
cndbregma: where do we stand on the dbus stuff?16:03
bregmaI'm still working on the dispatch, I'm not happy with it16:04
bregma(when I get stuck, I wander off and do other things until the solution comes to me)16:04
cnddo you have an eta?16:04
bregmaI'm hoping for Monday, but I'm off camping with the cubs this weekend so it might not be until Tuesday16:06
bregmaor longer if I catch pneumonia16:06
bregmaweather forecast is 4 C and rainy, we're canoeing and camping16:07
bregmawe're going through a march and it's duck hunting season16:08
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|afk
cndhmmm… that sounds like a recipe for disaster...16:17
bregmawe will make men and women out of these 7-10-year-olds16:18
bregmamost of the kids around here know all about hunting and living in the back woods, 'cos that's the common lifestyle16:19
* bregma cues banjo riff16:20
cndbregma, do you hunt?16:20
bregmano me16:20
bregmait's pretty messy16:20
bregmaand game taste too gamey16:20
bregmabirdshot hurts my teeth16:20
cndhmm, sounds like valid arguments to me :)16:21
cndI would add on top that bad things can happen with guns16:21
bregmayeah, but around here, you get awfully funny looks if you say things like that16:22
cndthat's why I live in the city :)16:23
cndbregma, I'm working on continuations right now, but it's very tricky17:07
cndI have an idea, but I'd like to bounce it off you17:07
cndwould you be able to mumble?17:08
bregmasure, gimme a minute...17:08
cndbregma: I have some more thoughts17:57

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