
cyberangerI've not been there before, I don't know people there now, and I didn't see anyone there stealing, too hypothetical00:00
cyberangerI can tell you what I think I'd do, but I just don't know, it's not happening now, never did before00:00
* wrst makes attempt 3 at ubuntu minimal install00:00
wrstyeah cyberanger you don't know until you are there00:01
cyberangershe phrased it perfectly too, tore down any walls, anything that kept it from feeling personal00:01
wrst_shellhmm cool00:02
cyberangerI don't have many friends in town, so saying I saw it00:02
cyberangerit was targetted to make it personal, and something like that, it'd be a shock00:02
cyberangerbut yeah, a bit of an ambush in ways for that00:03
cyberangerthat tear down the walls, rip up the textbook, one on one, here's the job, can you do it00:03
cyberangerhere's your coworkers, can you work with them, can you turn them in, they're your friends now, can you00:04
cyberangeract like you didn't plan a response (by not acting, but being honest) and hope it's enough, show your charater, show you can answer a question 20 times harder than the job, that'd be the hardeest thing about this job if it happened00:06
cyberangersome people have different answers in mind, I didn't answer her, I responded like it was actually happening00:07
cyberangerbest I can do00:07
cyberangershow that I think on my feet, but take it serously, and so on00:07
cyberangeranyhow, time to go, bbl00:07
Unit193Adios mate, see ya00:08
wrstlater cyberanger00:11
Unit193Bah, I need more pandora stations...00:13
wrstUnit193: getting repeats01:45
Unit193That too01:46
Unit193Just need more verity01:46
wrstUnit193: watching a show on discovery called "Track Me If You Can" about living off the grid, its reminding me of cyberanger :)02:23
Unit193wrst: Yeah, was thinking the same thing as I read that (Or what you would be thinking). We be watching Doctor Who reruns :D02:23
wrsthe has a baseball cap with LED lights to hide from cameras at night02:28
Unit193Heh, wow...02:30
wrstthe leds aren't visible, but blind the cameras in low light02:30
pace_t_zuluwho is meetingology`12:11
wrsta bot of some sort pace_t_zulu i'm unsure of purpose12:12
wrstof course you knew that :)12:12
pace_t_zulupleia2: do you know anything about this meetingology` clown?12:13
pace_t_zuluwrst: :)12:21
pace_t_zuluhey guys ... reminder that we have a meeting next thursday ... http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/tennessee.team/157/detail/12:33
pace_t_zulucyberanger wrst Svpernova09 orias ... reminder about meeting next thursday12:34
pace_t_zuluadd agenda items for next thursday's meeting at http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/tennessee.team/157/detail/12:34
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: you saying that cause the adgenda is light14:24
cyberangerwrst: didn't know about that show, but check out http;//www.wired.com/vanish14:31
cyberangerI know that's something I think of14:31
wrstahh cyberanger that's interesting14:43
wrstit is neat to think of trying to go under the radar14:43
cyberangertrying to imagine what evan ratliff did, kinda makes me wonder14:50
wrstcyberanger: you have anything much going on this weekend?14:58
pace_t_zuluwrst cyberanger i am planning a release party in nashville on a friday evening between Oct 14 and Nov 415:35
pace_t_zuluwrst cyberanger would either of y'all be able to attend?15:35
pace_t_zuluxpistos: ^15:35
pace_t_zuluxpistos: you too on the release party question15:36
wrsthmm pace_t_zulu possibility15:46
pace_t_zului've updated the meeting agenda15:52
pace_t_zululet's get on this map .... http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/15:52
pleia2pace_t_zulu: here's the instructions for how to use meetingology to track a meeting: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology15:53
pace_t_zulupleia2: looks like MootBot++15:55
pleia2yes, it's mootbot's replacement15:55
pace_t_zuluf yea15:55
pace_t_zuluwe're using it15:55
pace_t_zului'll ask the MootBot people to get MootBot out of this room15:55
wrstpace_t_zulu: you seem excited about that :D15:56
pace_t_zulupleia2: thanks ... pardon my french up there :/15:56
pace_t_zuluwrst: i've never been a fan of MootBot beyond it's basic functionality15:56
pace_t_zulupleia2: will meetingology` log to a server that will retain logs indefinitely?15:56
wrstpleia2: you are like the encyclopedia of all things ubuntu and ubuntu related!15:56
