
ejatif i want to sync my iphone contact to u1 .. did i need to subscribe u1 music ?03:52
ejati already got u1 contact app in iphone .. but when i try to login it will open the browser and login to u1 .. can someone guide/help me ?03:53
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nessitahello crowd!11:41
gatoxnessita, hi11:43
nessitahi gatox11:44
gatoxnessita, have to go to ecogas right now........ i'm moving to a new apartment :D....... brb!! also...... did you have the time to review my branches?11:45
nessitagatox: not yet, will do soon, I'm trying to diagnose why my monitor died :-/11:46
gatoxnessita, yackssssss......11:46
=== gatox is now known as gatox_brb_ecogas
mandelmorning all!12:01
nessitahi mandel12:05
mandelnessita, buenos dias12:06
mandelnessita, I finally fixed my vm so I'm goign to start fixing those lint issues12:06
nessitamandel: ack12:06
=== gatox_brb_ecogas is now known as gatox
gatoxback... hasta ecogas sin saaber que era feriado..... :S12:28
mandelgatox, is it a holiday in argentina?12:31
gatoxmandel, i think that only in cordoba...... i am always lost with that things12:31
teknicomandel, hi12:56
mandelteknico, hello!12:57
teknicomandel, how are you?12:57
mandelteknico, fine, doing some cleanup etc.. :)12:57
teknicomandel, there's a user whose windows app installer cannot create the C:\Program Files\ubuntuone directory12:57
teknicomandel, can we allow users to do a user-specific, rather than system-global, install?12:57
mandelteknico, ok, so we have a user that does not have the admin rights, is that what you mean?12:59
teknicomandel, exactly12:59
mandelteknico, I think we can look at that, cna you add that as a bug in wishlist mode and add ralsina as the owner12:59
teknicomandel, ok, against what package?12:59
mandelteknico, I think is possible since we just need access to his registry, but we might need to change some parts of the code so that we do not look in Program Files13:00
mandelteknico, do it in ubuntuone-windows-installer13:00
teknicomandel, btw, that path is localized, in Italian for instance it's C:\Programmi13:01
mandelteknico, yes, I know at the moment we get the path from the winapi, we should be getting it from a registry var so that the user can install anywhere :)13:03
mandelteknico, that is waht I meant with hardcode, tht we always use the same function, but is an easy fix :)13:03
teknicomandel, great13:04
mandelteknico, I'm curious, did the user manage to launch the isntaller? I think it runs in admin mode13:06
mandelor he just cannot write in Program Files?13:07
mandelnessita, gatox, ralsina, stand up?13:07
teknicomandel, apparently he did manage to launch the installer13:07
teknicomandel, fyi, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-windows-installer/+bug/86328013:07
ubot4Launchpad bug 863280 in ubuntuone-windows-installer "User has no admin rights, cannot install (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]13:07
mandelteknico, ok, good to know13:07
mandelteknico, txh! Iwe'll try to fix that asap13:07
teknicomandel, thank you :-)13:08
gatoxmandel, i think ralsina took the morning to do some things.... he will be connected later13:09
mandelteknico, no problem, I think is a bug that will hit all the user that are using u1-windows in a corporate machine, which I think are most of them13:09
mandelteknico, so we might fix this after the proxy issue :P13:09
mandelgatox, so just you and me.. that is lame :P13:10
teknicomandel, sure, no pressure :-P13:10
gatoxnessita, ??13:10
gatoxmandel, isn't she around?13:10
gatoxmandel, ahhhhh she was fighting with his monitor13:10
nessitagatox: I'm here13:11
nessitagatox: I was preparing mate13:11
gatoxnessita, say me :P13:11
gatoxher monitor (sorry)13:11
gatoxok, go to me13:11
gatoxPass recover, Fixed some branches, Fixed LocalFoldersPage.get_info does not hide the overlay on backend error.13:11
gatoxKeep fixing ui bugs13:11
gatoxmandel, go13:12
mandelDONE: Fixed my VMs, they where very very broken. Work on secret sprint project, nearly done.13:12
mandelTODO: Fix pylin issues.  Propose fixed to migrate data.13:12
mandelBLOCKED: no13:12
mandelCOMMETS: alecu is not working today, I might go a little early 'cause I need to catch a flight13:13
mandelnext nessita13:13
nessitaDONE: tried to fixed libsyncdaemon re credentials13:13
