
TakyojiDell didn't just pull EVERYTHING they have with Ubuntu, did they? http://www.dell.com/ubuntu04:27
tonyyarussoFor the eight millionth time, no.04:28
tonyyarussoDell is stupid, and takes down all of the Ubuntu stuff while they're working on certifying new machines, then puts up all of the new stuff later, rather than replacing it live.04:29
tonyyarussoThus, Ubuntu users who don't pay attention do a collective giant freakout and blog frenzy about this twice a year.04:29
Takyojiwould be nice if they didn't have it pulled for like half the freaking year every time though. :P04:40
Takyojiand it would be nice if System76 had a mid-level laptop04:45
tonyyarussoDefine "mid-level"?04:45
TakyojiNot starting at $70004:45
Takyojii.e. like $300-40004:45
Takyojior 'low-end' I guess you could call it.04:45
tonyyarussoYeah, I would.04:45
Takyojieven though I've been able to get quite good hardware at that price.04:46
tonyyarussoThey can't make any money in that segment.04:46
tonyyarussoThey could make a system like that, but there's no way they could be competitive with Dell there.04:46
Takyojiso then you're implying they're supposedly competitive with Dell now with their current line? :P04:47
Takyojibut currently I have a friend that isn't in a substantial job, and saving up for their Wacom tablet (about $100-150) was a bit of effort for them to pull off, they are exclusively an Ubuntu user, and would need to get something better of a laptop at some time; I was looking at like a $300 system from Dell as being a potential option.04:51
TakyojiHas Ubuntu shipped with Deja Dup at all before?05:09
TakyojiIf it hasn't, then I'll mention that it's present in 11.1005:09
tonyyarussoI don't even know what that is.05:09
Takyojibackup utility05:09
Takyojiand now a tool for color management05:10
Takyojiand a 'removable media' panel for controlling what it does when certain media is loaded (CD, DVD, SD card, etc)05:12
Takyojisome 'Wacom Graphics Tablet' thing05:12
Takyojiand opening XTerm crashed Unity05:13
Takyojiand also a new "System Info" panel as well in 11.10 (even though it's reporting the version as 11.04. xP) which is good; just too bad it's a bit bare as of yet05:21
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