
=== scott_ is now known as Guest59196
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DasKreechAnyone uses Blogilo? I can't add a blog04:23
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KoliaDasKreech: i did use it, and never got a problem. has it ever worked for you?04:51
clashingwaveHello all I'm running Kubuntu 11.04 with kde 4.7.1 And I can't get kubuntu to auto connect to my 5G Connection on my router but it auto connects to the 2.5G connection just fine at start up, is there a way to fix this?04:53
DasKreechKolia: No that's what's annoying04:54
KoliaDasKreech: does blogilo manage to retrieve the existing blog posts from your blog?04:57
DasKreechIt doesn't even add the entry in the list of blogs04:57
DasKreech it pretends to but then doesn't do anythign04:57
Koliawhat kind of blog is it?04:58
Koliai just tried again: i add my blog information and click "autoconfigure" and it found the xml-rpc interface page, and after clicking ok, i can see it retrieved all the existing posts, in the right column04:59
KoliaDasKreech: but when you say blog, do u mean "blog" or "blog post" ?05:02
DasKreechnot a post05:02
DasKreechThe blogID05:02
Koliais it a wordpress blog?05:03
Koliait's blogilo 1.0.1 here05:04
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DasKreechIt's umm05:14
DasKreechBlogger 1.0 API05:14
Koliayeah.. it's supposed to be supported.. is something detected when you click "auto-configure"?05:17
KoliaDasKreech: have you tried to enter directly the url to the blogger API of ur site?05:21
KoliaDasKreech: http://www.livejournal.com/support/faqbrowse.bml?faqid=21805:21
Koliacould it be restricted to only paid accounts in livejournal?05:22
DasKreechnever thought of that05:22
DasKreechhmm >_>05:22
DasKreechok thanks05:22
Kolia+ http://www.livejournal.com/doc/server/ljp.csp.blogger.html05:23
KoliaDasKreech: "experimental and alpha, and will not be developped further" really sounds like "not supported" to me  ^^05:23
DasKreechok I'll try huntit down thanks for pointing that out05:24
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ct529hi there! I have a problem .... when I press an email link in firefox kmail does not open. Why? kde 471 on kubuntu1104 64 bit.07:47
ubottuError: KDE bug 471 could not be found07:47
ahoxWhen I run dicomscope I get an /usr/lib/libdcmtls.so.2: undefined symbol: _ZTI22DcmTransportConnection - any ideas?07:47
ct529hi there! I have a problem .... when I press an email link in firefox kmail does not open. Why? kde 471 on kubuntu1104 64 bit.08:03
ubottuError: KDE bug 471 could not be found08:03
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ct529hi there! I have a problem .... when I press an email link in firefox kmail does not open. Why? kde 471 on kubuntu1104 64 bit.08:44
ubottuError: KDE bug 471 could not be found08:44
valoriect529: have you set the default email client in systemsettings?08:46
valorieyou may have to do it in FF as well08:47
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noaXessupdating my packages to latest has stopped at installing/upgrading libkdewebkit5.... since 10 mins no any progres.. :(.. any idea? wait? kill and do it over konsole?09:20
noaXesssee here: http://i.imgur.com/LUeCj.png09:23
noaXessstill no progress.. still same situation..09:25
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noaXessdone.. killed and runed it manually..09:30
valorieoh good lord kpackagekit!09:40
valoriemuon good09:40
valoriekpk bad09:40
valorieapt good too09:40
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tonymci like both09:54
ct529hi guys. I would like to reset of my kde (471 on kubuntu 1104), without removing kamil and kontact configuration of course, or loosing local emails10:55
naftilos76Hi, i have noticed that when i respond to any received email (kmail), the text of the body contains more newline characters that the original message sent. Is this a known bug or a setting ?11:17
hulk1hello :)11:51
hulk1i know this isnt a channel for IRC problems anyway i have a question :)11:52
hulk1i always get Unknown: ERROR Closing Link: (*** Banned (cache)) when i try to connect to efnet !?11:52
hulk1i honestly dont get what this means and why that would happen :/11:55
shadeslayerhulk1: if you're using quassel, you could ask on #quassel11:57
shadeslayerand that error suggests you were banned11:57
hulk1oh okay will ask in #quassel then thanks11:58
hulk1its just strange because i only did chat on some channels11:59
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enrique17hi hi...13:21
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noaXessdoes anybody use kate with regular expression search and replace?14:32
noaXessi got the regex to search the pattern.. but need replace the pattern with itself and some additional caracters..14:33
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ct529I would like to reset completely my kde, but not the configuration of kmail, kontact and kwallet. How do I do that?16:30
ct529kde 471 on kubuntu 110416:30
