
akgranerdon't mind me....sometimes I confuse even me00:28
akgranerpleia2, ok both are posted00:42
akgranernigelb, do you know how to add a link to the subheader to the Fridge02:27
akgraneryou know in the gray bar - I need to add Release Schedule Calendar02:28
akgranerI've got it added to the page and showing everywhere except on that part of the site02:28
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=== Guest76054 is now known as JasonO
akgranerOk I keep breaking the Calendar Page when I add the information for the new Calendar02:42
akgranernigelb, pleia2 nhandler if you feel like working on it - see pm and Calendar invites I've send to you all :-)   Thanks02:43
akgranernm pm I just sent you calendar invites so you have manage and edit privs on it...02:45
akgranerI added it to the side bar but don't know how I break the page when I add it to the page...but it can wait til tomorrow :-)02:46
nigelbakgraner: Probably needs some wordpress tinkering03:11
akgraneranyone else having issues getting to the Fridge?12:27
nlsthznakgraner: on what way?12:48
nlsthznakgraner: I see from the planet the link to the latest fridge article looks odd - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ubuntu-news/~3/VJvlrJIysFg/12:49
nlsthznbut yes... I can't get into the fridge in any way...12:51
akgraneryeah people are timing out if the go to fridge.ubuntu.com12:54
akgranercan someone else try it please before I open a formal RT ticket - I know it's not just me having the issue12:56
nlsthznakgraner: http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/fridge.ubuntu.com says it is down too12:57
akgranernlsthzn, I didn't even know about that12:58
nlsthznnp, I have found it very useful over the years :)13:00
akgranerOpen a formal RT ticket13:02
akgranersomething is going on13:02
akgranerrt.ubuntu.com #1806913:02
pleia2akgraner: when you file tickets for the news team stuff, can you Cc: the editor gmail account?15:56
pleia2no worries on this one, but next time :)15:56
akgraneroh yeah crap I forgot...15:57
akgranermy bad15:57
=== s1aden is now known as sladen
akgranerpleia2, et all - best response to an RT ticket on the Fridge yet - "I have poked the server and it should be a bit more responsive, but we16:15
akgraner> will likely need to take deeper steps in the long term to make the site16:15
akgraner> better at handling being popular."16:15
akgranerI've also asked for a month traffic stats update16:16
akgranerso we can track our progress...:-)16:16
* nlsthzn likes the sound of that :)16:18
akgranerme too16:20
pleia2I'm busy w/ work & packing today, if others could take a look at the goog doc and add any planet items from today and other important things that'd be great16:43
pleia2I'll be out of town for the weekend16:44
akgranerwas working on it earlier :-)16:52
pleia2thanks :)16:52
nlsthznZzzz time for IR... night17:44
akgranerTime to go lead some band parents  - home coming game tonight - concession duty - get your popcorn, cotton candy, candy apples and more....:-)  laters y'all20:16

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