
wallyworldsinzui: you were right. before ff bug count = 21961. after = 2198400:27
wallyworldunless we had those new bugs filed in the few minutes between running the queries which is possible00:29
wgrantwallyworld: Could you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/trim-dak-utils/+merge/77629?01:27
wallyworldas soon as the diff updates01:28
wallyworldbring on longpoll01:28
wgrantHmm, it should already be up to date.01:29
wgrantThe warning is gone now.01:29
wallyworldwgrant: did you run lint? there's an unused import in sync-source.py01:42
wallyworldwgrant: the error handling sematics seem to be changed. dak_utils.fubar wrote to stderr and exits. now we throw an exception. will the caller of the script  "do the right thing" when it receives an exception? do we need to change any tests to match the new behaviour?01:50
StevenKwallyworld: I find it amusing that you think the scripts in question are tested.01:51
wallyworldStevenK: they're not?01:51
StevenKI suspect they aren't.01:52
wallyworldoh well. i thought the question was worth asking01:53
StevenKqa-tagger disabled02:03
StevenKI'm playing with where it is published02:03
wgrantwallyworld: Oh, I guess sync-source.py might possibly be worth linting.02:16
wgrantwallyworld: The others I dare not try.02:16
StevenKnigelb: Do you happen to be here?02:16
wgrantwallyworld: But the only unused import I see is _pythonpath.02:17
wgrantWhich isn't unused at all.02:17
wallyworldwgrant: that's the one02:17
wgrantwallyworld: All scripts need to import that.02:17
wgrantTo get the right python path.02:17
wgrantImports with sideeffects ftl.02:17
wallyworldoh, ok. it was showing up as unused for me02:17
wgrantIt is unused.02:17
wgrantIt just has side-effects.02:17
wgrantAll scripts do it :(02:17
wgrantYay buildout.02:17
wgrantThose two scripts are hopefully not long for this world, anyway.02:18
wallyworldthe other questions about error handling?02:18
wgrantAs for the dak_utils.fubar replacement... it's a LaunchpadScript now (I ported it two weeks ago), so raising LaunchpadScriptFailure logs an error and exits.02:18
wgrantAnd there are no tests.02:18
wgrantWell, no tests for error handling.02:18
StevenKqa-tagger re-enabled, please visit our new location at http://lpqateam.canonical.com/qa_reports/deployment-stable.html02:19
wgrantJust a couple of trivial end-to-end functionality checks.02:19
wallyworldok. thatnks for the explanation02:19
wgrantStevenK: Excellent.02:19
wgrantStevenK: Although it is tempting to s/qa_reports/qa-reports/02:19
StevenKAnd redirect in place02:19
StevenKwgrant: I can if you wish02:19
wgrantUnderscores make me sick :)02:19
wgrantLP forbids them in most places.02:19
StevenKwgrant: So, do eet, or we don't care?02:20
wgrantMight as well do it.02:20
wgrantPretty URLs are nice.02:20
StevenKEverything changed.02:21
StevenKDrafting announce message to -dev02:21
wgrantAlthough I am glaring disapprovingly at your tag-nator-o-matic.sh diff :)02:22
wallyworldwgrant: r=me02:22
wgrantwallyworld: Thanks.02:22
wgrantStevenK: Hardcoding devpad-specific paths is evil.02:22
wgrantThe old way was slightly evil too.02:22
wgrantBut this is worse.02:22
* StevenK handwaves02:23
StevenKPatches welcome, etc, etc.02:23
wgrantStevenK: You probably also need to tell the dashboard about the new paths.02:23
StevenKYes, since I moved them02:23
StevenKcarob doesn't have bzr grep. For shame.02:24
StevenKwgrant: Dashboard's config fixed.02:26
wgrantOh, staging's DB actually managed to restore last weekend.02:33
StevenKOr something.02:34
StevenKwgrant: Did you see my kill-+viewstatus MP?02:40
wgrantStevenK: I did.02:41
StevenK 92 failures, 15 errors02:41
StevenKwgrant: However, I wanted to pick your brain -- due to removing +viewstatus, some TAL now fails due to data/task_link being gone, or something02:42
sinzuiwallyworld, The sql statement has still *not* completed02:43
