /usr/lib/pkgconfig/lv2core.pc20:52
monkadelicdI installed it from the terminal20:52
ikoniamonkadelicd: the documentation should tell you where it installs to20:52
monkadelicdthe documentation says I should find it under internet applications but its not there20:52
jribmonkadelicd: log out and back in20:52
ikoniaI don't think it's going to update the menu20:53
PolahWhat's the keyboard shortcut to show all current windows in GNOME? Similar to Super+S to show all workspaces.20:53
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)20:53
monkadelicdthere's no other way to refresh the menu?20:53
ejermonkadelicd, can you point to where you got the software from?20:53
monkadelicdthat's fine for me...just wondering if that's the only way20:53
jribmonkadelicd: you're using unity?20:54
monkadelicdI got it from the Cisco Netacad...no download link...have to use login20:54
monkadelicdjrib: yes20:54
Axlin|MBPolah: Super+W20:54
jribmonkadelicd: then I have no clue :)20:54
RobbieCrashI have a promise 'raid' card that I'm using as an additional SATA controller, the drives which are attached to it are part of a ZFS pool. At reboot, these devices are normally initialized as /dev/sd[e-h]. However, sometimes they're initialized before the disks attached directly to my motherboard, which causes the ZFS pool to think that they've failed, and it then fails to mount the pool. How20:54
RobbieCrashcan I make sure that the devices are always initialized in the same order at boot?20:54
PolahAxlin|MB: That's the one, thank you.20:54
nn-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 194 (date) (time) /usr/lub/pkgconfig/lv2core.pc20:54
ubuntutesthoe kan ik thunderbrid 7 nl installeren20:54
soreaunn: So remove the lv2core package and get the source instead with this command: svn co http://lv2plug.in/repo/trunk20:55
ubuntutesthow to install thunderbird 720:55
ubottuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl20:55
monkadelicdjrib: thanks! I'll try to log out and back in20:55
nnwhat will having the source allow me to do?20:55
ejerRobbieCrash, something like this http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-assign-static-names-to-scsi-devices.html but make sure the udev rules you use are valid (old article)20:56
soreaunn: If you need lv2core, you need to build it yourself since natty only has 3.0 packaged20:56
jman88888Is it better to install 10.4 or 10.10 beta if i plan on going to 10.10 when it releases?20:56
soreaunn: If you need lv2core 4.0, that is20:56
ikoniajman88888: 10.10 is already released20:56
ikoniajman88888: it's been out almost a year20:56
jman88888err 11.1020:57
jman88888and 11.420:57
ikoniajman88888: always use stable versions20:57
jman88888Cool thanks20:57
soreaunn: After checking out the source with that svn command, use this to build it: cd trunk; python2 ./waf configure --prefix=/usr --mandir=/usr/share/man && python2 waf20:57
nnalright its downloaded with svn now what?20:58
Arsanerithttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting  ought to link to  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems20:58
nnugh i still need waf to install lv220:59
soreaunn: svn co <URL> means 'use subversion to checkout this repository'20:59
nnwtffffffffffffff that was the whole problem with ./waf20:59
nnthat i need lv2 to get waf to work20:59
ejernn, what software are you trying to install exactly from http://drobilla.net/20:59
ikoniann: tone down the language pplease.20:59
nnall of it21:00
jribnn: now you know why package managers exist :)21:00
nnyeah for retards like em21:00
soreaunn: waf should be in the trunk directory you just checked out. Try 'ls' command to see the contents of a directory21:00
ejernn, I think you probably would do better using more supported software21:00
ejernn, ardour can do all this21:00
jribnn: no, for everyone21:00
soreauejer: I suggested this already21:01
ejernn, this is awesome http://ubuntustudio.org/21:01
nnhmm i just configured lv2 from the trunk dir and everything went smoothly21:01
OnryoWhere are the sha256sum (md5 whatever) for the server iso of Ubuntu? Need to verify the images integrity after download.21:01
Pici!hashes | Onryo21:02
ubottuOnryo: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.21:02
Onryoubottu, thx21:02
RobbieCrashejer thanks!21:02
soreaunn: After you get it installed, check which version is reported by the output of 'pkg-config --modversion lv2core'21:02
soreaunn: Then run the other thing you were trying to configure, if it reports 4.021:02
nnok i configured and built lv2 smoothly but when i try to install it gives me a bunch of errors21:03
soreaunn: Use sudo for the last command.. if they're permissions errors21:04
nnhow do i do that? whats the whole command?21:04
soreau! who | nn21:04
ubottunn: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:04
nnand i think theyre just dir errors21:05
TRACYHi ,is there any linux distros which allow to connect to wireless with channel 13 , because UBUNTU allows just from 1-11 ?21:05
ikoniaTRACY: we only support ubuntu here21:05
soreaunn: sudo python2 waf21:05
nnpython2 command not found21:05
soreaunn: Does 'which python2' show anything?21:06
Picisoreau: that should be python2.5 or 2.6 or 2.whatever, or just python.21:06
soreauPici: I'm getting there ;)21:06
suniceDanish_: do you have a static ip? that nats to your internal address?21:06
RCAJDTI'm trying to use the Serato Audio Interface (USB) with mixx or xwax. It shows up in alsa mixer, and it's listed under sound cards, but neither mixxx nor xwax recognize hw121:07
nnand no python2 shows nothing21:07
soreaunn: Well you need to start over then and use python instead of python221:07
soreaunn: python ./waf configure --prefix=/usr --mandir=/usr/share/man && python waf21:07
nnalright just ran that command smoothly now what21:09
soreaunn: After you get it installed, check which version is reported by the output of 'pkg-config --modversion lv2core'21:09
soreau! who | nn21:09
soreauubottu: ping21:09
ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...21:09
soreau! who | nn21:10
ubottunn: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:10
nni cant install it21:10
nnim gonna pastebin the ./waf install output21:10
soreaunn: You see how I prefix my messages to you with 'nn:'? This is so your irc client highlights you.21:11
soreauLook what happens when I don't use your nick21:11
soreaunn: It's good practice in a larger channel such as this to prefix your messages with the nick of the person you're talking to so they get highlighted too21:12
soreaunn: You can use 'sor<tab>' to auto complete my nick, for example21:12
nnsoreau http://pastebin.com/jGMnJzLK21:12
soreauHow very uninformative21:13
nnyeah im lost21:13
sburwood1I've another question : I'm living in Belgium, but want - actually NEED - a way to get a desktop to do Wifi N.  What would anyone suggest for a solution ... PCI or PCIE or USB that would be garanteed to work?  Also, what is the best, N, N150 or N300?21:14
soreaunn: And to be honest, you're really on your own when it comes to building software. We only support official ubuntu packages here21:14
soreau! compile | nn21:14
ubottunn: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall21:14
soreaunn: You can also ask in other channels such as ##linux21:14
* miadbahrami how too add ppk in ubuntu21:14
soreaumiadbahrami: ppk?21:14
* miadbahrami ppk in vpn21:15
nncould it be because i already have an older version of lv2 installed?21:15
vnhi, when I edit crontab -e, is it supposed to reload automatically in order to see what new tasks it has or do I need to do something?21:15
soreaunn: Could be anything.21:15
Picivn: What do you mean by 'reload automatically?'  It just loads up what the current user's crontab looks like.21:15
soreaunn: When you compile source code, you're about two steps away from development, in which case you have to figure a lot out on your own21:16
varikonniemihello. Is it a known bug that the recycle bing thinks it is full, even though it is empty?21:16
* miadbahrami I am from Iran and the new Linux can help me please21:16
jribvarikonniemi: maybe the partition it is on is full?21:16
nnsweet i got it21:16
kingfarvitodoes anyone here use xournal?21:17
soreaumiadbahrami: For one, you don't need to use /me when typing messages21:17
sburwood1miadbahrami: Do you have a specific question?21:17
miadbahramisoreau: how to add ppk vpn in ubuntu21:17
soreaukingfarvito: nope21:17
nnhow do i run lv2config?21:17
jribkingfarvito: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)21:17
soreau! anyone | kingfarvito21:17
ubottukingfarvito: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.21:17
edwardpatchhow are21:17
miadbahramisoreau: ok21:17
kingfarvitoIs there a way to add searchable tags in xournal?21:17
lsvmiadbahrami: search telecomix or go to telecomix.org21:18
edwardpatchhello no one talks any more :(21:18
Picimiadbahrami: What is 'ppk'?21:18
Piciedwardpatch: This channel is for support only.  If you want to chat, theres #ubuntu-offtopic.21:18
nnugh i ./waf install the updated lv2 but the modversion still shows 3.021:19
soreaunn: try removing lv2core package first?21:20
kingfarvitowell then, lets give this a shot, is there a way to make text in xournal searchable?21:21
