
=== PyIRC is now known as Cam
c03can someone help me set up my glx on my intel card?00:00
c03Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".00:00
c03when i try to run glxgears00:01
sdcnlabcan someone please help me with these dependency errors im havign with opencv00:04
sdcnlaband libcv-dev00:04
jen__can anyone help me with mypaint?00:05
escott_c03, !paste the output of glxinfo00:05
jen__I still cant get it to work :(00:06
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:06
mephist0jen__: mypaint? never heard about. have you tryed gimp?00:06
jen__yes I've tried gimp, I like mypaint better00:06
mephist0jen__: is it vectorial?00:07
escott_c03, what kind of video card is this?00:07
jen__mephist0, whats that mean?00:07
c03intel / nvidia gtm520m00:07
c03it's an asus u36sd00:08
escott_c03, so if this has switchable graphics you probably want to set it to a single type or look into vgaswitcheroo (or is it bumblebee)00:08
mephist0vectorial means based on math equations. Gimp works on pixels. more artistic.00:08
c03yea, I tried disabling the nvidia chip with ironhide00:09
jen__mephist0,  no I dont think so, its paint brushes and colors, oh and layers thats just about it. But Im so used to doing all my art with it I dont wanna lose it00:09
kermit1how can i make ubuntu boot by itself?  every time i need to go hook up a keyboard to press enter at grub, and press "S" if it ever cant find a drive in fstab.00:09
mephist0jen__: whats the problem?00:10
escott_c03, and if you are using the nvidia card use jockey-gtk to install drivers00:11
jen__mephist0,  i click on the icon and it never starts up, there's no errors in the terminal I dont think00:11
zonedjust installed phpmyadmin ... what is the default username/pass?00:11
laanananyone who uses BasKet ever have it crash after dropping an image into a note? Now it just crashes at startup...00:12
lgagazis there a command like shred but that can do directories too?00:12
mephist0jen__: when you execute it on terminal gets frezed?00:12
jen__I dont know, how do you do that?00:12
escott_lgagaz, no. they aren't regular files, but you can shred the files in the directory00:12
escott_lgagaz, or you shred the entire partition00:13
mephist0jen__: open a terminal go to applications->accesories->terminal. Then execute mypaint00:13
jen__mephist0,  just type it in?00:14
mephist0yes. then see what is says?00:14
c03escott_: I disabled the nvidia card successfully now00:14
c03but I still can't start glxgears00:14
c03and glxinfo is the same00:14
escott_c03, if you want to use the intel drivers you'll need to make sure the entire intel stack is installed including mesa00:15
c03how do I do this?00:15
escott_c03, make sure the nvidia drivers are uninstalled00:16
c03apt-get purge nvidia?00:17
squishyhere's what it says00:17
escott_c03, use jockey-gtk to remove them or synaptic. i dont know the package name00:18
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c03the driver is not activated00:18
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lgagazescott but i wanna shred a bunch of files in many subdirs too which is why i asked if theres one that works like shred but does directories ;d00:19
squeeeshieim the same one with the mypaint00:19
escott_lgagaz, find -exec them00:20
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jen__can anyone help me?00:23
c03escott_: The nvidia drivers are not active, the chip is disabled00:23
c03escott_: How should I proceed?00:24
mephist0jen__: https://encrypted.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=mypaint%2BIndexError%253A%2Blist%2Bindex%2Bout%2Bof%2Brange&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8#sclient=psy-ab&hl=en&client=ubuntu&hs=FXm&channel=fs&biw=1600&bih=759&source=hp&q=mypaint+IndexError:+list+index+out+of+range&pbx=1&oq=mypaint+IndexError:+list+index+out+of+range&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=33629l34041l0l34980l2l2l0l0l0l0l536l746l2-1.5-1l2l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&fp=b3c88bd700:24
sdcnlabhi guys i just fixed my depdency issue with --force-overwrite in dpkg00:24
sdcnlabbut should i report this or somethign?00:24
sdcnlabits taken me like hours to get it working00:24
jefimenkois there a problem with apt pinning packages with names formatting in certain way? i'm having trouble pinning libsqlite3-000:25
jefimenkoapt-cache policy shows that it's not found (even though it IS there, i can apt-get install it)00:25
jefimenkomy preferences file looks like http://pastebin.com/3BPYKH4j00:25
kermithow do i make grub not require me to hit enter at boot?00:25
mephist0jen__: cant help you with that. some people talk about some mypaint bug at certain version. you probably have to downgrade00:25
jefimenkothis is what "apt-cache policy" shows http://pastebin.com/C0t6kX7000:25
dr_williskermit:  it has an auto.timeout option00:26
jen__the strange thing is...it will open on my moms account on my computer00:26
dr_willischeck the grub configs00:26
sniperjo_if i connected to my board with serial, it would say last login from …. would it sound weird to have ttyS2 instead of tty02 ?00:26
longthetaHi, is there an alternative interface to the man pages other than the `man` command in terminal?00:27
longthetaLike, is there a way to view the /usr/docs/ in the browser or something?00:28
jen__nevermind, I will just make another account for that soley00:29
jen__but thanks for the help :)00:29
dr_willislongtheta:  ther is some tool. or jout point thebrowser there00:30
kermitdr_willis: where do i set that?00:30
longthetabtw dr_willis, where are the docs? i'm trying to find them right now00:30
longthetai vaguely remember they were at /usr/.../docs00:30
jcgsHi dies anyone know why ubuntu's thunderbird is still at version 3.1 when the current stable is version 7? how did we get so behind?00:30
longthetanot sure the exact path though00:30
jcgslongtheta: have you tried xman? that's pretty basic, and might take some getting used to...00:31
dr_willis!grub2| kermit00:31
ubottukermit: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)00:31
longthetajcgs: well, it's better than just man, but it's still fugly :(00:32
longthetaman at least looks better in a way00:32
dr_willislongtheta:  usr share docs00:32
WakiMiko_is this the place where i whine about weird as shit behaviour00:32
jcgslongtheta, what's so wrong with less anyway?00:32
dr_willisWakiMiko_: not really00:32
kermitdr_willis: thank you00:32
WakiMiko_there is nothing wrong with less00:33
WakiMiko_its pretty much vi00:33
jcgslongtheta: i reckon it's much faster than anything else?00:33
WakiMiko_with less featues00:33
longthetai'm not talking about speed jcgs, that's not the bottleneck00:33
jefimenkoany ideas on pinning?00:33
longthetait's just man pages are so long and obtuse00:33
jefimenkoi asked in debian and they directed me here00:33
WakiMiko_dr_willis: i got a problem though00:33
longthetai wish there was a browser like-way to read them, or pdf00:33
jefimenkoeven though i think it *might* be an underling issue with the apt tools00:33
jcgsWakiMiko: there are things wrong with less, like the fact that the first time you use it, you spend about 10 mins wondering why it doesn't quit when you press ctrl+c00:33
WakiMiko_jcgs: q00:34
jcgslongtheta: why?00:34
DasEijcgs: http://tinyurl.com/6eubz4k00:34
longthetai'd like to actually read them without frustration, like normal texts on my computer jcgs00:34
jcgsWakiMiko_: I know fine know, I just have a memory00:35
longthetamost early unix cmds quit with q as well, if interactive mode00:35
WakiMiko_ok guys i really got a problem00:35
WakiMiko_the problem is im drunk00:35
WakiMiko_so im not completely sure what happened00:35
WakiMiko_fact is, bevore i was drunk i installed apting throught apt00:36
jcgsDasEi: is there one for stable builds? is daily different from nightly?00:36
WakiMiko_accordring to the logs apt or whatever UNINSTALLED gnome network manager at the same time00:36
WakiMiko_for no reason whatsoever00:36
WakiMiko_now what00:36
DasEijcgs: http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/00:37
DasEijcgs: there are one for stable and betas00:37
longthetaoh sweet: http://www.macgeekery.com/tips/cli/pretty-print_manual_pages_as_ps_pdf_or_html00:37
dr_willisconfigure network by hand and reinstall what you need00:37
SIFTUlongtheta: did you try http://tips4linux.com/easily-read-man-pages-in-firefox/00:38
WakiMiko_dr_willis: well i already did that otherwise i woudlnt be talking to yA00:38
alkafoolongtheta: ew00:38
WakiMiko_u know im a unix expert00:38
WakiMiko_im just trying to find out what happened00:38
WakiMiko_im on thinkpad t42000:38
WakiMiko_i installed arping00:38
WakiMiko_and left da house00:38
WakiMiko_then i came back00:38
longthetaSIFTU: no, that looks like the easiest way, thanks!00:38
WakiMiko_and no network00:38
FloodBot1WakiMiko_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:39
WakiMiko_u know my current state is making things more difficult00:39
alkafooSIFTU: SIFT you!00:39
jcgsDasEi: all it says is "mozilla daily build team". Is daily the same as nightly, because that's just  too bleeding edge for me, I could probably cope with betas, but I'd prefer just a normall stable version of thunderbird 7, like the one for liunx x86 that seems to be on their website00:40
escott_c03, im not entirely sure. i know you need mesa gem and then intel drivers00:40
DasEijcgs: same yes00:40
SIFTUalkafoo: ?00:40
ionitehi everyone.00:40
alkafooweird, you got it last time00:40
alkafooionite: hi00:40
jcgsDasEi daily = bad :( stable = good00:40
ionitei'm having problems at Step 5. Can anyone help me? http://www.linwik.com/wiki/using+the+realtek+8172+and+8192se+wireless+controller+with+ubuntu+9.1000:41
SIFTUalkafoo: :)00:41
alkafooionite: what problems00:41
escott_c03, try installing xserver-xorg-video-intel00:41
cornellAnybody here use Pulseaudio?00:41
ionitealkafoo: realteck driver compatibility for ubuntu.00:41
ionitealkafoo: anyway, what do they mean /path/to at step 5?00:41
c03escott_: already newest00:42
WakiMiko_you guys are no real help00:42
jcgscornell: probably everybody...00:42
WakiMiko_though i probably cant blame you for that00:43
WakiMiko_i will report back when im sober00:43
escott_c03, what does your xorg.0.log say when it tries to load the intel drivers00:43
jcgsWakiMiko_: good luck anyway :)00:43
DasEijcgs: I'm bretty sure there is a repo somewhere, as there is http://tinyurl.com/6k92a6z, but I'd have to look myself, I use betas in jails, so not my problem00:43
ionitehi. can anyone help me with my problem? it's a wireless problem.00:43
ioniteHow do i perform step 5?                    http://www.linwik.com/wiki/using+the+realtek+8172+and+8192se+wireless+controller+with+ubuntu+9.1000:44
cornellthx jcgs.  Do y'all know about any documentation "for dummies".  I've checked some things I've found with google, and I'm not catching the basics....00:44
SIFTUc03: what kernel version are you running?00:44
tonyyarussoionite: Which part of that step is confusing to you?00:44
WakiMiko_is there a command to report exactly what packages where installed at what time?00:44
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c03Linux u36 2.6.38-8-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 11 03:31:24 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux00:45
ionitetonyyarusso: step 5. what does it mean to replace with /path/to ?00:45
cornellDoes every machine on the LAN run a server?  Any given server is a sender or receiver?00:45
kermitwhats the (S) mean in /proc/mdstat ?00:45
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ionitetonyyarusso: my downloaded file is at /Downloads00:45
escott_kermit, synced?00:45
SIFTUc03: ok thats supported.. and your "lspci|grep VGA" for the intel card00:45
alkafooionite: it means cd to the dir the tarball is in00:45
mephist0hi there.  someone know how to use keyboard as mouse? tryed <shift><cntrl><num lock> and no luck. Im looking for some generic linux solution. Is there config files?00:45
tonyyarussoionite: It means that if you saved the file to ~/Downloads, the command would be sudo tar zxvf ~/Documents/rtl8192se.......00:45
alkafooionite: then run sudo tar xzvf whatever.tar.gz00:46
DasEiionite: cd to the location you d/l'ed the tarball to, then untar it00:46
tonyyarussoionite: In other words, the filesystem path to the tarball.00:46
jcgsWakiMiko_: aptitude search * |grep ^i00:46
tonyyarussoionite: (Side note - /Documents doesn't exist - ~/Documents, aka /home/ionite/Documents does.)00:46
ioniteDasEi: tonyyarusso alkafoo so what do i type exactly? i'm sorry i'm such a noob to terminal00:46
alkafooionite: so if it was in ~/Downloads/, you could've run sudo tar xzvf /home/foo/Downloads/foo.tar.gz00:46
DasEiionite: or better make an extra dir like sudo mkdir rtl, then move it there, then unpack00:46
tonyyarussoionite: You just replace the /path/to/ part with the path to the directory you saved it to.00:47
WakiMiko_unfortunately i dont have aptitude installed00:47
c0300:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)00:47
jcgscornell, I'm probably in the same position, pulseaudio is very complicated from what i gather, and was partially invented to alleviate problems caused by a mess of sound servers in linux. do you want to do anything specific?00:47
c0301:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Device 1050 (rev ff)00:47
SIFTUc03: also you dont have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf do you00:47
SIFTUc03: yep same as mine00:48
SIFTUc03: well the intel part00:48
c03nope, no xorg.conf00:48
c03I'm fairly sure the nvidia is disabled though00:48
ionitetonyyarusso:  how do i identify my path? it's in downlaods. so is it              sudo tar xzvf /home/ionite/Downloads/8192ar.gz00:48
WakiMiko_i dare anyone here to install arping00:48
jcgsWakiMiko_: shame, i think it's great.. I'll see what I can turn up with apt-get00:48
SIFTUc03: can you pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log00:48
longthetaIs there a way to view the memory stats as a gnome applet in the gnome panel?00:48
longthetaThat would be Really Nice00:48
longthetalike a way to run a terminal cmd to it even00:49
longthetacat /proc/mem/ | grep -i "whatever'00:49
tonyyarussoionite: That looks correct, yes.  You can confirm that by changing to that directory, doing a list, and seeing if it's there - `cd /home/ionite/Downloads && ls`00:49
c03SIFTU: http://paste.ubuntu.com/699425/00:49
cornellYeah, jcgs... I run a ubuntu box as my main workstation, and sometimes my personal laptop running internet radio, and sometimes my company laptop.  I listen to one with headphones.  So, I miss warning beeps, alarms whatever.  I want all the machine's sounds to go to one machine, and I listen to that one.00:49
alkafooionite: wget 'ftp://WebUser:fh7SkVT4@' && sudo tar xzvf 92ce_se_de_linux_mac80211_0003.0620.2011.tar.gz00:49
WakiMiko_jcgs: i really think something strange happened00:49
DasEilongtheta: conky and htop ?00:49
tonyyarussolongtheta: "Classic" (Gnome 2) interfaces have a system monitor applet.  No idea for Unity or Gnome 3.00:50
longthetai'm on 10.04 so still 'classic' tonyyarusso00:50
longthetasys monitor is hardly useful though00:50
longthetait's just a bunch of colors moving with too little space to gauge to be useful00:50
ionitetonyyarusso: but i got this error root@nx116:/usr/src# sudo tar xzvf /home/David/Downloads/8192.tar.gz tar: /home/David/Downloads/8192.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now tar: Child returned status 2 tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors root@nx116:/usr/src#00:50
tonyyarussolongtheta: What are you hoping it will look like?  Conky perhaps?00:51
c03Should I restart X when I disabled my nvidia chip? Would it make any difference?00:51
longthetajust numbers, % of ram usage00:51
WakiMiko_http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6457172/arp.png all i did was "apt-get install arping"00:51
WakiMiko_it seems to uinstall all the gnome network stuff00:51
longthetadon't want to use conky, just want gnomeapplet00:51
tonyyarussoionite: is 8192.tar.gz the file name?  You could use 'locate' if you're not sure where you put it.00:51
WakiMiko_note: i didnt use the ubuntu software center00:51
ionitetonyyarusso: yes it is. i changed the file name to 8192 for easier and shorter typing time.00:52
longthetasysmonitor applet is actually pretty useful00:52
longthetadidn't know you can have separate graph for mem usage and have hoverover for % stats and stuff00:52
tonyyarussoionite: Use ls to confirm that it's where you think it should be I guess.00:52
longthetamuch better00:52
c03SIFTU: get anything out of it?00:52
SIFTUc03: how did you disable? blacklist the nouveau module?00:53
escott_c03, you should restart the computer after disabling xorg, and remove/rename your /etc/X11/xorg.config00:53
SIFTUc03: only that one error.. and I'm not sure why it refers to Nvidia as there is no nvidia module being loaded00:53
escott_c03, and when we say disable nvidia we mean disable it in the bios00:53
SIFTUescott_: you cant on most00:54
lgagazwhats the best FS to use for purely storage, i guess for speed/stability?00:54
c03yeah, i'm dual booting to windows, so that's not gonna happen ^^00:54
c03I disabled it with Ironhide00:54
c03it's a continuation of bumblebee00:54
jcgsWakiMiko_: dpkg-query -l |grep^.i00:54
WakiMiko_i think the problem is that arping conflicts with some iputils programs00:55
c03trying the reboot00:55
ionitetonyyarusso: why doesn't locate identify 8192.tar.gz ?             david@nx116:~$ locate 8192.tar.gz /home/david/Downloads/realtek8192.tar.gz david@nx116:~$ ls Desktop  Documents  Downloads  examples.desktop  Linux  Music  PDF  Pictures  Public  Templates  Ubuntu One  Videos  WT 2010 david@nx116:~$ cd Downloads david@nx116:~/Downloads$ ls 19_Ps_CHM-CHS_143.mp3  19_Ps_CHM-CHS_145.mp3  19_Ps_CHM-CHS_147.mp3  19_Ps_CHM-CHS_149.mp3  819200:55
jcgssorry there should be a space after the grep00:55
SIFTUc03: yeah ubuntus bumblebee.. depending on what you are doing the intel card is just fine especiailly with kernel 3.0+00:55
WakiMiko_and it uninstalled half of my gnome network stuff00:55
tonyyarussolgagaz: With the advent of ext4, I've seen very little reason to bother with any of the other filesystems unless you have a very specific purpose.00:55
ionitetonyyarusso: realtek8192 is the old file. i wanna use the new file which is 8192.tar.gz00:55
tonyyarussoionite: Probably because you haven't run 'updatedb' since creating 8192.tar.gz (locate uses a database, not a live search)00:56
c03still no glxgears00:56
c03and glxinfo is the same00:57
tonyyarussoionite: additionally note - file names are always case-sensitive.  /home/david is not the same as /home/David00:57
jcgsWakiMiko_: indeed, aptitude tells me that arping conflicts with iputils-ping and iputils-arping00:57
WakiMiko_damnit i think i just hit "y"00:57
ionitetonyyarusso: so how do i update DB?00:57
WakiMiko_now i think apt uninstalled everything that depends on iputils-ping and iputils-arping00:58
escottionite, sudo updatedb00:58
WakiMiko_which includes the gome network manager00:58
SIFTUc03: not sure I dont run ironhide.. blacklisting works for me00:58
jcgsWakiMiko_: and network-manager depends on iputils-arping therin lies your problem, I think00:58
WakiMiko_now how do i get that stuff back00:58
tonyyarussoionite: `sudo updatedb` will run it manually.  Otherwise cron normally runs it automaticall, by default once per day iirc.00:58
ionitetonyyarusso: oic. hang on while i try it out ok?00:58
WakiMiko_i have no idea what else it removed00:58
jcgsWakiMiko_: are you using wired?00:58
jcgsWakiMiko_: can you? do you have another option?00:59
WakiMiko_im using pretty much a default 11.04 install00:59
WakiMiko_im sure i can get wireless back00:59
c03SIFTU: how did you blacklist?00:59
WakiMiko_but i would like to revert my installition to the state b4 apt removed the conficts00:59
c03I think I did it, but I don't know if it worked00:59
c03well obviously it didn't somehow ^^00:59
jcgsWakiMiko_: is the problem that you can't install anything because you don't have a network connection01:00
SIFTUsudo vi /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf01:00
WakiMiko_i got my eth0 connection back up01:00
WakiMiko_im using it atm01:00
WakiMiko_but i want to restore my ubuntu distro to the state before apt removed essential programs01:00
jcgskk, then sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome01:01
c03SIFTU: and in goes?01:01
jcgsif you use gnome that is...01:01
SIFTUc03: blacklist nouveau01:01
SIFTUc03: blacklist nvidia01:01
WakiMiko_doing this jcgs01:01
c03roger, done01:02
WakiMiko_restarting x1101:02
c03and then reboot??01:02
ionitetonyyarusso: now i'm stuck at step 7                 sudo cp -rf firmware/RTL8192SE /lib/firmware01:02
WakiMiko_just to test this01:02
SIFTUc03: you dont have the nvidia driver installed do you?01:02
jcgsWakiMiko_: or better sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop01:02
ionitetonyyarusso: i got this error:        david@nx116:/usr/src/rtl_92ce_92se_92de_linux_mac80211_0003.0620.2011$ ls base.c  cam.c  core.c  debug.c  efuse.c  firmware  Makefile  pci.h  ps.h  rc.h    regd.c  release_note  rtl8192de  wifi.h base.h  cam.h  core.h  debug.h  efuse.h  Kconfig   pci.c     ps.c   rc.c  readme  regd.h  rtl8192ce     rtl8192se david@nx116:/usr/src/rtl_92ce_92se_92de_linux_mac80211_0003.0620.2011$ sudo cp -rf firmwa01:02
c03I apt-get purged it01:02
WakiMiko_ubuntu desktop should depend on all that essential stuff yeah01:02
c03SIFTU: reboot ?01:02
SIFTUc03: sure01:03
WakiMiko_ok im gonna uninstall the gnome network manager stuff01:03
WakiMiko_and install the ubuntu-desktop01:03
jcgssrsly? you need that, it comes with ubuntu-desktop01:03
WakiMiko_im kinda anal about dependencies01:03
WakiMiko_i know01:03
WakiMiko_i just reinstalled it01:03
WakiMiko_beceause the conficlt removed it01:03
tonyyarussoionite: You're getting cut off.  If you want to show multiple commands, use pastebin.01:03
WakiMiko_but id rather have it installed as a dependeny01:03
c03_same stuff in glxinfo01:04
c03_and still no glxgears01:04
WakiMiko_i think im kinda OCD01:04
jcgsWakiMiko_: good luck anyway, I'm going to bed because it's 1am :( hope it goes well01:04
WakiMiko_thanks :D01:04
jcgsoops 2am cr*p01:04
lgagazdoes wine play world of warcraft well?01:05
dr_willislgagaz:  it can play it i hear.01:06
c03_lgagaz: http://www.wowwiki.com/World_of_Warcraft_functionality_on_Wine01:06
ionitetonyyarusso:  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/699434/01:06
tonyyarussoionite: I need an ls of the firmware directory too, since the thing you want is in it.01:07
sdcnlabok guys i have a question01:08
sdcnlabim trying to install this debian01:08
sdcnlabbut its complaining about a missing package01:08
sdcnlabbut that package is there just with like a character off01:08
sdcnlaband it says its not installed01:08
SIFTUc03_: i think it stil have the nvidia opengl libs still installed01:08
ionitetonyyarusso: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/699435/01:08
DasEi!appdb | lgagaz01:08
ubottulgagaz: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help01:08
WakiMiko_goddamn this is over my head01:09
WakiMiko_is there any package that all default packages installed with a new 11.04 install depend on?01:09
tonyyarussoionite: You're trying to do something with 'rtl8192se', which doesn't exist.01:10
ionitetonyyarusso: the folder doesn't exit u mean?01:10
ionitetonyyarusso: *exist01:10
Cube``can i download ubuntu 11.10 beta or whatever its called now, install it, and then when the final version comes out, just update?01:11
Cube``or will i have to reinstall the whole system?01:11
c03_SIFTU: how do I kill it with fire?01:11
DasEiCube can dist-upgrade01:12
edbianCube``: you won't need to reinstall01:12
edbianCube``: If you are running ubuntu you can dist-upgrade to it now01:12
shawn_whats the code to find what video card u have01:12
DasEiCube: always fine to seperate /home case of problems01:12
edbianshawn_: lspci01:12
edbianshawn_: It will print a lot of stuff01:12
DasEishawn_: lshw | grep vga01:13
shawn_kk ty both01:14
shawn_inow why dont i have the nvidia settings in system -> admin01:14
tonyyarussoionite: correct.  There is no such folder as rtl8192se, so you can't very well copy it.01:15
DasEishawn_: driver not installed ?01:15
M3t0rwhy is `which` pointing to the right version, but bash isn't invoking it? https://gist.github.com/125240401:15
shawn_yes it is01:15
shawn_i just installed it01:15
wereverhi! anybody can help me please? I am on ubuntu 11.04 and internet and any kind of network connection are disabled cause I uninstalled by error packages for network, drivers are ok01:15
Cube``edbian: oh i am!01:15
DasEiwerever: edit /etc/network/interfaces, restart network01:16
shawn_is there a cmd to see if tht one driver is installed?01:16
shawn_video driver01:16
Cube``edbian: the thing is, 10.10 could connect to my tethering phone, but 11.04 cant, so im trying to dist-upgrade to see if that bug is fixed in 11.10, else ill go back to 10.10. doesthat make sense?01:16
danileigh79werever: I'm gonna send you some instructions01:16
bsmith0931i just grabbed the docs for the latest ubuntu kenel update, and , one quick thing, why are they compressed, they're text files, how big could they possibly be, in aggregate?01:17
ionitetonyyarusso: but i can access the folder?          http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/699437/01:17
wereverthanks DasEi, edit command says "unknown mime-type" and no edit mailcap found for type aplicattion/octet/stream01:18
wereverthanks danileigh7901:18
DasEiwerever: gksu gedit is the actual command01:18
M3t0rwhy is `which` pointing to the right version, but bash isn't invoking it? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/699438/01:18
wereverDasEi done, how restart network?01:19
shawn_whats better ubuntu 10.04 or 10.1001:19
DasEiwerever: how do you connect, wired ?01:19
danileigh79werever: what's your network card?01:19
danileigh79werever: Broadcom what? what's the model?01:20
DasEiwerever: sudo service networking restart to restart (but just when done)01:20
wereverI can connect both wired or wireless, but gnome panel doesnt have networks icons currently01:20
werever1 sec01:20
danileigh79DasEi: I had this problem, I have a set instructions for network card drivers failing in 11.0401:20
danileigh79DasEi: nm, I missunderstood his problem01:20
danileigh79werever: I apologize, I missunderstood his problem01:21
danileigh79werever: your problem01:21
wereverddanileigh79 dontworry, I cant see current driver cause drivers manager isnt loading01:21
wereverdanileigh79 dontworry, I cant see current driver cause drivers manager isnt loading01:21
wereverthanks dasei01:22
DasEiwerever: connectivity back ?01:22
danileigh79werever: id 11.04 by itself or side by side with windows?01:22
danileigh79DasEi: He's saying he can't see his networks icon on Gnome panel01:22
werever11.04 byself, now I am on a second computer using windows and xchat, my lap is onside me01:23
DasEidanileigh79: and before he couldn't connect, so to apt anything he first..01:23
WakiMiko_yay i fixed it01:23
wereverdasei no, error says:01:23
wereverdasei: restart unknown service01:23
sdcnlabhey DasEi would you mind giving me a little advice, im installing a deb and it requires libcommonplayer3 wheras the package name installed on the system is libcommonplayer3.001:23
Chris3I am trying to complete an install on a 2nd physical harddrive that I put in my Windows box.  Went through the install, but now it hangs on startup.  Wondering if I picked the right root, or if anyone else can help me troubleshoot?01:23
sdcnlabtherefore it says package isnt installed01:23
Da|Mummypsensor is only showing me gpu, and my hdds. why not cpu?01:24
wereverdasei I tried this: $ sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart01:27
wereverwithout success01:27
DasEiwerever: sudo service networking stop && sudo service networking start01:27
DasEisdcnlab: which deb you try to install ?01:27
sdcnlabno respository :<01:28
sdcnlaband i really dont wanna compile it from source01:28
wereverdasei I found that: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-restart-start-stop-networking-service-howto/ infact isnt working yet01:28
sdcnlabis there a way either change the debian so it looks for the right name library01:28
sdcnlabor a link to the same library so it can match the name01:28
wereverdasei I think there are many packages damaged or uninstalled01:29
gh0stCan someone help?! I've the numbers going into the list and the list displaying but I can't get them to insert into the list in order! Does anyone have any tips? http://mysticpaste.com/view/1013401:29
Cube``how do i check which version of ubuntu i have installed?01:30
Da|Mummypsensor is only showing me gpu, and my hdds. why not cpu?01:30
jrib!version | Cube``01:30
ubottuCube``: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »01:30
Cube``i just did sudo apt-get dist-upgrade01:31
Chheapshotwhy when I make a new user in kubuntu and login with it, I must set up my wireless again? There is no way to use my main user accounts wireless network settings? Kubuntu 11.0401:31
Cube``and now i still have ubuntu 11.0401:31
DasEiwerever : you put a valid section for eth0 and wlan0 in interfaces ?01:31
DasEiwerever: you use dhcp ?01:31
DasEi!dist-upgrade | Cube``01:31
ubottuCube``: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. Please see !upgrade for the proper way to upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu.01:31
DasEi!upgrade | Cube``, is what you want01:32
ubottuCube``, is what you want: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade01:32
wereverdasei I use dhcp, and Iam not sure about "interfaces" settings01:32
DasEisdcnlab: is there a nedd for that ppa ? libstage is in repos01:32
DasEiwerever: allow-hotplug eth001:33
DasEi               iface eth0 inet dhcp01:33
wereverdasei for example, I tried to share folders and message says "you dont have neccesary packages installed"01:33
cornellWell... TTFN01:34
sdcnlabwhich repoe01:34
Cube``DasEi: tgabjs01:34
Cube``DasEi: thanks01:34
sdcnlabnothing is coming up for me DasEi01:34
wereverdasei allow-hotplug returns "command not found"01:34
shawn_anyone know how to fix the firefox bug on ubuntu 10.0401:36
DasEiwerever: these are two lines for interfaces01:36
DasEisdcnlab: it's in universy a lib for robtic stuff01:37
sdcnlabor universe01:37
wereverdasei I dont understand, sorry =(01:38
SIFTUc03: I'm guessing you had nvidia installed at one time01:38
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DasEiwerever : you put a valid section for eth0 and wlan0 in interfaces ?01:38
sdcnlabi forgot to put in universe01:38
sdcnlabwow i wasted so much time01:38
DasEiwerever: these are two lines for interfaces , coming again now :01:38
DasEiwerever: allow-hotplug eth001:38
DasEi               iface eth0 inet dhcp01:39
DasEiwerever: afterwards restart network01:39
nnwhere does ubuntu save themes to?01:39
sdcnlabno nvm01:39
sdcnlabthe universe is there01:40
wereverdasei I think I am a complete dummy, I dont understand what "interfaces" mean01:40
mephist0hi there.  someone know how to use keyboard as mouse? tryed <shift><cntrl><num lock> and no luck. Im looking for some generic linux solution. Are there config files?01:40
sdcnlabdoes pakages.ubuntu include universe?01:40
wereveronly thing I am sure is some packages critical for network connections were uninstalled by a mistake01:41
DasEisdcnlab: this is just a lib, so I gues you try to install something else in the background, else simply disable that repo and do a working upgrade with solved dependencies01:41
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DasEi(the ppa)01:41
nnim getting a 'cant move directory over directory' when trying to install a theme01:41
sdcnlabDasEi, can i add how what the address that i add to the source list?01:41
alkafoomephist0: it was something like that, I think they must have disabled it in recent X versions, though01:42
DasEisdcnlab: you mean how to disable ppa ?01:42
alkafooprobably have to pass a conf param to get it back01:42
sdcnlabim just confuse what to do01:42
sdcnlabto get these packages installed01:42
sdcnlabthat sall01:42
mephist0alkafoo: param to what? the kernel?01:43
wereveranybody knows if is there any list for all networking packages installed ono ubuntu by default?01:43
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DasEiwerever: dpkg -L | grep network01:46
DasEiah default, well I could send you that output, but there are additional things I installed01:47
DasEisdcnlab: easiest would be to remove the ppa and upgrade, so your apt is fine again01:48
wereverdasei, I tried to install network-manager without sucess, and your command returns "--listfiles need at least one packagename as argument"01:48
sdcnlabDasEi, im going to remove everything i did and start over01:48
sdcnlabppa is gone and manually installed deb file is gone01:48
sdcnlabi purged em01:49
sdcnlabnow how can i install those packages01:49
sdcnlabcuz their not in any usual respository01:49
DasEisdcnlab: that's a lib that will be pulled automatically on the corresponding deb01:49
sdcnlabalso i know its bad but i had libcv-dev installed01:50
sdcnlaband then i force-overwrite libopencv01:50
sdcnlabjust to get it to install01:50
DasEisdcnlab: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade   shows no errors no more ?01:51
sdcnlabis that going to cause me problems01:51
sdcnlabDasEi, no issues ya01:51
DasEifine so,and what's the actual deb you where looking for ?01:51
sdcnlabi want to get stage and subsequent packages installed01:51
sdcnlaband then gazebo and player01:51
MonkeyDustgazebo? used to say, i like chopin01:52
sdcnlab3d robot simulator01:52
graftthis channel is awesome!01:53
wereveranybody know how to fix network connections on ubuntu?, I uninstalled a big quantity of packages from my main ubuntu  installation by mistake01:53
DasEisdcnlab: never heard of it, might be need to compile it if there is no deb01:53
shawn_anyone know how to fix the bug in ubuntu 10.04??01:53
graft3d robot simulators? haha01:53
shawn_fire fox.bin is eatin my cpu :P01:53
sdcnlabDasEi, im almost ready to01:53
sdcnlabbut if the debian is having linking issues01:54
sdcnlabim expecting the compiler to do as well01:54
graftshawn_: upgrade firefox01:54
shawn_it is01:54
graftshawn_: which version?01:54
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graftshawn_: firefox 11?01:54
wereverayudita ayudita por fa por fa01:54
sdcnlabokie i think i got it working the ppa i just found01:54
grafti know firefox has been skipping version numbers like crazy, but that is just ridiculous01:55
Guest12313My laptop speackers work but no sound thru headphones.01:55
wereverheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp plz plz01:55
DasEisdcnlab: I'd like to help more, but that'll be a walk in the dark, so better set up a vm for try n error, if you can't find anyone more experienced, good way to bork sys as we saw01:55
sdcnlabDasEi, got it working01:55
sdcnlabno worries01:55
sdcnlabhmm mistake i made before i took subset of the ppa01:56
DasEiah, ic, nice01:56
sdcnlabnow i have entire thing so theres no issues as all the depdenancies are taken care of01:56
sdcnlabthanks again01:56
sdcnlabive been working on this computer since 201:56
sdcnlabim not even gonna get paid overtime01:56
DasEiI'll send them a bill, lol, have fun01:57
DasEiwerever: did you add the two lines to interfaces as said ?01:57
wereverdasei I dont know how to add it01:58
DasEiwerever: then simply scroll back ^^01:58
sdcnlabim done im going home01:58
sdcnlabc ya01:58
wereverdasei Ok no problem, but I read you carefully and I didnt understand how to do that01:59
wereverwerever:  you put a valid section for eth0 and wlan0 in interfaces ?02:00
wereverwerever: allow-hotplug eth002:00
wereverwerever: afterwards restart network02:00
DasEiwerever: gksu gedit /etc/network/interfaces ... add the two lines 'n save it, restart network02:00
shawn_whats the latest of fire fox02:00
wereverok, got it02:01
shawn_im on ubuntu 10.04 havin a firefox.bin issue02:01
shawn_eatting my cpu02:01
DasEishawn_: 8.0 I saw on their HP02:01
shawn_is there a wget??02:01
wereverdasei nothing happens with  gedit /etc/network/interfaces02:02
DasEishawn_: add a repoline, and then just update system02:02
shrimantswhats up fellas02:02
shawn_could i dl it manually?02:02
DasEiwerever:no file opens ??02:02
shawn_an then just do tar jxpvf?02:02
wereverdasei nope02:02
shawn_an then ./firefox/firefox02:03
wereverdasei sorry i tried to open that but I forgot tell you file dont oopen02:03
shrimantsare any of you familiar with archlinux? and if so, is there a way to install ubuntu with that sort of a minimal install? I want just a base linux system that I can configure ofrom the ground up, i dont want any server dependencies or any GUI or other fancy business like that02:03
DasEishawn_: http://download.mozilla.org/?product=firefox-7.0.1&os=linux&lang=en-US02:03
shawn_i have 7.0102:04
shrimantsand I especially dont want gnome AND unity installed, let alone just one of the two nor do I want any of those random dependencies02:04
jrib!minimal | shrimants02:04
ubottushrimants: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD02:04
shawn_i googled the issue02:04
shawn_i guess everyone that has 10.04 is havin it02:04
wereverdasei I got it02:04
shawn_was 10.10 good at all?02:04
wereverdasei I used sudo instead gksu and now gedit opens file02:04
DasEishawn_: I prefer the daily builds02:04
Dell_e6410quem pode me ajudar a fazer com que meu windows 7 volte e funcionar ?02:05
jrib!br | Dell_e641002:05
ubottuDell_e6410: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.02:05
DasEiwerever: my fault, gksudo it is, I'm using other distros, too , sorry02:05
DasEiwerever: for now sudo is fine, too02:06
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)02:06
wereverdasei dont worry, allow-hotplug eth0 is only one line02:06
shawn_lol the recent fire fox is 1002:06
wereverdasei ?02:06
shawn_i just dled firefox 1002:06
DasEi               iface eth0 inet dhcp ,werever, too ?02:06
sdcnlab_ok one last thing02:07
sdcnlab_DasEi, if your still around02:07
sdcnlab_i wanted to change the boot screen start up02:07
Guest12313I lost sound to my headphones but internal speakers work fine.02:07
sdcnlab_its says kubuntu02:07
sdcnlab_but i want to change it back to the original ubuntu02:07
sdcnlab_my coworkers are going to mind02:07
Pat201i need help running conky, when i execute it is shown incomplete and enlarged on the lefthand side of the screen02:07
DasEiwerever: this is how it should look for now : http://pastebin.com/M1Fye7Uk02:08
DasEisdcnlab_: yes ?02:08
sdcnlab_DasEi, i was wondering how to change the bootscreen back to the original ubuntu from kubuntu02:09
shrimantsdoes ubuntu minimal support intel 4965 agn wireless card and WPA2?02:09
DasEiPat201: conky can be configured in almost any way, take a look for howtos or the forum02:09
wereverdasei done thanks, restarting network now02:09
zykotick9shrimants, minimal won't support WPA during install02:10
DasEiwerever: does ifconfig now show a valid ip for eth0 ?02:11
kennettneed help getting headphone jack working.02:11
DasEisdcnlab_: bootscreen ? gdm ? or the surface ?02:11
sdcnlab_ive enabled gdm02:12
sdcnlab_but before that02:12
sdcnlab_the first thing that comes up02:12
wereverdasei negative02:12
sdcnlab_says kubuntu but i want to change it back to ubuntu02:12
dr_willisthats the plymouth theme thing sdcnlab_02:12
wereverdasei, i tried a wired connection, I think I missed many critical packages02:13
DasEisdcnlab_: apt-get install ubuntu-dektop , choose gdm when asked, or remove kubuntu-dektop02:13
dr_willistheres some command to reset it to ubuntu. but i never worry about it02:13
DasEiwerever: are you using dhcp in your subnet ?02:13
wereverdasei yes02:13
dr_willisplymouth is befor gdm loads02:13
shawn_what version.. in ubuntu 10.04... doesnt eat my cpu up?02:14
DasEiwerever: does ifconfig least show a card eth0 ?02:14
wereverdasei yes, eth0 and eth1 and lo02:14
wereverdasei I have no network menu in gnome panel02:15
DasEiwerever: sudo dhclient ?02:15
Adriannomhi.  just installed natty.  apt-get-install nfs-common returns "Errors were encountered while processing:nfs-common".02:15
shawn_which is better 10.04 or 10.10?02:15
DasEiwerever: lo is localhost, and you need two similar lines for eth1 then, too02:15
zykotick9werever, see if ubuntu has a package named network-manager-gnome, and see if it's installed.02:16
wereverdasei sudho dhclient eth0 doesnt working, terminal is freezed after this command02:16
DasEishawn_: your choice, depends on your liking /unity02:16
shawn_i know but like02:16
Edistohow do i make a link to the root drive to place on my desktop?02:16
wereverdasei, i checking now02:16
shawn_firefox is eatin my cpu02:16
shawn_i installed new firefox and all that02:16
dr_willisEdisto:  ln -s foo bar  .is one way. or just drag drop02:17
Adriannomthis is also in dmesg: http://nopaste.info/27495f7f55.html any ideas how i can get nfs-common to install?02:17
Adriannomi totally need it ;|02:18
shawn_this is my cpu load02:18
shawn_top - 22:18:06 up  1:17,  3 users,  load average: 1.06, 1.15, 1.0702:18
zubercan someone help me?02:18
DasEi!ask | zuber02:19
ubottuzuber: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:19
EdistoThanks dr02:20
tonysan_I have created my PPTP VPN with this guide http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-pptp-vpn-server-with-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html , But I have a problem, I can only access LAN inside VPN, what should I do if I need to access the internet?02:20
pwlandollI'm having a problem booting up normally. I'm in failsafe now. help?02:20
zuberso i have ubuntu 11.04 in my laptop and i have connected monitor by HDMI and i cant pick 1920x1200, and my currently max resolution is 1920x108002:20
DasEishawn_: idk what causes that, maybe bad flash, try another browser for quick n dirty then, aka chromium-browser02:20
shawn_can i go to the software center an get it02:21
DasEi!info chromium-browser02:21
wereverdasei done!, I installed network-manager-gnome trough a flash usb memory02:21
ubottuchromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 12.0.742.112~r90304-0ubuntu0.11.04.1 (natty), package size 16095 kB, installed size 55952 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 all)02:21
Adriannomnfs is such a worryingly fundamental thing to break in a distro :s02:21
RobbieCrashIs anyone here running ZFS? If so, what speeds are you seeing for read/write and what type of drives are you running it under?02:21
zuberso i have ubuntu 11.04 in my laptop and i have connected monitor by HDMI and i cant pick 1920x1200, and my currently max resolution is 1920x1080. How can i set 1920x1200 resolution?02:23
wereverdasei! yeeeih I have wireless conection back! many many thanks =)02:24
Aleuckcould anyone help me find out why my Xorg still loads vesa's driver instead of intel's and reports errors when I unninstal vesa?02:24
DasEi!yay | werever02:24
ubottuwerever: Glad you made it! :-)02:24
zuberthis place suck02:25
pwlandollI'm having a problem booting up normally. I'm in failsafe now. help?02:25
mlatelcomHello everyone. I have a PHP tutorial which is made on html and for some reason some things don't show up. it works on windows...so I'm wondering why it doesn't in linux02:26
mlatelcombasically there is an index and some other html files and some folders like images and so on. and let's say for example the reference to images in the pages code is ./images/whateverimage.jpg02:27
hydrogen18Hello, I have a problem: I have a logical volume which has "#open" of 1 when I run lvdisplay. But looking in /proc/mount it is not mounted and 'lsof' does not return anything having it open. 'fuser -ki' does not prompt me to kill any processes when run against the logical volume either02:27
hydrogen18running ubuntu 10.04 server amd6402:27
mephist0pwlandoll: what says02:27
mlatelcombut it doesn't show images on any page I open.I chmod the root tutorial folder to 777 but nothing happened02:27
mlatelcomdoes anybody know what's happening?02:28
Adriannomjust installed ubuntu 11.04.  apt-get install nfs-common returned "Errors were encountered while processing:nfs-common".  dmesg shows:  http://nopaste.info/27495f7f55.html - any ideas how i can solve the problem?02:28
pwlandollmephist0: when I try booting it displays a bunch of text and stops at Checking battery state .... [OK]02:28
mephist0pwlandoll: thats it?02:29
Antrax2000mlatelcom: are u running the html manual in your local server?02:30
Pilif12phi, when i try to log in i get "Cannot update ICEauthority file", and it makes me log out02:30
rodayowhat's a good command line program like a calculator but it outputs fractions numbers as ratios?02:30
Pilif12pi'm in the guest account now and it works fine02:30
Pilif12ptried to chown to tanner:tanner, that didn't work02:30
mlatelcomantrax2000: no, just in a local folder. actually if I do it in a server it should work I guess02:31
pwlandollmephist0: the rest of the text is up there but it stops loading. I can still hit ctrl alt del to restart.02:31
kennettHow do I get my internal speakers to mute when I have headphones plugged in?02:31
Antrax2000mlatelcom: you can try, if it doesnt work, try enabling the html error reporting in your php.ini02:32
StormyJethello? i need help with installing java02:33
mlatelcomI'll try that and let's see what's happening02:33
AleuckStormyJet: what is your problem?02:33
mephist0pwlandoll: https://launchpad.net/bugs/367078 there are lots of results. maybe that helps you02:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 367078 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-180 (Ubuntu) "Hang on Checking battery state [OK] after installing graphics drivers" [Undecided,Expired]02:34
StormyJeti want to install it, so i dl'ed it. Did not work. Someone suggested APT, and i have honestly no idea what that is (new to ubuntu)02:35
Antrax2000mlatelcom: if configuring ur php.ini doesnt help u figure out what the problem is, then i suggest u use the chm format instead02:35
StormyJetcan you help me?02:36
shawn_anyone know how to fix the firefox cpu bug in ubuntu 10.04?02:36
shawn_top - 22:37:13 up  1:36,  3 users,  load average: 1.47, 1.59, 1.3802:37
nathanelshawn: why FF.. go chrome baby :)02:37
shawn_thats  my cpu02:37
shawn_see how high it is02:37
shawn_ive tryed chrome02:37
shawn_does the same thing02:37
shawn_ 3249 shawn     20   0 1160m 215m  44m S   29  3.6  17:18.42 firefox-bin02:38
shawn_kills my cpu02:38
nathanelshawn: i forgot they got the same codebase... tried disabling plugins and exts?02:38
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shawn_its flash02:38
shawn_i think02:38
shawn_its fhuked02:38
nathanelshawn: was about to say the same02:38
nathanelamd 64 or xx86?02:38
shawn_amd 6402:38
nathanelused to get that too02:39
pwlandollmephist0: Thanks, trying some of the suggestions02:39
shawn_on ubuntu 10.04?02:39
nathanelwhere did you source it from?02:39
Pilif12pok i figured it out. my home directory was for some reason owned by root02:39
nathanelshawn: no go02:39
=== Guest76054 is now known as JasonO
nathanelshawn: delete the .so02:39
mlatelcomantrax2000: I tried but it didn't work...what do you mean with chm?isn't it help format?02:39
shawn_get a different iso?02:39
shawn_and reinstall?02:40
nathaneli can mail you a wget / setup that fetches the real deal from adobe02:40
nathanelshawn: no... the .so ( the plugin itself)02:40
shawn_i got that from there website02:40
shawn_idk why its eatting my cpu02:40
shawn_it doesnt do it in 11.04 but i like 10.04 alot better02:41
shawn_less buggy02:41
StormyJetI, how do i use APT to install JRE6?02:41
xangua!java | StormyJet02:41
ubottuStormyJet: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://goo.gl/zwOip -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.02:41
shawn_ur on 10.04?02:41
symptomnathanel,  what version should the libflash.so be? and where do you get it from?02:41
shawn_sym.. do u get the same prob in 10.0402:42
symptomshawn_, not on ubuntu02:42
symptomshawn_, on solaris02:42
shawn_do u have the prob where its eatting ur cpu?02:42
symptomalthough Im sure the issue is similar02:42
symptomshawn_, yes02:42
symptomshawn_, when it gets real bad it just locks up02:42
shawn_it doesnt reach 70 for me02:43
shawn_goes to 5002:43
shawn_but im on a quad core02:43
FloodBot1shawn_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:43
shawn_so i mean whats the issue02:43
symptomshawn_, when im playing videos on youtube or something, it kills me02:43
shawn_yeh same02:43
shawn_top - 22:43:36 up  1:42,  3 users,  load average: 1.62, 1.49, 1.3802:43
shawn_look at that02:43
symptomshawn_, I diverged from ubuntu ff a while ago02:43
StormyJetokay, i did what it said, now which alt java should i use?02:43
symptomI just use what ff gives me straight from mozilla.  on ubuntu atleast.  NOt really an option on solaris02:44
StormyJetit says this http://pastebin.com/SzdGWTaa02:44
nathaneli get it straight from the adobe labs server... i analyzed the download source and copied it... here is a little fetch script i made for it..  http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10728225/get-flash02:44
shawn_well it only happens in 10.04 not 11.0402:44
nathanelshawn: i get it straight from the adobe labs server... i analyzed the download source and copied it... here is a little fetch script i made for it..  http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10728225/get-flash02:44
nathanelsymptom: i get it straight from the adobe labs server... i analyzed the download source and copied it... here is a little fetch script i made for it..  http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10728225/get-flash02:45
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shawn_so how do u remove my current flash02:45
nathanelopen terminal02:45
StormyJetwhich one should i use?02:45
nathanelsudo nautilus /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/02:45
nathaneldelete the one thats called flashplugin.so02:46
=== JimmyJ_ is now known as JimmyJ
shawn_how about libflashplayer.so02:47
nathanelwhatever.. you get the idea02:47
shawn_then theres npwrapper.libflashplayer.so02:47
nathanelpoint is theres only one and its always called the same02:47
symptomnathanel, thats money02:47
ubottuUbuntu bug 862895 in network-manager-applet (Ubuntu) "Lot of options are missing from network-manager-applet since last update" [Undecided,Confirmed]02:47
nathanelsymptom: meaning??02:48
symptomnathanel, good.02:48
nathanelshawn : close terminal02:48
nathanelshawn: kill the firefox process02:48
shawn_it says02:49
shawn_no such file or direc02:49
shawn_but im in downloads02:49
FloodBot1shawn_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:49
shawn_i followed the wget02:49
shawn_and then tar xvf02:49
nathanelshawn: you have to run the script.. it does it for you02:49
shawn_so i have to copy all this to a text editor?02:50
shawn_an then name it what02:50
symptomnathanel, how do you know if there are updates?  I cant find any root page with all flash downloads.....02:50
nathanelshawn: the point is that wget fetches it for you without user authentification, it'S a query signal.... obviously if you try to input the address manually itll fail02:51
Deihmosis there no hardware acceleration in ubuntu? Ui is so freaking laggy02:51
shawn_i know nath but how do i make the script work?.. i went to the webpage that u gave me02:52
nathanelsymptom: the point is no updates: 10.2 was the most stable so far...02:52
tensorpuddingDeihmos, if your hardware supports it02:52
Deihmosi have an nvidia 9800 GTX02:52
jmcfarlaneafter the last update (oneiric) network manager (or nm-applet) is not happy :/02:52
Deihmoshow would i know if it supports it or not02:52
nathanelshawn: go to the folder where you put the get-flash, right click it>permissions> allow to execute as program02:53
symptomnathanel, what no chmodding?02:53
symptomkids these days.....02:53
nathanelITS THE SAME!02:53
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nathanelyou seem to be lost on commands02:53
nathanelchmod +x get-flash && sudo ./get-flash02:54
shawn_so i execute the script02:54
symptomim jk nathanel.02:54
shawn_an then the term opens for like 2 secs then closes02:54
symptomchmod 0755 get-flash; sudo ./get-flash02:54
nathanelor open a term and paste the command to keep output02:54
shawn_nath so im done then?02:55
nathanelcheck the ff plugin with about:plugins in address bar to verify whhich version it's at now and test02:55
jmcfarlanethe desktop is all wierd looking too, shifted down and to the right02:55