* StevenK points sinzui at the launchpad-dev mailing list02:43
wallyworldsinzui: bollocks. perhaps we just set them all the true02:43
wallyworldjust to get some data there02:44
mwhudsonhooray feature flags are still working on prod02:44
sinzuiwallyworld, Maybe we should consider restoring the db to qastaging more than twice a year02:44
StevenKThat would be nice.02:44
wallyworldsinzui: +1 on that02:44
wallyworldthen this issue would not have happened02:45
StevenKTBH, I think sourcherry can just restore qas's db after stagings02:45
wallyworldonce a day would be nice02:45
StevenKSure, if you want qas down for six hours02:45
wallyworldsix hours! jeez02:46
poolieStevenK, congrats on making things a bit more open02:46
poolieiwbni that page also showed recently deployed revisions02:46
StevenKpoolie: Thank you :-)02:46
StevenKpoolie: That's lpqateam.c.c, which is already open02:46
poolierather than cutting off at the point of what is actually deployed now02:46
StevenKwgrant: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/699465/02:48
StevenKwallyworld: That's roughly how long staging is down over the weekend02:48
wgrantwallyworld: A DB restore takes about 24 hours.02:49
wgrantAnd the service has to be down for a little while (not quite 6 hours, though).02:49
wallyworldwhy can't we just use normal replication type processes? ie feed across archive logs as they occur (to use Oracle terminology)02:50
wgrantqastaging and staging have writes.02:50
StevenKAnd there is data we prune before restore02:50
wgrantSyncing archive logs won't help unless we then use PITR to regress the DB.02:50
wallyworldso no easy naswer02:51
wgrantPlus using backups means we have evidence that our backups work.02:51
wgrantStevenK: THe problem there should be pretty obvious :)02:51
wgrantStevenK: You no longer define task_link...02:51
wgrant- task_link = edit_link if can_edit else view_link02:52
StevenKwgrant: Right, but what the heck can I set it too02:53
wgrantedit_link is probably fine02:53
wgrantThe number of people who have deliberately gone to +viewstatus in the last three years is probably vanishingly small.02:54
StevenKSo just task_link = edit_link = ... ?02:54
wgrantwallyworld: If you want we can probably kick off a qastaging restore now.02:55
wallyworldwgrant: that would save sinzui some sql grief02:56
wgrantAlthough just before the weekend might not be ideal, because it's not automatic.02:56
wgrantBut say we do it on Monday morning.02:56
wgrantYou can land your DB patch on Tuesday.02:56
wallyworldit's only a column not null patch so no biggie02:57
mwhudsonmonday morning apac time is probably the best time for having a losa around but not disrupting people too much02:57
spmmwhudson: not when it's a public holiday02:57
wgrantIs it really?02:57
mwhudsonis it a public holiday on monday?02:57
wgrantlol ACT02:57
wgrantlol NSW too.02:57
wgrantWhich public holiday?02:57
StevenKLabour Day02:58
spmdoes it matter? :-)02:58
wgrantWe have nothing between like June and November.02:58
StevenKSo we celebrate by doing none.02:58
spmACT has our silly public hol a week later.02:58
spmFamily and Community Day, or something. from memory.02:58
wgrantOh great, AFL Grand Final this weekend.02:58
spmSo Vic is having ALL of next week off.02:58
StevenK% bzr log | head -n 7 | tail -n 102:59
mwhudsondid the fuss about someone claiming that the reason women don't get paid as much as men was down to women taking time off to have their periods make it over the ditch?03:00
mwhudsonhttp://twitter.com/#!/Hilary_Barry/status/88679250365919232 in any case03:00
mwhudsonspm: it's the NRL final too, so i think NSW will be hung over for a weel too03:00
wgrantBoth on one weekend? Is that normal?03:00
mwhudsonno idea03:00
mwhudsoni don't live in/come from victoria, why would i know anything about afl?03:01
spm^^ this03:01
wgrantHeh, indeed.03:01
