
infinityslangasek: Quickie review and accept of my 6-character grub-installer change?00:12
mdeslaurfyi: today's unity regression: bug 86274300:13
ubot4Launchpad bug 862743 in unity (Ubuntu) "Desktop drawn with offset (affects: 22) (dups: 6) (heat: 144)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86274300:13
slangasekmdeslaur: by 'today' do you actually mean 'today'?  I don't see a new unity today00:14
slangasekinfinity: looking00:14
infinitymdeslaur: That's not using positive language.  Unity doesn't regress, it just improves in reverse.00:14
mdeslaurslangasek: unity (4.20.0-0ubuntu1), 5 hrs ago00:14
mdeslaurinfinity: sorry...unity's present incremental improvement00:15
slangasekinfinity: you're saying that unity is wizard, but the wizard is Merlin?00:15
jbichabut look at all those bugs fixed today in Compiz/Unity!00:15
slangasekinfinity: points off for misspelled changelog00:15
mdeslaurjbicha: there you go, 20 fixed, and only 1 introduced, we're still ahead!00:15
infinityslangasek: Wait, really?  Am I that tired?00:16
infinityslangasek: Reject, I'll fix. :P00:16
infinityslangasek: Reuploaded. :P00:18
slangasekinfinity: accepted00:20
slangasekinfinity: does this explain the ubiquity FTBFS?  I wasn't clear on how ubiquity FTBFS on 2 of 4 archs00:21
slangasekoh right, because grub-installer is only used on two of those archs00:23
mdeslaurslangasek: can't reproduce the plymouth issue, sorry00:29
slangasekmdeslaur: lucky you, given that my followup was going to be to ask you to run plymouthd under valgrind :)00:29
mdeslaurslangasek: heh, sounds like fun :P00:30
infinityslangasek: Yeah, once ubiquity is refreshed with the new grub-installer, it will build happily.00:43
infinity(which is my next move, once it publishes)00:43
infinityOh, that mksh upload reminds me...00:50
infinityslangasek: I needed to review a dietlibc sync request today.  You cool with that going in if it looks alright to me?00:51
infinity(And then we can reject mksh)00:51
slangasekinfinity: yes, no objections for dietlibc00:52
infinityslangasek: Alright, I'll sync it after I resurrect a machine and do some local testing.00:57
* infinity rejects mksh for now.00:57
infinityslangasek: Well, nevermind the dietlibc bump.  GCC ICEs while building it.01:45
infinityslangasek: \o/01:46
ScottKinfinity: re: "Ugh.  This habit of doing major version bumps on Canonical-originating packages ..." see my response to Allison's call for UDS inputs on that very topic.  Since you'll (I imagine) be there, you can push it forward.01:53
ScottKsladen: FYI, UVFe is a term it's been a few years since we used.01:56
ScottKinfinity: Also, thanks re Dapper server.  That was the first one I ran.01:57
infinityslangasek: ubiquity inc.02:14
infinityScottK: Can I get a review/accepct of ubiquity?  I'd like to build some images some day. ;)02:34
ScottKDepends on how complicate it is.02:34
infinityNot very.02:34
infinityYou can skip everything under d-i, since it's just source package copies.02:35
infinityThe ubiquity changes are pretty small.02:35
ScottKSorry, had $WORK to finish first.03:02
ScottKOr not.  (Error ID: OOPS-2099BB11)03:03
ScottKFourth try's the charm.  It's in.03:03
infinityThat oops has a pleasantly repetitive serial.03:05
ScottKIt does.03:39
ScottKI hadn't noticed, I guess that makes you more autistic than me.03:39
infinityI didn't realise it was a competition.03:41
ScottKLaney: Did you intend your changing the status of Bug 854264 to be an FFe approval?  It's nice to put a word or two in there so others know why you changed the status.03:47
ubot4Launchpad bug 854264 in ubuntu-font-family-sources (Ubuntu) "UVFe & FFe: New upstream version of Ubuntu Font Family 0.80 (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 22)" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85426403:47
pittiI suppose we'll need another armel abi bump in d-i for http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/nbs.html?04:12
* pitti looks at fixing med-imaging-dev04:12
pittiat this point I'm inclined to just remove eclipse binaries on armel and powerpc04:23
pitti(FTBFS there)04:23
ScottKSounds reasonable.04:43
pitti+queue has teh debian-med diff now04:44
pittiI'm not sure why blends-dev shuffled the recommends: line on rebuild04:44
pittibut I think it just removed packages which got removed04:44
ScottKLooking before I go crash.04:44
pittiat least it did that for the other blends packages I touched recently04:45
ScottKIt's late.  I've very tired.  I'm willing to believe you.04:45
ScottK(I don't think anyone in Ubuntu uses the blends packages anyway ....)04:46
ScottKGood night.04:46
pittisleep well!04:46
ScottKThanks.  4:59 until I have to be up again.04:46
infinitypitti: d-i needs a rebuild anyway.  But yeah, need to bump omap4 kernels.05:04
