
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
bjsniderjbicha2, ping00:07
farciarz84err:ole:CoCreateInstance apartment not initialised00:17
farciarz84err:winediag:X11DRV_WineGL_InitOpenglInfo Direct rendering is disabled, most likely your OpenGL drivers haven't been installed correctly00:17
farciarz84fixme:advapi:SetSecurityInfo stub00:17
farciarz84what's that?00:17
farciarz84it apears just after upgrade00:17
KM0201o/ Roasted00:50
MarkGreenwoodHello !00:56
MarkGreenwoodAnyone know if the GNOME 3.2 quick preview will be in 11.10 ?01:08
bjsniderMarkGreenwood, you mean sushi?01:08
MarkGreenwoodNope, well kinda. It is officialy integrated in Nautilus now.01:08
MarkGreenwood(Nautilus 3.2)01:08
bjsniderhow do you mean?01:08
MarkGreenwoodJust a second, I will get the link.01:09
MarkGreenwoodGo look at the quick preview thing01:09
bjsniderMarkGreenwood, the thing is, the framework is integrated, but sushi itself is an extra01:10
bjsnideri am developing packages for it as we speak01:10
bjsniderthey are 99% done01:10
bjsnideronce we get debian-gnome to sign off on it, it will either be in oneiric, or in an official ppa01:10
bjsnideri am using the software based on the packages now, and it is awesome01:11
bjsniderthe biggest issue is what to call it, since there is already an unrelated source package called "sushi" in debian01:11
MarkGreenwoodOh great ! So, the quick preview itself is an extra ?01:11
bjsniderwell, you just install the packages and it works immediately01:12
bjsniderbut it previews just about everything. movies, music, text files, pdf files01:12
MarkGreenwoodAre they available now ? Sorry, I'm no "connaisseur" in the matter :P01:12
bjsnideri don't want people using the packaging scripts right now because we probably will be changing the name, which would make things difficult on anyone who installed the earlier version01:13
MarkGreenwoodOh ok ! Well, it's good news to know that you are almost done though :)01:14
bjsniderit's every bit as awesome as it , looks though01:14
bjsnidervery much like the osx previewer01:14
MarkGreenwoodYes, I know. I've been usin Gloobus-Preview in the past. This one looks much cleaner thouh.01:14
MarkGreenwoodOh by the way, if I'm missing a lot of g's, it's because my key is half-broke01:17
graingertbjsnider: nautilus-sushi01:19
graingertbjsnider: where can I get the packages that you are running on?01:20
bjsniderwhat about it?01:20
graingertbjsnider: I'm saying nautilus-sushi is what it should be called01:20
graingertto avoid collisions01:21
bjsnideri think we're going to call it gnome-sushi01:21
graingertI'm a massive namespace fan01:21
bjsnideranyway, i'm not going to ful up the conrol file with upgrades or conflicts at the moment so i would prefer to be the only one running it until the name is finalized01:21
graingertah okay01:22
bjsniderso far after a couple of days it is totally bulletproof. not one crash01:22
graingertso what's the difference between it and gloobus preview?01:22
bjsnideri'm not 100% familiar with what gloobus is doing these days01:23
graingertgood difference01:23
graingertalso gnome-sushi's site is not down01:23
bjsniderjtaylor, if that guy who was trying to build gnome-documents comes back he can find packages here: https://launchpad.net/~jbicha/+archive/extra01:26
jbichasushi definitely won't be on the main CD though, way past time for that01:28
MarkGreenwoodbjsnider So, do you have any ETA on when it should be ready ? I really can't wait to see it in action ! :D01:31
graingertbjsnider: can I winge on about libsdl1.2-debian:i386 some more01:31
bjsniderMarkGreenwood, asap01:32
bjsniderbut you can build it yourself01:32
bjsniderif you desperately want to test it01:32
bjsnidergraingert, that was a dependency problem right?01:33
MarkGreenwoodWell no :P I'm just very eager :P I shall be patient !01:33
graingert*winge* *winge* *znses* *winge*01:33
bjsnidersnes9x is better though01:34
graingertthat seems not to be in my repos01:35
zhiweihi, my sreensaver and lockscreen do not work.01:35
graingertbjsnider: http://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/snes9x-x01:36
graingertPackage not available in this suite.01:36
bjsniderit's kicking around some ppas01:37
graingertapparently it's been deleted, bjsnider01:37
graingertso it looks like ubuntu can't run snes games01:38
graingert"the most annoying f__king abbreviation to look at. ever"01:38
bjsniderbug 85419601:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 854196 in libsdl1.2 (Ubuntu) "libsdl1.2debian:i386 removes libsdl1.2debian" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85419601:45
graingertbjsnider: yep that one01:46
graingertbjsnider: also zsnes does something odd to software center01:46
bjsniderthe problem is you don't have the exact problem listed there01:49
graingertbjsnider: what is the exact problem?01:50
graingertit seems to be right to me?01:50
bjsnideroh, right. you put it right in the title01:52
bjsnidermost times i expect the title to be something vague like "problem with so-and-so"01:52
graingertI put the issue in the title01:53
graingertand the solution in the description01:53
graingertto maintain DRY01:54
bjsniderneeds more info01:54
graingertbjsnider: mark it as such01:54
bjsniderput the result of the command to install zsnes01:54
bjsniderand the result of the command to remove libsdl1.2debian01:55
bjsniderthen they will see why this is such a problem01:55
graingertwhy is it confirmed01:55
graingertand not more info then?01:55
graingertI could make another bug and mark it as a dupe01:55
bjsnidermaybe this isn't a real bug01:58
bjsniderevery :i386 conflicts with the amd64 counterpart like this, and they all force out necesary packages01:59
bjsnideri mean look what it tries to do if you ask for pulseaudio:i38602:01
bjsnideractually, no, it is a bug. because it should pull in i386 versions of everything it forces out02:03
bjsniderthe bug is not that it forces out its amd64 counterpart. it's that it doesn't replace the other packages02:04
bjsnidergraingert, i'll bet you can work around this02:18
graingertbjsnider: why does it force out the amd64 counterpart?02:21
graingerthow is the amd64 apps supposed to work without them?02:21