spmand yes, I believe it is very normal. totally difference markets, so no real overlap.03:01
mwhudsoni only really know about the nrl final because the nz warriors are in it03:02
StevenKSilly Freenode03:02
spmstill chuckle at the pic a mate had; the poster reading I support NZ and any team playing against Australia.03:03
mwhudson... unless it's the springboks, i suspect03:04
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: wallyworld | Critical bugs: 254 - 0:[#######=]:256
nigelbStevenK: I am now03:10
nigelbStevenK: \o/ Public deployment reports!03:10
StevenKnigelb: I thought you'd be excited03:11
wgrantnigelb: I've requested the deployment of your statusexplanation patch for tonight.03:11
nigelbStevenK: First mail I opened today :)03:11
StevenKCareful. Now nigelb might explode with happiness03:11
nigelbwgrant: Thanks! I was planning on poking you about that.03:11
nigelbhahaha. Entirely possible.03:11
StevenKMailing list archive still doesn't have my mail, though.03:13
nigelbHow does db-devel work for deployment?03:16
wgrantnigelb: We push the desired revision to the DB master (wildcherry), run full-update.py to apply the patches, then merge that revision into devel.03:17
nigelbah, more manual process than for devel?03:18
wgrantnigelb: Pretty similar.03:22
wgranthuwshimi: Did you find a solution to your Unity oddness?03:22
wgranthuwshimi: I just upgraded and got the same thing.03:22
nigelbah, I need to sort out an issue I had with my second db-patch.03:23
huwshimiwgrant: No, I was going to report a bug, but didn't know how so haven't yet03:23
wgrantthumper: Is Nautilus' root window meant to be unhappy with sitting entirely on the screen now?03:23
thumperwgrant: ahhh... whut?03:24
huwshimiwgrant: It's a new Unity feature called The Void03:24
huwshimithumper: Like this: http://imgur.com/GeKHl03:24
huwshimithumper: The desktop is out of aligment, but everything works (except the void behind)03:25
thumperthat looks like a fubar03:25
huwshimithumper: windows, dash, launcher etc. all sit on top of the void with no problems03:26
wgrantDnD in the shifted root window is also a bit odd.03:26
wgrantIt detects the drop at the location it would be if it wasn't shifted.03:27
wgrantBut normal clicks work fine.03:27
nigelbThis reminds me - is everything alright with Mark's dictionary? :)03:27
wgrantnigelb: It is getting a bit late :(03:27
nigelbwgrant: I feel weird with UDS scheduling started and no name yet.03:27
wgrantthumper: people.canonical.com/~wgrant/what.png is mine03:29
* wgrant tries it on different hardware.03:30
wgrantBug #86274303:31
_mup_Bug #862743: Desktop drawn with offset <amd64> <apport-bug> <oneiric> <running-unity> <unity (Ubuntu):Confirmed> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/862743 >03:31
nigelbwgrant: Is that one dialog box that you dragged in "the void"?03:31
wgrantnigelb: Yes.03:31
wgrantThere's no window ther.03:32
wgrantSo it starts as what looks like uninitialised GPU memory.03:32
nigelb3 weeks to release? WIN.03:32
wgrant3 weeks?03:32
wgrant2 weeks - 1 day :)03:32
nigelbOh, right. Its friday.03:32
wgrantHm, Ubuntu Mono is pretty nice.03:33
nigelbScreenshot plz?03:33
wgrantUpgrade from Lucid :P03:33
nigelbMaybe soon.03:33
nigelbI don't want to setup about 5 to 6 build environments again.03:34
nigelbLaunchpad, firefox, ubuntu web projects, mozilla web projects, work env.03:34
wgrantAnd now X crashes.03:40
nigelbwgrant: Bwahaha! I haz Ubuntu Mono03:46
nigelbI remembered that Ubuntu members have access to the private PPA :)03:47
nigelbAnd yeah, its pretty neat03:47
huwshiminigelb: You can actually download it from http://font.ubuntu.com/ too03:50
nigelbhuwshimi: yeah, but the PPA was easier :)03:50
thumperhuwshimi, wgrant: please file bugs with pictures and graphics drivers03:50
wgrantthumper: In addition to the existing 36-affected bug #862743?03:51