infinitypitti: Probably safe to do the d-i bump later in your day, if you want.  I was just waiting on the archive to settle.05:06
pittiinfinity: yes, not particularly urgent; I just looked at NBS to see what remains05:06
pittiinfinity: FYI, bug 862743 is a real sucker05:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 862743 in unity (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 2 other projects) "Desktop drawn with offset (affects: 51) (dups: 15) (heat: 314)" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86274305:06
pittibuilding a test package now, will upload in a bit05:07
infinityYeah, Unity's special.05:08
pittiinfinity: dpm was asking for getting the libgrip HTML documentation installed; I fixed the source to install it into libgrip-dev, does that sound acceptable to upload at this point?05:33
pittiinfinity: (for http://developer.ubuntu.com)05:33
infinityI'm not really familiar with how developer.ubuntu.com fits into the grand scheme of things...05:33
infinityBut what's wrong with -doc packages? :P05:34
pittiinfinity: nothing in particular, but (1) binNEW, and (2) small package05:34
pittithere's loads of packages which just install their docs into -dev to avoid excessive split-o-mania05:34
infinityYeah.  Fails if you later want to multiarch, though, doesn't it?05:35
infinityBut fair enough.  Docs ahoy.05:35
pittiinfinity: oh, how so?05:35
pittiit's static file05:35
infinityNo per-arch generation at all?05:36
infinityMight be alright, then.05:36
infinityStill a bit icky. ;)05:36
infinityBut whatever.05:36
pittiinfinity: nope, docs are generated by make dist05:36
pittithat's the common case these days with gtk-doc05:36
pitti(same for glib, gtk, and all the other libs)05:37
pittimuch faster, and there's no real reason to regenerate docs each time05:37
pittimind all those wasted entropy!05:37
infinityYeah, I remember this from doing telepathy release engineering.05:37
pittis/those/this/ (was going to write "electrons")05:37
infinityWas a constant source of annoyance, actually. :P05:37
pittiunity and libgrip uploaded; whee!05:38
pittia non-broken desktop, and already TWO WEEKS before release!05:38
infinityIt'll break still.05:39
infinitySee the sponsorship request in -devel. ;)05:39
pittiyes, we are good at that05:39
pittiinfinity: sponsoring libcanberra, too, that looks good05:42
infinitypitti: Need some reviews?05:46
pittiinfinity: if you are in the mood, that'd be nice05:47
infinityI'm just fixing my local mirrors, happy to review when the diffs rolls in.05:48
pittiinfinity: argh, forgot bug ref in libgrip; want me to reupload?05:48
infinityWell, you just rejected it, so sure. :P05:49
pittier, what?05:49
infinityUnless that was someone ninja accepting?05:49
infinityMan, I wish this thing had an audit trail.05:49
pittiI accepted David's libcanberra05:49
infinityGrip, canberra.05:49
pittiyeah, hard to distinguish05:49
infinityI stop reading after the first 3 characters.05:50
* pitti uploads libcranberry05:50
infinityAs for the bug ref, I don't care if you close it manually.05:50
pittiack, will do that then05:51
infinityArgh.  The unity people really need to stop using this silly tool. :(05:52
infinity"Hey look, we moved all our packaging from one debian-foo.patch blob to another, happy diffing."05:52
pittieww, yes; the actual diff is just a two-liner05:52
pittiinfinity: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/trunk/revision/167705:52
pitti(slightly easier to read)05:53
infinityYeah, I've learned to read these messes.05:53
infinityAnd thanks to their magic packaging crazy, I prefer to review the actual source package instead of a branch.05:53
infinityCause I don't trust it.05:53
pitti3.0 (quilt) just doesn't play well with bzr maintained pacakges05:53
pittifor mine I just keep 1.0, it's so much better for upstream/packaging in bzr05:54
* pitti asks didrocks to do that05:54
infinity3.0 (quilt) works fine, you just have to actually keep patches in bzr.05:55
pittiyes, that's just silly if you already have everythign in proper revision control05:55
infinityI did quilty packages in maemo git all the time.05:55
pittiwhat you want to do is "bzr merge <trunk>", not stuff everything into patches again05:55
didrockspitti: well, I haven't done the transition to source 3 on purpose, seb128 did when I wasn't there despite my warning… I'll revert for P05:55
infinityIn a Debian system, the source package is ALWAYS authoritative, nothing is ever in proper revision control. :P05:55
infinityAnd people who think it is keep dropping changes.05:56
pittiright, the two concepts are fundamentally incompatible05:56
didrockspitti: maybe not dropping for an SRU, or is it ok?05:56
