[00:20] ikonia: Yeah, I'd have interest in pursuing that. [00:20] I'll let you know what my archeologist uncovers. [00:32] arch channel is not +r [00:32] he is probably +q [00:33] guess they had enough [01:10] * [bktrak] (~bktrak@cpe-72-231-173-136.nycap.res.rr.com): bktrak [01:11] bot or just unpleasant [01:13] have you tried hooking up a smotherbox? [01:13] DONT google that [02:33] baktrak same as bktrak from before [02:38] Its America.. "Free Speach" [02:46] Hi, i would like to report an operator.. in the channel #ubuntu. [02:46] which and report what? [02:47] bazhang [02:47] ? [02:47] ok... [02:47] So who do i report it to [02:47] baktrak: what would you like to report? [02:48] baktrak: still there? [02:48] Thats After i was explaining a problem to a person a kernel problem in ubuntu 10.04 that he told me no chit-chatting... but i was telling a person a problem in Ubuntu... i understand the chat is for support only but then he then... kicked me.. out of channel.. and then +q'd me. [02:49] So then He Priv Messaged me to prolly "taunt" Me.. and then says "No Perhaps You will respond" [02:49] After he Muted me from #ubuntu [02:50] And then after.. Pointing Just me out for chit-chatting he doesnt enforce any of the rules to any other person in #ubuntu.. As u can see here... U idleone.. told 2 people to stay on topic. [02:50] IdleOne> !ot | DirtyD mrdeb [02:51] baktrak: ok, how about this. [02:51] !guidelines [02:51] The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines [02:52] I know what the Guidlines are... The Channel is for support. [02:52] please read the info at the link and if you agree to follow our guidelines and not try the "This is America" stuff again I'll unban you. [02:52] Not banned [02:52] Muted [02:52] because. this is NOT America [02:52] this is freenode [02:53] Lol k i agree [02:53] why am I not convinced? [02:53] Because this isnt America?.. Its freenode? [02:53] ;) [02:54] anyway, you going to behave and not force me to have to ban you? [02:54] Idle.. lemme ask u this [02:54] shoot [02:54] What if i was sitting where u were right now. [02:55] An Op [02:55] And u were some Guy from ubuntu [02:55] yeah. [02:55] Yeh?.. And i could DO anything to u [02:55] Ban u for some stupid reason [02:55] What would u do? [02:55] let me stop you. [02:55] I was that guy for 4 years before I became an op [02:56] and the 2 times I broke the rules I got banned [02:56] We don;t do "what we want" we enforce the guidelines. [02:56] Did i say i do what i want? [02:56] Nah All i did was just go in a channel and report a problem to someone. [02:56] We as is we the ops [02:56] as in* [02:57] Thats all.. and not many people will stand up for themeselves like i am doing right now. [02:57] Because they are scared to get banned because they need help... with things [02:57] standing up for what is clearly a violation of our guidelines doesn't make you a hero [02:57] it makes you wrong. [02:57] Lol [02:57] How about this.. [02:57] You keep the +q on? [02:58] now, we can keep going back and forth or you can agree to follow the guidelines and I'll let you back in [02:58] Im not banned [02:58] I'll unmute you. [02:58] Ill agree but i dont wanna be UnMuted [02:58] So keep the +q On. [02:58] then we have nothing left to discuss. have a good night. [02:59] baktrak: Please don't idle in here. [02:59] whos quest7960? [02:59] ;) [03:00] Ooohh ubuttu bot [03:00] mmk [03:00] an unidentified op [03:00] Peace then [03:00] later [03:04] my favorite troll :) [03:04] heya PerfM what's up? [03:04] My 2nd fav oper [03:05] oh you know, just visiting ;) [03:05] :( [03:05] why so glum, chum? [03:05] PerfM: Do we really need to do this again, because I thought I was your fav. [03:05] Oh, but then I met rww [03:05] and he's a staffer too [03:05] so BONUS, amirite? [03:05] wins by default I guess [03:06] ok, well visit is over. Go home. [03:06] Hahaha [03:06] Typical [03:06] Doesn't even ask how I am, or anything [03:06] I talked to you earlier, had my perfie fill for the day. [03:06] not