_mup_Bug #862743: Desktop drawn with offset <amd64> <apport-bug> <oneiric> <running-unity> <unity (Ubuntu):Confirmed> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/862743 >03:51
thumperwgrant: nah03:51
wgrantThere's no proprietary driver listed in that bug, so it's probably not fglrx's fault.03:51
thumperhuwshimi: what GPU?03:54
thumperwgrant: also, what's your GPU?03:55
huwshimithumper: erm03:55
huwshimithumper: How do I find out?03:55
huwshimithumper: I used to know this stuff, but Ubuntu has been to easy for too long :)03:55
thumperhuwshimi: glxinfo03:56
wgrantthumper: Radeon 5700 of some variety.03:56
wgrantWith whatever fglrx oneiric has these days.03:56
wgrantRadeon HD 5700, that is.03:57
* thumper is passing information on03:57
huwshimithumper: it's an AMD of some kind03:57
wgrantMy GM45 should be upgraded in a few minutes.03:57
wgrantWill see if that is borked too.03:57
huwshimiwgrant: The fix in that thread fixed it for me04:00
thumperwhat was the fix?04:00
huwshimi"pkill nautilus"04:00
huwshimithumper: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/862743/comments/1204:01
_mup_Bug #862743: Desktop drawn with offset <amd64> <apport-bug> <oneiric> <running-unity> <unity (Ubuntu):Confirmed> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/862743 >04:01
thumperhuwshimi, wgrant: have either of you had that happen after a reboot (when not upgrading)?04:03
wgrantthumper: I've never seen it before today.04:03
wgrantAh, pkill nautilus worked for me this time.04:03
huwshimithumper: Yeah I rebooted after the upgrade to see if that would fix it. It didn't.04:04
wgrantI tried it half an hour ago and it just crashed unity.04:04
wgrantAnd X crashed 30s later, before I could get to apport.04:04
wgrantWhich caused compiz to crash again, wiping out the original report.04:05
* thumper snorts04:08
nigelbStevenK: Its been an hour and I still don't see your email in the web archive :(04:08
nigelbthat was definitely badly timed :|04:08
wgrantthumper: Affects my Intel GM45 too.04:12
=== wallyworld is now known as Guest64579
StevenKI see wallyworld is eshewing underscores for esoteric guest nicks.04:15
thumperwgrant, huwshimi: looks like jason just committed a fix for that04:23
huwshimithumper: :D04:23
wgrantthumper: Great.04:24
wgrantAh, I see.04:24
nigelbStevenK: How often does Launchpad mailing list archive get updaetd?04:42
wgrantPoor forster is a little overloaded at the moment.04:43
wgrantIt's meant to be ~instantaneous.04:43
wgrantBut ubuntu-x-swat has a very large archive.04:43
nigelbIts ben ~2 hours :P04:43
wgrantA week ago it was around two days behind :/04:44
wgrantI fear we may need to disable ubuntu-x-swat's archive.04:44
nigelbmy theory was it hates StevenK. This explanation works as well :P04:45
wgrantThat works.04:46
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StevenKwgrant: Do we still use a DebugLayer for anything?05:43
StevenKI'm still tempted to rip out config.canonical.show_tracebacks in this branch, too.05:44
wgrantWe still run a separate DebugLayer HTTP listener in dev. Not sure why.05:45
StevenK        if canonical.launchpad.layers.DebugLayer.providedBy(self.request):05:45
StevenK            self.debugging = True05:45
nigelbhah, bug has connections! https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+bug/752790/comments/605:55
_mup_Bug #752790: unbuntu software center <amd64> <apport-bug> <apport-lpi> <natty> <software-center (Ubuntu):Expired> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/752790 >05:55
StevenKHoly heck that diff generation was fast05:58
StevenKwallyworld: https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/kill-plaintext-traceback-rendering/+merge/7764705:58
nigelbwgrant: Do you notice that Ubuntu Mono is smaller than the default mono?05:59
nigelb(well, the old monospace font)05:59
wgrantnigelb: Significantly so :(05:59
nigelbYeah, I had to increase font size from 10 to 1206:00
