
kaushalI heard ubuntu-users mailing list will be shutdown, is that correct ?01:10
kaushalShuttleworth (SABDFL) wants to shutdown this ubuntu.user list01:10
gorillakaushal: No idea. I'm not on that list :-)01:17
gorillahmmm Indian ip address.. perhaps I should have checked that before responding.01:37
xannenOMG I can't log on hon.  :(08:28
sagaci<25% to go for en_AU08:33
xannenLOL Are they kicking them off?08:35
sagacikicking them off?08:36
xannenNevermind, you're referring to translation. :P08:36
sagacido you run hon via ubuntu or windows08:37
xannenubuntu direct08:37
sagaciubuntu express?08:37
xannenlol.  nope.08:37
xannenSo how's thing sagaci?08:37
sagacigood just picking around on the guitar08:38
sagaciwait for pizza08:39
sagaciwell have to go pick it up08:39
xannenPick your guitar, pick your pizza.  :D08:40
sagaci!info cmake09:53
lubotu2cmake (source: cmake): a cross-platform, open-source make system. In component main, is optional. Version 2.8.3-3ubuntu7 (natty), package size 4040 kB, installed size 9936 kB09:53
sagacidoes work09:53
xannen!info sagaci10:47
lubotu2Package sagaci does not exist in natty10:48
gorillaalmost tmi.10:50
xannenWhat is tmi?10:54
gorillatoo much information.10:58

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