charlie-tca | ooops | 02:39 |
charlie-tca | blueman bug is duplicate of bug 437883 with 82 dups now | 02:39 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 437883 in blueman (Ubuntu) "blueman-applet crashed with DBusException in call_blocking()" [High,Triaged] | 02:39 |
Unit193 | If you'll notice the ML, you may see this: | 02:46 |
Unit193 | jayson_r: Welcome! | 02:46 |
charlie-tca | Unit193: ML == Mailing list? | 02:47 |
Unit193 | charlie-tca: Yes sir! | 02:48 |
charlie-tca | Okay. I usually send a thank you type thing to -devel ml when I spot a review, just to let everyone know about it. | 02:48 |
charlie-tca | This one I shared on g+ | 02:49 |
* Unit193 isn't stalking you on G+ | 02:49 | |
charlie-tca | heh | 02:49 |
charlie-tca | I just try to push things that are about Xubuntu, generally. I am not very good at "social networking" at all | 02:49 |
charlie-tca | got like 52 people in my circle | 02:50 |
Unit193 | I've got less, and I post less. I'm also not one for social networking | 02:50 |
charlie-tca | after a year or so, I got three people on twitter! | 02:50 |
Unit193 | Anyway, that person posted to the devel list and is here now. I just found that on my quick look over his blog | 02:51 |
charlie-tca | Welcome, jayson_r | 02:52 |
charlie-tca | Thanks for the review of Xubuntu! | 02:52 |
charlie-tca | well, I think I have to get some sleep tonight | 02:54 |
charlie-tca | Unit193: Do you have time tomorrow to run tests? | 02:54 |
Unit193 | charlie-tca: Eh... I'm going to be gone tomorrow, but I could try to make it up in the morning :/ | 02:55 |
charlie-tca | Most of the changes should have hit today, so if we can test tomorrow, we can give mr_pouit and micahg a chance to see what might be fixable | 02:56 |
Unit193 | I'll have to do something mostly basic if I can make it | 02:56 |
charlie-tca | That works. It just needs to be an image dated 09-30 or later | 02:56 |
Unit193 | I will try! Have a great night! | 02:56 |
charlie-tca | Just to know they still install is good | 02:57 |
charlie-tca | Thank you | 02:57 |
jayson_r | Unit193: charlie-tca: thanks! | 02:59 |
Unit193 | Heh, yep. As I thought. You've been here for a little while now :P | 03:00 |
madnick | Are all those bugs related to the version that I tested? | 03:00 |
charlie-tca | no, madnick | 03:01 |
charlie-tca | They were reported two years ago, and don't seem to have been fixed | 03:01 |
madnick | Oh okay | 03:02 |
charlie-tca | the crash happened on the alternate 64 install, but the desktop cd installs never crashed. It might be something about how it is being installed | 03:02 |
charlie-tca | The problem is, it crashes every login when it decides to crash | 03:04 |
madnick | charlie-tca: they fixed my bug :) | 03:06 |
madnick | do you think we get it in? | 03:06 |
charlie-tca | Which one is it? | 03:06 |
madnick | bug 862427 | 03:07 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 862427 in lightdm (Ubuntu Oneiric) "lightdm-gtk-greeter does not set translation domain" [High,Fix committed] | 03:07 |
charlie-tca | Oh yeah, that is going to make it in, yes | 03:07 |
madnick | nice | 03:07 |
charlie-tca | apparently wasn't just us, but anyone using gtk-greeter | 03:07 |
madnick | yup, i was going to submit a patch, but i dont think they trust me enough, it was litterly about 2 lines of code to change | 03:08 |
charlie-tca | I have to keep an eye on it, and make sure it gets fix-released now. | 03:08 |
charlie-tca | but you also have the manager in Ubuntu Development watching it | 03:08 |
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charlie-tca | Good morning | 14:11 |
charlie-tca | mr_pouit: anything blocking us now for final release (if there are no changes that screw us)? | 14:12 |
madnick | morning | 14:13 |
madnick | does anyone have admin rights to gridcubes testing interface? | 14:22 |
madnick | and could add todays files | 14:22 |
charlie-tca | hit refresh, it should pick them up | 14:23 |
madnick | nope :( | 14:23 |
madnick | gonna clear my cache and try 1 sec | 14:23 |
charlie-tca | did it here | 14:23 |
charlie-tca | I just hit F5 in firefox | 14:24 |
charlie-tca | oh, but my cache and everything is set for 1 day maximum | 14:24 |
madnick | I get: | 14:24 |
madnick | Warning: include(./sch/September30.htm) | 14:24 |
madnick | even with cleared cache :\ | 14:24 |
charlie-tca | close it and the open it again? | 14:26 |
charlie-tca | | 14:26 |
madnick | oh | 14:26 |
madnick | i was here: | 14:26 |
madnick | | 14:26 |
charlie-tca | ouch, that is full of errors | 14:27 |
madnick | The alt images are oversized | 14:28 |
madnick | I will see if it works anyways | 14:28 |
madnick | err 64bit* | 14:28 |
charlie-tca | They fit on a cd for me yesterday, but it grew again today | 14:28 |
charlie-tca | probably have to remove one of the language packs again | 14:29 |
charlie-tca | mr_pouit: I show the alternate amd64 image at 702.3MB today | 14:30 |