shawn_    File: libflashplayer.so02:56
shawn_    Version:02:56
shawn_    Shockwave Flash 11.0 r102:56
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nathanelit'S supposed to be 10_2 r302:57
shawn_did what u said.. went to ur page saved the file.. executed the file02:57
nathaneltype ls /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins | grep libflash02:58
=== Stormy is now known as Guest39954
shawn_that is what i delete?02:59
nathanelits bc of hte wrapper.. you need to purge with either synaptic or apt-get first02:59
nathanelthe wrapper overrides manual installs02:59
nathanelbc ubuntu's package uses nspluginwrapper to load the i386 version03:00
shawn_so go to synaptic and do what?03:00
StormyJeti need help with installing 32bit java03:00
nathanellook for anything flas related (usually flashplugin-'something") and right click on it and do COMPLETE REMOVAL03:00
shawn_cant dlete npwrapper03:01
StormyJetremoving flash? its usally libflashplayer.so for firefox03:01
shawn_its locked by root03:01
nathanelyes we know03:01
nathanelhe used the package install03:01
shawn_now i see nspluginwrapper in synapti03:02
shawn_want me to uninstall03:02
nathanelYES.. complete removal03:02
nathanelnot just remove03:02
nathanel(equivalent of apt-get purge flashplugin*)03:02
shawn_ok i did it.. so why is the file still there03:03
StormyJetokay, anyone willing to help me?03:03
nathanelrun terminal and paste the apt-get purge to make sure03:03
nathanelshawn: run terminal and paste the apt-get purge to make sure03:04
DasEiStormyJet: in what ?03:04
StormyJetanyone want to help me? pl0xors?03:04
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nathanelshawn: all gone?03:05
Solaris444Hi all.  Does this channel cover support for Ubuntu server?03:05
DasEiSolaris444: yes03:05
Solaris444Thanks DasEi.03:05
nathanelrerun the grep command i gave you03:05
DasEiSolaris444: there is #ubuntu-server though, also03:05
StormyJetanyone, plz help me to get 32bit java03:05
DasEi!java | StormyJet03:06
ubottuStormyJet: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://goo.gl/zwOip -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.03:06
Solaris444In that case, does anybody know if 10.04 LTS server has native support for the LSI MegaRAID 9260-4i RAID controller?03:06
StormyJetyes, i did that, but thats 64bit dude....03:06
KadirBu can install java with "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-xtras"03:06
nathanelshawn: output?03:06
shawn_rofl dude03:06
shawn_    ile: libtotem-cone-plugin.so03:06
shawn_    Version:03:06
shawn_    The Totem 2.30.2 plugin handles video and audio streams.03:06
DasEiStormyJet: saw kadir ?03:06
FloodBot1shawn_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:07
nathanelshawn: good.. really all gone now03:07
DasEi!hcl | Solaris44403:07
ubottuSolaris444: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection03:07
nathanelrerun the get-flash in the term03:07
StormyJetwhat dasei?03:07
nathanelmake sure ff is closed and killed03:07
Solaris444ah thankyou.03:07
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StormyJetwhenever i try to run a external java prgram ex: minecraft, it crashes03:08
DasEi(05:23:22) KadirB: ubuntu-restricted-extras , StormyJet03:08
shawn_ok i did that03:08
Solaris444er, DasEi, it says its discontinued?03:08
nathanelrerun grep and give me output03:08
shawn_samething as before03:08
shawn_its not doing it03:08
nathanelso open the script in gedit03:09
nathanelopen a new terminal03:09
StormyJethttp://pastebin.com/GcQbfPA4  thats what it does, explain please03:09
DasEi!info ubuntu-restricted-extras | but for 32 the link also works for java just , StormyJet03:09
ubottubut for 32 the link also works for java just , StormyJet: ubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages for Ubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 43 (natty), package size 3 kB, installed size 36 kB03:09
nathanelshawn: so open the script in gedit03:09
nathanelshawn: open a new terminal03:10
shawn_did it03:10
nathanelshawn: type 'sudo -s'03:10
nathanelinput p/w03:10
nathanelyou should be root now03:10
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)03:11
nathanelcopy paste the 'cd.' line03:11
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StormyJetokay, sorry for being so noobish (very new) but ubottu, what?03:12
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nathanelshawn: ??03:13
DasEiStormyJet: nvm, ubottu is the channel ro-bot, triggered by "!" like :03:13
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots03:13
StormyJetso if i did !apt what would that do03:14
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)03:14
DasEiStormyJet: you can query it to play around03:14
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://goo.gl/zwOip -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.03:15
StormyJetbut seriously, that installs 64bit03:15
DasEiStormyJet: so partner repo enabled ?03:15
StormyJetthe what (im very new)03:15
DasEiStormyJet: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list03:16
DasEi.. in a terminal03:16
StormyJetand copy all that to pastebin or soemthing?03:16
DasEiStormyJet: file open ?03:17
StormyJet"sources.list (/etc/apt) - gedit"03:17
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=== LOGAN_ is now known as Logan_
StormyJetnow what03:17
DasEiStormyJet: find the two lines of partner repo and remove the # in front of that lines, save file03:18
StormyJetthis? http://pastebin.com/U7Td8YG803:19
DasEialmost, line 6, too03:19
DasEiStormyJet: save the file, close gedit03:20
shawn_kk who was i talkin about with the flash plugin03:20
shawn_internet died03:20
StormyJetnow what DasEI?03:20
DasEiStormyJet: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade  && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras   (that pulls a bunch of also needed codecs in one then)03:20
StormyJetokay, thats done, so now what03:21
shawn_kk i have the libflasherplayer.so but cant move it it to the direct because say permission denied..03:22
kasper__hey  i am here from puerto rico03:22
kasper__alguien habla espanol??03:22
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:22
StormyJethola, kasper__ , no comprende espanol03:22
kieppiehi guys. I'm looking for a solution to read an ebook (pdf) in the background while I'm working. aby ideas, please?03:23
DasEiStormyJet: should have worving stuff now03:23
StormyJetstill crashes03:23
grkbloodI installed 10.10 64-bit and I got prompted to install additional drivers for my video card. I installed the additional drivers and now my laptop locks up at "checking battery state..." when booting up03:24
grkbloodhow do i fix this?03:24
StormyJethttp://pastebin.com/EruRiuZH says this03:24
cmicallefwoot ubuntu! :)03:26
DasEiStormyJet: sudo apt-get install --reinstall sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin03:26
DasEiStormyJet: sudo update-alternatives --config java03:27
grkbloodhow do i fix this?03:27
grkbloodI installed 10.10 64-bit and I got prompted to install additional drivers for my video card. I installed the additional drivers and now my laptop locks up at "checking battery state..." when booting up03:27
StormyJetReinstallation of sun-java6-jre is not possible, it cannot be downloaded. Reinstallation of sun-java6-plugin is not possible, it cannot be downloaded.03:27
cmicallef@StormyJet can't you just use the Maverick repo?03:28
cmicallefdeb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu maverick partner03:29
cmicallefi use that with 11.0403:29
cmicallefand sun java works for me03:29
StormyJetin terminal correct?03:29
DasEicmicallef: bad idea (dep's)03:29
keyzshow can i code in linux like i do in dreamweaver with a few clicks to build site?03:30
cmicallefDasEi: yeah i know, but it works! :D03:30
DasEiStormyJet: you saved sources after uncommenting partner repo ?03:30
StormyJetyes i did03:30
StormyJethold on, i think i made a mistake03:31
urlin2ukieppie, you might check out this link. http://www.brighthub.com/computing/linux/articles/48344.aspx03:31
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StormyJetit still crashes03:33
eaglestarhi i wanted to know if i should format my drive with seperate partitions for / /home and /swap or if the default is better and safer for upgrading thank you03:33
DasEiStormyJet: I'm still on lucid and also found a ppa by google, but wonder that the partner repos aren't up yet03:33
gr33n7007hHow do you install Epredict from source>03:33
paulus68eaglestar:  I'd go for seperate partitions03:34
gr33n7007hit wont update intltool to make03:35
DasEiStormyJet: your decision if you want to trust  a ppa, I'd rather do that before risking a broken apt on other partner's debs03:35
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DasEi^solution 2 way to then, StormyJet03:36
eaglestarpaulus68: can i ask i wanted to make sure i have 80gb hdd it says / 9999 mb /home 66715 m and swap 3308 mb is that good?03:36
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kieppieanyone know of a ebook reader with TTS?03:38
RobbieCrasheaglestar you may want to give / a bit more space03:38
eaglestarlike how much?03:38
RobbieCrash15GB should be plenty03:39
RobbieCrash10 may get cramped depending on what all you install03:39
eaglestarRobbieCrash: ok thanks i will check it out03:39
StormyJetits installing now03:39
RobbieCrashespecially if you're going to use anything through WINE, since Windows programs are substantially larger than Linux ones, generally speaking.03:40
eaglestari have not used it in so long because i needed some windows programs for work and i have gotten rusty03:40
arooni-mobileis there a way to make wireless card boost power so it can receive more networks?  t420 running intel 6300 + wimax03:40
paulus68eaglestar: I'd go with 30/30/2003:41
eaglestar30 / 30 /home and 3 /swap? i don't have enough space for my files03:42
jinuwhat are the arguments of execv() system call?03:42
Flanneleaglestar: You can definately bring / down to 10 (Unless you're planning on storing stuff in /var or somewhere else, instead of home)03:42
bastidrazoreaglestar: / should around 15. clean the apt-get cache and you'll stay well under 6GB03:42
gr33n7007harooni-mobile: iwconfig <interface> txpower <N>mW03:42
bastidrazoreaglestar: i tend to agree with Flannel. i've had this laptop for 3 years and have 6.54GB used on /03:43
eaglestarok thanks flannel and bastidrazor i will check i don't really think it will be used for more than email word processing and music03:43
eaglestarok i will keep at 10gb then03:43
Flanneleaglestar: Then yeah, you should be fine with 10gb /03:44
eaglestardo you guys always use seperate mount points? it seems to me that partitioning should always be recommended correct?03:44
paulus68eaglestar: I always use several mountpoints just to be certain that I don't loose any work dispite the fact that I do a daily backup03:45
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest13541
grkbloodI installed 10.10 64-bit and I got prompted to install additional drivers for my video card. I installed the additional drivers and now my laptop locks up at "checking battery state..." when booting up03:46
eaglestari was in this room before and they said i should do a fresh install over upgrade every time so i figured keeping a seperate partition for upgrading would be a good idea in the future03:46
setienthow is everyone03:48
urlin2ugrkblood, do you know how to edit the kernel with nomodeset to get in with a low graphics boot?03:49
grkbloodurlin2u, no03:49
diyttoIs there a way I can share the wireless internet on my laptop with another computer through ethernet03:49
grkbloodurlin2u, how would i just revert back to the open source drivers03:49
paulus68diytto: with what purpose?03:50
diyttopaulus68: So the other computer can access the internet03:50
urlin2ugrkblood, at the grub menu hit e for edit, then se the arrow keys to h=get to where it says quiet splash and add nomodeset, as far as fixing it others will know more, easier done from the desktop probably.03:50
diyttopaulus68: Think of the laptop as a bridge03:51
urlin2use=use  h+get is just get sorry grkblood03:51
paulus68diytto: I wouldn't operate like that since the speed of your internet is going to be adapted to the speed of your wireless connection03:51
diyttopaulus68: Yes, well my internet connection is too slow for it to matter03:52
urlin2ugrkblood, I think sisnce you just used the additional drivers to add you can just turn them off.03:53
urlin2usame place03:53
paulus68diytto: then why bring it even more down, since you have a wireless connection you have a wifi modem, if so you should have at least 4 ethernet ports available to plug in your 2nd computer03:54
diyttopaulus68: It is in another room03:54
paulus68diytto:  no need to bridge, you also need to be aware that both computers need to be active in order to make that internet connection work03:55
diyttoWell yes03:55
diyttoI will figure something out03:55
bsmith0931how do i get rid of a window left over from a process i killed03:55
diyttoThanks paulus6803:55
paulus68diytto: if your laptop is going into hybernation you don't have internet on your computer03:56
diyttoI never hibernate or sleep03:56
diyttoThe laptop screws up03:56
diyttoIts always plugged into power too03:56
DasEibsmith0931: either killall -9 or alt+F4 after clicking on it03:56
paulus68diytto: not good for a laptop03:56
diyttoIts basically a lightweight desktop03:56
zykotick9bsmith0931, did you happen to use xkill to kill it?  just curious.  Try changing desktops, or logout/backin.03:56
diyttoIt's the only solution03:56
diyttoIt has a 2 hour battery life03:57
DasEibsmith0931:  killall -9 on the original process kills it's kids, too03:57
paulus68diytto: what is the current layout of your network03:57
zykotick9DasEi, -9 should be used as a last resort, and doesn't touch children ;)03:57
diyttoModem - Airport Extreme wireless router - Wireless B/G router03:57
Dex7i need help - change mya videocrd - after my video (mocies) crashes. i hear only sound and black screen in player.03:57
bsmith0931kill -9 pid worked thanks03:58
Dex7the codec are installed.03:58
knightragediytto: is the wireless laptop running linux?03:58
diyttoYes, lubuntu03:58
paulus68diytto: then buy yourself an ethernet cable and connect this with 1 of your routers and plug it in straight away into your desktop03:58
mordofi've got a program that i regularly run - I'd like to launch it from the command line but it's not actually installed, it's precompiled03:58
zykotick9Dex7, try chaning to VO - Video Output in your media player (xv,x11,gl type thing)03:59
diyttopaulus68: It will have to be a long ethernet cable :/03:59
mordofhow would i go about making it so that program is available from the command line?03:59
zykotick9Dex7, typo above: s/to/the/03:59
diyttomordof: You could create a script to launch it03:59
paulus68diytto: why? are you not able to move the wifi routers?04:00
mordofdiytto: that's fine, but where would i put it?04:00
diyttomordof: Anywhere, /usr/bin04:01
diyttopaulus68: Yeah.04:01
paulus68diytto: then play with that try to enlarge the range between these 2 routers in order to get a internet cable that can be plugged into your computer04:01
diyttopaulus68: Will do.04:02
=== JimmyJ_ is now known as JimmyJ
Dex7zykotick9, thank you - it realy help. :)04:02
paulus68diytto: it's also better that 1 pc in the network is connected through cable to your routers/modem you'd get funny situations if you do a reset of your wifi and you loose internet because of that :p04:03
diyttopaulus68: There are 2 iMacs plugged in to one of the routers04:05
paulus68diytto: ok04:06
RobbieCrashAnyone in here using ZFS?04:07
Operaist2how do i type in address in the ubuntu file windows04:08
DasEiOperaist2: world04:11
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=== Tohuw is now known as Guest54940
rabbi1how can i get itrans layout . my language is not showing up in the drop down under preferences ... :( in iBus04:16
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paulus68the lag is terrible :(04:20
k1llaBytei was playing assault cube from ubuntu software center and the aiming sux is the updatedversion as bad?04:23
paean_is there a command to search a directory for text files containing specified text?  like grep but for multiple files?04:24
paean_like the "Search for files" dialog, but a cli version.04:24
curiousxpaean_: with grep's -R flag04:24
Chris3I have downloaded and unpacked the Mozilla Thunderbird executable on my new Ubuntu installation.  How do I install the program.  Don't I just double click the Thunderbird-bin file?  Any pointer in the right direction is appreciated.04:25
paean_curiousx, I never knew that flag existed.  Thanks.04:25
curiousxyour welcome dude =)04:25
eaglestari have a question my computer froze during end of install also when i restart it only shows a blank screen what should I do? (i disabled napic nolapic acpi=noirq vga=771 during install to get it working, i think it was the acpi giving me problems before04:26
urlin2uChris3, thnderbird is in the repositories, you might try that.04:26
ex0its acpi eaglestar04:26
Chris3urlin2u: OK, I will go search for those.  Thanks04:27
eaglestarex0: what should i do?04:27
urlin2uChris3, in the terminal sudo apt-get install thunderbird04:27
lucas-argis it possible to put xchat window in fullscreen?04:28
eaglestarwhenever i try to reload it it just hangs. i tried to run ubuntu but had to try lubuntu ex004:28
urlin2ulucas-arg, doesn't the screen have buttons on tye top?04:28
rabbi1how can i get itrans layout . my language is not showing up in the drop down under preferences ... :(04:29
lucas-argurlin2u, yeah but in fullscreen... like the windows using the entire screen....04:29
concerned_Err.. I have a few questions, please excuse the upcoming wall of text.04:30
concerned_Hi everyone. I have a couple questions. I have a problem, and I'm seeking to use ubuntu as part of a solution. But I'm also seeking non-computery solutions as well. I have a roommate whom is using a significant amount of down and upload bandwith that I'm concerned he may be torrenting or similar.04:30
concerned_ When I talk to him about it, he steps back for a few days, then resumes as usual. How viable is using ubuntu as a "router" distro(dedicated pc with 2 nic cards) and how can I cover my butt legally?04:30
urlin2ulucas-arg, in windows unless you hide the panel at the bottom it should be the same.04:30
concerned_AFAIK the connection is in my GFs name, and in the US she'd be liable for his traffic and would have to seek damages in small claims court should we get sued because of him..I'd like to avoid that scenario alltogether : /04:31
kazzyconcerned_, what are you using as a router currently?04:34
concerned_Actiontec Q100004:34
kazzyconcerned_, ah, it's a combination DSL modem and router04:35
=== Usuario|892 is now known as sud0
concerned_kazzy I looked for custom firmware unfortunately it's one of the few pretty much incompatible with any pre-built stuff04:35
knightrageconcerned_: might be worth a read. dunno if there's any usable information: http://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/09/10/1623255/ask-slashdot-p2p-liability-on-a-shared-connection04:37
concerned_knightrage: thanks so much for the link. I'll take a look.04:38
eaglestarhow would i boot in grub with acpi=off?04:39
concerned_knightrage: from that it looks like I might be best giving him a refund for his share of the net bill this month and just cutting off the connection, asking him to get his own. How in the world do you present something like that politely Oo?04:40
knightrageconcerned_: no clue, haha.04:42
dr_williseaglestar:  edit the grub lines at boot time. or the config files. see the !nomodeset factoid for a url.with.examples of editing grub at boot04:42
nico_hi all04:43
rabbi1how can i get itrans layout . my language is not showing up in the drop down under preferences ... :(04:43
concerned_knightrage: Well I'll have to mull over that one, but that no longer remotely has anything to do with ubuntu. So thanks a lot all~! =D04:43
nico_Could someone assist with a driver installation DURING the Ubuntu install proccess ?04:44
phlak_userrabbi1: is that the Indian language print package?04:45
rabbi1phlak_user: yeah04:45
phlak_userrabbi1: oh ok04:45
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter04:45
phlak_userrabbi1: what is your language?04:46
rabbi1phlak_user: in the dropdown it shows only chinese, nothing else, how can add indian language to the dropdown ?04:46
rabbi1phlak_user: trying to add, hindi and kannada04:46
rabbi1kn and hi04:47
danHey guys04:47
=== dan is now known as Guest33041
phlak_userrabbi1: on Ubuntu?04:47
Guest33041I have a question, and I apologize in advance that I am not very tech savvy... but I was playing that game Lincity and it messed up the resolution of my desktop wallpaper...not my computer screen just the wallpaper04:47
rabbi1phlak_user: yeah, 11.0404:48
Guest33041now every time I close out of a window the window shows up in the black area surrounding my smaller sized wallpaper04:48
Guest33041I tried switching the wallpaper to see if it needed to just refresh but it did nothing04:49
eaglestarthanks guys that helped04:49
phlak_userrabbi1: have you installed the .ifm files? eg for kannada its kantex.ifm04:50
=== Guest33041 is now known as nebrdan
phlak_userrabbi1: and dvnc.ifm for devanagari04:50
eaglestarhow do you update your bios in ubuntu?04:50
urlin2ueaglestar, generally you don't but the manufacturer wo=ho would provide the update should have instructions.04:52
eaglestari think all i have to do is edit the grub loader for acpi=off or acpi_osi04:52
phlak_usereaglestar: yes, /etc/default/grub is the place to do it and then update grub04:55
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buhmanhttp://paste.pocoo.org/show/484898/ why do I keep disconnecting, and what's reason 1?04:56
urlin2ueaglestar, run this gksudo gedit  /etc/default/grub and add the stuff to this line between the quotes, then run a sudo update-grub  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=04:56
eaglestarthanks so much urlin2u i was on the page that talks about it04:58
urlin2ueaglestar, no problems sometimes it helps to out line it. :D04:58
=== OY1R_ is now known as OY1R
ActionParsnipbuhman: can you pastebin the output of:05:10
ActionParsnipbuhman: sudo lshw -C network; lsb_release -a     thanks05:10
ActionParsniphi aki_ross05:12
ActionParsnipbuhman: I may have a fix :), I need the pastebin first though05:13
buhmanActionParsnip: sorry; one moment05:15
buhmanActionParsnip: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/484904/05:18
RP64hello fine gentlemen, my ubuntu installation is working fine except for the vital fault that it is crashing to a black screen upon login. it was a succesfull installation with a perfectly fine disk and ISO from the official source, so that isn't the problem05:19
ActionParsnipbuhman: you missed:  lsb_release -a05:19
RP64upon research, I found out that ubuntu 11.04 has problems with Nvidia Geforce , which is the videocard my computer uses05:19
buhmanActionParsnip: right...05:19
ActionParsnipRP64: add the boot option: nouveau.blacklist=105:19
RP64therefore, I have no idea what to do as I can't even log into the ubuntu, do any of the fine gentlemen here have any solutions to this spectacle?05:19
ActionParsnipbuhman: what is the output of the command please05:19
ActionParsnipbuhman: try:  sudo iwconfig wlan0 power off05:20
RP64ActionParsnip: Really, are you sure good sir? How would one go about to add a boot option do you say?05:20
ActionParsnip!nomodeset | RP64 just use nouvea.blacklist=1 instead ;)05:20
ubottuRP64 just use nouvea.blacklist=1 instead ;): A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter05:20
buhmanActionParsnip: hrm no visible changes05:20
buhmanActionParsnip: what was that supposed to do?05:20
jrgpWhere does natty store the UUID for the swap partition needed for hibernation resume?05:21
ActionParsnipbuhman: you won't see anything if it works, now try your wireless connection05:21
buhmanActionParsnip: still working05:21
RP64ActionParsnip: Hmm I understand that by no stretch of an ear , I don't even understand what it means. my apologies my good man, however what do you mean by "just use nouvea.blacklist=1 instead... I am a noobular vessel05:21
ActionParsnipjrgp: sudo blkid     will show it, if that's what you mean05:21
buhmanActionParsnip: do I need to ifup/down or did the changes take effect immediately?05:21
RP64ActionParsnip:  For you see I am not even on Ubuntu at the moment but unfortunately the horrid windows vista, therefore I want to switch back to Ubuntu ASAP but its trapped in a vortex of black screen05:22
ActionParsnipRP64: the boot option stops the OS using the nouveau driver being used, the guide I gave shows how to add the bootoption: nomodeset   all you have to do us switch the option, the method is the same05:22
RP64ActionParsnip:  how does one go about to add the command you mentioned to the boot option?05:22
reversebladenickserv identify l00Ma3x05:22
jrgpActionParsnip: that isn't what I mean. I mean Ubuntu stores the location of the swap partition under /etc somewhere so it knows to look there upon resume.05:22
ActionParsnipRP64: the boot options are set before the kernel is even loaded, so you simply need to reboot and follow the guide05:23
ActionParsnipreverseblade: may want to change your password05:23
reversebladeActionParsnip, why so ?05:23
RP64ActionParsnip:  thank you my good sir, therefore you are stating that it is in the GRUB loading screen as a selection?05:23
jrgpActionParsnip: the config file this article references does not exist in natty. http://sites.google.com/site/lightrush/random-1/howtofixhibernateafterresizingswappartitiononubuntu05:23
ActionParsnipreverseblade: if you do that in the lobby screen with motd, you won't broadcast to the channel ;)05:23
ActionParsnip(06:22:40) reverseblade: nickserv identify l00Ma3x05:23
reversebladeActionParsnip, but that wasn't my password at all05:24
ActionParsnipreverseblade: it looks a lot like one, especially when you address the nickserv.....05:24
reversebladeno i just typed it to catch some fish05:24
ActionParsnipbuhman: should be ok straight away05:25
ksrajhey guys05:25
* m00se slaps reverseblade around a bit with a large trout!05:25
ActionParsnipreverseblade: no fish here ;)05:25
ksrajsorry if this is the wrong room05:25
ksrajbut where should i got for help with cryptography?05:25
ActionParsnipbuhman: has it helped?05:25
RP64ActionParsnip:  My good sir, I have read upon that thread page you have sent me, and I see that it seems to be an improper workaround to the problem! Alas, it seems as though it is only cheating its way around it, and therefore won't even use my graphics card properly? What say you to this?05:25
reversebladeSaveas still here eh05:26
buhmanActionParsnip: I won't know until it fails05:26
ActionParsnipRP64: you are only using it to then get logged in and get updates and install the proprietary driver, this will then be used and nouveau will not be an issue anymore05:26
buhmanActionParsnip: takes quite a few moments for that to happen, as you can probably see from the paste05:26
ActionParsnipbuhman: what is the output of: lsb_release -a05:26
RP64ActionParsnip:  Oh I now see the solution you've presented, good of you to state these facts to me my good sir you are a blessed man of the computer gods05:27
buhmanActionParsnip: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/484908/05:27
ActionParsnipRP64: I'm no god, just been around a while ;)05:27
paulus68m00se: stop waisting that trout :)05:27
RP64ActionParsnip:  but those computer gods have blessed you is my point05:27
ActionParsnipRP64: ok, what is the output of:  cat /etc/lsb-release    please05:27
RP64ActionParsnip:  therefore you are a blessed man spreading the gospel of those computer gods, who fly in the computer sky with their digital wings05:27
RP64ActionParsnip:  I'm not in Ubuntu at the moment, so I can't check that for you... I am dualbooting with Vista05:28
ActionParsnipm00se: can I PM you please05:28
RP64ActionParsnip:  So does that mean I am how they say, screwed05:28
buhmanActionParsnip: you like that lsb-release program I see :P05:28
ActionParsnipm00se: ok, np05:28
buhmanActionParsnip: was that supposed to go to me?05:28
ActionParsnipbuhman: it tells us a lot05:28
RP64action can I PM you? I'll stop speaking like this05:29
ActionParsnipbuhman: yes, just weird how your lsb_release is like that05:29
ActionParsnipRP64: You have the only fix I know for black screen with nvidia chip05:29
buhmanActionParsnip: lsb-release exists but is empty05:29
ActionParsnipbuhman: are you using ubuntu? or is it something else?05:29
buhmanActionParsnip: lsb-release says n/a05:30
buhmanI agree05:30
RP64ActionParsnip:  I know but I want to write down the solution and all the other chatting makes it hard to read it05:30
ActionParsnipRP64: nouveau.blacklist=1     is the boot option you need, there are loads of guides online on how you can apply boot options05:30
RP64right so first is adding that boot option, which a guide will tell me how05:31
RP64next step is going into ubuntu with that boot option and then finding update for nvidia drivers?05:31
ActionParsnipRP64: yes05:31
RP64so only 2 steps?05:31
ActionParsnipbuhman: what is the distro / OS you are running?05:31
RP64only 2? you said yes when I only said first05:31
RP64so i cant tell05:32
ActionParsnipRP64: add the option to boot with and you will geta disaply, fully update and reboot, then if you get the same again, re-apply the option and install the nvidia proprietary driver05:32
buhmanActionParsnip: GNU/Linux05:32
ActionParsnipbuhman: which distro?05:32
arghxbuhman: dpkg -l libc6 | tail -105:32
RP64ActionParsnip: OK thanks bra05:32
buhmanii  libc6                                2.13-21                      Embedded GNU C Library: Shared libraries05:33
ActionParsnipbuhman: what is the output of:  cat /proc/version05:33
ActionParsnipbuhman: cat /etc/*-release     will also tell us good things'05:34
amithkkOh COME ON05:34
amithkkeven this room is silenced?05:35
ActionParsnipbuhman: are you using wrt in your router?05:35
ActionParsnipamithkk: ?05:35
paulus68ActionParsnip: I think he has a lag problem05:35
ActionParsnippaulus68: looks like it05:35
amithkkthe ubuntu room: the only place where you can *always* get activity05:35
amithkkpaulus68:  i do not05:35
paulus68amithkk: then what is your issue05:36
cody__how how do i compile a file name tibia920.tgz it should be something sipple like xcfe something file name05:36
arghxamithkk: do you have a ubuntu problem?05:36
ActionParsnipamithkk: its the official supoprt channel of the fastest growing distro, what did you expect ;)05:36
arghxcody__: a .tgz file is a tar gz archive. like a zip or rar. you need to unpack it05:36
amithkkmy computer is OLD05:36
ActionParsnipcody__: extract it then look at the contents05:36
ActionParsnipamithkk: I have oldies too :)05:37
buhmanLinux version 3.0 (zack@foo) (gcc version 4.6.1 20110819 (prerelease) (GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Aug 30 08:53:25 CEST 201105:37
ActionParsnipcody__: http://www.tibia.com/support/?subtopic=faq&question=startlinux   it doesn't need compiling05:37
ActionParsnipbuhman: then you are using Oneiric, right?05:37
cody__ur right05:37
cody__its easy05:38
cody__ok thanks05:38
buhmanActionParsnip: compiled my own kernel because I didn't like the stock one05:38
ActionParsnipbuhman: we cannot support self compiled kernels here05:38
buhmanthat's silliness05:38
buhmanI can't trust vendor compiled kernel05:39
ActionParsnipbuhman: no its quite reasonable, the amount of possible options yo could have set and unset is astronomical05:39
ActionParsnipbuhman: to diagnose an issue with YOUR set of options would take months if not years to get to the bottom of05:39
arghxbuhman: and #ubuntu can't trust you to compiled a working kernel. it seems #ubuntu is right. recreate the problem with a stock kernel05:39
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ActionParsnipbuhman: this channel only supports the apps installed from the packages in the official repos05:40
buhmanand yet #gentoo does a quite nice job of helping their users; sounds quite unreasonable05:40
paulus68buhman:perhaps you need to try gentoo if you want to compile your own kernel05:40
ActionParsnipbuhman: I suggest you ask in #linux05:40
buhmanperhaps they aren't as concerned about making sure you use their distribution they way they want you to05:40
ActionParsnipbuhman: not my policy I'm afraid, channel policy05:41
buhmanActionParsnip: what http://goo.gl/cEF1w ?05:41
buhmanActionParsnip: I see that nowhere on there05:42
ActionParsnipbuhman: you can ask in #ubuntu-ops if you like....05:42
buhmanso now this is a kick/ban/quite-able issue?05:42
arghxActionParsnip: I suggest you stop arguing. it's pointless by now05:42
IdleOnecustom kernels can't be supported in here because there is no way to know what you messed up.05:42
buhmanIdleOne: again, "no way" seems innaccurate. gentoo does a pretty decent job of supporting that, as an example05:43
IdleOnego ask #gentoo in that case05:43
ActionParsnipbuhman: example accepted, I've also used gentoo with great result, but custom kernels aren't supported here05:43
paulus68buhman: as suggested compile your own gentoo kernel05:44
buhmanpaulus68: gentoo kernels are more or less exactly the same as the mainline kernel05:44
buhmanpaulus68: upstream05:45
paulus68buhman: agreed however you are able to adapt x number of settings which makes it hard to give support the correct way05:45
buhmanActionParsnip: there we go; finally failed05:46
buhmanActionParsnip: didn't work; what next?05:46
ActionParsnipbuhman: your kernel and therefore the modules you also made, are not supported here05:46
rs2kI've been using CentOS 5.X as a LAMP server for a few years now. I've been considering switching to Ubuntu 10.04 because it seems more packages that I use than CentOS does.05:47
buhmanwhat, because now you're claiming I messed with them somehow?05:47
buhmanwhat's the difference if I compile ath9k vs the ubuntu package managers?05:47
IdleOnebuhman: you can continue arguing in here which won't get you anywhere or try ##linux05:48
buhmanof course I'd ask there first; nobody seems to have any ideas05:48
arghxbuhman: does the standard ubuntu kernel have the same problem?05:48
buhmanarghx: yes05:49
paulus68buhman: no we are not saying you messed arround we are only informing you that we don't support customised kernels05:49
rs2kIs there a list somewhere that can show what difference there are between CentOS and Ubuntu?05:49
arghxath9k is a bit of a work in progress unfortunately05:49
buhmanmore or less, it all boils down to being roughly the same source, and things would either work or not work depending on whether or not you selected it05:50
buhmansame build process otherwise05:50
buhmanbecause my wireless is working (to some extent), it would be reasonable to conclude that I was successful05:51
buhmanand that the problem lies somewhere else, like in the ubuntu configuration05:51
urlin2urs2k, not a comprehensive one no.05:51
arghxbuhmanyou aren't a programmer, right?05:51
buhmanarghx: more of this "you messed with the kernel" nonsense?05:51
arghxno. more of "you don#t have a clue what you are talking about. but you#re quite entertaining talking about things you don't have a clue. I think I'll get the popcorn"05:52
buhmanthe more likely case would be that I forgot to compile ath9k or something, and that that module is completely unavaliable (not the case)05:53
urlin2urs2k, 3 distros available with 4 standardd esktops in ubuntu knd of hard to have a list.05:53
buhmanunless I went messing around in that one networking components section, there's not much else to mess up05:53
rs2kThanks urlin2u. I'm at the stage where everything I know about running the server is from writing down things I've learned from scouring the net when a problem comes up.05:53
buhmanbuilding the kernel is a very straightforward and easy process05:54
buhmannothing magical about it05:54
rs2kI've done things like enable test repos and built programs from source to get things running (like murmur and ICE) when I know ubuntu already has packages available.05:55
rs2kI'm wondering how much of a security or stabilty risk my server is now.05:56
buhmanjust amounts to make menuconfig && make %% make modules_install ; simple05:56
buhmanthen copying the compiled image to /boot, kexec, off you go05:57
arghxbuhman: this is a very bad and terminally stupid way to do it05:58
arghxbuhman: please look at kernel-package05:58
buhmanarghx: oh? you disagree with the standard kernel build process?05:58
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:59
buhmanthink the utilities provided with the mainline kernel aren't good enough for your precious distribution?05:59
buhmancan't be stained with things not from the repositories?05:59
buhmanoh, sorry, someone already said that earlier05:59
buhmanIdleOne: I don't know how your expected to use your installation without modifying it06:00
RP64_Hello mr action are you there sir06:01
arghxbuhman: it clearly shows you have no clue what kernel-package is and what it does.and you have neither any clue how grub2 works06:01
buhmanI guess the moment you boot it it's no longer in a pristine condition suitable for diagnosis06:01
RP64_mr action I have a peculiar development if it interests you06:01
rs2kOther than the syntaxt difference, is there much of a difference between yum and apt-get? I've only ever used yum to install, update, and remove packages.06:01
buhmanarghx: I'm guessing something similar to make-kpgk06:01
ActionParsnipRP64_: wassup?  please use TAB to complete nicks too, it highlights my name06:01
RP64_ActionParsnip: hey cool so basically what happened was i was reading the link you sent me06:02
arghxdo you know where make-kpkg comes from? apprently not06:02
buhmanarghx: the kernels reside in /boot, do they not?06:03
RP64_then at the very end an ubuntuforums mod had this link talking about a new thing called boot repair GUI which does the same thing as manually entering all that text, thing is , in its options for "add a kernel option", it doesn't have the one you said06:03
buhmanarghx: debian06:03
RP64_ActionParsnip:  And so, I don't have that in it, I mean there's probably a way to add it, however do you think the option of nomodeset would do the same thing?06:03
RP64_ActionParsnip:  because that's one of the preset ones06:03
RP64_ActionParsnip:  I'm not an exceptionally lazy person I am just sleep deprived at the moment06:03
arghxRP64_: just try it?06:04
RP64_o _  o ?06:04
ActionParsnipRP64_: you only need to blacklist the nouveau driver, you will then use the nv driver and get a display, you are getting waay too hung up on nomodeset. I ONLY ave that link as it shows how to apply boot options06:04
RP64_arghx: but if I do that without knowing for sure, it could screw up my whole install i think06:04
arghxyou could have done it by the time you wrote all that stuff in here06:04
arghxRP64_: you don't think it seems to me06:04
ActionParsnipRP64_: the fact it says nomodeset is of no value to you, the METHOD is the ony thing you want from the guide06:04
RP64_ActionParsnip:  Oh, I didn't really understand the whole point of your instructions then, I thought nouveau was the name of a kernel option06:05
arghxActionParsnip: would nouveau run without KMS?06:05
RP64_arghx: I do think but like I said I am very sleep deprived at the moment06:05
ubottunouveau is an open-source nvidia driver included by default since Ubuntu 10.04. Currently, 3D rendering is only partially supported. More information can be found at http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/ | See !nvidia for the closed-source Nvidia driver.06:05
ActionParsnipRP64_: no, nouveau is an open source nvidia driver, the bootoption:  nouveau.blacklist=1    tells the kernel to never load it06:05
ActionParsniparghx: not sure, I don't get into driver modules that deep tbh06:06
RP64_ActionParsnip: Oh, well , I am really not good at this, I have no clue how to add "nouveau.blacklist=1" as a bootoption, because in that forum conversation they were only talking about how to add nomodeset kernel option06:06
arghx oh well, sleep time06:07
RP64_arghx: goodnight06:07
buhmanhttp://paste.pocoo.org/show/484898/ ; why do I keep disconnected, and what's reason 1?06:08
ActionParsnipRP64_: ok we can do it a different way, boot the OS and hold SHIFT. When the Grub menu shows. Press 'e'   and you will see the boot options. Delete the word:  quiet splash   and in the sAME place, write: nouveau.blacklist=1    then press ENTER to continue the boot06:08
RP64_ActionParsnip:  OH OK perfect, and after that I'll install updates, which will include update to Nvidia drivers AKA fix the problem of black screen, then I'll reboot doing the same thing and replace nouveau.blacklist=1 with quiet splash again?06:09
Chris3I am trying to install Abobe Acrobat Reader.  I download the .bin file from the adobe site.  Then what do I do with it?06:09
ActionParsnipRP64_: itsliterally THAT easy06:09
RP64_ActionParsnip:  wow thats awesome but is my second step correct too ?06:09
ActionParsnipChris3: mark it as executable and run it in a terminal with sudo. It is a program06:09
fritschActionParsnip: we had the problem with :386 yesterdays, didn`t we?06:10
ActionParsnipRP64_: you may not need to blacklist with the updated driver. But yes you may need to re-add the option06:10
fritschActionParsnip: the problem is: ia32-libs depends on that stuff, so gets installed automatically06:10
fritschActionParsnip: just in case another user asks again06:10
amithkkany windows users around here ;)06:10
fritschActionParsnip: try #microsoft06:11
fritschamithkk: sorry #microsoft06:11
ActionParsnipamithkk: or ##windows06:11
RP64_ActionParsnip:  in other words may need to remove the nouveau.blacklist=1 afterwards, and may need to re add that old option too, by the way if I DO need to do those things how will it let me know?06:11
pumazzis there a program or something to download streaming videos like realplayer does on windows?06:11
ActionParsnipRP64_: you won't need to remove it, its only a one shot addition as its not in any confi files, you only added it for this boot06:11
ActionParsnippumazz: vlc can do that06:12
blognewbhi guys whats an open source simple video editing program that i could use for making youtube clips?06:12
pumazzwith vlc wouldn't i need to know the direct url though06:12
amithkkblognewb: OpenShot?06:13
ActionParsnipblognewb: http://techcityinc.com/2009/02/04/top-10-free-video-editors-for-ubuntu-linux/06:14
blognewbamithkk also guys could you suggest a cheap hd or sd camera while we're at it? <90$ budget?06:15
ActionParsnippumazz: I guess, there may be addons / extensions for your browser. If you want to download youtube videos then I suggest youtube-dl06:15
ActionParsnipblognewb: that is offtopic here06:15
pumazzyoutube and other google video results06:16
=== tigerking is now known as mukul
qnixkeep up the nice work ubuntu :)06:18
ActionParsnippumazz: same deal, youtube-dl will do it, or you can use browser addons/extensions06:19
ActionParsnipcurious_yellow: please don't post stuff like that in here. This is support only06:20
curious_yellowit was kinda dead - my bad06:20
curious_yellowi find this room invaluable06:20
curious_yellowno disrespect06:20
ActionParsnipcurious_yellow: stuff like that is fine in #ubuntu-offtopic and ##club-ubuntu :D06:20
curious_yellowthats cool i just posted it in all my channels06:20
curious_yellowwont do again06:20
ActionParsnipthanks ;)06:21
uguuldi am  now at " Choose and install a graphical interface" part of archlinux install, how do i install xfce, it doesent say nothing in the begginers guide06:21
somsipuguuld: /join #arch and ask there06:23
RP64_ActionParsnip:  Hey i was AFK im back06:24
Chris3What would the command look like to run the Acrobat bin file at the command prompt in sudo?06:24
RP64_ActionParsnip:  thanks for ur help man i have no idea how you memorized all of that06:25
RP64_ActionParsnip:  when you don't even need to do it yourself i mean did you memorize all procedures for problems in ubuntu?06:25
herr-gabrielhello. is it possible to prevent a user from seeing computers that share the same network?06:26
ActionParsnipRP64_: experience is the way I remember stuff06:27
ActionParsnipRP64_: and howto guides I give folks06:27
SilentDisherr-gabriel: what do you mean by "see"?06:27
herr-gabrielwhen I choose the "network" folder I am able to see and connect to most (if not all) available network volumes / computers. this should be prevented.06:28
ActionParsnipherr-gabriel: if you remove it from the sambashare group, it may stop it. You  can always re-add it back if it doesn't achieve the desired result06:28
hyper_chhi there, I currently have the problem that neither firefox nor chromium is being started - I get this error  symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/modules/libcanberra-gtk-module.so: undefined symbol: gdk_error_trap_pop_ignored06:29
Chris3Does anyone have patience for a newbie?  I am trying to install an Adobe Acrobat from a bin file.  I am at a command prompt, and in the correct dir. Sudo is installed.  What do I do now?06:29
SilentDisherr-gabriel: turn off the shares on the remote computers.  alternately, don't share them without username/password.06:29
fritschChris3: chmod +x "the bin file name"06:29
fritschChris3: sudo ./"the bin file name"06:29
fritschChris3: both withouth the \" \"06:29
SilentDisChris3: why do it from a bin?06:29
fritschChris3: please remember that this is not good for package management06:29
fritschChris3: you can use the package from partner repo06:30
Chris3fritsch: send me in the right direction.  Parnter repo?06:30
fritschChris3: can you find acrobat reader in software center?06:30
fritschChris3: what version of ubuntu are you running? natty?06:30
herr-gabrielSilentDis: this can't be done. I'm setting up some sort of KIOSK computer with a frozen system state and limited control over the system itself (no sudo etc.)06:30
herr-gabrielActionParsnip: the user is not in the sambashare group06:31
Chris3fritsch: It's the latest version.  Let me go find Acrobat in the software center and see.06:31
User123abcdoes anyone know why switching to and from X and tty is much slower with nvidia proprietary drivers than with nouveau? Instant with one, couple of seconds with the other.06:31
ActionParsnipherr-gabriel: gotcha06:31
fritschChris3: latest stable version?06:31
Chris3fritsch:  Yes, the latest stable ver.  And yes, I see Acrobat in the software center now...06:32
fritschUser123abc: because no kms support from nvidia06:32
fritschChris3: just install it06:32
fritschChris3: and have fun06:32
ActionParsnipUser123abc: they are ironically slower in general to use like that, as well as load at boot (hence no boot splash)06:32
herr-gabrielActionParsnip: but it is still possible to access the remote locations06:32
SilentDisherr-gabriel: if you open it, it will be there (linux  network tools are good at finding such things).  your options are to not open it at all, or require username/passwords to get in.  if you just need to dump files from machine to machine, use sftp (ftp over ssh) with keys already on each machine (no passwords, no ability to 'see' them)06:32
ActionParsnipherr-gabriel: not sure how you'd do it really tbh06:33
ActionParsnipherr-gabriel: there will be a way06:33
Chris3fritsch: Thank you very much.  What is my best course of action when I can't find things in the software center?06:33
fritschherr-gabriel: you could block smb port stuff06:33
fritschherr-gabriel: withouth them open none can be found06:33
fritschherr-gabriel: just two commands of iptables06:33
herr-gabrielfritsch: sounds promising.06:33
fritschherr-gabriel: try to block port 135 TCP and Port 445 TCP06:34
fritschherr-gabriel: outgoing and incoming06:34
User123abcfritsch: got it, thanks.06:34
herr-gabrielfritsch: will do that. brb :)06:34
RP64_ActionParsnip:  Hey, so that all covered step #1 perfectly but please excuse my severly tired self , I don't remember step #2, it is precisely to use synaptic to update Nvidia drivers, and then reboot after that installation of new drivers? And afterwards, the boot settings will reset to normal because nothing was added to "confi" files, right?06:34
fritschherr-gabriel: if your computer should not be seen, just block these ports on your machine06:34
fritschherr-gabriel: i would feel more gentle, if i knew what your use case is :-)06:35
User123abcActionParsnip: yeah, I can hardly justify using them, but I keep them around for all the 3d games that I never actually play06:36
Chris3fritsch: Thanks so much for the info.  What is best to do when things are not in the software center?06:36
fritschChris3: you can look for a ppa06:36
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa06:36
fritschChris3: but they are unsupported, too - but at least they have package management and can be uninstalled with ppa-purge06:37
Chris3fritsch: Thank you very much06:37
fritschChris3: np06:38
glauconAnyone here know an easy way to disable mouse and keyboard?06:38
herr-gabrielherr-gabriel: I am working at a local german streetnewspaper and we are providing our clients with two iMacs to do stuff on the internet and write applications, search for jobs and so on. But we want to remove the iMacs since they're about to die and replace them with Ubuntu based machines. I use ofris to freeze the system and the user logs in automatically. So basically: the users of this KIOSK should not be able to enter the entire06:38
herr-gabrielcompany network because some WILL mess with the files. Sadly I can not bypass any switches or routers to give them their own network06:38
herr-gabrielthat's basically my cause06:38
fritschglaucon: put the cable out06:38
glauconI want to disable server side input when I'm connectin to my home computer through VNC...06:38
fritschglaucon: ah i see06:38
fritschglaucon: mmh this depends on the vnc implementation06:39
fritschglaucon: because the use a layer to your real mouse06:39
fritschglaucon: it could be a problem?06:39
smokeycastleherr-gabriel cant you set them up on a vlan or something?06:39
ArbitionI am attempting to install ubuntu 11.04 in a virtual machine running EFI. It installs fine, but doesn't seem to do anything when it boots, as in, doesn't accept input properly and does not start X successfully06:39
fritschglaucon: your mouse movement are redirected over the real mouse i think06:40
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa06:40
fritschglaucon: so - no real working idea06:40
fritschherr-gabriel: having them on the same network06:40
fritschherr-gabriel: is not good anyways06:40
ActionParsnipglaucon: you can unload the modules for them but you will need to ssh in to reload them as you will have no way to load them back in (short of a reboot)06:41
fritschActionParsnip: are you sure that mouse will still working?06:41
massiciao qualcuno puo aiutarmi06:41
fritschActionParsnip: i do not really know how the external devices are mapped in, because xserver listens on devices?06:42
fritschherr-gabriel: if you are in karlsruhe, i can help you directly06:42
fritschherr-gabriel: hehe06:42
ArbitionHas anyone had some experience running ububtu in VMs?06:42
RP64_ActionParsnip:  Hey im sorry to bother you because I know you're sort of carrying everyone on your back atm, but I just had a last question to clarify... I mean is the last step precisely to use synaptic to update Nvidia drivers, and tehn reboot after that installation of new drivers? And afterwards, the boot settings will reset to normal because nothing was added to "confi" files, right?06:43
RP64_cus I wrote it all down up till this point i just need to clarify what to write last06:44
fritschRP64_: yes this should be the case. the kernel parameter was temporarily06:44
fritschRP64_: i would try to install nvidia binary with jockey first06:44
fritschRP64_: System -> Hardware drivers06:44
herr-gabrielfritsch: hamburg ;)06:44
fritschherr-gabriel: ah okay, that is little far06:45
fritschherr-gabriel: so you basically want, that the ubuntu users do not see the "windows network"?06:45
fritschherr-gabriel: i would just uninstall the libs doing this06:45
fritschherr-gabriel: and block the ports06:45
RP64_fritsch: hold on what's the benefit of installing nvidia binary with jockey ( I have no clue what any of that is ) compared to downloading the new nvidia drivers?06:45
fritschherr-gabriel: so no one comes out06:45
herr-gabrielfritsch: what libs would that be?06:45
fritschRP64_: do not download the sh script06:45
RP64_fritsch: don't know what an sh script is either06:46