pittibut with source 1.0, you get a big diff.gz, but at least it's policy compliant (apt-get source gets you what is built), and doesn't break bzr05:56
pittididrocks: oh, for P is fine05:57
infinitypitti: I actually used to like that I could keep cherrypicks in debian/patches and not have random changes in my source, but to each their own.05:57
infinitypitti: Made it more obvious (to me) when an upstream cherrypicked change got merged in.05:57
didrocksinfinity: not exactly the same when upstream is in bzr and you can bzr merge05:57
infinitypitti: Cause it's basically silent if you've picked INTO your tree and then merge.05:58
pittiinfinity: right; but then "bzr merge" just DTRT without you having to mess with debian/patches and the like05:58
infinitypitti: Whereas you get a nice "hey, the patch doesn't apply anymore" when it's external, and you remember to, like, document it.05:58
didrocksinfinity: we never do that for patches that are not upstream05:58
didrocksinfinity: for those, it's debian/patches05:58
infinitydidrocks: I did this for a long time with upstream in git and maemo building directly from git.05:59
infinityBut, like I said, others preferred your method.05:59
infinityBoth work.05:59
infinityI'm not picky.05:59
infinityThough maemo also had clever ways to nominate tags as upstream versions, etc, so you could re-roll a pristine orig from git at any time.05:59
infinityAnd yet, if we get there soon with all the UDD/bzr stuff, I really hope I can still just blat a normal source package at an ftp server too.06:00
infinityI'll be miffed if I can't.06:00
slangasekare you not just referring to pristine-tar, which UDD uses?06:03
infinityslangasek: Dunno.  Am I?06:03
slangasekcouldn't say for sure; pristine-tar is joeyhware, dunno if maemo would've been using that06:03
infinityslangasek: Well, I can't be referring to whatever UDD uses precisely, because we still have to have an original orig.06:03
slangasekyou have to have an orig.tar.gz when you upload to the archive06:04
slangasekbut you can synthesize it from the UDD branch at any time06:04
infinityslangasek: The maemo trick was that on a new upstream version, you say "this tag is the orig", this tag is the -1, and it would construct and upload for you.06:04
infinityslangasek: (After that, of course, it hung on to the one it created and worked as a normal Debian archive would)06:04
infinityThe downside is that maemo's orig's never match the sums of upstream drops.06:05
infinityWhich annoys me.06:05
slangasekthen yeah, not pristine-tar, because *that* is what pristine-tar gives you06:05
infinityIt took me a long time to really get into a new workflow where "tagging is uploading" too.06:06
Davieydidrocks: Having converted eucalyptus from bzr merging to quilt, i can say i did not enjoy it.06:59
DavieyIt's near imposible to reconcile once changes have been tweaked, bzr blame is of little help.06:59
DavieyLet alone measure the delta.07:00
didrocksDaviey: well, we cherry-pick a lot from the unity trunk, not sure how often you need this07:00
DavieyHmm, although, that was slightly different - because the distro version was a fork, with out own orig tarball (not my choice.)07:01
infinityDaviey: Ew.07:01
Davieyinfinity: yah07:01
DavieyI'm told bzr looms is the 'right' fix for this issue.07:02
didrocksyeah, I need to give bzr looms a try at some point :)07:02
DavieyI'd just like bzr to suck in quilt patches, and generate them again at export/build-deb.07:03
Davieyand i want a pony.07:03
infinityThen you want the precursor to the precursor to UDD, back when Keybuk was working on it and it never actually became anything.07:03
infinityEvery patch was a branch, and it de/re-constructed on the fly.07:04
infinityAnd there's no real reason a simple wrapper still couldn't do that, it would be much easier now that we have a standard (3.0 quilt) for this.07:04
LaneyScottK: no, I mashed it to Triaged and then back to New07:28
Laneydidn't it take?07:28
Laneyyes, it did07:29
LaneyI was trying to undo the auto-confirmation...07:29
infinityOh, FFS.  unity is skewed now, no ARM images for me. :/07:33
* pitti feeds the armel buildd hamsters07:34
pittiI wonder if powerpc ever catches up07:34
pittinow that the "needs build" queue is down to 4, we got a LibO update coming :)07:35
pittibut we better get that in today, so that it can build over the weekend07:35
pittiinfinity: ^ armel FTBFS fix, if you are so inclined07:52
Laneytjaalton: I don't see the forward_pass change in your diff08:00
tjaaltonLaney: oops, good catch08:02
infinitypitti: A reverse debian diff?  Well done.08:02
pittiinfinity: screw UDD and its pre-applied patches08:02
pittia million ways to get it wrong, one undiscoverable one to get it right :(08:03