pace_t_zuluMootBot's logs get deleted after a year or so15:57
pace_t_zuluwrst: pleia2 is very familiar with the loco system ;)15:57
pleia2pace_t_zulu: it only logs meeting logs, and for transparency your team should keep those around forever15:57
pleia2so people in the future know the history of the team15:57
wrstpace_t_zulu: yes by very familiar, meaning she's the stuff!15:57
pace_t_zulupleia2: are you saying the team should be responsible for retaining logs?15:57
pace_t_zuluafter about a year or so ...15:57
pleia2pace_t_zulu: no, I'm saying you shouldn't want them to be deleted15:58
pace_t_zulubut they will be available through ubuntu's servers in the short term15:58
pace_t_zulupleia2: i definitely do *not* want them deleted15:58
pace_t_zulupleia2: it's been frustrating for me to see them deleted off MootBot's servers15:58
pleia2at the end of the meeting it outputs some text that you can copy/paste into a wiki page so you have a permanent record, nicely formatted with automatic minutes15:58
pleia2like this: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Meetings/2011090815:59
pace_t_zulupleia2: but without an organized effort to validate the logs - there's little way of certifying that our logs have been untampered with once a team member has handled them ...15:59
pleia2pace_t_zulu: all wiki pages have editing history from the beginning of the page15:59
pleia2so you can see all revisions15:59
pace_t_zulupleia2: doesn't mean the person copy-pasting can't revise in a text editor in between16:00
pleia2why would they do that?16:00
pace_t_zulupleia2: to be quite honest ... i think it'd be an excellent meetingology feature to automate that16:00
pleia2just make sure the person copying them is trusted, I've just never seen such a case16:01
pace_t_zulupleia2: i'm not saying i or anyone else would16:01
pace_t_zulupleia2: but where there's opportunity - there are people ready to take it16:01
pleia2automating anything with the wiki is very, very difficult since it requires authenticated login through launchpad to edit the wiki16:01
pleia2what kind of people? just have the team leader or someone you trust copy the meeting logs, or someone review them if you're so worried16:01
wrstpace_t_zulu: i would suggest us assigning that to someone on the leadership team that way it shouldn't be an issue16:02
pace_t_zulupleia2, right ... but they could easily be dumped perhaps to loco.ubuntu.com16:02
pleia2anyway, off to work for me16:02
pace_t_zulupleia2: sorry :/16:02
pace_t_zulupleia2: is there a channel where meetingology dev's are?16:02
wrstpace_t_zulu: there is a #meetingology on freenode16:03
pace_t_zuluwrst: thanks ... you know the MootBot channel perchance?16:03
wrstnope but I will do some research16:04
pace_t_zuluwrst: MootBot is only in our channel as far as i can tell16:04
pace_t_zuluwrst: i'm going to kick MootBot ... hope it's not offended16:05
wrstyeah pace_t_zulu going to say a kick or kick ban would take care of things16:05
pace_t_zuluwrst: kick-ban was necessary as you can see16:06
wrstyes had a feeling that would be required :)16:08
pleia2the devs of the meetingology` are similar to those of mootbot, I think they all hang out in #ubuntu-bots, that's where you can request removals or ask questions16:08
pleia2(if not I'm sure they'll tell you to go to the right channel)16:08
pace_t_zuluwrst: your thoughts on backports?16:12
pace_t_zulupleia2: thanks16:12
pace_t_zulupleia2: i wasn't trying to criticise ... it looks that way though :/16:12
pace_t_zulupleia2: i'm excited about meetingology` :)16:12
pace_t_zuluand i'll take responsibility for the copy-paste16:13
pace_t_zuluwrst: you think cyberanger may call foul on copy-paste procedure ;)16:13
wrstwell he does rather like to have i's dottted and t's crossed :)16:14
pace_t_zuluwrst: there's only one person in this room that i could see calling foul on that (besides me ;) )16:14
wrstpace_t_zulu: i have never really used the backports much since i generally upgrade every 6 months16:14
pace_t_zuluand that's cyberanger16:14
pace_t_zululove you cyberanger ;)16:14
pace_t_zuluwrst: lucid packages are a bit stale ...16:16
wrstyeah pace_t_zulu they are :)16:17
wrsti think backports is a good solution, I'm a fan of rolling releases, however, on desktop thats fine on say server applications I wouldn't want that16:17
wrstwb pace_t_zulu16:19
pace_t_zuluwrst: lucid packages are rather stale16:23