fritschherr-gabriel: at least: smbclient python-smbc libsmbclient06:46
fritschRP64_: nvidia binary gives you 3D accelaration06:46
herr-gabrielfritsch: thanks, will try that06:46
uguuldhow to type the "~" on a american keyboard ?06:46
RP64_fritsch: So Nvidia binary is the name of the downloadable extension to your drivers which will add onto the updated Nvidia drivers I download?06:46
RP64_fritsch: because right now my whole problem is my computer just sits at a black screen of death when logged onto ubuntu06:47
RP64_fritsch: fresh after install06:47
fritschRP64_: jep - i know06:47
geirhauguuld: left of 1 iirc06:47
fritschRP64_: please login - go to hardware drivers and choose nvidia-current06:47
ActionParsnipRP64_: get fully updated, then reboot. Have you done that?06:47
RP64_ActionParsnip:  hey no, I just wanted to clarify that my final steps were to do that um and then yeah im just about to do that06:48
RP64_ActionParsnip:  however fritsch has a point of something to do with nvidia binary install that INSTEAD fritsch didnt you say that?06:48
ActionParsnipRP64_: get updates and reboot, see how it goes from there06:48
joneseI have a script placed in /home/user/folder. I want to execute this script without having to cd into that catalog each time - where do I put it?06:48
ActionParsnipRP64_: I recommend getting updates first, then install the driver06:48
fritschRP64_: do what ActionParsnip says it is the correct way06:48
wyang_i want to others view my desktop06:48
geirhauguuld: With shift06:48
wyang_how could i do this?06:49
SilentDisjonese: anywhere in your $path06:49
fritschwyang_: there is desktop sharing integrated06:49
ActionParsnipjonese: you can make an alias, or you can copy the script to /usr/bin06:49
RP64_ActionParsnip:  OK thanks dudes ill try it06:49
fritschwyang_: Applications -> Internet06:49
joneseSilentDis, ActionParsnip: thanks! :)06:49
ActionParsnipjonese: or you can add the folder to the end of your $PATH06:49
wyang_fritsch, remote desktop viewer?06:51
wyang_fritsch: this is used to view others06:52
wyang_not let others to view my desktop06:52
ActionParsnipwyang_: there is vino in a default install which others can connect to with standard vnc clients06:52
fritschwyang_: you have to install http://gnomejournal.org/article/29/remote-desktop-administration-using-vino06:52
fritschwyang_: vino06:52
ActionParsnipwyang_: VNC has zero security so I suggest you use an SSH tunnel if they are connecting over WwW06:53
jefimenkois there a bug in apt pinning in 10.04? i'm trying to use a particular package from natty, but i cannot for the life of me get it to work06:53
jefimenkoplease see: http://pastebin.com/QWCaVA1606:53
dr_willisive been ysing teamviewer a lot lately ;)06:53
jefimenkoi think it has to do with the package name "libsqlite3-0"06:54
jefimenkoi think it might be confusing apt06:54
wyang_ActionParsnip, you suggest to use vino?06:54
jefimenkoother packages work fine06:54
wyang_ActionParsnip: apt-get install vino?06:54
ActionParsnipwyang_: I don't like VNC at all, but it suits your needs and it's part of a stock install. So yes06:54
ActionParsnipwyang_: it's already installed06:54
dr_williswyang_:  this in a lan or over the internet?06:54
fritschjefimenko: apt-cache policy libsqlite3-006:54
ActionParsnipwyang_: that command needs prefixing with sudo, users cannot install apps06:55
adantehi, i have plugged in a usb key to my computer, but i cannot do anything with it? what do i ened to do to use it? http://pastebin.com/3zWuzbNc06:55
jefimenkofritsch: i did that in the pastebin. please check it (it shows not found)06:55
fritschjefimenko: please pastebin the real content of the test.pref file06:55
massiciao qualcuno puo aiutarmi06:55
fritschjefimenko: cat /etc/apt/preferences.d/test.pref06:55
dr_willisadante:  what filesystem is on it?06:55
adantedr_willis: i can't tell06:55
fritschjefimenko: because of the ">" to be sure06:56
adantedr_willis: from dmesg log it suggests it attaches as /dev/sde but i can't fdisk this06:56
ActionParsnip!it | massi06:56
ubottumassi: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)06:56
zen_hi anybody please help....... install ubuntu 11.10 beta 2 but can't find skype.... as per few posts also enabled multiarch but still didn't get it06:56
jefimenkofritsch: http://pastebin.com/wTM0Le9406:56
ActionParsnipzen_: ask in #ubuntu+1 for anything Oneiric based until release day06:56
SilentDis!beta | zen_06:56
ubottuzen_: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Oneiric and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 11.10 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.06:56
dr_willisadante:  sudo fdisk -l /dev/sde fails?06:56
jefimenkofritsch: i just did a fresh copy&paste for that06:57
SilentDisstupid bot!06:57
fritschjefimenko: thx06:57
adantedr_willis: it just says nothing06:57
SilentDiszen_: head over to #ubuntu+1 :)06:57
ActionParsnipSilentDis: how is she stupid?06:57
adantedr_willis: fdisk /dev/sde says "Unable to open /dev/sde" ( as per pastebin)06:57
fritschjefimenko: increase priority to 100006:57
SilentDisActionParsnip: I was hoping the !beta would, logically, direct to either +1 or the website.06:57
jefimenkofritsch: still not found06:58
ActionParsnipSilentDis: you can suggest factoids if you wish06:58
dr_willisadante:  you want data from it? or just tring to get it wirking?06:58
fritschjefimenko: apt-get update before06:58
SilentDisActionParsnip: I know, i actually had a few in there in 6.06 dealing with nvidia drivers, too heh06:58
adantedr_willis: get data - well i want to check what it is before i wipe, just incase i need it06:58
fritschjefimenko: please pastebin your sources.list06:58
jefimenkofritsch: it's still showing the same: http://pastebin.com/WGHtTWwG06:59
dr_willisadante:  check out ddrescue guides.06:59
jefimenkofritsch: that's after a apt-get update06:59
fritschjefimenko: i think you do not have the natty sources in sources.list06:59
jefimenkofritsch: i do, because it works with other packages from natty06:59
fritschjefimenko: so it cannot find the pin06:59
jefimenkofritsch: i can show change test.pref right now to a different package and show you the policy result,. one second...07:00
jefimenkofritsch: http://pastebin.com/hJUETNkY07:00
jefimenkothat's after changing the package from libsqlite3-0 to opennebula07:01
fritschjefimenko: ah07:01
fritschjefimenko: the first rule could stop the second from working07:01
fritschjefimenko: but wait, no07:01
jefimenkofritsch: it should still at least list it in the apt-cache policy though, right?07:02
jefimenkofritsch: it doesn't find the package at all07:02
fritschjefimenko: jep, this makes me wonder07:02
fritschjefimenko: what tells apt-cache policy if you keep the libsqlite3-0 entry out?07:02
fritschjefimenko: then it should list the natty one, am i right?07:02
jefimenkofritsch: you mean, without test.pref at all?07:02
jefimenkofritsch: or if i allow ALL natty packages07:03
fritschjefimenko: nope just without the libsqlite3-0 entry07:03
jefimenkofritsch: let me try07:03
fritschjefimenko: you have the default policy in the first block07:03
fritschjefimenko: which says: natty must be -107:03
jefimenkofritsch: are you asking me to change -1 to 1000 then?07:04
fritschjefimenko: nope07:04
fritschjefimenko: keep it like it is07:04
fritschjefimenko: just remove the special handling for libmysql package07:04
fritschjefimenko: and have a look what apt-cache policy reports then07:04
jefimenkofritsch: right now libsqlite3-0 isn't there at all. the contents of the file looks like: http://pastebin.com/HUYSdVJt07:05
fritschjefimenko: and apt-cache policy?07:05
jefimenkofritsch: and apt-cache policy shows this for libsqlite3-0: http://pastebin.com/awnL8wNi07:06
jefimenkofritsch: so it's not picking it up at all07:06
fritschjefimenko: mmh i cannot understand07:06
fritschjefimenko: normally you should get: -1 for the natty version07:06
fritschjefimenko: and 500 for the default version07:06
jefimenkofritsch: i know :(07:06
fritschjefimenko: because of the first entry Package: *07:06
z3bra_Bonjour =)07:07
jefimenkofritsch: it doesn't see libsqlite3-0 at all from natty07:07
fritschjefimenko: it is from main though - you have the main sources integrated?07:07
fritschjefimenko: in apt sources list?07:08
fritschjefimenko: sorry, cannot help07:08
jefimenkofritsch: ! that might be it07:08
jefimenkofritsch: i might only have universe here07:08
fritschjefimenko: hehe07:08
fritschjefimenko: so go for main :-)07:08
jefimenkofritsch: wow, thanks. let me check it07:08
fritschjefimenko: because of this i wanted to have the sources.list above07:09
=== christoph is now known as Guest21554
z3bra_Got a question... Can I manage an Apache server installed on windows server 2003 via my ubuntu ?07:09
ActionParsnipz3bra_: sure, you can use rdesktop and RDP on as you normally would07:10
ActionParsnip!find libsqlite07:10
ubottuFound: libsqlite0, libsqlite0-dev, libsqlite3-0, libsqlite3-0-dbg, libsqlite3-dev, libsqlite-tcl, libsqlite3-gst, libsqlite3-ocaml, libsqlite3-ocaml-dev, libsqlite3-ruby (and 4 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libsqlite&searchon=names&suite=natty&section=all07:10
ActionParsnip!info libsqlite3-0 natty07:10
ubottulibsqlite3-0 (source: sqlite3): SQLite 3 shared library. In component main, is important. Version 3.7.4-2ubuntu5 (natty), package size 301 kB, installed size 692 kB07:10
ActionParsnipjefimenko: ^07:10
z3bra_Okay thanks ^07:10
fritschActionParsnip: if "main" would be colorized, this would be an advantage07:11
jefimenkofritsch: i know, i feel really bad about that because i just saw the other package pulled in07:11
=== Marc is now known as Guest14351
jefimenkofritsch: that was it07:11
ActionParsnipfritsch: main is enabled by default07:11
fritschActionParsnip: not in his setup07:12
fritschActionParsnip: he is running lucid and pinning packages from natty07:12
fritschActionParsnip: to selectively upgrade07:12
jefimenkofritsch: i'm in lucid, so natty was being pulled in selectively07:12
ActionParsnipfritsch: makes sense though :), could suggest it07:12
fritschjefimenko: i know :-)07:12
ActionParsnipfritsch: oh jeeze, that's going to make a world of mess, is not advised and not in any way supported07:12
fritschActionParsnip: user asked :-)07:13
jefimenkothere are bugs in natty that are show stoppers07:13
fritschjefimenko: your upgrade path is broken then07:13
jefimenkootherwise, i would upgrade07:13
fritschjefimenko: l m n because you are overjumping maverick07:13
fritschjefimenko: but - this is not a problem07:14
fritschjefimenko: with pinning you also can downgrade07:14
ActionParsnipjefimenko: mixing debs between releases is not supported, you will break your OS07:14
fritschjefimenko: to your lucid libs before an upgrade07:14
fritschjefimenko: though it feels like 10 years ago, when i use debian unstabel with experimental mixed07:14
fritschjefimenko: daily breakage at 11pm07:15
jefimenkoi'm actually trying to use opennebula from a later release than lucid07:15
jefimenkothe version in lucid is very old and has bugs07:15
fritschjefimenko: lets see for a ppa07:15
=== Guest14351 is now known as mproffit
fritschjefimenko: https://launchpad.net/~opennebula-ubuntu/+archive/ppa07:15
fritschjefimenko: there is 2.0 for 201007:16
fritschjefimenko: what version is in natty?07:16
jefimenkonatty has 2.0.107:16
ActionParsnipjefimenko: then report the bugs and the package will be updated07:16
RP64ActionParsnip:  Hey man, it totally didn't work D:07:16
ActionParsnipRP64: did you get updated?07:16
RP64ActionParsnip:  what happened was I did what you said, booted it and it didn't fix the black screen problem07:16
RP64it loads onto ubuntu for like half a sec, I can see the desktop and move the mouse everythings good07:16
RP64then 0.5 seconds later, black screen of death07:17
ActionParsnipRP64: did you get updated?07:17
RP64no obviously not I can't even see the screen!07:17
ActionParsnipRP64: are you on a wiredconnection>07:17
RP64the nouveau.blacklist=1 didn't work is my point07:17
RP64im on wireless07:17
ActionParsnipRP64: is the system a laptop?07:17
RP64but , I can't see the screen, I can't log into the system07:17
JokesOnYou77Hi all, can anyone give me a hand with nmap?07:18
RP64yeah its a laptop but its a desktop replacement laptop, huge and meant for gaming qosmio x30007:18
fritschRP64: switch terminal with ctl alt F107:18
jefimenkoActionParsnip: i can report the bugs, but my first priority is to get this functional for work07:18
RP64fritsch: I dont get to see any terminal, I can't even log into my account and see my desktop07:18
fritschRP64: login and install nvidia-current07:18
RP64fritsch: I can't log in!07:18
fritschRP64: press ctl alt F107:18
RP64fritsch: I said this 9 times07:18
fritschRP64: you did not read07:18
RP64fritsch: yo the nouveau.blacklist-1 doesn't work07:18
jefimenkoActionParsnip: i figured it would be a long time until the newer version is backported to lucid. it's a new major release available in natty07:18
RP64fritsch: I did read, you're saying log in, but I can't log in07:19
ActionParsnipRP64: if you hold shift at boot, select recovery mode, you can then boot into safemode graphics from there07:19
fritschRP64: i said: press ctl alt F107:19
RP64fritsch: at which point?07:19
fritschRP64: to switch to a non graphical terminal07:19
fritschRP64: when it gets black07:19
mamoothHi there07:19
ActionParsnipjefimenko: mixing packages between releases is not supported. There is a REASON they are segregated like that, you will break your deps and get a big mess. I suggest you simply upgrade to Natty and you will be fine07:20
ActionParsniphi mamooth07:20
RP64ActionParsnip: so do you mean shift at ubuntu's booting or when I turn the computer on07:20
RP64fritsch: OK Ill try that thanks07:20
mamoothI have some issue with gnome-shell and blender. The WM is taking over blender for hotkeys. Is it an expected behaviour?07:20
ActionParsnipRP64: as soon as the system starts to boot, just like when you added the nouveau.blacklist=1 boot option07:20
RP64ActionParsnip:  Oh, in that case I didn't need to press shift07:20
ActionParsnipRP64: you just select the recovery mode options07:20
pippeli_www.redtube.com/213 www.redtube.com/213 www.redtube.com/213 www.redtube.com/213 www.redtube.com/213 mamooth  fritsch  RP64  pippeli_  WindPower  olli  e-anima  mproffit  letd0wn  mproffit  wagle  map7_  ignarps  KadirB  hkBst  txwikinger  SaGuN  reverseblade Tm_T haus1  tgnb  jmccrohan  ToZ07:20
pippeli_www.redtube.com/213 www.redtube.com/213 www.redtube.com/213www.redtube.com/213 www.redtube.com/213 www.redtube.com/213 www.redtube.com/213www.redtube.com/213www.redtube.com/213www.redtube.com/213www.redtube.com/21307:21
ActionParsnipRP64: how did you apply the boot option then!?07:21
FloodBot1pippeli_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:21
RP64wow anyways,07:21
RP64ActionParsnip:  I didn't need to hold down shift, holding down shift just kept it at the very first sort of non-OS dos type thing when my computer first starts, and basically all I had to do was press E at my grub screen which normally loaded without having to hold down shift07:21
ActionParsnipRP64: ok then choose the recovery mode from the same screen07:23
RP64ActionParsnip:  oh OK hold on im writing you're and fitchs ideas down07:23
fritschRP64: the basic problem you have, i think is, that nouveau does not correctly support your graphics card. So it hangs when you login. ActionParsnip let you install all updates in order to fix this. but it didnt.07:24
RP64Oh, I see07:25
fritschRP64: so now the way to go is. start the rescue session and install another driver. if you can boot with the parameter ActionParsnip gave you, then you can just login in normal mode07:25
fritschRP64: and install hardware drivers by System -> Advanced -> Hardware drivers07:25
fritschRP64: this should fix it07:25
RP64thanks im just writing it all down lol u guys have pro memories07:26
fritschRP64: writing down - like with a pen?07:26
RP64yea lol07:26
RP64oooo no technology oh no! right , ? lol07:27
fritschRP64: could you boot before with the "parameter" ActionParsnip mentioned?07:27
AsdDsaDo you know any trial vps service?07:27
RP64well hold on im just writing your idea first then ill re-read all the stuff he said07:27
RP64but wait what do you mean07:27
RP64you mean the nouveaua.blacklist=1?07:27
RP64-minus extra a07:27
fritschRP64: jep07:28
fritschRP64: did this work?07:28
RP64oh no it didnt work it just went to black screen07:28
fritschRP64: start rescue session07:28
fritschRP64: choose drop to a shell07:28
RP64oh , OK and then?07:29
ActionParsnipRP64: choose rescue session then select safe mode vga07:29
fritschRP64: enter the commands: sudo jockey-text -a07:29
RP64Agh! 2 conflicting instructions lol07:29
fritschRP64: if this does not do anything, enter: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current07:30
ActionParsnipRP64: its a little easier to move the system so you can get a wired link and you can easily update via a wired link07:30
fritschRP64: and after this: sudo reboot07:30
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ActionParsnipfritsch: its a wireless link which hasn't been established yet07:30
fritschActionParsnip: get a cable - it is not easy to mess with iwconfig and stuff07:30
fritschActionParsnip: ups :-)07:31
ActionParsnipfritsch: ;)07:31
fritschActionParsnip: i think iwconfig wpa supplicant is not being doable with irc instructions07:31
ActionParsnipRP64: a wired link makes this all easaier07:31
RP64lol yea wouldnt i know it but im using landlords connection07:31
ActionParsnipfritsch: i've not done it. I've always used wicd for my cli systems07:31
umanhi, I have a dual-monitor setup. I'd like to be able to watch a fullscreen Flash video in one monitor and interact with windows in another monitor. But when I attempt to click on windows in my other monitor, the video exits fullscreen. Is there a way I can accomplish this?07:31
fritschRP64: we must get your system normally bootet07:31
fritschRP64: you have an nvidia card, right?07:32
RP64haha yea thx guys , OK so im writing down all 3 Ideas u presented07:32
RP64ill try 1 after another07:32
RP64yea nvidia geforce07:32
tomodachiuman: i have the same request, but i believe this is a "flash" feature, hard to do anything about07:32
ActionParsnipRP64: you could boot to the liveCD and chroot to the installed OS... do you get web access in the live CD environment?07:32
fritschRP64: nope wait07:32
RP64ActionParsnip:  im on liveCD right now07:32
umantomodachi: Are you certain about this?07:32
RP64ActionParsnip:  what do you mean chroot to the installed OS07:32
ActionParsnipRP64: awesome, ok if you run:  sudo fdisk -l   what is the name of the disk, something like /dev/sda is common07:33
tomodachiuman:  I have one idea though. Dont know if its worth the effort. If you configure to separate X servers it would probably work. But that setup will mean you cant drag windows between your screens07:33
fritschActionParsnip: lets try something other first more easy07:33
fritschRP64: go again to your grub manager at boot07:33
fritschRP64: press e in the line where quiet and splash is written07:33
fritschRP64: put there nomodeset behind07:34
fritschRP64: and boot07:34
fritschRP64: i think it should not freeze then07:34
umantomodachi: ah, makes sense. Not worth the effort though :)07:34
tomodachiuman: yeah :) its bothersome has h*ll to configure separate x servers in your xorg. But pretty sexy to have independent desktop switching etc.07:34
ActionParsnipRP64: may work, the nouveau driver will still load, worth a shot though07:35
RP64hold on im way behind you guys by 1000 years im just writing down the second idea now07:35
ActionParsnipfritsch: chroot is easy, 4 commands07:35
fritschRP64: nope wait - stop writing07:35
RP64what, oh ok07:35
fritschActionParsnip: if you know what are you doing, yes07:35
toekGood morning! I have ubuntu 9.10 and would like to upgrade to 10.04 its a live server with apache running. Is there any reason to why i should not do the upgrade?07:35
fritschRP64: it is more important that you understand hwat you are doing07:36
RP64Oh you're saying I wont haveto go into the shell thing or press E on the grub since I can do it from within the liveCD07:36
fritschRP64: so keep all the methods you are writing now07:36
ActionParsniptoek: you should, karmic support is dead07:36
fritschRP64: go to the shell thing be pressing e07:36
umantomodachi: Right, but I'm not primarily interested in Ubuntu for the sake of configuring Ubuntu07:36
fritschRP64: edit the line with quiet and splash in it07:36
ActionParsnipRP64: use the nomodeset bootoption like in that guide ubottu gave07:36
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter07:36
umantomodachi: so if it's slightly shittier to use but I save a few hours, it's worth it07:36
fritschRP64: and place nomodeset behind these params07:36
fritschRP64: "nomodeset" withouth the ""07:37
fritschRP64: then boot07:37
RP64hold on im so mind blown im backtracking a bit to the beginning of when u said it was good im on liveCD...07:37
deanHi all is anyone in here familiar with k9copy?07:37
RP64and then wait fritsch are u giving different instructions too ?07:37
toeki have only ssh access should i just sudo do-release-upgrade?07:37
ActionParsnipRP64: try the nomodeset bootoption, see if it works. if not we can go for the throat and use a chroot07:37
ActionParsnip!upgrade | toek07:37
ubottutoek: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade07:37
ActionParsniptoek: use the server upgrade method07:37
ActionParsnipRP64: or did you already try the nomodeset option?07:38
RP64ActionParsnip:  so you're saying stop backtracking all the stuff written and just do the nomodeset thing to see if it can log me into my ubuntu and let me update the drivers, if that doesn't work come back to here and we'll try other plans?07:38
RP64ActionParsnip:  no I never tried it lol07:38
ActionParsnipRP64: try it now, see if its good07:38
RP64ActionParsnip:  OK I will, thx Ill brb guys thx for your pro help07:38
RP64OH WAIT!07:39
RP64one thing is07:39
RP64if I use the method from that link,07:39
RP64won't it permanently add the change into the confi files or something07:39
RP64whereas if I just press E at the grub, and enter it at where it says quiet splash07:40
RP64thats better? or its both temporary..07:40
ActionParsnipRP64: no the option is for that one shot07:41
ActionParsnipRP64: hopefully updates will make things good07:41
RP64ActionParsnip:  well I am using a GUI program from that link07:41
RP64ActionParsnip:  is that what you were thinking of as 1 shot?07:41
ActionParsnipRP64: the nomodeset option you are adding is not persistent in the method you are adding it, you CAN make it persistent butit will only apply to THIS boot. If yo rebot and do not reapply the option, it will boot with the normal options. Ergo 'one shot'07:42
alzania hello! I can't write on ntfs partition. what can i do?07:43
ActionParsnipalzania: that is default in Ubuntu07:43
RP64ActionParsnip:  OK no probs I was just clarifying you knew I meant I wasn't using methods they had all talked about but rather a recent 2011 post by a mod from japan who posted his own GUI tool07:43
alzaniahow can I change it?07:43
ActionParsnipalzania: conversely, Windows is crippled and cannot write or read ext4 despite the definitions being opensource...07:43
ActionParsnipalzania: just mount it from nautilus and it should be fully accessible07:43
alzaniai am on kde07:44
ActionParsnipalzania: dolphin then, same difference07:44
toekwould this be the place to ask about postfix-dovecot?07:44
* ActionParsnip hopes nomodeset sorts it07:45
RP64haha thanks action i just made that change and im reebooting now ill brb to show u 2 guys07:46
RP64oh its OK if I deselect "reinstall GRUB" from the options right07:47
RP64cus GRUB isnt even the problem lol07:47
ActionParsnipRP64: its a boot option, you set it when you boot. You don't set it then reboot....07:47
RP64no i mean07:47
RP64im using the GUI tool by the japanese mod07:47
ActionParsnipRP64: why?07:47
RP64instead of the methods they talked about in the forum's conversation07:47
RP64well because its easier and im way tired but i mean i thought it did the exact same thing didnt it ?07:47
ActionParsnipRP64: you don't need a tool, its a simple boot option change...07:47
ActionParsnipRP64: press E, type a single word. How is this hard>07:48
RP64Oh OK soo, forget this tool, reboot into ubuntu press E on the grub, and replace quiet splash with nomodeset?07:48
ActionParsnipRP64: yes, how is a GUI tool easier than that exactly?07:49
RP64I thought that was the plan but you guys said to scrap that and I got confused I thought u meant scrap THAT plan, like I siad 3 days and 3 hours of sleep lol07:49
RP64its not I didnt know that was the plan my bad07:49
ActionParsnipRP64: we have told you that several times now, its that easy07:49
RP64OK cool im restarting now and ill do that07:49
=== evil is now known as Guest66788
Guest66788Firefox will not load any content. Can ping and join IRC. What is wrong with firefox?07:50
fritschGuest66788: System -> Settings -> Proxy07:51
fritschGuest66788: all correct?07:51
Guest66788I'll check.07:51
fritschGuest66788: meaning disabled07:51
Guest66788"Direct Internet Connection"07:52
fritschGuest66788: okay, this is strange07:52
fritschGuest66788: nslookup www.heise.de is working from shell?07:52
ikanoboriG'day. I'm having an issue with adobe-flash-plugin. It is installed but the plugin is not installed in my browers. They are still using gnash. Any hints?07:52
Guest66788I've been puzzled for a bit now.07:52
ikanoboriI've removed and re-added the package.07:52
fritschGuest66788: could you try the nslookup command?07:52
fritschGuest66788: are you connected with lan?07:53
Guest66788Yes nslookup www.heise.de is working07:53
fritschGuest66788: ping www.heise.de is working, too?07:53
Guest66788I am connected through Wi-fi, it's Ad-Hoc to an Andorid running on 1x.07:53
Guest66788ping works also07:53
Guest66788been pinging google.07:53
Guest66788joining irc was another test :\07:53
fritschGuest66788: try to go to: https://www.google.de07:53
fritschGuest66788: see the s07:54
Guest66788I will check07:54
fritschGuest66788: with firefox07:54
ikanoboriIt could be that your provider is trying to block tethering?07:54
fritschikanobori: exactly :-)07:54
Guest66788No content still...07:54
fritschGuest66788: in germany o2 does this07:54
Guest66788I hope my provider didn't...07:54
fritschGuest66788: you can connect, etc. working fine, but no content from web07:55
ActionParsnipGuest66788: what is the output of:  cat /etc/resolv.conf07:55
fritschActionParsnip: resolving is working07:55
ubottuicelure: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw07:55
ActionParsnipfritsch: cool07:55
fritschActionParsnip: also ping07:55
Guest66788# Generated by NetworkManager07:55
Guest66788Ping works, ms is around 30007:55
ActionParsnipfritsch: ah, that knocks my routing issue on the head07:55
ikanoboriYes but resolving is working anyway.07:55
icelureI just tried if I can type chinese07:55
fritschGuest66788: do you have access to an ssh server?07:56
icelureIt's my first time to use this07:56
fritschGuest66788: try ssh -D 7070 user@sshHost07:56
ikanoboriGuest66788: Try `telnet google.com 80`07:56
Guest66788It dies at waiting for...07:56
fritschGuest66788: and set in settings->proxy a socks with localhost 707007:56
ikanoboriDo you get a connection or not?07:56
Guest66788No ssh server :\07:56
fritschGuest66788: i think this is a  tethering problem then07:56
Guest66788Connected to google.com.07:57
Guest66788Escape character is '^]'.07:57
fritschGuest66788: this sounds good07:57
fritschGuest66788: sudo apt-get update07:57
fritschGuest66788: does this work? :-)07:57
Guest66788I'll check..07:57
Guest66788Oh yeah!07:58
fritschGuest66788: hehe07:58
fritschGuest66788: close and reopen firefox07:58
Guest66788Apt-get is working good :p07:58
Guest66788I have :\07:58
fritschGuest66788: try: sudo apt-get install chromium07:58
Guest66788I believe the issue is with ff..07:58
fritschGuest66788: it could be that they blog "known desktop browsers"07:58
ActionParsnipfritsch: thats a game ;)  chromium-browser  is the browser07:58
fritschActionParsnip: thx :-)07:58
iceluresudo rm -rf /  :p07:59
fritschGuest66788: chromium-browser07:59
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!07:59
fritschhehe, did not know this07:59
ActionParsnipicelure: don't bother next time07:59
fritschcame during the last five years07:59
Guest66788don't have the repo...07:59
fritschGuest66788: it is in main07:59
fritschGuest66788: sudo apt-get install chromium-browser07:59
Guest66788oh wait08:00
Guest66788didnt see that part :p08:00
fritschGuest66788: universe, but should be there08:00
Guest66788Annnd away I goo..08:00
Guest66788Twenty-five minutes...08:00
fritschGuest66788: mmh, this needs to long08:00
Guest66788It was working fine too..08:00
fritschGuest66788: can you install it over another connection?08:00
Guest66788For the last 3 months..08:01
fritschGuest66788: so this could be firefox settings08:01
Guest66788Unfortunately not.... I am in the boones :\08:01
Guest66788I assumed08:01
fritschGuest66788: you could backup your firefox settings and wipe them08:01
fritschGuest66788: just for testing08:01
Guest66788I have cleared all cookies and settings..08:01
fritschGuest66788: this is really strange08:01
Guest66788already have done that much, I hope chromium works :\08:01
Guest66788It's my luck, all the weird stuff happens to me.08:02
fritschokay, have fun - i have to  got for work for some hours08:02
fritschyou can pm me, if it is working - i am very interested on the cause though08:02
paulus68fritsch: we all do08:02
paulus68fritsch: however I am at work here lol08:02
fritschpaulus68: yep, just leave my terminal i meant08:02
RP64_hey im back08:03
RP64_it didn't work to my surprise08:03
RP64_still black screen! ugh08:03
RP64_then I tried the method of going in to the shell with networking, and doing sudo apt-get install nvidia-current and it couldnt connect because of it being wireless08:04
RP64_so... is there another way? l ol08:04
ikanoboriActionParsnip: You can't do that anymore anyways.08:04
ikanoboriActionParsnip: You need to pass --no-preserve-root08:04
RP64_ActionParsnip:  hey bro back08:04
RP64_fritsch are you here too08:05
ActionParsnipRP64_: word08:06
ActionParsnipikanobori: do what?08:06
RP64_ActionParsnip: it didn't work to my surprise, still black screen! ugh , then I tried the method of going in to the shell with networking, and doing sudo apt-get install nvidia-current and it couldnt connect because of it being wireless ,08:07
ikanoboriActionParsnip: rm -rf /08:07
RP64_so... is there another way? l ol08:07
ActionParsnipikanobori: the rm thing, it's still not worth it, as well as being dumb, it achieves noting and helps nobody08:07
ActionParsnipRP64_: you in the liveCD?08:07
ActionParsnipRP64_: ok run:  sudo fdisk -l    what is the disk called, sda is common08:07
RP64_oh with ubuntu on it08:07
RP64_it's sda308:07
RP64_it used to be but i deleted it hold on ill recheck that08:08
ActionParsnipRP64_: which partition name has ubuntu on it, the boot partition?08:08
RP64_ActionParsnip:  OK it's sda508:08
RP64_device boot is sda 108:08
ActionParsnipRP64_: ok cool08:09
RP64_sda5 is ubuntu though08:09
RP64_sda6 swap08:09
ActionParsnipRP64_: run in the live environment:   sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/08:09
RP64_OK done08:09
RP64_no response08:09
ActionParsnipRP64_: good, let me know if you get any errors08:09
RP64_errors when?08:10
Guest6678835% [2 chromium-browser 6,293 kB/16.5 MB 38%]               9,972 B/s 20min 10s    Woo! Connection spike!08:10
RP64_oh it didnt do anything at all, it just went to another line, ignoring i input that08:10
ActionParsnipRP64_: sudo mount ‐‐bind /dev /mnt/dev08:10
ActionParsnipRP64_: any error?08:10
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RP64_ActionParsnip:  hmm doesn't seem to be any errors, it's just listing sort of explanations about mounting08:11
ActionParsnipRP64_: are you copying the text and pasting to the terminal?08:11
RP64_ActionParsnip:  yep08:11
ActionParsnipRP64_: sudo mount ‐‐bind /dev /mnt/dev08:12
RP64_same thing08:13
ActionParsnipRP64_: we want zero output08:13
RP64_it's like "One can change the type of all the mounts in  a mount subtree - BLA BLA BLA BLA etc.08:13
RP64_then lists mount commands08:13
ActionParsnipRP64_: sudo mount ‐‐bind /proc /mnt/proc08:13
ActionParsnipRP64_: try that08:13
Sulejmanhi, I have a question. I've been using irssi IRC client lately, set on my friend's computer. Have been connecting to the session using PuTTy. However, I've quit from irssi and cannot get back. when I type /screen -r [screenadress] I shows I've got 2 screens attached. Don't know what to do. Could you help me?08:13
RP64_ActionParsnip:  that doesn't seem to do anything different08:14
RP64_ActionParsnip:  the things that got listed before were so incredibly long and now when i tried that new one proc mntproc , nothing happened as far as I can see no new text came up08:14
RP64_ActionParsnip:  but either way, no errors are reported I don't see the word error anywhere08:15
ActionParsnipRP64_: ok if you run:  ls /mnt    do you see : bin  boot  cdrom  dev  etc  home  initrd.img  lib  lost+found  media  mnt  opt  proc  root  run  sbin  selinux  srv  sys  tmp  usr  var  vmlinuz08:15
Sulejmancould anyone help?08:15
ActionParsnipRP64_: if there is any output from the commands I gave, it didn't work08:15
RP64_ActionParsnip:  mine differs a little bit, but very similar08:16
ActionParsnipRP64_: do you see sys proc and dev ?08:16
RP64_ActionParsnip:  if i type in ls /mnt, it says : bin boot cdrom dev etc home initrd.img lib lib32 lib64 lost+found media mnt opt proc root sbin selinux srv sys tmp usr var vmlinuz08:17
ActionParsnipRP64_: looks good08:17
Sulejmancould anyone help?08:17
enchiladoSulejman: I don't really know a lot about screen, but isn't there a way you can specify which session to reattach?08:18
RP64_Sulejman:  sorry i have no clue about that08:18
RP64_ActionParsnip:  so is there some new plan / idea? lol08:18
ActionParsnipRP64_: sudo mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev08:18
RP64_ActionParsnip:  doesn't do anything08:19
Sulejmanenchilado, there is, it shows I've got 2 attached sessions, but I don't know if it is possible/how to get to them08:19
Sulejmanalso I don't know how to start a new session08:19
Sulejmanyeah, a know, I'm really a beginner08:19
RP64_ActionParsnip:  is that bad if it doesn't do anything08:20
enchiladothe -r option is for reattaching, isn't it? So to start a new session you just leave it out... I think.08:20
Sulejmanenchilado,  and what can I do with the 'attached' screen?08:21
RP64_ActionParsnip:  u still there08:21
enchiladoIs the session attached on your friend's computer still?08:22
RP64_ActionParsnip:  i gotta sleep pretty soon cus im dying from lack of it08:22
enchiladoAFAIK you need to detach it from there first08:22
Sulejmanenchilado, it seems so08:22
enchiladowith -d08:22
Sulejmanwon't it delete the session?08:22
enchiladoSulejman: uhm, I'm not sure. I didn't think so but I haven't used screen in that way.08:24
enchiladoI only have one computer :S08:24
R1ckso, I have squeeze-backports in my sources.list, and now everytime I install a new package and it also exists in the backports, it wants to install from there - isnt it supposed to install from the ubuntu sources first and only from backports when I specifically request that with -t ?08:24
toekupgrade went fine, nothing seem broken thanks for the advice08:24
RP64_ActionParsnip:  hey you still around bud08:24
enchiladoWas there a split earlier?08:24
RP64_yay good job toek thats a naice08:25
Sulejmansomehow I've made it xD08:27
Sulejmanprobably will start a new session08:28
Guest66788Primary DNS @ Is correct right?08:28
Sulejmanenchilado, I've found a command to start irssi once again, so I'll start a new session.08:28
Sulejmanenchilado, thanks for your attention08:29
enchiladoSorry I couldn't really help :S08:29
Sulejman:) no problem, bye08:29
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lijianhi room08:31
RP64_actionparsnip: hey bud I think I have to sleep im seriously dying08:31
RP64_lijian: hey you arent by any chance a pro are you08:31
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lijiandesktop effects could not be enabled08:34
Guest66788So it's true then...08:34
lijiananybody help me with this08:34
Guest66788Firefox is dead. Because Chromium is working...08:34
Guest66788Someone shot my firefox! 0.o08:34
tziOmwhat is the way to check what would eventually be done with apt-get ?08:36
Wipsterhey all, can anyone give me a hand trying to get my vpn to work properly using the network manager? I can connect but not see any resources on the network08:37
lijianWhen  I change the visual effects from none to normal, it promotes "desktop effects could not be enabled", how to fix this? anybody08:37
AtharvaWhy did so many people quit at once ?08:37
RP64_cus were not all in england or wherever you are lol08:38
MrRaggatziOm: apt-get --help (-s No-act. Perform ordering simulation)08:38
szal!netsplit | Atharva08:38
ubottuAtharva: netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit08:38
Jayneso who is doing the spamming?08:38
RP64_the people who are in .. whatever timezone is awake08:38
MrRaggaWipster: check your syslog file about the vpn connection08:38
Atharva<szal> Thanks :)08:39
RP64_actionparsnip: Hey are you here man? I g2g sleep so just last check08:39
lijianany clue? HELP!!08:39
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lijianshua ni mei08:41
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WipsterMrRagga: ok it is saying vpn connection complete with a load of details about it, however I still cant ping my office computers. I think I need to setup a route but unsure what to enter...08:42
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=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0
theadminWipster: Do you need to route all traffic trough your VPN connection, or just some of it?08:42
MrRaggaWipster: this sounds like a routing issue inly08:42
theadminWipster: If all, then "sudo route add default dev ppp0"08:43
MrRaggaWipster: set the default gw to your vpn or add static routes to it08:43
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Wipstertheadmin: only some, like my ssh's or vnc. web traffic can go out on my home connection08:43
theadminWipster: Oh, hm...08:44
MrRaggaWipster: so add static routes08:44
toekWould postfix-dovecot be a good option for a lightweight mail solution?08:44
phlak_usertoek:  define lightweight08:44
toekPhlak_user: i have VPS server with limited juice.. i need to run a few email accounts rarely used.08:45
phlak_usertoek: there are people who use it as a heavyweight solution too08:45
theadminWipster: Well, then just add the IPs you need to the routing table, like this: "sudo route add dev ppp0"08:45
MrRaggatheadmin: the whole subnet is the better approach08:46
Wipstertheadmin: can I add a whole subnet?08:46
MrRaggaWipster: route add -net netmask dev pp008:46
theadminWipster: I beleive so, you need to use the -net switch as MrRagga specified08:46
szalMrRagga: did you mean: ppp0?08:47
phlak_usertoek: you could use exim08:47
MrRaggaszal: yes08:47
MrRaggaszal: i always expect a little but of brain on the other site, too ;)08:47
WipsterMrRagga: ok thanks for that will test out in a sec, would that still work if the VPN is assigning me 10.30.1.x addressed and the internal network is on 10.30.0.x addresss?08:48
phlak_user!info exim08:48
ubottuPackage exim does not exist in natty08:48
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toekphlak_user: thanks ill look in to exim08:48
toekubottu: oh i guess i wont be then =/08:48
ubottutoek: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:48
KlojumAnyone can help me getting rid of a wrongly created subdirectory, which now claims to be 'not empty'?  If I want to change directory to it, bash says: 'Permission denied'.. :-\08:49
ActionParsnip!info firefox08:49
theadminKlojum: sudo rm -rf your_directory08:49
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 7.0.1+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.11.04.1 (natty), package size 14709 kB, installed size 29508 kB08:49
toek!info postfix-dovecot08:49
ubottuPackage postfix-dovecot does not exist in natty08:49
theadminFirefox 7? Seriously? Mozilla... You moving too fast08:49
ActionParsnipcaddoo: seems so08:49
ActionParsnipnot going to be installed here :)08:49
MrRaggaWipster: you must know, which addresses/subnets you would like to connect to. the vpn ip is only used to have a point to point connection from your home pc to the vpn gateway. anything else is just a matter of routing08:49
caddoobut its number 7 ActionParsnip08:50
caddooits gonna have loads of new features compared to 608:50
ActionParsnipcaddoo: chromium daily build here, its greased lightning08:50
theadmincaddoo: Not really, Mozilla's just catching up with Chrome and Opera in numbers08:50
caddoosorry was being sarcastic08:50
RP64_does anyone here know if you can download nvidia drivers onto your ubuntu installation through a liveCD?08:50
RP64_i heard chroot might be that08:50
phlak_userinfo exim4 | toek08:50
phlak_user!info exim4 | toek08:50
ubottutoek: exim4 (source: exim4): metapackage to ease Exim MTA (v4) installation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.74-1ubuntu1.2 (natty), package size 7 kB, installed size 60 kB08:50
theadminRP64_: Yeah, that would help08:50
caddooActionParsnip, any major differences to the stable release?08:51
RP64_ActionParsnip:  HEY YOUre back man!08:51
ActionParsnipRP64_: get a wired link dude, so much easier08:51
icerootRP64_: yes, chroot is the way to go to download and install it on the installed system with a live-cd08:51
RP64_ActionParsnip:  I can't , it's my landlord's connection08:51
toekphlak_user: nice thanks =)08:51
phlak_usertoek: yw08:51
* conntrack- dances08:51
ActionParsnipcaddoo: extra beta features08:51
RP64_ActionParsnip: Hey, I can't there's no outlets in my house08:52
RP64_ActionParsnip:  so basically, I have only this choice of wireless, is it still possible? can you do it through LiveCD onto the ubuntu installation?08:52
conntrack-Can anyone recommend a good book for iptables?08:52
Klojumtheadmin: thanx, it did the trick. Trying to copy some files from the WindowsXP partition, as root, because otherwise the LAMPP packages has no access...08:52
icerootconntrack-: man iptables08:53
icerootconntrack-: #iptables08:53
ActionParsnipRP64_: you can install the nvidia driver in the live cd, mount the internal partition and copy the deb files to the internal partition, then boot to root recovery mode and install the debs there08:53
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conntrack-I guess I don't need one then08:53
RP64_ActionParsnip:  that'd work? Uhh how do I do that can it be done in like 20 minutes08:53
theadminActionParsnip: Too complicated, just chroot08:53
ActionParsniptheadmin: tried and didn't work for some reason :(08:54
RP64_ActionParsnip: do you think we just got the specifications for chroot wrong somehow?08:54
ActionParsnipRP64_: use the additional drivers app and install the driver in the live environment.08:54
theadminActionParsnip: Weird08:54
RP64_ActionParsnip:  on the liveCD rihgt now ?08:54
ActionParsniptheadmin: very08:54
toumboAnyone knows if I can manage metadata from totem player?08:54
ActionParsnipRP64_: yes08:54
RP64_ActionParsnip:  oh if it's very weird do you think my installation is like defective or something lol08:54
ActionParsnipRP64_: doubt it but copying the files should be ok08:55
RP64_oh just so you know, I installed the nvidia drivers onto the live environment before, and it completely broke the live environment and i had to reinstall ubuntu like the black screen thing happened everytime I went onto the LiveCD as well08:55
RP64_ActionParsnip:  does that change anything?08:56
ActionParsnipRP64_: we just want the files, they will be in /var/cache/apt/archives    you can then run:  gksudo nautilus    select the internal partition from the left panel to mount it and copy the files over08:56
ActionParsnipRP64_: only in the live CD, copying the files is what we need :)08:57
RP64_ActionParsnip:  how long will it take cus im almost dead from no sleep, will it take like 20 minutes or so?08:57
theadminRP64_: It depends on your connection speed and skill level.08:57
ActionParsnipRP64_: about that long, yes08:57
RP64_lol admin ok ill rush it08:57
theadminRP64_: Maybe you should sleep first, you could do weird stuff without being able to think properly.08:58
theadminRP64_: Just saying.08:58
RP64_ive already been at this for 4 hours with 3 hours of sleep in 3 days so08:58
RP64_i wanna get it done once and for all08:58
ActionParsnipRP64_: i'd get some sleep, it'll be easier08:58
mamoothHey there again08:58
RP64_OK sure lol.. so what timezone you in like eastcoast north america cus im westcoast so its 2 AM here and you ? when will you be on next so I can ask for advice08:59
ActionParsnipRP64_: GMT here08:59
RP64_oh so is it like 4 AM there?08:59
mamoothI'm running 11.10 beta2, and I really have a hard time with blender shortcuts. The WM seems to preempt on blender, so it catches hotkeys before blender ...08:59
ActionParsnipRP64_: 10am08:59
theadminRP64_: GMT+4 here (Moscow time), if you were talking to me.08:59
bazhangmamooth, #ubuntu+1 for that08:59
ActionParsnipmamooth: ask in #ubuntu+1 for anything oneiric til release09:00
RP64_wow  i thought you meant general mountain time as in north america09:00
theadminRP64_: GMT = Grinwich Mean Time09:00
ActionParsnipRP64_: nope, people do live outside USA09:00
RP64_ActionParsnip:  yeah including me lol09:00
ActionParsnipRP64_: as theadmin says09:00
Wipster_MrRagga: still no luck pinging any of the machines there09:00
* phlak_user upgraded to FF709:00
mamoothOk, Im going there09:00
RP64_ActionParsnip: im in canada09:00
osmosismy /boot is almost full. How do I remove unused kernels?09:00
ActionParsniposmosis: use software centre09:01
RP64_ActionParsnip:  but anyways so i guess you're in middle of europe OK so its 8 hours difference09:01
osmosisActionParsnip, on server09:01
ActionParsniposmosis: you can use:  uname -a   to see the current kernel09:01
ActionParsniposmosis: you can use:  dpkg -l | grep linux-image-    to see installed kernels09:01
RP64_ActionParsnip: OK so ill probably be on in like 10 hours would you be there then or how could I reach youbecause you already worked with it this far right? lol09:01
osmosisActionParsnip, looks like a ton of them09:01
ActionParsniposmosis: leave the metapackage in but remove the unused kernels with version numbers, NOT the running kernels09:02
osmosisActionParsnip, isnt there just like a clean command?09:02
ActionParsnipRP64_: I'll be at work but probably on irc09:02
theadminosmosis: Not really09:02
ActionParsniposmosis: there is but ive not used it09:02
RP64_OK cool cya all09:02
theadminosmosis: Ubuntu-Tweak had some options to remove old kernels iirc09:02
ActionParsniptheadmin: its a server install09:03
osmosisyah, my boot partition is 90% full09:03
theadminActionParsnip: Ah...09:03
phlak_userosmosis: i just delete all the kernels but the running one and run grub update09:03
ActionParsniposmosis: http://tuxtweaks.com/2010/10/remove-old-kernels-in-ubuntu-with-one-command/    i've not used this and i suggest you do it individually so you don't screw up09:03
osmosisphlak_user, delete meaning apt-get remove ?09:03
phlak_usernope; just rm09:04
ActionParsniposmosis: yes:   sudo apt-get --purge remove linux-image-2.x.x..x.x.09:04
phlak_userbut thats just me ;)09:04
ActionParsnipphlak_user: that won't work, removing the kernel is the advised way09:04
theadminphlak_user: APT would try to retreive the files back the next update09:04
* theadmin 's package manager does not keep old kernels09:05
ActionParsniptheadmin: how did you wangle that?09:05
theadminActionParsnip: Well, not an Ubuntu user :P09:05
ActionParsniptheadmin: ahh, makes sense09:05
theadminActionParsnip: Still though, I have no clue why they do that09:05
ActionParsniptheadmin: to allow rolling back if a kernel is bad09:06
theadminActionParsnip: Isn't it the package mantainer's job to verify the kernel is not, as you said, "bad"?09:08
toekwhat webmail can you recommend? preferably not squirrelmail =)09:08
Myrttitoek: roundcube?09:09
toekMyrtti: thanks09:09
theadmintoek: http://alternativeto.net/software/squirrelmail/09:09
phlak_usertork: horde (or whatever its called now)09:10
phlak_usertoek:  its actually imp -> http://www.horde.org/apps/imp/09:10
ActionParsniptheadmin: depends on the hardware09:11
ActionParsniptheadmin: especially if there is a regression causing hardware not to work, the old kernel can be booted to and a bug logged09:11
theadminActionParsnip: I see. Guess it makes sense, but hey, I have the [testing] repo enabled so I'm not afraid :P09:11
phlak_usertoek:  or is it this -> http://www.horde.org/apps/webmail09:11
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toekphlak_user: sweet09:15
osmosishow come when I do  history -c   it seems like my history is cleared, but if I logout and log back in..my entire history has returned.09:16
theadminosmosis: rm ~/.bash_history09:16
phlak_useror echo > ~/.bash_history09:18
Pooky5hello, can someone explain me, why when i can't upgrade firefox even if I already add "ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/firefox-aurora" in repository?09:18
theadminPooky5: Did you do "sudo apt-get update" after that?09:18
Pooky5theadmin: many times09:19
phlak_useri am never able to get the FF update widget working. it just keeps saying connecting to update server09:20
ActionParsniposmosis: rm ~/.bash_history   is a great way09:20
Pooky5I also try remove firefox and install again, bat i still get only 7.x version09:20
usr13phlak_user: Use the package manager09:20
ActionParsnipPooky5: which version do you want? and which release are you using?09:20
phlak_usereasier to just download it from getfirefox.org09:20
theadminPooky5: I beleive the package would be called "aurora", not"firefox"...09:20
ActionParsnip!info aurora09:21
ubottuaurora (source: aurora): communicate with an Aurora Magnetek Photovoltaic (solar) Power Inverter. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.6.7-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 24 kB, installed size 112 kB09:21
theadminNope, probably not09:21
theadminMaybe firefox-aurora?09:21
phlak_user!info firefox09:21
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 7.0.1+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.11.04.1 (natty), package size 14709 kB, installed size 29508 kB09:21
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phlak_userit says 7.0.109:21
theadminMeh, actually, it *is* firefox...09:21
usr13If you install firefox manually, you probably need to blacklist it on the package manager.09:22
Pooky5theadmin: nope, it really name firefox09:22
ActionParsnipPooky5: which version do you want? and which release are you using?09:22
phlak_userusr13: i just removed the package and install it manually each time09:22
Pooky5ActionParsnip: I want Aurora (which is 8 or 9) and i have 709:22
ActionParsnipPooky5: ok and what is the output of: lsb_release -sc09:22
phlak_userusr13: 'cos 6 was horrible when it first came out09:22
ahhughezwhat's a good image/picture/photo browsing application? Just wanna open up a file... hit some button and the next in the dir opens.09:22
Pooky5ActionParsnip: natty09:23
phlak_user!info eog | ahhughez09:23
ubottuahhughez: eog (source: eog): Eye of GNOME graphics viewer program. In component main, is optional. Version 2.32.1-0ubuntu2 (natty), package size 348 kB, installed size 1588 kB09:23
ActionParsnipahhughez: shotwell, f-spot09:23
ActionParsnipPooky5: http://www.upubuntu.com/2011/07/how-to-install-next-firefox-versions.html09:24
BenNZhi , having trouble installing the nvidia 173 driver with the 3.0 kernel , but had trouble with the 2.6 kernel , anyone know of a way to install the nvidia driver with the 3.0 kernel09:24
ahhughezlooks perfect phlak_user09:24
Pooky5ActionParsnip: i read this and i do this step09:24
ActionParsnipBenNZ: oneiric is supported in #ubuntu+109:24
phlak_userahhughez: tis the fastest ive seen09:24
theadminBenNZ: 3.0 is not supported on Ubuntu.09:24
ActionParsnipBenNZ: it is in oneiric ;)09:25
ActionParsnipBenNZ: if you have instaled a 3rd party kernel via the kernel ppa then neither channel will support you09:25
paulus68is there a way to show a progress bar when moving large files from 1 place to another?09:25