infinitypitti: I always, always debdiff my uploads against a pristine apt-get source of the current archive version.  Pretty much because I don't trust anything.  Or myself. :P08:03
* ogra_ wonders why we have no code that recognizes zram swap and makes sure we don't offer hibernate on that 08:04
* Laney trojans debdiff08:04
tjaaltonLaney: new one attached08:04
tjaaltonthe reason why it wasn't there was that I changed the priority08:05
tjaaltonso I need to revert that too :)08:05
tjaaltonso it's either keep the current pam-auth-update priority and add forward_pass, or change the priority (which then matches upstream suggestion of always having it below pam_unix)08:07
* infinity blinks.08:07
infinity Package: libreoffice-gcj08:07
infinity-Architecture: alpha amd64 armel armhf hppa i386 ia64 mips mipsel s390 s390x sparc kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i38608:07
infinity+Architecture: hppa kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i38608:07
infinity Section: java08:07
infinityAhh, the changelog is enlightening. :P08:08
Laneythat seems like an interesting upload for after Final Freeze08:08
Laneytjaalton: I'm minded to approve the current diff08:08
tjaaltonLaney: if I change the priority backt to what it was?08:09
tjaaltonso, add forward_pass, keep priority, and re-think about it for P08:10
Laneyget it picked back up in Debian for P :-)08:10
tjaaltonof course, I'll merge the packaging08:11
tjaaltonas soon as I'm accepted to collab-maint :)08:11
Laneylooks like it's being maintained by nmu anyway these days08:11
Laneyalright, approving08:12
Laneythere we go08:13
tjaaltonLaney: subscribed ;)08:15
infinitypitti: libreoffice seems reasonable to me, BTW.08:15
infinitypitti: If you weren't also reviewing it already. :P08:16
infinitypitti: (Then again, you probably know it better, so carry on)08:16
pittiinfinity: can do08:17
pittiI already checked the debdiff when sponsoring08:17
=== NCommander is now known as Guest93709
pittithe world is one again08:46
Laneyplease accept sssd (ffe granted)08:47
pittiLaney: done09:22
doko_please accept ghdl09:28
didrocksScottK: pitti: so, agateau has a new patch for Qt, hopefully this time really fixing bug #80530309:32
ubot4Launchpad bug 805303 in xorg-server (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 7 other projects) "Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_style_get: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed with the default qt4 gui (affects: 148) (dups: 46) (heat: 670)" [Critical,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80530309:32
infinitypitti: Can you give alsa-lib some love?  Fixes sound on Pandaboards.09:35
DavieyCan i ask for a server re-twirl please?09:36
* cjwatson -> out for a while, need to take daughter to speech therapy09:36
pittiinfinity: ... harder? (there was alreayd a fix yesterday) -- sure, looking09:37
didrockspitti: basically, there is 2 choices: either agateau patch Qt, either readd a removed symbol in gtk09:37
infinitypitti: Yeah, I know.  I fail at replicating my test system in my uploads, apparently.09:38
infinitypitti: Danke.09:39
pittididrocks: for the scrollbar "huge widget" bug?09:40
didrockspitti: yeah, that one09:40
pittididrocks: I'm afraid I don't know which is better09:41
didrocksagateau: any preference? why did you remove the first symbol draft?09:41
didrocksagateau: because you prefered set(enabled/disabled) ?09:41
agateaudidrocks: yes, it felt more in line with gtk api09:42
agateaudidrocks: updating the Qt patch is more elegant, updating the GTK patch is probably less build resource intensive09:42
infinityDon't care about build resources, but correct and sane would be nice.09:43
didrockspitti: agreed then, Qt upload? ^09:43
didrockssorry for armel builders, once again…09:43
infinityWe'll live. :P09:43
pittididrocks: Qt it is09:44
pittireally, powerpc is a lot more worries right now09:45
pittiwe've got loads of armel builders, but the two powerpc ones haven't caught up for a week or more09:45
didrockspitti: oh? with universe stuff? previous Qt is already built on it09:45
pittididrocks: yes, with anything09:45
didrocks(not the case for armel)09:45
pittiuniverse keeps being pushed after main ones, of course09:46
didrocksok, bzr bd -S, and dput in 20 minutes then09:46
infinityPPC keeps getting slammed by kernel PPAs. :/09:46
infinityBut it's never more than a few hours behind, so it's not the end of the world.09:46
DavieyDid someone trigger the server rebuild?10:03
pittineed to get offline for an hour or so, I'll be back on the train10:23
ScottKAccepted qt4 based on what pitti said earlier.10:30
ScottKSooner started is sooner finished.10:30
ScottKOK.  I would have if LP hadn't timed out.10:33
ScottKNow it's done.10:33
=== ara is now known as Guest50889