gatoxmandel, secret sprint project? :P13:13
nessitaTODO: freaky friday (magicicada)13:13
nessitaBLOCKED: np13:13
nessitaNEXT: dobey? ralsina?13:13
mandelnessita, apparently ralsina will start a litle laters, gatox knows more13:14
mandelgatox, yes, is a nice feature that made me write Win 32 C++ :(13:14
dobeyλ DONE: debugging, webkit cherrypick/upload, branch review13:14
dobeyλ TODO: tickets, hack day?13:14
dobeyλ BLCK: None.13:14
mandeloh, is hack day!!! I forgot13:15
* mandel dances13:15
* mandel points at gatox13:15
mandel(do hear that simpson character laugh)13:15
gatoxmandel, jejeeje13:15
gatoxmandel, not for me...... :(13:16
nessitagatox: added needs fixing to https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/network-detect/+merge/77048, let me know if you have any question!13:38
gatoxnessita, ok13:38
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duanedesignmandel: any way to change the instalation location of the windows client?14:01
mandelduanedesign, no, but there is a wishlist for that  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-windows-installer/+bug/86328014:08
ubot4Launchpad bug 863280 in ubuntuone-windows-installer "User has no admin rights, cannot install (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]14:08
mandelduanedesign, the more people there is that want it the more quickly we will work on that :)14:08
duanedesignthank you sir14:08
mandelduanedesign, also, do not confuse install location to where the Ubuntu One folder is located, that one we cannot move :(14:09
gatoxnessita, mandel review please? https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-windows-installer/local-folders-get_info-fail/+merge/7771815:16
dobeylunch time and appointment15:26
mandelgatox, ok15:26
nessitagatox: lint isssssuuuuuueeessss15:26
nessita    301:  [C0111, LocalFoldersTestCase.raise_exception] Missing docstring15:26
gatoxnessita, oh yes!15:26
nessitaoh *no*15:27
gatoxnessita, i just don't know how to fix pylint in my machine....... :(15:27
nessitagatox: so, 2 things:15:28
nessitagatox: stop fixing bugs and code that branch that fixes the mocker tests you have pending15:28
* gatox reading...15:28
mandelgatox, whata is the diff between the two tests besides the fact that one got an exception? is that the change. That if there is an exception the overlay is hidden?15:28
nessitagatox: and dedicate some time to debug this15:28
nessitagatox: debug this == try to ensure that the pylint being used is the one from our hackers ppa package15:28
gatoxnessita, ok...... i'll start working on the branch without mocker and that15:29
nessitagatox: put prints and stuff like that to check that the proper lint is being used... not sure what can be happening in your box15:29
nessitagatox: lint gets crazy on windows, but no one is having issues in linux15:29
nessitaso is kind a interesting knowing what is going on15:29
gatoxmandel, one execute get_info without an exception, and test that the overlay is hidden, and the other test that the overlay is hidden with exception.......... AND NOW i'm thinking that the overlay.hide should be place outside the try-except15:30
gatoxinstead of just adding one more inside the except15:30
gatoxmy bad15:30
* gatox is fixing that and the pylint issu15:31
mandelgatox, I was going for that hehe it did not seem to logical to have n both the same, it looked funy :P15:33
gatoxmandel, maybe....... nessita what do you think?? i made both to check the two situations.....15:34
nessitagatox: I wasn't  reading, let me catch up15:34
gatoxmaybe one of them is unnecessary15:34
nessitagatox: what is the question?15:34
gatoxmandel, nessita i've fixed the lint issue, and moved the overlay.hide outside the try-except block15:35
nessitagatox:  self.wizard().overlay.hide() should be inside a finally block15:35
mandelgatox, much better ^15:35
nessitagatox: and you should have at least 2 tests, one for get_info failing, a another for get)info not failing15:35
gatoxnessita, ok,, you are right15:35
gatoxnessita, so its ok what i did15:35
mandelgatox, testing both is ok, adding it in the except is not15:36
mandelgatox, you have to test all paths, that lead you to the finally15:36
nessitagatox: I guess so, will confirm when I'll look the diff when branchin (I need more info than what LP is giving me)15:37
nessitagatox: I'll branch once the fixes are there15:37