Pooky5ActionParsnip: bat i still get only 7 version of firefox, i don't have idea why09:25
phlak_userpaulus68: doesnt the file manager show that in "file operations" ?09:26
BenNZActionParsnip: theadmin ok , if you dont know thanks for your time09:26
paulus68Pooky5: there was an update of firefox this morning09:26
paulus68phlak_user: I run it in terminal since it's on a server09:26
Pooky5paulus68: I know, after this update firefox crash on every start, so i want another version09:26
ActionParsnippaulus68: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=931067809:27
phlak_userpaulus68: oh ok rsync has a --progress option that should print out hashes09:27
Wipstertheadmin: MrRagga: could you check this out? I'm still unable to ping a machine on, ifconfig says ppp0 has an inet of ptp and mask of, the first is before my vpn connects the second is once its connected, http://pastebin.com/4tmmmLfz09:27
paulus68Pooky5: ok09:27
paulus68ActionParsnip: phlak_user: thanks09:27
usr13scp also shows progress I think.09:28
ActionParsnipPooky5: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/firefox-aurora?field.series_filter=natty   shows it has firefox 909:28
ActionParsnipPooky5: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/firefox-aurora; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install firefox     should do it09:29
MrRaggaWipster: which ip subnet do you want to  connect to?09:29
ActionParsnipWipster: weird mask09:29
Pooky5ActionParsnip: i really try it, meaby 5 times and it really doesn't work, it's reason why i ask for help, i try nightly and beta and i still stuck on 7 version09:30
WipsterMrRagga: I'd like to connect to 10.30.0.x as thats what all the office machines are on09:30
ActionParsnipPooky5: can you give the output of:  lsb_release -a; apt-cache policy firefox     can you use http://pastebin.com to host the text09:31
MrRaggaWipster: route add -net netmask dev pp009:31
openbeeshow to install git version control ..including GUI09:31
phlak_userPooky5: isnt downloading manually an option? you could just download the binary; explode it into say /opt/ (tar jxvf firefox-x-x-x-x) and point the launcher09:31
phlak_user!info git09:31
MrRaggaWipster: is it a /24 subnet?09:31
ubottugit (source: git): fast, scalable, distributed revision control system. In component main, is optional. Version 1: (natty), package size 4085 kB, installed size 9604 kB09:31
MrRaggaWipster: if not adapt the netmask09:31
Pooky5phlak_user: i just did it, it's only solution of this09:31
phlak_userPooky5: oh ok :)09:32
ActionParsnipPooky5: if you can pastebin the text we can advise09:32
WipsterMrRagga: well I think it is... but as ppp0 is being assigned a 1.x I'm not sure09:32
Pooky5ActionParsnip: here http://pastebin.com/vs0mxN6j09:33
ActionParsnipPooky5: you haven't added the ppa09:33
phlak_userWipster: it doesnt matter at your end (unless you have other machines in local lan in same subnet) since its a ptp connection. its the routing at the other end that matters09:33
ActionParsnipPooky5: can you run:  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/firefox-aurora     and pastebin the output please09:34
Wipsterphlak_user: oh right cheers MrRagga: no dice still cant ping any computers there, does the metric need to be set?09:34
ActionParsnipPooky5: unchanged, ok that's weird09:35
phlak_userWipster:  when i connect to my VPN server; my route looks like this (and i can ping a machine on the other end) -> UH    0      0        0 ppp009:35
phlak_user0.0.0.0         U     0      0        0 ppp009:35
ActionParsnipPooky5: good ol web translate09:35
Pooky5ActionParsnip: ? i don't understand right now09:36
ActionParsnipPooky5: the repo was added but was already there so it is unchanged or 'beze změn'09:36
Pooky5ActionParsnip: yea, it's czech translate :)09:37
Pooky5ActionParsnip: well now i use "aptitude upgrade" and it works..09:38
ActionParsnipPooky5: sweet09:38
Pooky5ActtionParsnip: I'm very happy :)09:38
jefimenkoActionParsnip: i took your advice and tried to upgrade. lucid -> maverick was okay, but then maverick -> natty stopped early in the upgrade with this: http://pastebin.com/ru9heinK09:39
ActionParsnipPooky5: its got an oneiric branch too09:39
Pooky5when should ubuntu 11.10 be released? I want switch asap09:42
jpdsPooky5: 13th. #ubuntu+1 for 11.10 chat.09:42
Quontrexanyone had luck with samba4 in a limited production state?09:48
ikoniadefine luck with samba, in what context09:48
Quontrexworks great for me"" but I only have 20 users09:49
Quontrexin an all linux farm09:49
ActionParsnipnot used samba4 here, only using samba09:49
icerootQuontrex: used it as ad09:50
ikoniaQuontrex: deine works - file sharing, ldap intergration, AD intergration, user managment, printing etc09:50
icerootQuontrex: works ok but some features are still missing09:50
Quontrexad works well using an xp box to do the dirty work09:50
icerootQuontrex: but now you dont need windows anymore to use ad09:51
icerootQuontrex: which is a great feature and a big step in the open-source-world09:51
=== Mira is now known as Guest84049
Quontrexwell I am kinda forced to have a winderz box anyway soooo09:51
jefimenkoubuntu-standard sounds like a very important package09:51
jefimenkois that right?09:51
Quontrexdepends what is important to you jef09:52
jefimenkoi'm just trying to fix an upgrade problem from maverick -> natty09:52
Quontrextakeoff on m$ commercial "what do you wanna do RIGHT today"09:53
jefimenkoit's breaking on some kind of dependency between libdns and libgeoip09:53
ikoniaQuontrex: do you have an ubuntu discussion issue - or are you here to blindly make stilly comments about Microsoft ?09:53
jefimenkoso i thought i could remove libdns just for the upgrade09:53
Quontrexno I am here to find anyone else using samba409:54
ikoniaQuontrex: try the #samba channel09:54
icerootQuontrex: #samba09:54
ActionParsnipchump_: zaaaaaa'09:54
mez_or #samba-dev (and I use samba4 !!)09:54
chump_alot of ppl around here09:54
toekshouldnt postfix be standard in 10.04?09:54
jefimenkoremoving libdns requires a few more packages to be removed: http://pastebin.com/HwMe6vsR09:54
ActionParsnip!info postfix09:55
ubottupostfix (source: postfix): High-performance mail transport agent. In component main, is optional. Version 2.8.2-1ubuntu2.1 (natty), package size 1137 kB, installed size 3336 kB09:55
mez_toek, It has been for a fair few releases!09:55
ActionParsniptoek: its optional09:55
mez_(the standard MTA, not installed by default)09:55
ActionParsnipits not installed here in Oneiric09:55
toeki cant find it with ps, is it aptitude install postfix i should be doin?09:56
chump_with ps?09:56
ActionParsniptoek: if you desire the package, yes (prefix with sudo)09:56
ActionParsnipchump_: shows running processes09:56
ActionParsnipchump_: ps | less      ;)09:57
chump_yea yea i know - just was confused why he is trying to find postfix with ps.09:57
jefimenkoi guess it's a terrible idea to remove ubuntu-standard before an upgrade09:57
ActionParsnipchump_: not sure myself09:57
fritschjefimenko: just a meta package - but yes new dependencies are not upgraded09:57
fritschjefimenko: i can imagine worse scenarios :-)09:58
jefimenkoit's just i can't upgrade from maverick to natty without getting this error: http://pastebin.com/NztnKUXF09:59
jefimenkoin maverick it's libdns6609:59
fritschjefimenko: did you mess with oneiric stuff?09:59
mez_jefimenko, what command are you using to upgrade ?09:59
theadminjefimenko: You can't really upgrade Ubuntu safely... Face the truth and consider a clean install.09:59
fritschtheadmin: mmh not that right10:00
fritschjefimenko: should work fine, did you install any other packages from 3rd party repos?10:00
jefimenkothis is a clean box10:00
mez_theadmin, I've upgraded this machine (safely) from ... feisty ?10:00
jefimenkoit was running clean 10.04 server for a while10:00
jefimenkoall up-to-date10:01
toekif i only want to run webmail then i only need postfix?10:01
jefimenkoi took it from lucid -> maverick safely10:01
jefimenkonot it won't go from maverick -> natty10:01
mez_jefimenko, apt-get update; apt-get upgrade; apt-get dist-upgrade; do-release-upgrade10:01
theadminmez_: Wow, you're lucky10:01
mez_theadmin, No, not really - I just know how to fix things :D10:01
jefimenkoupgrade and dist-upgrade didn't take any action10:02
demirulezHello, is there a simple and fast way to verify if the SLI Mode is actually enabled? Thanks10:02
theadminmez_: I broke my X when upgrading from Jaunty to Karmic, and probably some worse stuff happened as well, just didn't know much back then and didn't really look further, just reinstalled10:02
fritschmez_: this is not the way10:02
llutztoek: webmail as in just sending mail via website or  access to your mail via webfront?10:02
mez_fritsch,  ?10:02
fritschjefimenko: try to fetch all maverick updates first10:02
fritschmez_: these upgrade commands do some special things in order not to run into dependency issues10:02
jefimenkofritsch: not using apt-get upgrade?10:02
fritschjefimenko: not for release upgrades10:02
jefimenkoso what should i run10:03
mez_jefimenko, do you have any PPAs or similar installed?10:03
fritschjefimenko: there is the ubuntu way of doing it with update-manager -d or do_release_upgrade10:03
jefimenkomez_: no10:03
mez_fritsch, no - do-release-upgrade is the safe way to upgrade... which is what jefimenko is using.10:03
toekllutz: access mail wia webfront like roundcube or squirrelmail or so10:03
fritschjefimenko: try with maverick sources: apt-get update && apt-get update10:03
demirulezi have issued sudo nvidia-xconfig --sli=On, rebooted and all seems to work with 280.13 drivers...10:03
fritschjefimenko: in order to get maverick up to date10:03
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llutztoek: you'll need a imap/pop3 server 1st for that10:03
fritschjefimenko: after that try the do_release_upgrade again10:03
toekllutz: aight thanks10:04
toekllutz: thought so...10:04
mez_jefimenko, changing your sources to maverick and upgrading via aopt-get upgrade MAY break your system.10:04
jefimenkothese are the sources.list: http://pastebin.com/X9g9E83d10:04
theadminfritsch: Doesn't do-release-upgrade automatically run apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade first?10:04
jefimenkoi only see lucid stuff commented out from the recent upgrade from lucid -> maverick10:05
jefimenkonothing else out of the ordinary10:05
mez_jefimenko, pastebin your sources.list ?10:05
fritschtheadmin: i do not think so. it first deactives ppas and so on10:05
jefimenkomez_: i just did10:05
fritschtheadmin: installs additional needed packages (tar.gz it fetches)10:05
llutztoek: to send mail, either use postfix or a simple mailer like ssmtp/msmtp10:06
ajahi`ve set up ad-hoc wireless network with static settings on one of my ubuntu machines and i can successfully join with network-manager on other machine but when i try iwconfig wlan0 essid "network" ifconfig wlan0 doesn`t work10:06
demirulezedit: in the section of X Screen 0 in Nvidia X server settings GUI there are shown 2 GPUs on associated to the monitor, is this correct?10:06
jefimenkothis happened on a second machine btw10:06
jefimenkosame scenario10:06
theadminfritsch: I see, well, weird system. Anything that's not a rolling-release is weird to upgrade.10:06
fritschtheadmin: hehe try debian rolling unstable :-)10:06
phlak_userajah: you need to set mode in iwconfig too10:06
ajahi basically should the same but doesn`t work10:06
phlak_userajah: like so ->  iwconfig wlan0 mode Ad-Hoc10:07
theadminfritsch: I'm fine with Arch, thanks.10:07
ajahphlak_user, i`ll try10:07
mez_jefimenko, do you have bind installed?10:07
demirulezHello, is there a simple and fast way to verify if the SLI Mode is actually enabled? Thank for your help10:08
jefimenkomez_: yes, bind-host. but i don't run a bind server on this10:08
fritschdemirulez: have a look in nvidia-settings10:08
demirulezfritsch: i have the control panel opened, where should i check?10:09
mez_jefimenko, bind-host would count too....10:09
fritschdemirulez: just click on your graphics car10:09
jefimenkomez_: is bind causing problems?10:10
fritschjefimenko: what about removing libdns69 before?=10:10
demirulezfritsch: it says: Screen 0 (SLI) on both videocards10:10
ajahphlak_user, sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "wireless-connection" mode ad-hoc , sudo ifconfig wlan0 still no ping with any suggestion?10:10
Quontrexyou have a winner10:10
mez_jefimenko, well, you seem to have libdns69 - which isn't part of maverick...10:10
fritschdemirulez: you see the SLI?10:10
jefimenkofritsch: that was my idea before (it's actually libdns66 on maverick)10:10
fritschdemirulez: or did you set ist for yourself10:11
phlak_userajah: what does sudo iwconfig wlan0 say?10:11
jefimenkofritsch: but it wants to remove some other important-looking packages. let me pastebin it10:11
fritschjefimenko: jep10:11
phlak_useryou can pastebinit10:11
mez_jefimenko, apt-get install libdns6610:11
ajahphlak_user, wlan0     IEEE 802.11bgn  ESSID:"wireless-connection" and other stuffs10:11
mez_and see what that gives you10:11
fritschmez_: jep good way to go10:11
mez_(where did you get 69 from?)10:11
ronis there a way to undelete a file that was removed with rm?10:12
Quontrexif it gives him two card 0 and sli theyre stacked and working properly10:12
demirulezfritsch: i have enabled it with nvidia-xconfig --sli=On10:12
fritschmez_: from his remove it seems that it depends on ubuntu-standard10:12
ajahphlak_user, in pastebin all of it?10:12
fritschdemirulez: less /var/log/Xorg.0.log10:12
mez_jefimenko, no - he's trying to remove 66 there, not 6910:12
fritschdemirulez: perhaps there is printed something10:12
mez_jefimenko, apt-get remove libdns6910:12
fritschdemirulez: but i think it is just working10:12
mez_not 66 ;)10:12
jefimenkomez_: trying to install libdns66 didn't do anything10:12
jefimenkomez_: i got 69 because of the error shown during the upgrade: http://pastebin.com/yw8QivCK10:12
ajahphlak_user, http://pastebin.com/5A15Nmt910:12
fritschjefimenko: remove the 69 version10:13
jefimenkomez_: but in maverick, it's libdns6610:13
jefimenkoi'll try 69, but i don't think it's installed10:13
jefimenkodoesn't exist10:13
jefimenkoE: Unable to locate package libdns6910:13
toekshould i go for: postfix configuration: Internet Site or Internet Site with smarthost?10:13
usr13phlak_user:  What is the actual essid of ajah's wireless router?10:13
fritschjefimenko: okay it will come from natty then10:13
toekor local or what?10:13
mez_jefimenko, ah ok.10:13
mez_jefimenko, one sec... seems you have a local copy of a dodgy libdns6910:14
Quontrextoek you have a static dns on the router?10:14
llutztoek: do you have own domain, static ip? then you could use internet-site, else better to use a smarthost for sending mails10:14
ajahusr13, its not a router it`s ad hoc network on other ubuntu machine10:14
toeki have domain and static ip10:14
toekit runs a site10:14
toekjoomla site10:14
usr13ajah: What do you have it's essid set to?10:14
ajahusr13, $ sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning | grep wireless                    ESSID:"wireless-connection"10:14
demirulezfritsch: http://paste.ubuntu.com/699626/10:14
mez_jefimenko, can you apt-get clean && apt-get autoclean then try and run do-release-upgrade10:14
fritschdemirulez: you see the line10:15
jefimenkomez_: trying now10:15
Quontrexjust talk to yourself, works for me10:15
llutztoek: internet-site is fine then, you'll send your mails directly to receipients then10:15
phlak_userajah: is this the mac address of the other laptop? Cell: 6A:4E:7E:90:FE:0110:15
toekok nice thanks10:15
fritschjefimenko: [    14.985] (II) NVIDIA(0): NVIDIA SLI enabled.10:15
usr13ajah: Ok well that should do it.  Do you have appropriate IP address settings for each?10:15
toekwhat does the localy option mean?'10:15
mez_jefimenko, you're trying to go from maverick->natty , right?10:15
jefimenkomez_: yes10:15
llutztoek: if you need to deliver mails to local receipients10:15
celltechI know it's possible. And free. But I can't figure it out. How do I use my iphone as a webcam on linux10:16
demirulezfritsch: yes should be: [    14.985] (II) NVIDIA(0): NVIDIA SLI enabled.10:16
jefimenkomez_: i just finishing going from lucid -> maverick10:16
fritschdemirulez: [    14.985] (II) NVIDIA(0): NVIDIA SLI enabled.10:16
llutztoek: users on your server10:16
Quontrextrying to contact
toekllutz: that could be done externaly also right?10:16
mez_jefimenko, that's cool.  Your cleans should hopefully get rid of the weird package.10:16
llutztoek: yes10:16
Quontrex127 is non routable10:16
demirulezfritsch: yes, thank you very much, and the bad part is that it's not working under Seven lol10:16
ajahphlak_user, w8 a little bit i should log with ssh and tell you not sure10:16
llutztoek: good resources for postfix are #postfix here in freenode and the documentation on postfix.org10:16
phlak_userajah: ok ifconfig wlan0 on the other machine should tell you10:17
stevecamhow do i reload the sidebar and the toolbar when they start playing up in unity10:17
jefimenkomez_: unfortunately, i got the same error10:17
jefimenkomez_: i ran both clean commands10:17
fritschjefimenko: remove it and delete the other 5 packages with you10:18
fritschjefimenko: do a upgrade and install ubuntu-standard again10:18
Quontrexsudo apt-cache search libdns10:18
fritschQuontrex: no sudo need for search10:18
jefimenkofritsch: ok, i'll try that10:18
Quontrexoh right thats find10:18
phlak_userstevecam: define "playing up"10:19
fritschjefimenko: i am shortly afk - just ping me a view times, if there is a problem10:20
Quontrexundesirable output?10:20
oCean!who | Quontrex10:20
ubottuQuontrex: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)10:20
Grey_LokiHi, i'm running ubuntu on a HP touchpad. The Ubuntu chroot app has been updated so you can totally disable HP's on-screen keyboard. What's the best way of going about making Ubuntu as tablet-friendly as possible? i.e, nice big buttons, swipe-to-scroll, a ubuntu-generated on-screen keyboard, etc?10:23
Grey_LokiI'm presuming that it isn't just as simple as apt-get install ubuntu-tablet :D10:23
jefimenkofritsch: the upgrade is progressing now. i did see it mention that it will be removing openssh-server... kind of disturbing... but i do have a way to access this remotely without ssh10:23
fritschjefimenko: which script did remove it?10:26
fritschjefimenko: apt-get remove from the beginning?10:26
stevecamphlak_user, well the problem im having now is that the sidebar has frozen, but in general i find to be a bit of a problem, the tray area on the toolbar wont always allow me to interact with me and the sidebar will behave rather strange when i am running a seamless desktop with virtualbox10:27
fritschjefimenko: normally it should open a rescue server before starting on 8022 or so10:27
mez_jefimenko, try commenting out security and updates lines from sources.list then running do-release-upgrade10:27
adataais there any programming channel on freenode10:28
mez_adataa, there are lots. Are you looking for any specific type? Any specific language ?10:28
adataai tried c++ also but it wont let me send to channel don't know why10:28
senayarGrey_Loki, search about utouch on google10:29
mez_adataa, ##csharp10:29
ikonia!register | adataa10:29
ubottuadataa: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode10:29
phlak_userstevecam: so this strange behavior is always when you run the seamless desktop using virtualbox?10:29
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stevecamphlak_user, forget i mentioned all that, the system tray is not being interactive weather i am in vb or not10:35
jefimenkofritsch: it finished, but i think something is wrong10:36
jefimenkofritsch: "lsb_release -a" shows maverick10:37
mez_jefimenko, cat /etc/lsb-release10:37
stevecamphlak_user, what is the process for the sidebar and the toolbar?10:37
stevecamso i can kill them and start them when they play up10:37
fritschjefimenko: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-standard10:38
jefimenkofritsch: it came back online without internet... i have to look into why before i can install that10:38
fritschjefimenko: where did it normally get internet from?10:39
fritschjefimenko: libdns is missing :-) this could be a problem10:39
fritschjefimenko: do you have your ip and gateway configuration?10:39
fritschjefimenko: did it get an ip?10:39
fritschjefimenko: ifconfig eth010:39
jefimenkofritsch: i mean i can't ping it10:40
jefimenkofritsch: it has an IP though10:40
fritschjefimenko: can it ping out?10:40
jefimenkofritsch: i'm going to try simplifying the interfaces file though. it is pretty complex with bonding and bridging... maybe something like that broke in natty10:41
fritschjefimenko: okay, the steps are install ubuntu-standard again and openssh-server10:41
jefimenkofritsch: actually, it can ping out10:41
rabbi1just installed 11.04 on hp mini, problem with resolution, unable to see the complete window of any applications :(10:41
fritschjefimenko: yeah, so install some packages10:41
fritschjefimenko: ubuntu-standard and openssh-server10:41
fritschjefimenko: could be that the net devices have swapped10:42
fritschjefimenko: meaning eth0 eth1 have switched?10:42
fritschjefimenko: have a look in /etc/udev/rules.d/ xx persistent xx10:42
jefimenkofritsch: i get this error when i try "apt-get install ubuntu-standard": Package ubuntu-standard is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source.10:43
fritschjefimenko: paste your sources.list please10:43
fritschjefimenko: i think some entries are just missing10:44
rabbi1just installed 11.04 on hp mini, problem with the resolution, unable to see complete window. how to solve :(10:45
TacoDanHello, will there be no Gnome option next release? (ubuntu-classic?)10:45
rabbi1TacoDan: Doesn't matter you can get it anytime :)10:45
Quontrexrabbi1: is there a restricted driver for that machine?10:46
MonkeyDustTacoDan: ask details in #ubuntu+110:46
stevecamwhen im virtulizing with vbox, is it possible to make other apps to respect my windows taskbar position when managing windows, for example when i maximize a window in gnome i dont want it to cover up the windows taskbar?10:47
jefimenkofritsch: i can't copy&paste right now because i'm viewing it through a kvm with no net access... i can't ssh in10:47
jefimenkofritsch: but i can take a screenshot haha10:47
Quontrexpen and pencil?10:47
TacoDanrabbi: how so?10:47
TacoDanMonkeyDust: Nobody seems awake, but I did.10:48
fritschjefimenko: okay go for it10:48
rabbi1just installed 11.04 on hp mini, problem with the resolution, unable to see complete window. how to solve :(10:48
Quontrexrabbi1: is there a restricted driver for that machine?10:49
gingerlinghey, anyone know any good small business management software for total beginners!10:50
Quontrexhate to say it but...quickbooks10:50
gingerlingdoes it do any stock managmenty stuff?10:51
gingerlingI have seen opentaps etc10:51
gingerlingbut you have to like a genious to even install them10:51
gingerlingpluss I think the are "cloud"y. I dont like that. I like things to be firmly on my computer10:51
Quontrexopenbravo is the debbil to install10:51
jefimenkofritsch: http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/4003/page1s.png and http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/3946/page2h.png10:52
fritschjefimenko: sudo apt-get update10:52
fritschjefimenko: sudo apt-get upgrade10:52
phlak_usergingerling: have you looked at sql-ledger? -> http://www.sql-ledger.com/10:52
rabbi1Quontrex: sorry, some problem. did i miss something ?10:52
fritschjefimenko: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-standard10:53
gingerlinglooks okay10:53
gingerlingnot a shiney as the others10:53
gingerlingis it easier to install and use?10:53
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jefimenkofritsch: upgrade result: http://img703.imageshack.us/img703/224/upgraderesult.png10:53
gingerlingand is it all free (as in beer)?10:53
rabbi1problem with the resolution after installing 11.04 on hp mini, any solution, can't see windows completely10:53
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fritschjefimenko: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:53
fritschjefimenko: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-standard10:54
=== tobi42 is now known as tobire42
jefimenkofritsch: dist-upgrade looks the same and trying to install ubuntu-standard gives the same result as before10:54
rabbi1problem with the resolution after installing 11.04 on hp mini, any solution, can't see windows completely. very urgent....please help10:55
gingerlingSQL ledger not in repos :(10:55
jefimenkofritsch: wait, i'm sorry10:56
jefimenkodist-upgrade is doing something10:56
japrohi, so i have two issuse: A: after waking from suspend, my laptop dims the display randomly, which is really annoying. B: some programs don't find their libraries when run with sudo10:56
jefimenkoi missed that one10:56
fritschafterwards try installing ubuntu-standard again10:56
gingerlingopenbravo says its 100% web based. does that me cloudy?10:57
phlak_usergingerling: is being on the repos a must-have for you?10:58
gingerlingi have an aversion to comandline10:58
rabbi1problem with the resolution after installing 11.04 on hp mini, any solution, can't see windows completely. very urgent....please help10:58
phlak_usergingerling: oh ok; you better stick to GUI-based stuff10:59
phlak_userrabbi1: ctl+alt+backspace should reload the display manager11:00
gingerlinggeneral yes I try to. looking at open bravo three video its very nice, but is it simple to use?11:00
rabbi1screen problem with hp mini, after installing 11.04. how so solve this?11:01
arand_phlak_user: rabbi1: That shortcut is disabled by default, I think, You can use alt+sysreq+k for a similar effect though..11:01
rabbi1atl alt backspace not working11:01
phlak_usergingerling: havent got a clue --> http://wiki.openbravo.com/wiki/Installation/Ubuntu11:02
rabbi1arand_: it's the application windows not displaying fully11:02
gingerlingthanks :)11:02
phlak_userrabbi1: did you login to unity or gnome desktop?11:02
rabbi1sysreq ?11:02
rabbi1phlak_user: gnome11:03
phlak_userrabbi1: can you logout and try loggin in by selecting unity as your window manager11:04
pravktyukdflykjpfd v11:04
phlak_userrabbi1: the key that says Prt  Sc between Pause and Delete (on my laptop)11:04
rabbi1phlak_user: even unity has the same prob11:05
ptuanyone help me install PANGO11:05
salty-horsehey. I'm looking at the "preferred applications" capplet in natty. the "web browser" drop-down doesn't have a "custom" option. was it removed?11:06
rabbi1arand_: even that key has no effect11:06
phlak_userrabbi1: can you describe the exact problem? are you not able to see your complete window?11:06
rabbi1phlak_user: exactly, unable to see the complete window11:06
rabbi1phlak_user: display and all is good11:07
phlak_userrabbi1: if you press alt+mouse and drag up, does it move?11:07
rabbi1phlak_user: yeah, able to move and see11:07
fritschjefimenko: how is it going?11:07
phlak_userrabbi1: is the screen resolution 1024x600?11:07
rabbi1phlak_user: 1024x57611:08
phlak_userrabbi1: ok what model of mini is this?11:09
aatkrabbi1: are you sure it's not just because you have a small screen? can you upload a screenshot of the problem?11:10
rabbi1says hp mini 1000 phlak_user11:10
max_can anyone tell me how to upload log files please?11:10
jribmax_: upload them where11:11
rabbi1aatk: not possible to upload, don have net connection to it, give me sec. will try from pendrive11:11
max_on the net11:11
jrib!paste | max_11:11
ubottumax_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:11
phlak_userrabbi1: not sure about that model. this page has all the others -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks#HP_Mini_1010nr11:11
max_thank you jrib and buottu11:11
gabrielshahzadhi. is it possible to block every port besides ports 80 / 8080 with iptables? and if so, how would I do that (don't know my way around iptables)11:12
jrib!firewall | gabrielshahzad11:13
ubottugabrielshahzad: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE Lucid and Maverick) also exist.11:13
jribgabrielshahzad: using either ufw or iptables, block all ports, then open only those you want11:13
gabrielshahzadthanks. didn't think about ufw11:13
phlak_userrabbi1: you could try what is suggested here --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=117016711:13
DysonReturnsgreets gents - anyone know an easy way of allowing ping from only a specific address?11:16
OnlyodinDysonReturns, iptables11:17
jefimenkofritsch: i think i recovered it11:17
jefimenkofritsch: hopefully the system didn't get messed up in the process11:17
fritschjefimenko: if you have recovered it - it sounds promissing11:17
fritschjefimenko: did you get ubuntu-standard installed?11:17
Cube``hey guys, whats the name of the programm responsible for changing the desktop background? im using xmonad so i cannot access the ubuntu settings like i normally would11:20
jefimenkofritsch: yes, but it looks like the bonded, bridged interface on vlan isn't working in natty11:22
gabrielshahzadis it possible to block smb with something like ufw deny smb ?11:22
jefimenkoi'll have to find out why11:22
aatkCube``: xsetbg, feh, there are quite a few11:22
fritschjefimenko: you used bridge tools to set it up?11:22
jefimenkofritsch: yea, back in lucid. it's all in my /etc/network/interfaces11:23
Cube``aatk: ok, and where are the default wallpaper choices stored? in which folder?11:23
fritschjefimenko: should work still11:23
jefimenkofritsch: the non-bridged inteface works11:23
jefimenkofritsch: the one that is only bonded11:24
fritschjefimenko: paste your interfaces, if you can11:24
aatkCube``: they're usually in /user/share/backgrounds11:24
aatkCube``: /usr/share/backgrounds sorry11:26
Fudgewhat is .xsyslog11:26
Fudgeand is jaunty no longer supported11:30
paketeHello everyone!11:32
japrois there anything i can do to keep my laptop from randomly dimming the screen after waking from suspend?11:32
japrosome process to restart or similar?11:32
Cube``aatk: thanks!11:33
japropower settings and such don't seem to be configured to dim it ever11:33
paketePlease help if possible to enable sound in U300 toshiba sattelite. It seems like sound is there working but no actual sound while switchin vlume up and down11:33
paketeplease help!!!11:33
fritschpakete: caps button is near ctl11:36
fritschpakete: if this was the question11:36
fritschpakete: check with alsamixer -c0 if there is sth. muted11:37
paketefritsch, how do i check with alsa mixer? thnx11:40
}[oO]{issue with volume control on the gnome panel...icon dissappeared, but ps ax shows the applet running, cannot right click to add to panel.11:40
fritschpakete: alsamixer -c0 run from a terminal11:41
fritschpakete: use the arrow keys11:41
fritschpakete: if there are many M this means mute11:41
fritschpakete: press < or > to umute then11:41
fritschpakete: also check the sliders11:41
omsibhi hw are u11:42
paketefritsch, here what it shows11:42
pakete│ Card: HDA Intel                                      F1:  Help               │11:42
pakete│ Chip: LSI ID 1040                                    F2:  System information │11:42
bazhangomsib, ubuntu support question?11:42
pakete│ View: F3: Playback  F4: Capture  F5: All             F6:  Select sound card  │11:42
pakete│ Item:                                                Esc: Exit               │11:42
omsibhi wats up11:42
FloodBot1pakete: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:42
pakete│                                                                              │11:42
fritschpakete: do not paste11:42
omsibwho are yuo11:43
bazhang!ot | omsib11:43
ubottuomsib: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:43
fritsch!guidelines | pakete11:43
ubottupakete: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines11:43
omsibot bazhang11:43
japropakete, install alsamixergui... that will be easier to use11:44
fritschjapro: if installing is easier for him11:44
Hunter275is facebook chat not working?11:45
japrofritsch, he has to know how to use the package manager... otherwise how do you get anything done on ubuntu?11:45
ArnoldHello. How do I upload a .crash file's contents, generated by Apport to Launchpad Bugs?11:46
fritschjapro: you are right - but my opinion is, that most people just copy and paste commands11:46
fritschjapro: without knowing what they do11:46
fritschjapro: but software center should be easily usable these days, you are right11:46
japrodoesn't everyone do that :D11:47
auronandaceHunter275: i think you are in the wrong channel11:47
Hunter275no the ubuntu chat, does the facebook verification work11:48
jefimenkofritsch: i got in with this simplified config: http://pastebin.com/x4Y6Muim11:48
jefimenkoi only obfuscated the public IP info11:48
fritschjefimenko: so everything is fine again?11:48
jefimenkothis one works...11:48
jefimenkofritsch: no, i had to disable the bridging11:48
jefimenkofritsch: let me show you what breaks it11:48
fritschjefimenko: is ifenslave-2.6 installed?11:49
}[oO]{join #gnome11:49
omsibhi who are you11:49
jefimenkofritsch: yes11:49
omsibwats up11:50
jefimenkofritsch: and bridge-utils are also install11:50
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sigandersonhow do I see the last deleted files on a ext4 fs?11:50
* buxy wonders if we have slashdotters here willing to vote up http://slashdot.org/submission/1803984/get-a-copy-of-the-debian-administrators-handbook on http://slashdot.org/recent11:50
Myrttibuxy: how is that related to Ubuntu support?11:51
fritschjefimenko: okay, the script looks sane for me11:51
fritschjefimenko: $IFACE you get from environment?11:51
jefimenkofritsch: that file is /etc/network/interfaces11:53
cowo_pengenbro help me to hack password wifi11:53
jefimenkofritsch: so i believe $IFACE is filled in with the current iface11:53
jribcowo_pengen: that's not done here11:53
fritschjefimenko: i hope so11:54
fritschjefimenko: you did copy and paste what is not working?11:54
fritschjefimenko: lsb_release -a is correct now?11:54
cowo_pengengive me a link to try ,,i learn11:54
Farghanyone got a good tutorial on how to manage routing over VPN in ubuntu ?11:54
jefimenkofritsch: yes it is11:54
jribcowo_pengen: no, please stop asking about it here11:54
fritschjefimenko: so "semi working" everything11:55
jefimenkofritsch: i'm double checking what's not working right now, give me a second11:55
cowo_pengenokeh ,, so what we share here ,,,11:55
cowo_pengencause im newbie in this forum ,,thanks alo t11:55
bazhangcowo_pengen, ubuntu support11:56
cowo_pengenbazhang ::: ubuntu support ?? what did u mean11:56
bazhangcowo_pengen, did you have an ubuntu support question?11:56
icerootcowo_pengen: this channel is for technical ubuntu support11:56
cowo_pengenowh sorry ,,, this room for ubuntu support ,,11:56
jefimenkofritsch: ok, this breaks bond0.100: http://pastebin.com/001FSAHc11:57
jefimenkofritsch: see how i added the br0 bridge and moved the IP assignment from bond0 to br011:57
jefimenkofritsch: the IP in br0 still works, but bond0.100 is broken now11:57
cowo_pengenyah, but if u know forum to learn about hacking via terminal ubuntju11:57
cowo_pengensorry all11:57
bazhangcowo_pengen, stop now.11:57
fritschjefimenko: this used to work before?11:57
johnhello i could use some help with a ubuntu server im seting up and logmein hamachi11:57
Guest45394does anybody know any good free vpn services with american based servers?11:57
cowo_pengenokeh okeh11:58
jefimenkofritsch: i can ping from the system itself, but not from the outside11:58
jefimenkofritsch: yes, it worked before11:58
jefimenkofritsch: it was unchanged11:58
paketeok i insalled alsamixer... How it is supposed to help?11:58
fritschjefimenko: sorry, i cannot help here in detail11:58
paketethe same thing - no reaction to volume adjusment11:58
fritschpakete: it unutes eventually muted sinks11:58
bazhangGuest45394, thats not an ubuntu support issue11:58
}[oO]{okay...is there right click menu availability on the Unity panel for Ubuntu Natty 11.04?11:58
fritschjefimenko: did you try bringing up the bridge manually?11:58
johnwhen i try to install the deb file it says lsb-core is not avalible and cant be installed11:59
fritschjefimenko: in order to see more in detail what really kills your bond0.100?11:59
johnbut for my desktop version it works fine11:59
D_Russis there a better photo editor than gimp thats open source? or is there a way to make gimp contained in one window? like PS11:59
paketeit is unmuted for sure... just no sound and the volume is at the max12:00
jefimenkofritsch: no, i'm not sure how to bring it up manually12:00
phlak_user}[oO]{: when i right click on any icon on the Unity Panel i get -> name of app in first line, Keep in launcher as next option and Quit as third if its running12:00
}[oO]{i'm talking about the top panel, phlak_user.12:00
cowo_pengentop panel yah12:01
cowo_pengenthere is a problem12:01
fritschjefimenko: just issue these commands12:01
phlak_user}[oO]{: nope nothing there12:01
fritschjefimenko: the commands, i mean12:01
jefimenkofritsch: i think i found it :( https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/77120912:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 771209 in Ubuntu "VLANs no longer work with bridges in natty" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:01
}[oO]{i suppose it's the gnome-panel. volume icon dropped off and can't find out how to get it back.12:01
fritschjefimenko: oh no12:02
ahhughezheya, what is the correct format to add this ppa to my sources.list  https://launchpad.net/~utouch-team/+archive/daily    is this "deb https://launchpad.net/~utouch-team/+archive/daily natty main restricted" ?12:02
fritschjefimenko: ebtables -t broute -A BROUTING -i eth0 -p 802_1Q -j DROP12:02
jefimenkojust saw that12:02
fritschjefimenko: but i do not understand fully what it does12:02
jefimenkofritsch: neither do i12:02
phlak_user}[oO]{: you need to add it to the notification applet12:03
fritschjefimenko: i think yours has to b ebtables -t broute -A BROUTING -i bond0 -p ... -j DROP12:03
fritschjefimenko: but i think you have to experiment12:03
}[oO]{add it how?12:04
}[oO]{i think it's related tot he indicator applet12:04
phlak_user}[oO]{: like this -> http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/how-to-re-enable-notification-area.html12:04
jefimenkofritsch: is this bug in oneric too?12:05
fritschjefimenko: this is no bug i think12:05
fritschjefimenko: just a kernel change12:05
jefimenkofritsch: well, it did work12:06
phlak_userahhughez: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:name-of-ppa and then sudo apt-get update12:06
fritschjefimenko: you change eth0 to bond0?12:07
ahhughezsweet thanks phlak_user12:07
}[oO]{phlak_user: best guess, use the whitelist command and recycle the session, then?12:07
jefimenkofritsch: i did change it to bond012:07
fritschyou could include it in a boot script then12:08
jefimenkofritsch: hm do you know which bootscript?12:08
fritschjefimenko: you can just run it after br0 is up12:10
phlak_user}[oO]{: sure12:10
fritschjefimenko: bond0 is up12:10
jefimenkoi've never done network-dependent bootscripts12:10
jefimenkois this something i can add in /etc/network/interfaces?12:10
JackSparowhello everybody12:11
JackSparowdo you know the name of the french ubuntu channel here ?12:12
JackSparowi am not stable in english12:12
JackSparowi make too many mistakes12:12
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.12:12
JackSparowthank you12:13
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ionitehi guys. i am using ubuntu. but my realtek 8172 driver wont work. it can detect my wireless and scan for my router.12:15
cmicallefionite: hmmm12:15
cmicallefionite: i recently tried a usb realtek 8192 wireless12:16
ionitecmicallef: i searched online. there were many forums and users faced with this problem but i don't know how to do it.12:16
cmicallefionite: what version of ubuntu?12:16
ionitecmicallef: i read up alot and many of them are suggesting to replace the 8172 driver with 8192 and claims that they work as well.12:16
ionitecmicallef: 11.0412:17
ionitecmicallef: could it be the network manager problem? now i am using lan.12:17
cmicallefionite: are the right modules loading?12:18
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ionitecmicallef: how do i check? i am a noob so i don't know how to check.12:18
cmicallefionite: ahhhh12:18
amin`does anyone know how to create SSTP VPN connection????12:19
cmicallefionite: run iwconfig in a term and tell me if you see any wifi connections12:19
ionitecmicallef: paste for u in private.12:19
jefimenkofritsch: thanks for all the help---i really appreciate it12:20
jefimenkofritsch: any recommendations on where to put this ebtables snippet though? i'm searching through the ubuntu docs for a recommendation12:20
ionitecmicallef: how did u get urs to work?12:21
fritschjefimenko: yes12:21
fritschjefimenko: put it into the post up folder12:22
fritschjefimenko: check if bond0 came up and run this command12:22
vsyncIs there a channel for Unity?12:22
fritschjefimenko: if-up.d12:22
fritschjefimenko: if [ "$IFACE" = bond0 ]; then12:23
fritschjefimenko: your_ebtables_command12:23
fritschjefimenko: fi12:23
fritschthats all12:23
nnullanyone recommend a app i can use to chop up mp3s to make my own? (wont be selling them lol)12:25
D_Russnnull audacity12:29
}[oO]{missing volume icon solved... sudo apt-get install indicator-sound (not to be confused with gnome-volume-control-applet)12:37
ChristWI'm running an Ubuntu Server on an old Compaq computer with an Elsa GLoria Synergy card. The console fonts (on an attached VGA monitor) are unreadable. Any idea what I can do to solve this? The boot menu shows up correctly, and the screen becomes unreadable after pressing 'Enter' to boot.12:41
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ChristWUbuntu version is 11.0412:41
jameswhi, i'm on natty, if i wanted to force upgrade to latest software center without breaking anything else, how could i do that?12:41
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theadminjamesw: You can't upgrade to Oneric "partially", no.12:42
bazhangjamesw, you cannot.12:42
jameswtheadmin, bazhang: not even if i manually install a deb?12:42
theadminjamesw: Dependencies and stuff. No.12:43
bazhangjamesw, you said without breaking things, so no.12:43
Gentoo64why does everyone want the latest software centre btw?12:43
jameswbetter designed, more sorting/rating etc12:43
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theadminjamesw: Meh... Nothing wrong with apt-get12:43
ahhughezIm using mythbuntu, and its menu is different to ubuntu's... can someone confirm they have Applications -> System -> Preferences ?12:44
theadminGentoo64 would know ;) I don't think emerge has any GUI frontends, does it?12:44
theadminahhughez: It's normally just System -> Preferences on Ubuntu, but yah12:44
Gentoo64i just dont see the big deal12:44
stickyboyI just tried to switch from NVIDIA to Nouveau on Natty and now I can't boot... strangely live USB won't boot either.12:44
Gentoo64theadmin, there probably is..12:44
jameswtheadmin: it does, you just have to tweak it for your kernel before compiling it from source12:44
ahhugheztheadmin, ya cheers. I've got no idea why they have removed it here.12:45
ahhughezIs there a cli way to load system -> preferences?12:45
theadminahhughez: It's probably not present due to you not running GNOME.12:45
Sean__ when using ddrescue i get the error "ddrescue: write error: Input/output error" what does this mean?12:45
celltechWhat's the terminal command for configuring the google talk plugin12:45
jameswahhughez: see menu editor, right click on the menu and go to menu editor. each preferences action is it's own program12:45
ionitecan anyone help me with my ubuntu? i can't connect with my realtek 8172. it is unable to scan for any wireless.12:46
paulus68!wifi |ionite12:47
ubottuionite: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:47
ahhugheztheadmin, what would this be if its not gnome (sorry to be hitting you up for noob q's)12:47
theadminahhughez: Probably no such thing at all.12:47
theadminahhughez: I mean, I don't know, MythBuntu runs MythTV which I never used at all12:48
ahhughezjamesw, this doesnt appear to have a menu editor :'(12:48
trickzwhat does the f in tar -xzf smth.tgz do exactly ? (man page wasnt clear) also you can do tar xzf instead of tar -xzf (skip the - ) o.O12:48
ionitepaulus68: i read that but i can't solve it12:49
Gentoo64trickz, you can skip the -12:49
Gentoo64trickz, x extracts12:49
trickzdidnt knwo that, for all commands ?12:49
theadmintrickz: I know you can, yes. x = extract, z = gzip compression, f = from file12:49
stickyboytrickz: It tells 'tar' to read/write to the file, rather than to the screen.12:49
Gentoo64trickz, do tar --help its clearer than a man page12:50
trickzstickyboy: but tar xz smth.tgz actually blocks the console12:50
trickzsame as man :(12:50
ionitecan anyone help me with my ubuntu? i can't connect with my realtek 8172. it is unable to scan for any wireless.12:50
theadmintrickz: xz reads from STDIN, not from a file12:50
trickztheadmin: f = from file ,umm from file means ?12:51
stickyboytrickz: It's waiting for input :)12:51
phlak_usertrickz: i normally type tar zxvf name-of-tar.gz file12:51
Gentoo64trickz, ah ok its normally clearer for the arguments12:51
Gentoo64for most progs12:51
theadmintrickz: From file means from file specified on commandline12:51
theadmintrickz: NOT from STDIN12:51
celltechgoogle talk is flash. whats the gstreamer plugin for flash? Cause the properties allows my videocam to work12:51
trickzgot it :) what is device ARCHIVE ?12:51
trickzphlak_user: v would spit out all the files12:51
phlak_usertrickz: that way we know what's happening wont we?12:52
trickzwell, true :)12:52
jameswionite: did you google? i just googled realtek 8172 ubuntu and i see quite a few links of note12:52
ionitejamesw: i did and i tried. it still doesn't work.12:52
theadminJust so you people know, in recent versions of tar, "z" and "f" flags are unneeded when extracting, it auto-determines the compression type in use :P12:53
theadmin"z" and "j"*12:53
trickzthanks tho :)12:53
trickzone more thing, what is device ARCHIVE ?12:53
phlak_userionite: you need to see the logs (sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog) while the scanning etc is going on12:53
phlak_usertheadmin: i prefer to specify it tho ;)12:53
ionitephlak_user: i got this error: Sep 30 20:04:21 nx116 wpa_supplicant[887]: Failed to disable WPA in the driver.12:54
usr13theadmin: Thanks for the info... yea, was about to correct you on the "f"  ;)12:54
usr13so now it's just tar xv  or xvf  ?12:55
ionitephlak_user: can u please help me with my realtek?12:55
theadminusr13: xv for STDIN, xvf for file input12:55
phlak_userionite: i can try12:55
theadminusr13: You can omit the v as well, it's just for verbosity12:55
usr13theadmin: Old habits are  hard to break12:55
stickyboyMan, proprietary NVIDIA modules are a pain in the ass.12:56
usr13but simple is better12:56
theadminusr13: I normally just do "tar xf" or "tar czf"12:56
Loki^1hi! i get a purple/pink screen just after grub2 starts on ubuntu 11.04, changing plymouth splash color to something else or disabling splash screen in grub kernel line doesnt help it. i ran sudo update-grub. anyone knows a solution how to change or disable that purple screen?12:56
theadminusr13: The last one for creation, that is12:56
ionitephlak_user: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/699728/12:56
jameswionite: maybe related? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/401126?comments=all12:56
ubottuUbuntu bug 567016 in linux (Ubuntu Lucid) "duplicate for #401126 Wireless won't work on Lenovo Thinkpad T510 - rtl8192se" [Medium,Fix released]12:56
usr13czf will to gzip?12:56
theadminusr13: Yeah12:57
usr13Oh yea, that's right, it did before.  Than's not new. (Memory laps)12:57
phlak_userionite: were you trying to compile a driver there?12:58
ionitejamesw: currently it can't even scan for other routers.12:58
ionitephlak_user: yes i was following some online guides and it didn't work.12:58
usr13but I always use v.  I suppose I like the conversations I have with my system.12:58
ionitephlak_user: i don't know what would now..12:58
celltechFound some gst plug ins but I don't know what one to download12:58
phlak_userionite: forget about that for a moment; lets just focus on the driver thats in the current distro12:59
phlak_userionite: can you pastebin the output of lsmod12:59
ionitephlak_user: ok. so what should i do now?12:59
theadminusr13: Well, normally I do "tar c blah.file blah.file2 | 7z a -si whatever.tar.7z" actually. But that's when I've got 7-zip installed.13:00
usr13lsmon | pastebinit     #FYI13:00
usr13I've not used 7-zip to archive any files yet.13:01
Loki^1i get a purple blank screen after grub started and before the normal plymoth splash screen starts on ubuntu 11.04 natty, anyone knows how to change the color or disable it?13:01
ahhughezhow can I get the model number of my motherboard?13:01
usr13ahhughez: look at it13:01
ionitephlak_user: i can't load pastebin. it's too slow. anywhere else can i paste?13:02
gsommerI've recently installed Ubuntu on my laptop. Suspend seems to work great (And insanly fast too). But hibernation does not... When trying to resume form hibernation, it will just start the system normally (So, none of my programs are saved). How should I go around debugging this issue ?13:02
jiltdilHow to play .mwv video ?13:02
theadmingsommer: You sure you have a swap partition?13:02
usr13ionite: lsmod | pastebinit13:02
gsommertheadmin: Yes I have, on sda213:02
gsommertheadmin: Though, fstab uses UUID13:03
theadmingsommer: Is it mounted when you try to hibernate?13:03
LaWU@jiltdil: Download VLC Media Player.13:03
schreberis there a specific manufacture of wlan cards that 'just work' out of the box with 11.04?13:03
ionitephlak_user: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/699733/13:03
ioniteusr13: ok. managed to got it13:03
ionitejamesw: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/699733/13:03
ikoniathats; /window 2213:03
gsommertheadmin: The swap-partition is activated yes (At least according to "free")13:03
LaWU@Schreber: My D-ink wireless NIC works fine.13:03
jiltdilLaWU:VLC does not support the audio or video format "MSS2".13:03
dalton2345hello everyon13:04
usr13blkid  /dev/sda2    #To see what the UUID is13:04
phlak_userionite: did you unload any modules?13:04
theadmingsommer: Okay, that sounds like a bug to me :(13:04
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ionitephlak_user: not yet.13:04
dalton2345my home keep going down...like now i have only 1.3gb13:04
schreberLaWU: do you know the specific model #?13:04
phlak_userionite: ok, i dont see a wireless module on that yet13:04
ionitephlak_user: i don't eveng know what you're talking about. sorry i'm a noob.13:04
jiltdilgsommer: will you please repeat your question?13:04
LaWU@schreber: Gimme a sec, I'll check for you quickly.13:04
ionitephlak_user: please guide me as i'm a noob to ubuntu.13:05
schreberLaWU: thanks13:05
gsommertheadmin: It LOOKS like it's shutting down correctly (according to /var/log/pm-suspend.log says "performaing hibernate" as the last entry)... Though, resuming seems to not tricker13:05
dalton23451.2 gb now i dont understand13:05
LaWU@schreber: It's the D-Link DWA-525. Quite a nice card, supports 802.11 b/ g/ n.13:06
schreberthanks again.13:06
dalton2345i'm downloading some stuff it shouldnt touch my /13:06
gsommerjiltdil: "suspend" seems to work flaslessly on my laptop. But, resume from hibernation does not seem to work.13:06
ionitephlak_user: do i need to install a mod?13:06
LaWU@schreber: Your welcome!13:06
gsommerjiltdil: I would prefer hibernation on my laptop, as it requires less power then "suspend"13:06
jiltdilgsommer: is your swap is more than double of your RAM?13:06
phlak_userionite: can you pastebin the output of sudo lshw -C network13:06
gsommerjiltdil: No, it's less13:07
theadminLaWU: This is not twitter. Please don't use @, as it may break highlighting for some users13:07
dalton2345jiltdil, who you talking to13:07
jiltdilgsommer: make it more than double problem will automatically solve for you13:07
gsommerjiltdil: Ok, can I resize my ext4 root partition ?13:07
usr13ionite:  lshw -C network | pastebinit13:07
LaWUROFL... What's this "Twitter"?! Will do theadmin. ;)13:07
ionitephlak_user: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/699742/13:08
ioniteusr13: thanks! it's this http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/699742/13:08
jiltdildalton2345: ????13:09