ScottKThe akonadi upload is a bugfix update from upstream.  Akonadi/kdepim is shaping up to be a complete disaster this cycle, so I want every fix in I can get.  I'd appreciate it if someone would review (we're waiting on Qt anyway).12:34
JohnLeadidrocks; we have a big problem with the dash search filters.  A range of problems that were supposed to be resolved by yesterday's release have not been fixed, and basically the 'filter results' section is a bit mangled.  ;-(  I have raised a number of new bugs, the bugs in question are: #863252 #863246 and #86324012:37
JohnLeadidrocks; I think we need to get these fixed for a day 0 SRU?12:38
didrocksbug #863252, bug #863246 and bug #86324012:38
ubot4Launchpad bug 863252 in unity (and 1 other project) "Dash - in the search filters, the "All" button should always be in the selected state when no other option in that filter category is selected (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86325212:38
ubot4Launchpad bug 863246 in unity (and 1 other project) "Dash - the options in the "filter results" section are the wrong size, aligned incorrectly, and the button outline width is incorrect (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86324612:38
ubot4Launchpad bug 863240 in unity (and 1 other project) "Dash - the "Filter results" text is the wrong size, wrong font weight, and aligned incorrectly in both the vertical and horizontal axis (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86324012:38
ScottKIt would be nice if people didn't develop right up until final freeze.12:38
didrocksJohnLea: I think those bugs will need an image about before/after (from the description, there are quite a lot of changes)12:38
didrocksJohnLea: anyway, I guess it's the release team/SRU team which can discuss if those bugs can qualifies or not12:39
JohnLeadidrocks; I've attached the images to the bugs, I have to go into a meeting now, speak soon12:42
JohnLeadidrocks; (also updated bug description)12:43
didrocksJohnLea: sure, thanks12:43
infinitySo... Feature Freeze was a month and a half ago, and UI Freeze was a month ago.  I'm having a hard time finding sympathy for new bugs introduced by new features that turn out to have broken your UI that was still being worked on.12:53
infinity(Not trying to sound harsh here, but this can't and won't work this way for the LTS cycle)12:54
infinityJohnLea / didrocks: ---^12:54
dobeyinfinity: thanks for the webkit upload12:54
infinitydobey: Thanks for the fix. :)12:55
ScottKinfinity: If you want release team support for reverting stuff, I'm with you.13:18
didrocksScottK: it hasn't been pushed, it's just design still wanting some UI adjustement. I told JohnLea it was out of question before finale and to discuss himself with you for a SRU13:23
didrocksI'm just passing the message around to ensure I don't find any agressive merge in trunk that I have to revert for next upload13:23
ScottKI'm not on the SRU team, so it's not my call, but I don't think "Oh, we'd like to tweak the U/I" fits the SRU criteria.13:24
didrocksScottK: agreed as well, even if I'm not in that team13:24
ScottKActually none of those bugs are even listed as affecting Ubuntu right now, so not yet our concern.13:25
didrocksI prefer to warn dx/design before the changes are done, hence I asked him to raise the discussion here13:25
ScottKAlthough considering how well they generally manage to understand the concept of feature freeze, I'm not sure how much it will help.13:25
didrocksScottK: I guess and hope those kind of discussion can help them to raise the awareness…13:26
didrocksthis package fix an overwrite issue btw ^ (missing epoch)13:27
ScottKI'll look at.13:31
ScottKinfinity: Would you please press the "I believe" button on my akonadi upload?13:31
ScottKSomeone beat me to it.13:38
ScottKdidrocks: It's in.13:39
ScottKinfinity: Thanks.13:39
didrocksScottK: thanks13:39
ScottK(wasn't me)13:39
* infinity raises hand.13:39
didrocksthanks to whoever acked it :-)13:39
infinityIt was a 2-second review. :P13:39
infinityOne line changelog, 2-character fix.  We need more of those.13:39
ScottKinfinity: I was thinking, it'd be nice if we had an audit trail on who accepted stuff.13:39
ScottKIsn't that a nice idea.13:39
ScottKinfinity: even better would be one line change log, two character fix, 12 hour build ....13:40
infinityScottK: I've been up all night, we've had this conversation before, and you're just being ironic, right?13:40
ScottKinfinity: Yes.  Highly.13:40
Laneyhas someone filed a bug for that?13:42
ScottKNo idea.13:43
infinityI'd guess there's been one since around the same time /+queue was first made public.13:43
infinityBut I have no idea.13:43