StryKaizerHow can I save my window positions for each boot? (using gnome, no unity)21:22
soreauStryKaizer: About the best thing you can do is set windows to open in the same place each time21:23
=== Shadows`sleep is now known as SoulShadow
edwardpatchi love fax21:24
soreauedwardpatch: What does this have to do with ubuntu?21:24
StryKaizersoreau, is this by rightclicking the titlebar and clicking "Always on visible workspace", or is there another setting for that?21:25
StryKaizersoreau, nvm, its defenitly somethign else :)21:25
zillyWhat's the easiest way to disable PulseAudio?21:25
soreauStryKaizer: If you use compiz, you can set fixed positions in ccsm>Place Windows plugin21:25
nn52Hello! I've DVD Video ( 4,2gb) i want compress to AVI (Xvid od DivX) to abount 990mb. How to? or any gui program?.21:25
soreauzilly: service pulseaudio stop?21:25
zillysoreau, thanks!21:26
RobbieCrashnn52 VLC will do it21:26
nn52VCL Player?21:26
soreauzilly: That will only stop it, to disable it completely you probably want to uninstall it21:26
StryKaizersoreau, thx, installing ccsm now21:26
nn52RobbieCrash: VLC Plater?21:26
zillysoreau,  do you know if gpac installs PulseAudio?  My sound was working fine and then I installed gpac and now it doesn't work at all.  I think this is the reason why, but I'm not sure.21:27
RobbieCrashnn52, yes: http://forum.videolan.org/viewtopic.php?t=34459#p13239721:27
soreauzilly: pulseaudio is installed by default so I doubt that'd be it..21:28
nnok i went through all the ./waf installation for lv2 but it says lv2core not found on the modversion21:28
RobbieCrashnn52 The page is talking about Mac and PC, but it's essentially the same, just substitute Ubuntu paths21:28
zillysoreau, oh, darn.  Thanks.21:28
soreauzilly: Try checking alsamixer thoroughly. Arrow keys to navigate, 'm' to (un)mute channels and F6 to switch devices21:28
zillysoreau, how would I tell if my sound driver is no longer working?21:29
soreauzilly: The driver wont just quit working if it did in the past.. check the output of 'lsmod|grep snd' to see the audio modules (drivers) loaded21:30
soreauzilly: Try 'aplay -l' to list sound devices detected21:31
NotJimCarreyisn't there a way to make a usb flash drive appear to be an external hard drive?21:31
soreauzilly: and scrutinize settings in alsamixer21:31
EuviusHello. Question:  I have domains pointing to an Ubuntu server.  My domains are regged at GoDaddy.   I want to make it so all mail (catch all) for my domains goes to my Gmail..   DOes anyone know what I should do21:31
EuviusOh yeah, and my DNS is at he.net21:32
zillysoraeu, well, the default in alsamixer has s/pdif and it's set at 00 with no slider.  The other one is my sound card and has the right settings (I think).21:33
soreauEuvius: Forward the emial?21:33
Euviussoreau , yes , to my Gmail21:34
dikiwhat does it mean when i boot my PC but the grub loads instead of the OS as before?21:34
tacomasterok sometimes my nm-applet from network manager looks alittle funny in kde because i hate wicd and i have figured out that doing a "sudo killall nm-applet" then "nm-applet" will fix the issue and am trying to make a bash script but when it gets to the "nm-applet" command i have a konsole window that i cant close is there any way to make nm-applet start in the script with out having the terminal open?21:34
soreauEuvius: Forward the emial.21:34
Euviussoreau yes, I dont know how21:34
soreauEuvius: That is really beyond the scope of this channel since your servers email is not directly related to ubuntu21:34
Euviusok, thanks21:35
soreautacomaster: killall nm-applet && nm-applet &21:35
RyladineI'm trying to install my ATI drivers but it's failing to generate the installer package, it's reporting error 127 but I can't seem to find what that means. (I've never used ubuntu before and my experience with linux is extemely limited.) What does that error mean, and whats the best way to correct it? I'm running the .run file with the sh command.21:37
tacomastersoreau, ty so much do you know any good guides to learn bash better?21:37
soreautacomaster: There's a plethora on the web. There's also #bash on this network21:38
nn52VLC not working :P21:38
nn52mit mean , converting not working21:38
Garret_ThorneHi, folks!21:38
nmvictorI never knew KDE looks great until i tried it tonight. Wow, This is what Im sticking with, Someone tell me how I can remove all gnome apps coz I installed KDE ontop of Gnome based ubuntu and not via kubuntu.21:38
soreauRyladine: Is there any reason you're trying the .run file and not using jockey-gtk (or just using the default radeon drivers that are installed and working by default)?21:39
soreaunmvictor: Probably remove gnome-desktop and apt-get autoremove21:39
RyladineI've tried running minecraft and was getting an openGL error, so I went to ATI's site for drivers and thats what it gave me.21:40
sburwood1What is the best Wifi N accessory?  USB or PCI, matters not.  Do I need an antenna seperately purchased?21:40
soreauRyladine: What is the output of 'glxinfo|grep renderer'? (after installing mesa-utils package)21:40
kasiis there a way to switch from internal audio to USB audio from the command line interface?21:41
RyladineLike I said I've never used ubuntu so give me a minute to see if I can find how to install "mesa-utils"21:41
nmvictorWait, why does KDE remind me of windows?21:41
soreausburwood1: PCI cards are typically always better. You can use the antenna that comes with the card or purchase one separately if you really need one21:41
yosephhi, does anyone know how i can 'install'  gspca_kinect on my machine?  I have kinect working with glview, but i want it to work as a normal webcam so I can use motion with it.  I'm completely lost,  I thought I downloaded the drivers i need (i.e. gspca_kinect)  but I have no clue how to install it?  (just a file called kinect.c)21:41
virgilI'm kinda new here.21:41
virgilWhere do I go for tech support?21:41
soreauRyladine: sudo apt-get install mesa-utils21:41
soreauvirgil: Right here. Just ask your question :)21:42
virgilOkay. I'm a little bit desperate.21:42
snow_ruhow to install boost in ubuntu ?21:42
anonissimusI fail to record my audio output to and mp3 file, I tried parsing arecord to lame but it result is a file with barely audible audio and a huge white noise component21:42
snow_ruapt-get install always install the latest version21:42
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virgilI've been trying to get Ubuntu (any distribution) to work with my laptop for a while now.21:42
tacomastervirgil, what laptop is it?21:42
virgil11.04 and 11.10 beta 2 (the one I'm using right now) have both resulted in screen tearing on horizontal movement.21:42
virgilMSI A600021:43
soreausnow_ru: install libboost-dev21:43
virgilLemme check the model number right quick...21:43
soreauvirgil: What is the output of 'lspci|grep VGA'?21:43
sburwood1soreau: Ok, found a PCI card that says it is supported Linux (I suppose that means every version, or at least Ubuntu), a DFE 530TX.  The question that I have for that card is whether or not I need to buy an antenna and whether it is a "draft N"  a N, a N150 or a N300 adapter21:43
BarkingFishanonissimus, What are you using to record your audio?21:43
soreauvirgil: Screen tearing is almost always a graphics driver issue..21:43
sunicevirgil: if you have an ubuntu question ask away21:43
anonissimusBarkingFish: arecord -f cd -t raw | lame -x -r – out.mp321:43
virgilsudo: lscpi: command not found21:43
anonissimusthis is what I do21:44
nishttal2hi all.. is there a forum for installing ubuntu on MacBook pro?21:44
virgilAm I in the wrong place for graphics driver issues?21:44
soreausburwood1: As I said, most cards some with an antenna already included21:44
BarkingFishanonissimus, Have you actually tried using a GUI program, like audacity?21:44
snow_rusoreau, how to know the version of the installed libboost in the local machine?21:44
soreauvirgil: lspci|grep VGA21:44
tacomastervirgil, ok you have a nvidia geforce 8200M G21:44
anonissimusBarkingFish: yes same results21:44
soreauvirgil: you typoed21:44
anonissimussome of the inputs carry no noise others noise + faint audio part21:44
RyladineWhen I run glxinfo|grep it outputs usage information, and some information about failed requests21:44
virgil02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C79 [GeForce 9200M G] (rev b1)21:44
tacomastervirgil, you need to go to terminal and type jockey-gtk and install nvidia drivers21:44
soreautacomaster: close, but no cigar ;)21:45
BarkingFishanonissimus, I do a shedload of audio editing for other organisations, including Wikipedia.  Can you upload the audio somewhere on the net and let me hear what your audio is like please?21:45
soreauvirgil: Indeed, use jockey-gtk to install your drivers21:45
virgilI have, all versions that were available in 11.04 and 11.10.21:45
anonissimusBarkingFish: shure21:45
virgilAnd the proprietary drivers.21:45
nishttal2 is there a forum for installing ubuntu on MacBook pro?21:45
virgilUsed nvidia-xconfig each time.21:45
BarkingFishthank you. I might be able to help you if I can figure out what is going wrong for you, anonissimus21:45
anonissimusjust a min21:46
virgilThe closest I've gotten is very mild tearing on VLC videos, and mild-to-moderate tearing in flash videos.21:46