graingertwhat's the point of multi-arch if you can't have both apps working?02:21
bjsniderthe point is that they are the same thing, so naturally they have to conflict02:22
bjsniderone is all you need02:22
bjsniderbut here's how you could work around it:02:22
graingertso it would pull in i386 vlc02:23
zhiweihi,anyone key how to lock sreen? my problem is :http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185323602:23
bjsnidertry to install libsdl1.2debian:i386, note the packages it wants to force out. slap an :i386 on them and ask for them to be installed and then libsdl1.2debian:i38602:24
bjsniderif that works without forcing anything out except libsdll1.2debian, you've got the workaround02:25
graingertzhiwei: what happens if you run gnome-screensaver-command -l02:25
graingertbjsnider: I don't think that's a good plan02:25
bjsniderwhy not?02:26
graingertbjsnider: isn't the whole point of multi-arch to have 64bit and 32bit apps work together02:26
graingerteg skype02:26
graingertsurely the stuff skype depends on doesn't force out 64bit versions02:26
bjsniderif they fix the problem you'll end up in the same situation. same packages installed, it will just be done for you02:26
graingertor does the i386 lib include the 64bit binary?02:26
bjsniderthe whole thing has to be one or the other02:27
zhiweigraingert: noting happened. it seems that there is no gnome-screensaver-command02:29
graingertzhiwei: that will be your bug02:30
zhiweigraingert: how to resovle?02:31
graingertzhiwei: install it02:31
zhiweigraingert: /usr/bin/gnome-screensaver-command is on my ubuntu02:32
zhiweiit's version 3.2.002:34
bjsnidergraingert, i see what happened with snes9x. the reason it was deleted is that the debian packaging scripts haven't been touched in 5 years02:44
bjsniderbut there have been new upstream releases in that time, the most recent in april02:45
bjsniderzsnes has not had a new upstream release in 4 years02:45
bjsnidergraingert, https://launchpad.net/~bearoso/+archive/ppa/+files/snes9x-gtk_1.53.81-1~maverick1_amd64.deb02:50
bjsniderthat is installable02:50
graingertbjsnider: sorry I missed that link02:56
graingertas compiz decided to crap out02:56
bjsnidergraingert, https://launchpad.net/~bearoso/+archive/ppa/+files/snes9x-gtk_1.53.81-1~maverick1_amd64.deb02:57
graingertbjsnider: oh02:57
bjsniderit installs and runs here without asking for any changes02:57
graingertmaybe not02:57
zhiweigraingert: hi, I still can't user sreen lock...\02:58
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graingertzhiwei: even with the app installed?02:58
graingertzhiwei: so the app just hangs?02:59
graingertwhat do you get for ps -ef | grep gnome-screensaver02:59
mrdebis oneric looking good03:16
realitychangerHello.  I'm using 11.10, tried to install nvidia's proprietary driver from cli, and now x is borked.  What is the proper method for reconfiguring x?  dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg didn't work for me.03:35
xgt001hi there03:37
xgt001is there a ppa for catalyst 11.903:37
xgt001for oneiric03:37
billytwowillyso I tried to load up nvidia settings to get twinview working and it's erroring out on no xorg.conf file found.03:39
=== Pilif|afk is now known as Pilif12p
coz_hey guys.. nvidia settings set to twinview but no secondary monitor showing up???04:00
Qwell_I'm having difficulty getting X started after an update.  I can manually startx, but I can't get any gdm or the like.04:16
Qwell_There isn't anything bad in Xorg.0.log.  It just sits at a black screen on boot.04:17
xgt001Qwell_: same here04:18
jbichaare you using LightDM or GDM, and is this your first boot after upgrading to Oneiric?04:18
xgt001i have to go to recovery mode and resume to normal boot frm there04:18
Qwell_I've rebooted several times.  It was some update in the last day or so.04:19
Qwell_and gdm, unless lightdm was forced upon me without me knowing04:19
jbichaI think I heard about a problem with GDM, you should probably try LightDM04:19
jbichasudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm04:20
xgt001anyone using catalyst 11.904:23
Qwell_Well, that was fun.  LightDM decided it was going to eat my VTs.04:31
Qwell_As far as I can tell, plymouth(?) is trying to hand off to something.  Now that I've switched to gdm, it's just sitting there, now even getting to the black screen.04:34
Qwell_My issue is #811411.05:01
Qwell_I'll bite my tongue and not rant about /run/ here.  Thanks for the help.05:01
magn3tsHow do I restart lightdm05:09
magn3tsWhat is the equivalent of /etc/init.d/gdm restart?05:09
jbichasudo service lightdm restart05:13
magn3tsdidn't work when I tried it.05:16
jbichatry it with start maybe05:24
dodgyvilleAlright, I feel like an idiot, I've upgraded to 11.10, but now in nautilus the "up" button is gone (to navigate to the parent directory) ... how do I switch it on?05:27
jbichadodgyville: you can't, you can use the "breadcrumbs" or you can use Go>Open Parent or the keyboard shortcut05:30
urlin2udodgyville, isn't it a left arrow now in the top panel, I'm in Natty at the .moment and never use that method05:31
dodgyvilleurlin2u: the left arrow is the previous directory, not the parent :(05:32
urlin2udodgyville, ah, I see.05:32
dodgyvillejbicha: hmm, thanks ... how do I switch from location to breadcrumbs?05:32
jbichatry Esc05:34
AAA_awrightI just upgraded and it seems to have done away with all my old desktop settings... Is there some way to recover them?06:45
AAA_awrightThe default font size (related to the DPI setting I think) has about doubled and I can't locate the setting for it06:45
lgp171188Hi I just did a "sudo apt-get update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade" and I get a warning like "GPG error: http://extras.ubuntu.com oneiric InRelease: File /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/extras.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_oneiric_InRelease doesn't start with a clearsigned message06:51
lgp171188" for all the repos that I have addded. What could be the problem here?06:51
AAA_awright... Where'd all the gnome settings apps go, what happened to the theme control panel07:02