infinitySomeone else can review nautilus.  On the one hand, the changelog screams "we want this upload", on the other hand, I'm too tired to do it proper justice.  That's a fair few fixes to pore over.13:44
* infinity goes to try to nap.13:44
Laneyprobably covered by bug #4283113:49
ubot4Launchpad bug 42831 in launchpad "Mail notifications for administrative actions (dups: 1) (heat: 2)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4283113:49
ScottKKeep in mind in LP terms "High" means "We think we'll get to it someday".13:51
Laneywell, I did note the bug number13:51
LaneyI'm sure there are people who can cause priorities to be reassessed if they are so inclined13:52
infinityLaney: Not really.13:53
infinityLaney: Not without really irritating escalation processes and the like.13:53
LaneyI can believe there is bureaucracy there13:55
ScottKSo.  I'm looking at this Ubuntu font package.13:58
ScottKWhich leads me to http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=603157#2013:58
ubot4Debian bug 603157 in wnpp "ITP: ttf-ubuntu-font-family -- Ubuntu Font Family, sans-serif typeface hinted for clarity" [Wishlist,Open]13:58
ScottKSo is it a bug that you can't actually modify the source without non-free tools and it's in Main or does Ubuntu allow that?14:01
Laneyindeed, I understand that's the file format of a proprietary application called FontLab14:01
Laneyif http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/licensing is policy, then I don't see any such requirement14:02
ScottKRight, so it can be "Free" even if you need non-free tools to excercise it.14:03
Laneythen again, I don't see such a statement on the face of the DFSG either14:04
ScottKTrue.  I could find it in DFSG #3 if I stare at it a bit though.14:08
LaneyI think Policy 2.2.1 is typically invoked14:08
ScottK2.2.1 doesn't specify editing though.14:09
Laneyplus a bit of FTP master case law14:09
Laneysee Joerg's statement further down in that thread14:09
ScottKThat was mostly about the license though.14:10
Laneyit has a bit about modification14:10
Laneyanyway, being signed up to the DFSG, I do agree with that interpretation14:12
ScottKLooking at the package, it doesn't appear to use the shipped source to build the ttfs, so I think you're right.14:17
tkamppeterAnyone from the release team arround? I get a lot of pressure from Ghostscript upstream (See http://ghostscript.com/irclogs/, search backwards for tkamppeter, starting at the point of now) about not using libcms1 as it is discontinued upstream and full of bugs. Instead I should use their heavily patched version, which fixes many segfaults (not only Apple-generated figures) but also color incorrectness.15:22
bdmurrayCould the release manager of p-series be set so I can target bugs to it?15:34
cjwatsonbdmurray: done15:36
bdmurraycjwatson: thanks15:36
DavieyDid anyone see my request for a server re-twirl?15:39
cjwatsonDaviey: apparently not.  Running now15:40
Davieycjwatson: Thanks!15:41
tkamppeterAnyone has anything to say on my Ghostscript issue? Or better SRU?15:41
ScottKtkamppeter: Probably better in "P" to get it fixed properly.15:46
tkamppeterScottK, so I will start a test program when P opens and if an O use complains he gets a personal fix from me (through a PPA). OK?15:49
ScottKFor oneiric, I think if there are specific issues, fixable with a specific patch they should go through SRU.15:50
slangasekDaviey: you've closed bug #529714 without addressing the reason I reopened it...15:50
ubot4Launchpad bug 529714 in samba (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 9 other projects) "rhythmbox crashed with SIGSEGV in _nss_wins_gethostbyname_r() (affects: 104) (dups: 37) (heat: 670)" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52971415:50
ScottKIt's too late to update the library for oneiric.15:50
tkamppeterScottK, simply let us not advertize color management for printing, it is still in grow-in-and-stabilize phase.15:50
tkamppeterScottK, or can I post the move from the broken stock LCMS1 to the fixed Ghositscript-upstream-LCMS1 as an SRU?15:51
tkamppeterScottK, the library (lcms package) will not get updated on such a fix, GS will use a statically linked version supplied by Ghostscript upstream and tested by their commercial customers.15:53
tkamppeterScottK, this version is color-adjusted and anti-crash-proved on thousandfs of test files.15:54
Davieyslangasek: Ah, apologies - did not.15:55
ScottKtkamppeter: There are 44 reverse build-depends for liblcms1-dev.  Fixing it for ghostscript isn't enough.15:57
tkamppeterScottK, I will not touch the lcms1 package nor lcms1-dev. I will only switch the ghostscript package from using the lcms package to bringing its own internal lcms1 code which will get built into Ghostscript and only used by Ghostscript itself.15:58