ubottuError: KDE bug 471 could not be found16:30
mah454I removed KDE panel ! How can create panel with console ?16:40
rorkmah454: I don't know that but can't you just right click the desktop and do "add panel"?16:41
Kottizenmah454: right click on the desktop and then add a new one16:41
Kottizenpreferably the default panel16:41
mah454ok ok ok ....16:41
mah454find it ... :D16:41
mah454Why in KDE-4.7 can not enable Virtual Desktops ? Pager widgate not work !16:42
AlantasTry right-clicking the Pager, and there should be something to the effect of "Configure virtual desktops".16:49
AlantasFailing that, System Settings → Desktop → Multiple Desktops. (At least, so it is in mine.)16:50
alexander__I need help18:05
bazhangwith what18:05
alexander__bug in kubuntu 11.1018:06
bazhang#ubuntu+1 please18:06
alexander__that means?18:06
TheEvilPhoenixalexander__:  /join #ubuntu+118:06
TheEvilPhoenix!11.10 > alexander__18:07
ubottualexander__, please see my private message18:07
bazhangalexander__, /join #ubuntu+118:07
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phoenix_firebrdI am having a problem18:41
genii-aroundA general problem or a specific problem?18:42
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:42
phoenix_firebrdgenii-around: i am getting headaches when i see microsoft windows18:42
genii-aroundphoenix_firebrd: Interesting symptoms... But I'm not sure it's an issue Kubuntu support can really help with !18:43
phoenix_firebrdgenii-around: he he18:44
OerHeksphoenix_firebrd, i think you have bug 118:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118:44
phoenix_firebrdOerHeks: i was joking, i uninstalled microsoft windows 3 years back :)18:45
OerHeksah oke, i switched in 12-200918:45
phoenix_firebrdgenii-around: genii-around: The actual problem is i am not sure if vdpau is working, 1080p videos not playing properly in vlc18:45
phoenix_firebrdOerHeks: good18:45
phoenix_firebrdgenii-around: using proprietary drivers18:46
genii-aroundphoenix_firebrd: Is your card on the supported list found here: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/VDPAU18:47
phoenix_firebrdgenii-around: what is the switch for mplayer to use vdpau as output?18:49
phoenix_firebrdpreviously i was using xbmc, right now it is not available , since i am using 11.10, please don't ask me to use the ubuntu+1 channel, my problem is a general one18:51
genii-aroundphoenix_firebrd: I think -vo vdpau18:54
phoenix_firebrdgenii-around: i will try that18:54
phoenix_firebrdgenii-around: http://paste.kde.org/129217/19:00
genii-aroundphoenix_firebrd: Looks like you need a faster computer.19:03
phoenix_firebrdgenii-around: my card is 9400 gt, it worked fine in xbmc in 11.0419:03
phoenix_firebrdgenii-around: how do i know if the vdpau driver is working?19:04
genii-aroundphoenix_firebrd: If it wasn't working, mplayer would have complained it was not a known output19:04
phoenix_firebrdgenii-around: ok19:05
phoenix_firebrdgenii-around: buggy driver?19:05
genii-aroundphoenix_firebrd: Conceivable. Did you try some of the options it lists? It might be the hd just can't stream the file that fast. I'd try the -cache 819219:07
phoenix_firebrdgenii-around:tried the -nocache option, i will try your suggestion now19:08
phoenix_firebrdgenii-around: no good19:09
phoenix_firebrdi will smplayer19:10
phoenix_firebrdgenii-around: have you tried 11.10?19:10
genii-aroundphoenix_firebrd: That's what I'm currently running, with kubuntu ppa. I also have project-neon desktop but use the regular one more.19:13
phoenix_firebrdgenii-around: nice19:14
genii-aroundphoenix_firebrd: Have you tried vlc ?19:14
phoenix_firebrdgenii-around: vlc was the first , issue19:15
phoenix_firebrdgenii-around: smplayer seems to play better19:15
genii-aroundAh, OK19:15
phoenix_firebrdgenii-around: but the cpu is still high19:15
phoenix_firebrdgenii-around: think my problem is solved19:17
phoenix_firebrdgenii-around: mplayer is using only 6% of my cpu19:17
phoenix_firebrdgenii-around: pulseaudio is using 9% he he19:17
phoenix_firebrdgenii-around: thanks buddy19:17
genii-aroundphoenix_firebrd: No prob.19:18
genii-aroundphoenix_firebrd: I wonder if it would give same "your system is too slow to play this" if you ran it re-niced to -10 or -1519:18
genii-aroundeg: nice -n=-10 mplayer <options>19:19
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youssefany 1?19:53
gomiboyno, we are all bots :P19:53
youssefhi can someone help me i'm a beginner19:54
youssefi have a problem with bluetooth19:54
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youssefhelp :(19:56
gomiboyyoussef: just ask19:56
youssefok thanks the problem is that kubuntu doesn't detect my blurtooth hardware even if it was working perfectly on openSUSE19:57
gomiboyyoussef: usb bluetooth thing?19:58
sfearsyoussef: type lspci, does it show bluetooth hardware in there19:59
youssefno i don't see the word "bluetooth" there :(20:01
genii-aroundyoussef: does: lsusb   show it?20:02