phlak_userionite: hmm that doesnt show a wireless card though im guessing the section under "Unclaimed" is it13:09
ionitephlak_user: so what should i do? install a driver?13:10
usr13ionite: lspci | pastebinit13:10
abhinav_singh1which tool i should use for debugging HTTP proxy?13:10
usr13phlak_user: We should see what lspci says about it.13:10
phlak_userionite: yes do what usr13 days so we can validate13:11
ionitephlak_user: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/699745/13:11
ioniteusr13: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/699745/13:11
phlak_userionite: you can then go about loading the module13:11
phlak_userionite: ok it says theres a Realtek 817213:11
dalton2345can someone answer me...why my / go down by itself13:12
LaWUI want to connect from one computer over the Internet securely to another (both run Ubuntu), are there any applications I can use to do this?13:13
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ionitephlak_user: yep. but i can't get a headstart what should i do to install drivers. because when i go to additional drivers button, it doesn't show anything.13:13
usr13phlak_user: ionite  Realtek 8172  is a wifi NIC, I'm pretty sure.13:13
phlak_userusr13: yes i know13:13
ioniteusr13: what'13:13
ioniteusr13: what's a NIC?13:13
Sean__ when using ddrescue i get the error "ddrescue: write error: Input/output error" what does this mean?13:14
aboudreaultIs there any RC release available for 11.10?13:14
phlak_userusr13: maybe hes unloaded the module when trying to compile a new driver (which is what he was doing when i stepped in)13:14
usr13NIC -  Netwrok Interface Controller13:14
phlak_userionite: do you have a wireless on/off switch?13:15
phlak_userionite: if yes, pl toggle it to off and then on again13:15
ionitephlak_user: yes i do but i can't enable it whenever i press FN+F413:15
LaWUjiltdil: How do I go about configuring that?13:15
usr13phlak_user: That's possible.  I see discussion Ubuntu forum about Realtek 8172 Wireless but it's a couple years old.  That indicates to me that it's supposed to just work now.13:15
phlak_userusr13: yes that what i think too :)13:16
jiltdilLaWU: only ip of that comp and allowing from firewall13:16
ionitephlak_user: nothing happens when i press FN+F413:16
x4nd3rwho can help me with kismet?13:16
LaWUjiltdil: Cool, I'll give it a shot, thanks.13:16
jiltdilLaWU: also ssh is allowed via modem13:16
phlak_userionite: can you just reboot the machine and then run the lshw -C network command once it comes up13:16
usr13ionite: This is a laptop, right?  Do you have a switch for it?13:16
ioniteusr13: it's not a switch but it's a keyboard button.13:17
ionitephlak_user: so i'll restart now yeah? and paste bin?13:17
usr13ionite: Ok, well as phlak_user says, mabye rebooting witll help.13:17
phlak_userionite: yes please and ensure that the wireless switch is up (light glowing etc)13:17
x4nd3ri'm helpless :(13:17
usr13x4nd3r: What's wrong with kismet?13:18
ionitephlak_user: there's no light glowing. or anything. it worked fine with KDE weeks ago.13:18
phlak_userusr13: whats funny from this post of Jan 11 is that they've recommended compiling a driver for the 8192 as a workaround  -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=166589213:18
phlak_userionite: never mind; can you just reboot please13:19
usr13ionite: I would check with iwconfig    (I don't have much confidence in the light always working).13:19
ionitephlak_user: so i'll restart now yeah?13:19
phlak_userionite: yes13:19
rogi'm just seeing ubuntuone-syncdaemon use up enormous amounts of resources and slowing down the whole machine13:19
rogis this a known problem?13:20
LaWUjiltdil: Will SSH allow me to view the remote computer's desktop?13:21
rogi've got 8GB of memory on this machine and it's maxing it out and swapping13:21
jiltdilLaWU: yes if u gain root access u will do everyting :)13:22
theadminLaWU: Only with X forwarding13:22
jiltdilLaWU: to view in graphical use X13:22
usr13phlak_user: I see...  "driver=rtl819xSE"13:22
ionitephlak_user: still cant. nothing happens.13:22
ioniteusr13: still the same. no change.13:22
LaWUjiltdil: Okay so I just downloaded it - is there a GUI that allows me to set it up?13:23
phlak_userionite: what was the o/p of lshw -C network?13:23
usr13phlak_user: I think you're right, he probably  needs rtl819xSE13:23
oooaaaooohi guys, am running 11.04 , how do I edit my startup applications? When i launch it from unity search, the only option is to disable currently abled applications but the ones that have been disabled are greyed out.13:23
x4nd3rkismet problem....huhuu13:23
phlak_user!patience| x4nd3r13:24
ubottux4nd3r: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:24
rogdid sudo kill -9 of it and suddenly my memory is back to 10% used.13:24
ActionParsnipoooaaaooo: search in dash for startup    it will appear13:24
ionitephlak_user: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/699755/13:24
ioniteusr13: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/699755/13:24
ioniteusr13: but i read alot about 8172 requires 8192se. so i'm quite confused. which is which.13:24
phlak_userionite: aha - now its not unclaimed!13:24
oooaaaoooActionParsnip: dash is the little ubuntu-sign button at the top left corner of unity?13:24
phlak_userionite: can you also paste output of lsmod?13:25
janishi guys!! Can I force aptitude do do what I tell it?13:25
ActionParsnipoooaaaooo: sure, or you can press SuperL13:25
ActionParsnipjanis: i wouldn't advise it, read:  man aptitude13:25
ubuntussdoes anyone know how to deactivate the internal wifi card? mine isnt that good so I bought an external one. I can deactivate wifi via "sudo iwconfig eth2 txpower off". But then I cant use no wifi anymore... Can someone help?13:25
phlak_userubuntuss: you can blacklist the internal card module13:25
oooaaaoooActionParsnip: yeah thats what IM talking about, that pulls it up but i cant enable currently disabled options; all i can do is disable currently enabled applications. Is this a permissions issue?13:25
ajin1long time no see13:26
x4nd3rhmmm :|13:26
ionitephlak_user: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/699757/13:26
ActionParsnipoooaaaooo: on the right, is the 'add' button present?13:26
ioniteusr13: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/699757/13:26
janisActionParsnip, I assume you are freferring to the --full-resolver cmdline option?13:26
ActionParsnipjanis: no idea, I don't use aptitude13:26
oooaaaoooActionParsnip: yeah13:26
oooaaaoooActionParsnip: but i dont wanna add apps, just enable ones already in the list13:27
phlak_userionite: ok i see this module -> r8192se_pci13:27
oooaaaoooActionParsnip: but theyre greyed out and I cant select them13:27
ActionParsnipoooaaaooo: then click that and add what you want13:27
phlak_userionite: what is the output of sudo iwconfig13:27
ActionParsnipoooaaaooo: if they are not enabled then don't sweat them13:27
ajin1hey guys,question! my ubuntu10.04 has a very slow internet access using ADSL, anyone know how?13:28
oooaaaoooActionParsnip: what? I want to enable them13:28
Fudgehi what coulod be causing this dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting: syntax error: unknown user 'debian-transmission' in statoverride file13:28
ActionParsnipoooaaaooo: all it does it add a .desktop file in ~/.config/autostart    you could have a look in there13:28
ionitephlak_user: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/699759/13:28
ActionParsnipoooaaaooo: adding the same item, will effetively enable it13:28
ionitephlak_user: does that means that i should instsall 8191se?13:28
phlak_userionite: that means its installed and working fine13:28
usr13phlak_user: http://www.linwik.com/wiki/using+the+realtek+8172+and+8192se+wireless+controller+with+ubuntu+9.1013:28
phlak_userusr13: he seems to have the correct module (8192se)13:29
usr13ionite: phlak_user   I don't see rtl anything in  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/699757/13:29
oooaaaoooActionParsnip: how did they get greyed out?13:29
usr13phlak_user: Oh?   What does iwconfig say?13:29
ActionParsnipoooaaaooo: no idea, I always just add my own files in the autostart folder :)13:29
phlak_userionite: look at sl no 3613:30
ionitephlak_user: ??13:30
usr13phlak_user: I see:  r8192se_pci    I guess that is it...13:30
Sean__ when using ddrescue i get the error "ddrescue: write error: Input/output error" what does this mean?13:30
phlak_userionite: sorry that was for usr13 :)13:30
ubuntussphlak_user: http://codepaste.net/rc2rqi13:30
oooaaaoooActionParsnip: well thats one way to go about it, but I'd like to know why theyre being greyed out. I cant keep re-adding programs as my needs change13:30
ubuntussdo you know what the name of that wifi module is?13:31
ActionParsnipSean__: sounds like the IDE is faulty, or the destination partition is full or having issue13:31
Dexhello again. i have another problem. after remove a pci express video adapter and back to integrate video adapter - after loading system i see only black screen without any login window.i think there are incorrect config from old card. how can fix this.13:31
oooaaaoooActionParsnip: i believe the whole idea is to be able to on-the-fly enable/disable an added item13:31
phlak_userionite: now if you click on network manager applet you should see wireless networks13:31
ActionParsnipoooaaaooo: that's all I know dude, I don't use GUI apps much, they are too slow13:31
ionitephlak_user: no i don't it says no net work found.13:31
usr13ionite: iwconfig   #Try toggeling it on / off and see if you get anything encouraging in the output of   iwconfig13:31
phlak_userubuntuss: ipw2200 its an intel13:31
oooaaaoooActionParsnip: alright wheres the autostart folder13:32
phlak_userionite: so is there a wireless network around? like an AP or a router ?13:32
oooaaaoooActionParsnip: is there a conf file?13:32
phlak_userionite:  you can also type sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning13:32
ActionParsnipoooaaaooo: ~/.config/autostart    you may find the disabled items there and see how they differ to the enabled ones13:32
ActionParsnipoooaaaooo: its just a folder13:32
ionitephlak_user: sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning wlan0     No scan results13:33
phlak_userionite: right; this means its scanning but cant find any networks13:33
ionitephlak_user: there are plenty of wireless around.13:33
ionitephlak_user: my mum is using the wireless. my net book is just sitting infront of my router.13:34
phlak_userionite: ok13:34
phlak_userionite: can you paste o/p of tail -f /var/log/syslog when you run the scanning command13:34
KATUSSShey yo fellows i am back13:35
slestakanyone using tmux on 11.04?13:35
oooaaaoooActionParsnip: i see a difference in the .Desktop file : X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=false13:35
slestakmine was working, but my vps provider moved me to another node.  seems to have broken since the move13:35
oooaaaoooActionParsnip: i suppose changing that to a true will enable it..?13:35
slestakgetting a “create session failed: : No such file or directory”13:36
ActionParsnipoooaaaooo: try it, you already know how to change it back ;)13:36
zambahow do i disable the animation when switching workspaces in ubuntu?13:36
phlak_userzamba:  play with ccsm13:36
phlak_user!info ccsm13:36
KATUSSSwhich is the best website to download likewise13:36
ubottuPackage ccsm does not exist in natty13:36
ubuntussphlak_user thx I will reboot now13:36
zambaphlak_user: exactly where?13:36
ubuntusshope it helps13:36
ionitephlak_user: i've got WICD installed i tot it would improve but it's the same. what's more weird is that it was working just 2 days ago. and i didn't do anything to it. it just couldn't connect after a restart.13:37
ionitephlak_user: do i paste the entire sys log?13:37
phlak_userionite: nope just the part where it talks about the wireless card13:37
phlak_userzamba: http://wiki.compiz.org/CCSM13:38
oooaaaoooActionParsnip: yeah that does the trick... except i should be able to "access" my .desktop file from the startup manager13:38
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ionitephlak_user: it's so long how do i which part to copy?13:38
ionitephlak_user: oh ok. hang on.13:38
oooaaaoooActionParsnip: im a moron13:38
ActionParsnipoooaaaooo: oh?13:38
ionitephlak_user: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/699774/13:39
ljsoftnetreal studio doesn't maximize how do i fix it?13:39
ActionParsnipoooaaaooo: file ownership?13:39
oooaaaoooActionParsnip: they are accessible. I just ASSUMED that they werent because they were greyed out.13:39
oooaaaoooActionParsnip: yeah time to go buy a one button mouse13:39
ActionParsnipoooaaaooo: ahh, well you learned something about your OS at least ;)13:39
oooaaaoooActionParsnip: thanks anyways13:39
usr13ionite: Could be that the card is a little loose in the slot.  Try re-setting it.13:39
oooaaaoooActionParsnip: yeah lol13:39
ActionParsnipoooonp bro, thanks for being patient ;)13:40
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ioniteusr13: it's a integrated wifi card with my mother board.13:40
usr13ionite: This is a laptop?  What make/model?13:41
ioniteusr13: http://www.nexxon.com.sg/projects1.html13:43
Dexafter remove a pci express video adapter and back to integrate video adapter - after loading system i see only black screen without any login window.i think there are incorrect config from old card. how can fix this.13:43
ljsoftnetreal studio doesn't maximize how do i fix it?13:43
ionitephlak_user: u got the paste bin?13:43
phlak_userionite: yes i did13:44
ActionParsnipDex: what video chip is the onboard? What is the release you have?13:44
ionitephlak_user: ok. do i need to reinstall the driver?13:44
phlak_userionite: but its got me foxed!13:44
phlak_userionite: let me read some more13:44
ionitephlak_user: ok thanks so much13:45
ActionParsnipljsoftnet: what happens when you try? Do other apps maximized?13:45
ajin1anyone could help me?13:45
amdx2talk please13:46
ActionParsnipajin1: without details, no13:46
ActionParsnipamdx2: hi13:46
ljsoftnetActionParsnip its stuck at its own window, other windows maximize well13:46
alakooajin1: identify the problem and wait for answers13:46
ActionParsnipljsoftnet: is it a known issue?13:46
ljsoftnetActionParsnip i dont know this is my first install13:47
ajin1ok, i'll keep trying13:47
phlak_userionite: can you try toggling the wireless switch?13:47
DexActionParsnip: the mother board is - Gigabyte GA-G41MT-D3V. cant find info about chip.13:47
ActionParsnipljsoftnet: I'd check that first, may also want to log into Ubuntu Classic, see if its ok there...13:47
hdtdihi i am reading this article http://www.ubuntu-unleashed.com/2007/10/setup-vnc-server-for-ubuntu-gutsy.html and trying to install vnc and connect to my ubuntu box from my windows box. but when i do all the things written, i write ip:5800 in my browser and i write my password but i get java.securiti.AccessControllException: access denied (java.net.SocketPermission ip:59000 connect, resolve) and13:47
hdtdiin my terminal i get http://pastebin.com/PK50JzkV. any idea whys that?13:47
FloodBot1hdtdi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:47
phlak_userionite: can you run sudo rfkill list and pastebin its output?13:48
Jimbo23hello everyone13:48
ljsoftnetActionParsnip il give it a try13:48
ActionParsnipDex: it's some intel rubbish, so the boot option:  nomodeset   may help13:48
ionitephlak_user: i entered the command u gave me but nothing happens?13:50
ionitephlak_user: there's nothing to paste.13:50
Jimbo23Can anyone point me to or directly help me with an install problem? I've been deep in the forums for the last 2 days and tried everything suggested and still nothing :( I'm trying to install 11.04 Server 64-Bit and keep ending up with an error that it can't install grub13:50
phlak_userionite: you should get something like this -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/699783/13:50
DexActionParsnip: howto set this mode "nomodeset" to the bootloader? or any else?13:50
ionitephlak_user: i don't have any display when i hit the command.13:51
phlak_userionite: what command are you entering?13:51
ActionParsnip!nomodeset | dex13:51
ubottudex: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter13:51
ionitephlak_user: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/699784/13:52
phlak_userionite: i see no other option but to recompile with a new (latest?) driver13:53
ionitephlak_user: so how do i go about?13:53
phlak_userionite: can you follow this please -> http://www.linwik.com/wiki/using+the+realtek+8172+and+8192se+wireless+controller+with+ubuntu+9.1013:53
phlak_userionite: though it says 9.10 it should still work for later versions as is evident in the comments13:53
ionitephlak_user: please guide me together while i follow the instructions on the website.13:54
ionitephlak_user: so i'll d/l 8191 se?13:54
phlak_userionite: which kernel version are you on? uname -a should tell you13:54
petohi :) where can i find launcher properties in Ubuntu 11.10? :)13:54
phlak_userionite: hang on13:54
ionitephlak_user: Linux nx116 2.6.32-34-generic #77-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 13 19:40:53 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux13:55
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farciarz84how to check which driver version do I have? e.g 2D driver: xf86-video-intel13:55
phlak_userionite: ok download this file -> Linux driver for kernel 2.6.34 (and earlier)13:55
usr13phlak_user: Is he on  Ubuntu 11.04 ?13:56
phlak_userusr13: im assuming he is13:56
phlak_userionite: what is the output of lsb_release -a13:56
ServerTechLaptopCan i somehow find out if the system reads a RAM stick?13:57
usr13ionite: He must be 10.04    Yes, ionite show is the output of   lsb_release -a13:57
ionitephlak_user: No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID:Ubuntu Description:Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS Release:10.04 Codename:lucid13:58
ioniteusr13: Oh my goodness. i'm on 10.04!13:58
ActionParsnipionite: no bad thing13:58
usr13ionite: You didn't know that?13:58
ioniteusr13: i tot i was using 11.0413:58
ActionParsnipionite: lucid is still fully supported13:59
usr13ionite: As ActionParsnip points out,  10.04  is LTS13:59
ionitephlak_user: am i at the right d/l page? http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=21&PFid=48&Level=5&Conn=4&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false&Downloads=true13:59
ActionParsnipionite: Lucid desktop is EOL when Oneiric support ends, so is supported longer then Natty13:59
ioniteusr13: any difference from 11.04? why are there different versions? what kinda users are they for?14:00
usr13ionite: At any rate, if you compile from source,  you should pick "Linux driver for kernel 2.6.34 (and earlier)" when you go to  http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=48&PFid=48&Level=5&Conn=4&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false&Downloads=true#RTL8192SE14:00
ActionParsnipionite: later kernel, later drivers, later Xorg etc. May help14:00
usr13ionite: Has this been upgraded?  Maybe from an original netbook install?14:01
ioniteusr13: if i were to chose RTL8191SE-VA2 is this correct?14:01
phlak_userionite: 8192SE not 8191SE14:01
ionitephlak_user: oic. so basically my problem is that i d/l the wrong driver?14:02
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phlak_userionite: nope; that didnt get installed; the one you have was part of the kernel14:02
usr13ionite: FYI:   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS14:03
ionitephlak_user: oic. so i d/l the 2.6.34?14:03
phlak_userionite: ok download this file -> Linux driver for kernel 2.6.34 (and earlier)14:03
ioniteusr13: i'm sorry i really didn't knew i was on LTS. cuz i'm such a linux noob. and i really wanted to break free from Windows.14:03
usr13ionite: rtl8192se_linux_2.6.0019.1207.2010.tar.gz14:03
ioniteusr13:  phlak_user  ok it's downloaded14:03
ServerTechLaptopany ideas for me?:P14:04
ajin1anyone know ailurus?14:04
ajin1a great software on ubuntu14:04
ActionParsnipServerTechLaptop: all systems need RAM, or they fail POST14:04
ionitephlak_user: sorry i told u wrongly. i really didn't knew I was on LTS.14:04
dr_willis!info ailurus14:04
ActionParsnip!info ailurus14:04
ubottuPackage ailurus does not exist in natty14:04
ActionParsnipdr_willis: snips14:04
KATUSSSajinl:what does it do14:04
ajin1!info ailurus14:04
usr13ionite: Follwo instructions at  http://www.linwik.com/wiki/using+the+realtek+8172+and+8192se+wireless+controller+with+ubuntu+9.1014:04
ActionParsnipdr_willis: sounds like ubuntu tweak14:05
ajin1but better14:05
ActionParsnipajin1: sounds like ubuntu tweak a lot14:05
ioniteusr13: i don't understand what the mean at step 3. what is kernel headers?14:05
usr13sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r`14:05
usr13just do that command ^^^14:06
ServerTechLaptopActionParsnip, i have Ubuntu 11.04, and I have 3x1gb and 1x512mb ram sticks in, and htop currently shows me only 2991mb.14:06
ajin1it will teach you how to configure linux using command line14:06
ActionParsnipServerTechLaptop: can you give the output of:  uname -a14:06
Abhijithi. anyone to help for centuries old pending issue? how to make mobile phone memory card mount as read/write. it is mounting default as read oonly. help!!!14:06
ioniteusr13: ok. now i'm at replace /path/to what does it mean?14:06
ajin1while it leaves you graphic way14:06
usr13ionite: The different fonts in the boxes are commands for you to enter just as it says.14:07
helo_there is a process that is using about 1M/s of bandwidth for a few seconds, but i can't figure out what it is14:07
helo_i closed my browser14:07
ActionParsnipajin1: so a gui app shows how to configure an OS at command line....14:07
helo_i've closed everythign i think it could be14:07
ActionParsniphelo_: run:  ntop14:07
ajin1ActionParsnip: exactly14:08
usr13ionite: sudo tar xzvf Downloads/rtl8192  #Hit tab key14:08
ActionParsnipajin1: think abouot it....14:08
helo_man this thing is raping my bandwidth, whatever it is14:08
ActionParsnipusr13: why sudo if it is in the users hoome folder?14:08
helo_even ssh freezes14:08
usr13Oh yea.14:08
ajin1u never know how great it is until u use it14:08
usr13leave off the sudo  ionite14:08
ActionParsniphelo_: the command I gave will show the big users of the interface and may help14:08
helo_i'm the only user14:09
helo_but it will be good to know if it's a root process i suppose :/14:09
ActionParsnipajin1: I can configure Linux at cli already, I don't need GUI apps to do nearly anything14:09
usr13ionite: tar xzvf /path/to/rtl8192se_linux_   #Hit tab key for auto-completion14:09
ServerTechLaptopActionParsnip, Output: Linux Server1 2.6.38-11-generic-pae #50-Ubuntu SMP Mon Sep 12 12:21:04 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux14:09
ajin1ActionParsnip: great!14:09
Abhijithi.how to make mobile phone memory card mount as read/write. it is mounting default as read oonly. help!!!14:09
ActionParsniphelo_: that's fine, install and run ntop. I can't make it any clearer14:09
ioniteusr13: ok.14:09
usr13ionite: tar xzvf Downloads/rtl8192se_linux_   #Hit tab key for auto-completion14:09
qwerrunning ubuntu 10.04 and tying to start pidgin automatically in desktop-No4 when starting up ... how to do that ??14:09
reya276How can I fix this issue http://pastebin.com/Z5pDBGNS ?14:10
ajin1i'm still A newbie14:10
ActionParsnipServerTechLaptop: hmm, you have the PAE kernel.Do you have onboard graphics?14:10
ActionParsnipqwer: compiz can do that, there is also devilspie (grab gdevilspie from google code) which can tell apps how to run and such14:10
ServerTechLaptopActionParsnip, yes i do. I don't use it though. I have an nVidia card.14:10
ioniteusr13: ok14:10
usr13ionite: Did you get it unpacked?14:10
ioniteusr13: yep14:11
usr13If so, cd to the resulting directory.14:11
ActionParsnipServerTechLaptop: did you diable the onboard in the BIOS or do you use the onboard?14:11
usr13cd rtl8192se_linux_2.6.    #Hit tab key for auto-completion14:11
ServerTechLaptopActionParsnip, disabled in the BIOS.14:11
ioniteusr13: ok i'm at step 9 now14:12
ajin1ActionParsnip: how long have you been using linux as your sole OS?14:12
ioniteusr13: sorry i mean step 8. it's still making14:12
ActionParsnipServerTechLaptop: I'd double check in BIOS. You may want to try a 64bit live CD to see if it sees all the RAM14:12
ActionParsnipajin1: since 2000/2001 ish14:13
usr13ionite: Be patient, let it finish.14:13
usr13and then:  sudo cp HAL/rtl8192/r8192se_pci.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net/14:13
ServerTechLaptopActionParsnip, can't. P4EE's don't support 64. Or else i would have.14:13
ioniteusr13: ok.14:13
ajin1ActionParsnip: no wonder14:13
ioniteusr13: now i just done step 9 and 1014:13
qwerActionParsnip: I will need to configure compiz with CCSM ??14:13
ioniteusr13: so i gotta restart yeah?14:14
qwerusr13: to me ?14:14
usr13did you do  sudo depmod -a  ?14:14
ionitephlak_user: u there? thanks so much for ur help. i'm gonna restart and hope it works.14:14
ActionParsnipServerTechLaptop: dang, Those EEs are nice!14:14
ioniteusr13: yes i did. i'm gonna restart now.14:14
usr13qwer: Sorry, that was for ionite14:14
usr13ionite: iwconfig14:14
ServerTechLaptopActionParsnip, :P. Well they don't support 64.14:14
ActionParsnipqwer: I'd ask in #compiz but I know it can, maybe others can advise here too. I've not used it in that way14:14
usr13ionite: Yes, restart and see if it works.14:14
ActionParsnipServerTechLaptop: true :( have you tested your RAM health14:15
qwerokay, thx14:15
ServerTechLaptopActionParsnip, new ram, purchased 3 days ago.14:15
ActionParsnipServerTechLaptop: can be DOA14:15
ServerTechLaptopActionParsnip, doa?14:15
bastidrazordead on arrival14:15
usr13I gotta go now.  Enjoyed it.  Thanks all (for putting up with me)  ;014:16
ServerTechLaptoplawl no, ActionParsnip, they're perfectly fine. :P14:16
ServerTechLaptopor i could just test each stick one by one... long task-,-14:16
dr_willisHow do you prove they are not DOA?  you have to test each one..14:17
dr_willisIve had Memory slots  on the mb go 'bad' also.14:17
ActionParsnipServerTechLaptop: so you have tested them?14:17
ServerTechLaptopdr_willis, I used 2.5 gigs till yesterday, and i added 1 new gig. All 4 ports are working fine too.14:17
ServerTechLaptopActionParsnip, ^^14:17
ActionParsnipServerTechLaptop: the memtest will test the whole lot14:17
ServerTechLaptophold on, ill start memtest.14:17
dr_willisthey can go bad at any time..14:17
dr_willis3.5 gb in 4 slots? Hmm.14:18
dr_willisages ago memory had to match. :) but i think thats showing my age.14:18
Abhijit_hi.how to make mobile phone memory card mount as read/write. it is mounting default as read oonly. help!!!14:18
ionitephlak_user: still can't work14:18
ActionParsnipdr_willis: 3x1gb and 1x512mb ram sticks14:18
ioniteActionParsnip: usr13 is gone?14:18
ServerTechLaptopdr_willis, old motherboard, D:14:18
ActionParsnipionite: seems so14:19
grkbloodI installed 10.10 64-bit and I got prompted to install additional drivers for my video card. I installed the additional drivers and now my laptop locks up at "checking battery state..." when booting up14:19
dr_willisAbhijit_:  try accessing it as root.. see if root can write to it. if so. you can make a fstab entry, or install/run ntfs-config to make it accessable by all users.14:19
ioniteActionParsnip: oh no. it still didn't work.14:19
Abhijit_dr_willis, tried with root. no luck.14:19
dr_willisages ago you had to have pairs..  :)14:19
ionitephlak_user: it still didn't work should i reinstall my entire OS?14:19
ActionParsnipgrkblood: boot to root recovery mode and reinstall gnome-power-manager14:19
Abhijit_dr_willis, tried with sudo mount -o remount, rw '/media/1234-5678/' still no luck14:19
dr_willisAbhijit_:  so its mounted but not writeable but is readable? check dmesg output for any error messages perhaps.14:19
Abhijit_dr_willis, shoud i pastebin the dmsg output?14:20
dr_willisAbhijit_:  just try to write to it as  the root user. not remounting it. :)14:20
dr_williscd /media/whatever   sudo touch testfile14:20
Abhijit_dr_willis, tired to write to it using root using cp. no luck.14:20
ServerTechLaptopActionParsnip, okay so even the bios shows only 3071mb, possible memory slot problem, will have to recheck everything.14:20
ActionParsnipServerTechLaptop: ;)14:20
SolvedIs there any way to sudo apt-get install (file) for your regular Ubuntu partition, while booted up from live CD?14:20
ServerTechLaptopActionParsnip, still gonna run a memtest.14:20
ActionParsnipServerTechLaptop: if you get hardware issues, check the hardware  first14:20
dr_willisSolved:  chroot into the install. use apt as normal.14:21
ActionParsnipServerTechLaptop: may need a BIOS update to get more rAM accessible14:21
Solveddr_willis: what do you mean by chroot into the install14:21
grkbloodActionParsnip, i dont think my build is making it to grub14:21
Abhijit_dr_willis, will touch work for folder?14:21
dr_willisSolved:  use the chroot command as needed to get into a chroot envuroment.14:21
grkbloodcould i do anything with boot options?14:21
ServerTechLaptopActionParsnip, i know, lol this bios is old. Though i don't find a proper update to flash it with o.O14:21
dr_willisAbhijit_:  touch sets the date, or creates a file  normally.  its just a simple test.14:21
Solveddr_willis: So like, chroot /dev/sda5 ?14:21
dr_willisSolved:  you will want to read up on chroot.. you chroot into a Mountpoint.. not a device like that.14:22
dr_willischroot /media/THeRootOfTheInstalledSystem14:22
Abhijit_dr_willis, the command sudo touch testfile just worked. but no output seen.14:22
Solveddr_willis: I don't really know much about Ubuntu. I just need to get a single file which will make it stop freezing everytime I boot up normally14:23
dr_willisAbhijit_:  so somtign is odd.. you made a file. AN empty one.. :) but still a file14:23
dr_willisSolved:  'get' a file?14:23
helo_strange... 1MB/sec of dhcp discover/offer tradffic14:23
Abhijit_dr_willis, okies. but how can we solve this?14:24
Solveddr_willis: I need to apt-get ubuntu-desktop, but I can't do it from regular boot up or it freezes before I can14:24
dr_willisAbhijit_:  does cp give some error? or just says read only? if the thing is having read/write errors. it may become read-only to prevent damage.14:24
helo_all i can get are mac addresses of the requestsers, so this may be hard to track down14:24
AnarashaHello everyone :D14:24
dr_willisSolved:  that is not a simple file. :) it will reinstall a lot of things.  You have tried the recovery/rescue mode on grub or the text option to get to the console?14:24
ServerTechLaptopohh and ActionParsnip, do you know how i could add a wireless network, such that my android device could see it? Cause it doesn't seem to be finding ad-hoc connections. It works with connectify though, but that's only for windows, and i hate my laptop's wifi range.14:24
Solveddr_willis: I've tried recovery mode-also freezes14:25
Solveddr_willis: Whats the text option though?14:25
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode14:25
* helo_ hugs gkrellm for the heads-up14:25
=== helo_ is now known as helo
dr_willisSolved:  why do you think 'ubuntu-desktop' will keep it from freezing?14:25
Solveddr_willis: Alright, I'll try that, thanks14:25
AnarashaI have an issue that I hope someone can help me with. I have a webcam from a long dead company. It works fine and well locally, I can view it in cheese, VLC and the IM clients' webcam settings box. But I can't broadcast it. Anyone know what this could be because?14:25
Abhijit_dr_willis, when i treid to sudo cp some time ago it gave error but just now i tried again and now its just hanging there14:26
Solveddr_willis: I wanted to try ubuntu-netbook, but it seems it needs too much process power14:26
SolvedAnd now I can't get back14:26
caddoois there a equalizer for ubuntu14:26
caddoothat works globally14:26
dr_willisAbhijit_:  ch4eck 'dmesg' output now.14:26
Abhijit_dr_willis, wait i think its worked14:26
Abhijit_let me check the songs14:26
dr_willisAbhijit_:  there may be some hardware issues going on.14:26
sword_hey when I do an iptables -L on a ubuntu server, which file is it drawing from?14:26
dr_willisSolved:  you installed ubuntu-netbook, then tried to remove it.. and broke things?14:27
sword_I want to add an iptables rule to open port 25 but I want it to save14:27
Abhijit_dr_willis, yes. it worked. the files copied successfully. any guess what can cause this? becuase hardware is mobile phone which is working fine. and this same issue happen with my mobile too sometimes. then othertimes it dont happen.14:27
caddooSadlyMistaken, yes for sound14:27
RaTTuS|BIGI've got Ubuntu running fine on a eeepc701 - but fullscreen vieo playback is stuttery  - any clues to help get it to be better14:27
caddooadd extra bass etc14:27
sword_and I don't see a script on this server14:27
Solveddr_willis: No, I never got the chance to try to remove it. My computer always freezes whenever I try to use too much graphics14:27
dr_willisAbhijit_:  hard to tell. cable loose?14:27
dr_willisSolved:  revovery/rescue mode dosent use X. so that shoudent be the reason for the freezing.14:28
Solveddr_willis: Like I have to set visual effects to none or it freezes14:28
dr_willisSolved:  neither does text mode.14:28
adantecan someone recommend a livecd that boots into a console14:28
adanteor can the ubuntu livecd do this?14:28
dr_williseffects are not in 'effect' untill after the GDM login.. so  again Solved . somthing else may be wrong/broken.14:28
adantei've got a computer here with a faulty gfx card (i think), keeps tanking when it tries to initialise any fancy graphics14:28
RaTTuS|BIGadante - ctrl -alt - f1 may help14:28
AnarashaI think my question was missed, so I will post it again :)14:29
dr_willisadante:   try the text option perhaps.. or theres doxzens of live cds out there that can do it. like 'tiny core linux'14:29
AnarashaI have a webcam of unknown make that works locally but won't broadcast. Any ideas how to fix it?14:29
Solveddr_willis: I don't know, It freezes from the moment I fresh install (if I don't set graphics to none)14:29
ChogyDanAnarasha: what is broadcast?14:29
dr_willisAnarasha:  you mean it wont work with some apps that are broadcasting? ie: flash ?14:29
theadmin!repeat | Anarasha14:29
ubottuAnarasha: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:29
Solved*special effects14:29
dr_willisSolved:  whats your video chipset?14:29
Anarashasend the picture out online through IM clients or online websites14:29
adanteRaTTuS|BIG: that's after gfx starts right? unfortunately the comp reboots when it tries to init fancy graphics14:29
Solveddr_willis: I don't know :(14:30
RaTTuS|BIGadante ... ahah right ....14:30
dr_willisSolved:  that would be the #1 thing to find out. :)  you may just need to install the right drivers14:30
adantedr_willis: is that text mode installation or something else?14:30
dr_willisadante:  theres live cd's that can do console only.14:30
ChogyDanadante: I think you can set the run level at the grub menu.  You need to put a 0 somewhere at the end of the boot line.  I really don't know the specifics of how to do it14:30
Abhijit_dr_willis, no! cable is not loose! :-) anyway the issue is solved for the timebeing. thanks! :-)14:30
dr_willisadante:  depends on yoru needs.  'text' mode in ubuntu live cd might work.14:30
dr_willisAbhijit_:  dog chewed on it.14:30
Solveddr_willis:Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller14:31
adantedr_willis: how do i enable that? i know there's a text mode installer on the alt cd, i'm unfamilar with text mode - is this just a grub setting you pass in?14:31
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode14:31
adantedr_willis: thanks!14:31
dr_willisof coruse the live cd. you need to hit space at the little man=keyboard logo. then  add the option14:31
adanteChogyDan: cheers, i'll have a look for that if dr_willis' text mode don't work14:31
dr_willissince the cd is using syslinux.14:31
adantedr_willis: righto cheers14:32
dr_willisi will bbl.14:32
ChogyDanadante: no, that's probably what you want, gl!14:32
Solveddr_willis: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller14:32
openbeeshow to install git with GUI ..?14:32
theadminopenbees: GIT has no GUI :/14:32
* Abhijit_ dont have a dog!14:33
theadminopenbees: Unless gitk counts, that is14:33
openbeeshow to setup it in ubuntu...there are too many packages i USC ...which one i should install ?14:34
openbeesin UBUNTU SOFTWARE CENTRE *14:35
ChogyDanopenbees: I think you should install git-core and then the git gui package you want14:36
ionitephlak_user: it still didn't work should i reinstall my entire OS?14:37
ChogyDanAnarasha: I think you are going to need to go into greater detail of what steps you are taking.  Please try to keep it to one line14:38
zoop3where is the log file that logs the boot process? I'm stuck at a screen with a blinking icon after doing an update...14:39
LaWUAnyone that can help me out on how to connect from one computer to another over the Internet on Ubuntu?14:39
ikoniaLaWU: define "connect"14:39
theadminLaWU: Try teamviewer...14:39
LaWUSecure, and I want to be able to see the actual desktop.14:39
=== Abhijit_ is now known as Abhijit
ikoniaLaWU: you're going to need to use something like vnc over ssh,14:40
ikoniaor as theadmin14:40
Seoesteri think you can tunnel vnc over ssh....14:40
Seoesterbut it isn't so easy14:40
LaWUYeah that I noticed...14:41
LaWUI did not know TeamViewer was available for Linux though... :P14:42
Seoesterjust visit the website14:42
LaWUChecking it out now. :)14:42
pepitocan i ask support questions here?14:43
ikoniapepito: if it's about ubuntu, sure14:43
pepitoalright thanks14:44
sattu94JOIN #bash14:44
pepitoits about internet being too slow on ubuntu14:44
pepitoi have a compaq presario c70014:44
debian-linuxhello eryone14:44
theadminpepito: What is your connection?14:44
pepitoi've tried turning off ipv6 in all different ways i found on the internet14:44
BishLaWU, well it's wine and a bit of black magic14:44
pepitoi ve also tried accessing IPs directly to see if it was a DNS problem14:45
pepitowhat do you mean my internet connection? wifi or ethernet?14:45
LaWUBish: How so?14:45
theadminpepito: Yes, wi-fi, ethernet, pptp, what is it?14:45
pepitoi've tried both14:45
BishLaWU, i mean teamviewer.. it just the windows version with a wine version included, which works14:45
ikoniapepito: are you using a wireless network connection, or a cabled connection14:45
pepitoi tried wifi and ethernet, same problem in both14:46
pepitoon empathy, i get messages pretty quickly14:46
ikoniapepito: could you please open a terminal and type "ping www.google.com" and pastebin the results.14:46
LaWUBish: Yeah, just downloaded it - exactly the same thing... :P14:46
pepitoi dont notice a problem there, i think when its only when its more data like on web pages14:47
pepitoi will14:47
ikoniaServerTech|Alt: ?14:47
pepitoi hadnt pinged before, i tried host www.google.com and i got the ip fast, im getting slow results14:48
pepitoi ll paste them14:48
ikoniapepito: please use a patebin14:48
kandinskiwhere does apt put the virtualbox-guest-additions-iso when you apt-get install the package? I can't find it...14:49
compdockandinski, not sure, but you could make a copy of it when its mounted in a guest14:49
pepitohere it is http://pastebin.com/nP7NKGTR14:49
ikoniapepito: that's not terrible network response14:50
ikoniapepito: that's pretty reasonable for a home connection14:50
kandinskicompdoc: well, I am looking to mount it as a guest, that's why I ask where it is14:51
ikoniapepito: please visit speedtest.net tell me your results14:51
pepitoyeah actually it is, i hadnt used ping in a long time and i thought it would be instant14:51
compdockandinski, use the gui to mount it into the guest. thats how I did it14:51
pepitoalright i ll try speedtest.net14:51
compdoclet me fire up the box14:51
kandinskiit's not downloading for me. the url is from sun, maybe that's it14:51
compdockandinski, let me search the name to see if it exists on the system14:52
kdoggwibber is uninspiring to me. What app is recommended for interacting with twitter?14:54
compdockandinski, it doesnt seem to exist as an iso on my system14:55
pepitoikonia: im installing flash now, i ll get the results in a min14:57
ikoniapepito: ahh, I forgot it needed flash, sorry14:57
ActionParsnipkdog: http://www.sizlopedia.com/2008/05/03/twitter-clients-for-ubuntu-linux/  or  http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/category/app/14:57
compdockandinski, you there?14:57
compdockandinski, /usr/share/virtualbox/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso14:58
Guest99868any1 know how i go about installing the latest version to a usb pen drive ?? im currently using an old live cd v7 or something14:58
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ardianHi is there any IDE like Visual Studio c++ for Ubuntu ?14:59
pepitoikonia: that's alright, i though chrome came with flash but it seems it doesnt14:59
kandinskicompdoc: thanks a lot14:59
Arbitionardian: eclipse?14:59
mecoI've just figured out how to capture audio streams (with 'clive'). Now I'd like to be able to set a timer to record radio shows in the middle of the night. How do I go about doing that?14:59
=== archsan is now known as debsan
ardianArbition, eats to much of ram I need it for a netbook15:00
synratis anyone using dual monitors with gnome-shell ( 11.10 ) ? all I'm seeing is 2 empty screens.15:00
ChogyDanmeco: just a guess, but maybe the at command.  So: record_my_program at time15:00
oCeansynrat: Oneiric/11.10 is not yet released (still beta). Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion15:00
ArbitionIDE on a netbook huh? I would have thought you needed all the screen space you can get15:00
RaTTuS|BIGmeco look at at15:00
Arbitionkdevelop comes to mind, I don't think it is java based15:01
Guest99868so confused15:01
RaTTuS|BIGGuest99868 about what15:01
* CallidusDragon sighs "why is using ssh such a pain?"15:01
Guest99868im currently using some old ubuntu live cd i found, all i wana do is get the lastest version to boot from a pen drive....15:02
RaTTuS|BIGssh is not a pain - whats up15:02
Arbitionwhat are you trying to do with ssh though?15:02
CallidusDragonI can only use basic command line stuff15:02
CallidusDragoncopying deleting, etc15:02
RaTTuS|BIGhttp://www.pendrivelinux.com/ <- boot linux from usb15:02
CallidusDragonIm even familiar with apt15:02
ikoniaCallidusDragon: be great if you could stop cross-posting your rantings in #ubuntu and #ubuntu-server15:02
Arbitionlet me guess, you want to use graphical apps over ssh?15:02
Arbitionhave you tried using the -X or -Y option with ssh?15:03
* RaTTuS|BIG rolls eyes - yougsters these days.15:03
CallidusDragonactually ive been looking into trying that15:03
Guest99868yes but im currently in linux, and ive no idea how too run programs i tried a few on there and all i get are errors. im new to this linux, i just need a machine for net access as my hdd gone down15:03
kdogActionParsnip, thanks.15:03
CallidusDragonbut Im having a hard time finding the documentation15:03
ArbitionRaTTuS|BIG: define: youngster15:03
RaTTuS|BIGanyone who needs pictures to use anything15:04
Guest99868all i get are errors about handling this type of file...15:04
jpdsCallidusDragon: What are you trying to do exactly?15:04
CallidusDragonI dont need pictures. I need a command line that doesent feel like it was engineered 20 yrs ago. :/15:04
=== Polah_ is now known as Polah
ArbitionRaTTuS|BIG: and you help out in #ubuntu?15:04
ActionParsnipCallidusDragon: bash is extremely powerful15:04
ikoniajpds: I've already asked and the random complaining just continues15:04
pepitoikonia: doesnt flash work on linux?15:04
jcphamhow could one improve on a command line15:04
ikoniapepito: should do15:04
pepitoi cant install it15:04
jcphamyou type commands in it15:04
RaTTuS|BIGscp file dest.ip.:files15:04
ikoniapepito: what's the issue15:04
PolahCallidusDragon: Just because it was first developed 20 years ago doesn't mean it isn't up to date or the most powerful tool you have for managing your system.15:04
ActionParsnippepito: works perfectly here15:05
ArbitionI like mc15:05
CallidusDragonI know this.15:05
CallidusDragonit however is not intuitive.15:05
RaTTuS|BIGor even rsync if you have lots15:05
CallidusDragonI mean, I had a better time learning dos.15:05
sebastianhi guys i have a question....i have a nokia n97. and i use putty on my nokia to connect to my server. but is there a program to connect with my nokia so i see the desktop15:05
ActionParsnipCallidusDragon: sure it is, there are even man pages for each command15:05
ikoniaCallidusDragon: please focus on one channel, you are just rambling in here15:05
PolahCallidusDragon: There's a man page for almost any command you want.15:05
Guest99868how can i run .exe, everyone i try says it candle hand15:05
Arbitionsebastian: depends if you can get vnc for your n9715:06
Guest99868le this type15:06
ikoniaCallidusDragon: please focus on #ubuntu-server and actually ask a question15:06
sebastian<Guest99868> use wine15:06
RaTTuS|BIGGuest99868 you cannot [easily] ruin .exe on linux15:06
GneaCallidusDragon: that's because DOS was written by those without real vision15:06
PolahGuest99868: .exe defines Windows executables. You need wine to run Windows programs in Linux.15:06
ActionParsnipGuest99868: install wine, it can run some windows apps. Check the appdb for compatibility15:06
pepitoikonia: when i try to install from adobe's page it takesme to ubuntu's software center, it seems it's isntalling it but it doesnt do it15:06
PolahRaTTuS|BIG: You can quite easily, it just may not work (:15:06
ikoniapepito: install the ubuntu package flashplugin-nonfree15:06
Abhijitanyone successful at running nokia pc suit from wine and getting it detect your phone? help?15:06
Guest99868ok is there a version of the usbinstallers etc that runs on linux ?15:06
RaTTuS|BIGPolah yeah ....15:06
ActionParsnippepito: can you give a pastebin of:  uname -a; lsb_release -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|grep|swf'15:07
PolahGuest99868: System > Administration > Startup Disk Creator15:07
ArbitionI feel like a troll, seeing as I don't use ubuntu. Many of these questions don't seem all that ubuntu specific though..15:07
ActionParsnipGuest99868: unetbootin is another15:07
GneaGuest99868: usb creator or unetbootin15:07
Guest99868nope i dont have that listed, im on ubuntu 7 or something, very old15:07
Guest99868i have unetbootin but its an exe15:07
ActionParsnipGuest99868: ubuntu 7.xx is dead, no more support15:08
GneaGuest99868: you may need to manually install it from the standard ubuntu repository15:08
PolahGuest99868: Indeed that is old. That's unsupported now so you won't be able to get unetbootin from the repos. Get unetbootin for Linux from their website.15:08
pepitoActionParsnip: sec i ll restart firefox, see if it installed now15:08
RaTTuS|BIG^ wht they say15:08
Arbitionreminds me of the old days of knoppix15:08
GneaGuest99868: you're better off just upgrading to 815:08
ActionParsnipGuest99868: or clean install natty :)15:08
GneaActionParsnip: but then s/he'd have to use unity :)15:09
ArbitionTroll answer: install gentoo15:09
PolahI thnik that's what he's trying to do, just using 7.X to get a newer ISO15:09
ktosiekGnea: not really, no :-P15:09
ActionParsnipGnea: gnome classic or gnome fallback will be fine :)15:09
Gneaktosiek: well true, but default values are default values :p15:09
Arbitionhope he has enough ram or drive space to store an iso15:09
ActionParsnipGnea: who's to say that the user uses gnome ;)15:09
RaTTuS|BIGmay help15:10
GneaActionParsnip: well, based on the line of questioning and the way they are being answered, it sounds to me like a very basic understanding, so I'm going to go with "It's highly likely" ;)15:10
GamblorHi there, I'm having some difficulty installing ubuntu 11.04 on my Macbook pro. I've installed rEFIt and get some options at boot but neither seem to work.15:10
ActionParsnipGnea: i assume nothing :)15:10
ArbitionEFI, fun15:11
ChogyDanGuest99868: there are old repos that may have the last updated version for that Ubuntu available15:11
ChogyDan!eol | Guest9986815:11
ubottuGuest99868: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades15:11
Abhijit /j #wine15:11
ActionParsnipGamblor: did you md5 test the iso you downloaded?15:11
lauratikahi, how can i see which process are being use by swap?15:12
GneaActionParsnip: if you don't assume they are running gnome, then by that logic, you could very well be assuming that they're running kde :)  OTOH, I doubt that they're running E17 :p15:12
ArbitionI note that I successfully installed 11.04 on virtualbox with EFI, but it did not boot.15:12
ActionParsnipGnea: its all equally possible15:12
GamblorActionParsnip: Would "check disk for defects" accomplish this or should I do it externally?15:12
Guest99868ok back in a min gona restart15:12
pepitoikonia: i'm downloading that package u said, its gong to take like 15 mins15:12
ActionParsnipGamblor: sure, only a good ISO can make a good CD15:12
ikoniapepito: that's cool15:12
lauratikasorry got disconected15:13
pepitoikonia: it shouldnt be this slow15:13
GamblorActionParsnip: hmm, that option gives me a blank screen :S, guess I'll try it the other way15:13
pepitoikonia: do you know what it could be?15:13
pepitoikonia: the cause i mean15:13
ikoniapepito: I appreciate that15:13
qwerI configured compiz such that starting pidgin manually runs in desktop-No4. But when it's autostarted after system-startup, it's in desktop 1, why could that bee ??15:13
qwermanually starting works. ...15:13
ActionParsnipGamblor: add the boot option: nomodeset    if you use nvidia then add:  nouveau.blacklist=115:14
ikoniapepito: get the results of the speedtest and we'll work it through15:14
Abhijitanyone successful at running nokia pc suit from wine and getting it detect your phone? help?15:14
pepitoikonia: alright thanks15:14
RaTTuS|BIGlauratika anyone what15:15
ArbitionAbhijit: Seems rather specific, I wouldn't rely on getting an answer... you might be lucky15:15
AbhijitArbition, ok15:15
GamblorActionParsnip: md5 checks out fine15:15
ptucan u help me!i can't use wifi on ubuntu 11.0415:16
RaTTuS|BIGptu - what hardware15:16
koerberI wanted to try ubuntu netbook edition, so I did sudo apt-get install ubuntu-netbook. But it keeps freezing, and I don't want it anymore. How do I get rid of it?15:16
auronandaceAbhijit: you may get a better answer in #winehq15:16
ArbitionAbhijit: have you checked the wine appdb?15:16
Arbitionptu: what wireless card?15:16
ptumy lap is dell inspiron 154515:16
Arbitionthat doesn't really help15:17
GamblorActionParsnip: the menu I get when booting is a GRUB menu with Try ubuntu, install ubuntu, and check disk for defects15:17
Arbitioncheck lspci or lsusb15:17
AbhijitArbition, wil check15:17
Abhijitauronandace, okies15:17
=== reed_ is now known as reed
GamblorActionParsnip: not the regular ubuntu livecd menu, although I wonder if that's becuse I put it on usb15:18
Arbitionptu: look for anything that says ethernet controller, and other things that indicate it is a wireless card, rather than wired ethernet15:18
koerberI wanted to try ubuntu netbook edition, so I did sudo apt-get install ubuntu-netbook. But it keeps freezing, and I don't want it anymore. I tried sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-netbook, but it still looks the same. How do I get rid of it?15:18
ptuArbition: 09:00.0 Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88E8040 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller (rev 13)15:19
ptu0c:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY (rev 01)15:19
ptuthese are what outputed15:19
Arbitionbroadcom, they are only just coming good with linux compatibility... you may need to use ndiswrapper. Otherwise, google is your friend15:19
zauravHow can I install a more stable version of Firefox? (I'm currently on 7 and it crashes like crazy.) I'd like to install 3.6. is the package available through the repositories? Thanks15:20
=== rickytaylor26 is now known as ricky26
ptuArbrition: i don't know how can i get driver15:20
Arbitiona search for "BCM4312 linux" or something15:20
ChogyDanzaurav: why's it crash bro?  :)15:20
Arbitionif you don't find instructions... well, it is a bit in depth. I've not used ndiswrapper myself.15:21
lauratikaRaTTuS|BIG: i was asking how to see what process is used by swap15:21
zauravChogyDan, it always crashes a lot. I use it only to use firebug so I can do my web dev.15:21
ptuArbition: thank you alot!i will try more15:21
pepitowhy are there two pepitos? lol15:22