tkamppeterScottK, so no other package can get broken by that.15:59
ScottKIf that one is better, why not use that for everything?15:59
Davieyslangasek: zul is *on* *the* *case*.15:59
tkamppeterScottK, getting it into GS now is a simple flick of a ./configure script. Ghostscript works with it as it got already tested by the commercial customers of Artifex. Putting the changes into the general, shared library can easily break the interface to the other apps which use lcms1.16:01
ScottKCode copies suck.16:01
ScottKSomeone should do something about this.16:01
tkamppeterScottK, this copy is short-termed as GS upstream already works on the LCMS2 switchover and then they will be able to upstreamize their patches to upstream LCMS.16:02
pittiargh, disconnect; replying, sorry if you got this twie16:04
pittiinfinity, ScottK, cjwatson: whoever reviews the lightdm upload: it's a fairly large patch, please feel free to ask me about details; the AA profile is copied from gdm-guest-session (where it has worked for several cycles), except the update for /run16:04
pittisorry for landing this late, I just took over the bug assignment today, it slightly fell off the radar so far16:04
pittiI tested it fairly thoroughly, though16:04
pittiinfinity: FYI, I pinged Sweetshark for the LibO failed to upload (missing pre-depends for xz compression); let's hope he's still online to get a fix today for building over weekend, I'll try calling him, too16:04
ScottKThat's pretty unlikely to be me reviewing it.16:04
ScottKSo don't anyone else wait hoping I will.16:05
pittiI hope infinity can get to it16:05
pittinow that lightdm allows running a guest session without a prior "real" user login, allowing the guest session to read all home dirs is pretty bad16:06
slangasekDaviey: cheers :)16:06
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ScottKtkamppeter: yes?16:13
tkamppeterScottK, how should we procced with GS then?16:13
ScottKpitti: Wouldn't it always be bad.16:13
ScottKtkamppeter: I'm probably not the one to make the final decision.  I'd ask pitti, but I'd want the security team to agree to enabling a code copy at this point.16:14
jcastroskaet: I made some changes to the juju parts of the technical overview to make it clear that it's a technical preview and where users can follow development, etc. so they're not stuck in a vacuum16:19
pittiScottK: I already said I'd rather not tear it apart for now; aside from the general "eww" of duplicate and heavily patched libraries, we didn't test that changed ghostscript16:22
ScottKpitti: OK.  Then we should definitely leave it as is.16:22
pittiinfinity: I called Sweetshark about the LibO "failed to upload", new version shoudl come today still16:23
skaetthanks jcastro16:24
pittiok, good night everyone!16:26
tkamppeterpitti, ScottK, let us solve the Ghostscript problem next week.16:27
slangasekskaet: the eglibc package uploaded to the queue is a no-code change to the packaging, to try to give apt enough information to properly handle upgrades when gcj-4.4 is installed (bug #853688).  Is this ok to accept?  It of course means we have to wait for builds before mastering any final images, but I wouldn't expect those to be happening just yet anyway16:40
ubot4Launchpad bug 853688 in gcj-4.4 (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 3 other projects) "Natty to Oneiric - failed to calculate the upgrade with gcj-4.4-jre installed (affects: 17) (dups: 7) (heat: 92)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85368816:40
slangaseklooks like ~12h to build eglibc on arm16:41
lamontslangasek: panda or bbg3/beaglexm?16:54
slangaseklamont: I think that was a bbg316:55
lamontsome fruit, eh?16:55
slangasekyes, some sort of claptonesque drupe16:59
dobeylamont: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ye1e32J98Fs17:04
* slangasek accepts eglibc17:20
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skaetslangasek,  thanks for the explanation re: eglibc.18:25
pittislangasek: we'll need another LibO upload anyway, so eglibc shouldn't be critical path even18:40
slangasekpitti: right, doh18:53
slangasekpitti: bug #854622 - you say "Given that this was reproduced using a natty install"... where is that given? :)  The only natty comment I see is that it *wasn't* reproducible on a clean natty install19:03
ubot4Launchpad bug 854622 in update-manager (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 3 other projects) "Could not install libglib2.0 (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [High,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85462219:03
mvoslangasek: I wonder if its time for the sledgehammer, a preinst that will do a md5sum check and move the right file in place?19:07