AAA_awrightThe dask directs a search for "Theme" to "Appearence" which only lets me change my desktop background, not very helpful07:03
Stanley00AAA_awright: appearence has 3 themes in there now, AIK07:09
AAA_awrightI can't configure any of them07:09
Stanley00AAA_awright: you have to hardcode the text file if you want...07:10
Stanley00AAA_awright: some where in /usr/share/themes/*07:10
sburwood1I'm on this channel with my desktop.  I have an EEEPC that, since I upgraded to 11.10 can't find wireless anymore.  Anyone wanna tell me what to do?  The applet in the taskbar isn't there and I can't access wireless anymore07:10
AAA_awrightI don't recall needing to modify system files to do any of this07:11
Stanley00AAA_awright: they are not system file, just some "simple" xml files ;)07:13
AAA_awrightLast time I checked /usr/share contains shared data07:13
sburwood1Is anyone there?07:14
sburwood1Hi, BigWhale07:15
BigWhalehey sburwood1.07:16
sburwood1I'm looking for help with getting wireless back for my eeepc07:16
adammw111Hi. How do I go about debugging hibernate, ie. the reason that it's not in the menu.07:17
AAA_awrightIt's not in my menu either07:17
AAA_awrightI don't think it works07:17
sburwood1AAA_awright: If you're talking to me, I can't get wireless to work, with or without the icon.  And this since I upgraded to 11.1007:18
icerootsburwood1: what eepc? which wifi-chipset07:18
sburwood1iceroot: As for the chipset, haven't a clue.  It's a 1005HA07:19
AAA_awrightsburwood1: Uh, I've only been using wired... Wireless appears to be connected for me but let's see here07:19
AAA_awrightYeah, works for me so idk what to say07:19
sburwood1iceroot: I'm a relative newbie ... I can follow orders, but don't know them07:19
sburwood1AAA_awright: I've cables, but haven't yet tried to do wired.  Of course, if I have a portable PC, it isn't necessarily meant to stay put07:22
BigWhaleI think I'll have to get rid of my RAID5 and install on a single drive07:23
BigWhalealternate CD seems to be broken07:23
benoliver999I installed the drivers off the ATI website, now everything is broken.07:39
benoliver999Sorry, graphics card drivers.07:40
benoliver999Wallpaper shows, as does rainlendar, but I get no unity bar etc...07:41
benoliver999When I try to switch windows, it looks like metacity.07:41
benoliver999OK so what's the best way to get hold of the ATI drivers, jockey or manually?08:08
voidrhello, how can I turn my touchpad off? when I try it with the hardware switch the indicator pops up, but it does not get disabled08:19
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amit_Ubuntu Oneiric beta one asking for partial upgrade?? SHould I continue?09:09
voidrhid3, how do I report a touchpad related problem? I tried ubuntu-bug but it lacks the option for that10:11
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rooksdoes ubuntu+1 beta update gracefully into full when the time is right, or is it treated as a release-update from beta to regular?12:02
rooksand why you missed out on calling it Orly Owl...12:03
arandrooks: It is supposed to, too simple a name I reckon.12:04
yofeljust hope that P get's a sane name ^^12:06
* rooks calls dibs on Pink Pony12:06
BluesKajHiyas all12:51
xgt001my system only boots up to gui in recovery mode when I select resume normal mode13:09
xgt001it won't boot in normal mode13:10
xgt001this is after I installed catalyst 11.9 drivers13:10
xgt001any idea?13:10
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sigandersonI installed gnome-shell... the system tray is not working how I expected... i.e. if I minimize xchat or emesene I don't see anymore the program and I must kill it; how can I solve this?13:42
jatooi'm getting some system crashes on 11.10 beta-2, with a whole bunch of text ending in "[  770.650053] panic occurred, switching back to text console" and then i have to hard reboot.  any advice on solving this?  also, how should i report this bug? willing to do some work for a good bug report if needed.13:49
aj00200jatoo: try checking kern.log14:00
bjsnidersiganderson, there's a notification plugin for xchat-gnome that works with gnome-shell14:00
jatooaj00200: i have it open now, i've found the point where the time jumps (to when i rebooted) but nothing stands out (don't really know what i'm looking for though)14:03
sigandersonbjsnider, but do I need to install some other thing? It seems that nothing is working in the system tray14:04
sigandersonnot only xchat14:04
bjsniderjatoo, you did install all of the hundreds of updates that have come out since beta 2 right?14:04
aj00200jatoo: that [  770.650053] line should be in there. There might be a clue to what went wrong. Sadly, I've never been able to find the source of my Kernel panics either...14:05
jatooyep, and i'm on ubuntu main14:05
jatoook, it looks like that line isn't there :S it gets up to ~76414:06
bjsnidersiganderson, what exactly do you expect will happen? maybe you're not aware of some changes that have happened between gnome 2 and gnome 314:06
bjsniderthe top panel no longer has a system tray at all. the notification area is along the bottom of the screen and is normally hidden. you can check it by moving the mouse to the bottom right corner, or go to overview14:10
bjsnideralso, i'm not sure minimizing windows is necessary anymore. i'd just give each app its own virtual desktop and let them notify you using the notification area if they need attention14:11
aj00200jatoo: maybe see this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelOops14:16
onderHey there.14:17
onderCan I report a problem from here?14:17
aj00200onder: no. You should probably report bugs on Launchpad14:18
jatooaj00200:  cool thanks.14:18
allu4i'd like to ask few questions, How is ubuntu 11.10 suppose to support accessibility with orca? will unity work with orca, i'm in believe it didn't on 11.0414:19
aj00200I'm going to guess that that question would be better directed at teh people who make Orca14:21
peppyhi, how can I enable visual effects in oneiric?14:22
onderThey should be enabled by default, peppy.14:22
peppywell it's not for me...14:23
peppyplus I can't open the visual effects setting screen from the appearance screen14:24
