
bachi danilos10:58
danilosbac, hi (sorry, was out)12:09
danilosbac, so, I am eager to find out, what was the bug you mentioned? :)12:10
gary_posterGuten Tag, meinen Herren.12:28
gary_postergmb still has grue12:28
gary_posterbac, benji, danilos, call in 212:28
bacdanilos: now you can just escalate all of those translation bugs you wanted to see fixed12:43
danilosbac, heh, yeah, I don't think I'd stay long in linaro if I just did that :))12:44
danilosthough, if I do it in a smart and involved way, who knows...12:44
* danilos starts devising a plan...12:44
bacgary_poster: i see deryck is using g+ hangouts for his team.  want to give that a try some time?14:53
gary_posterbac, sure that might be fun14:59
gary_posterthat would be the first usage of my g+ account ;-)14:59
gary_posterbac, I can investigate what is needed to set it up, or I'm happy for you to do it if you want15:00
baci will15:01
bacgary_poster: i've invited you.  (you might not have meant "now")15:03
gary_posterbac, lol, now is fine15:03
* bac is amused to find the ASCII cow in our doctests15:06
gary_postermy network connection suxors today for some reason15:09
bacgary_poster, benji: i'm reviewing a branch that uses "string".format() rather than interpolation.  i see we don't appear to use that construct elsewhere in our code.  any argument against using it?15:10
gary_posterbac, none from me; AFAIK that's "the way of the future" or somesuch15:11
bachoorah.  i've learned my one thing for the day!15:11
* gary_poster wonders when the hangout will start15:11
benjiyeah that the python 3 way15:11
bachanging out is pretty boring, it seems15:11
gary_posterheh, particularly if no one is hanging out with you15:12
bacbenji: cool.  i'll mark his branch NEEDS FIXING to go change all of the existing interpolations to use format()15:12
* gary_poster trying15:12
gary_posterbac, heh, don't do that to me! :-)15:12
bacgary_poster: i do like the sad robot with party balloons imagery15:15
gary_posterbac, as I said, my connection suxors: I still don't have the plugin...ah there it is...15:16
gary_posterbac, Google is unhappy15:22
bacwell that was underwhelming15:22
gary_posterbac, invite me again?15:22
gary_posteroh, I see15:23
gary_posterI'll try bac15:23
gary_posterbac, I see the sad robot now.  poor me.15:25
gary_posterbenji, you can try it out now too15:26
gary_posterI sent you an invite15:26
gary_posteroh look, my Finder is unhappy.  That's always a bad sign15:27
benjieww, there's a required plugin?15:30
gary_posterbenji, oh yeah15:31
gary_posterbac, hm, yeah, tell me how it is working out for deryck :-)15:31
gary_posterseems a little rough around the edges so far15:31
gary_posterwhere that equates to "mostly unusable"15:32
baci don't remember installing a plug in.  i don't think i'd used it before.  perhaps i did.15:32
gary_posterYeah I definitely did.  Maybe it is the same as Google chat15:32
benjioh, ant it's auido/video?  I'm not a fan already.15:32
gary_posterI hadn't used that in a long time15:32
gary_posteryou can mute video fwiw benji :-)15:33
benjiI went one step further, I don't have a camera.15:33
benjiI see a lonely robot15:33
* gary_poster tries to join again so benji is not lonely15:34
gary_posteror so that the poor lonely robot doesn't have to hang out with benji :-P15:34
gary_posterbac I invited you again because it such fun15:35
gary_posterbenji is here now15:36
gary_posterok bac and benji, I think that may have ben about as much fun as I can handle.  It does appear to be as much fun as my network connection can handle15:39
gary_posterwhich is odd because it's usually pretty awesome15:39
benjiyep, for wome reason you seem to be the weak link15:39
gary_posterThe Weakest Link!15:40
benjinow just need a british lady with short hair to scowl at you15:41
gary_posterbac, I know you are really hoping for lots of reviews today, so I'm happy to oblige: https://code.launchpad.net/~gary/launchpad/bug844631/+merge/7772515:46
bacgary_poster: actually i'm in a better mood:  Total: 1123 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors in 47 minutes 25.397 seconds.15:46
gary_posterbac, wow!  great!15:47
bacwow, my vm is awful15:47
bac47 minutes to run '-t test_bugtask'15:47
gary_posterbac, do you use Fusion 3?15:47
bacyes, 3.1.315:48
bachave you upgraded to 4?15:48
gary_posterno, I'm holding off on 4 till a bit later.  I'm not compelled to pay the cost ATM15:48