slangasekmvo: er?  It's the *directory symlink* that needs to be cleaned up19:08
slangasekif you don't fix that, the problem will always recur19:08
mvoslangasek: oh, indeed, I missed the latest addition19:09
mvoslangasek: ok, so I have one box where I can reproduce this, its exactly the same symlink as michael nelson, so this sounds like a preinst test/rm of the symlink will be enough to fix this? or am I missing something ?19:14
slangasekmvo: yes, I believe that's correct19:17
mvoslangasek: are you on it already or shall I give it a stab?19:18
slangasekmvo: I'm not on it, feel free19:18
slangasekmvo: btw, do you see any reason why on upgrades, apt would prefer to keep nfs-common back rather than replacing portmap with rpcbind? :(19:33
mvoslangasek: not of the top of my head :) do you have a example bugreport or resolve log maybe?19:33
slangasekmvo: I will soon19:34
mvoI'm testing the glib fix in he meantime19:34
* Daviey looks at swift19:38
DavieyIt seems we no longer need to be anally retentive.19:52
skaetI think he's refering to some recent edits on the process page,19:58
Davieyswift package does introduce partial backport support, with condtional --with_python2 support.. which i'm not overjoyed about.  However, the upside is that it resolves a typo where the original only had 1 x -  "-with" .. so it's ok20:09
DavieyPatch is neccessary.. it builds, please can it be accepted.20:09
slangasekDaviey: I'm rather unhappy with these backport-enabling python2 kludges20:10
slangasekyes, it's low risk, but I don't think it's something that should be done, period20:11
Davieyslangasek: tell me about it..20:12
DavieyI said i didn't want it, infinity said he thought it was appropriate.20:12
DavieyI said i wouldn't block it being merged into the packaging branch, but i wouldn't sponsor it :)20:12
DavieyI like debian/backport/$release shell scripts for munging the package myself.  Keeps debian/rules clean.20:14
slangasekI like this thing called VCS branching20:15
Davieyor that.20:17
ScottKslangasek: variously doko and barry have had an action to produce something for lucid-updates to make it possible to backport dh_python2 packages there.  Get that done and the entire problem goes away (dh_python2 is already in Debian stable, so it's only an Ubuntu LTS issue)20:21
slangasekyes, I know20:21
barryah, i didn't get a chance to ask doko about status on this :/20:21
slangasekand I forgot to ask him until after he's gone afk20:22
barryslangasek: between you, me, and ScottK, one of us will remember for monday ;)20:22
mvoslangasek: http://paste.ubuntu.com/700064/ <- that fixed the lib2.0-data issue for me, quick double check appreciated, if it looks ok, I will upload20:35
slangasekmvo: maybe also include the dpkg version check, with a bumped version to 2.30.0-0ubuntu3 ?20:36
mvoslangasek: sure, I will add that as a additional safety guard20:37
slangasekLGTM then20:37
mvoslangasek: uploaded  http://paste.ubuntu.com/700077/ now, should appear soon20:47
slangasekmvo: thanks!20:47
mvotheis update-manager upload is actually really useful, it fixed a crash during a natty->oneiric cdrom upgrade for me, when apt grows the mmap cache, we fixed the real bug in oneiric, but natty got not fixed20:47
mvothe diff for u-m is pretty tiny too20:48
mvoone more to go, then I can go to sleep :)20:48
slangasekglib2.0 accepted20:49
* slangasek yucks at bug #86367521:33
ubot4Launchpad bug 863675 in dpkg (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 1 other project) "dpkg wrongly claims that a foreign-arch package is disappeared by a removed native-arch package (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86367521:33
infinityslangasek: Oh, ick. :/21:40
infinityI think the only sane thing to do is back out all the multiarch patches over the weekend.21:41
infinityslangasek: But in more seriousness, have you found the general area where it might be going wrong, or just the external test case and a head scratch? :/21:41
slangasekinfinity: I've only gotten as far as the latter21:41
ScottKHmmm.  quickly upload by this barry dude.  Got watch that one closely.22:39
barryScottK: most def :)22:40
ScottKbarry: Please don't mix in trivia like standards version changes in upload like this.  Did you in fact check that the package is 3.9.2 compliant?22:44
ScottKAccepted anyway, but FYI.22:45
ScottKskaet: There have been a number of upstream commits to kdepim/kdepim-runtime/kdepimlibs that address issues our users have been seeing (c.f longest release note in the history of the world discussion at the release meeting), so I'm updating again.23:27
ScottKWe need these in.23:27
ScottKWe'll still have upgrade issues, but it should be a lot more usable.23:28

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