StevenKHow can I figure out which revision removed a file?06:05
wgrantStevenK: I tend to "bzr log -v" then search through that.06:15
wgrantThere may be a better way.06:15
wallyworldStevenK: doing it now06:16
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: wallyworld | Critical bugs: 247 - 0:[#######=]:256
nigelbStevenK: do you know the file?06:16
nigelbyou should be able to do bzr log /path/to/file06:17
StevenKThat says not versioned06:17
StevenKEither way, bzr log -v is a good idea06:17
nigelbThat's intersting. I just tested it on a standalone repo on my machine and it worked.06:17
StevenKAnd one more tech-debt bug closed.06:17
nigelbI have a tech-debt bug to close as well.06:18
wallyworldStevenK: i wonder if PageTestLayer itself is still used at all?06:21
StevenKwallyworld: Story tests06:22
wallyworldStevenK: r=me06:23
jtvwgrant: did you just assign an ancient "we should rewrite cron.publish-ftpmaster" bug to me just so I could get the karma for it being Fix Released?  :)06:35
wgrantjtv: Probably.06:44
wgrantI am gardening.06:44
jtvWell thanks.06:44
spm[16:44:06] <wgrant> I am gardening. <== with a chainsaw? at ~ 3-5 inches above the ground?07:01
StevenKThat's the best way to do it.07:02
spmmy F-in-law is a former cane farmer. from tropical queensland. his idea of a light prune involves a chain saw at a similar "height"07:04
nigelbWith wgrant's history of deleting large parts of launchpad codebase, I'm guessing his idea of gardening is similar.07:05
spmoops. sorry, caps fail07:07
=== wallyworld changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Critical bugs: 247 - 0:[#######=]:256
wgrantMorning bigjools.08:02
huwshimiHave a nice weekend everyone08:03
bigjoolshello huwshimi08:03
bigjoolsthanks for the icons08:03
rvba\o huwshimi08:03
huwshimibigjools: Hey. No problems :)08:04
lifelessbigjools: hey08:04
lifelessbigjools: so I may have been a bit cryptic on the bug - let me know if os08:04
bigjoolslifeless: not even in my email yet08:05
bigjoolslifeless: oneiric's network manager doesn't write resolve.conf properly for static interfaces .... screws me every day08:05
bigjoolsbut thanks :)08:05
lifelessbigjools: win!08:05
bigjoolsnot so much!08:05
lifeless!!! --- !!!08:06
adeuringgood morning08:06
lifelesswallyworld: wgrant: win - OOPS-2099AR35 - fallout from updating subscriptions when retargeting08:13
wallyworldlifeless: you mean associating a bug with a different project/distro as opposed to changing privacy/security settings ?08:15
lifelessits correctly unsubscribing launchpad-security08:15
lifelessbut the redirect is to a 404 (and so oopses as its internally generated)08:15
wallyworldi'm not aware of what actions we take when retargetting. i just did the privacy/security stuff08:15
lifelesswhen one retargets such that one can't see, we probably want to return the,m to the original context08:16
wallyworldthat sounds reasonable08:16
lifelesswallyworld: I know, its a corner case we didn't identify in advance08:16
wallyworldi assume this can wait till next week?08:16
lifelessI'm filing a bug for it. I'll tag it disclosure (as disclosure made it possible to happen).08:16
lifelessyes, it will be rare.08:16
wallyworldcool. i'll make sure it's fixed first up08:17
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lifelessbigjools: hi, is bug 241646 still a bug ?08:45
cjwatsonjcsackett_: thanks!  (yes, the Ubuntu archive admins are to the best of my knowledge the only users of this)08:47
bigjoolslifeless: technically yes, but I've never seen it a problem in practice08:54
jelmerwallyworld: hi09:05
=== adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: adeuring | Critical bugs: 247 - 0:[#######=]:256
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bigjoolswgrant: I'm adding rabbitmq-management to lp-messagequeue-deps now that you packaged oneiric.  Current version is 0.99, might either head to 0.99.1 or bit the bullet and go 1.011:44