madnick | Should I join Xubuntu Testers? So that I can display my testing hardware? | 14:32 |
charlie-tca | yes | 14:32 |
madnick | okay | 14:32 |
charlie-tca | It's for future reference, when someone asks what hardware was used to test Oneric | 14:33 |
madnick | Yeah, seems like a good idea | 14:33 |
madnick | oh it says i need a wikipage, im not sure how to make those | 14:35 |
charlie-tca | Some people use their irc nicks, I used my real name: | 14:36 |
charlie-tca | | 14:36 |
madnick | Oh, on Ubuntu's wiki? Do I just edit "Home"? Or is there a special page for users to add themselves? | 14:37 |
charlie-tca | you create a new page, using | 14:37 |
charlie-tca | You can copy mine and change it to fit if you want | 14:37 |
madnick | awesome thanks :) | 14:38 |
charlie-tca | It helps if you keep adding what you do to it, too. | 14:38 |
charlie-tca | Then when you need all that good information, it is there | 14:39 |
madnick | okay :) | 14:39 |
* charlie-tca thinks he should have looked to see what is out of date now, too | 14:40 | |
madnick | I will use the setup of your page, but since i cannot use the wiki source, i wont add the menu, if thats okay | 14:40 |
charlie-tca | If you look at "More Actions", raw, you can copy anything off the page | 14:41 |
madnick | :D | 14:42 |
madnick | Sweet | 14:42 |
charlie-tca | The line starting "||<tablestyle="float:right" is the table of contents | 14:42 |
madnick | Writing a wikipage is hard :) | 14:59 |
charlie-tca | Only the first time. After that it gets easy :) | 15:01 |
madnick | If I was 13, is that junior high school? | 15:07 |
madnick | :P | 15:07 |
* madnick is not familiar with English educational system | 15:07 | |
charlie-tca | Yes | 15:08 |
madnick | thanks :) | 15:08 |
charlie-tca | I think so | 15:08 |
=== soren_ is now known as soren | ||
Unit193 | And we have to update BOTH trackers? | 18:28 |
charlie-tca | We appreciate having both updated, since we are testing the new one this week. If you only update one, make it google docs | 18:31 |
* Unit193 Alt Entire | 18:31 | |
charlie-tca | Thank you | 18:32 |
Unit193 | I just love that I'm not stuck with PINK(!) anymore... | 19:21 |
Unit193 | Installed, updates, jockey, opened a few programs and.... I can see plymouth?? | 19:31 |
Unit193 | Theme changed too... Can a hardware person try a reboot from LightDM? Seemed a litttle weird | 19:33 |
charlie-tca | Have already | 19:33 |
charlie-tca | It works nice | 19:33 |
charlie-tca | Oh, reboot? | 19:33 |
charlie-tca | I will try that in a few minutes for you | 19:33 |
Unit193 | If you aren't going to run another test, don't bother, I'm sure it's just me | 19:34 |
Unit193 | blueman-applet crashed on second boot | 19:35 |
Unit193 | And -manager when I tried to open | 19:37 |
charlie-tca | No, I have one installed already that I can reboot | 19:43 |
charlie-tca | blueman crash is bug 437883 | 19:43 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 437883 in blueman (Ubuntu) "blueman-applet crashed with DBusException in call_blocking()" [High,Fix committed] | 19:43 |
Unit193 | Manager didn't already have one with same name | 19:44 |
charlie-tca | reboot is weird; but works | 19:45 |
charlie-tca | Once the applet starts crashing, it crashes every login | 19:46 |
charlie-tca | but, even if reboot is weird, it's *fast* | 19:46 |
Unit193 | Bug 863599 | 19:48 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 863599 in blueman (Ubuntu) "blueman-manager crashed with AttributeError in SetAdapter(): 'module' object has no attribute 'DBusServiceUnknownError'" [Undecided,New] | 19:48 |
Unit193 | It's a dupe of something, just don't know what | 19:48 |
charlie-tca | Hm, I didn't see that crash, but that could be because I have no bluetooth, so once the applet crashes, I don't mess with bluetooth | 19:49 |
Unit193 | Well, it doesn't have it either | 19:50 |
Unit193 | Feel free to change my comments, I'm in a rush | 19:52 |
Unit193 | Only had an option to logout, not reboot or shutdown | 19:52 |
charlie-tca | I'll check and see if I can get reproduce the manager crash | 19:55 |
Unit193 | And it never logged out, had to force | 19:59 |
charlie-tca | Yeah, I had that, but I think it is related to the bluetooth crash | 20:01 |
charlie-tca | They pushed so many changes yesterday, I was surprised the images even worked | 20:02 |
charlie-tca | and Unity plans another change by Tuesday | 20:02 |
Unit193 | The bug I filed could be a dupe of the one you pointed at. I should be good for thes | 20:03 |
Unit193 | tues | 20:03 |
charlie-tca | Okay, we will try again tues then | 20:04 |
charlie-tca | In the meantime, I will run a few installs and see what I can find | 20:04 |
Unit193 | Heh, wish I could check better :/ | 20:05 |
charlie-tca | That's okay, I do pretty good when I have something to start with | 20:05 |