gary_posterI was seeing if you had bothered and seen an improvement :-)15:49
baci'm not compelled to suffer any surprises...15:49
bacso we're both chicken, it seems15:49
gary_posterwe both have been burned by Lion lately, perhaps15:49
gary_posterOh, btw, bac, I deleted the code in 'lib/canonical/launchpad/webapp/publication.py because stub said to.  I'll give a link in the MP...15:50
gary_postercomment added15:54
gary_posterbac, I'm going to take lunch.  biab16:03
bacgary_poster: i may too16:04
benjibac: I was curious about your comment about VM speed so I ran "bin/test -c -t test_bugtask" on my VM.  It took 23 minutes.  (i5 (M 540) @ 2.53GHz17:16
bacso colorizing speeds things up?  i'll try that17:17
bacbenji: how much memory have you given your VM?17:18
benjigary_poster: you'll be relieved to know that my bug 854695 branch just made it into PQM17:18
_mup_Bug #854695: AttributeError for "__traceback__" when reporting an exception <oops> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by benji> <lazr.restful:Fix Released by benji> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/854695 >17:18
benjibac: 3/4 gig (748 meg)17:18
benjiit swaps very little, there's only 88 meg swapped out at the moment17:19
bacbenji: really?  wow.  mine is 1G17:19
bacand i have a core 2 duo @ 2.53GHz17:19
benjithe i5 is a tad faster than the core 2 at the same speed, but not 50%, so I suspect you've diagnosed it correctly as being VM overhead (although I'm a bit surprised at it being roughly 50% slower)17:21
benjiYou have an SSD right?  I do too, so that shouldn't affect things much.17:22
bacbenji: so you are running ubuntu in a VM?  what is your host?17:22
benjigrrr, "PQM test failure"17:22
benjibac: I'm runing Natty and using KVM.17:23
bacwow, so i wonder if kvm is that much faster than vmware17:23
benjiI don't know.  My only VMWare experience was with (what was then called) ESX server.  That was very fast (it ran on top of Redhat).17:24
benjiThose were the days.  Running OpenBSD on VMWare on Redhat.17:25
gary_posterbenji, PQM: yay17:30
gary_posterbac, btw, I'm here, in case you have any MP questions17:42
bacgary_poster: ok.  was distracted by lunch and other things but am on it for real now17:42
gary_poster:-) cool17:42
bacgary_poster: did you intend for the 'disconnected.html' temporary change to make it into your branch?18:24
gary_posterno bac, oops thanks18:25
bacgary_poster: i mean it isn't there18:25
baci expected it to be18:25
gary_posteroh, why?18:25
bacso you intended for it to be added in manually?18:25
gary_posterjust for review?18:25
bacfrom your MP i thought you were providing it for the reviewer18:25
gary_posteryeah, I was thinking it was nicer to have the clean diff18:25
baccool.  i was just confused by what was written18:26
gary_posterI was providing the patch for the reviewer :-) but I'm happy to merge and push18:26
baci've done it18:27
bacgary_poster: did huw write the text for the Uh Oh message?18:35
gary_posterbac, mostly.  I adjusted it because it was grammatically incorrect initially.  I may have made it worse.  Let me get his original for you...18:35
bacgary_poster: let's blame huw -- i'm sure yours is a vast improvement...but i still find it very clumsy18:36
gary_posterbac, ack.  I'm not so sure I made it better to understand, but I can't stand it when a sentence doesn't parse correctly.  Here's the original.18:39
gary_poster+                        <p>This happens when we are doing an update, in which18:39
gary_poster+                         case Launchpad will be back in less than five18:39
gary_poster+                         minutes, or in the case that something else has gone18:39
gary_poster+                         wrong someone will have already been notified.</p>18:39
gary_posterCan you tweak that subtly to make it grammatically correct and more comprehensible?  I'm happy to run with it if so.18:40
gary_posterOr not so subtly :-P whatever18:40
gary_posterThis can happen when we are doing an update.  In that case, Launchpad will be back in less than five minutes.  Otherwise, if something else has gone wrong, we have been notified and are working to correct it.18:41
gary_posterThe last sentence is still clumsy18:41
gary_posterOtherwise, we have been notified of the error and are working to correct it,18:42