onderUbuntu 11.10 doesn't have that window.14:25
onderMaybe installing CompizConfigSettingsManager can help you.14:25
onderSearch it on USC by typing shortly "ccsm".14:26
peppyonder: ok, will give it a try14:27
onderpeppy, please give us feedback through here.14:33
peppywill do14:34
peppyccsm crashes14:34
onderWell, that package has some problems. When you finished up customizing, you may need to logout and re-login.14:37
peppyonder: ok, I have to go to the gaz station anyway so will shutdown and reboot once I'm back... let you know how the reboot went14:39
graingertI can't seem to resize by shadow14:46
graingerton Unity oneiric14:46
graingertis that expected?14:46
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=== Guest4575 is now known as Arnold
os_my laptop suspends after a period of time although i set the buttery settings so doesn't suspend .14:56
Stanley00os_: are you sure it's suppends? maybe a screensaver?15:04
graingertos_: yep this is a known issue15:10
graingertos_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/86048515:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 860485 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu Oneiric) "bad default setting: suspend after 30min when plugged in" [Critical,Fix committed]15:10
graingerthttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/860485/comments/15 seems to work for me15:11
graingerthttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/860485/comments/20 is a better soln15:11
ubottuUbuntu bug 860485 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu Oneiric) "bad default setting: suspend after 30min when plugged in" [Critical,Fix committed]15:11
benoliver999I'm having trouble downloading from the 'additional drivers' - can't get the ATI one.15:12
graingertbenoliver999: what happens?15:13
benoliver999graingert: I'm just going to try again to get it exaclty right.15:13
graingertjockey-gtk is the app15:14
benoliver999graingert: Do I go for post-release?15:14
benoliver999graingert: That's what I tried before.15:14
graingertI'm on version current [Recommended]15:15
benoliver999graingert: OK I'm trying that.15:15
graingertgo for the recomended one15:15
benoliver999None of them say recommended, there are two options. Both are FGLRX, one says '(post release updates)'15:16
graingertgo for the non beta one I guess15:17
benoliver999OK I didn't get an error this time15:18
graingertbenoliver999: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=OTQ0MA15:19
benoliver999It seems to have worked, but I'm getting tearing with video, and when dragging windows around.15:20
benoliver999I don't remember that well, but wasn't there some sort of ATI settings manager you could download?15:22
benoliver999graingert: Thanks for the link btw15:23
alexd285Hello,  can I somehow enable GS Desktop recording (Ctrt+Alt+Shift+R) in Ubuntu 11.10 ?15:30
os_ok thanks everyone15:34
ali1234has anyone else noticed window snapping problems?15:38
ali1234as in windows won't unsnap?15:38
alexd285ali1234, not me15:39
ali1234it might be because i have two monitors15:40
alexd285ali1234, aha, I have just one.. but you can also try with one to see15:40
alexd285Whats the Ctrt+Alt+Shift+R function so I can add it on a shortcut?15:42
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alexd285anyone knows how Ctrt+Alt+Shift+R works on GS?15:47
peppyonder: hi again, I've tried to restart as discussed earlier and now I must start unity manually after logging in, the visual effects work now even if ccsm still crashes every once in a while16:03
onderpeppy: That compiz related bugs...16:06
peppyonder: yep16:06
peppyonder: after installing the ccsm i had to restart and now when ever I login unitiy is of...16:07
onderpeppy: I would like to help you but that is compiz package related bug and unfortunately I can't help on this.16:08
Guest99367Why in WIN7 system overall after the installation of 11.10BETA2, prompts the hard disk error, even after the update can not enter the system! That the disc reformatted after a no disk error!16:09
onderpeppy: I'm facing with same issue.16:09
peppyonder: no problem, will continue to dig a little deeper... let you know if I found out something16:09
onderI have tried to solve this by logging into Unity 2D, logout and log back in to the normal Unity.16:10
onderAnd that helped me.16:10
mokolokois there unity music lens for clementine? :) that would be awesome16:10
onderpeppy: Thanks. :].16:10
ondermokoloko: In this release, all lenses available through Dash.16:12
ondermokoloko: If you are asking about a specific lens for Clementine, the answer you will get is going to be "No!".16:14
BigWhaleDid anyone report any problems with booting from raid+lvm?16:23
mokolokoonder ok :) heh hopefully then someone wants to make one16:24
ondermokolok: Maybe it will be you: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/Lenses :].16:26
SpudWLikeHi room.  I'm planning my moves to Oneiric.  I currently use Evolution, with lots of folders and filters, mainly for mailing lists.  Is there any way I can transfer these over to Thunderbird, recreating them anew is proving to be a less than trivial task.16:26
mokoloko:D mmm m16:27
onderSpudWLike: This link may help you: http://maketecheasier.com/how-to-migrate-from-evolution-to-thunderbird-in-ubuntu-intrepid/2008/12/0416:29
aboudreaultDoes anyone installed Oneiric beta2 + gnome3 ?16:29
aboudreaultI' m trying to get gnome-shell-extension to work but ... doesn' t seem to work well16:30
aboudreaultit seems that some extension are not read properly... or are invalid. I don' t see them in gnome tweak tool.16:30
aboudreaultAlso, other exts are showed but does nothing... ie. alternalte-tab, dock.16:30
aboudreaultonder, how did you install gnome-shell exts?16:31
onderaboudreault: I did not do anything special, it has installed itself when I'm updating the system.16:31
Seven_Six_TwoSo sad. Installed Oneiric on laptop, everything was perfect. Did updates and rebooted, now can't get desktop. No messages, no panels, no icons, can't switch to any consoles. Have to alt+sysrq to get out of it.16:32
aboudreaultand you installed extensions?16:33
