
YoBoYsert à quoi les cubecraft ?05:42
YoBoYoups wrong channel ^^"05:42
IdleOneje suppose ca cert a quelque chose qui a rapport a minecraft05:46
YoBoYça en évoque la forme oui ^^"05:47
YoBoYpaper folding with lot of glue :)05:51
YoBoYIdleOne: tiens tant que j'ai un canadien sous la main :D comment ubuntu-fr est perçu de votre côté ?06:00
IdleOnele canal?06:00
IdleOnesuper equipe qui sont tres fort en documentation et support06:00
YoBoYl'ensemble des ressources plutot06:01
IdleOnehonestly I don't use the -fr resources very often06:01
YoBoYyou don't need them, like me ;)06:02
IdleOnebut I have looked at them and when it comes to support and documentation they are awesome and I often refer -qc users to the -fr wiki/forums06:02
IdleOneand the irc channel for that matter06:03
IdleOneI know that we don't look at the -fr team as competition06:03
YoBoYI'm always trying to find how we can improve them to make them more francophones and less french (if it's necessary)06:03
YoBoYonline there is no competition, only help :)06:04
IdleOnenot sure what you mean by more francophone and less french06:04
YoBoYque les utilisateurs se sente au bon endroit et pas dans un site national, je sais pas si je suis compréhensible ^^"06:06
IdleOnewell, I think that it is important to make sure that French speaking people feel that they are welcome in the French Ubuntu community no matter where they are from.06:07
YoBoYyes that's it06:08
YoBoYit's that06:08
* YoBoY need more coffee06:08
IdleOneHave you noticed that some French speakers from outside of France feel unwelcome?06:11
YoBoYwe plan to produce ubuntu banners with the ubuntu-fr website on them (similar to the free banner the loco teams received this year) you think this can be helpfull in quebec too ?06:11
YoBoYno, but they don't seem to participate like people in france06:12
YoBoYand they are welcome to participate too :) (improving the doc, support on the forum, ...)06:13
IdleOneI'm sure the Quebec team would be willing to work with the French team on something like that. perhaps talk to cyphermox or MagicFab06:13
YoBoYI'll ping MagicFab ok :)06:14
YoBoYperhaps I'll open a survey about that one day ^^06:14
IdleOneI know the -qc team has a banner but don't think it is a Quebec specific one06:14
YoBoYperhaps one day canonical will organise an Ubuntu LoCo Summit :D06:18
knomestart working on it, and your dream might come true06:19
knomebtw, is it intentional that the topic says "Topic for #ubuntu-leadership is: %s" ?06:20
IdleOneknome: something wrong with your client06:20
YoBoYarg, some people already want us to work on an uds in France... can't do both ^^"06:20
IdleOneTopic for #ubuntu-leadership is:  Topic for #ubuntu-leadership is: Welcome to the Ubuntu Leadership Team - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuLeadership  | Mailing List: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-leadership | Meeting Date: Monday, October 24, 2011, at 1800 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting06:20
knomeyeah. replace %s with things.06:20
knomethe thing i was wondering was the "Topic for..." -part repeated06:21
IdleOneright it is hehe06:21
IdleOnetopyli: mind fixing the topic in here?06:22
IdleOneremove the "Topic for #ubuntu-leadership is:" part06:22
IdleOneif you can remember your secret password thingy :)06:23
knomeit's probably "sausage" anyway06:23
valorielike all the homepages that used to say "welcome to my homepage"06:40
valorieor somesuch06:40
knomemine doesn't...06:44
valoriethis was in the early 90s06:45
valorieyou used to see it all the time06:46
knomeyup. you still see it all the time, and you still see your clients adding that to their pages.06:46
knome(their brand-new pages...)06:47
=== akgraner changed the topic of #ubuntu-leadership to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Leadership Team - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuLeadership | Mailing List: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-leadership | Meeting Date: Monday, October 24, 2011, at 1800 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting
=== cjohnston_ is now known as cjohnston
akgranerBanners and Table Covers – What I See. - http://akgraner.com/?p=105216:26
DarkwingDuckvalorie: ping18:29
valorieDarkwingDuck: pong19:37
DarkwingDuckvalorie: care for a PM?19:48

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