gary_posterThat sounds better to me than the original or what I threw together before.18:42
gary_posterThis can happen when we are doing an update.  In that case, Launchpad will be back in less than five minutes.  Otherwise, we have been notified of the error and are working to correct it.18:43
baclet me try18:45
bacgary_poster: first, i hate the use of "this" with no object.18:46
bacis it me or is that a real rule?  i was taught so.18:46
baci guess "this <gestures to a cow> is blue" make sense.  but without the actor pointing at the cow it does not.18:47
baci guess the last thing we were talking about is the implied object18:47
gary_posterbac, it sounds reasonable.  Maybe it is in strunk/white.  It has a *kind* of object because it is preceded by the heading "Something has gone wrong, sorry about this."  So, "this" is presumably the thing that has gone wrong.18:47
gary_posterThough it should really be "The going-wrong" in the context of the sentence I guess :-)18:48
gary_poster"The wrongness"18:48
gary_posterI could futz to try to get rid of the "this", but I'll let you do it.18:49
benjiI'll drive by: how about s/This/This error/18:50
bacEither we are in the middle of doing an update, in which case Launchpad will be back in less than five minutes, or we are experiencing unexpected problems and we're working to fix them.18:50
* benji dreams of a world in which inner-city youth perform drive by grammar bikeshedding.18:51
bacyo yo, put down dat participle18:51
* bac should've used 'gerund'18:52
gary_posterbac, I like, but can we split that into two sentences?18:52
bacyes.  you.  can.18:52
bacand the previous sentence:18:53
bac"Something has gone wrong, sorry about this <insert object>.18:53
baccolossal screw-up18:53
bacactually that sentence is a run-on, no?18:54
gary_posterCan we be more colloquial, maybe?  This is mrevell's old job.  "Something has gone wrong.  We're sorry!"18:54
bacand we should channel Astro:  Ruh Roh!18:55
* gary_poster thought that was Scooby18:55
bacok, i guess i can get on with the more significant parts of the review, though the wording needs work.18:55
benjiAstro had the same speech impediment.18:56
bacthey had the same voice actor18:57
bacAstro is a canine character on the Hanna-Barbera cartoon, The Jetsons. He was designed by Iwao Takamoto, and originally voiced by Don Messick. In the Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law episode "Back to the Present", Astro was voiced by Wally Wingert. Astro was more advanced than present-day dogs, in that he had a rudimentary grasp of the English language, albeit with r's in many places they shouldn't be, or replacing other letters. For ex18:57
gary_posterSomething has gone wrong.  We're sorry!18:58
gary_posterIf we are in the middle of an update, Launchpad will be back in less than five minutes.  Otherwise, we are working to fix the unexpected problems.  Please see Twitter or Identi.ca for details.18:59
gary_posterbac ^^^18:59
bacgary_poster: won't twitter or identi.ca be shown below?19:00
bacor only sometimes?19:00
gary_posterbac, that's the hope, but if they are on an older browser & do not have Flash installed, then no.19:00
gary_posterThe links will always be shown19:01
baci just dont' want it to sound redundant for the frequent case that it is already there19:01
gary_posterI'm happy to omit the last sentence19:01
bacbut that is much better19:01
gary_postercool, bac, I'll put that in without the Twitter sentence19:01
gary_posterthank you19:01
gary_posterbac, wording changed pushed FWIW19:04
bacgah, FF7 is crashing all the time on me19:19
bacjust lost my review, though i hadn't actually written much19:20
gary_posterbac, fwiw, I'm reinstating the deleted part in publication.py because lifeless showed me that I don't understand what stub was saying, and he's not sure either19:27
baci didn't understand it either19:27
bacbut i hadn't read stub's note yet19:27
bacgary_poster: i've finished19:29
baci made some comments about behaviour when JS is not enabled.  hope it makes sense.19:29
gary_posterbac, cool, will look in a sec.  thank you!19:29
bacby that i mean, it seems rather rude to approve a claimed review that is in progress by someone else19:30
* bac -> deli19:40
bacbye benji.  have a good weekend.20:41
benjibac: same to you; I hope your dog feels better soon20:42

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