wgrantbigjools: Or 0.100..?11:46
wgrantBut yes, good plan to add it.11:46
bigjoolsI typed that and it looked horrible!11:46
wgrantBetter than 1.0 :)11:47
bigjoolswhat's this aversion to 1.0!11:47
wgrantWe're hardly stable :P11:47
bigjoolsit's a f***ing dependency package!11:48
wgrantWe could also just drop the 0. and go straight to 10011:48
lifelesswe really should do bug 28864511:50
* wgrant pokes _mup_11:50
wgrantBug #28864511:50
lifelessmup was a victim of the netsplit I think11:50
wgrantAh, that one.11:51
bigjoolsBug #288645: "Register a branch" on hosted branches is confusing <https://launchpad.net/bugs/288645> <launchpad [Triaged/High] No assignee>11:51
wgrantThere's a lot of LP UI bits that could do with some fixing...11:51
bigjoolspls to be reviewing https://code.launchpad.net/~julian-edwards/meta-lp-deps/add-rabbit-management/+merge/7769211:54
bigjoolsgah, still "Updating diff...". If only we had some way of making that update automatically.11:54
wgrantIt often takes >30min at this time of night :/11:55
bigjoolshmmm should I be targeting oneiric11:56
bigjoolsdoes it matter with recipes?11:57
wgrantDoesn't matter hugely.11:57
wgrantRecipes will do it.11:57
wgranthttps://lpstats.canonical.com/graphs/BuildersActiveVirtual/20110924/20111001/ is somewhat upsetting.11:58
wgrantPerhaps they will come back automatically.11:58
nigelbStevenK: Whenever it is that I meet you, I'll buy you a beer :D11:59
nigelb(Deployment report)12:00
bigjoolswgrant: no, we need to ping brendan12:00
wgrantMost of them have been gone for slightly under a day.12:00
wgrantBut some have been gone for longer.12:00
wgrantNot sure what's going on there.12:01
bigjoolsthey have a cron job to put them back each morning12:01
wgrantApparently not :/12:01
bigjoolsit's broken :)12:02
bigjoolsI'm going to start the publisher on DF BTW12:02
bigjoolslet it steam over the weekend12:02
wgrantA -A or -P will crash.12:03
wgrantDue to The 53.12:03
bigjoolsright, off for a liquid lunch12:04
wgrantYou could grab them into the pool manually and then run the rescue script.12:04
wgrantThere should only be 4 in oneiric that are problematic.12:04
wgrant(BPPH IDs and filenames are in my analysis)12:05
nigelbwgrant: \o/ Thanks!12:13
nigelbOne tech-debt bug fixed!12:13
nigelbAlso, another mpt bug nailed.12:13
wgrantShould have closed it hours ago, but forgot.12:14
nigelb368 tech-debt bugs. wow.12:14
wgrantMore than 5800 open bugs :)12:14
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=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: adeuring,bac | Critical bugs: 247 - 0:[#######=]:256
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StevenKnigelb: :-D12:25
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mrevellHey, I have an old branch. I've rocketfuel-got and merged devel into my branch. My branch's utilities directory seems to have stayed old; there's no ec2 in there, just the old ec2test.py. Any tips on what I need to do to fix that?13:09
deryckadeuring, abentley -- morning.  do both of you have google plus access?13:09
abentleyderyck: I do.13:09
adeuringderyck: no13:09
deryckadeuring, do you have a google account?13:09
adeuringderyck: yes13:09
deryckadeuring, can you give me that account addr info privately?13:10
flacostemrevell: have you run make yet?13:17
deryckabentley, I'd like to try standup on Google+ this morning, for reasons to be obvious later.  adeuring is still getting setup.13:28
abentleyderyck: okay.13:28
deryckso ping adeuring when you're in.  if it goes too long, we can default to mumble.13:29
adeuringderyck, abentley i think i now have an account13:29
deryckok, cool.  let me find you....13:30
deryckadeuring, can you search for me and add me to a circle?13:30
adeuringI'll try13:30
derycknever mind, adeuring.  found you.13:30
