
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
StevenKOh, bah. Firefox, why are you hiding the URI schema for http:// URIs? :-(04:14
lifelessbecause chrome did it and so its obviously cool.04:35
lifelessnevermind that it completely messes things up04:35
StevenKIf Firefox is just going to copy Chrome, that's disappointing.04:56
lifelessoh, I agree.05:41
nigelblifeless: <305:58
nigelbStevenK: Speaking of browsers, this might be entertaining - http://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-lwEG-pIhR3Q/TodEKkigwVI/AAAAAAAACgs/ARfogL6LqXM/s512/msft.jpg05:58
StevenKnigelb: I saw that06:02
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lifelessunder one page of mediums left20:59
mwhudsonlifeless: and hey, i just closed two of the bugs you reclassified21:38
lifelessmwhudson: cool21:52
nigelbdo I hear a four? ;)21:53
lifelessgoing once21:53
lifelessspring cleaning :)21:55
mwhudsonsadly no more yet21:58
nigelbI think I found the best spring cleaning material in tech-debt.21:59
nigelbAlthough fixing one bug = at least 2 to 3 MPs :P21:59
mwhudsonmy current launchpad side project is made of tech-debt21:59
lifelessnigelb: thats more like an attic :) - this is stuff that we have lying around uncategorised ;)21:59
nigelblifeless: heh22:00
nigelbI can see the spiderwebs hang off those bugs :P22:00
wallyworld_wgrant: were you going to look at 863098?23:33
wgrantBug #86309823:33
_mup_Bug #863098: OOPS when retargeting a private bug to a context the user cannot see private bugs by default <404> <bugs> <disclosure> <oops> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/863098 >23:33
wgrantI wasn't.23:34
wallyworld_ok. i can23:34
jelmerhi wallyworld_, wgrant23:34
wgrantEvening jelmer.23:34
wgrantwallyworld_: Thanks.23:34
wallyworld_np. just wan't to make sure we weren't going to double up23:34
wallyworld_i hate unity today. had to totally blow alway all my settings to get it to not lock up the desktop23:35
wgrantwallyworld_: I suspect the solution will be to just subscribe the actor, as we do when making a bug private in the first place.23:37
wallyworld_wgrant: that would work code wise. is that what we want to do policy wise? i guess so23:38
wgrant+          xdr: {use: 'flash'},23:39
lifelessor just set next_url to a different value23:39
lifeless+ add a notification23:39
lifelessI wouldn't expect the actor to be subscribed; in fact it will be explicitly *against* one of curtis' rules to do that.23:39
lifelessthe rule being 'for "private projects" newly private-in-that-project bugs have no subscriptions other than the default set'23:40
wgrantPrivate projects don't exist.23:40
wgrantSo rules around them aren't relevant yet.23:40
wgrantc-i-p is a default-private-bugs project, where the reporter has a subscription regardless.23:41
lifeless'private bugs by default' seems to be your proxy for now23:41
lifelesswgrant: the reporter is one of the default set of subscriptions23:41
lifelesswgrant: the triager isn't23:41
* wallyworld_ wonders whether to take the red pill or blue pill23:41
mwhudsonhooray for not landing code until you have a use for it23:42
wgrantlifeless: But the triager is the one reporting the bug in the "private project".23:42
wallyworld_mwhudson: you referring to your mp from friday?23:42
mwhudsonwallyworld_: yes23:42
lifelesswgrant: ahhh, no I'm not :)23:43
lifelesswgrant: meh, I can see arguments both ways.23:43
wallyworld_mwhudson:  do you have a specific use case for it now?23:43
lifelesswgrant: whatever you guys decide, I think it needs documentation if it will increase the visibility of such bugs23:43
mwhudsonwallyworld_: basically, it seems stuffing things in annotations is unpleasant, better to just have an IParticipationExtras interface that separately defines the things we care about23:44
wgrantlifeless: I feel that all these changes are insane.23:44
wgrantlifeless: Because they're making an existing confusing and exceptional privacy mechanism even more confusing and exceptional, in a gradual fashion.23:44
wgrantlifeless: Rather than a one-off change to a sensible one.23:44
mwhudsonwallyworld_: yeah, trying to (only) store the feature flag controller on the participation23:44
lifelesswgrant: so the goal is a sensible one; I agree that gradual changes can be tricky.23:45
lifelesswgrant: I wouldn't want to see massive code drops, but I could totally see stuff being feature flagged until all the bits are in place23:45
wallyworld_mwhudson: +1 for that ff change23:45
wgrantFor stuff like this they're not tricky: they're dangerous.23:45
wgrantlifeless: Right, that is what I intended from the start. But it seems everyone prefers gradual change :/23:45
wgrantNormally, sure. But not for something like this.23:45
lifelesswgrant: talk to your team :)23:45
lifelesswgrant: FWIW, to me, feature-flagged to ~launchpad isn't gradual change, because only we're affected, and we can deal.23:46
lifelesswow, our lp-oops install has masssssive cruft in it23:47
lifeless                                           QUERY PLAN23:47
lifeless Seq Scan on oops_oops  (cost=0.00..1991487.27 rows=2772 width=68)23:47
wallyworld_wgrant: so, what's the consensus? subscribe or redirect with notification?23:48
wgrantNot sure.23:51
wgrantBut looks like we need to roll back the latest devel rev.23:51
wgrantIt breaks lots of profiling tests, it seems.23:51
wgrant(and introduces Flash, so getting rid of it is a bonus :))23:51
wallyworld_what for?23:52
wgrantBypassing cross-domain request restrictions.23:52
wgrantI assume.23:52
wallyworld_you mean someone wrote action script?23:53
wgrantYUI has some Flash embedded.23:53
wgrantTo use as an XHR transport.23:53
wgrantTo violate browser cross-domain request restrictions.23:53
wgrantBecause Flash is more holey.23:53
wallyworld_i thought flash functionality was implemented using ActionAcript23:54
wgrantThis is a prebuilt SWF in YUI.23:54
wgrantBecause fuck good practice, let's put proprietary compiled formats in our tarballs :)23:54
lifelessthe 503 page ?23:54
wgrantlifeless: Yes.23:54

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