anonissimusneed to rerecord21:46
soreauvirgil: You actually need to install the driver with jockey-gtk21:46
nishttal2i was able to install ubuntu on macbook pro but there is no sound21:46
tacomastersoreau, what did i say wrong?21:46
virgilI'm confused.21:46
soreau<tacomaster> virgil, ok you have a nvidia geforce 8200M G (but the output of lspci says) <virgil> 02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C79 [GeForce 9200M G] (rev b1)21:47
virgilDo you mean install the proprietary drivers with jockey-gtk?21:47
RyladineDid you see my response to your questions?21:47
soreauvirgil: yes21:47
virgilHow do I do that?21:47
soreauvirgil: Type this in your terminal: gksu jockey-gtk21:47
tacomastersoreau, ooo i was just telling him with the model he gave me oops :P21:47
soreautacomaster: Yea, 'lspci|grep VGA' will tell you for sure what card(s)21:48
soreautacomaster: specs aren't always reliably accurate21:48
virgilI see two options, though both are different from the four options I had when I first installed 11.1021:48
soreauvirgil: Install the newest one21:48
virgilUmmm... I can't tell which one's newest.21:49
soreauvirgil: The one with the latest version number..21:49
tacomastervirgil, the one that says recomended21:49
virgilThey're both labeled as 'NVIDIA binary xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library'21:49
virgilI don't see a version number or 'recommended'.21:49
anonissimusBarkingFish: pmed it21:49
virgilAnd yeah, I know that lspci sometimes says that I have a Geforce 9200M G card.21:50
soreauvirgil: Anyway, after installing the driver and rebooting, install compizconfig-settings-manager and enable Sync to Vblank in ccsm>General>OpenGL and also enable vsync in nvidia-settings21:50
soreauvirgil: It always says that..21:51
virgilAlready did that.21:51
htlmnishttal2 I need more details ,so what version is it21:51
soreaulspci isn't wishy washy, it gets the info from the hardware21:51
fardad_Hi, I just got a 10.4 installation disk from a friend to install ubuntu as second OS on my PC and it is asking me to login!!! do I have the right disk?21:51
virgilBut I've gotten a response saying 8200m G and 9200m G at different times.21:51
soreauvirgil: You already enabled vblank sync in *both* ccsm *and* nvidia-settings?21:51
WaltherFIWhat are the newest minimum requirements for Ubuntu?21:51
WaltherFIIn terms of ram and cpu21:52
virgilTechnically, I don't think there IS a 9200m G card. Just 9200m GS.21:52
tacomastervirgil, if "lspci | grep VGA" says 9200 then thats right21:52
htlmfardad_ say again?  ...21:52
RyladineWhen I run glxinfo|grep it outputs usage information, and some information about failed requests21:52
soreauRyladine: You did it wrong21:52
soreauRyladine: glxinfo|grep renderer21:52
RyladineAh, didn't see the last bit of the command21:52
fardad_htlm: thaks for responding, I got and installation disk and booted my computer with it to install ubuntu, but it is askin me to login with a userid and password!21:53
virgilIt doesn't seem like I've done it with this install yet.21:53
virgilThe ccsm thingy.21:53
virgilThough I did that in 11.04, and it didn't seem to solve anything.21:53
nishttal2htlm.. i am running "Linux  2.6.35-30-generic #56-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jul 11 20:01:08 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux21:53
soreauvirgil: Well nvidia sucks. Go get a radeon21:53
fardad_htlm: do I have the right disk? is this usual?21:54
RyladineEven when I add renderer to the end of it, it still outputs the same thing21:54
CT1Hi.  My internet is down for the next 10days.  I've got a neighbours wifi key.  Can I connect my desktop(s)  (wired) to use my laptops wifi? Any links much appreciated.21:54
soreauRyladine: which is?21:54
Odaymdo I have udev on 10.04? or am I on hald?21:54
soreauRyladine: Use pastebin.com for more than a few lines21:54
soreau! who | Ryladine21:54
ubottuRyladine: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:54
nishttal2htlm, and hardware is MacBook Pro 4,121:54
Ryladinebad request, and a couple of opcodes about a failed request, and some serial numbers21:54
Odaymudev it seems, from doing "ls /etc/init.d/ | grep hald"21:54
OdaymI mean, udev21:55
jribOdaym: probably both21:55
WaltherFIWhat are the minimum requirements for a new Ubuntu install nowadays, in terms of ram and cpu?21:55
soreauCT1: Just share the connection with network settings gui21:55
soreauCT1: And get a crossover cable if you don't have a router21:55
virgilRight... So, only solution is to get a different laptop?21:55
OdaymWaltherFI, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_%28operating_system%29#System_requirements21:55
nishttal2htlm, are you still around?21:56
WaltherFIOdaym: are those up to date?21:56
virgilIs there anyone/any room I can go to for help with this issue?21:56
soreau! who | Ryladine21:56
ubottuRyladine: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:56
Odaymcheck, WaltherFI; I linked you21:56
virgilI mean, I got the screen tearing to stop in 10.04, but then my wireless card wouldn't work.21:56
soreauRyladine: I have trouble seeing your messages if you don't use my nick21:56
Ryladinesoreau: bad request, and a couple of opcodes about a failed request, and some serial numbers21:56
CT1soreau: Wow! no config files? no command line, that simple?  Thankyou!21:56
soreauRyladine: So you've already successfully broke the radeon driver by trying to install fglrx21:56
abjjdks832can someone tell me why my computer keeps freezing all the time?21:57
virgilMix that with taking several months to get feedback on the forums, and my experience with linux hasn't been too pleasant.21:57
soreauCT1: Yep, it's easy21:57
SIFTUabjjdks832: what computer brand/model?21:57
Ryladinesoreau: from what I can tell it's not even sucessfully managed to finish generating the package to install it atall... Fff I'll just reinstall the OS I suppose...21:57
abjjdks832SIFTU: IBM T6021:58
soreauRyladine: 1) Run the uninstall script(s) in /usr/share/ati/ 2) Remove fglrx using jockey-gtk 3) Remove /etc/X11/xorg.conf if it exists 4) Reinstall libgl1-mesa-glx and -dri packages 5) Reboot21:58
soreauRyladine: 6) Show the output of 'glxinfo|grep renderer'21:58
SIFTUabjjdks832: hmm so an older one21:58
htlmnishttal2 yes im lookin about ...21:58
nishttal2htlm, ok21:59
abjjdks832I'd really appreciate some explanation or how to diagnose this, because I'm sick of it21:59
abjjdks832about to go on an anti ubuntu campaign and never use it again, it's ridiculous21:59
abjjdks832I visit a web page, whole computer freezes21:59
abjjdks832since when does a userspace process run away and take down teh whole system in linux?21:59
soreauabjjdks832: Just calm down..21:59
virgilYeah. Still getting screen tearing when I try to play this video- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRe9ykSfXyQ22:00
soreauabjjdks832: A system freeze is almost always a problem with a kernel driver module.. most commonly, graphics or wifi22:00
virgilAlso, blip.tv movies seem very choppy.22:00
soreauabjjdks832: Can you pastebin the output of 'lspci && lsusb && lsmod'?22:00
soreauabjjdks832: to pastebin.com22:00
SIFTUabjjdks832: and you have run memtest for a few hours?22:00
htlmSorry yall im helping im still here22:00
soreauabjjdks832: and yes, you should run memtest overnight and see if it reports any errors22:01
soreaufaulty memory can cause all kinds of strange issues22:01
fardad_htlm: thaks for responding, I got and installation disk and booted my computer with it to install ubuntu, but it is askin me to login with a userid and password!22:02
fardad_htlm: do I have the right disk? is this usual?22:02
abjjdks832why do those programs not print to stdout?  I tried to do all of it and pipe through pastebinit and only lsmod shows up22:02
htlmabjjdks832  whats you freaking out for ?22:02
soreauabjjdks832: Because they're actually three separate programs22:03
abjjdks832soreau: I know that, thanks.22:03
soreauabjjdks832: Then why did you ask..22:03
abjjdks832I guess you can't foo && bar | foobar22:03
JokesOnYou77Hi all.  Can anyone help me get rid of unity and the launcher, without losing compiz?22:03
BaribalHi. I want to make a short movie about how to use git with a lot of animated diagrams. What program would you recommend to make/render those animations? (2D strongly preferred, I'd really rather not learn Blender for this.)22:03
soreau! classic | JokesOnYou7722:04
ubottuJokesOnYou77: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".22:04
abjjdks832anyway, this should be it:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/698761/22:04
JokesOnYou77soreau: When I go back to Classic, I loose my desktop cube and other compiz effects, or at least I can't figure out how to make them work22:05
PromilleAny idea when FireFox 7.0 will be available in Synaptic?22:05
soreauabjjdks832: Have you tried unplugging all usb devices except keyboard and mouse?22:05
abjjdks832JokesOnYou77: just a guess, but what about alt-F2, and 'compiz --replace' ?22:05
soreauabjjdks832: That wont work right in a unity session22:06
abjjdks832soreau: he said he's in classic.22:06
Palace_Chanany way to listen to a socket on the commandline?22:06