deryckadeuring, abentley --trying a g+ hangout invite.13:34
adeuringderyck: installing a plugin now...13:35
deryckadeuring, ok.13:35
adeuringUSB headset13:36
adeuringderyck: the plugin does nor detect the ZSB headset13:36
deryckadeuring, ah.  abentley says his works but starts muted.13:36
deryckadeuring, abentley -- starting hangout again now.13:58
mrevellflacoste, Ah, no, I hadn't, thanks.14:09
flacostemrevell: try a make clean ; make and see if things change14:10
flacosteit should run bootstrap for one14:11
rsalvetihey, I'm looking at packaging recipes now, and noticed we only have 2 build options, daily and on request14:32
rsalvetiat least for us it would be useful to have something like weekly or similar instead of just daily14:32
rsalvetiis this exported by the launchpad api or should I just fill a bug at lunchpad? (if there is no bug for this yet)14:33
rsalvetiif we can request the builds by the api we can just set up a cron14:33
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bigjoolsrsalveti: there's a requestBuild method on the source_pacakge_recipe14:45
jelmerrsalveti: note also that the daily build will only happen if the branch has actually changed14:56
deryckabentley, adeuring -- let's mumble15:01
jelmerLooks like berlios.de is shutting down at the end of the year15:27
rsalvetijelmer: sure, that's fine15:33
rsalvetibigjools: great, guess that should be enough15:33
rsalvetithanks guys15:33
abentleyjelmer: This git import branch isn't staying up to date, and I'm having trouble understanding the log.  Any ideas? https://code.launchpad.net/~ribalkin/ucloud/import15:34
jelmerabentley: hi15:35
abentleyjelmer: Hi.15:36
jelmerabentley: that's odd, seems like the fetch operation doesn't import the branch tip for some reason15:36
abentleyjelmer: I tried importing that branch locally, and I got an up-to-date copy.15:36
abentleyjelmer: that was a few days ago.15:37
jelmerabentley: yeah, it works fine here too15:38
jelmerwhen you say importing, did you try the code importer locally, or just "bzr branch https://github.com/cyberb/uCloud.git" ?15:39
abentleyjelmer: just bzr branch...15:39
jelmerabentley: is there a bug report about this?15:40
abentleyjelmer: no, it came in to help@launchpad.net, so there's an RT.15:41
abentleyjelmer: https://support.one.ubuntu.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=578015:41
abentleyjelmer: (apparently they've renamed the branch from trunk)15:42
jelmerabentley: hmm15:51
jelmerabentley: I have to EOD, can you file a bug about this?15:52
abentleyjelmer: sure.15:52
jelmerabentley: I can't easily reproduce it with a similar code path as launchpad uses either:15:52
jelmerabentley: it looks like an intermediate issue16:02
jelmerabentley: A new import doesn't seem to have this problem16:02
abentleyjelmer: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/86341416:02
_mup_Bug #863414: git import stops updating <code-import> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/863414 >16:02
jelmerabentley: lp:~vcs-imports/ucloud/cyberb16:02
abentleyjelmer: not surprised, really.  In fact, it looks like they may have done a fresh import.16:02
jelmerthe main import still appears to be failing16:08
jelmerI'd be interested to have a look at the problematic branch16:08
jelmersome other day though :)16:08
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=== adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: bac | Critical bugs: 247 - 0:[#######=]:256
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deryckgary_poster, ping17:47
gary_posterhey deryck17:47
deryckgary_poster, do you have time sometime during the next 1 to 1.5 hours to do a short call about couple things?17:47
gary_posterderyck, absolutely.  now is fine, or later17:48
* gary_poster gets headset17:48
* gary_poster has headset and is on Skype17:48
deryckgary_poster, ok, coming now…..17:48