charlie-tca | I have to try and reproduce bug 849414 too, so I will be doing a few installs this weekend | 20:06 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 849414 in plymouth (Ubuntu P-series) "plymouthd crashed with SIGSEGV in ply_event_loop_process_pending_events()" [High,Incomplete] | 20:06 |
charlie-tca | GridCube: | 21:06 |
GridCube | charlie-tca, | 21:07 |
charlie-tca | GridCube: can we have a "enter another test" button instead of having to hit back twice? | 21:07 |
charlie-tca | I hit refresh in hopes of getting back to the beginning, but it dups the test | 21:07 |
GridCube | yes | 21:07 |
GridCube | yes, i've seen that, I was wondering on a way to avoid that, not allowing users to send twice the same exact test, at least one of the field should be different, and the button to go back to the main page :) the last one is very easy, the first one will take some time | 21:09 |
GridCube | :) besides that, what do you think so far? | 21:12 |
GridCube | should i add a way to delete entries from the admin area? | 21:12 |
charlie-tca | oh, and what about displaying comments? | 21:20 |
charlie-tca | Also, If I ran the test, entered the data, and then found I forgot something, I have to dup the entry to change it? | 21:21 |
charlie-tca | Which is okay, if we add a delete from admin area | 21:21 |
charlie-tca | Then the tester can tell us they changed it, and we just delete the first entry made | 21:21 |
GridCube | yes i can add the comments to the front page, i didnt because i though it would be too much information | 21:24 |
GridCube | and i don't really want to give to anyone the ability to delete entries, any troll would come and delete everything | 21:25 |
charlie-tca | I agree with that. We can do deletes through admin only | 21:25 |
charlie-tca | limit it to one or two people | 21:25 |
GridCube | as you wish i can change the password on the file directly and give it to you if you want and you do what you please whit it :) | 21:26 |
charlie-tca | Is the database working? | 21:26 |
GridCube | define "working" | 21:26 |
charlie-tca | not losing data | 21:26 |
GridCube | oh yes :D | 21:27 |
GridCube | that is | 21:27 |
charlie-tca | We have added quite a bit this week to it | 21:27 |
GridCube | yes, i deleted the old tests entries | 21:27 |
GridCube | thats why some numbers are wrong, and it starts at 8 | 21:27 |
GridCube | all the data is from real tests now | 21:27 |
charlie-tca | heh | 21:28 |
charlie-tca | we have ways of doing strange things sometimes | 21:28 |
charlie-tca | We are going to move to this for the next release. | 21:29 |
GridCube | :D | 21:44 |
GridCube | awesome | 21:44 |
GridCube | i'm making it so it can be edited by an admin to fit any cicle :P | 21:45 |
GridCube | and i was thinking on packaging it to share it whit other people if they want it | 21:45 |
GridCube | :P | 21:45 |
charlie-tca | Great! Are we setting it up to use madnick's server or keep it where it is? | 21:46 |
charlie-tca | Oh, yeah, you don't those install messages because your computer is too fast. My slow ones show all that crap | 21:47 |
GridCube | as you wish, madnick's server is "ours" this one is from a free hosting site, so madnick's seem more secure | 21:47 |
GridCube | charlie-tca, ? wrong channel? | 21:48 |
charlie-tca | no, just an explanation on why you never seen the "remove all ..." messages on installations | 21:49 |
charlie-tca | Easier to say it here than jump back and forth to talk to the same person | 21:49 |
GridCube | charlie-tca, do you want to be able to see the whole database while deleting an entry or you want to have a simple box where to add the ID number while reading the standard "every test" page? | 22:00 |
GridCube | i mean, you read the database in one tab and have the delete box on the admin area | 22:00 |
GridCube | charlie-tca, check the testings center, i've enabled it to show comments, as you can see, its not very pretty | 22:04 |
charlie-tca | I see | 22:06 |
charlie-tca | but what good are comments that are invisible? | 22:06 |
charlie-tca | Whatever method to delete is easier to create, I guess. | 22:06 |
GridCube | they aren invisibles on the "every test" page | 22:12 |
GridCube | but ill see what i can do | 22:12 |
charlie-tca | Okay | 22:19 |
charlie-tca | I kind of like to see if anyone hit the same issues I did, and I think others do also. | 22:19 |
GridCube | there, now you can delete entrys from the admin area, do you remember the password? | 22:34 |
charlie-tca | yeah, but not the url | 22:35 |
charlie-tca | memory like an elephant, just can't remember those details | 22:36 |
GridCube | | 22:42 |
charlie-tca | Thank you | 22:54 |
GridCube | :) | 22:55 |
GridCube | I've tried to make it the most comprensible(?) that i could | 22:55 |
charlie-tca | It's good. I will just ask questions when I can't do what I need it to. | 22:56 |
GridCube | D: | 22:57 |
GridCube | :D | 22:57 |
charlie-tca | Well, You have a great weekend! I am taking off for tonight now. | 23:31 |
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