onderSeven_Six_Two: Logout and login to Unity 2D, then logout again and log back in default Unity.16:37
Seven_Six_Twoonder, is that a fix or a test?16:38
onderSeven_Six_Two: It's a solution for me.16:39
onderSometimes I'm facing with same issue.16:40
Seven_Six_Twoonder, ok, one moment. I'll give it a shot. do you have to do that frequently?16:40
Seven_Six_Twohm. nope. unity2d works, kde works too. still no unity16:44
Seven_Six_Twoand no panels, popups or icons16:45
Seven_Six_TwoI really don't understand why the terminals (alt+ctrl+F1) aren't working. They weren't disabled like alt+ctrl+backspace was, were they?16:47
Seven_Six_Twothanks for your help onder. I'm just going to use opensuse for this one16:49
Seven_Six_Twofor being so close to a release date, this channel is surprisingly dead16:58
sburwood1How do I need to enable wireless?  I am administrator of the computer, but don't know the command line to enable the wireless16:58
sburwood1It's on an EEEPC16:59
sburwood1Seven_Six_Two: I am there to ask something16:59
Seven_Six_Twosburwood1, you're using oneiric?16:59
sburwood1yes, beta 217:00
sburwood1Seven_Six_Two: Yes, beta 217:00
sburwood1Seven_Six_Two: The EEEPC is using the 32 bit version17:00
bjsniderSeven_Six_Two, only dead because it's sunday17:00
sburwood1bjsnider: Any answer to the question to enable wireless?17:01
sburwood1Well, I'll be back in a half hour because I'm going to eat dinner17:02
sburwood1c u soon17:02
Seven_Six_Twosburwood1, wireless should be enabled by default17:02
Seven_Six_Twosburwood1, I experienced a bug that caused no networks to be shown17:02
sburwood1Seven_Six_Two: It was with 11.04.  Since I upgraded to oneric, my EEE doesn't have any wireless.  I opened oneric with lxde and found the icon that said (I confirmed it by clicking on the icon) that the wireless was disabled, period17:04
sburwood1Seven_Six_Two: It says "Wireless Networks" and, uncer that, it says "wireless is disabled"17:05
sburwood1Seven_Six_Two: Can't be any clearer than that17:05
Seven_Six_Twosburwood1, sorry, not sure. I just ended up logging out and in to kde.17:05
Seven_Six_Twosburwood1, It's a beta though, and not quite ready17:05
sburwood1Seven_Six_Two: Yes, but a beta 2 should be close to ready, shouldn't it?17:06
Seven_Six_Twosburwood1, it should be, but there's 2 weeks left. I'm not doing any more updates until the release17:06
sburwood1Seven_Six_Two: And I don't have kde listed as an option to boot17:06
sburwood1be back soon17:07
aboudreaultdamn, I can' t get extension to be showed in gnome tweak tool17:14
bjsnideraboudreault, alt+f type lg17:15
bjsnideryou can check error msgs17:15
bjsniderall the extensions have to be updated for 3.2, the api has changed a bit17:17
aboudreaulteven alt+f2 doesn't work17:18
aboudreaultlg command not found17:18
aboudreaultbjsnider, I installed the extension via git. Are they supposed to be updated?17:19
bjsniderthe official extensions have not been updated yet, so they won't work17:19
aboudreaultso are there extension I can use now with ubuntu oneiric?17:19
aboudreaultand how can I know if an extension will work or not.17:20
bjsnideran extension will work if, in metadata.json, it says gnome-shell version is 3.217:22
aboudreaultbjsnider, Could I downgrade to gnome-shell 3.0 ?17:24
bjsnideractually the extensions look like htey should work17:24
bjsniderthey'll get close anyway17:24
bjsniderthey've had function main replaced by function init17:24
bjsnidergo to ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ and make sure the gnome-shell version is 3.2.0 in each of the metadata.json files17:26
bjsniderafterwards, restart gnome-shell by doing alt+f2 'r'17:27
aboudreaultcan' t get alt-f2 to show17:28
bjsniderthat usually means gnome-shell isn't running17:29
aboudreaultI see that the Shut Down extension still uses the main function... I assume it will not work even if I change the metadata17:29
bjsniderit might create its own function main but as long as it has init it should work, or get close to working17:31
jimlovell777Will 11.10 ship with gnome 3.2 or < 3.2?17:37
bjsnider3.2 is already in oneiric17:38
jimlovell777bjsnider: Ah, ok. Thanks. I just downloaded the lastest ISO (I thought) and it says
JanC3.1.92 is just 3.2 development version17:39
JanCI'd expect the release will have 3.2.1 or such (if the first bugfix release of GNOME is out by then)17:41
jimlovell777JanC: Ok cool. I'm sure you know why I was curious. That's great news to me. Thanks.17:41
jtaylorif you update you'll get the 3.2 version number17:41
bjsniderjimlovell777, the daily-livecd is the latest17:42
bjsniderthe beta2 cd is very old at this point17:42
jbicha3.2.1 comes out the week after 11.1017:42
roastedWell that's disappointing18:04
penguin42Hye Roasted18:05
roastedInstalled beta 2 and it hardly functions18:05
penguin42in what way?18:05
roastedUnity is flipping out with having disk screens so I installed gnome shell and it's doing the same18:05
penguin42 'disk screens' ?18:05
roastedJust rebooted hoping it would make it work18:06
roastedSorry i'm on my phone18:06
penguin42ah - so you've got a graphics driver problem18:06
roastedSeems so18:06
penguin42which graphics card?18:06
roastedNvidia 960018:06
* penguin42 doesn't know Nvidia stuff myself - so stick around and hopefully an Nvidia user will turn up18:07
roastedThere's a lot of driver option for some reason18:07
roastedI have no idea whats best18:07
roastedHmm there's one here recommended18:08
roastedLet's give that a shot18:08
roastedThis is horrible18:11
roasted_any nvidia users18:15
roasted_major problems @ beta 2 here18:15
bjsniderdid you apply the 250+ updates to beta 2?18:15
roasted_I thought I grabbed the nightly build18:16
roasted_sec, maybe I didnt18:16
roasted_427 updates available. no I didnt...18:16
bjsnideryeah, do that thing and see if it helps18:17
roasted_derp derp. should have thought of that.18:17
drapeduproasted_: you're using a 9600?18:20
drapedupwhat drivers were you using before you tried to install beta18:20
roasted_uh. to be honest... I'm not sure. I assume 173????18:20
drapedupand what's happening when you install the new ones18:21
drapedupno display output ?18:21