soreauJokesOnYou77: Go to classic gnome and I will help you in #compiz22:06
nishttal2htlm, microphone seems to be working as in sound preferences I see the bar moving when there is any noise22:06
abjjdks832soreau: no, why would I do that?  I don't have any usb devices besides keyboard and mouse22:06
soreauabjjdks832: You're not paying attention22:06
groktari'm trying to save the current date to a variable in bash.   current_date=date +"%Y%m%d" is throwing an error.  anyone know what I'm doing wrong?22:06
abjjdks832oh, I have a mcu programmer plugged in22:06
soreauabjjdks832: So your fingerprint reader is built-in?22:06
abjjdks832soreau: yes22:06
soreauabjjdks832: What about Texas Instruments, Inc. eZ430 Development Tool ?22:07
JokesOnYou77soreau: Thanks, I'll meet you there in a minute22:07
abjjdks832that's a mcu programmer22:07
nishttal2htlm, i also see the speaker icon in the tray which usually means the sound card is installed.. i just dont hear anything :(22:07
deutscher83Hey guys I have a question about XFCE Ubuntu. I posted a thread on forum so you can read it there and reply back here or there http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185166722:07
nishttal2htlm, volume is at max22:07
soreauabjjdks832: And it's built -in?22:07
abjjdks832no, it's usb22:07
soreauWhat the hell is wrong with you then?22:08
abjjdks832excuse me?22:08
soreau<soreau> abjjdks832: Have you tried unplugging all usb devices except keyboard and mouse?22:08
soreau<abjjdks832> soreau: no, why would I do that?  I don't have any usb devices besides keyboard and mouse22:08
abjjdks832I said after that that I had an mcu programmer plugged in22:08
soreau<soreau> abjjdks832: And it's built -in?22:08
soreau<abjjdks832> no, it's usb22:08
htlmnishttal2  I pm u22:08
soreau! who | abjjdks83222:09
ubottuabjjdks832: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:09
abjjdks832anyway, don't think it has anything to do with anything22:09
soreauabjjdks832: Then get lost22:09
abjjdks832system is plenty unstable without it plugged in22:09
abjjdks832!coc | soreau22:09
ubottusoreau: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct22:09
soreaugo on an anti-ubuntu rant, see if anyone cares22:09
soreauabjjdks832: You can leave22:10
abjjdks832the usb device has nothing to do with it.  did you have any other great ideas?22:10
soreauYes, not talking to idiots anymore22:10
abjjdks832excuse me?22:11
SIFTUabjjdks832: how do you know it has nothing to do with it?22:11
Baribalsoreau, abjjdks832, PLEASE just /ignore each other.22:11
soreauBaribal: done.22:11
abjjdks832because the system is similarly unstable when it's not plugged in22:11
JokesOnYou77to all concerned, compiz --replace worked!  Thanks you all!! :)22:11
SIFTUabjjdks832: ok22:11
abjjdks832What sort of special person is soreau that he gets to call people idiots without being banned?22:11
soreauBaribal: Please get him off my back22:12
abjjdks832JokesOnYou77: just like I said it would eh?22:12
SIFTUabjjdks832: have you checked you kernel logs after the freezes?22:12
rubyr41nis yum the best way to install software packages?22:12
Baribalsoreau, just /ignore him and it's done...22:12
JokesOnYou77abjjdks832: yep :)22:12
abjjdks832SIFTU: no, how do I do that?22:12
Gentoo64rubyr41n, on ubuntu?22:12
Pelorubyr41n,  yum is the prefered package manager for redhat,  this isubuntu , we use apt22:13
SIFTUabjjdks832: /var/log/messages & /var/log/kernel.log22:13
abjjdks832messages: No such file or directory22:13
rubyr41nPelo, thank you22:14
SIFTUabjjdks832: or i think they renamed it.. /var/log/syslog22:14
abjjdks832I have a 'kern.log' ..22:14
SIFTUabjjdks832: ok good, that ones you can check.. you should also have a syslog22:15
JamesMiddendorffhello how much space does the netbook remix use on a hard drive?22:15
Gentoo64JamesMiddendorff, i think thats merged into standard ubuntu22:15
h00kJamesMiddendorff: netbook remix has been merged into Ubuntu. They use the same interface now.22:15
abjjdks832syslog:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/698767/   kern.log:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/698768/22:16
=== neil_m is now known as Eninem
NaikInsaanis it possible to remote desktop into a machine running windows 7?22:16
JamesMiddendorffh00k, Gentoo64, so if I have a 2gb hard drive it wont install on it then right?22:16
Gentoo64doubt it22:17
Gentoo642gb is low22:17
h00kJamesMiddendorff: I think it fully installs to more than 2gb, yeah.22:17
Gentoo64prob need about 6gb for ubuntu22:17
h00k!requirements | JamesMiddendorff22:17
ubottuJamesMiddendorff: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu22:17
abjjdks832NaikInsaan: yes, it's under apps > internet.  or if you are using unity open menu type 'terminal'22:17
abjjdks832SIFTU:  18:17:43 up 40 min,  anything before that would be when it last froze22:18
SIFTUabjjdks832: well there is something of note in there22:18
abjjdks832SIFTU: praise the FSM .. please share22:19
SIFTUabjjdks832: well not sure if it's normal but see all the wifi errors in kern.log22:19
PromilleI remember there was a script for fetching the _real_ url's to podcasts in iTunes. It was a perl script, but I cant find it anymore? Anyone wanna help a poor fellow :) ?22:20
SIFTUabjjdks832: with the iwl3945 driver22:20
Tekin_First off - Ubuntu's behavior of resetting the MOTD after an update, is just annoying.22:20
Tekin_I replaced my backup update-motd.d files, removed old motd files, and still I can't get any MOTD22:21
Tekin_can someone help me out getting my MOTD updating again?22:21
deadpoolhow can I disable my touchpad in ubuntu22:21
histoTekin_: have you searched for bugs22:21
Tekin_histo: yes22:21
abjjdks832it's not just /etc/motd ?22:21
abjjdks832Ubuntu really likes to break standard things :/22:21
Tekin_it's in update-motd.d22:22
histoThat's why I no longer use ubuntu22:22
BarkingFishGuys - I need to handover to someone with Gnome experience - I've listened to the problems anonissimus has with his sound, and i suspect he doesn't have his sound setup properly for audio capture.22:22
abjjdks832BarkingFish: the guys in #ALSA might be able to help22:23
BarkingFishUnfortunately, since I'm not a gnomer, I have no idea how to set the sound up and do all the volume levels and so on, so if someone would be kind enough to take anonissimus through sound setup, switching on his capture and stuff, that'd be great.22:23
conntrack-haha anonissimus22:23
NaikInsaandon't have terminal but would like to remote desktop into a machine running windows22:24
Tekin_so there's no way I can get MOTD working again?22:24
BarkingFishconntrack-, that's not particularly helpful. If you've nothing to say that can assist, kindly take it to #ubuntu-offtopic.22:24
Tekin_it used to work?22:24
BarkingFishWe help here, we don't laugh at people :)22:24
conntrack-Sorry the name is funny22:24
deadpoolI can't seem to disable touchpad22:24
deadpoolhow can I do it22:24
techcrisissup all22:25
SIFTUabjjdks832: I PMed some links22:25
abjjdks832SIFTU: yea I see22:25
abjjdks832NaikInsaan: I told you before..  use terminal server client22:26
sean__is there away to install windows realtek driver?22:26
Gentoo64sean__, no22:26
sean__not even wine?22:26
sean__Gentoo64,  how do u reinstall alsa?22:26
SIFTUabjjdks832: do you suspend your comp22:26
abjjdks832sean__: look into ndiswrapper22:26
abjjdks832SIFTU: no, never22:26
BarkingFishsean__, what are you trying to run with the realtek driver? Internal or external wireless?22:27
HagopH_Is somebody available who can help me? I'm trying (and failing) to create a bootable Ubuntu USB flash drive.22:27
abjjdks832Is there any chance instability is related to encrypted home directory?22:28
Gentoo64shouldnt be22:28
=== Tectu is now known as Tectu|off
sean__no no im tryin to install audio drivers.. because alsa is being dumb and i have to keep reconf hda analyzer22:28
Gentoo64instability how?22:28
BarkingFishsean__, in that case, Gentoo64 is spot on.22:28
sean__BarkingFish,  whats the way to reinstall alsa then?22:28
BarkingFishYou can't use windows drivers to power linux audio devices, sorry sean__22:28
SIFTUabjjdks832: to me it looks like that kernel and your wirelss driver.. are you running 2.6.38 like everyone else with w T60 and having that problem22:29
kosaidpohello guys22:29
kosaidpohow can i use httrack to dl only the ww.site.com/target the file under taget DIR22:29
BarkingFishI have no idea, unfortunately.  But I'm sure someone in here will be able to tell you, sean__ - I had to ask myself a month back, and I've forgotten :)22:29
abjjdks832$ uname -r22:29
Gentoo64sean__, why do you need to? im not sure what command it is but its just a package22:29
E3D3On the downloadpage 32bits-version is recommended ? Even for a Centrino CPU & 4 GB RAM ?22:29
Gentoo64E3D3, it says that so noobs dont use 64 bit on a 32 cpu22:30
sean__Gentoo64,  because the sound isnt working.. now AT all restarted and tryed to put my model in the alsa-base.conf and nothing is working22:30
sean__Gentoo64,  so there for i want to reinstall alsa22:30
abjjdks832E3D3: you'll save yourself headaches if you use 32bit22:30
kosaidpohello how can i use httrack to dl only the ww.site.com/target the file under taget DIR22:31
Gentoo64sean__, doubt reinstalling alsa would help. no harm in trying though... if only i knew the command22:31