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lifelessgary_poster: ping19:11
gary_posterhey lifeless19:11
lifelessin https://code.launchpad.net/~gary/launchpad/bug844631/+merge/77725 you delete the store reset code19:11
lifelessincluding our tests-get-clean-stores logic :)19:11
lifelessI can't see it being reinstated anywhere19:11
lifelessgary_poster: I didn't see mention of this in the cover letter19:12
lifelessgary_poster: publication.py, @@ -751,29 +750,6 @@19:12
gary_posterlifeless, yes, it was in the first comment19:13
gary_posterlifeless, "lib/canonical/launchpad/webapp/publication.py has deleted code because Stuart told me to.  See comments 14 and 2 of https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/844631 ."19:13
_mup_Bug #844631: Launchpad should return 503 error pages when database is unavailable <escalated> <fastdowntime-later> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by gary> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/844631 >19:13
lifelessah, following pointers, una momento19:13
gary_posterlifeless, I may have misunderstood, and would appreciate your guidance there19:13
gary_posterlifeless, I'm also happy to simply remove that deletion and leave it for Stuart19:13
lifelesscomment 2 was noting one of the symptoms19:13
lifelessgary_poster: I think you misunderstood. digging...19:14
gary_posterlifeless, instead of digging, how about I simply reinstate and leave it for stub?19:14
lifelesswell, I'd like this to land ;), nearly done19:14
gary_posterlifeless, yeah, sure, but it would be easy to reinstate that bit and move on19:15
lifelessgary_poster: I think he meant19:15
lifeless'delete the call to .raising()'19:15
lifelessgary_poster: the calls to store.rollback() and store.reset() are still needed19:16
lifelessgary_poster: however, looking at that oops referenced in comment 219:17
gary_posterif we're not sure, I still am happy to simply reinstate and leave for stub19:17
lifelessits clearly not fixed19:18
lifelessso yeah, I think reinstate is safest19:18
gary_postercool lifeless thanks19:18
lifeless(it also exposes a tech debt issue - we'd have objects surviving cross-request without the loop, and thats something I would have though was tested ;))19:19
gary_posterlifeless, I haven't run the full test suite with this.  I often do, but was focusing on my changes as fairly isolated.  I kind of had forgotten about trying to follow stub's instructions.  So there may in fact be tests.19:22
lifelessgary_poster: ah cool19:22
lifelessgary_poster: I have commented on the source bug - https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/504291/comments/11 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/504291/comments/1219:25
_mup_Bug #504291: DisconnectionErrors (already disconnected) happening again <fastdowntime> <lp-foundations> <oops> <Launchpad itself:Triaged by stub> <Storm:Invalid> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/504291 >19:25
_mup_Bug #504291: DisconnectionErrors (already disconnected) happening again <fastdowntime> <lp-foundations> <oops> <Launchpad itself:Triaged by stub> <Storm:Invalid> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/504291 >19:25
baclifeless: did you notice i had claimed gary_poster's branch and was in the process of reviewing it?19:32
lifelessbac: no I didn't19:32
baclifeless: ok. it was just odd to see it had been approved in the interim.19:33
lifelesssorry for any confusion, and I'm glad you reviewed it too19:33
lifelessbac: looks like you're making progress on the INCOMPLETE stuff. Cool!19:39
baclifeless: yeah, there was a particularly annoying bug that held me up.  i'm going to send an email to the dev list about it19:40
lifelessI'll read that mail :)19:46
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Critical bugs: 247 - 0:[#######=]:256

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