roasted_they install fine. it's logging in that it acts weird.18:21
roasted_like my 2nd monitor is all gray18:21
roasted_if I hover the mouse over, I get an X for the cursor18:21
roasted_I cannot drag windows to it, but I CAN drag my mouse to it where I get the X for the cursor18:21
roasted_this is with unity18:21
roasted_if I log into gnome shell it does the same thing but it appears as if gnome shell doesnt even fully load18:22
roasted_I dont have the activities menu. I just have a gray top bar.18:22
drapeduphmm interesting.18:23
roasted_but I didn't do the updates, cause I failed at using logic18:23
roasted_so I'm doing that now... we'll see what happens upon a reboot then18:23
drapedupyeah that's a good idea. it sounds like not drivers18:23
roasted_what is it about daily builds?18:24
roasted_what ARE they essnetially?18:24
drapeduptell me what happens when you are finished updating18:24
roasted_I was just being absent minded and thought daily builds were nightly spins of the ISO + updates included18:24
roasted_that's why I hadn't given updates a second thought18:24
bjsnideryou should be using nvidia-current given that card18:26
roasted_I don't believe on 11.04 I saw such a thing18:26
roasted_whereas on 11.10 I did18:26
roasted_I used the nvidia-current recommended18:26
roasted_oh boy. updates are done.18:29
roasted_login screen hanging... nervous...18:31
roasted_yep. did nothing. SWEET.18:31
bjsniderwhat session are yu trying for?18:32
roasted_that was gnome shell. rebooted and trying unity.18:32
roasted_same thing for unity18:34
roasted_updates did nothing18:34
bjsniderso try for unity2d18:35
roasted_same thing for unity 2d18:36
roasted_maybe this would be a good time to test drive kubuntu for a month till 11.10 is finalized?18:37
bjsniderok, so reboot to the kernel screen and pick safe mode18:37
bjsnideryou can see the grub screen by holding shift18:37
roasted_and do what in safe mode?18:37
bjsnideryou can check for driver issues18:37
bjsniderif you can log in to a session that says something18:38
roasted_so what am I doing. root shell?18:39
roasted_then what am I oding?18:45
roasted_I see resume, fsck, remount, and root shell18:45
roasted_that's all I seei n recovery mode18:45
bjsniderroot shell18:48
bjsniderthen type dkms status18:48
bjsniderthen check for /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:48
roasted_I backed up xorg before I got the newest driver18:48
roasted_for what it's worth18:48
soeehi, guys is there ubuntu one clinet for kubuntu ?18:48
bjsniderroasted_, did you do a clean install while keeping your home directory?18:51
roasted_my home directory is on a software raid. I did the fresh install with my entire primary hdd being root, with intention of installing mdadm and changing my home directory to be my mirror'd share18:52
roasted_so I have 3 drives. 1x30gb for ubuntu, and 2x1TB that are mdadm mirror for home.18:52
roasted_so I didnt touch my home directory yet.18:52
roasted_I wanted to sort out any video issues first so I didnt waste time tinkering with my home file system. I figured that way if need be I can easily tank it and put kubuntu on it to test drive for a month, which Ive been meaning to do anyway18:53
roasted_but 11.10 ran SO great on my laptop I thought ofr sure I'd hit a winner here, butit's proving to have been a bad idea.18:53
bjsniderso currently home is mounted on the primary hdd?18:53
roasted_currently yes18:54
bjsniderwell, check that out and make sure the permissions are ok too18:55
bjsnider/home/user should be owned by user and 75518:55
roasted_that shouldnt matter for having video issues....18:56
bjsniderassuming you have video issues18:57
bjsniderbut loggin into a session is where all of the userland files come into play18:58
roasted_let me check18:59
farciarz84hi, after last update sound at my ubuntu 11.10 is not working. How to check what's wrong and when to start?19:02
roasted_perms are good19:03
roasted_Ill just go back and wait for final release19:03
farciarz84sound indicator is aviable but in sound settings there is no hardware to select19:03
keithclarkI just installed beta2 but I have no wireless.  It is broadcom19:03
roasted_I really shoudlnt have jumped the gun like I did19:03
roasted_keithclark - check restricted drivers?19:03
keithclarkroasted_, yup, nothing available19:03
farciarz84dpkg reconfigure?19:04
farciarz84in sound settings (output) I have dummy stereo19:05
keithclarkok, I'm sick and tired of this same wireless issue.  How do I burn another .iso on to my usb stick?  I have Fedora but the Startup Disk Creater does not want to burn it.19:06
farciarz84hot to check if I have proper sound drivers avaiable ?19:06
BluesKajfarciarz84, lspci | grep -i audio19:07
farciarz84BluesKaj: nothing, I have andybridge built-in audio19:09
AzelphurJust installed Ubuntu 11.10, It's hanging after "* Checking battery state... [ OK ]"19:09
Azelphurany ideas?19:09
keithclarkOk, thanks for the help folks...I'll move to another distro19:10
BluesKajfarciarz84, sudo aplay -l19:10
farciarz84aplay: device_list:240: no soundcards found...19:10
farciarz84BluesKaj: does it look like it is turn off in BIOS?19:11
BluesKajfarciarz84, did you just install a pci soundcard ?19:12
farciarz84BluesKaj: no19:12
BluesKajcat /proc/asound/cards19:12
farciarz84Before upgrade everything was fine19:12
farciarz84but I aslo have changed some settings in BIOS19:12
farciarz84cat: /proc/asound/cards: No such file or directory19:13
BluesKajfarciarz84, make sure your audio card/codec , however it is designated in the BIOS is enabled or on auto19:14
Azelphurthat's weird, I can see in Xorg.0.log it's installed nvidia 173...on a stock install?19:16
Azelphurstock install automatically installs outdated versions of the driver that don't work with my card now. Nice :D19:17
sigandersonhow do I change the default session in lightdm?19:17
farciarz84BluesKaj: looks like I have broken packages (libavc). How to resolve confiltcs?19:18
BluesKajsudo apt-get -f install , then sudo dpkg --configure -a19:20
Azelphurjust run jockey over ssh, it really has installed nvidia proprietary 173 on a brand new, never booted before OS install19:20