pepitois it me twice?15:22
zauravChogyDan, I don't know why it crashes tho.15:22
RaTTuS|BIGlauratika top O p15:22
Arbitionptu: you may be in luck. Ask someone else about searching the repositories. you are after the b43 driver15:22
ChogyDanzaurav: I encourage you to run firefox from the command line, see if you get any output.  And then file an appropriate bug report.  (I don't know how to run those older version... maybe try chromium)15:22
Abhijitany good pc suit for nokia phones other than wammu?15:23
RaTTuS|BIGthat is run top and O then p15:23
zauravChogyDan, Thanks, I'll do that.15:23
lauratikaRaTTuS|BIG: unknown argument15:23
RaTTuS|BIGcapital O15:23
RaTTuS|BIGthen p for swap15:23
=== azend is now known as Georg
pepitoikonia: do you think it could be that ubuntu installed the wrong card drivers?15:24
pepitoikonia: or if that were the case it wouldnt work at all?15:24
pepitoikonia: and it's happening both on wifi and ethernet, so it would be too much coincidence that it got both wrong15:24
ikoniapepito: we know your speed is good, as your ping results are fine15:25
lauratikaRaTTuS|BIG: after p enter?15:25
ikoniapepito: lets see the output of speed test and work from there15:25
delacany way to put openoffice in "offline" mode, so that it wont fetch anything from internet e.g. linked images?15:25
lauratikaRaTTuS|BIG: for example im just running right now browser and banshee15:25
Arbitionpepito: It was a different nick, I wouldn't worry15:26
pepitoalright i ll restart15:26
lauratikabanshee is on the swap memory can i change how much memory is using banshee on swap?15:26
Abhijitdelac, try in #openoffice.org15:26
KrenairUbuntu 11.04, using classic desktop. How did I manage to get this white interface instead of the normal one? http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10971457/Ubuntu%20desktop.png15:26
RaTTuS|BIGthe virt colum is swap IIRC15:27
auronandaceKrenair: looks like you changed the theme15:27
KrenairHow can I set it back to default? :/15:27
delacAbhijit: thanks for the tip, but that place is dead15:27
* RaTTuS|BIG goes for coffee15:27
paketecan anybody help with enabling sound???15:27
ArbitionRaTTuS|BIG: all text are we? :P15:28
h00kubottu: sound | pakete15:28
ubottupakete: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.15:28
delacArbition: no one there ever answers anything15:28
Abhijitdelac, get rid of that open office. use libreoffice.15:28
Arbitiondelac: sorry?15:28
auronandace!theme | Krenair15:28
ubottuKrenair: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy15:28
delacArbition: sory, wrong person15:29
Krenairauronandace, thanks15:29
Abhijitdelac, everyone got rid of openoffice. you also do the same. get libreoffice.15:29
delacAbhijit: as soon as I upgrade my Ubuntu15:29
paketethe sound is muted, even though it is turned on to the max volume15:30
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ripthejackerwhich is the package for jdk?15:30
Abhijitdelac, hmm ok15:30
ripthejackeri can find any plzzz help15:30
Abhijit!java | ripthejacker15:30
ubotturipthejacker: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://goo.gl/zwOip -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.15:30
Arbitionripthejacker: I'm not sure. Maybe icedtea?15:30
Arbitionoh wait, I read that wrong15:31
ArbitionI read that as openjdk15:31
RaTTuS|BIGpakete - clicks the sound icon and click unmute15:31
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paketestill no sound15:32
Arbitionpakete: look around in alsamixer15:32
Arbitionfrom the terminal15:32
Arbitionyou'll probably need to change cards to not pulseaudio or something15:32
paketehow to look?15:32
SolvedOk. So a place on the forums told me that I could try out Ubuntu netbook edition through sudo apt-get install ubuntu-netbook. I did this, and due to freezing, I had to try and revert back using sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-netbook & autoremove. However, some of the old stuff is still hanging around. How do I completely get rid of the netbook edition?15:32
ArbitionI mean, execute 'alsamixer' in a terminal15:33
ArbitionTroll answer: nuke and reinstall15:33
ikoniaArbition: please stop giving troll answers15:33
ikoniaArbition: you did it with "use gentoo" and I let is slide15:33
Arbitionat least I marked it as such. I note that I have been helpful in other ways15:34
SolvedAny ideas?15:34
Arbitionis there a package installation log?15:34
paketeok i executed alsamixer... how to solve the problem out from there??15:34
PiciArbition: /var/log/dpkg.log and the contents of /var/log/apt/15:34
ikoniaArbition: please do not give "Toll Answers" do you understand15:34
GamblorAlright, so I've managed to get to "try without installing ubuntu" on my Macbook but I get the error "unable to find a medium containing a live file system"15:35
RaTTuS|BIG^ it was a good answer15:35
Arbitionmeh, it is getting late anyway. If you are going to hardline, I don't need to help15:35
nuclearwormhello, how do i limit firefox download speed? it is not to make downloads15:35
paketehow to enable sound which supposed to be but muted all the time even though i unmuted in volume control and set volume to maximal...!!! please help...No sound at all!15:36
h00kpakete: did you loko at the wiki I sent over your way?15:36
RaTTuS|BIGpakete plug in speekers ?15:36
CallidusDragonCould anyone help me out with the default install path for software?15:37
Abhijitnuclearworm, this may help http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-freebsd-openbsd-restrict-bandwidth-howto.html15:37
ripthejackerArbition, i have openjdk installed15:37
ripthejackerbut its only jre15:37
ikoniaCallidusDragon: STOP crossposting15:37
ripthejackeri need the jdk15:37
ikoniaCallidusDragon: we are helping you in #ubuntu-server15:37
CallidusDragonBite me.15:37
ikoniaCallidusDragon: focus on the issue in hand15:37
helohow do i see what items the GRUB_DEFAULT parameter in /etc/default/grub refers to?15:37
D_Russanyone successfully get CS5 installed on 11.04? i cant get the installation to complete with wine.15:38
pepitoikonia: im geting 24ms ping, 1.76 mbps download, 5.02 mbps loading15:38
compdochelo, lots on google about it. whats yours set to?15:38
h00kD_Russ: check notes on !appdb15:38
h00k!appdb > D_Russ15:39
ubottuD_Russ, please see my private message15:39
ikoniapepito: that's a pretty reasonable speed at a network level15:39
helocompdoc: my new kernel breaks virtualbox, so i want to set it to the previous kernel15:39
pepitoikonia: yes15:39
urlin2uhelo, did you install dkms?15:39
pepitoikonia: why do you think page load takes so much time regardless of browser, type of connection, even with ipv6 turned off , etc?15:39
ikoniapepito: silly question but you're not trying to use wirless and wired at the same time ar eyou15:39
pepitoikonia: on windows it works fine15:39
pepitoikonia: no15:39
compdochelo, you want to set it to select the older kernel at boot? I think the defualt is 015:40
D_Russh00k, i tried google followed several tuts and it starts then it just stops15:40
compdocso use 1 or whatever15:40
ikoniapepito: just thinking15:40
pepitoikonia: do you think any hacky linux thing i could do to solve this?15:40
ikoniapepito: need to understand the issue first15:40
pepitoikonia: i ll ask other people to see if they  have a compaq15:40
pepitoanyone there with a compaq laptop?15:40
ikoniapepito: don't worry about other people15:40
h00kD_Russ: also, check in #winehq15:41
ikoniapepito: lets just focus on you15:41
lauratikapepito: whats the issue?15:41
ikoniapepito: could you pastebin the following two commmands please "netstat -rn" and cat /etc/resolv.conf15:41
helourlin2u: yeah, it's been working for months15:41
D_Russh00k ok15:41
pepitolol ok i just meant i would ask other people maybe someone had the same problem15:41
pepitoikonia: ok sec15:41
pepitoikonia: i dont see anything here that stands out15:42
ikoniapepito: are you currently using cable or wireless please15:42
ikoniapepito: thats ok, just pastebin it, lets look15:42
pepitoikonia: currently cable15:43
ikoniapepito: ok, for testing, can we please keep with cable15:43
urlin2uhelo, whenever I install virtualbox I use gdebi it shows dependencies needed, there is always one additional to dkms, I forget what it is, I suspect that is your problem.15:43
ikoniapepito: (eg: don't switch to wireless)15:43
pepitoikonia: here http://pastebin.com/zXvPrkjQ15:44
ikoniapepito: one moment, I just need to reset something15:44
pepitoikonia: ok15:45
pepitoanyone out there has ever had problems with slow internet connection?15:45
pepitospecifically on ubuntu15:45
pepitoand not on other OS15:45
amirtaiarHello, I have a bash simple command Q - When I am in a directory, how do I duplicate a file in a different name?15:47
Piciamirtaiar: cp oldfile newfile15:47
ileadoes anybody know how to make microphone to work in pidgin messenger?15:47
pepitoanyone can please help me troubleshoot my slow internet Ubuntu connection?15:47
ikoniapepito: I said just wait a moment15:48
ikoniapepito: can you not wait 2 minutes while I had to reset something to be able to see the browser15:48
pepitoikonia: i know i appreciate that, just requesting more help15:48
ikoniapepito: good luck with it then15:48
ikoniapepito: I'm sure someone else will help you15:48
pepitoikonia: dude come on, dont be like that15:49
RaTTuS|BIGpepito - how slow is slow15:49
UbuntuNewhaloo ^^15:49
pepitoRaTTuS|Big: 20 seconds to load www.reddit.com, when its almost instantenous on windows15:50
KangaroooI want to use a programm in one PPA beeing made. https://launchpad.net/~bugs-launchpad-net-falkensweb/+archive/remove-old-kernels so I sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bugs-launchpad-net-falkensweb/remove-old-kernels and then update and installed package remove-old-kernels BUT I can't run it with command od same name in terminal.. how to run then else way?15:50
gbirdzubuntu desktop has httpd.conf as empty, where can I edit this my apache settings?15:51
Picigbirdz: within /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ for each site you have.15:51
RaTTuS|BIGkk - even when you do a ctrl-f5 [i.e caching]15:51
ileahow to make microphone to work in pidgin messenger?15:51
pepitoRaTTuS|Big: not when its cached, its fast15:51
pepitoRaTTuS|Big: no*15:51
GamblorInstalling ubuntu alongside Mac OS X is asking me how much space I want to allocate for files. It's going on a new partition so do I really need this space?15:52
pepitoRaTTuS|Big: i tried firefox and chromium, ethernet and wifi, i tried disabling ipv6 in all sorts of ways but to no avail15:52
gbirdzwhere do I enable mod_rewrite for apache?15:53
SolvedI wanted to see what ubuntu netbook edition was like, so I followed the instructions on the website, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-netbook. The netbook edition was fine, but it kept freezing, so I had to try and switch back. I've managed to get rid of the majority of it, but theres still some things remaining. How do I completely switch back to ubuntu desktop?15:53
RaTTuS|BIGpepito - Ok ... wierd - could you change to the openDNS dns ... i.e. www.opendns.com - and see if that helps15:53
SIFTUpepito: dns or mtu size15:53
RaTTuS|BIGSIFTU http://pastebin.com/zXvPrkjQ15:54
pepitoRaTTuS|Big: i tried using IPs directly, same problem15:54
RaTTuS|BIGhow much RAm in teh machine do you have ?15:54
pepitoRaTTuS|Big: 2 gigs15:54
RaTTuS|BIGK - should be Ok .15:55
pepitoRaTTuS|Big: its only using 25% i think15:55
ileahow to make microphone to work in pidgin?15:55
pepitoSIFTU: how do i change MTU size?15:55
pepitoSIFTU: i dont think i ve tried that15:55
pepitoSIFTU: i tried changing the buffer queue from 1000 to 50 but it didnt fix it15:55
phillNetwork Manager: "No vpn secrets" in error log trying to connect with openvpn15:56
Kangarooooops I lost wifi for a second. any one answered my asking about how to start programm witch can't be started in terminal with program name execution?15:56
RaTTuS|BIGpepito  ps axOT | pastebinit15:56
SIFTUpepito: sudo ifconfig eth0 mtu 149215:56
AbhijitKangarooo, which program is that? there is no program you can not start from terminal15:56
somsipgbirdz: sudo a2enmod rewrite15:57
KangaroooAbhijit: I want to use a programm in one PPA beeing made. https://launchpad.net/~bugs-launchpad-net-falkensweb/+archive/remove-old-kernels so I sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bugs-launchpad-net-falkensweb/remove-old-kernels and then update and installed package remove-old-kernels BUT I can't run it with command od same name in terminal.. how to run then else way?15:57
pepitoRaTTuS|Big: i lll try that in a sec15:57
pepitoSIFTU: do i ve to restart?15:57
SIFTUpepito: no should be immediate15:58
ZagradaI just updated my ubuntu 11.10 beta 215:58
Zagradaand now I have a desktop issue15:58
pepitoSIFTU: still slow15:58
KangaroooZagrada: #Ubuntu+1 about newest15:58
SIFTUpepito: could be a driver issue or anything.. would have to deep dive into that with wireshark etc15:59
pepitoSIFTU: yeah thats what i thought, maybe it installed the wrong driver16:00
pepitoSIFTU: i wouldnt know how to find the right one though16:00
AbhijitKangarooo, you better contact this person Tom Chiverton. rather than asking here16:00
SIFTUpepito: lspci|grep net16:00
AbhijitKangarooo, there is link on that page to contact him.16:01
Kangaroooyes ill do that thanks Abhijit16:01
sgo11hi, I did multiple times of installing and uninstalling hplip. right now, my hplip is broken. whenever I run hp-systray or hp-setup etc.. it shows me "error: Unable to locate models.dat file". how to fix it? thank you very much.16:01
doufnufemhey guys, its me again. So I'm about to accutally resize my partitions. Is it a better idea to do it off a usb stick or a cd? or does it matter?16:01
pepitoSIFTU:sec im going to switch to wireless to lie on the sofa16:01
SIFTUpepito: is it faster on wireless?16:02
RaTTuS|BIGdoufnufem it will not matter - just make sure you have a good backup anyway16:02
Abhijitsgo11, i am no expert but you may try sudo apt-get remove --purge <packagename> and then reinstall it16:02
TimmmmHi, for some reason shift-space no longer makes a space. I'm sure it used to before I upgraded to  10.10 -- is there a setting somewhere for this?16:02
doufnufemRaTTuS|BIG:  i gotta take the risk, i dont have enough media to back it all up -.-16:02
sgo11Abhijit, I did that multiple times already.. no luck.16:02
SIFTUdoufnufem: well its your data, you have been warned16:03
dashavoocan somebody talk me through getting online using wpa_supplicant?16:03
dashavooI can't use a wired connection, and I can't use GUI tools16:03
ghotiHowdy.  I've inherited a small server room of mostly ubuntu servers dating back a few years.  I'm fairly familiar with Debian, but ... how do I determine which release of ubuntu is installed on a particular box?16:03
SIFTUdashavoo: what about wicd16:03
SIFTUghoti: lsb_release ?16:04
dashavooSIFTU: if it was installed it would have been perfect, but I don't have a connection, which is the problem16:04
SIFTUdashavoo: ah ok16:04
pepito_SIFTU: these are the right drivers16:05
knapper_techhow can i change my outgoing rsa public key?16:05
RaTTuS|BIGss-keygen -t rsa16:05
Abhijitsgo11, no idea then16:05
RaTTuS|BIGssh-keygen -t rsa*16:05
SIFTUknapper_tech: of ssh?? just regenate with ssh-keygen under that user16:05
sgo11Abhijit, no worries. thanks for the reply.16:05
pepito_SIFTU: what should i pay attention to on wireshark?16:05
SIFTUpepito_: its a bit of a black art.. but you can see the timings and see where the delays are16:06
SIFTUpepito_: is wireless as slow as wired?16:06
pepito_SIFTU: yeah16:06
AndIrc___anyone get wireless card 1892su to work with ubuntu.  I know the 1892sw card works ,but the updated the wife card drivers this summer16:07
pepito_SIFTU: wireless, wired, chromium, firefox, ipv6 on or off, DNS or direct IP access, none seem to matter16:07
SIFTUpepito_: then its pretty slim that ubuntu has anything to do with it.. as you would be using 2 different drivers16:07
RaTTuS|BIGwife* card ;-p16:07
pepito_SIFTU: could be something else, the protocol stack would be the same for both wouldnt it?16:08
paketehey all... i have no sound, but i can turn volume wheel up and down though there is no hardware found in 'sound properties' How to find driver for sound card? please help!16:08
sgo11anyone know how to solve this error message "error: Unable to locate models.dat file" for hplip?16:08
Abhijit!sound | pakete16:08
ubottupakete: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.16:09
SIFTUpepito_: do a wireshark and surf to a page to gets delayed and save the output16:09
pepito_SIFTU: alright16:10
jrgpI have a latitude e6500 and ubuntu natty support is largely fantastic. Suspend works great, however resuming from hibernate does not. It simply boots as if it wasn't hibernated. Does anyone have suggestions as to where I should start diagnosing the problem?16:11
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ghotiSIFTU: Thanks, that's perfect.16:12
cyphahow can I get my ubuntu version?16:17
SIFTUcypha: lsb_release16:17
cyphaSIFTU, didn't work16:18
cyphano lsb modules are available16:18
urlin2ucypha, lsb_release -a16:18
SIFTUcypha: or -d16:18
RaTTuS|BIGor even --help < very useful for any command16:18
RaTTuS|BIG[or most]16:19
SIFTURaTTuS|BIG: man is good too :)16:19
alyoshahi, i have conected laptop and tv via HDMI. At first i just plug in the cable and picture shows on tv but now when i plug in it happens nothing16:19
cyphathanks urlin2u that worked16:19
cyphaAND SIFTU16:19
alyoshawhere could i set this to work16:19
RaTTuS|BIGalyosha - type at the keyboard to wake the laptop up?16:20
alyoshaRaTTuS|BIG  laptop is working fine16:20
alyoshathere is no picture on tv16:20
zeloranShort question: Is there a way to output sound using a device in Ubuntu 11.04 (with Pulse)? (like /dev/audio?)16:21
SIFTUalyosha: depends on your graphics driver, what are you using16:21
SIFTUzeloran: aplay -l16:21
RaTTuS|BIGmake sure TV is looking at the right imput16:21
alyoshaha :) some ATI16:21
vyasalyosha : try to check for AV modes on TV. . .i have 3 AV modes and 3 HDMI modes. . .try all.16:21
SIFTUalyosha: with OSS drivers or the ATI ones?16:21
alyoshait's  not problem with tv or cable...it workd fine for sometime...it's like laptop don't autoamticly switch to tv or something16:22
RaTTuS|BIGzeloran short answer yes, longer answer yes and now depends on what your doing16:22
alyoshai use ATI drivers16:22
SIFTUalyosha: did you launch the ati control panel and look in there?16:23
RaTTuS|BIGooh time for pub16:23
sgo11anyone know how to solve this error message "error: Unable to locate models.dat file" for hplip?16:23
alyoshaSIFTU i was looking there yes..but i didn't see anythig useful. There was this "sectioN" detect monitor but it didn't detect nothing16:23
RaTTuS|BIGsgo11 - see google16:23
zelorantrying to pipe the output of a c-program using putchar to an audio device @RaTTuS|BIG16:23
sgo11RaTTuS|BIG, I did google for six hours already.16:23
OerHekssgo11, give us more info, what program needs models.dat ?16:24
sgo11OerHeks, as I mentioned above. it's hplip.16:24
sgo11OerHeks, I did install/uninstall hplip, hplip-cups, hplip-data multiple times. now, hplip hp driver totally broken with that error message.16:25
oCeanRaTTuS|BIG: don't just suggest google like that16:25
sgo11OerHeks, I tried install, reinstall, --purge remove, many things. none of them work.16:25
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sgo11What I did before seeing this error msg, is sudo rm -rf /etc/share/hplip/. because I want a clean install of hplip.16:26
cjs226anyone using reiserfs4?  i ask as I'm looking for a filesystem that allows for filenames longer than 512bytes/characters16:27
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sgo11sorry, I mean /usr/share/hplip16:28
nbubuntuhi may I know any people know about android apk editing here ?16:28
urlin2unbubuntu, ubuntu only channel16:29
nbubuntuurlin2u : so only ubuntu channel knew about android apk editing ?16:30
llutznbubuntu: better ask in #android16:30
nbubuntulutz : ok thanks :)16:30
Ellipsis753Hey, does anyone know if I can have a black line around the edge of windows without having to also have the title bar at the top of them?16:31
nuclearwormhello, i read that ustream adjust quality according to one s connection speed in order to keep an interrupt stream but im not being lucky that way. is there something i can do?16:32
leepingHi there, I have some questions about VPN.  Can someone suggest a channel for me to ask in? :)16:33
eitchhi guys, how does mounting iso images in nautilus work? I would like to do the same from the cli without needing root...16:33
edbianeitch: You can mount something without being root by adding an entry for that thing in /etc/fstab16:34
edbianeitch: this is not how nautilus does it.  I don't know how nautilus does it,16:34
SIFTUeitch: then you would need to do it through a fuse filesystem, nautilus probably uses gnome vfs16:34
eitchedbian, thanks.16:34
edbianeitch: sure16:35
eitchSIFTU, thanks.16:35
SIFTUeitch: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FuseIso16:35
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sgo11hi, the problem is the apt-get install hplip will never install /usr/share/hplip/data/models/model.dat. why?16:36
mang0|HWHow do I add a ppa?16:36
Abhijit!ppa | mang0|HW16:36
ubottumang0|HW: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa16:36
cyphaanyone familiar with gpointing-device-settings?16:37
SIFTUsgo11: you used "apt-get -f install ...."16:37
sgo11SIFTU, I didn't use that -f option. should I try that?16:37
SIFTUsgo11: yes, give it a go16:38
cyphaanyone familiar with gpointing-device-settings? do I need to restart for changes to take effect? and will it work in windows already open?16:38
sgo11SIFTU, it doesn't do anything. it says they are in newest version. should I apt-get remove them first?16:38
SIFTUsgo11: hmm I dont have an ubuntu machine to test on.. hang on16:39
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Ellipsis753Is there like a database of applets for the gnome panels somewhere?16:40
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Ellipsis753I've got this vertical panel and hardly any of the applets look good on it.16:40
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SIFTUsgo11: "apt-get install --reinstall ..." ?16:42
Lee_Prisonwhen i use "cat " to get a chinese character ,but i find that it's not right ?16:43
Lee_Prisonsuch as : cat   file.html16:43
sgo11SIFTU, I tried that, it does not work. anyway, please ignore this problem now. I bypass it. I download models.dat manually from internet and sudo cp it to that location... so far, the problem is solved. but a new problem occurred which is my original problem. that was why I did remove hplip in the beginning.16:43
sgo11when I trying to add the printer and install the plugin with hp-setup wizard, i see this error "ERROR: Plug-in file does not match its digital signature. ". people in google suggests reinstall hplip. I did that. doesn't work.16:45
nexusz99Help ! Now I' building glib-2.28.0 , then I have an error "/lib/libdbus-1.so: file not recognized: File format not recognized" what can i do?16:45
edbiannexusz99: sudo aptitude reinstall libdbus16:46
edbiannexusz99: That file is corrupted I'm guessing16:46
nexusz99@edbian I use cross compiler16:46
nexusz99edbian: wait~16:46
edbiannexusz99: so?16:46
nexusz99umm I will try thanks ~16:47
sgo11ok. anyone know how to solve this error "ERROR: Plug-in file does not match its digital signature." in hplip? I tried reinstall, it does not work.....16:47
Pici!it | ivan__16:48
ubottuivan__: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:48
nexusz99edbian: I got same error16:48
edbiannexusz99: mmm, I'm not sure16:48
ubottuKanal za podporo slovenskim uporabnikom Ubuntuja je #ubuntu-si. Če potrebujete pomoč v Slovenskem jeziku, prosimo da se nam pridružite in probali vam bomo pomagati. Slovenian language support channel is #ubuntu-si16:48
nexusz99edbian: Ok Thank you very much to help me16:48
edbiannexusz99: sure16:49
lalitwhat is better gnome 3 or unity16:50
Pici!best | lalit16:50
ubottulalit: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:50
s093294Hello, what is the preferred typesetting for mathematical symbols in latex   "We want to predict a response or class Y from inputs X_1, X_2, X_3", the Y and X in this case. (arent they like boldcase in scientific articles)?16:51
Trashihello. on my notebook im using ubuntu with gnome2. under preferences -> mouse i can disable the scrolling function of my touchpad (or choose 2-finger-scrolling). but my netbook uses xubuntu (so with xfce). i cant find any function to disable scrolling or s.th. else. could someone help?16:51
rhizmoeafter upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04, should i need to reinstall flash?16:52
Picis093294: #latex would be a much better place to ask.16:52
pkkmWhat is the name of the file in /dev that is linked to my microphone?16:52
rhizmoepkkm: check dmesg16:52
pkkmrhizmoe, What should I grep for?16:54
yazaddoes any1 no wat a gd antivirus software is16:54
yazadfor Ubuntu16:54
B0g4r7What do I need to do to run a 32-bit ELF binary on my 64-bit install?  Is this even possible?16:55
edbianyazad: You don't need anti-virus software on Ubuntu16:55
rhizmoepkkm: try grep -i sound16:56
sgo11I am trying to download the hplip plugin from its official website. but the official website is down. www.openprinting.org. I am getting VERY crazy with all of this... I just need to print a single page. that's all. it wasted me more than 8 hours.16:57
rhizmoewhat's 'hplip'?16:58
nucc1!google hplip16:58
ubottuI have no google command, use http://www.google.com/16:58
pkkmrhizmoe, No output from grep.16:59
induz_is there any sketch storyboarding application on Ubunt17:00
Abhijitinduz_, novacut?17:01
pkkmrhizmoe, I'm sure my microphone works because I can record sound with it (just tested).17:01
glebihansgo11, why don't you install it from the repositories ?17:01
=== matt is now known as Guest54222
sgo11glebihan, the repo does not provide hplip plugins17:02
sgo11glebihan, hp-setup command supposed to install plugins automatically. but right now, it fails. maybe it's because the official website is down.17:02
induz_novacut is an editing application17:03
sgo11anyone know how to upgrade hplip the newest one hplip 3.11.7? I can only find hplip 3.11.7 plugins tar in google.17:03
sgo11but the repo only has 3.11.117:03
qwerHow to create a "delayed startup of an app" after system-boot ??17:03
Grominx_i need help with netcfg but this is in arch linux, is it alright if you guys help or is there some other channel17:03
Abhijitinduz_, i dont know what do you mean. what that applications is supposed to to? have you tried kdenlive, kino and pitivi?17:03
induz_i use kdenlive17:04
akejdmhey, i can't resume from hibernate on a HP Pavilion DV5 laptop, it goes successfully to hibernate(checked the logs) but when i resume; grub start and Ubuntu restart just like a cold boot, as if it had forgot the hibernate state, any idea about this pblm?17:04
Ellipsis753Can I set up compiz or something to move a window just by left and right clicking it at the same time? (or middle clicking it?)17:04
induz_ane cinelear17:05
induz_Kdenlive is good very close to FCP17:05
induz_but i am looking for storyboarding application17:05
Abhijitinduz_, http://linuxandfriends.com/2009/07/31/celtx-free-storyboarding-scripting-sequencing-software/17:06
sgo11anyone has hplip 3.11.1 plugin files which can share with me? I have to print a very important page within 1 hour.17:07
rhizmoepkkm: hm, not sure then17:07
induz_Abhijit, thanks17:07
rhizmoesgo11: have you tried just printing with cups?17:08
Abhijitinduz_, welcome17:08
sgo11rhizmoe, i don't know how to use cups.17:09
cybercaffeпривет всем русским17:09
induz_I can not install it via Synaptic..any idea how to install on Ubuntu 10 Abhijit17:09
Grominx_what is the output of date -u +%W$(uname)|sha256sum|sed 's/\W//g17:10
Abhijitinduz_, dowlnoad from here http://www.celtx.com/17:10
llutzGrominx_: nothing,  missing ' at the end17:11
induz_abhijeet, after downloading how to install is the problem17:11
Grominx_llutz what would happen if it did have a ' at the end17:11
=== KingPin1 is now known as KingPin
sammyusing dd to write to an attached (but not mounted) usb stick, i get flooded with unhandled sense codes, saying the disk is write protected. faulty usb stick?17:12
sgo11for anyone who need hplip 3.11.1 plugin, I found it here: http://www.mediafire.com/?cwe04mcvjb11j4x   finally... crying...17:13
robotHouse01Hello all, I am unable to download any program from the Ubuntu Software Center. When i try i get a popup box that says "An unhandlable error occured" "There seems to be a programming error in aptdaemon...". Any Ideas?17:13
llutzGrominx_: ask your teacher about help for your homework17:13
Abhijitinduz_, extract it by right clicking on it. there will be README or INSTALL file . read it.17:14
induz_Abhijit, i downloaded it but I dont know how to install it17:14
Farghanyone has a good tutorial on how to setup routing when VPN'ing ?17:14
Grominx_llutz thanks, figured it out myself17:14
sgo11thank those people who replied me very much. bye.17:15
=== pkkm_ is now known as pkkm
Grominx_Im trying to put up a wireless connection with netcfg can anyone help me with these17:15
induz_Abhijit, there is no readme file, i extarcted it also17:16
Abhijitinduz_, install file17:16
Abhijit!compile | induz_ ok see this17:17
ubottuinduz_ ok see this: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall17:17
mehdi_any sega emulator sujestion?17:17
ActionParsnipmehdi_: check on playonlinux site17:18
seanbIs there somebody here who can answer a question for me? I'm thinking about moving to linux/ubuntu, but have one nagging issue. I do use a LOT of windows based programs, some of which do not have linux counterparts. Videos i've seen show linux using windows programs and games, but do not say how. Is it still just as easy as double clicking an EXE? Or is like in a mac environment, where i'm going to need to run an emulation suite?17:18
ActionParsnipmehdi_: you will need to install the deb on the site to add the ppa17:18
Coreyseanb: The latter, if not a full virtualization stack.  What sorts of programs are you referring to?17:19
Coreyseanb: Making the switch to Mac was tricky for me, but rather than "porting specific programs over" I found substitutes that worked in that environment.  Ubuntu is the same way.17:19
ActionParsnipSeanb: you may find opensource equivalents17:19
Mikey^seanb: Wine is the program to use to run windows software. If you need a more easy to use, you can try and later buy crossover office, www.codeweavers.com17:20
zykotick9mehdi_, i'd highly recommend getting gens-gs17:20
seanbAnd wine works well?17:20
=== manny is now known as Guest23882
Guest23882Hello I need help installing software using a makefile17:20
mehdi_im goin too compile gen17:20
Mikey^seanb: Yes, you check their webpage for compatible software, winehq.org17:21
zykotick9seanb, using wine is certainly not ideal, try find gnu/linux equivalents17:21
Guest23882Hello I need help installing software using a makefile17:21
Guest23882what command s do I do17:21
zykotick9mehdi_, gensgs is better then gens17:21
seanbMikey^ Thanks zykotick9 i'm finding that a lot of the apps i use do have linux equivs, i guess it's the games i'm most worried about.17:22
mehdi_i dont have repo17:22
zykotick9!winedb | seanb17:22
ActionParsnipSeanb: wine works great with so17:22
zykotick9!appdb | seanb17:22
ubottuseanb: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help17:22
ActionParsnipSome apps17:22
Mikey^seanb: codeweavers also has a gaming vesion called cxgames17:23
ActionParsnipPoorly with others. If you can give software names we can give more exact support17:23
Mikey^seanb: But I guess you can always dual boot :)17:23
macer1Can Ubuntu 12.04 be DVD release by default?17:23
* macer1 hate ugly compressed wallpapers :<17:24
ghotimacer1: do you prefer ugly uncompressed wallpapers?17:24
mehdi_zykotick9:  actually is gens-gs im about too compile17:24
OerHeksmacer1, why ? do you want to exclude users with an cdromdrive ?17:24
seanbActionParsnip thanks, but i do wanna waste your time with something i can search in the wine DB17:24
seanbdo = dont17:24
macer1OerHeks, there is USB17:24
ActionParsnipSeanb: good game devs make Linux installers (doom3 is a great example) or fully code for both like penumbra and urbanterror17:25
macer1My last computer without DVD rom was Pentium 317:25
techieee.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName() java function on ubuntu does not return gtk look and feel. is it a bug?17:25
KlojumSome ppl dont have fast internet access, so DVDs are preferable17:25
mehdi_zykotick9: Damn 64-bit its not supported17:25
qwerHow to create a delayed autostart of an app?? it should start after compiz runs ........ ??17:25
macer1Is windows on DVD? Yes. Who cares? Nobody.17:25
macer1The number one thing I hate about ubuntu is that they must keep to 700MB so they are keeping removing random things...17:26
zykotick9seanb, if gaming is a significant interest of yours, dual boot17:26
Walexmacer1: I do, because I buy "white" systems and then install GNu/Linux and/or MS-Windows on them, and having the installer on DVD helps a lot17:26
OerHeksmacer1 wrong answer, not all pc's can boot usb.17:26
ActionParsnipOerHeks: there was a debate on that on omgubuntu17:26
macer1OerHeks, well, maybe computers made before 2000 cant ;)17:26
macer1Walex, dont understand you. that computers you buy does not have DVD or what?17:27
macer1Nobody cries that they can't install windows7 on old pentium 3 pc with cd-rom17:27
ActionParsnipThere is a boot floppy image on pendrivelinux to then boot usb17:27
techieeehello ubuntu ops anyone knows why getsystemlookandfeelclassname on java doesnt return GTK look and feel in ubuntu 11.04?17:27
Barridusmacer1, false.  i cried.17:27
seanbALright, thanks for the help guys!17:27
macer1also some icons are very bad quality17:28
ActionParsnipmacer1: it can be, check YouTube. Runs well17:28
macer1ActionParsnip, yes, it was installed by usb17:28
macer1I think because of 700Mb limit icons are very bad quality in ubuntu :<17:28
zykotick9macer1, are you aware the ubuntu does also come on a DVD?  It basically is the same as the CD with other languages though.17:29
OerHeks700 mb limit icons, are you drunk ?17:29
macer1zykotick9, yes i know17:29
macer1OerHeks, I mean, limit for cd.17:29
macer1because of 700mb limit, icons are very bad...17:30
macer1zykotick9, but wallpapers and icons are still ugly and compressed17:30
macer1people without cd rom/usb booting will boot minimal cd17:30
ActionParsnipmacer1: the package for the icons is updated by the repos so even IF they were lower quality they would be updated to something better by updates17:30
zykotick9macer1, so?  if that's a big issue for you... i don't even have a suggestion for that "problem".  Good luck.17:30
cybercaffehi all17:31
Klojumhi caffe17:31
macer1Do you like when you see that your icon is upscaled?17:31
phschwartzI all, I have recently moved from 10.04 to 11.04. I have switched back to Gnome from Unity, but a feature of Unity is still in place that I would like to disable. The feature is the change to scroll bars. How can I get the standard scroll bars back as the Unity style does not work correctly in a few apps I use, eclipse included.17:31
ActionParsnipMacer: however this is not the case. The icons are fine, you are probably using a hideous dpi or resolution17:32
ActionParsnipMacer: the icons are scalable.17:32
macer1Not all icons, ActionParsnip17:32
macer1I was looking at /usr/share/icons17:32
macer1only a few17:32
ActionParsnipphschwartz: there are guides for that, have you researched any at all?17:33
macer1ActionParsnip, hey, this is interesting! Do you suggest that wallpapers can be released in better quality as updates? That will be great idea if ubuntu does not want to switch to dvd -_-17:33
bazhang!brainstorm | macer117:33
ubottumacer1: Post your ideas for Ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!17:33
phschwartzActionParsnip: I have tried googling for it. After that I followed a guide to remove overlay-scrollbar with no success.17:33
ActionParsnipMacer: there is even a folder full of icons 'named' scalable17:33
macer1I know what is braintstorm17:34
bazhangmacer1, getting a bit offtopic here17:34
macer1ActionParsnip, yes, so all packages on default in ubuntu should have be scalable17:34
macer1all icons in OSX Lion are 512x512...17:35
macer1so I know that they are not upscaled17:35
macer1on default in ubuntu, i mean on .iso, like firefox, thunderbird, empathy etc17:35
ActionParsnipMacer: its the same package even if you use the minimal install method which installs using the official repos and not a "restrictive" 700mb cd. The result will be identical17:36
amdx2hi to all17:36
OerHekshi amdx217:37
macer1How it should be: DVD iso for people with normal computers that can boot from DVD/pendrive, and minimal CD with text installs for people with old/crappy computers that cant boot usb/dvd17:37
macer1and from minimal cd17:38
macer1they can install ubuntu-desktop package17:38
bazhangmacer1, post it on brainstorm then, this is getting offtopic17:38
ActionParsnipMacer: think about all the icons on a livecd. Taking up all that space just for icons is a stup idea. Users may just want to test the OS so will want APPs not slightly better icons. Think about it17:38
Klojumi thought most icons were in scalable SVG format in 11.04+ .. so resizing would not give problems as bitmap icons would17:39
ActionParsnipmacer1: yes installing the meta package will install the SAME icons as on the cd as on the repos..17:39
ActionParsnipphschwartz: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/how-to-disable-overlay-scrollbars-in.html17:39
ActionParsnipphschwartz: that worked here17:39
phschwartzActionParsnip: awsome, ty17:40
ActionParsnipphschwartz: not seen that page?17:40
phschwartzActionParsnip: No, I kept finding a link to that site but talking about removing the overlay's deb.17:41
macer1ActionParsnip, so make icons and wallpapers normal qualirt as ubuntu will be dvd17:41
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ActionParsnipphschwartz: all i did was use duckduckgo and search for. ubuntu turn off overlay scrollbars17:41
=== mang0|HW is now known as mang0
Chris3I am having some trouble getting my printer to print from Ubuntu. I think it is a fairly easy problem, but i need some assitance from someone with a little more linux/unix knowledge than me.17:41
macer1bazhang, off what topic?17:41
ActionParsnipMacer: both are available, the icons on the dvd ard the same as the cd17:42
bazhangChris3, what does linuxprinting.org say about it17:42
oCeanmacer1: this channel is for tech ubuntu support only. Use Brainstorm if you feel like suggesting/discussing features etc17:42
Chris3bazhang: not sure.  I will go check that site out.  Thanks.17:43
Klojumwhich printer, Chris3 ?17:43
macer1ActionParsnip,  I KNOW SO MAYBE CHANGE THAT? -_- (sorry for caps)17:43
ActionParsnipMacer: never had an issue with icons. I suggest you report a bug. I suspect it will be rejected17:43
Chris3klojum: It's an HP LaserJet M1212nf MFP17:43
Klojumand what is the problem?17:44
bon010how to setup wifi connection on ubuntu17:44
ActionParsnipChris3: check the hplip page to check your printer is supported by the project17:44
ActionParsnip!details | bon01017:45
ubottubon010: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:45
bon010how do you start netwroking on ubuntu17:46
ikoniabon010: it starts by default unless you've disabled17:46
bon010i am on wirless connection17:47
bon010how to start wirless17:47
ikoniabon010: doesn't change what I said17:47
Klojumbon010: same as on other OSes... Your router needs to be set up first.17:47
ikoniabon010: it starts by default, unless you've disabled17:47
Gerozcau lidi17:47
Chris3ActionParsnip: I believe it is.  I downloaded the driver and it seems to be loaded and the default printer17:48
Chris3ActionParsnip: I think it might have something to do with the Print Server.17:48
KlojumChris3: connect it directly onto the Ubuntu machine, just to see if it responds and works properly17:49
Klojumwhat sort of printserver do you have?17:50
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Chris3ActionParsnip: Do you mean with a USB cable?17:50
hellomikeHi, i'm trying to install ubuntu 11.04 on a netbook from a usb and i keep getting Executing 'grub-install /dev/sda' failed. This is a fatal error. Can anyone assist? I would really like to use Ubuntu as my new operating system. Thank you17:50
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=== xamanu_ is now known as xamanu
Klojumhellomike: you can also try the newest 11.10 beta 2 of Ubuntu... Perhaps that has a better installation section. Also do not install from the Live environment, but directly from bootup.17:52
tableshow can i scale my cpu down?17:52
hellomikeKlojum: that also fails too17:52
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Klojumare u using an ssd or standard hard disk?17:53
zsolthi there.has anyone a howto for postfix?I found tls only.thank you17:53
zsolti'd like to use ssl17:53
hellomikeKlojum: I've tried other distros and they work fine so there as to be something wrong with ubuntu17:53
Klojumokay... I'd post a bug report then... perhaps they can come up with a solution17:54
usr13hellomike: What was Klojum's issue?17:54
hellomikeusr13: it is my issue :)17:54
usr13hellomike: Oh, sorry.  So what is it.  (I just got here.)17:55
Nova685guessing he has a bad cd burn its failing to install grub when he installs17:55
hellomikeusr13: <hellomike> Hi, i'm trying to install ubuntu 11.04 on a netbook from a usb and i keep getting Executing 'grub-install /dev/sda' failed. This is a fatal error. Can anyone assist? I would really like to use Ubuntu as my new operating system. Thank you17:55
bon010no wirless found17:55
Klojumhellomike: do you use SATA or IDE in your bios for the harddisk?17:55
bon010no wirless found17:55
hellomikeKlojum: i use SATA17:55
usr13hellomike: How is the HD?  (Could be a hardware problem.)17:56
KlojumTry IDE , you never know...17:56
snake_Ubuntu is great, just started a few days ago,feels like a real noob now :P17:56
hellomikeusr13: I've successfully installed fedora on it not too long ago17:56
IngoPanWill Ubuntu run on the new Assus EEEPad Slider/Tranformer Models? http://alturl.com/4cj9q17:56
chirag_d_gr8while installing linux ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu, i saw boot time error Bad LUN bad Numbers which surely had something to do with my bios settings. anyone has any idea?17:56
federicais there anyone from italy?17:57
snake_what's the fasted way to op and .bundle file>17:57
hellomikeKlojum: my mistake, in the bios, it shows as IDE017:57
bazhang!it | federica17:57
ubottufederica: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:57
snake_do I really have to use the terminal17:57
snake_holland here17:57
bon010no wirless found17:58
amdx2romania here17:58
federicai don t wanna talk in italian17:58
usr13snake_: What do you mean "op and .bundle file"?17:58
federicai asked a question17:58
Klojumhellomike: well, try the other setting(s). ubuntu should have a decent installer by now.17:58
federicathat s all17:58
Chris3ActionParsnip: I still get "hpcups" failed.  Any ideas?17:58
snake_i downloaded a file17:58
snake_it's a bundle17:58
bazhangfederica, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic17:58
snake_how to that kind of file?>17:58
snake_i;m used tot windos/dos etc17:59
snake_and mac os17:59
snake_i'm a noob17:59
usr13snake_: What is the file extention?   (Last part of the file name)17:59
Klojummac os = also linux17:59
ikoniaKlojum: no it doesn't17:59
snake_based on unix17:59
edbianKlojum: ... lol wat?17:59
ikoniaplease don't misslead people17:59
paketecan someone help me with the sound driver?17:59
snake_different file system18:00
snake_other evolution18:00
snake_of unix18:00
usr13file setup.i386,bundle     #Tell us the ouptut of that command.18:00
ikoniasnake_: do you have an ubuntu support issue ?18:00
usr13pakete: Sure, what do you have?18:00
ikoniasnake_: what's the issue18:00
Klojumlinux, unix = same difference.. ;-)18:00
ikoniaKlojum: no, it's not. Please don't misslead people18:00
usr13!sound | pakete18:00
ubottupakete: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.18:00
tonyyarussoKlojum: gah.  First, they're not the same.  Second, the phrase "same difference" is wrong.18:01
snake_the issue is that is don't know hoe to open a downloaded .bundle file18:01
paketei cant hear the sound, but i can adjust volume via volume wheel, no hardware detected in sound prefs18:01
snake_i'm feeling so stupid18:01
snake_in windows is just .exe18:01
usr13pakete: Is it a laptop?18:01
ikoniasnake_: please give me the name of the file you downloaded18:01
paketeyes it is toshiba u30018:01
ikoniasnake_: if possible also the URL, but just the name would be enough.18:01
usr13pakete: Open a terminal and type   alsamixer   and hit enter.  Trun up Master and PCM18:01
snake_in my  download map18:01
ikoniasnake_: do you know where you got it ?18:01
snake_it's a vmware workstation18:02
usr13pakete: Hit Esc  to exit.18:02
paketei did it.. how do i turn it up?18:02
usr13and save18:02
ikoniasnake_: ok, tht's a binary file normally18:02
snake_i want to use virtualisation18:02
Chris3Still seeking someone who can help me troubleshoot a printer issue.  I have it connected by both ethernet cable, and USB. Problem seems to be "hpcups failed".  Any insights?18:02
usr13pakete: up arrow18:02
snake_how tot open it18:02
ikoniasnake_: you run it, don't open it18:02
ikoniasnake_: ./setup.i386.bundle18:02
zykotick9snake_, make the .bundle executable, then run it18:02
paketethis device doesn't have any controls18:02
snake_one moment18:02
usr13pakete: Right or Left error to navigate from one channel to another Up Arrow to turn up volume level.18:03
paketewell i did it to the maximum18:03
=== jsurfer_ is now known as jsurfer
paketestill no sound18:03
usr13Chris3: firefox loclahost:63118:03
snake_now i get a message18:03
snake_root access is required18:03
zykotick9snake_, use sudo18:04
ikoniasnake_: sudo ./setup.i386.bundle18:04
Chris3usr13: firefox localhost:631?  elaborate please...18:04
snake_ubuntu is nice18:05
usr13Chris3: Alt-F2  and type   firefox localhost631   hit enter18:05
snake_1 moment18:05
hellomikei tested the md5 to make sure it was ok but still getting the stupid grub error then the whole isntallation freeze18:05
usr13Alt-F2   means to hold the Alt key while striking F2 key.18:05
Chris3usr13: OK, and what am I doing by executing that command?18:06
qwerAfter ubuntu-startup terminator is getting started .... but I don't know why. How to specify where it gets started??18:06
usr13Chris3: YOu are simply opening firefox to    localhost:63118:06
tensorpuddingqwer, it's probably in Startup Applications18:06
snake_how to change dir?18:06
ikoniasnake_: it maybe worth reading a bit in https://help.ubuntu.com to introduce yourself to ubuntu18:07
Chris3usr13: OK, looks like an FAQ for cups.  I will research.  Thanks.18:07
zykotick9snake_, FYI Vitualbox has a lot of advantages over VMWare18:07
bon010how to find my nic card name on ubuntu18:07
tomodachizykotick9: can you tell me some?18:07
amdx2defragmenter for ubuntu?18:07
usr13bon010: ifconfig18:08
zykotick9tomodachi, it's faster, it's open source, better 3d support18:08
snake_i have a very very long file name18:08
zykotick9snake_, use TAB completion18:08
usr13bon010: For the manufacturer ID  lspci |grep etwork18:08
bazhang!defrag | amdx218:09
ubottuamdx2: The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext4) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this.18:09
snake_so you say that vmware is not the best?18:09
zykotick9amdx2, the only real way to defrag EXT is to copy all the contents to another drive, then copy it back18:09
usr13bon010: lspci |grep thernet18:09
usr13other one was typo18:10
ikoniasnake_: no-one said that18:10
ikoniasnake_: use whatever you want18:10
zykotick9usr13, so was that one - thernet18:10
paketesound doesn't work please help18:10
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ActionParsnipZykotkc: or convert to ext2, defrag then convert back maybe?18:10
usr13zykotick9: Yes18:10
zykotick9ActionParsnip, convert really?  I wouldn't touch that - but maybe.18:11
paketecan anyone help me pleasee!!!18:11
usr13pakete: What do you need?18:11
edison- =.18:11
qwertensorpudding: no, it's not in "Startup Apps"18:11
paketei need sound18:11
usr13pakete: Did you run    alsamixer  ?18:11
scwhere do I file a bug report for Ubuntu Software Center?18:11
paketeat lease to understand the problem with it18:11
qwerwhere else it could be?18:11
paketeyes i did18:11
usr13pakete:   Do you see your audio device properly listed in upper left corner?18:12
zykotick9pakete, you might be better to share what soundcard you have.  "lspci -vnvn | grep -i audio" if you aren't sure.  I can't help.18:12
ActionParsnipPakete: there is a doc named: ubuntu sound troubleshooting procedure   in it there is a script called alsa-info.sh  can you please run it and give the output. Thanks18:12
tensorpuddingqwer, are you sure?18:12
usr13pakete: And as zykotick9 points out, if you don't know the exact make and model, lspci will tell you.18:13
tensorpuddingi don't think there's any other way for it to get started automatically at start up18:13
qwertensorpudding: i just looked at.... in the list there is no terminator ;)18:13
snake_when i tried top use open the bundle i get the messa bash18:13
paketeit says HDA Intel18:13
snake_is a directory18:13
ActionParsnipzykotick9: i guess. The benefits are negligible so I wouldn't bother either18:13
snake_but it's blue18:13
shubham_rathihey i want to play counter stike 1.618:13
shubham_rathican anybody guide me?18:13
paketeLSI ID 104018:13
ikoniasnake_: then enter the dorectory18:13
usr13snake_: What says HDA Intel is a directory?18:14
bazhang!appdb | shubham_rathi18:14
ubottushubham_rathi: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help18:14
ActionParsnip!appdb | shubham_rathi18:14
paketeno it's in the lest upper corner18:14
ikoniasnake_: I strongly advise you to actually read the docuemtnation on the vmware site before progressing any further18:14
Novizio_Hello everybody.18:14
ikoniasnake_: the document will tell you how to install and use this file18:14
bazhangshubham_rathi, check the appdb and /join #winehq18:14
usr13pakete: Is that correct?18:14
paketei am not sure18:14
shubham_rathibazhang but what is play on linux?18:14
paketeit used to be realtek under windows18:14
usr13pakete: Look at the output of   lspci -vnvn | grep -i audio18:14
shubham_rathiwhich is better play on linux or wine?18:15
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zykotick9shubham_rathi, playonlinux is a frontend to wine18:15
shubham_rathiif i want to play games?18:15
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MuH4hAhi guys! I want to backup my home-directory using rsync, but exclude one folder (plus subfolders/files), cause they are music/movies and too big. How would I do this? Would $rsync -va --delete --exclude=/path/to/subfolder /home/user /path/to/backup work?18:15
ikoniashubham_rathi: neither18:15
bazhangshubham_rathi, check the appdb18:15
zykotick9shubham_rathi, if gaming is your interest - dual boot with windows18:15
bazhangshubham_rathi, then /join #winehq18:15
ActionParsnippakete: can you run the command please, it will tell us a lot about your sound18:15
usr13pakete:   lspci | grep -i audio18:15
shubham_rathiikonia am fed up of windows plus i dont want dual boot!!!18:16
paketeok... usr13, here is what it is: 00:1b.0 Audio device [0403]: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller [8086:284b] (rev 03)18:16
tasslehoffI have downloaded a lubuntu iso and need to make a bootable usbstick. Do I just dd the iso to /dev/rdisk1 (OS X)?18:16
shubham_rathiikonia sometimes it give headche!!!18:16
ikoniashubham_rathi: then expect not to play the games you want18:16
ActionParsnippakete: the driver is in your i18:16
bazhangshubham_rathi, then check the appdb, this is not the channel for specific windows apps18:16
* ActionParsnip can't type18:16
tasslehoffubuntu.com has instructions that tells me to convert to img, but is that only if I want to boot it from a Mac?18:16
ikoniashubham_rathi: if you can't get games to work in the Operating system that they are nativly made for......you will have much more issues trying to get them to run in an abstraction layer that isn't meant for that OS18:16
snake_i'm readying it nog thanks for all the advise18:17
