
GridCubegood night01:50
GridCubemadnick, yes, sorry about the interface, i forgot to add a schudule for today so it broke when searching for it, i've changed the code so now if the schudele file is absent it will say so01:52
* GridCube reads the ubuntulogs XD01:52
madnickoh okay :)01:52
GridCubeanyway i've checked and now there is a schudele for all the week01:53
GridCubecharlie is the only one updating it tho 01:54
madnicki was going to :P01:54
micahgmadnick: so, what's the call on blueman07:39
ochosihey everyone07:44
madnickmicahg: both versions seems to work almost the same, replicating the same scenarios makes them both do the same thing, however the new one seems to have more features07:44
madnickalso the new one have not crashed for me07:44
madnickhi ochosi 07:44
micahgmadnick: ok, can you comment in Bug #836324  please?07:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 836324 in blueman (Ubuntu) "FFe: Sync blueman 1.22~bzr707-1 (universe) from Debian experimental (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83632407:45
ochosidid any of you test greybird-gtk3 and run into any problems/bugs with it?07:45
micahgochosi: I won't be able to look at thunderbird before the weekend unfortunately, it's unlikely we'll be able to get a fix in before release07:46
ochosimicahg: ok, that's a pity, i think it's the only known bug in greybird atm07:46
micahgthe good news is thunderbird gets updated regularly, so we just have to get a fix upstream and we'll inherit it 4 weeks after release07:46
micahgerr, not quite right...16 weeks :(07:47
ochosiyeah, i'm not sure there is much i can do to fix this in the theme...07:47
micahgnew stuff has to land on trunk07:47
ochosihm, 16 weeks is almost 12.04 :)07:47
micahgonce it lands though, we can probably distro patch07:47
ochosipersonally i don't use tb, but i know people will complain about it07:48
micahgochosi: if we're distro patching, I'd have to SRU it in any event and it could even be right after release07:48
madnickmicahg: Im unsure what to write in that bug07:49
madnickshould i just tell them "i did some testing on multiple devices comparing the versions, and i find the new one better"07:50
micahgmadnick: yep and that the new version crashes less07:51
micahgor doesn't crash07:51
micahgwhatever appropriate07:51
ochosimicahg: k, will you comment on the bug (856939) or shall i?07:52
madnicki was about to write "i found a couple of wierd things in both versions", but i guess thats not relevant to this bug report? its just which one is better07:55
micahgmadnick: write what you discovered, the release team can weigh what's better I guess07:56
madnickI hope my entry is enough, im really bad at expressing myself 07:59
micahgmr_pouit: we got our conffile for the greeter now :)08:01
micahgmadnick: seems fine, thanks for the testing08:01
madnickI don't like that it makes it impossible to know if you accepted a key, because it does not go away08:02
madnickand also that it changes name on the device if you reject it, to something i guess is the bluetooth modules name itself08:03
micahgdid that happen in the old version?08:03
madnickboth versions08:04
micahgI guess this is better than pulling in half of GNOME though08:05
madnickyeah, its not that bad, the phone / tablet / keyboard / amtel chip device / etc knows when its done :P08:05
madnickits just that if you dont look, you may get confused08:06
mr_pouitmicahg: yay \o/09:25
micahgmr_pouit: we also got blueman approved, I'll upload a little later, I'm off Thu/Fri, can you keep an eye on it for emergencies, also do you need anything else fixed in -meta?09:25
mr_pouitI've already to take care of x-d-s (add the greeter theme for lightdm), murrine-themes (greybird updates), and the only-ubiquity bug, so, one more, one less, it's fine ;-)09:30
PjotrI see mr_pouit has fixed lightdm-gtk-greeter10:53
Pjotrnice job!10:53
PjotrHow can I help translating it, as the current greeter is still 100 % in English, in Xubuntu 11.10?10:54
mr_pouitno, it's not fixed :(11:01
madnickiirc, the labels etc are marked as translatable11:02
madnickBut im not sure how one does anything with that11:02
mr_pouitI'm not here this afternoon, so when charlie-tca comes online, please tell him to push Bug #86131611:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 861316 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Uncleaned conffile in lightdm-gtk-greeter" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86131611:04
Pjotrmr_pouit: wasn't it fixed here? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/84554911:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 845549 in lightdm (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Do not ship /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf" [High,Fix released]11:05
mr_pouitPjotr: see the bug link I pasted above11:06
PjotrI see. This is bad.11:06
PjotrEven Lubuntu has a nicer greeter now.  :-(11:07
PjotrFor what it's worth, I just marked bug 861316 as "affects me too" on Launchpad.11:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 861316 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Uncleaned conffile in lightdm-gtk-greeter" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86131611:15
charlie-tcamr_pouit: now that we got things accepted, do I need to have someone push bug 861309 out for us?14:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 861309 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "[{UI,F}Fe] lightdm-gtk-greeter theme" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86130914:56
charlie-tcaAway grandkids21:09
Unit193Have fun! Lubuntu has a nicer "greeter" because they are using LXDM (Something someone said a bit up)21:35
micahgI'll upload the new meta with blueman over the weekend (unless mr_pouit beats me to it)21:40
mr_pouitmicahg: I can upload it right now if needed21:42
micahgmr_pouit: it's not seeded yet (no time), I'd do a recommends on blueman if you want to handle it21:42
mr_pouitmicahg: I can add a recommends, then upload21:44
micahgmr_pouit: feel free, thanks!21:45
mr_pouitmicahg: does it need a FFe? or was it already filed (which bug #?)?21:47
micahgmr_pouit: there's a task against xubuntu-meta for it21:47
mr_pouitbug #83632421:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 836324 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "FFe: Merge blueman 1.22~bzr707-1 (universe) from Debian experimental (main)" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83632421:48
mr_pouithop, uploaded, good night!22:15
micahgmr_pouit: thanks!22:26

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