Azelphurwhat's up with that? :S19:21
BluesKajAzelphur,  install nvidia-current19:22
Azelphuryea, I can install it just weird that on a default install it would install (unneeded) proprietary drivers19:22
farciarz84BluesKaj: I got 4 not updated after sudo apt-get upgrade, after -f install -> libavcodec53 : Depends: libavutil51 (>= 4:0.7.2-1ubuntu1) ale nie zostanie zainstalowany lub libavutil-extra-51 (>= 4:0.7.2) ale 4: ma zostać zainstalowany19:23
farciarz84E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.19:23
keithclarkI cannot seem to get my broadcom 4318 card to work19:24
BluesKajfarciarz84,  just run sudo apt-get -f install ...what output do you get19:25
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx19:25
farciarz84BluesKaj: nothig19:25
BluesKajfarciarz84, that's good now update agin19:26
farciarz84BluesKaj: 0 aktualizowanych, 0 nowo instalowanych, 0 usuwanych i 4 nieaktualizowanych. That's mean 0 updating 0 new installed 0 removed and 4 not updating19:27
farciarz84BluesKaj:  libavcodec53 libavformat53 libpostproc52 libswscale219:28
farciarz84these packages were stopped19:28
BluesKajfarciarz84, packages held back is common on beta ..wait till the next updates become available19:28
keithclarkAnyone to help with my broadcom issue?19:28
farciarz84BluesKaj: is it why my sound is not working?19:29
BluesKajkeithclark, did you the broadcom post above?19:29
BluesKajfarciarz84, make sure your audio card/codec , however it is designated in the BIOS is enabled or on auto19:30
BluesKajkeithclark, ifconfig ...pastebin the output ...we need some info19:32
farciarz84BluesKaj: ok will be back after restart19:32
hid3Hello everyone. 11.10 will be released soon. Is there any strategy on mirroring the new release?19:32
BluesKajhid3, strategy ??19:33
AzelphurIs version current newer than post-release updates?19:33
Azelphuron the nvidia drivers19:33
hid3BluesKaj: yeah, FYI Ubuntu CDs and packages are being distributed by many (if not much) independent mirrors). And sometimes they get overloaded, website crashes and etc during the release19:34
Azelphurhid3, the same can be said for any large release, the plan is the same as it's always been "Lots of server power, cross fingers"19:34
BluesKajthe current version is what it is ..post-releae updates would reflect the any changes to the current version19:34
Azelphurhid3, if you wanna help, use torrents instead of direct download :)19:35
Azelphurand seed, of course19:35
keithclarkBluesKaj, http://pastebin.ca/208630119:35
AzelphurBluesKaj, fun, btw might want to recommend using jockey-text instead of installing the package as it doesn't activate the driver. :)19:35
jpdshid3: The price/curse of being popular.19:36
jpdshid3: Yo. o/19:36
hid3Azelphur: actually during last release (11.04) my mirror server had almost no load while other were breaking. Wonder maybe there will be some improvements this season ;-)19:36
hid3well said, jpds ;-)19:36
Azelphurhid3, interesting, perhaps it's time for the ubuntu website to select mirrors intelligently :)19:37
BluesKajAzelphur, I assume ppl know to stop the dm in order to install and make the driver active ..guess I should have mentioned that19:37
AzelphurBluesKaj, it's easier to just jockey-text :)19:37
hid3Azelphur: the site should do! But as we saw (and some still can see) that this feature was/is malfunctioning19:37
jpdshid3: I thought I fixed the code; I'll check it's status on Monday.19:37
keithclarkOK, Nobody can help with the wireless issue?  Time to move on19:37
hid3jpds: do you mean the site's load balancer fix?19:37
Azelphurkeithclark, try connecting to ethernet and doing an update first19:37
BluesKajAzelphur, i'm guilty of ignoring jockey :)19:37
Azelphurdon't hate jockey :o19:38
keithclarkAzelphur, done that19:38
jpdshid3: It was a ISO location redirect PHP thing.19:38
BluesKajI don't hate it , just don't bother with it19:38
hid3yeah, same I was talking about. Haven't checked it recently, let me check it in a few minutes!19:38
Azelphurkeithclark, what type of adapter is it? internal to a laptop or usb?19:38
Azelphurhave you confirmed the card is physically working (Does it work in a different OS?)19:39
bjsniderkeithclark, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx19:39
keithclarkAzelphur, internal broadcin 431819:39
Azelphurtis in the list of supported devices that bjsnider linked o.O19:40
hid3jpds: Nope, at least from it still offeres ISO downloads from UK mirrors (and I'm really NOT in UK)19:40
jpdshid3: I know; I'll poke it on Monday and see what its status is.19:40
hid3Good to hear that! If you'll need any testing or might feel I can be helpful in any way, jsut don't hesitate to contact me or drop me a message! Always willing to help.19:41
hid3I can check from three different AS'es (and 4 different subnets) in my country19:42
keithclarkMaybe there is  a distro smart enough to be broadcom friendly?19:42
bjsniderkeithclark, i linked to that document so you could go through that troubleshooting. did you do that?19:45
AzelphurCan you still fallback to / install Gnome 2 on 11.10?19:46
Azelphur(I like unity and use it on my laptops, but for quad screen it falls over and dies a painful death)19:46
Azelphurit's not even packaged or anything/19:47
bjsniderthere's unity2d and gnome fallback19:47
Azelphurah cool, I want gnome fallback :)19:47
Azelphurhow does one get that? :D19:47
Azelphurit's not on the login screen like with 11.0419:48
bjsniderinstall gnome-session-fallback19:48
bjsniderchoose it from the login screen19:48
Azelphurnice, ty :D19:48
bjsniderit's not gnome 219:48
Ian_Corneanyone know if fglrx works yet?19:48
keithclarkOk,no worries, I'll just go back to the Windows recovery disks19:54
BluesKajkeithclark, did try your ethernet connection ?19:55
keithclarkBluesKaj, yes, wired works fine19:56
scientistkeithclark, you should search the forums with the model number of the broadcom card19:59
keithclarkscientist, I did20:00
keithclarkvia google20:00
keithclarkobviously or it would be working!20:00
Q-FUNKin gnome3, what exactly is that speech bubble icon with 3 dots in it supposed to represent, in the upper-right panel?20:01