pace_t_zuluwrst: just added backports repo16:23
wrstyeah pace_t_zulu, I like backports, i prefer a rolling release on my desktop but on the server I don't think that is the way to go16:23
pace_t_zuluwrst: had to reboot16:23
wrsthad a feeling16:24
wrstyou still using the ec2 instance?16:24
pace_t_zuluwrst: indeed16:27
wrstthat seems to be working well?16:50
pace_t_zuluwrst: i have been connected persistently since the spring18:19
pace_t_zuluwrst: with the exception of some weirdness with quassel-core that was resolved with a package update18:19
pace_t_zului was not connected for like a weekend18:20
Unit193/remove takes care of it very well too ;)18:25
Unit193Howdy chris458519:02
wrstpace_t_zulu: do they offer any newer ubuntu's?19:27
pace_t_zuluwrst: yea ...21:36
pace_t_zuluwrst: i like running lts on server21:37
binarymutant...this channel is so quiet...22:09
binarymutantanyone know how to auto-auth with nickserv in irssi?22:11
binarymutantand how to auto load a script in irssi22:12
binarymutant<- again lazy22:12
pace_t_zului'm using irssi atm22:13
binarymutantpace_t_zulu: hiya!22:13
pace_t_zulubinarymutant: nice to see you back22:13
pace_t_zulubinarymutant: i'm setting up znc22:13
binarymutantthats pretty cool22:15
pace_t_zuluyea ... you can connect to it with irssi22:15
pace_t_zulubut it enables persistent connections without locking you into a specific client22:16
pace_t_zulu*cough* quassel *cough*22:16
binarymutantit's a bot22:17
binarymutantin a sense22:18
binarymutantpretty nifty if you have a stable connection (i'm using a laptop)22:19
pace_t_zulubinarymutant: thought about an ec2 deployment?22:23
binarymutantpace_t_zulu: too much money for me :D22:24
pace_t_zulubinarymutant: costs me  >$1/month22:24
binarymutantwhaa? really?22:24
pace_t_zulubinarymutant: last months bill ... $0.9222:24
pace_t_zulumonth before $.9422:25
pace_t_zuluubuntu server22:25
binarymutantI'll have to check into that22:25
binarymutantpace_t_zulu: you use amazon's service?22:25
pace_t_zuluoriginally set it up to tunnel on public wifi22:25
pace_t_zulubinarymutant: yea22:25
pace_t_zulubinarymutant: but it's running quassel-core and bitlbee now22:25
pace_t_zului use it to host http://johnhaitas.info ... (shameless plug ;) )22:26
pace_t_zuluand as a git server22:26
pace_t_zulubeats the shit out of paying $15/month to GitHub for a grand total of 5 private repos22:26
binarymutantI thought github gave free repos22:27
binarymutantbitbucket does :D22:27
binarymutantlike 5 free22:27
binarymutantpace_t_zulu: I don't really understand the "per hour" pricing ec2 has22:27
pace_t_zulubinarymutant: github does not provide free private repos22:28
pace_t_zulubinarymutant: and even a 5 repo limit is too prohitive22:28
pace_t_zulubinarymutant: it was confusing for me ... but i am paying less than $1 per month ... the server is running 24/722:29
pace_t_zului am on the free tier/micro tier22:29
binarymutantthat is awesome (signing up now)22:29
binarymutantpace_t_zulu: your a good salesman :P22:29
pace_t_zulubinarymutant: i love it22:29
pace_t_zulubinarymutant: i'd love it if you have one too ... because i know you'd get the most out of it ...22:30
binarymutantwith that said I better read the TOS22:31
pace_t_zulubinarymutant: i am running a free tier ubuntu server 10.0422:31
binarymutantsigned up for the free acct :D22:33
binarymutantpace_t_zulu: have you tried rackspaces cloud yet too?22:34
binarymutantor any others22:35
binarymutantaw my prepaid credit didn't go through :(22:38
wrstpace_t_zulu: don't blame you on running LTS on server22:49
binarymutantuptime is great with stable/lts22:52
pace_t_zulubinarymutant: haven't tried rackspace ... i use their jungledisk product for work22:54
pace_t_zulubut never a cloud deployment over there22:55
pace_t_zului suppose i should give it a go22:55
binarymutantidk I might use that shell provider Unit was talking about, it's free with no cc required22:57
binarymutantthey don't allow tunneling though :/22:57
pace_t_zulubinarymutant: gotta run ...22:58
pace_t_zulubinarymutant: who doesn't allow tunneling?22:58
pace_t_zulubinarymutant: openvnc ... tunnel through there22:59
pace_t_zulubinarymutant: let me know if you get znc setup on your cloud deployment ;)22:59
binarymutantpace_t_zulu: will do, thanks for the advice22:59
binarymutant[gripe] devs not supporting their products well (luakit)23:17

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