abjjdks832I think linux has some workarounds to use > 4gB RAM in 32bit systems22:31
Gentoo64yes pae22:31
Tekin_this is bogus22:31
Gentoo64but 64 bit is better22:31
Tekin_ubuntu is wasting my time22:31
emetubuntu 32-bit uses PAE by default22:31
abjjdks832"better" is highly subjective22:31
HagopHIs somebody available who can help me? I'm trying (and failing) to create a bootable Ubuntu USB flash drive.22:31
emetit can use up to 64 GB of RAM22:31
sean__Gentoo64,  well do u know a way to make the settings form hda-analyzer.diff start up on ubuntu?22:31
Gentoo6464 bit is the norm nowadays22:31
MonkeyDustHagopH: try unetbootin22:31
SIFTUabjjdks832: I would try the fix in this thread and see what it does https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=68825222:31
kosaidpoHagopH: use unbootin22:32
Gentoo64why use 32 on a 64 cpu22:32
Gentoo64except if you had really low ram22:32
sean__Gentoo64,  the .diff file is just settings i made for the codec... which is in proc/asound/cards/22:32
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 688252 in kernel "iwl3945-related kernel crash" [Unspecified,Closed: errata]22:32
HagopHI did.22:32
emetnext version of ubuntu is improving 32-bit support22:32
emetin 64-bit ubuntu22:32
MonkeyDustHagopH: try MultiSystem22:32
kosaidposo whtas the error u gettin HagopH22:32
Gentoo64emet, as in how?22:32
Gentoo64multilib stuff?22:32
HagopHI tried unetbootin-windows-555.exe, Universal-USB-Installer-, and live-usb-install-2.3.1.exe.22:32
SIFTUGentoo64: some people do for things like flash support and just general lower memory usage22:32
Gentoo64yea i suppose with v low ram22:33
Gentoo64it makes sense22:33
HagopHAfter using live-usb-install-2.3.1.exe to create bootable USB flash drive with ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso:22:33
HagopHSYSLINUX 3.83 2009-10-05 CBIOS Copyright (C) 1994-2009 H. Peter Anvin et al22:33
HagopHCould not find kernel image: linux22:33
Gentoo64flash has native 64 now properly updated (afaik)22:33
MonkeyDustHagopH: that's win stuff, you're in the wrong channel22:33
SIFTUGentoo64: 64bit linux does have at least 10% higher memory footprint22:33
abjjdks832last time I tried to get flash working on 64bit it was a nightmare22:33
kosaidpoHagopH: do you point the unbootin to the iso image ?22:33
HagopHI'm using Windows to create my Ubuntu installation USB flash drive.22:33
Gentoo64abjjdks832, ah ive had flash working fine22:34
HagopHYes, I point unbootin to the ISO.22:34
MonkeyDustHagopH: no support for win stuff here22:34
HagopHThe flash drive I am trying to boot with *is* Ubuntu.22:34
MonkeyDustHagopH: the program is not ubuntu22:35
OerHeksHagopH, what format is the usb ext 3/4 ?22:35
emetMonkeyDust: he's trying to install ubuntu..\22:35
OerHeksHagopH, make sure it is fat 16/3222:35
MonkeyDustemet: he's trying to use a win program to make a bootable drive22:35
HagopHIt is FAT32.22:35
Gentoo64unetbootin is win and linux22:35
Gentoo64no need to be harsh lol22:35
NisstyreI would tend to disagree with that viewpoint22:35
emetbootable UBUNTU drive22:35
MonkeyDustGentoo64: yes, but he's using the .exe22:35
Gentoo64so? its the same program22:36
=== steve_vibes is now known as steve-vibes
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MonkeyDustGentoo64: win != linux22:36
HagopHHow do I create a USB bootable Ubuntu disk if my only active system is Windows?22:36
Gentoo64MonkeyDust, why you being an arse though?22:36
IdleOneHagopH: download and install unetbootin22:36
HagopHI can get to the "boot: " prompt.22:36
emetHagopH: I dunno you use unetbootin, you might need to format your usb stick first tho as fat3222:36
HagopHBut Ubuntu stops there.22:37
Gentoo64not helping him get ubuntu up and running, because hes running unetbootin on windows22:37
MonkeyDustGentoo64: basically, he's asking how something works in win22:37
xtor_Does kernel.org have any ftp or http mirrors where I can download any kernel from? I just need a kernel tarball in order to run memtest.sh22:37
HagopHI have the USB formatted and booting to Ubuntu.22:37
Gentoo64HagopH, it should auto format the drive22:37
HagopHIt just stops at the "boot: " prompt.22:37
HagopHThat's not Windows.22:38
HagopHIt *does* autoformat the drive.22:38
Gentoo64HagopH, try another usb thing like pendrivelinux22:38
Gentoo64unetbootin does work fine but the other one might work for you22:38
SIFTUHagopH: there is something wrong with the usb image then.. the bootloader cant find the kernel22:38
OerHeksHagopH, did you check the md5sum of the iso ?22:38
HagopHPendrivelinux tells me to use Universal-USB-Installer-, which I tried.22:38
Gentoo64HagopH, same thing?22:38
samhithaI lost my windows o/s after installing ubuntu 11.04, can someone help me recovering windows files22:39
Gentoo64samhitha, did you format the win partition?22:39
HagopHYes. I've tried two different Ubuntu distributions: ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso and ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso.22:39
BarkingFishHagopH, Silly question, i know - but have you actually set up your BIOS to boot from USB?22:39
Gentoo64samhitha, how did you lose the os then?22:39
SIFTUBarkingFish: its hitting the mbr22:39
BarkingFishSIFTU, so it's picking up the USB boot record, but not going any further, right?22:40
samhithaWhile installing ubuntu, I selected parallet o/s and allocated available partition22:40
HagopHYes, BarkingFish, I have. With no flash drive inserted in USB port: Boot Failure<cr>Reboot and Select proper Boot device<cr>or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device<cr>Press any key when ready22:40
yggdrasilhow do i find out what version of ubuntu i have ?22:40
SIFTUBarkingFish: yes22:40
samhithaafter the install it is directly landing to ubuntu22:41
HagopHAnd that's not a silly question. Everything I'm reading suggests there are BIOS and FAT issues with this, but gives no solutions.22:41
Gentoo64HagopH, have you not got a cd drive?22:42
HagopHNot on the system I'm installing to.22:42
HagopHNo CD, no floppy.22:42
HagopHNo IDE drive.22:42
samhithaGentoo64, are u following me?22:42
JokesOnYou77yggdrasil: lsb_release -a22:42
Gentoo64samhitha, no sorry22:42
HagopHJust one SATA.22:42
Gentoo64samhitha, i dont know anything about the install alongside windows thing22:42
Gentoo64apart from i wouldnt do that22:42
capnashhi all22:43
sean__kk i just reinstalled alsa and now its says22:43
sean__aplay: device_list:235: no soundcards found...22:43
HagopHI'm not seeing any system startup scripts or can't see how syslinux is supposed to be called.22:43
sean__anyone know how i can reinstall my soundcard?22:44
samhithacan someone help with recovering windows which I lost after installing ubuntu 11.0422:44
abjjdks832sean__: you wouldn't 'reinstall' your sound card, it doesn't work like that in linux22:44
abjjdks832samhitha: 'lost'?  can you access your windows partition from ubuntu?22:44
sean__abjjdks832,  so what would u do cause it says that  theres no sound card22:45
abjjdks832sean__: lspci.. anything in there look like a sound card?  have you had working sound before?22:45
Gentoo64samhitha, if the partition is somehow gone youll need a lot of luck recovering it lol22:45
sunicesamhitha: in disk utility can you see the partition?22:45
abjjdks832SIFTU: I have redhat link open, going to look at that now.  do you think it's possible that this wireless thing locking system would happen only under high load?  or be more likely to happen under high load?22:46
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samhithayes, I can see the partition22:46
sean__00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio (rev 06)22:46
SIFTUabjjdks832: no idea22:46
Gentoo64samhitha, ubuntu should autodetect it22:46
Gentoo64not sure why it isnt22:46
abjjdks832dammit this is annoying22:46
sean__but when i do aplay -l it says no soundcards found22:46
grojashi, is it better to install xubuntu in a 2gb ram netbook?22:47
HagopHIs somebody available who can help me? I'm trying (and failing) to create a bootable Ubuntu USB flash drive.22:47
samhithais there any thing I need to do if ubuntu is not auto-decting22:47
Gentoo64grojas, theyll all work ok with 2gb ram22:47
grojashagoph u using windows to create the flash drive?22:48
BarkingFishHagopH, Can you tell me what OS you're using right now, just so I can drag up some decent instructions?22:48
sunicesamhitha: it may be grub? you can try adding to /boot/grub/menu.lst22:48
Gentoo64grojas, xubuntu would feel faster though22:48
BarkingFishI know it's windows, but which flavour?22:48
HagopHI'm using Win XP to create the flash drive.22:48
BarkingFishok, one sec22:48
HagopHHome Edition 2002 to be precise.22:48
samhithasunice, can I have instruction for that please22:48
HagopHI have downloaded both ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso and ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso.22:49
grojashagoph in that link you can see instructions to make the flash drive22:49
booliojust buy a live ubuntu flash drive online for a couple bux22:49
BarkingFishand you said you'd tried the UUI at pendrivelinux.com, right, HagopH?22:49
grojasyes Gentoo thats why i'm asking, i'm feeling the unity desktop a bit slow in the netbook22:49
