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anonymous_farmI just burned ubuntustudio but can not boot from it on macbook 4.113:40
holsteinanonymous_farm: it wont boot like that13:40
holsteinits not a live CD13:40
holsteinyou should be able to boot the installer13:40
holsteinpersonally, ive had bad luck with mac+linux13:40
holsteini would look at the wiki pages from ubuntu on your specific macbook13:41
holsteinhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook4-1/Lucid for example13:41
holsteini would also burn a normal ubuntu live CD, boot that, see how it works on the hard drive, use that to install, and add whatever i want to it from the studio packages13:42
anonymous_farmso can boot to say puppy linux and then run the install ? I will look at the forum13:43
anonymous_farmnot forum   wiki13:43
holsteinanonymous_farm: i cant imagine a scenario where booting puppy linux will help with the install of ubuntustudio13:45
holsteinit could be a kernel version issue13:46
holsteinwho knows13:46
holsteini have several live CD's in my testing kit at all times13:46
holsteinthe last ubuntu LTS, which is 10.04, the latest stable ubuntu (11.04)... also puppy linux and knoppix13:47
anonymous_farmthank you for the pointers, I will burn the live cd and giv that a try13:47
holsteinthe ubuntustudio iso is *not* live13:47
holsteinyou dont have to have the ubuntustudio installer to get ubuntustudio13:47
ubottuTo install Ubuntu Studio on top of a vanilla Ubuntu install, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/Installation13:47
holsteinyou can just search ubuntustudio in whatever package manager as well after install13:47
holsteinOR, just install what you need13:47
holsteinfor example, the ubuntustudio-audio metapackage pulls in a lot of applications, but you might not ever need/want/use them13:48
anonymous_farmOk thank you for the help13:48
holsteinif you just want audacity, just install audacity, it'll be quicker, and easier13:48
holsteinand, you get to use a live CD to install13:48
anonymous_farmI understand I guess I did not see that it is not a live cd13:49
anonymous_farmread the page hmm my wife is laughing at me getting lost with map in my hand13:53

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