zykotick9tasslehoff, dding to the USB won't work18:17
usr13snake_: So when you turned up the volume levels in   alsamixer,   were you able to hear the results?18:17
paketedriver is where???18:17
hellomikeSo after the installer crashes, it ask me to choose another device to install grub on. This time i choose not to install the boot looader but it still freezes18:17
ActionParsnipPakete: also run:  alsamixer   and endure all levels are cranked a18:17
benoliver999Might be a stupid question, but does the startup disk creator also work for other distros?18:17
zykotick9tasslehoff, plus i'm not sure MAC will boot usb ubuntu?  maybe?18:17
ActionParsnipAnd unmuted18:17
paketeActionParsnip , i dont understand18:18
snake_one moment18:18
tasslehoffzykotick9: I want to boot it from an Asus EEE, but I need to use a Mac to create it18:18
shubham_rathiok, But please can anybody guide me from start i want to play cs 1.6 on linux18:18
ActionParsnipbenoliver999: unetbootin works for many, i know that much18:18
shubham_rathiwhat is first step18:18
zykotick9tasslehoff, ahhh - sorry i don't use Mac, good luck.18:18
usr13pakete: What does it say in the upper left corner of  the   alsamixer  screen?18:18
ActionParsnipPakete: high level18:18
shubham_rathiintall wine or play on linux18:18
benoliver999ActionParsnip: Thanks18:18
ikoniashubham_rathi: follow bazhang's advice18:18
ikoniashubham_rathi: neither18:18
paketemaybe there is a problem with sound card?? cause all is unmuted18:18
ikoniashubham_rathi: check what has a chance of working as bazhang has suggested18:18
bazhangshubham_rathi, step one: check appdb18:19
ikoniashubham_rathi: but you need to accept that if you can't run a windows game on windows.......you won't be using it on Linux with wine/playonlinux18:19
ActionParsnipshubham_rathi: the appdb has a how to. That's why we gave the link18:19
shubham_rathiok but what is appdb?18:19
zykotick9!appdb | shubham_rathi18:19
ubottushubham_rathi: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help18:19
snake_I'm away: reading tips for vmware one moment18:19
bazhangshubham_rathi, step two: -----------> /join #winehq18:19
usr13pakete: If the channels are muted, navagate to them and  hit   m    as needed to toggle on/off mute18:19
paketechannels are unmuted18:19
zykotick9shubham_rathi, http://appdb.winehq.org18:20
usr13pakete: Unmute them18:20
shubham_rathii have joined winehq but none is there to answer18:20
bazhanghttp://appdb.winehq.org   <------- shubham_rathi check that website18:20
bazhangshubham_rathi, then be patient.18:20
ActionParsnipzykotick9: can you do me a favour and paste the wget alsa-info.sh command to pakete18:20
usr13pakete: And turn volume levels up as needed.  (PCM too)18:20
zykotick9ActionParsnip, i could if i knew what you meant?  sorry i don't get it.18:21
shubham_rathialso one more thing18:21
shubham_rathimy ir mutimedia remote control not working18:21
shubham_rathihow to get it working?18:21
ikoniashubham_rathi: is it infrared ?18:21
zykotick9ActionParsnip, i'm affraid i've never used the alsa-info.sh before18:21
paketethere is nothing visible under "hardware" tab in sound preferences.... I unmuted everything, but there is no sound18:21
ActionParsnipzykotick9: its.on the sound troubleshooting page. I can't copy and paste easily here18:21
ikoniashubham_rathi: is your infrared recieved supported in Linux ?18:21
paketemaybe sound card crashed?18:22
shubham_rathihow will i know it is supported or not18:22
ikoniashubham_rathi: is your infrared reciever supported in Linux18:22
usr13pakete: If the audio device ID is not correct, hit F6 to select18:22
shubham_rathimy laptop is hp dv4 1241tx18:22
paketewhat id should it be?18:22
shubham_rathidont know whats ir reciever it has got :P18:22
ikoniashubham_rathi: I didn't ask what your laptop was18:22
ikoniashubham_rathi: is your infrared reciever supported in Linux18:22
ikoniashubham_rathi: then that's what you need to research18:22
usr13pakete: I don't know, didn't you say it was Intel ?18:23
zykotick9ActionParsnip, i don't see alsa-info.sh mentioned on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting wrong page?18:23
paketei chose it via F618:23
shubham_rathiohho ok let me search it!!!18:23
paketestill no sound18:23
shubham_rathi:D ikonia18:23
zykotick9ActionParsnip, found it18:24
usr13pakete: Should probably say something like    Intel ICH8    or something similar18:24
zykotick9pakete, wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh18:24
ActionParsnipzykotick9: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure  step 318:24
zykotick9ActionParsnip, beat ya ;)18:24
ActionParsnipzykotick9: cheers man :)18:24
paketeIt says HDA Intel18:25
paketewhen i chose it, sound will not work anyway18:25
ActionParsnippakete: run the command zykotick9 gave as one command. Upload to the server and a URL will be made. What is the URL please?18:25
usr13pakete: Open another terminal and type:   /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp    #Let us know what happens.18:26
usr13Hit Enter  and tell us what happens18:26
leeping_Hi there - how do I connect to my VPN from the command line?18:27
usr13pakete: Ctrl-c    #To stop it.18:27
leeping_And does anyone here have experience with dynamic DNS?18:27
paketeok 1 sec18:27
wgoHow do I change my default browser to Chrome?18:28
ActionParsnipLeeping: i use noip to get my ip to resolve to a name, there is a client which updates it incase the ip changes. Is that what you mean18:28
paketeok here is the url18:29
ActionParsnipWgo: search in dash for "default" and you will see the app to run18:29
wgoActionParsnip, found cheers18:30
shubham_rathianybody can tell me which infrared reciever hp dv4 series got?18:30
bazhangshubham_rathi, check the spec sheet online?18:30
usr13pakete: What happened when you did:    /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp      ?18:32
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Corey!ru | shar18:32
ubottushar: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.18:32
shubham_rathii have checked spec but i cant find infrared reciever model of my laptop18:33
paketeit says permission denied18:33
shubham_rathimy laptop is hp dv4 1241tx18:33
usr13pakete: cat /etc/group  | pastebinit18:33
usr13and send resulting URL18:34
ravenjoystick - no input in /dev/input/js0 - how to install a joystick/gamepad?18:34
paketeusr13, here http://paste.ubuntu.com/699994/18:35
zykotick9raven, do you see a /dev/input/js0?18:35
ravenzykotick9, no18:35
zykotick9raven, is this a usb joystick?18:35
ravenzykotick9, yes18:36
zykotick9raven, is it plugged in?18:36
ravenzykotick9, yes18:36
plustaxCan someone help me? I have win7 on my laptop and im trying to dualboot with 11.04 Im at the part where it says allocate drive space but when i try to install ubuntu it says no root file system is defined. I dont get whats wrong. Someone help me out?18:36
zykotick9raven, unplug it, wait 5 seconds, plug it back in.  Do you have a /dev/input/js0 then?18:36
zykotick9raven, do you have a /dev/input/js1 instead?18:37
paketewhat now?18:37
bon010iam om wicd network manager but it does not find wirless connection18:37
bon010what to do18:37
lion42bon010, are you sure there are networks in range.18:38
bon010yes i have network18:38
neurochromehey guys, I messed around with mailutils trying to send email from the terminal, I basically f***ed things up and now evolution wont send emails to hotmail - I get an error "RCPT TO ... failed: Bad recipient address syntax"18:38
neurochromeany ideas on how to fix this?18:38
Coreyneurochrome: That's... interesting.18:38
neurochromeyeah, it is18:38
Coreyneurochrome: What SMTP server is Evolution set to use, local submission or a remote SMTP box?18:38
neurochromegood question18:39
bon010iam om wicd network manager but it does not find wirless connection18:39
Coreyneurochrome: I liked it.18:39
cntrationalI have a text file which is in 8 space separated columns, is there any way I can use « sort »  to sort texts by the 8th column?18:39
plustaxcan someone please help me?18:39
zykotick9cntrational, IF you don't get an answer here, try asking in #bash18:39
ikoniashubham_rathi: if you can't find it from your laptop model, how can we find it18:39
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plustaxCan someone help me? I have win7 on my laptop and im trying to dualboot with 11.04 Im at the part where it says allocate drive space but when i try to install ubuntu it says no root file system is defined. I dont get whats wrong. Someone help me out?18:40
neurochromeCorey, remote, it should be anyway, but I may have told it to try from local by accident18:40
bon010iam om wicd network manager but it does not find wirless connection18:40
cntrationalzykotick9: oh, okay18:40
ravenzykotick9, now it's there tnx18:40
neurochromeCorey, so how to double-check, and fix ?18:40
Coreyneurochrome: Poke around in the account settings?  I don't run Ubuntu on the desktop. :-)18:40
neurochromeCorey, I messed with postfix, and it all went pear shaped18:41
Coreyneurochrome: You're in luck then.  /join #postfix18:41
neurochromeCorey, account settings are as they should be in evolution18:41
neurochromeits the underlying system that is hosed18:41
Coreyneurochrome: Well, what's the SMTP server set to?  Most clients talk to a remote server and don't care what you're running locally.18:41
usr13pakete: lsof |grep snd | pastebinit #And send resulting URL18:41
neurochromeCorey, how'd I check?18:41
neurochromeWhat smtp server is evolution using?18:42
Coreyneurochrome: Do you see the error in your postfix logs?18:42
neurochromeCorey, there are no logs for postfix as far as I can see18:43
alfplayerQ: In which file is the nautilus "Arrange Items" settings stored with Gnome 2 or 3? I can't see it inside gconf18:43
neurochromeI removed postfix18:43
Sidewinder1plustax, Since no one else has answered you, you may wish to have a look at: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/installing18:43
Sidewinder1plustax, As you can see, this is a 'fast channel'.18:44
bon010iam om wicd network manager but it does not find wirless connection18:44
jcphamhigh-volume postfix MTA18:44
jcphamI'm you're guy18:44
bon010iam om wicd network manager but it does not find wirless connection18:44
usr13pakete: Do you have any browsers running?  If so, close them.18:44
bon010iam om wicd network manager but it does not find wirless connection18:45
ikoniabon010: please stop repeating that18:45
bon010pls help18:45
bon010pls help18:46
bazhang!helpme | bon01018:46
ubottubon010: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude18:46
plustaxSidewinder1: it doesnt give me the option to install alongside windows. I have to click something else and manually partition and I dont know how to do it. Could you walk me through it please?18:46
paketeusr13 hey18:47
bon010iam om wicd network manager but it does not find wirless connection18:47
bon010where are you18:47
bon010assist me18:47
bazhangbon010, we just asked you not to repeat18:47
ikoniabon010: I'm here18:47
ikoniaplustax: that option is missing normally when there is no space available to re-size the partitions to make ubuntu space for the install18:47
ikoniabon010: no18:47
fVckingmaniaanyone know how to configure a mail server for corporate email services??18:47
fVckingmaniaSo I created a user fff@domain.cu and under can create users usuario1@fff.domain.cu18:47
plustaxikonia: so what do I do?18:48
bon010why my wicd network manager does not find wirless connection18:48
ClusterfunkAfter installing fgrlx AMD/ATI drivers, Unity has been disabled. How can I re-enable it?18:48
ikoniaplustax: you'll need to manually partition / and/or shrink your windows partition down to make free space for ubuntu18:48
bazhangbon010, yes. if no one knows no one will answer. be patient and dont repeat every five seconds18:48
snake_gotta sleep thanks so far!!18:48
Sidewinder1plustax, Actually, I don't have a lot of time for a "step-by-step" as it is rather involved; sorry, and I agree, manually partitioning can be a little intimidating.18:48
plustaxikonia how do I do that? go into gparted on live cd?18:49
ikoniaplustax: that's a good approach18:49
plustaxokay im there right now18:49
AtamiskAre there currently any 'for purchase' apps in the software-center? i've never seen any. is there a separate repository?18:49
bon010why my wicd network manager does not find wirless connection18:49
bazhangAtamisk, yes there are some18:49
usr13pakete: Yes?18:50
Atamiskbazhang: hmm, are they in the main repos? because that area is always empty in my SC18:50
paketeso what did it say to you in that link?18:50
plustaxikonia alright I have the drive that I want to partition. its a 237 gig drive and I want to give 50 of that to ubuntu18:50
ikoniaplustax: so do it18:50
usr13bon010: Is it a laptop?18:50
paketei mean, sound doesn't work anyway, any ideas why?18:51
bazhangAtamisk, partner repo possibly. not checked of late18:51
plustaxikonia: I dont know how. change free soace preceding or following?18:51
bon010usr no iam on desktop18:51
usr13pakete: Do you have any browser's running?18:51
plustaxikonia: and align to what? Im so confused.18:51
ikoniaplustax: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/larry/resize/resizing.htm18:51
usr13stop them18:51
Atamiskbazhang: i'll check it out. many thanks! i was just curious as to why SC had this vestigial section. i guess it actually serves a purpose!18:51
paketeoh ok18:51
paketeok i did18:52
usr13pakete: pkill firefox  #And what ever other browsers you have running.18:52
paketeok i killed chromium18:52
usr13pakete: lsof |grep snd | pastebinit18:52
bon010why my wicd network manager does not find wirless connection18:53
paketeok http://paste.ubuntu.com/699996/18:53
ikoniabon010: please stop repeating that every few minutes. This is the last time I'll ask18:53
usr13pakete: Or just run   lsof |grep snd   and see if anything is using snd18:53
plustaxikonia this isnt working. Can you please walk me through it. I think my setup is very different18:54
plustaxI cant seem to resize my drive and it has a ! in red next to it18:54
ikoniaplustax: that normally means there is not enough free space to actually resize18:54
ikoniaplustax: but based on your comments earlier, that is doubtful18:55
plustaxthere is a ton of free space there18:55
plustaxI didnt fill it I KNOW I didnt18:55
paketei dont know if anything is using it, seems to me nothing is18:55
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usr13pakete: play /usr/share/sounds/alsa/*18:56
ikoniaplustax: this is just a normal disk ?18:56
plustaxI guess so ikonia18:56
ikoniaplustax: how many partitions does it currently have18:56
usr13pakete: It will tell you to install sox, do it and run play /usr/share/sounds/alsa/*  again.18:57
plustaxlooks like 3 ikonia . sda1 which is 100mb system reserved, sda2 which now has a key next to it has 232 gigs then 1.18 unallocated.18:57
shawn_whats the cmd to find what version of kernel ur using18:57
Sidewinder1ikonia, Just a suggestion from the peanut gallery, you may want to suggest a defrag, from within win, prior to any resizing. Please accept with the spirit in which it was given. :-)18:58
ikoniaSidewinder1: it's valid advice,18:58
rhizmoeshawn_: uname -r18:58
ikoniaplustax: worth degragging ?18:58
plustaxikonia: nah18:59
ikoniaplustax: why do you say that ?18:59
shawn_why is it that on 11.04 it seems slower?.. but im using 10.04 ubuntu and it seems way faster18:59
Sidewinder1Nah, caution to the wind!18:59
rhizmoeshawn_: define "it"18:59
plustaxim just gonna wipe it and install ubuntu completely, I think. It seems like Im not going to be able to get step by step support here.18:59
jcphamunity on 11.04 i've heard is more resource intensive18:59
ikoniaplustax: ok18:59
shawn_yeh but my load average is like all in the 1's18:59
shawn_i think its anvidia driver bug or a firefox (flash) bug19:00
paketeusr13, i played it but there was no sound heard19:00
plustaxthanks for your help ikonia I am just too new at this, and have no idea what youre talking about19:00
usr13shawn_: Are you fully updated?  (What version of Firefox?)19:00
shawn_rhizmoe,  it just seems the boot timing is way faster... an opening up windows etc is way faster19:00
ikoniaplustax: understood19:00
Sidewinder1plustax, If I had the time, right now, I'd be more than happy to walk you through it; there are others, here than have the ability to do the same. You just have to be a little patient. :-)19:01
usr13pakete: Then you need to turn your speakers up, or plug into another port.19:01
shawn_top - 15:01:05 up  1:11,  3 users,  load average: 0.60, 0.76, 0.9019:01
shawn_thats my load right now19:01
shawn_with just xchat and term open19:01
usr13pakete: Are speakers turned up?19:01
paketei turned to the max volume...19:01
solarshey, how do I create an adhoc wifi network? I cannot find this network manager being mentioned everywhere19:01
paketeusr13, how do i change ports?19:01
shawn_now when i open firefox and watch a vid or even dl a mp3 file and play it.. it goes like all in 1's sometimes 219:01
usr13pakete: Is this a Desktop computer?19:01
paketenope... it is laptop19:02
shawn_i downloaded fire fox 7.0.119:02
shawn_sometimes xorg goes way high also19:02
plustaxSidewinder1: i understand, but i spent two hours in here last night trying to do this same exact thing and people just kept on pasting me links. I tried to follow the link instructions but my situation looked nothing like in the links and I think i damaged my system further to the point where I dont know whats going on anymore. All thanks to people blindly linking me when they dont know the true nature of the problem.19:02
usr13pakete: When you run alsamixer, did you see M   or   MM  at the bottom of any of the channel's volume indicators?19:02
usr13pakete: Run it again, and see.19:03
pepitoim having DNS issues19:03
pepitoit works fine on windows but not on linux, i tried two different PCs and two different distros19:04
plustaxSidewinder1: if I wanted links, I would consult google. Im perfectly able and competant to do that. But I required support, so I came here. Come to find out its nothing but live action google in here. Heh.19:04
pepitoi tried disabling ipv6, can anyone please tell me what might be going on19:04
paketei dont see any m or mm19:04
usr13pakete: If you do see M   or   MM   at the bottom of one or more of them, navigate to it, (with Right or Left Arrows), and hit letter "m" on the keyboard, (to toggle on/off mute).19:04
=== leeping_ is now known as leeping
paketei dont see19:04
paketeand cannot navigate either19:05
=== mebe is now known as jaber
spleen quelqu'un a t'il deja installé airvideo server sous Linux ?19:05
leepingHi there - I want to identify what startup services I have.  I know that when I type "service --status-all", it lists the services.  I also know that the scripts are in /etc/init.d.  However, I don't know what arguments the scripts are being called with19:05
usr13pakete: The right or left arrows do not move you from one channel to another?19:05
spleenJe rencontre quelques problemes lors de l'installation19:05
Sidewinder1plustax, I completely understand your frustration, however, you need to be cognizant of the fact that ALL systems are different, ie; we don't all have a clone of your hardware and certainly not of your desires; please stand by for a moment......19:05
jaberla langue du canal est l'anglais spleen19:05
pepitocan someone please help me with a DNS problem?19:05
plustaxSidewinder1: yes indeed. Thank you, and standing by.19:05
usr13pepito: cat /etc/resolv.conf  | pastebinit19:06
usr13and send resulting URL19:06
paketeusr13, i can see master and capture channel in alsamixergui19:06
usr13pakete: That is all?19:06
=== Tom-B is now known as Annabel-
paketein alsamixer i can only choose device via F6, and that's all19:07
=== hasan is now known as Guest56716
pepitousr13: i ll tell you now, i ve checked that file dozen of times, two nameservers with 2 ip addresses that are the DNS servers of my ISP19:07
onelinerhello there, how can i find out via ssh how many ftp connections are open at any given time?19:07
pepitousr13: two "nameserver" lines i mean19:07
=== Guest56716 is now known as truefx
truefxhi guys19:07
camilohow do I get the kernel logger to  log userspace segfaults ?19:07
usr13pepito: Can you ping them both?19:07
truefxi got a guestion19:07
paketeusr13, that seems to be all, yes19:07
truefxi have just installed oxygen cursor theme19:07
pepitousr13: yes19:08
truefxbut it changes back to original when i move it between applications19:08
=== Robert_ is now known as Guest62081
Sidewinder1plustax, OK, I just got the wife and dog off to the vet. (the dog, not the wife :) ) I now have a little time. Would it be easier to do this in PM?19:08
truefxwhat am i suppsed to do19:08
sambrocan someone help me troubleshoot a failing upgrade to 11.04, error message about: An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade:19:08
plustaxSidewinder1: pm would be great my friend19:09
pepitousr13: it hadnt occurred to me to ping them before, i tried and i cant19:10
shawn_someone help me i put this into term iosstat-k is this bad for a intel core i7 proc?19:10
shawn_avg-cpu:  %user   %nice %system %iowait  %steal   %idle19:10
shawn_           1.73    0.05    0.48    0.60    0.00   97.1419:10
zykotick9!fr | spleen19:10
ubottuspleen: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:10
paketeusr13 !!!!19:11
usr13pepito: If  you can't ping them, you can't resolve domain names19:11
paketecan anyone tell me what is wrong with my sound????????????????????19:12
pepitousr13: its resolving, but extremely slowly19:12
usr13pepito: Is the first one not pinging?19:12
eyadofhi i want to ask is there a raid or lvm option in ubuntu 11.04 desktop installtion ?19:12
usr13pepito: How many do you have?  1 or 2 or?19:12
bazhangpakete, no need for the excessive punctuation. patience please19:12
pepitousr13: i ve 2, neither ping19:13
pepitousr13: it sends a packet ubt i dont get a reply19:13
usr13pakete: Is your system fully updated?  sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade19:13
usr13pepito: What is your ISP?  What do they recommend for nameservers?19:14
bkfitz_anyone care to help me with a dns/resolv.conf/iptables/firewall issue i'm having19:14
usr13pepito: See my PM19:14
pepitousr13: european ISP, i just asked a friend who is on linux and has the same ISP and name servers, and he says he cant ping them either19:15
zykotick9pepito, if you can't ping your DNS that's a problem19:15
ikonianot really19:15
usr13pepito: run nmap against them to see if port 53 is open19:15
zykotick9pepito, oh maybe they're blocking pings then19:15
ikonianmap ????19:15
ikonianot all DNS servers will respond to ping19:15
ikoniainfact, they shouldn't respond to ping19:15
leepingHi there, how do I connect to my VPN from the command line?19:15
ikoniajust nslookup and set the server to the one you want to test19:15
usr13pepito: nmap -p 53   #Where is the actual nameserver you are supposed to be using.19:16
ikoniapakete: we get it19:16
bazhangpakete, stop that please19:16
paketehelp me with my sound please19:16
paketeat least tell me what is wrong...i dont believe i have to bring my laptop to the service for such a stupid reason19:17
zykotick9!helpme > pakete19:17
ubottupakete, please see my private message19:17
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:18
usr13pakete: What does lspci |grep ICH8  say?19:18
bkfitz_i'm having dns issues too.... its a linode instance that i can ssh into/webmin into, but for some reason i can't ping anything... even localhost... or do a nslookup...19:18
bkfitz_like firewall issue, but can still ssh19:19
zykotick9!webmin > bkfitz_19:19
ubottubkfitz_, please see my private message19:19
usr13pakete: See my pm19:19
bkfitz_ok... so i'll quit using webmin...now what19:20
bkfitz_when I do nmap its not showing what i see in the iptables.up.rules file19:21
bkfitz_or iptables -L19:21
Chris3Is there a shell command or easy way for me to see what ver of Ubuntu I am running?19:22
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »19:22
SimpsonTPhi, I have  a script in /etc/cron.d which does not get executed, any hints on debuging this ?19:22
varikonniemihello, how should i work when an album is playing on my computer even though i closed the media player :D19:23
killownHow to use multiple video cards?19:23
varikonniemihow to find the ps ?19:23
killownI have a pci-e card as the first and the agp onboard was not detected by ubuntu19:23
varikonniemii think this is amazing this is even possible to happen19:23
ChogyDanvarikonniemi: pause it, then close19:24
Chris3bazhang: !version doesn't work in my shell19:24
bazhangvarikonniemi, rhythmbox?19:24
varikonniemiwell? there is no app19:24
Chris3Any other way.  GUI or shell?19:24
ChogyDanvarikonniemi: what ubuntu are you using?19:24
bazhangChris3, lsb_release -a19:24
ChogyDanuse the sound icon19:24
ChogyDanvarikonniemi: click banshee19:24
varikonniemigot it19:25
varikonniemii just lost it form menu so was really confused19:25
bkfitz__sorry wifi dropped19:25
ChogyDanyeah, I know19:25
bkfitz__so anyone have any ideas for me?19:26
leepingHow do I remotely connect and disconnect from networks?19:26
varikonniemiremote desktop?19:27
leepingvarikonniemi, I'd like to connect from the command line if at all possible19:27
Chris3bazhang: I am installing release, but now it is prompting me through a mail server configuration.  Is it really this much work to find out what version I am running?19:28
varikonniemileeping, then i cannot help19:28
Cojo1Hello. I was wondering if there is any way to use the Windows drivers for a video card in ubuntu? The video card drivers for my card from AMD cause the video card to freeze up (same problem on Windows). So, can you install windows drivers on linux with some alteration? or something?19:28
varikonniemiCojo1, no you cannot19:28
ChogyDanCojo1: if same problem with windows, why do you want to use that driver?19:29
varikonniemithe problem is probably in your hardware19:29
varikonniemiif it freezes on both platforms19:29
Cojo1@responders no, it's not. It's a known problem with the drivers from AMD and it's on the ASUS website. The ASUS drivers work perfectly in windows, the AMD ones cause the same freeze ups im getting in inux19:30
ChogyDanCojo1: link?19:31
Cojo157.250.118) has left #ubuntu ("Leaving")19:31
Cojo1Link: 57.250.118) has left #ubuntu ("Leaving")19:31
Cojo1I don't know how to copy and paste a web address apparently, Let's see if this works: support.asus.com/search/kdetail.aspx?SLanguage=en&no=4a5ae8e2-f82c-944c-c3e2-817a69a68922&t=219:32
Cojo1I get that same "Grey Screen of Death" in Linux (Although IDK what color is actually is since I am color blind :/ )19:33
FlannelChris3: Shouldn't be.  No.  What does `cat /etc/lsb-release/ get you?19:33
FlannelChris3: er, sorry.  No trailing slash on that.  `cat /etc/lsb-release`19:34
Chris3Flannel: That gave me the info I needed.  Thanks...19:35
ChogyDanCojo1: try this: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates19:35
Chris3Flannel: Now, how do I kill a GUI process that has hung?19:35
FlannelChris3: lsb-release should be installed already though, so something is wonky if it's trying to install things for that.19:35
Cojo1@ChogyDan, thank you.19:35
Cojo1@ChogyDan I don't know what to do with this here website....19:37
Chris3_Flannel: Sorry, my IRC client crashed.  Did you happen to get my Q about a hung process?19:37
=== hacked_kernel is now known as Guest35420
ChogyDanCojo1: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates                and then update and upgrade however you would normally.  This should upgrade your ATI driver19:38
techieeehello why getSystemLookAndFeelClassName() in ubuntu returns metal instead of gtk?19:39
Cojo1@ChogyDan but I am pretty sure that I have the latest drivers. Can I somehow use the ASUS windows 64-bit drivers...?19:39
Chris3_How do you kill a hung GUI process?19:40
techieeethere was a bug which appeared here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sun-java6/+bug/133103 in older version. the same bug reappears in 10.1019:40
ubottuUbuntu bug 133103 in sun-java6 (Ubuntu) "Java bug: getSystemLookAndFeelClassName() returns Metal, not GTK" [Undecided,Fix released]19:40
techieeeand newer*19:40
genii-aroundChris3_: try ctrl-alt-backspace ... if you get a skull and crossbones, place on offending window and click19:40
gbirdzwill ubuntu translate handwritten notes into text, or does it even support some old tablet pcs?19:41
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Trashihi guys. after reboot my xubuntu restores all applications. is it possible to disabled like in ubuntu (with gnome2)19:43
=== joel is now known as Guest86696
techieeeTrashi: did you check save session on shutdown? this restores your session19:45
Trashitechieee: well... where do you mean? i just click on the shutdown symbol in my taskbar?!19:46
techieeecan you elaborate your problem19:47
PriceChildTrashi: Isn't there a confirmatino window?19:47
techieeethere is an option to save session are you selecting it?19:47
Trashithere is an confirmation window but it only sais "x seconds until shutdown"19:47
Trashicant find an option for that19:47
markkkzHi, recently updated LibreOffice from the official repo and know all Font Colors and Font Backgrounds are gone. Everything is white. Anyone experienced this? How to fix. I can't find anything on Google.19:48
techieeeTrashi: what exactly is your problem? does your installed apps vanish?19:48
techieeeTrashi on reboot?19:48
SyntheadI am having some trouble, what should I do? http://codepad.org/nIXPoVnG19:48
Trashitechieee: No! they dont vanish! Thats the problem!19:48
techieeeinstalled apps won't vanish unless you uninstall them19:49
Error404NotFoundI have http://pastebin.com/KG6A8xJN in ~/.vnc/xstartup but when i connect to vnc its just a check pattern on the screen, no gnome or anything. I am using tightvncserver19:49
Trashitechieee: dont think we are speaking about the same thing. f.e. if i open a new textdocument with the editor and after that i reboot my pc, the same text document will restored after the system came up19:50
ejerError404NotFound, startx should start gnome for you19:50
techieeeTrashi: your session gets saved and gets restored on boot19:50
Trashitechieee: right! and i want to disable that!19:51
Trashitechieee: and dont know where to do this19:51
Error404NotFoundejer: thats doesn't work as well19:51
techieeeTrashi: when you click on shutdown from the panel on xfce? a box pops up where it asks you to save session, uncheck it19:51
Error404NotFoundejer: if i put a 'touch /tmp/vncworking' at the end of that config, /tmp/vncworking is never touched19:51
ejerError404NotFound, try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1477909 maybe - but vncserver works out of the box so must be something that got changed... try wiping out xstartup and start over19:53
Trashitechieee: no! i only see a dialog "system goes down in x seconds" there is no checkbox or s.th. like that19:53
markkkzHi, recently updated LibreOffice from the official Ubuntu repo and now* all Font Colors and Font Backgrounds are gone. Everything is white. Anyone experienced this? How to fix. I can't find anything on Google.19:54
techieeeTrashi: try pressing log off. does it have the checkbox asking you to save session19:54
Trashitechieee: oh i got it ... if i use the shutdown button in the start menu he asks, but if i press username->shutdown from the panel, he doesnt ask19:54
techieeeTrashi i see19:55
=== adrian is now known as Guest60539
illioI'm having trouble with my Ubuntu install. When the machine starts up the desktop doesn't respond and I have to do "dbus-launch nautilus" to launch a file manager. Also Thunderbird has stopped displaying my mail boxes, even though the settings show they still exist (and I can send email through them).. Both errors happended at the exact same time, just after an update about 1 month ago.20:01
lucas-arghello... im having problems with ubuntu 11.04 kernel 2.6.38-11-generic sometimes my laptop doesnt boot and caps lock light stays blincking.... any ideas wheres the bug?20:01
h00kLuisCosta: I'd start by running a memtest20:01
illioIt seems basically my File manager stalls. Also observable by the fact that when I shutdown it says one app isn't responding - the file manager!20:01
h00klucas-arg: ^ sorry, that was for you.20:02
lucas-argh00k, memtest runs ok...20:02
ejerlucas-arg, is this when you suspend or hibernate? or from cold boot20:02
lucas-argejer, cold boot... some times happens and sometimes doesnt20:03
ejerillio, you could try resetting gnome settings, you will lose desktop customizations http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/resetting-gnomes-settings-ubuntu20:03
lucas-argejer, randomly20:03
illioejer, I can try that20:03
ejerlucas-arg, can you boot to another kernel at boot up and see if that changes anything20:03
leepingHey there, I would like to know, does Ubuntu have a debugging terminal so I can see what commands are being run whenever I click on something?20:04
linuxnewb_whats the command to find the ip address of a p2p host? ty20:04
lucas-argejer, ive installed a version 2.6.39 im reinstalling it right now, and that fixed it before... but i dont know why in this verison of the kernel that happens20:04
ejerlucas-arg, there are bugs sometimes :) you could check if there is a bug report about it and if not you could think kof submitting one20:05
ejerleeping, it depends on the application and what kind of info you want. If you start the app from the terminal it can output info that way20:05
ejerleeping, if you want way more info than you can probably handle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strace20:06
bkfitzcan someone help me out with a dns/resolv.conf problem I'm having on my linode ubuntu machine?  It's crazy because I can ssh into the box, but once I'm in, I can't ping anything... or resolve anything20:06
bkfitzI've confirmed with linode.com the resolv.conf nameserver ip is correct20:06
bkfitzfor the atlanta region20:06
cybercaffehi all20:07
ejerbkfitz, can you ping an IP rather than a domain name?20:07
=== Georg is now known as azen
markkkzlucas-arg: had the same problem when I upgraded to that kernel version but the PAE one20:07
=== azen is now known as azend
=== Guest60539 is now known as borp
bkfitzcan't even ping localhost or
bkfitzit's crazy20:07
lucas-argmarkkkz, it happens to me why any 2.6.38 version of the kernel20:07
bkfitzso when i do apt-get update it says ubuntu.com... can't resolve20:07
leepingejer, thanks.  I want to see what happens when I click on "Connect to Network" on the desktop network manager20:08
bkfitzbut ssh works fine... apache works fine etc20:08
leepingI can't find the corresponding command anywhere.20:08
maciej_dobry dzień20:08
bkfitzmaybe it's a resolv.conf problem???20:08
ejerleeping, I am not sure how to do that sorry, it will be difficult I think20:08
markkkzlucas-arg: must be hardware related. I re-installed to 64-bit and everything is smooth now20:08
ejerbkfitz, it sounds more like a network problem, like your route or gateway is wrong maybe20:09
bkfitzdoh... not resolv.conf... meant iptables20:09
ejer!pl | maciej_20:09
ubottumaciej_: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.20:09
lucas-argmarkkkz, it was happening to me in 64 bits thats why im using 32bits now... but still the same problem20:09
markkkzlucas-arg: ofc, only reason I tried PAE is coz I have over 4GB of RAM.20:09
qwerAfter system-start terminator got auto-started, although it was not listed in "Autostart Applications". After renaming /usr/bin/terminator it stopped starting ;)20:10
ejerbkfitz, sudo ufw disable ?20:10
qwerHow to specify why it started??20:10
markkkzlucas-arg: oh... is machine new? have you ran 10.10 or 10.04 before?20:10
qwerany error logging??20:10
bkfitzufw isn't installed for some reason... and when i go to install it, i can't resolve the archive.ubuntu dns or whatever20:10
lucas-argmarkkkz, i did... nothing was happening with any of those versions...20:10
majdekalelplase help about facebook !!!! im trying to reset my password but i have strange message saying  " facebook expired password please resubmit again !!!! "20:11
ejerbkfitz, pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces file and output of route -n20:11
shubham_rathihey when i select package in residual config in synaptic packet manager for complete removal than i cant click on apply canges20:11
shubham_rathiits not activated20:11
qwer<< returns in 2 min20:12
shubham_rathinow how to remove residual config files??20:12
bkfitzso i've been using iptables or editing the iptables.rules.up file20:12
ejerbkfitz, iptables -F then try pinging something20:13
bkfitzok will do20:13
ejershubham_rathi, you have uninstalled the program already you are saying?20:13
shubham_rathiejer yes but am unable to remove some residual config files20:13
shubham_rathiejer i cant click on apply changes button for complete removal20:14
ejershubham_rathi, you can only purge files if program is installed, so you could re-install it then purge it20:14
markkkzlucas-arg: is it boot now, won't boot later or won't boot at all? or boot but no desktop... stops at plymouth. mine had problem with ATI too. i had to disable radeon from loading on boot.20:14
shubham_rathiejer thanks ejer this means i have to reinstall that application than completely remove that?20:15
evan_How do you run World Of Warcraft on Ubuntu 11.04 in OpenGL mode?20:15
shubham_rathiejer and by the whats the meaning of purge?20:15
ejershubham_rathi, yep, although the residual files won't hurt anything20:15
shubham_rathiejer am new to ubuntu!20:15
ejershubham_rathi, purge = completely remove all associated files20:15
ejershubham_rathi, welcome to ubuntu :)20:16
shubham_rathiejer ok actually am intalling playonlinux20:16
shubham_rathiejer but something gone wrong and it stuck on apply changes20:16
shubham_rathiejer under ubuntu software manager20:16
ejershubham_rathi, you will be better off using the Ubuntu software center under Applications than using Synaptic20:17
shubham_rathiejer so i restarted my system than my synaptic package manager unable to open20:17
markkkzevan put -opengl at the end of the line20:17
evan_Where and How?20:17
shubham_rathiejer when i open update manager than it says partial packages update20:17
shubham_rathiejer partial distribution upadate20:18
shubham_rathiejer i did that than synaptic package start to work of20:18
ejershubham_rathi, let that run then20:18
leeping_Hi there20:18
leeping_I just tried using "strace" to figure out what the Ubuntu network manager does20:18
=== hacked_kernel_ is now known as hacked_kernel
shubham_rathiejer but am unable to find play on linux20:18
leeping_and it didn't reall help .. there was too much information and i couldn't find the relevant bits :P20:18
markkkzevan_: wine /path/to/wow -opengl   that is how i did when last i played it. but that was like months ago20:18
leeping_is it correct to assume that the network manager in gnome is a frontend to running commands like ifup and ifdown?  Or is it no longer like that?20:19
shubham_rathiejer so i seeing history of installed package deleted one by one all packages20:19
shubham_rathiejer playon linux not installed20:19
shubham_rathiejer its like 45 packages i seached in synaptic and removed it :'(20:19
ejershubham_rathi, it tells you how to install it here http://www.playonlinux.com/en/download.html that is not an officially supported ubuntu software20:20
shubham_rathiejer but some of them now cant be removed from residual config20:20
shubham_rathiejer i dont want play on linux20:20
shubham_rathiejer i just want my old simple system free of unwanted packages20:21
shubham_rathiejer so how to do it?20:21
shubham_rathiejer u suggesting that i should install it once again than purge it to completely remove??20:21
ejershubham_rathi, that is unnecessary but you can keep trying... I don't know what you want to do really. None of those packages are going to take much space on your hard drive20:21
markkkzleeping_: i doubt it, but ifup/down still works, same with ifconfig20:21
shubham_rathiejer yaa i know but its like some kind of mentality u can say i want my system perfect20:22
shubham_rathiejer no junk at all!!!20:22
ikoniashubham_rathi: then don't install junk like playonlinux20:22
ejerwell that is part of learning shubham_rathi - you could reinstall if it is that important to you20:23
minzdravfholla bro20:23
=== Chaotic is now known as Guest73140
shubham_rathiejer i got that but now how to remove residual config packages?? :'( ikona20:23
ejershubham_rathi, can you name a file you would like to remove?20:24
shubham_rathiejer ikonia libesd0,libgvc520:25
shubham_rathiejer win1.220:25
shubham_rathiejer and many more20:25
shubham_rathiejer total like 8 packages struck in residual config20:25
shubham_rathiejer i cant completely remove them :'(20:26
ejershubham_rathi, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Howto#Removal_commands20:26
khyronacessar remotamente pelo X20:26
ejer!es | khyron20:26
ubottukhyron: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:26
shubham_rathiejer ok thanks but u have said if i reinstall it than can i completely remove all packages?20:27
Trashiis it possible to disabled the "restore all open applications after reboot" function in xubuntu 11.04 GLOBALY?20:27
shubham_rathiikonia plz u too help!! :'(20:28
shubham_rathiejer ??20:28
ejershubham_rathi, you are confusing config files with packages, I suggest you read up a bit on package management, it should become clear :)20:29
TomSlominskihi. my dual screen config is kind of failing... http://tinypic.com/r/2llfw4k/720:29
TomSlominskiwrong link, sorry20:29
ejerTomSlominski, pretty trippy20:30
ejerTomSlominski, I have had trouble with 2 x screen setups20:31
TomSlominskii don't have any graphics drivers installed, by the way. AMD stopped supporting my card like a year after release -.-'20:31
shubham_rathiejer ok so things i mentioned which is total 8 in number in residual config isnt going to hurt my system??20:31
shubham_rathiejer can i safely ignore it???20:31
ejershubham_rathi, I would say so20:31
ejerTomSlominski, is this new occurrence?20:32
TomSlominskiejer: well, I'm pretty much new to Ubuntu.20:32
TomSlominskiI haven't used dual screen before 11.0420:32
shubham_rathiejer ok and should i try for reinstall than i can fully removed??20:32
ejerTomSlominski, have you tried the Administration>Additional Drivers? there may be a driver for you20:33
TomSlominskiunlikely, it would've told me automatically. ill check it anyway20:33
TomSlominskino, there aren't any20:34
ejershubham_rathi, you can try it, but until you know better what is going on you may be doing something that can screw up your system. If you want to be safe, leave it as-is20:34
ejerTomSlominski, what card is it20:34
shubham_rathiejer ok thanks for suggestion let be there as it is i will ignore them slowly i will got habbit to ignore them!!! :D20:35
shubham_rathiejer one more thing i want to know from u?20:35
ejer!ask | shubham_rathi20:35
ubottushubham_rathi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:35
TomSlominskiejer: this one: http://www.amd.com/us/products/embedded/chipsets/Pages/m690t-esb600.aspx20:36
TomSlominskiejer: wait, thats not the graphics card...20:36
shubham_rathiejer i have got nvidia graphics card but everytime i change it settings to maximum power it saves for until system shutdown20:36
rhizmoei keep getting shown mail preferences upon startup. well, twice now.20:37
qwermy window style is loaded very slowly, why could that be?? just installed ubuntu 1 day ago. also the slide downs from menu bar and so on ...20:37
qwerany idea?20:37
shubham_rathiejer once i reboot my system it changes back again to adaptive power setting from maximum power settings20:37
shubham_rathiejer now each time whenever i starts system i have to change it settings !!!20:37
shubham_rathiejer its like frustating20:37
ejershubham_rathi, I think that is on purpose... adaptive is best for most circumstances20:37
TomSlominskiejer: Radeon X1200 series20:37
shubham_rathiejer cant be it fixed?20:37
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shubham_rathiejer yaa but i want my graphic card to be on full power all time!!!20:38
shubham_rathiejer :D20:38
ejershubham_rathi, that just is not how it works, it is on full power when it needs it. I don't know how to change that, although I am sure it can be done20:39
TomSlominskiejer: they support 1300 through to 1900, but not 1200 -.-20:39
shubham_rathiejer ok so can u suggest to whom i should contact here?20:39
shubham_rathiejer i can come anytime on chat20:39
shubham_rathiejer its like i want to fix it!!!20:39
ejerTomSlominski, yes you are on the open source driver20:40
SyriaHow can i start the ssh tunnel automatically on startup?20:41
ejerTomSlominski, you could look at the "tweaking the driver" section here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver20:42
rhizmoei have flash no longer since upgrading to natty20:42
ejerSyria, you can install gStm20:42
rhizmoei installed/upg both flash-installer and flash-whatever-nonfree20:42
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shubham_rathiejer ??20:42
Syriaejer:  I will install it and come back to you. thnx :)20:43
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brontosaurusrextrying to get rid of certain samba share, but there is no trace of where is that actually defined, certainly nothing in smb.conf, clues?20:43
ejershubham_rathi, I would not mess with it if I were you but maybe you can find help here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=147819220:44
ejerbrontosaurusrex, where do you see it20:44
TomSlominskiejer: someone on the ubuntu forums suggests installing envyng-core?20:44
shubham_rathibrontosaurusrex lol even am too one time stuck like this i got print$ file unnecessary on share!!!20:44
xsxAnyone got any ideea on how can i make a USB stick boot the latest ubuntu?20:45
brontosaurusrexejer: on my client computer20:45
ejerxsx, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick20:45
Ubuntu__How Do I find the Config.wtf file for Wow in Ubuntu 11.04?20:46
ejerTomSlominski, don't think that will work...20:46
shubham_rathiejer thanks anyway bro u rock!!1 wish i can have so much knowlede of ubuntu!!! though i know lot about windows but am new to ubuntu and am really trying to master it!!! :D20:46
ikoniaUbuntu__: what is that config file for ?20:46
shubham_rathiejer thanks again bye!! :DDD :)))20:46
ejershubham_rathi, I know nothing except how to use google :)20:46
brontosaurusrexok, "sudo net usershare delete sharename" did it, ty20:47
zauravshubham_rathi, where u from?20:47
shubham_rathizaurav india!!!20:47
zauravshubham_rathi, asia by any chance?20:47
Syria_ejer:  Can I use something else instead of gSTM?20:47
zauravshubham_rathi, cool. welcome to ubuntu.20:47
shubham_rathizaurav yes of course india is in asia only lol20:47
ejerSyria_, sure... depends what you want to do20:47
xsihey guys could someone help me I can't see my icons on the desktop I dont know why.20:47
guntbert!ot | zaurav20:47
ubottuzaurav: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:47
Ubuntu__I wanna Enable Opengl and I went on Ubuntu help page and found how to enable opengl but can't find the directory to /home/<username>/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/World\ of\ Warcraft/20:48
zauravguntbert, sorry. got carried away. thanks.20:48
guntbertzaurav: :)20:48
shubham_rathizaurav no problem bro can i pm you??20:48
ejerUbuntu__, have you read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft20:48
zauravshubham_rathi, ok.20:48
Ubuntu__Ejer no I haven't20:49
ejerSyria_, you can just ssh from the command line, what is wrong with gStm20:49
ejerSyria_, you could also look at autossh20:49
Syria_ejer:  I am using this command in the terminal ssh -D port user@server ... and then i can browse the interet via the VPS server that I am connected to. I want for this command to start automatically on system boot.20:49
Ubuntu__Ejer, Nvm I have read the page im on it right now but haven't found the directory20:49
Syria_ejer:  okay i will try using autossh because gSTM did not work!! maybe i didnot configure it proberly.20:50
ejerSyria_, this would work also http://www.ghacks.net/2009/04/08/add-an-application-to-gnomes-autostart/ - gStm does not allow the ssh -D socks proxying20:50
spkohi pople20:50
ejerUbuntu__, if you want to find a file go to Places>Search for file20:51
brontosaurusrexor "locate file.name" might work as well20:51
shubham_rathigunbert hii!!! :D20:51
shubham_rathiguntbert hii!! :D20:52
mystiquebaCan anyone help me install a python package in Ubuntu (pip, distribute, nose, virtualenv)?20:52
spkoI'm a new ubuntu user...someone can help me with startup application (after login) that requires root permissions?20:52
guntbert!sudo | spko20:52
ubottuspko: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo20:52
spkommm I said starrup application after login20:53
ejerask your question spko20:53
spkoalready done20:53
sfearsspko.. look in your rc.local files somewhere20:53
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ejerok spko your answer is yes someone can help you20:53
spkoi tried with /etc/rc.local, but it starts at boot system and not after login20:53
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sfearsmake a script spko20:54
ejerspko, system>preferences>startup applications20:54
spkoejer tried also this, but not works20:55
ejerspko, what not works about it20:55
spkonot starts20:55
Syria_What should I use for ssh -D socks proxying?20:55
Ubuntu__Ejer, where do I go for that? (Places>Search for file)20:55
Syria_ejer:  What should I use for ssh -D socks proxying?20:55
ejerSyria_, I would write a bash script and add that to the startup applications, or else just run it after you login in the terminal20:56
spkoone step for time...how can I automatic startup an application that requires root permissions without ask passwd?20:57
Syria_ejer: Thanks. :-)20:57
Jef91So I've installed the 3.0 kernel on my 10.04 system and it works great except the side scrolling no longer works on my track pad. Any ideas on this?20:58
ejerspko, you need to give them sudo privileges with passwd, http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/33 then you need to run the command at startup using sudo or gksudo20:58
sfearsspko, make a script20:58
ejerspko, I meant without passwd20:58
ejersfears, what kind of script would allow them to run root commands without a password20:59
F3rohow do you watch netflix on ubuntu?21:00
sfearsspko: inside the script type "sudo ssh -D socks", chmod -x the script.sh to give it executable permissions and place the script in the /etc/init.d folder21:01
ejerF3ro, you can't really21:01
spkoejer, if the owner of the application becomes root, it-s not enough?21:01
ejerspko, becoming root asks for a passwd unless you configure sudo21:01
ejerF3ro, you can use a virtual machine http://how-to.wikia.com/wiki/How_to_watch_Netflix_%28Watch_Instantly%29_in_Linux21:02
spkosfears, I said after login, not at boot system, and what you said require sudo update-rc.d program_name too21:02
F3roejer tyvm21:03
sfearsok, then place in the /etc/rc.5 folder21:03
LasersF3ro: You could stop using Netflix because it does not support linux. ;)21:03
jribsfears: erm, why?21:03
ejersfears, why are you giving bad advice21:04
sfearsbecause good is dumb21:05
jribsfears: ok, well please stop21:05
catcherIs there a way to have irssi send a notice to the indicator applet when my nick is used?21:06
SIFTUcatcher: yes, not sure what it is on irssi.. enotify script?21:08
catcherSIFTU: I'll look into that, ty21:08
ejercatcher, I don't use irssi, but look at wnd to last line here http://extern.tribut.de/irssi-notify21:09
SIFTUcatcher: it's fnotify actually21:10
d34th4ck3r__hi all21:11
d34th4ck3r__I have a doubt21:11
d34th4ck3r__in C21:11
SIFTUd34th4ck3r__: sounds like you need a C channel21:11
d34th4ck3r__it needs invitation! :(21:11
antihoaxwow a 1337 d34th4ck3r__ with doubts21:12
catcherrad, thank you!21:12
SIFTUd34th4ck3r__: ##c?21:12
d34th4ck3r__what does this line mean : int k=((int (*)(void *, void *, void *)) a)(b,c,d); here a is a char * and b,c,d are int function21:13
Flanneld34th4ck3r__: You should ask in ##C21:14
d34th4ck3r__Flannel: it says "you need to be identified with services"21:15
Flanneld34th4ck3r__: That could be.  You should register.  /msg nickserv help register21:15
SIFTUd34th4ck3r__: yeah then identify21:15
Lasers!tty | Roasted21:17
ubottuRoasted: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.21:17
RoastedLasers, so I essentially have to copy this stuff via terminal?21:18