gomiboyyoussef: is there a hardware switch to turn it on/off?20:02
youssefnothing in usb20:03
youssefand yes there is20:03
youssefand i switched it on a nd off many times20:03
youssefi told that it worked in openSUSE20:03
sfearsohh it's a usb device... what if you type lsusb20:04
sfearsBus 006 Device 002: ID 0a12:0001 Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode)20:05
sfearssomething like that maybe?20:05
youssefis not a usb supposed to be out of the laptop20:05
sfearssometimes they're internal20:06
sfearsyour bluetooth is a usb? or is it internal?20:06
OerHeksuse lspci20:07
genii-aroundOerHeks: They already said lspci does not show it20:07
yofelit's common that internal bluetooth devices are wired to the USB bus, so show up as usb devices20:08
sfearshave you turned the bluedevil daemon on youssef?  hit alt+f2 and type blue, click on bluedevil to start it.20:08
youssefyes did it but showed nothing20:08
sfearsso lspci and lsusb show nothing about bluetooth?20:09
youssefthere is just a tray icon that says "no adapters found"20:09
sfearsand you've rebooted?20:09
sfearswhat kind of laptop?20:10
youssefive installed many things related to bluetooth that i found one software manger but still not working20:10
genii-aroundI wonder if rfkill list shows anything20:10
youssefDELL N51120:10
youssefDELL N511020:10
gomiboyyoussef: use the switch and type dmesg in console, see if it say something like: usb device connected20:10
youssefit says a lot of things what should i look for :D20:14
gomiboyjust the last couple of lines20:14
youssef  131.858686] usb 2-1.2: palm_os_4_probe - error -32 getting connection info20:15
youssef[  131.858695] visor 2-1.2:1.2: Handspring Visor / Palm OS converter detected20:15
youssef[  131.858924] usb 2-1.2: Handspring Visor / Palm OS converter now attached to ttyUSB020:15
youssef[  131.859003] usb 2-1.2: Handspring Visor / Palm OS converter now attached to ttyUSB120:15
youssef[  131.859022] usbcore: registered new interface driver visor20:15
FloodBotK1youssef: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:15
youssef[  131.859025] visor: USB HandSpring Visor / Palm OS driver20:15
sfearsyoussef: i see something about booting into windows, then do a reboot into kubuntu without powering off your machine and see if the bluetooth is detected.  if so a bluetooth firmware upgrade may solve your problem20:20
sfearsnot sure how the reboot thing would work, but it's easy enough to give it a shot20:21
=== massimo is now known as Guest98824
AlantasWell, that was fun. I hope this bug is fixed in later versions than KDE 4.4.5 (what I'm using). Basically, if a program spawns a dialog window, and you shade that window, the program vanishes but is still running.21:14
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AlantasWhen that happens to a Plasma widget config dialog, it locks up Plasma itself. Good thing I had KSysGuard on a keyboard shortcut. A nice warm cup of SIGKILL followed by starting it again from a Konsole got me back on my feet.21:15
AlantasDidn't even interrupt my webradio stream. I love Linux.21:16
sfearsanyone having nadroid md5 sum errors when making a backup?21:19
sfearswoops... wrong room21:19
Echelon_1000Hello everyone, Im not new to irc, but have not used it since the mid 90s does anyone know of any good oldschool hacker servers still true to the ways of the oldschool?22:08
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gd01Help -- installed almost 3 or 4 different flavors of linux and none of them boot up22:34
gd01im currently installed with the latest 64 bit kubuntu, and i get unknown filesystem22:34
avihay_more details22:35
gd01IBM T61 laptop, single SSD harddrive. drive full formatted with kubuntu22:36
gd01on boot i get error ---- error: unknown filesystem22:37
gd01grub rescue>22:37
avihay_can you mount the hdd from a live cd?22:37
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gd01i boot to a live cd, i dont see anything under mnt22:37
avihayyou need to mount it manually22:38
gd01i tried to chroot to /dev/sda, /dev/sda1 none worked22:38
avihaynothing puts it'self automatically under /mnt22:38
gd01correct, /mnt is emtpy22:39
avihay./dev/sda1 is a block device, not a folder22:39
avihayyou can't chroot to it22:39
avihaytry "sudo mkdir /media/hdd" and then "sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/hdd"22:41
gd01so im in a busy box shell on the installer cd. no sudo22:45
gd01after mkdir and mount . i get error failed: invalid argument22:46
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:54
avihaygd01: I was talking about useing a live-cd to look at the hdd23:07
avihayyou can then see if it's accessible, recover files, run fsck or use other techniques that I'm not privy of23:09
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shane2peruquick question, is there a easy way to asign a keyboard shortcut to OpenOffice (LibreOffice) change change text color in Calc with  a few quick keystrokes?23:27
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