Gentoo64grojas, yes xubuntu will be faster22:50
sunicesamhitha: http://boff.wordpress.com/2007/01/17/editing-bootgrubmenulst-to-change-the-grub-boot-menu/22:50
Gentoo64grojas, unity 11.04 is about as slow as a distro gets22:50
HagopHYes, I have tried UUI at pendrivelinux, as well as live-usb-install-2.3.1.exe and unetbootin-windows-555.exe.22:50
sunicesamhitha: give that a look over. Maybe not precise but may help you along the way.22:50
grojashagoph where are you stuck?22:50
rtghuzhgHi how can i change my color depth manually without doing changes in the xorg.xconf22:51
aaa_where can i get help with installing the game Ryzom (from the software center)?22:51
samhithalet me try22:51
abjjdks832SIFTU:    ok .. I tam talking with a friend, he says with ath9k under high load his system would freeze ..22:51
grojasok... i guess i'm going to install xubuntu22:51
BarkingFishok, thanks. I'll see what else I can suck off the net for you HagopH :)  Be patient, we *will* fix this if it kills me, and it may :D22:51
HagopHI appreciate the effort, Barking.22:51
c-beamsI'm trying to create an image fo a 1TB drive. dd started off fast at 32M/s but has gotten progressively slower and is now at 950K/s. what do I do?22:51
Gentoo64HagopH, if you're following the instructions and its not working. maybe try unetbootin from a licecd like partedmagic22:52
HagopHThe problem seems to *me* to be a missing or improperly named startup script.22:52
scythis there a sane way to change fonts in my unity desktop? or more importantly, the rendering (like I used to do it with gnome-appereance-properties before)22:52
grojasi'm a loosing much by changing unity to xubuntu?22:52
HagopHI don't know how to try unetbootin from a livecd like partedmagic.22:53
Gentoo64grojas, no nothing at all. you're gaining22:53
grojasok thanks22:53
Gentoo64grojas, there will be a few different apps22:53
abjjdks832grojas: you're losing a lot of time that you would normally spend waiting for your computer to work :P22:53
Gentoo64grojas, i put xubuntu on my family comp downstairs it looks nice22:54
sunicesamhitha: Before I forget to mention. have live cd in case you screw up grub. It's possible it won't boot at all if you make a mistake.22:54
grojashhmm how do i replace unity with xubuntu?22:55
samhithasunice, I am not finding menu.ls file at all under /boot/frub22:55
Gentoo64grojas, i thought you were doing a clean install... its the best way22:55
BarkingFishHagopH, have you used diskpart to confirm that the partition is actually active?22:55
RatBattleHello all. I'm trying to install a dual boot of XP micro and ubuntu with ubuntu already installed. I've already read that the xp MBR will overwrite grub but that can be undone, however I have a separate /boot partition, what kind of outcome can I expect to see and will this make it easier to restore grub?22:55
abjjdks832SIFTU: I am going to try to crash system now :-S22:55
HagopHBarkingFish, I tried to partition the USB flash drive but was unable to do so.22:56
samhithasunice, I am using 11.04 version22:56
BarkingFishHagopH, did it deny you access to it?22:56
grojashhmm well i installed ubuntu from a live usb with 11.04 ubuntu and never asked about using unity or xubuntu lol22:57
blaenkI'm on ubuntu 9.10 server and I'm wondering how I can upgrade my vim 7.2 to vim 7.3?22:57
grojasi think22:57
Gentoo64grojas, its a different download22:57
grojasmaybe a just forgot that it asked lol22:57
BarkingFishdiskpart is supposed to be executed as "Run as administrator", otherwise it won't work.22:57
Gentoo64grojas, plain "ubuntu" is the unity one22:57
grojasthat sucks lol22:57
katsrcsup my niggas22:57
katsrcwhen is firefox 7 coming to the repos?22:57
HagopHBarkingFish, I didn't use diskpart. I assume that's an Ubuntu program?22:57
SIFTUabjjdks832: good luck22:57
BarkingFishno, it's a windows program22:57
IdleOne!language | katsrc22:57
ubottukatsrc: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.22:57
HagopHBut when I formatted the USB in Windows, I wasn't given any option to format it smaller than its full size or in FAT16.22:58
grojasi thought xubuntu was just a windows managerfo ubuntu22:58
sunicesamhitha: sorry distracted forgot they changed in grub2. try running "update-grub2"22:58
Gentoo64grojas, it uses xfce, ubuntu uses gnome / unity22:59
abjjdks832if this fixes it I might take back all the nasty things I have said about ubuntu and mark shuttleworth22:59
Gentoo64grojas, just dl the xubuntu iso22:59
HagopHI'm bringing up diskpart now.22:59
abjjdks832but if this is the source of my freezes, then this workaround / fix needs to be default, or user needs to be warned by that driver tool thinige22:59
grojaswill that work?22:59
SIFTUabjjdks832: i would guess its fixed in later kernels23:00
Gentoo64grojas, yes. but id recomend a clean install if possible. that way you wont have all the cruft and folders left behind from gnome etc23:00
Gentoo64and its easier23:00
abjjdks832what's the reason for clean install ?  just ... purge all the craps, and remove .gnome or .gconf or whatever else in homedir23:00
samhithasunice, I did that but still not able to find menu.ls file23:01
grojasn550 atom is still x86 right?23:01
HagopHWhen I list the disks in diskpart, it shows only the HDD on this system, not the USB disk.23:01
Gentoo64abjjdks832, yes you can do, but if ubuntu is a clean install anyway.. if it was me id just install from xubuntu livecd23:01
BarkingFishHagopH, OK, I'm gonna help you sort this.  Here's what I want you to do: Insert the USB stick, and open your start menu. Click run, and type compmgmt.msc23:01
Gentoo64depends if you care or not. id do it for peace of mind23:01
RatBattleHello all. I'm trying to install a dual boot of XP micro and ubuntu with ubuntu already installed. I've already read that the xp MBR will overwrite grub but that can be undone, however I have a separate /boot partition, what kind of outcome can I expect to see and will this make it easier to restore grub?23:01
sunicesamhitha: yeah they got rid of it. That attempts to find you other partitions.23:01
BarkingFishWhen the onscreen diskmanager pops up, tell me if you see your USB stick.23:02
KPGIs the Hp Deskjet 3052a E-all-in-one Printer compatible on Ubuntu 11.04 via hplip? It does not appear to be in their list of supported devices: http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/supported_devices/deskjet_aio.html.23:02
grojasGentoo, for netbook i need the x86 version right/23:02
JeruvyRatBattle: the MBR is written to disk, not partition.  Otherwise I'm not clear on your question.23:02
HagopHYes, I do.23:02
Gentoo64grojas, idk about netbooks. but to be safe yes23:02
BarkingFishexcellent HagopH23:03
HagopHIt reads Healthy (Active).23:03
BarkingFishright, does it say How much space is left on the disk?23:03
HagopHWant me to delete the partition?23:03
sunicesamhitha: also  found this may help. It's still very possible that the partition is toast. but take a look http://erickoo.wordpress.com/2009/06/14/how-to-add-vista-partition-to-grub-2-ubuntu-9-10-karmic-koala/23:03
BarkingFishno, no.  Not yet anyhow, HagopH :)23:03
HagopHThere's no space left on the disk. The partition takes up the entire disk.23:03
BarkingFishi want you to right click the partition, and select Properties23:04
HagopHOkay. Did it.23:04
grojasduh one hour for download :)23:04
Gentoo64its only an hour :)23:04
BarkingFishRight, HagopH - can you click on the Tools tab, and select Error checking please.23:05
enferexI downloaded the linux2.6.32 and the corresponding diff yet patch is reporting heaps of fialed hunks, I just want the ubuntu patched kernel source for 2.6.3223:05
RatBattleI'm just trying to understand if the MBR is located in the /boot partition and if i need to use a different method from standard (one partition installation) in restoring grub as the boot loader after I install xp23:05
HagopHOkay. Want me to select either of the options?23:05
BarkingFishHit the "Check now" button, HagopH - and see if it comes back with any errors23:05
Gentoo64RatBattle, no the mbr is on the beginning of the disk not a partition23:05
abjjdks832can someone recommend some nonsense to load my CPU?  calculating primes or pi or such23:05
HagopHDisk Check Complete.23:05
BarkingFishNo errors?  Hm.23:05
Gentoo64RatBattle, having a seperte /boot just means the ubuntu boot files are located on a partition rather than the root /boot bit23:06
BarkingFishOne moment, I've been pinged.  Back in a sec, HagopH23:06
linxehabjjdks832: folding@home?23:06
RatBattleJeruvy: I'm just trying to understand if the MBR is located in the /boot partition and if i need to use a different method from standard (one partition installation) in restoring grub as the boot loader after I install xp23:06
SIFTUabjjdks832: I always compile a kernel23:06
abjjdks832SIFTU: that works!23:06
Gentoo64abjjdks832, compile anything with make -j3023:06
SIFTURatBattle: no different method.. there is only 1 mbr per disk, same method to replace it23:06
Gentoo64or something like that23:06
linxehabjjdks832: or you could do something useful to someone else with it23:07
JeruvyRatBattle: no, the MBR will point to your boot which should be grub for dualbooting. which will then select the appropriate boot loader.23:07