* mandel should be less spanish and stop pointing things out with questions? 15:37
gatoxi'm uploading the last changes15:37
mandelgatox, does the logger just do this logger.exception("Error getting backend info:") ??15:47
mandelgatox, would be nicer to know a little more, right? can it be done?15:47
nessitamandel: the logger automatically add the whole traceback15:48
gatoxmandel, i assume it can... wow.. that was kind of empty15:48
nessitamandel: that is, when calling logger.exception inside a except block15:48
gatoxnessita, cool15:48
gatoxnessita, i didn't know that15:48
nessitagatox: there is no need  for extra info15:48
mandelnessita, dammed I always forget that! stupid manuel!15:50
mandelwow! the guy next door really like loud music15:53
gatoxhave to leave now! see you later!!17:30
gatoxnessita, i will try to submit the first no mocker branch tonight (i'll divide it in several branches to avoid problems)17:31
nessitagatox: great!17:31
nessitagatox: send me an email17:31
gatoxnessita, ok!!17:31
duanedesignmandel: if a user of windows client gets  (not well- formed(invaled token): line 40 collumn 27). Do they need to reinstall the client?17:36
dobeyhrmm, that sucked17:42
dobeyi guess i have to play around with config to fix e1717:42
dobeylet's try that again real quick :)17:56
duanedesigndobey: I havent used Enlightenment in awhile, how is it?18:00
dobeyalmost there18:01
dobeyduanedesign: not well integrated is what it is18:02
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duanedesigntoo bad. Been a few years but the first time I saw Enlightenment I really liked it18:03
dobeyalright, one more try18:04
nessitabrb reboot18:10
dobeye17 seems to have some issues18:16
dobeyalso trying to think of everything major we need to do in the 12.04 cycle for client stuff18:32
nessitadobey: if you fell like it (I know if friday), would you review? https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-client/find_credentials-sync/+merge/77745 (if you prefer Monday is fine)18:34
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
dobeynessita, ralsina: do either of you have any somewhat major things you think we need to do for 12.04 cycle?18:40
ralsinadobey: switch to Qt?18:40
ralsinaand good evening everyone18:40
dobeyi hope we can avoid that18:40
nessitaralsina: hi there18:41
ralsinahi nessita18:41
nessitadobey: well, the idea is drop support for the GTK panel. We still be supporting the GTK sso UI. So, we'd need to migrate SSO to gtk3, which does not use twisted directly but our test suite does.18:41
nessitadobey: also, I would like to get rid of all deprecated dbus method in the syncdaemon interface.18:42
* dobey points at his official job title ;)18:43
nessitadobey: I did not got that :-)18:44
dobey"GNOME Developer - Online Services"18:44
ralsinanessita: I am setting the proxy bug to triaged. What do you like better, medium or high?18:46
nessitaralsina: well, it depends18:47
ralsinait does seem to affect a lot of people18:47
nessitaralsina: are we working on that any time soon?18:47
ralsinanessita: I expect in the next month or two18:47
nessitaralsina: I would not change the bug status until then (but that's just me). Every change to that bug report triggers tons of unnecessary comments18:48
nessitaif you change the status, people will start commenting on it again, saying a variety of things that so far only consumes time but provides no good feedback18:48
ralsinaI am trying to do things more openly. We want to do it, we think we have to do it, and we plan on doing it. having it as "wishlist" is not reflecting that18:48
ralsinait only makes it look as if we don't care18:49
nessitaralsina: from my POV, not having it in the roadmap means we want to do it, not sure if we will18:49
ralsinanessita: we don't have much of a roadmap yet, but proxy is going to be in it18:50
nessitamoving to one status and then moving it back, may be "terrible"18:50
ralsinait's like "the big thing" we are doing next18:50
nessitaralsina: right, I heard the same thing back in budapest18:50
ralsinanessita: well, we have one less item in the roadmap now :-)18:50
nessitaralsina: is up to you. I will not change it until we seriously consider implementing it18:50
ralsinaI already am seriously considering implementing it18:51