LAnCe3RRRis anyone here experienced with liveUSBs?21:19
ejeryes LAnCe3RRR21:19
LAnCe3RRRwould you mind helping me with an issue?21:20
LasersRoasted: Yes. Most people use XBMC to access files from their computer/server instead of storing it directly21:20
ejer!ask | LAnCe3RRR21:20
ubottuLAnCe3RRR: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:20
LasersRoasted: For instance, I have two XBMC in my house. Family's living room + my living room (3rd floor). Both use samba to connect my computer. Also, you can always ssh in then "screen" and move files over there.21:21
LAnCe3RRR!ask im running linux on a laptop via unetbootin live usb, my harddrive is 162g of unallocated space, im haveing trouble installing linux to my harddrive, for some reason when it tryes to format to ex3 it freezes at 5%, any suggestions?21:23
ubottuLAnCe3RRR: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:23
LAnCe3RRRIm running linux on a laptop via unetbootin live usb, my harddrive is 162g of unallocated space, im haveing trouble installing linux to my harddrive, for some reason when it tryes to format to ex3 it freezes at 5%, any suggestions?21:24
mongyLAnCe3RRR, ext3 takes a while to format, more than ext4, so it might just be 'working'21:24
jcapincLAnCe3RRR, I made the same mistakes, just let it run, it is working21:25
jcapincI messed up some hard drives that way21:25
LAnCe3RRRno, ive tryed several times and even left it over night, somethings wrong21:25
jcapincis the computer old?21:25
psinghLAnCe3RRR, any reason you want to use ext3 instead of ext4 ?21:25
LAnCe3RRRwell its a dell insprion 860021:26
ejerLAnCe3RRR, you could try the alternate install CD, this has helped some people with this problem. Also, choosing manual partitioning may do the trick21:26
psinghLAnCe3RRR, I've been using ext4 for quite some time.  It is very stable.  you might want to try that.21:26
LAnCe3RRRand how do i install manually?21:27
ejerpsingh, at 5% it has not gotten to formatting stage yet probably...21:27
yeats!alternate | LAnCe3RRR - if this is what you mean by 'manually'21:27
ubottuLAnCe3RRR - if this is what you mean by 'manually': The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal21:27
LAnCe3RRRwhere do i get one of those?21:28
psinghejer, I'm trying to remember the install process.  Doesn't it format 1st (when it says creating ext file system)?21:28
ejerLAnCe3RRR, this may also help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition/PartitioningBasics21:28
yeatsLAnCe3RRR: see the link ubottu sent21:28
SIFTULAnCe3RRR: maybe the link listed21:28
ejerpsingh, it has to make the partitions first, then formats21:28
psinghejer, yes, I remember now.21:29
LAnCe3RRRwell, im useing bactrack.21:29
psinghLAnCe3RRR, http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download21:29
psinghLAnCe3RRR, under Additional options, click alternative downloads >21:30
yeats!derivatives | LAnCe3RRR21:30
ubottuLAnCe3RRR: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition21:30
LAnCe3RRRhow do i connect to the bactrack channel?21:31
LAnCe3RRRBtw using Xchat21:31
SIFTULAnCe3RRR: /j #backtrack-linux21:31
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psinghLAnCe3RRR, also, you might want to run the Disk Utility (palimpsest) from the live CD/USB to check your disk for errors/failure.21:34
LAnCe3RRRcan one of you help me with my issue please? i have to register to use #backtrack-linux21:34
h00k!register > LAnCe3RRR21:34
ubottuLAnCe3RRR, please see my private message21:34
ClusterfunkUbuntu is starting to a command line after installing updates21:35
ClusterfunkWhat do I do?21:35
catcherIs there an irc client that fires PM/nick mention notifications to the indicator app?21:35
psinghLAnCeRRR, additionally, you could use Partition Manager (gparted) to partition your disk Before running the install.21:35
SIFTUClusterfunk: fix your graphics driver.. what graphics card do you have21:35
LAnCe3RRRhow do i use disk utility?21:36
LAnCe3RRRhow do i use disk utility?21:36
qwercompiz sux21:36
ejercatcher, I use xchat21:37
SIFTUcatcher: irssi does it with fnotify http://www.leemhuis.info/files/fnotify/fnotify21:37
psinghcatcher, Empathy gives me a "ping" when my nick is mentioned.21:37
LAnCe3RRRgparted also fails21:37
LAnCe3RRRive tryed that21:37
ClusterfunkSIFTU: I have a Radeon 6670m21:38
psinghLAnCe3RRR, when you launch the Disk Utility, click on your disk.  Then Click on "SMART Data" on the right.21:38
ClusterfunkI installed the updates from AMD's website, SIFTU, but I can't figure out how to remove them21:38
catcherSIFTU: fnotify is looking remote only, and a bit complicated..21:38
SIFTUClusterfunk: well, there is your problem21:39
catcherejer: xchat lights up your indicator app by default?21:39
SIFTUcatcher: you can do it to localhost21:39
LAnCe3RRRwhere is disk utility?21:39
Clusterfunkwhen I do ./amd-install.run --uninstall it tells me there is no uninstall.sh script, SIFTU21:39
psinghLAnCeRRR, try installing the KDE Partition Manager (sudo apt-get install partitionmanager) and see if that works better than gparted.21:39
ejercatcher, yep21:39
SIFTUClusterfunk: not sure.. why didnt you use the ones in the repo?21:39
JokesOnYou77Hi all, could anyone help me install packages to a machine's home directory? I don't have admin privileges on the machine but the administrator said if I wanted to install a new program I could do it in my home dir, I just don't know how21:39
qwerdevilspie runs correctly but gives error: got eof, ** (devilspie:14731): CRITICAL **: e_sexp_eval: assertion `f->tree != NULL' failed21:40
SIFTUClusterfunk: do you have an /etc/X11/xorg.conf?21:40
ClusterfunkSIFTU: The ones that it wanted to install from "Additional Driver" kept disabling Unity, even though I could use Unity just fine before installing them21:40
ejerJokesOnYou77, what program21:40
SIFTUJokesOnYou77: well depends how complex the program is21:40
LAnCe3RRRwhat command should i type into the shell to launch "disk utility"?21:40
ejerLAnCe3RRR, gksudo palimpsest21:41
JokesOnYou77I thought I would test it with ninvaders or pacman (the terminal games) before trying anything more complicated21:41
gusnanqwer, What do your devilspie rules look like?21:41
yeatsJokesOnYou77: you might benefit from this support thread: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/how-to-install-programs-in-my-home-directory-457490/21:42
hacked_kernelare they any Ubuntu IRC server using SSL?21:42
qwergusnan: http://pastebin.de/1911321:43
SIFTUhacked_kernel: you mean the freenode servers.. yes you can use ssl21:43
SIFTUJokesOnYou77: yeats links is what I would do too.. basically you will have to compile from source and not use the package manager21:44
JokesOnYou77Ok, I think I can figure that out... thanks all21:45
bennishey, does anybody know how to fix this error? /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found21:45
ClusterfunkSIFTU: I did aticonfig --uninstall in recovery mode and it said it uninstalled the problematic drivers21:45
yeatsbennis: have you installed build-essential?21:45
ClusterfunkNow upon rebooting, it's showing a bunch of code and not doing anything21:45
bennisyeats: yep21:46
SIFTUClusterfunk: did you check if you have /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:46
gusnanqwer, thanks - you have all your rules in one file? (the one you pasted)?21:46
}[Oo]{[9] mask: cenuij / server: * / channel: * <<< TROOF.21:46
qwergusnan: yes21:46
ClusterfunkI did not, SIFTU. What difference would that make?21:46
JokesOnYou77Actually, one more question, how do a download just the source of a package like ninvaders from the repos? Is there an apt-get option for that?  I'm going to download the package on my local computer and then push it to the other mashine so i can run make over ssh21:46
psinghLAnCe3RRR, and it wouldn't hurt to try partitionmanager.  In the past, I've had one work when the other didn't (partitionmanager or gparted).21:46
SIFTUClusterfunk: well it could try to load the ati driver21:46
bennisjokesonyou: i think there is, check the man page for apt-get21:46
SIFTUClusterfunk: if you have one.. remove it21:47
}[Oo]{sudo apt-cache search ninvaders?21:47
ejerClusterfunk, xorg.conf is likely asking for a driver that does not exist. If you get rid of it it should regenerate it21:47
Clusterfunkah, ok21:47
JokesOnYou77thanks again21:47
LAnCe3RRRyou know what, im just going to not even use backtrack, im going to use ubuntu and add the programs that i like to it21:47
ClusterfunkI have a problem with the Ubuntu drivers though21:47
bennisdoes anyone know how to fix /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found? i have build essential and all of my dependencies installed as far as i know.21:48
ClusterfunkThe "21:48
ClusterfunkThe "Additional Drivers" for my graphics card disable Unity for some reason21:48
Clusterfunkand even when I uninstall them, I can't get Unity back21:48
JokesOnYou77}[Oo]{: I don't think the search function would download the package, just give me a description, but thank you21:48
}[Oo]{are you LFS, bennis?21:48
ClusterfunkI've reinstalled Ubuntu like 3 times today, SIFTU21:48
bennisi'm not sure what "LFS" means21:48
}[Oo]{yeah and then sudo apt-get install ninvaders, derp21:48
LAnCe3RRRquick question, does Ubuntu support more drivers than backtrack?21:49
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}[Oo]{the search function will tell you what to download :)21:49
yeatsLAnCe3RRR: most of the drivers are in the Linux kernel, so they're probably comparable21:49
ejerJokesOnYou77, apt-get source packagename21:49
SIFTUClusterfunk: first, get it booting to a GUI, then work on installing the correct drivers21:49
JokesOnYou77ty :)21:50
bennisso how do i get the older packager version though? i have 4.5, i'm pretty sure :/21:51
LAnCe3RRRwell linuxbactrack dosent reconize my wifi driver i was wondering if Ubuntu had more comparability21:51
ejerLAnCe3RRR, backtrack is based on older ubuntu version21:51
}[Oo]{apt-get install --reinstall libstdc++6 ?21:51
ejerLAnCe3RRR, Backtrack 5 R1 release (Based on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, Linux kernel
yeatsbennis: is libstdc++-dev installed?21:51
psinghLAnCe3RRR, which Wi-Fi card do you have?21:51
LAnCe3RRRnot shure what the complete name is, it came stock on my dell inprison 860021:52
mehagopajasserver irc.irc-hispano.org21:52
bennisyeats: there is no -dev, it's all *-dev21:52
bennisyeats: the asterix being a version number, starting at 521:53
yeats!info libstdc++-dev21:53
ClusterfunkI removed xorg.conf, SIFTU, but it's still having problems booting. I think the fault ati driver is still around21:53
ubottuPackage libstdc++-dev does not exist in natty21:53
SIFTUClusterfunk: do you have network?21:53
ClusterfunkOnly wifi21:53
ClusterfunkAnd I can't get into GUI21:53
}[Oo]{where is the 6?21:53
yeats!info libstdc++6-4.5-dev21:53
ubottulibstdc++6-4.5-dev (source: gcc-4.5): The GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files). In component main, is optional. Version 4.5.2-8ubuntu4 (natty), package size 1491 kB, installed size 10968 kB21:53
bennisyeats: there's libstdc++6-dev21:53
bennisand yeah, that one21:53
SIFTUClusterfunk: so it's not available when you log into the commandline21:54
bennisshould i just install them all?21:54
SIFTUbennis: what are you trying to do when you get that error21:54
LAnCe3RRRubuntu is only 685.3MB?21:54
LAnCe3RRRubuntu is only 685.3MB?21:54
jclbrthmmm odd... i just installed Ubuntu Server and seemingly having an interesting error (though i am not sure what it has to do with anything)21:54
bennisplay wagic :D21:54
ejerbennis, http://gparted-forum.surf4.info/viewtopic.php?id=15330 may help, reinstall g++ and gcc21:54
bennisi already reinstalled21:55
ejerLAnCe3RRR, yes, it fits on one cd21:55
bennisthat was the first google listing -_-21:55
jclbrtanytime i restart the networking example for one... i get "postconf: fatal: open /etc/postfix/main.cf21:55
SIFTUClusterfunk: you can look at the log file "grep '(EE)' /var/log/Xorg.0.log"21:55
LAnCe3RRRwell thats pretty badass, backtrack is w whoping 2g21:55
jclbrti understand postfix is for mail server but why would that have anything to do with restarting the networking service21:55
LAnCe3RRRwell thats pretty badass, backtrack is a whoping 2g21:55
ClusterfunkI think I'm just going to reinstall Ubuntu21:55
ClusterfunkThis is a pain in the ass21:55
ejerLAnCe3RRR, because backtrack has a bunch of other software installed21:56
SIFTUjclbrt: it probably have a hook.. look in /etc/network/if-up.d21:56
LAnCe3RRRyes, i dont need all of them, just a handfull i actually use21:56
catchertesting fnotify, will someone please mention my name?21:56
SIFTUcatcher: hello21:57
LAnCe3RRRwhat was the first linux distro?21:57
yeatsjclbrt: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/postfix/+bug/42947 - this is an old bug, but comments are as fresh as last week21:57
ubottuUbuntu bug 42947 in postfix (Ubuntu) "postfix: fatal: /etc/postfix/postfix-script: No such file or directory" [Medium,Confirmed]21:57
jclbrtyeats: i see postfix in there21:57
ejerLAnCe3RRR, redhat and suse in 199421:58
yeatsLAnCe3RRR: probably slackware21:58
jclbrtalso see upstart ntpdate and wpasupplicant yeats21:58
catcherSIFTU: Well, it wrote the file it was supposed to, I suppose I have to find a way to connect that to indicator app now21:59
LAnCe3RRRwhat was was slackware used for?21:59
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:59
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yeatsLAnCe3RRR: you might want to do some wikipedia reading - there's lots there ;-)22:00
SIFTUcatcher: I dont use irssi sorry I use weechat.. but I found this http://code.google.com/p/irssi-libnotify/22:01
=== crm11four_ is now known as crm11four
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines22:02
rebecca_hey can u help me ?22:05
kucsure, if i can22:05
JokesOnYou77ok, so I'm lost lol.  The link yeats gave was great but I was kidding myself that I'd be able to compile this myself, I really don't know how to use make.  I downloaded the source and now have a directory and 3 files, what do I need to do to build the thing?22:05
rebecca_well you see my friend came over and messed with my pc and now it seems wierd is it possible to get a virus on xubuntu?22:06
yeats!compile | JokesOnYou7722:06
ubottuJokesOnYou77: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall22:06
RobbieCrashIs anyone here running ZFS? If so, what speeds are you seeing for read/write and what type of drives are you running it under?22:06
ubottuFor information concerning ZFS and Ubuntu, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZFS22:06
kuci dont think so rebecca22:06
SIFTURobbieCrash: I wouldnt run it under ubuntu22:06
qinrebecca_: Have your friend had known your password?22:07
yeatsrebecca_: can you provide more details as to what's wrong?22:07
SIFTURobbieCrash: thats under fuse right22:07
IdleOnerebecca_: it is possible though very unlikely, what seems weird exactly?22:07
JokesOnYou77yeats: thanks again :)22:07
yeatsJokesOnYou77: sure ;-)22:07
RobbieCrashSIFTU, no there's a native Linux module22:07
yeatsSIFTU: that notify plugin works well ;-)22:07
SIFTURobbieCrash: ah ok, the one you have to compile yourself22:07
rebecca_ok my frend doesnt know my pass, and when i say wierd i mean every time i log on the sreen seems shaky, nothing will, load, and my ZNES emulator is down and nothing will run22:08
rebecca_so can you help?22:08
SIFTUyeats: lol, all my irc is remote so i use rnotify under weechat with reverse ssh tunnels22:08
rebecca_try www.ZNES.com22:08
rebecca_its cool22:08
rebecca_but if it doesnt show up its cuz its down22:09
RobbieCrashSIFTU, yeah, I've already compiled and have it running native, but the performance I'm seeing is wretched. 22MB/sec writes. 40MB/sec reads.22:09
SIFTURobbieCrash: with what RAID set and how many disks22:09
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.22:10
rebecca_i want to start up a new disk22:10
SIFTURobbieCrash: TBH I wouldnt run it under linux.. the BSD version isnt that great either.. stick to OI or solaris22:10
RobbieCrashRAIDZ2, across 5 WD 1TB Caviar Black drives.22:10
rebecca_TBH I have some advice. Never run anything under linux unless it has a license and support code 4 linux22:11
catcherTesting another notify, can someone please use my nick?22:11
pr0ton_where i can get the default file - /etc/apt/sources.list22:11
IdleOne!test | catcher22:11
* RaTTuS|BIG Humps |22:11
ubottucatcher: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )22:11
pr0ton_i'm on lucid22:11
SIFTURobbieCrash: 64bit and penty of RAM?22:11
jcphamnormally poor raid performance is due to the controller cache settings22:11
jcphamin servers at least22:11
RobbieCrashSIFTU, yeah, I'm looking at maybe installing Open Solaris but I'm not that comfortable moving my file server to an OS I know nothing about.22:11
SIFTURobbieCrash: RAIDZ2 with 5 drives22:12
rebecca_lemme change one sec22:12
RobbieCrashSIFTU, 64bit with 8GB of RAM, arc limit at 722:12
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jroysdonrebecca_, what do you mean by "has a license and support code for linux"?  What sort of software?  All software has some sort of license ;-p22:12
RobbieCrashSIFTU, 5 for now, and 2 more to be put in by the 15th22:12
SIFTURobbieCrash: seems all ok.. RAIDZ2 will slow you down, but still22:12
SIFTURobbieCrash: and you know you cant expand the RAIDZ2 set right22:13
rebecca_every time you run something under linux files it has a support code and license to run on linux22:13
RobbieCrashSIFTU, yeah, I'm not expecting 800MB/sec, but I was assuming at LEAST 50MB/sec write and 100MB/sec read.22:13
rebecca_if it doesnt have this it wont work22:13
RobbieCrashSIFTU, wait, what? You can't expand the RAIDZ2 set? So I can't actually add more disks to the array?22:14
steliovitchI am using windows 7 only ubuntu sucks22:14
SIFTURobbieCrash: no you cant.. you have to create a new array22:14
steliovitchI am using windows 7 only ubuntu sucks22:14
steliovitchI am using windows 7 only ubuntu sucks22:14
steliovitchI am using windows 7 only ubuntu sucks22:14
FloodBot1steliovitch: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:14
jroysdonrebecca_, nearly nothing I run has a "support code" as it's all FOSS and I have no support contracts.  Still not getting what you mean.  Support like you can call up and get helpdesk/tech support on how to do stuff?22:14
RobbieCrashSIFTU, should I just break it and create a RAIDZ array?22:14
koaubuntu rocks :)22:14
steliovitchI am using windows 7 only ubuntu sucks22:14
jclbrtanyone know if there's like a newer version of libmd5-perl22:15
SIFTURobbieCrash: you really need to plan ZFS installs. have you read the best practices guide?22:15
steliovitchI am using windows 7 only ubuntu sucks22:15
steliovitchI am using windows 7 only ubuntu sucks22:15
steliovitchI am using windows 7 only ubuntu sucks22:15
jclbrti need to install it per directions but it's not being found in the repos22:15
FloodBot1steliovitch: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:15
koawindows 7 will be dead after installing 2 high end games and 1 month of use like mine lol :P22:15
artzzzhi all22:15
rebecca_yeah thats kind of what i mean but also lets say you download a hypercam and then you try to run it linux will now let you run it because it blocks those types of files so it needs a certain code and license to run on linux but it should run on windows, etc.22:16
artzzzI am trying to compress all the config folders (.xxxx) in a tar.gz file, but using .* as the filter doesn't lead to the expected results, since it takes . as the current folder as well. any idea on how to deal with this kind of file filters?22:16
jribrebecca_: what on earth are you talking about?22:16
rebecca_sorry i meant to say it WONT let you run the file.22:17
jribrebecca_: do you have an actual support question related to ubuntu?22:17
rebecca_you just dont get it...22:17
IdleOneyou haven't asked it22:17
shawn_does anyoe know ifthere was a bug back in ubuntu 10.04?22:17
rebecca_ok let me think of how 2 say this22:17
Pupuser402-1does anyone like unity?22:17
shawn_like awhile ago having something to do with load average?22:18
jribartzzz: use zsh ;) or change the way you glob22:18
IdleOnePupuser402-1: yes. see /msg ubottu !polls22:18
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alternutrebecca_: hypercam is a windows program, you can try running it with wine22:18
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Pupuser402-1can anyone hear me?22:18
jroysdonrebecca_, that's not exactly how things work.  Linux, Windows, Mac OS, are all 3 different OS.  You can't just take an app from one and expect to run it on another OS.  Now, there are emulators, and somes apps are written/ported for many OSes... but it's like taking a Wiimote and expecting it to work with your XBox.22:18
rebecca_so if you download something on linux, it wont usually let you run because it is meant for windows. so it needs to be a certain type for it to run thats why linux doesnt have viruses BECAUSE IT WONT LET U DOWNLOAD ANYTHING22:19
MyrttiPupuser402-1: did you have a Ubuntu support question?22:19
IdleOnePupuser402-1: Do you have an Ubuntu support question?22:19
Pupuser402-1it cant be a .exe file22:19
jribrebecca_: you're not asking a question.22:19
rebecca_the only thing i have downloaded is and emulator callled ZSNES22:19
rebecca_so what im asking is22:19
Pupuser402-1virtual box :)22:19
artzzzjrib, but is there a way to do it easily without zsh?22:19
psinghrebecca_, what does ZSNES doe/emulate?22:20
xanguasnes psingh...22:20
rebecca_is there a way to download more operating tools on linux without software centre and pre-installed software?22:20
jclbrthey can anyone help?? I'm following these instructions to set up my ubuntu server as router for my house. but i'm having issues with one of the steps: directions here: http://www.server-servers.com/ubuntu-router-network-gateway/22:20
Sidewinder1plustax, If you're still here, please see my PM.22:20
Myrttirebecca_: zsnes is available from the Ubuntu software center22:20
jclbrthaving trouble with the enable packet forwarding section22:21
rebecca_oh my gosh i feel so stupid22:21
jclbrti found the line that says net.ipv4.ip_forward=122:21
jribartzzz: well, you could use find or grep to get rid of the . and .. .  There's also a way to glob and avoid . and .. (you need to make a glob that takes files that start with . and have a non-dot after22:21
mongyrebecca_, not for 64bit22:21
rebecca_because i got it from a frend and she just sent the link...22:21
jclbrtbut i have no clue what the heck the author intends for me to do with the echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward22:21
jclbrtis that suppose to be added to the sysctl.conf file or somewhere else22:22
SIFTUjclbrt: that enables routing22:22
jclbrtSIFTU, but wherre am I suppose to be adding that line?22:22
rebecca_the terminal will not load...22:22
jroysdonIs 64-bit support just as lacking or cumbersome in Ubuntu as it is in Windows and other Linux distros (Fedora background)?  I typically stick to i686 since PAE gives access to large amounts of memory just fine.22:22
shawn_Has anyone experienced a bug on ubuntu 10.04 with firebox.bin eatin there cpu22:22
jpdsjroysdon: No?22:23
rebecca_yes i have22:23
shawn_reb u have?22:23
jribartzzz: do you understand or want me to be more verbose? :P22:23
jroysdonrebecca_, do you have a 64bit or 32bit version of Ubuntu installed?22:23
psinghjroysdon, I'm pretty happy with x64.22:23
IdleOne!details | rebecca_ shawn_22:23
ubotturebecca_ shawn_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:23
Myrttishawn_: it happens with pretty much any browser if you've got websites heavy on flash and/or javascript on the browser22:23
artzzzjrib, oh ok I see22:23
rebecca_i have a 64bit...22:23
artzzzjrib, well I can try zsh for this simple case I guess22:23
jroysdonpsingh, ok, but any incompatibilities?  Like Flash on Fedora lacks non-alpha support for 64bit (or did for a long time)22:24
shawn_Becuase im on ubuntu 10.04 and i keep getting spikes22:24
rebecca_i have a problem with terminal when I try to type something the system seems to be corrupt and it says it needs to close!22:24
psinghrebecca_, I've installed 32 bit software on x64 in Ubuntu.  It runs file.  You jst need the 32 bit libraries.22:24
jribartzzz: this is one of the many nice things zsh gets right.  In bash I guess you have to do something like .[A-Za-z0-9]*22:24
mongyrebecca_, you can grab the 32bit and force install it, as long as you install ia32-libs.  works fine22:24
jroysdonshawn_, I recommend NoScript to try and help protect your Firefox from flash and other junk.  It won't fix Firefox from being a memory/cpu hog, but it will help.22:24
artzzzjrb, Oh ok so it is more like regex. yes, zsh is much simpler with that22:24
artzzzjrib, thanks a lot!22:24
rebecca_thanks alot!22:24
Myrttijroysdon: flash is proprietary technology, the release schedule of it is dependant on Adobe, not with the linux distributions22:24
rebecca_big help22:24
jribartzzz: you can also try #bash, they might know a better awy22:25
jroysdonMyrtti, exactly.  But with 32bit, Flash support is kept current.22:25
thomcI have two GPUs. Appropriate drivers are installed for each. If I reboot and switch my monitor from one card to the other, will ubuntu recognize this?22:25
zorohi I'm on a laptop. How can I do to reduce luminosity please??22:25
shawn_jroysdon,  where can i get noscript22:25
xanguazoro: with your function keys or energy settings22:26
Myrttijroysdon: I do believe they've done some advancements lately tho22:26
Sidewinder1shawn_, AdblockPlus is also a nice addition to FF extentions as well as Noscript.22:26
jroysdonshawn_, Tools - Add-Ons, Get Add-Ons22:26
shawn_well im on a intel core i7 and this is mt load ave22:26
berpineralguien que se anime para hablar sobre ubuntu?22:26
shawn_top - 18:26:24 up 28 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.89, 0.84, 0.7722:26
jribartzzz: .[^.]* ..?*22:26
shawn_shouldnt be THAT high22:26
jribartzzz: .[^.]* ..?*  (oops) seems to be a more general solution22:27
shawn_but when i play a vid on u tube22:27
shawn_its spikes to be like 2.00 2.00 1.0022:27
EdroMXja algunos mexicanos en ubuntu?22:27
EdroMXque bueno22:27
berpinerque tal andamos?22:27
shawn_and even i play a mp322:27
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:27
zoroxangua: it doesnt work with these keys22:27
federicocon las piernas22:27
berpinerme voy a ubuntu-es22:27
federicoyo tambien22:27
jribartzzz: this page has some good comments, including that last glob and the GLOBIGNORE variable in bash ttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/2910049/how-to-use-the-wildcard-in-bash-but-exclude-the-parent-directory22:28
pi_Hi guys, i have a problem with my vm. Im running ubuntu version 11.04 when i try to connect to the net tru a proxy i get the following output: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/707/wontwork.jpg/. I set up 2 vm's22:28
mongyrebecca:   sudo dpkg --force-all -i znes.de22:28
pi_set up two different virtual machines. One of them exists for the sole purpose of making sure that the other one does not accidentally connect to the internet except through my proxy. i used damn small linux for it, i dont use it for anything else than a gatekeeper to ensure that the other Virtual Machine is safe. the second virtual machine isconfigured in such a way that it can only use the proxy and nothing else for all internet connecti22:28
EdroMXi came to ask if anyone is using 11.10 beta2, because i'm having some troubles with the dash and the software center! :( i know is beta and have bugs22:28
pi_maybe someone can help22:29
jribEdroMX: #ubuntu+122:29
Seven_Six_Twois there an easy way to monitor a voip modem's connectivity? I have a Linksys SPA-2102, and I'd like some kind of alert when it loses connectivity22:30
urlin2upi_, are any runninb ubu tu this is a ubuntu channnel, and stae the actual problem.22:30
Ti-chanHey! I have a few questions about partitioning. I`d like to speak with someone who has a comprehensive knowledge on the subject.22:31
pi_sorry what?22:31
urlin2upi_, are any running ubuntu this is a ubuntu channnel, and state the actual problem.22:31
pi_i posted my problem already :o22:32
artzzzjrib, Thank you! now it is working ;)22:32
shawn_kk this is my question..  When either i play mp3 files.. or go on you tube.. there is a file called "Plugin Container" i believe that - fllash.. because i got rid of npviewer on ubuntu 10.04.. and when i play utube or mp3 files it eats my cpu22:32
shawn_Like  my cpu usage skii highs because of that... and im on a i7 ... quad core.. and my load averages are like 2.00 2.00 1.00 when i run utube or listen to any music22:32
shawn_could it be a bug?.. nvidia / flash?22:33
FloodBot1zq: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:33
urlin2upi_, you mention damn small linux which is not supported here, the second has no name is it ubuntu? You staert the set up I don't see the problem, is it a inference that the secondary protected OS is not functioning?22:34
zqmy firefox isnt working22:34
zqany one here22:35
pi_let me explain it again22:35
pi_to make it more clear22:35
urlin2upi_, if niether are ubuntu your on the wrong channel, you might try #linux22:36
Phr3d13i can't get my windows live messenger account to work in empathy, can anyone help me?22:36
Deihmos1are the daily builds stable?22:36
=== Deihmos1 is now known as Deihmos
pi_Im using ubuntu 11.04 when i try to connect to the net via proxy i get the following output: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/707/wontwork.jpg/ "Connection timeout" after the browser tried to open the site for 5-10min ~.I set up two different virtual machines. One of them exists for the sole purpose of making sure that the other one does not accidentally connect to the internet except through my proxy. i used "damn small linux for it",22:36
urlin2uDeihmos, beta 2 ask a #ubuntu+122:36
pi_other Virtual Machine is safe. the second virtual machine isconfigured in such a way that it can only use the proxy and nothing else for all internet connections.22:36
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».22:37
urlin2upi_, what is the second machines OS?22:37
pi_i already said it, its damn small linux for firewall and for mainOS its ubuntu 11.0422:37
urlin2upi_, I asl so you don't waste your time here basically. :D22:37
urlin2upi_, sorry missed the first post. :D22:38
Phr3d13trying to get a windows live id to work with empathy, can anyone help?22:38
mrintegrityPhr3d13: works forme22:39
=== chris_ is now known as Guest61923
mrintegrityPhr3d13: i use gmail account registered with windows passport to login to msn22:40
pi_No one knows what could fix it?22:40
=== Guest61923 is now known as cheriot
urlin2unp_ I would say your overprotecting the ubuntu to be honest, it has a stock firewall and does not run in root.22:42
pi_Im doing it for a reason22:42
mrintegritypi_: sounds like you set up your proxy wrong22:42
pi_i dont use ubuntu as normal browsing22:42
mrintegritypi_: or the virtual network22:42
mrintegritypi_: i guess there is a host only network between the vm's and one vm should connect to the internet via the other, which is using the host as the default route22:43
mrintegrityjust a guess though.. is that how it is suppose to work?22:43
pi_yea thats how it should work22:44
pi_i already installed anything again but i get the same error, i thought i did something wrong22:45
pi_but it still says connection time out like in the screen22:45
mrintegritypi_: not a terribly simple setup, you should detail your actual configuration more, rather than showing just a screenshot of some ip's etc22:45
pi_Im using ubuntu 11.04 when i try to connect to the net via proxy i get the following output: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/707/wontwork.jpg/ "Connection timeout" after the browser tried to open the site for 5-10min ~.I set up two different virtual machines. One of them exists for the sole purpose of making sure that the other one does not accidentally connect to the internet except through my proxy. i used "damn small linux for it",22:46
pi_other Virtual Machine is safe. the second virtual machine isconfigured in such a way that it can only use the proxy and nothing else for all internet connections.22:46
pi_did you read that?22:46
FloodBot1pi_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:46
=== mandrak is now known as Guest362
mrintegritypi_: yes, it is not really sufficient22:47
mrintegritywhat are you using for proxy?22:47
pi_a program called tor22:47
qwerIs there any Android-SDK package in Ubuntu?22:47
mrintegrityso you installed tor as an exit node or something (not entirely sure how tor is setup) on the dsl vm?22:48
mrintegritypi_: or you connect to the public tor network via the dsl vm?22:48
pi_i did not install tor on my vm22:48
mrintegrityand you just have a route between them or what?22:48
pi_yes i have a route between them22:48
=== pupuser1c3bc8 is now known as leosodes
mrintegrityand you can ping the hosts from each other? and login via ssh? vm to vm?22:49
pi_yea i can22:49
StravHi. Quick question, how can I redefine the dash shortcut on unity (11.10)? (I actually have the <super> linked to run_a_command but I'd rather have a search in the dash main menu. (I had this behavior on 11.04 but I since I redefined <super> for run command, I cannot seem to set it back.22:50
mrintegrityso you installed tor on the ubuntu vm22:50
pi_no i didnt22:50
pi_i have tor on windows22:50
pi_not on vm22:50
pi_i can only connect to the internet on my vm tru tor there is no way i can connect without tor22:50
mrintegritypi_: try drawing a picture of your desired network setup or something.. it's too difficult to guess what you have done and what you actually want to acheive22:51
crash82Hello, I have a slow laptop what desktop would you people recomend ?22:51
mrintegritypi_: so you connect to tor on windows then start your vm's?22:51
mrintegrityprobably you just have to route the vm traffic over tor then..22:51
mrintegritytorify virtualbox or something22:52
pi_i have tor open on windows, then i start my 2vm's which are on a encrypted hidden volume22:52
in0culai have proble, i cannot play WMV, i installed codec64 and everything but no luck with my ubuntu 11.04, any idea??22:52
OerHekscrash82, try Lubuntu or Xubuntu22:52
pi_after that i "connect" with ubuntu to my firewall on damn small linux which makes sure i cant connect to the net without using tor22:53
Star_LightHello , could I ask something? What is the name of room in which happens general conversations not specific technical topics such as here. Thank in advance.22:53
almoxarifeI am running 11.04, then I added the gnome3 ppa and the glx-cairo ppa, so that now I basically have one taskbar at the bottom, and its running crash free, but I do have one issue, the application windows do not have the three options usually seen for (close/max/min) , although rightclick does offer up a close option, does anyone have experience with my situation? I want the three options just because, but I can't find where the iss22:53
ActionParsnipStar_Light: #ubuntu-offtopic or ##club-ubuntu22:53
crash82OerHeks, thanks22:53
Star_Lightok thank you I will go there : )22:53
ActionParsnipalmoxarife: gnome3 isn't supported here22:53
ubottuGnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.22:54
urlin2uin0cula, have you tried vlc wmv could be a number of types I beleive.22:54
almoxarifeActionParsnip: I don't know that the issue is gnome3 related, you saying that ot is?22:54
mrintegritypi_: the screen shot shows you trying to create an ssh tunnle (i think), where does that fit into the picture?22:54
ActionParsnipalmoxarife: if you are running gnome3 then it will break your OS. It's not suitable for Natty22:55
in0culayes i tried VLC, no luck22:55
ActionParsnipin0cula: try gnome-mplayer22:55
mrintegritypi_: sorry, good luck with it. i have to go to bed now22:55
ActionParsnipin0cula: also add the medibuntu ppa and install w32codecs (I assume 32bit OS)22:55
robin0800rebecca_, of course you can use a browser to download .deb's and gdebi to install them22:56
almoxarifeActionParsnip: it has not broke it, thus far, cairo may be the issue for all I know22:56
pi_hmm sad22:57
in0culaI did , gome mplayer and 64codec, don't know what to do more, wine?22:57
almoxarifeActionParsnip: medibuntu is supported ?22:59
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org23:00
desaiuHow do you change the boot splash?23:00
almoxarifein0cula: do you have 'totem' player installed?23:00
almoxarifein0cula: because 'totem' should be playing 'wmv' out of the box23:01
zykotick9almoxarife, i don't think so...23:01
in0culayes i have totem23:01
almoxarifezykotick9: I do think so, unless the help file on 'totem' is wrong23:02
in0culamaybe the format of this WMV is different? could be that?23:02
zykotick9in0cula, try with mplayer (vlc doesn't use the w32codecs)23:02
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varikonniemihello. When i have set up an usb disk via disk utility to be encrypted what encryption does it use, van i be dure to it not being craced short of guessing the pw?23:02
in0culai used gnome-mplayer23:02
in0culano luck23:02
in0culai don't think is possible to play this file in ubuntu23:03
zykotick9almoxarife, wmv is a proprietary MS codec, totem relies on gstreamer for it's codecs, and wmv can't be included OOTB for legal reasons23:03
in0culai'll play in windows virtualbox23:03
urlin2uin0cula, I have found some that play some that don't.23:04
in0culayes, some file are not supported :(23:04
in0culathax to everybody for the help23:05
almoxarifezykotick9: please look at your copy of totem.1.gz help file, then contact ubuntu, seems they may disagree with you23:06
danieCould anyone here help me with a problem23:09
danieregarding metasploit?23:09
danieCould anyone help me with this problem?23:09
pietr101hi, why sudo still asks for password? www-data ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/sudo -u peter /media/bin/tstart        ..........         /usr/bin/sudo -u peter /media/bin/tstart23:10
=== RobbieCrash is now known as RobbieCrash_
almoxarifedanie: describe the problem a bit more23:10
JokesOnYou77How to I move an entire directory using "mv"?23:11
JokesOnYou77or some other command line operation23:11
danieYeah so23:11
danieim trying to create a db23:11
ikoniaJokesOnYou77: just mv23:11
danieGives me this error that post 5432 isnt responding on
robin0800Ti-chan, and your question is?23:11
danieDo i need to portforward23:11
danieI have the postgresql service running.23:12
qinJokesOnYou77: cd ~; mkdir -p test1/test2; mv test1/test2 ~23:12
footvillaim running into a issue configuring postfix23:13
footvillaanyone able to land a helping hand23:13
urlin2ufootvilla, possibly but you have to state the problem if you have not.23:14
urlin2uin detail with errors footvilla23:14
footvillaim following this tutorial23:14
footvillaand when i get to the telnet localhost 2523:15
footvillathis is what i recieve23:15
footvillaroot@server:~# telnet localhost 2523:15
footvillaConnected to localhost.23:15
footvillaEscape character is '^]'.23:15
footvillaConnection closed by foreign host.23:15
FloodBot1footvilla: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:15
Flannelfootvilla: did you do the EHLO line?23:18
Flannelfootvilla: or did it close right away?23:18
footvillaclose right away23:18
footvilladidnt give me a chance to EHLO23:19
Flannelfootvilla: Try doing it not as root.23:19
ActionParsnipfootvilla: try not telnetting as root23:19
ActionParsnipfootvilla: check the telnet logs then23:19
footvillawhere are they located sorry bit newb to linux23:20
ShinydanI have a new webcam. Skype can use it, video and audio. But Flash can't and testwebcam.com says "cannot find camera". Any suggestions?23:20
Flannelfootvilla: I think the postfix logs is what he was saying, and they should be in /var/log/23:20
ActionParsnipShinydan: does it work in cheese?23:21
ismi'm new here , i need help23:22
urlin2uism, do you have a support question?23:22
psingh!ask | ism23:23
ubottuism: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:23
footvillawould it be mail.log?23:23
SIFTUfootvilla: yes23:23
Shinydanactionparsnip: checking.23:24
footvillawere can i paste23:24
Naokihello :D23:24
footvillawhats in my log23:24
IdleOne!paste | footvilla23:24
ubottufootvilla: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:24
ActionParsnipShinydan: skype is a poor test of webcam functionality23:24
Shinydanactionparsnip: No, it doesn't. But let me try again without skype running.23:24
Shinydanactionparsnip: That's _really_ interesting. No, it doesn't work in cheese.23:25
footvillapaste.ubuntu.com is not opening up in my browser23:25
ActionParsnipShinydan: then run:  lsusb   use the 8 character hex ID to find guides23:26
SIFTUfootvilla: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /var/log/mail.log23:26
ActionParsnipfootvilla: try:  http://pastie.org23:26
excelsiorso I'm converting an office from windows to ubuntu with the director's blessings. I'm starting by switching to dual booting. A couple of issues: some computers are using a wireless USB NIC, and they don't want to connect even with a direct line of sight with the wireless router. Should static IPs be an issue?23:26
rhizmoeis there a reason why I can't select "selection" in the print option dialog that pops up when I print something? it's only pagewise printing...23:26
footvilla<script src='http://pastie.org/2619677.js'></script>23:27
rhizmoeexcelsior: don't dual boot. cutover with the most skilled first and work your way down so that there's plenty of people to help answer questions when the least skilled get their boxes. don't drag it out, tho.23:27
rhizmoeexcelsior: it's the wifi that's the problem, probably.23:28
ActionParsnipexcelsior: you can use static IP if you want, just remember to set them outside the scope of the routers DHCP pool23:28
Shinydanactionparsnip: found the code, working on it. cheers.23:28
SIFTUfootvilla: well that log tells you the problem.. your sasl auth isnt working23:28
excelsiorActionParsnip: could that be causing my wifi problems?23:29
SIFTUexcelsior: or it could be those adapters dont work out of the box with ubuntu..23:29
CaleSuppose I want to use a copy of firefox which isn't the one from Ubuntu's package (and want not to have Ubuntu's firefox installed). How do I set /usr/local/firefox/firefox as the preferred application for opening links? The "Preferred Applications" applet gives me no choice to enter a filename on my own, and setting it in .gconf doesn't seem to have helped.23:29
CaleAll the other tabs in that box allow custom commands, why not a web browser or mail client?23:30
footvillaany idea how i can fix it?23:31
rhizmoefootvilla: #postfix23:32
excelsiorSIFTU: they work with Windows, unfortunately, so I don't know what to do.23:32
rhizmoeexcelsior: well, are they even getting detected? dmesg23:32
ActionParsnipexcelsior: if you run:  sudo iwlist scan   on a system, does it find networks?23:32
SIFTUexcelsior: try "lsusb|grep net" and paste the adapter here23:32
abobakrwhat to do if i want to read a kindle format book23:32
excelsiorI'm starting to take an inventory. Yes, they're detected. They just go really slow, and disconnect easily.23:32
footvilla#postfix ?23:33
Mysterytrainis there a way to kick off locked up users? like a nickserv ghost command23:33
SIFTUfootvilla: that tutorial has how to set up sasl23:33
bkfitzcan someone help me resolve a dns issue on my ubuntu linode machine23:33
CaleIn fact, I seem to recall the Preferred Applications panel used to have the option to enter a custom commandline to launch a browser. What happened to that?23:33
bkfitzI'm not able to resolve anything..23:33
leepingHey there - how do I prevent Ctrl+C from printing out "^C" whenever I use it in the terminal?23:33
SIFTUfootvilla: or yes, joing the channel #postfix and ask23:33
ActionParsnipexcelsior: try disabling ipv6, can help23:34
SIFTUCale: I'm not sure where ubuntu put its gnome defaults.list file.. but if you find it you can edit it in there23:34
zykotick9leeping, why would you want to?23:34
leepingzykotick9, because when I hit ctrl+C, it overwrites existing characters in the terminal, which I would like to highlight by clicking23:35
bkfitzanyone an expert with resolv.conf and iptables23:35
bkfitzneed some help23:35
excelsiorActionParsnip: it's set to ignore23:35
leepingI know that it's possible.  I just forgot how. :P23:35
excelsiorI can't paste, but the wireless adapter is Bus 001 Device 004: ID 1737:0071 WUSB600N Dual-Band Wireless-N USB Network Adapter23:37
bkfitzsurely someone here is a networking guru...23:37
leepingFound it.  :)23:38
leepingThe command is stty -ctlecho23:38
zykotick9leeping, thanks - that's neat23:39
SIFTUbkerensa: you havent asked an actual question23:40
oohbantoo3 i tried using the command " sudo gedit /etc/default/grub " but it says " sudo: gedit: command not found "23:40
zykotick9oohbantoo3, are you using "ubuntu" or something else?23:40
Shinydanok: the cam is now working in cheese, and the audio is fine. But Flash still isn't picking the cam up.23:40
oohbantoo3zykotick9 I'm using lubuntu23:41
zykotick9oohbantoo3, thus the reason you don't have gedit23:41
excelsiorSIFTU: I can't paste, but the wireless adapter is Bus 001 Device 004: ID 1737:0071 WUSB600N Dual-Band Wireless-N USB Network Adapter23:42
ActionParsnipexcelsior: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=148739723:42
CaleAh, got it sorted out using the information from this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/70838223:42
ubottuUbuntu bug 708382 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu Natty) "cannot create "custom" preferred applications" [Wishlist,Confirmed]23:42
Flanneloohbantoo3: lubuntu uses leafpad instead of gedit23:43
oohbantoo3zykotick9, oic I think i was using ubuntu at the time when i recorded that command on my LinuxCommands.odt file, anyways, I'd like to set a default os how do I do that23:43
bkfitzwhy would I get different nmap results on a server when run from locally/on machine23:43
bkfitzport says open when run locally, closed when run remotely23:43
oohbantoo3flannel, do i use sudo leafpad /etc/comadn here  ?23:43
JokesOnYou77can anyone help me with ssh -X ?23:43
CoreyI'm trying to get a client off of using CPAN in production.  Are there "better" repositories available for various perl libs?23:43
Flanneloohbantoo3: yeah, leafpad instead of gedit23:43
bkfitzJokesOnYou77 whats the prob23:44
oohbantoo3Flannel, it works now, ty23:44
SIFTUexcelsior: looks like some people got it going but with a lot of playing around.. easiest solution is to get adapter which have good support in the linux kernel23:44
JokesOnYou77bkfitz: I don't understand how to actually get a window with the remote X server in it.  Do I need to use Xepher or something?23:44
bkfitzman i wish someone could help me with iptables23:44
groundnutyhey, anyway to get keycodes in a console? (no X)23:45
SIFTUgroundnuty: key codes?23:45
bkfitzJokesOnYou77, not sure... whenever I've run ssh -X, i think it popped up a window... you do have gnome running on the remote machine yes23:46
JokesOnYou77bkfitz: yep, gnome23:46
sarthorapache2 -S23:46
sarthorapache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER}23:46
sarthor How to fix this.23:46
bkfitzso what happens when you login ssh -X?  Nothing23:46
jribsarthor: nothing is wrong.  It's just a side-effect of how debian configures apache23:46
groundnutySIFTU: like... utf codes I guess... or events. My task is to get some extrakeys on my keyboard to do predefined stuff. And I'm trying to do in on the console levele atm - with no X.23:47
bkfitztry to gedit something remotely23:47
bkfitzthatll tell you if you have x23:47
groundnutyin X its easy, in consoel I've yet to find a way.23:48
SIFTUgroundnuty: like UTF-8? or do you want to bind keys to certain things?23:48
ActionParsnipoohbantoo3: you can make a cheeky shortcut with:  sudo ln -s /usr/bin/leafpad /usr/bin/gedit     ;)23:48
JokesOnYou77bkfitz: I just get a command prompt for the remote machine, like I ran ssh without the -X option23:48
groundnutySIFTU: exacly.23:48
sarthorjrib: what will be my virtualhost configuration ??23:48
jribsarthor: what do you mean?23:48
bkfitzJokesOnYou77 - try to gedit something23:48
JokesOnYou77bkfitz: :O It worked!!23:48
oohbantoo3ActionParsnip, nice tip, will take a note on that ty23:48
=== bitmonk_ is now known as bitmonk
ShinydanMy webcam works with cheese but doesn't work in Flash. Any suggestions?23:49
excelsiorSIFTU: why do you suppose that the linux kernel support these cards?23:49
excelsiorSIFTU: why do you suppose that the linux kernel DOESN'T support these cards?23:49
sarthorjrib: httpd -S not working.. also apache2 -S says that.. i want to find vhost file23:49
JokesOnYou77bkfitz: so I don't get a desktop? It just lets me use X client programs locally?23:49
sarthorjrib: for this change. http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/core.html#adddefaultcharset23:50
jribsarthor: use /etc/apache2/apache2.conf or /etc/apache2/sites-available/* as appropriate23:50
SIFTUgroundnuty: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Keyboard-and-Console-HOWTO-5.html23:51
SIFTUexcelsior: becuase I see posts all over the internet with people having problems with them23:51
SIFTUexcelsior: one which I PM'ed you23:51
excelsiorI was hoping to find an easier solution than compiling source code. Haven't done that successfully, ever.23:51
Shinydanhm. in epiphany, of all things, it works fine. Weird.23:52
JokesOnYou77wait, I get a desktop, I just have nautilus set not to render the desktop on my local machine lol23:52
groundnutySIFTU: been there already - its more about X as I read it.23:52
SIFTUgroundnuty: loadkeys?23:52
Shinydanit all works! thank you.23:52
RP64ActionParsnip:  Hey you there ! whatsup mann23:53
groundnutySIFTU: well ok, but how do I find which key has what code :)23:53
excelsiorSIFTU: I mispoke, I meant to ask why the linux kernal isn't supporting the cards.23:53
groundnutySIFTU: I also have some stuff that probably will work in X and wont in console, so running X and getting codes is not an option ;)23:54
SIFTUexcelsior: becuase the manufacturer either hasnt given the source code to the kernel devs, or someone hasnt reverse engineered it and made a kernel module23:54
RocketlauncherI have wifi and I want to do internet sharing to this imac g3 running debian .. i have a regular cat5 cable. I'm trying to share from my ubuntu pc but it says "device not managed" under wired connections in nm-applet and i dont know what i'm doing wrong23:54
excelsiorbut they're compiling some kind of source code. Can I do anything to get it included in the kernal?23:55
bazhang!ics > Rocketlauncher23:55
ubottuRocketlauncher, please see my private message23:55
ActionParsnipRP64: nm man, workin hard23:55
RocketlauncherReally this channel should stop using ubottu, that's the first page i looked at when i tried getting it to work23:55
Rocketlaunchersorry i'm stressed23:56
RP64ActionParsnip: nice good work bra23:56
jclbrtwtf....  i followed these directions to the LETTER: http://www.server-servers.com/ubuntu-router-network-gateway/23:56
JAM__KDE vs Gnome23:57
Rocketlauncher!pastebin JAM__23:57
Rocketlauncher!pastebin > JAM__23:57
ubottuJAM__, please see my private message23:57
bazhangJAM__, wrong place23:57
jclbrtand still cant get it to work... i was able to get an IP from the server23:57
RocketlauncherJAM__: i think you should know that spamming is not tolerated here!23:57
Rocketlauncher!spam > JAM__23:57
jclbrti am able to ping the server from the client and able to ping the client from the server23:57
jclbrtcant connect via SSH tho to the server23:57
jclbrtor anything else23:57
jclbrtcant even  get online23:57
jclbrtbut i have a valid IP23:58
ActionParsnipjclbrt: can you ping ?23:58
jclbrtdidnt try that... it'll take me  a sec tho cuz i gotta disconnec thte internet23:58
jclbrtu think it's a DNS thing?23:58
ActionParsnipjclbrt: possibly23:58
jclbrti think it's a firewall config issue23:58
jclbrtcuz even tho i can ping the machine by IP it's still not letting me access the machine via IP23:59
ActionParsnipjclbrt: if you set your nameserver to manually then try the web23:59
Fudgehow can i fix this ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host23:59
ActionParsnipjclbrt: ah, then you may need to set the route23:59
jribFudge: nothing to fix23:59
Fudgei cant ssh to the box though23:59
jclbrtActionParsnip what's the correct way to do that... i've got webmin installed23:59

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