wobstepIf i use universal usb installer to install ubuntu onto my flash drive do i still need to do something else to format it?23:07
abjjdks832linxeh: apt-cache search folding | grep home  returns nothing23:07
Gentoo64abjjdks832, if its just to test for a crash then f@h is a waste of time23:07
Gentoo64its heavy23:08
linxehabjjdks832: right. fortunately the world of software extends beyond the ubuntu repositories23:08
linxehabjjdks832: http://folding.stanford.edu/English/Download23:08
BarkingFishHagopH, - so the disk is marked active, the partition is good, there are no errors... Does the drive have a drive letter assigned to it?23:08
HagopHYes. F:23:08
RatBattleJeruvy: awesome thanks. I've just read on tutorials that winxp overwrites the MBR when installed after linux causing my MBR to only point to XP23:08
abjjdks832uh, someone refresh my memory, what are source packages named?  I'm only seeing images and headers23:09
JeruvyRatBattle: thats right.23:09
Gentoo64RatBattle, when you install xp it will overwrite it23:09
SIFTURatBattle: yes, then you need to reinstall grub after the win install23:09
linxehabjjdks832: you have to add the source to apt sources23:09
RatBattlewhich can only be done with a live cd? Or can i do it through windows?23:09
linxehabjjdks832: ie deb-src lines23:09
abjjdks832RatBattle: in the future if you are configuring a multi boot machine, it's usually best practice to install windows, then ubuntu.  windows rather rudely will always overwrite your MBR23:10
SIFTUabjjdks832: they are the headers23:10
BarkingFishHagopH, Looking at my notes, something may actually be wrong.  When a disk is bootable, the disk management area should show Healthy (Active, Boot) or simply Healthy (Boot)23:10
abjjdks832linux-source-2.6.38 - Linux kernel source for version 2.6.38 with Ubuntu patches23:10
abjjdks832found it :P23:10
RatBattleyes so i have learned. -__- thanks for the info all23:10
JeruvyRatBattle: Windows won't fix it.  You'll need something like Grub rescue disk or something that boots with grub installed.  Ubuntu livecd's don't come with grub installed (you can install it first but ..)23:11
abjjdks832it drives me mad when software does things without permission.  windows apps autoloading without asking first for example23:11
abjjdks832Jeruvy: pretty sure grub and friends is on the livecd23:11
Jeruvyabjjdks832: I'm pretty sure it doesn't23:12
Gentoo64so the ubuntu livecd has no grub?23:12
abjjdks832Jeruvy: pretty sure you're wrong :)23:13
zero4311hey guys23:13
zero4311hows it going?23:13
zero4311hey gundam23:14
Jeruvyabjjdks832: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435123:14
RatBattlemost of the guides i am reading tell me to boot a live cd, open the grub prompt (sudo grub) then enter the commands '>root (hd0,0)' then '>setup (hd0)' then '>exit"23:14
zero4311im pretty bored :/23:15
gundami just got this os. is it that good?23:15
JeruvyRatBattle: if grub is installed it will work, you can certainly try it out.23:15
Gentoo64gundam, youll find out wont you?23:15
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)23:15
xevioxhi, I've setup Ubuntu 11.04 on a VirtualBox vm23:16
xevioxafter that I installed aptitude and then gnome3-sessioin23:16
Gentoo64whats broken?23:16
gundami was tired of windows.23:16
abjjdks832Jeruvy: exactly23:16
xevioxnow I can't access the /home directy "permission denied"23:16
Gentoo64gundam, youll forget about windows one day23:16
xevioxnor can I run sudo23:16
samhithasunice,  I found only linux partions with fdisk23:17
Gentoo64xeviox, is it a clean install?23:17
gundam10.4 net book ed.23:17
zero4311may i ask what is ubuntu iv'e heard of it, but what does it do?23:17
Gentoo64zero4311, its an operating system23:17
Gentoo64or are you trying to troll23:17
xevioxGentoo64 yes23:18
samhithasunice, are u available on any other chat engine23:18
Gentoo64xeviox, no idea why on a clean install. reinstall23:18
Jeruvyzero4311: you may want to ask in #ubuntu-offtopic.23:18
zero4311oh ok sorry23:18
xevioxwow /home is even not printed with "ls -l" but it's there as "mkdir /home" throws "already exists"23:18
Jeruvyzero4311: np :)23:18
Gentoo64xeviox, ls -l /home/23:19
gundamis ubuntu good for gaming pc?23:19
Gentoo64gundam, no23:19
xevioxGentoo64: no permission ..23:19
Gentoo64its not like windows for games23:19
Gentoo64xeviox, sounds buggered tbh23:19
rhin0depends on the games gundam23:19
abjjdks832gundam: it's fine if you want to play 3+yr old games23:19
xevioxsudo throws "unable to change to sudoers gid .."23:20
abjjdks832if you want to do latest and greatest everything... better just suck it up and use windows23:20
Gentoo64gundam, you can play games in wine watch youutube vids but its not anything like windows for just plug and play games23:20
RatBattlegundam: great for emulation though, just need emulators and a good usb joypad23:20
abjjdks832zsnes ftw!23:20
xevioxdoes gnome3 run in ubuntu 11.04 now?23:20
Gentoo64xeviox, no23:20
kbreitHow can I install gnome3.2 in 11.04?23:20
xevioxin general23:20
kbreitI can't?23:20
Gentoo64xeviox, gnome 3 breaks ubuntu apparently23:20
xevioxah shit23:21
Gentoo64i would use another distro for gnome 3 atm23:21
gundamok thax iater.23:21
xevioxso thats what I run into :(23:21
TheEvilPhoenix!gnome3 | xeviox / kbreit23:21
ubottuxeviox / kbreit: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.23:21
Gentoo64xeviox, yes. i completely forgot you mentioned you put that on lol23:21
Gentoo64reinstall with no gnome 323:21
Gentoo64youll live without it i think23:21
RatBattlegundam: theres also some great quake3 based games that still have quite a following such as tremulous, urban terror, and world of padman. I also recommend Savage (1 and 2) and Spiral Knights23:21
xevioxwhy is the "gnome3-session" package available in the repos?23:22
gundamut3 gta4 apb.23:22
RatBattlegundam: and Teeworlds23:22
Gentoo64gundam, ut3 and gta4 youll nee dwine, and they work apparently/. go on the wine site and it shows you ratings for how well games run23:22
Gentoo64like silver gold platinum etc23:23
alkafooxeviox: you know Unity requires GNOME 323:23
RatBattleHow effective are windows virtual machines when it comes to gaming?23:23
Gentoo64alkafoo, 11.04 uses gnome 2 no?23:23
Gentoo64RatBattle, bad23:23
Gentoo64virtualized hardware = bad even with accel23:24
Gentoo64i cant imagine how bad the mosue would be either23:24
Tekin_hi again23:24
RatBattleOh well. Thats why I'm installing a dual boot of Micro XP. Nice stripped down version for running games and netflix23:24
Tekin_Ubuntu now decided to print my MOTD, but prints out duplicate MOTDs23:24
Gentoo64RatBattle, i used to do that years ago. then i stopped gaming :)23:25
alkafooGentoo64: no23:25
Gentoo64alkafoo, really? i thought it was gnome 2 my bad23:25
RatBattleGentoo64: PSO bb is still alive and kicking for free and I've always wanted to try counter strike since I hear its free23:25
alkafoojust saying23:25
alkafooPSO bb?23:26
RatBattlephantasy start online: blue burst23:26
alkafoonow that's a name...23:26
RatBattlemy favorite hack n slash rpg of all time23:26
xevioxnot nice if a "aptitude install gnome3-shell" breaks your hole system :(23:26
Gentoo64i dont see why you dwant to though23:27
xevioxjust want to try ..23:27
SIFTUxeviox: use a distro with it default.. or the gnome 3 livecd23:29
abjjdks832alright, compiling kernel and playing a video ...23:29
Gentoo64abjjdks832, and then it freezes :)23:29
xevioxSIFTU: jup, thanks23:29
abjjdks832still here ... so far .. did -j30 too, whatever that is :P  I'm guessing search for moar optimizations23:33
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SIFTUabjjdks832: 30 threads23:34
qinxeviox: 11.10 comes in two weeks.23:34
Gentoo64abjjdks832, j30 just maxes your cpu23:34
xevioxqin: will it have gnome3 support?23:35
Guest62779hi i have a problem with my ubuntu when i boot i have grub prompt23:35
abjjdks832odd... system was extremly unresponsive... but now it's somewhat responsive23:35
abjjdks832yea, cpu is pegged23:35
RatBattleSo is 11.10 going to include kernel 3.0 and gnome 3?23:35
Gentoo64someone just said 11.04 used gnome 3 :s23:35
Gentoo64im confused23:36
qHsomeone can help me to install the ati drivers on ubuntu 11.04?23:36
Gentoo64qH, are they not under the additional drivers bit?23:36
SIFTUabjjdks832: usually you set the number of threads to the number of cores you have plus 123:36
Guest62779sorry but how to fix my grub form the grub prompt23:37
abjjdks832if that is usual practice .. is that default in the makefile?23:37
Gentoo64abjjdks832, no its j1 or j223:37
Gentoo64not everything accept > j123:37
Gentoo64for safeness23:37
SIFTUabjjdks832: I dont run ubuntu so mine is custom23:38
abjjdks832SIFTU: what do you use?23:38
Gentoo64abjjdks832, but if you have dual core general rule is j4, quad is j5 etc23:38
abjjdks832SIFTU: btw, best friend status conferred.  until I have another hard freeze at least23:38
Gentoo64abjjdks832, j3 *23:38
dev_anyone here knows how to fix usb drive thats half installed with ubuntu and corrupted?23:38
abjjdks832dev_: reformat, start over23:39
dev_gives error23:39
vachoanyone know why I am getting this error? /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lclntsh23:39
dev_like its write protected23:39