nessitawith the info *I* have, and the experience I have, I still don't think we're doing it any time soon. But you may have more info than I have.18:51
ralsinaI just wanted your opinion on the priority since I know there are some definitions as in "affects X% of people"18:51
ralsinanessita: I don't think we are *finishing* it soon18:51
nessitaralsina: is a medium, becasue if affects a lot of people but is not a stopper for most users18:51
ralsinaok, cool18:52
nessitaralsina: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Importance18:52
ralsinagreat, thanks! bookmarking!18:52
nessitaralsina: question18:55
nessitaralsina: are you sure you added alecu's unicode username branch to the lastest installer?18:55
ralsinaI thought that one was merged18:55
nessitaralsina: I've seen at least 2 bugs reporting it does not work in that case18:55
ralsinawasn't it?18:55
nessitaralsina: it was not18:55
ralsinaargh, then it's not there18:56
nessitaralsina: you kidding me? :-D18:56
ralsina???? why is it not merged?18:56
dobeybecause alecu hasn't fixed the tests?18:57
ralsinaOh crap18:57
dobeyand why are you all using edge?!18:57
nessitadobey: firefox cache18:57
nessitaralsina: bugs are: bug #863297 and bug #86242618:58
ubot4Launchpad bug 863297 in ubuntuone-client "[windows] Errors when using not ASCII usernames (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86329718:58
ubot4Launchpad bug 862426 in ubuntuone-client "cannot syn files with cyrrilic names (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86242618:58
nessitaralsina: any idea when we can release an update?18:58
ralsinanessita: not today, maybe tuesday18:58
nessitaralsina: we can re-evaluate targeting more bugs18:58
ralsinawednesday is more realistic18:58
ralsinaI would say, if we can fix a few more bugs, friday is good18:58
ralsinaThere is gatox18:59
nessitaralsina: gatox fixed a huge bug where password reset if fixed (it wasn't implemented so far)18:59
ralsina sorry, there is gatox's fix for the "forgot password" page18:59
ralsinaWith those two it's a good update already, but if we can squeeze another one, even better18:59
nessitaralsina: I have another branch I'd like to add, will work on that MOnday18:59
nessitaralsina: better error management in the UI (already spoke with lisette)19:00
ralsinaIn fact, it will probably be easier to do the release monday 9, since I will be in the UK19:00
ralsinaso I can do it, you know, awake and stuff19:00
dobeywhere is alecu?19:00
mandeldobey, day off19:01
dobeyof course19:01
mandelI need to go to catch the plain (I ahve to days ahead of me) talk to you on monday!19:02
dobeyplain is boring19:03
ralsinathe plains in spain fall mainly on the planes?19:05
ralsinabye mandel!19:06
nessitaralsina: can you triage those bugs and mark them as dup iof the master one?19:08
ralsinanessita: sure19:08
ralsinanessita: done19:10
dobeyorganizing ideas is hard work19:15
nessitaralsina: I think you forgot to actually mark this a dup (you did add  acomment)  #86329719:50
ralsinabug #86329719:50
ubot4Launchpad bug 863297 in ubuntuone-client "[windows] Errors when using not ASCII usernames (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86329719:50
ralsinanessita: launchpad is giving me a "try later" error. I will... try later?19:52
nessitaralsina: okis19:52
dobeyralsina: did you try later?19:56
dobeyralsina: if not, it worked anyway :P19:56
ralsinadobey: indeed. And successfuly.19:56
dobeyah ok19:56
dobeyman, the CRJ-900 is an awful plane, and so is spending 6 hours in ATL20:03
dobeywell, got that done at least (i hope)20:10
ralsinadobey: do you remember the master bug for "we don't detect network if network-manager is not running"?20:25
dobeyit was fixed a long time ago20:28
ralsinait still fails if network-manager is installed and disabled20:30
dobeyhecks yeah having medallion privs is nice20:32
dobeyralsina: well it fails if network-manager says you have no network, yes; but that is not disabled20:33
ralsinaif NM is installed and not being used to connect the network, does that happen?20:33
dobeyit's not that it is installed, it is that it is running20:34
dobeythere is nothing we can do about that other than to tell people "don't do that, or do it right"20:34
nessitaralsina: right, we can't distinguish from NM telling you have no network becasue you don't have, or because you connect with other manager but still have NM running20:35