the place for that PerfM [03:07] lololololol epic [03:07] as you well know [03:07] bazhang, just chillin w/my bud [03:07] PerfM, not here [03:07] you wanna be my bud too? [03:07] ... [03:07] PerfM: seriously, please part the channel. [03:08] I'll be back [03:08] sure you will [03:09] whatever could go wrong with *empowering* a known troll with a *cloak* to that effect [03:09] it also empowers us to call him troll and not be insulting [03:10] that cloak wont be removed unless it is extreme, way over the line behavior [03:27] can i make video games for ubuntu so more people will use it? [03:28] Well, they'd have to be GOOD video games... [03:28] heh [03:33] any clue whats up with soreau in -ot [03:35] this wont end well [05:57] AfterDeath: Can I help you? [05:58] Yeah, was about to ask some stuff but figured it out. Doing clean-up work on AntiSpamMeta. Have a good day :) [05:58] s/Yeah/No/ [06:53] In ubottu, Danielcg25 said: Your mom is intelligent [06:56] Sorry for that, ubottu seems to think it's funny to forward my insults to it to this channel [06:56] she is funny that way. [06:57] I think I figured it out. [06:57] It sends everything after "is" [06:59] Danielcg25: the term dickpickle is not necessarily cursing but in the context you described it was clearly meant to be an insult which makes it cursing. [07:00] So please just keep the language family friendly. [07:00] ok [07:20] In #ubuntu, nyuszika7h said: !cdrom is /dev/cdrom is [07:21] In #ubuntu, nyuszika7h said: !cdrom is /dev/cdrom is deprecated. Use /dev/srx (usually sr0) instead. [07:27] In #ubuntu, nyuszika7h said: !cross-posting is crossposting [07:30] hurr [07:30] RaTTuS|BIG... [07:31] was it automated? [07:38] they all have had too much coffee [07:39] or not enough [09:52] Dunno why that quiet didn't release on solancer [09:52] I pulled it. [09:53] great, was about to myself [10:36] unmuted? [10:37] vibhav, no [10:38] vibhav, please stop asking for it to happen, you will be contacted. [10:38] ok [11:02] oh well. he left the channel. nevermind :) [11:05] @mark #ubuntu-ops vibhav totally unable to follow simple instructions. [11:05] The operation succeeded. [11:07] That can be removed in 1 week [11:21] they got tons of warnings [11:21] true [11:23] no more needed imo [11:33] lengthy protest PM from Uatec for the remove [11:34] throws in "fighting the urge to Godwin" [13:27] ikonia, Might you be available? [13:27] yes, [13:27] just cooking so I'm in/out [13:28] what's up ? [13:30] I was just wondering if your comment about my reinstall suggestion was just a tiny bit rude; calling it "crazy" i agree, it was somewhat rash but in the end, I think it would've worked. I'm not trying to "start somrthing, just curious. :D [13:30] something, even [13:32] if you think telling someone to reinstll their OS to put grub on a disk is sane, [13:34] or you think that is a way to help someone, that is crazy [13:38] OK, I agree, but I wasn't exactly sure of the procedure; I will refrain in the future unless I'm absolutely certain; and I apologize if I "ruffled your feathers". Please realize that when I first started with ubuntu (Gutsy) I knew no one who had even heard of *nix, much less ubuntu. I am self taught through the forums and didn't discover this channel until recently. My goals are totally altruistic in that all I wish to do [13:38] is help others and giav back to the community. [13:38] give, even [13:39] Sidewinder1: you've not offended or ruffled anyones feathers, it's not a problem [13:39] and everyone picks up knowledge and info as they go along, you don't have to know everything on day one [13:39] infact it would be equally as crazy to expect that [13:39] That's cool' IMHO we're good and I'll part.. [13:40] There 'ya go, accusing me of being crazy; my wife will attest to that! [13:41] Bye! :-) [13:42] bye [13:42] And thanks to you and all the rest for volunteering your time; it doesn't go unnoticed, at least not here. [13:42] Laterz. [17:32] m4v called the ops in #ubuntu (Merdam) [17:32] sorted