DrShoggothsounds like its broke23:39
qHwhat are the best drivers, for computers with an ATI card?23:39
DrShoggothflash memory sets itself readonly when there are no more writable blocks23:39
SIFTUabjjdks832: lol, dont hold your breath, those things are hard to track down. I did find 2.6.38 and 2.6.39 unusually bad kernels23:39
abjjdks832qH: the ones from AMD if it's a new card23:39
dev_its 4gb drive, but only 3.10gb is used23:40
abjjdks832 19:40:20 up  2:03,  8 users,  load average: 31.82, 29.18, 18.1023:40
Gentoo64dev_, try formatting it from gparted livecd or dont it allow you to?23:40
dr_willishow did it get coreupted23:40
SIFTUabjjdks832: dual core?23:40
xevioxis it a problem to switch from the ubuntu 11.10 beta to the release if it's out?23:40
dev_i have tried few putting 11.04 beta few months back but got buggy half way trough so i had to stop before it was done23:41
abjjdks832yes.  T720023:41
abjjdks8322.0ghz 4mb l223:41
dr_willisxeviox:  you can upgeade yes.23:41
xevioxdr_willis: ok thanks23:41
dev_i can try from live cd, but dont see why would be diffrent from normal gpparted23:41
Gentoo64abjjdks832, lol @ load average23:41
SIFTUabjjdks832: yeah your load look like dual core23:41
dev_anyone knows how to format usb real good? instead just telling me to format?23:42
qHabjjdks832: my ati card is mobility radeon hd 465023:42
Gentoo64dev_, download a partedmagic iso it has all the tools you need23:42
Gentoo64qH, use the fglrx or whatever the prop drivers called23:42
OerHeksdev_,  format fat32 should do23:42
dr_willisdev_:  this is a usb flash drive younean23:43
dev_1st time i hear about it23:43
dev_let me try23:43
dr_willisyou may need to use dd to zero rhe drive then repartition23:43
abjjdks832desktop was really slow.. it's responsive enough now though.  still high load.  I hope this workaround has fixed my crash problems :|23:43
alkafoodr_willis: ?23:44
Gentoo64abjjdks832, the only way youll tell is normal real usage23:44
abjjdks832the freezes usually happen under load though23:44
skutr34hey, how do I erase a CD-RW in ubuntu?23:44
skutr34can I do it from the file manager23:45
skutr34this is 11.10 beta 223:45
dr_willisalkafoo: ?23:45
SIFTUabjjdks832: yep, time will tell23:45
Gentoo64skutr34, you could use cdrecord23:45
dev_parted magic is 170mb23:46
dev_can anyone tell me what it does 1st?23:46
mueslihow can i make kde apps use their oxygen style when running gnome, instead of trying to adjust to my gnome style?23:46
dev_i kinda dont have fast net23:46
skutr34Gentoo64: oksay23:46
Gentoo64dev_, it has a load of useful tools involving drives23:46
Gentoo64dev_, gparted, clonezilla, recovery tools, pretty much every tool23:46
Gentoo64dev_, you dont need it. just saying its a good one to have handy23:47
skutr34Gentoo64, would I get this from Ubuntu Software Centre?23:47
Gentoo64skutr34, should already be built in23:47
dr_willisits a mini live cd with gparted and a few ither tools dev_23:47
Gentoo64skutr34, try man cdrecord and see23:47
dev_i dont need live linux, i want to delte half installed ubuntu from my usb23:48
manizzleis there a way to get a list of all installed packages and their version numbers?23:48
abjjdks832dev_: just format the drive23:48
abjjdks832manizzle: dpkg -l23:48
dev_doesnt work23:48
dev_write protected23:48
SIFTUdev_: just remove the partitions with fdisk23:49
dev_write protected getting some erorr23:49
dev_dunno 22 or 1823:49
skutr34Gentoo64: No manual entry for cdrecord.23:49
manizzleabjjdks832, how do i install packages in ubuntu if i know i specific version of a package and the package name>23:49
dr_willisdev_:  dd. fdisk. and or gparted as needed23:49
SIFTUdev_: udev is probably getting in the way23:49
Gentoo64skutr34, ah ok. not sure what the package would be called in ubuntu try installing cdrecord23:49
mia158hi, i just upgraded my dell latitude d630 to 8 gig of ram and installed the pae kernel. Is there anything else I should do to optimize the OS, Ubuntu 10.10 32 bit?23:49
Gentoo64mia158, i thought pae only allowed 4gb23:50
abjjdks832manizzle: why do you want a specific version instead of the latest version?23:50
mia158free -m shows all 823:50
Gentoo64mia158, my bad23:50
cobra-the-jokerHey guys ... i am using 10.04 here ... how can i install some package from later versions ?!23:50
Gentoo64cobra-the-joker, add  ppa23:50
Gentoo64even though i get moaned at for saying that23:50
manizzlebecause i am building a system for which i want reliability of "worked" packages over the most recent packages23:50
SIFTUdev_: yes, man udev if you dont know what it is23:50
cobra-the-jokerGentoo64: how is that ?23:50
manizzleabjjdks832, ^^^23:51
manizzleactually, is there a way to copy all installed packages' dpkgs to a directory?23:51
dr_williscobra-the-joker:  not a good idea to mix releases.23:51
manizzlethat way i can just dpkg -i for all in that dir23:51
skutr34Gentoo64: sudo apt-get install cdrecord produces the output: Note, selecting 'wodim' instead of 'cdrecord'23:51
abjjdks832manizzle: what are you wanting to do exactly23:51
mia158should I do anything to swp?23:51
abjjdks832manizzle: /var/cache/apt/ has cache of packages23:51
cobra-the-jokerdr_willis , its just the new light-themes package23:52
skutr34Gentoo64: I searched for wodim and it isn't on here either23:52
manizzleevery installed package?23:52
Gentoo64skutr34, i use a program called cdw, try to find that23:52
Gentoo64skutr34, its ncurses23:52
manizzlei just want to be able to emulate my system exactly, no changes23:52
dev_ok gonna try that23:52
manizzlein installed packages wise23:52
abjjdks832how / where?  what is larger purpose?23:52
Gentoo64mia158, no leave swap23:52
abjjdks832I would just make a list of installed packages, then install them on other system23:52
skutr34Gentoo64: ncurses, or cdw?23:53
Gentoo64mia158, with 8gb ram you probably wont even need swap23:53
Gentoo64skutr34, cdw. its an ncurses program23:53
SIFTUmia158: you could play with swappiness23:53
XenethHow would I run a process so that it will continue  even after closing the shell (terminal or ssh connection)?23:53
manizzleyeah sure, abjjdks832, i make list with dpkg -i. then how do i install the same version package on another machine23:53
Gentoo64mia158, set swappiness to 0 (vm.swappiness 0) in sysctl23:53
abjjdks832Xeneth: foo & disown23:53
SIFTUXeneth: run it in "SCREEN" or nohup it23:53
abjjdks832Xeneth: or run it in a screen23:53
abjjdks832yea, nohup will work for most thing stoo, and it's more shell independent23:53
skutr34Gentoo64: oh, another thing; could you help me with my propreitary drivers installation?23:54
=== quiesense is now known as quiescens
dr_willisCopy the apt cache did manizzle23:54
mia158thanks, I'll research that23:54
Gentoo64skutr34, maybe. what is it? graphics23:54
abjjdks832ok, I have a torrent going now as well ...23:55
dr_willisDpkg -i *   can be bad.  Use with care23:55
qHfglrx drivers are the best for the ATI Radeon HD 4650?23:55
Gentoo64for speed23:55
Gentoo64only old ati card benefit from the os drivers23:55
skutr34Gentoo64: yes. I checked the log and what appears to be happening is that it is trying to install an nvidia driver when my g card is ati23:55
skutr34Gentoo64: I can't be sure though23:55
Gentoo64skutr34, ah ok. is the driver installed?23:56
k1llaBytewhats the best firewall for ubuntu?23:56
skutr34Gentoo64: no23:56
FloodBot1helio_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:56
mia158it's currently set to 10...shoiuld be okay, eh?23:56
Gentoo64k1llaByte, ufw is built in23:56
skutr34Gentoo64: give me a a second to produce the error23:57
XenethSIFTU, abjjdks832: Do I have to have a script, or can it be a normal process line an auto running program?  Good example, apt-get install.23:57
Gentoo64k1llaByte, use ufw if you dont know what youre doing23:57
Gentoo64sets good defaults23:57
SIFTUXeneth: I presume you are running as root then23:57
abjjdks832k1llaByte: for most use cases it's not really needed.  are you behind a router?23:57
k1llaBytebecause i dont know im a noob to linux23:57
SIFTUXeneth: nohup apt-get install .. &23:58
Gentoo64k1llaByte, to allow a port just ufw allow port23:58
abjjdks832why do you feel you need a firewall?23:58
Gentoo64you need ufw enable first23:58
Gentoo64abjjdks832, theres no harm, at all, in enabling and using it23:58
XenethSIFTU, So just nohup before any command, even sudo?23:58
skutr34Gentoo64: is cdw a command line app or something?23:58
Gentoo64skutr34, yes23:58
abjjdks832there's no need, at all, to use it23:58
SIFTUXeneth: well sudo will ask for a password23:58
k1llaByteit's enabled and the only thing i have allowed is torrents23:58
SIFTUXeneth: better to use screen23:58
k1llaByteparanois i guess23:59
Gentoo64qH, try it in classic mode23:59
AtamiskI'm curious, where are all the 'for purchase' apps i'm supposed to see in the Software Centre? are they in an unenabled repo?23:59
XenethSIFTU, so what if I sudo su before the nohup?23:59
Gentoo64k1llaByte, youll need to learn stuff first23:59
skutr34Gentoo64: okay, how do I unmount my drive?23:59
SIFTUXeneth: thats fine23:59
Gentoo64skutr34, umount23:59
abjjdks832k1llaByte: you're already behind a hardware fireall, you won't need a software one23:59

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