dobeymaybe we can fix some packages to Conflicts each other i guess to help with that, so that wicd causes network-manager to get removed20:35
ralsinadobey: yeah20:36
ralsinadobey: feel free to answer bug #863598 then ;-)20:36
ubot4Launchpad bug 863598 in ubuntuone-client "Doesn't recognize internet connection with gnome network manager disabled (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86359820:36
dobeyhere's hoping i get upgraded20:36
nessitadobey: I have a branch ready for libsyncdaemon, that does not change the API :-)20:41
nessitaI have only one doubt...20:41
nessitadobey: what is this declaration for? dbus_g_object_register_marshaller (_syncdaemon_marshal_VOID__STRING_POINTER,20:42
nessitainside syncdaemon_authentication_init20:42
dobeynessita: we have to register marshallers for connecting to dbus signals20:43
nessitadobey: is the type of the marshaller fixed? I mean, shall it change if the dbus signals signature change?20:43
nessitaalso, how come we register only one marshaller if we already had signals with different signatures?20:44
dobeynessita: it has to match the signal20:44
dobeyi don't understand the second question20:45
nessitadobey: in the current code, we register only one marshaller, but we connect to several siganls, with different signatures...20:45
nessitadobey: does that mean that all the signals that do not match the marshaller signature are being, for example, ignored?20:46
nessitanot sure if my question is clearer now20:47
dobeywe register several marshallers20:48
dobeywell, 2 in authentication.c20:48
dobeyand if the signatures changed then yes, we need to use different marshallers, and probably write the bit to make such marshallers20:50
dobeywhat changed?20:50
nessitadobey: which 2 marshallers we register?20:50
nessitaah, I know, the old proxy and the new proxy (in trunk)20:51
dobeyoh yes, so it's 1 but is used for either the old or the new proxy stuff20:51
nessitadobey: let me push the branch to be more explicit about what changed, but basically:20:52
nessita* no more app_name being sent nor received20:52
dobeydoesn't credentialsfound give you a string and a dict?20:52
dobeyor just a dict?20:52
nessita* on error, instead of 2 strings, we received a dict20:52
nessitadobey: just a dict for credentialsfound20:52
dobeyoh hrmm20:52
nessitadobey: nothing for authdenied, and nothing for credentialsnotfound (new signal)20:52
nessitadobey: good news is we can remove all the SSO_FOO constants!!!20:53
dobeynessita: is desktopcouch fixed yet?20:53
nessitadobey: pretty sure yes, let me confirm20:53
dobeywell because you want to talk to credentials service instead of sso directly right?20:53
nessitadobey: yes20:54
nessitadobey: latest diff is located at https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-client/update-sso/+merge/7737020:54
dobeyman, all this auth stuff is a horrible mess20:55
nessitadobey: it is, yes, but I think we're moving in the right direction of cleaning it up20:56
dobeyi am not sure about that20:56
nessitadobey: desktopcouch uses non-deprecated sso dbus service, but not the u1.credentials one. I can migrate that next week.20:57
dobeyoh i was pretty sure it was expecting app_name in credentials found and was comparing it, to add the right pairing stuff20:58
nessitadobey: right, if we move to use u1.creds, no need to compare app_names20:59
dobeyanyway, i am more concerned about the giant mess of code we have20:59
dobeyu1.creds seems like a non-solution to the problem21:01
nessitadobey: right. But at least we can have libsyncdaemon authing again without breaking apis... (I tested it with tomboy and works...)21:01
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dobeyfor the moment; we need to break some APIs and take ownership of some things, anyway21:02
nessitadobey: I agree. Though, I would like to have a plan for that, and fix the auth service in libsd in nightlies in the mean time... mostly because we have end users using nightlies21:03
dobeyi think we still need to register marshallers, but we probably don't need that one here any more21:07
nessitadobey: ack... I will check that up on MOn21:09
dobeyyeah, have a good weekend!21:13
nessitayou too!21:13
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel

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