escottQ-FUNK, chat (empathy mostly) but other chat systems as well20:01
Q-FUNKthe bubble is chat programs, yes, but what is the version with 3 dots in the middle supposed to mean?20:02
scientistkeithclark, have you tried using the proprietary driver from windows??20:02
keithclarkscientist, I don't have windows without reinstall20:02
keithclarkAwe well, restore XP it ia20:04
Q-FUNKalso, am I the only one for whom gnome-screensaver constantly tries to dim the display and, in doing so, steals the focus?20:05
Ian_CorneMy computer suspends after being idle to long..20:06
Q-FUNKIan_Corne: after about 30 minutes?20:06
Ian_CorneI don't know how long exactly20:07
zniavre_+/- 10mn no ?20:07
Ian_CorneWhen i'm gone too long, my computer is suspended :p20:07
Ian_Corneit's longer then 10 minutes20:07
Q-FUNKIIRC 10 minutes on battery and 30 minutes on AC.20:09
wenexxhey people20:10
Ian_CorneI'm on AC20:10
wenexxDo here someone know how to boot manualy with grub 1.99? After yesterdays upgrade I only get a command line but I have troubles to load the kernel20:10
jbichathe power management/suspend bug is known and is high priority for fixing20:11
escottwenexx, can you boot your old kernel20:13
wenexxthe problem is, I don't know how to do this. the command line?20:15
wenexxI always get "file not found"20:15
scientistkeithclark: dual boot and copy the driver from the xp side20:16
Q-FUNKjbicha: wasn't it fixed a couple of days ago?20:16
wenexxlinux /boot/vmlinuz3.0.0-11(I think)-generic root=/dev/sda (i amnot sure, where can I find out) loop= /ubuntu/disks/root.disk ro20:17
Q-FUNKjbicha: or are you talking about the constant dimming?20:17
escottwenexx, it depends on if you by default have a grub menu or not. if you dont have a menu on a boot (this is a single OS system) you can press ?escape? ?f1? to get the menu and select Previous Linux Versions20:17
Q-FUNKjbicha: here, I routinely have to kill gnome-screensaver, otherwise it constantly tries to dim the display and lock it, even while I'm typing or moving the mouse.20:19
jbichaQ-FUNK: I thought that the dimming/suspend bug was still present, but I haven't tried testing it20:19
Q-FUNKjbicha: ah, ok.20:19
drapedupwhy not disable gnome-screensaver entirely ?20:19
wenexxits a dualboot, first I have the windows bootloader let me deside win or ubuntu, than I come to Grub Bash because it's corrupted thince the update20:19
jbichaQ-FUNK: do you have "Turn off after" set to Never?20:20
escottwenexx, is grub installed in an mbr or pbr?20:20
Q-FUNKjbicha: lemme check.20:20
Q-FUNKjbicha: yes, it's set to never.20:21
aboudreaultdoes anyone tried LXC on Oneiric20:21
jbichaQ-FUNK: that's one of the bugs, don't set it to never until it gets fixed20:21
jbichaI think it's doing turn off after 0 minutes,  which isn't very useful...20:21
Q-FUNKjbicha: ok. I've put it to 1 hour, for now.  what are the other bugs related to it?20:21
Q-FUNKjbicha: yes, that's how it looks like.20:22
Q-FUNKjbicha: in gnome3, for some reason, a value of zero seems to mean "disable" for some items and "time 0" for others.20:24
wenexxhmm, thats too high for me,20:24
wenexxI know the mbr20:25
escottwenexx, how many disks do you have? 1 or 220:25
wenexxone disk but two partitions20:25
wenexxlinux is on the second20:25
escottwenexx, so windows is on the mbr, and grub is on what is called the pbr (its like an mbr for a partition), grub does not like being on the pbr, and gives some loud warnings when you tried to do this20:26
escottwenexx, that may be the cause of your problems so you mihgt want to put grub on the mbr and chainload windows20:27
DanaGSay, is Unity really supposed to still hijack my Super key?20:27
wenexxno grub was very gently saying "file not found"20:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 704231 in compiz (Ubuntu Natty) "Unity steals <super> modifier key" [Medium,Triaged]20:27
DanaGIt says it's fixed in Natty, but maybe it's been re-broken in Oneiric.20:27
DanaGAs an example: pressing super+tab in xev gives me just "tab".  No modifier.20:27
escottwenexx, im saying that when you first install grub the way you have, it complains and warns that it doesnt work as well in that configuration20:27
wenexxoha, so how do I get grub in the mbr?20:28
escott!grub | wenexx20:28
ubottuwenexx: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)20:28
wenexxand could that endanger windows, becaus it is not my computer and someone would kill me20:29
wenexxis grub 1.99 grub2?20:29
wenexxbecause I installed natty and got grub 1.9xy20:30
escottwenexx, 1.99=grub2, and for most people grub boots windows just fine20:30
wenexxoh. that explains a lot20:31
DanaGoh yeah, easybcd in Windows can chain to grub2.20:33
wenexxok thank you escott. I will try this20:33
DanaGSay, what's with the annoying popping on volume change?20:34
DanaGIt's like the mac sound effect, but happens continuously.20:34
DanaGRather than single "pop" sounds, it's "popopopopopopopopopopopopopop"20:34
SaammChromium 14 has not been made available even after couple of weeks of release in stable PPA. Any idea how can I get latest Chromium? Thanks20:35
bjsniderit's continuous when you scroll the volume up continuously20:36
bjsniderSaamm, i am trying to get in touch with fta about that20:36
bjsniderthe current chromium is spamming .xsession-errors with gtk breakage20:36
Saammbjsnider, uhm wat is fta?20:36
bjsniderthat's the guy who packages chromium20:37
Saammbjsnider, oh20:37
bjsniderhe hasn't been around recently20:37
DanaGbjsnider: try it on a laptop with capacitive volume keys.20:39
DanaGThe key repeats quite rapidly.20:39
bjsniderit's supposed to if you're scrolling the volume up or down20:39
DanaGTakes like half a second to go from 0% to 100%.20:39
DanaGis what it sort of sounds like.20:40
DanaGIt'd be nicer for it to only make a sound every, say, 10%.20:42
DanaGoh, I see... it's because the key repeats so insanely quickly.20:42
DanaGI also wish it'd stop asserting my mute pin when volume=0%.20:43
DanaGCool, got it to stop doing that mute LED.... set model=lenovo to disable the normal "make mute LED match mixer" logic.20:49
D_Russhello everyone20:53
D_Russso is 11.10 faster than 11.04?20:53
bjsniderDanaG, in other words, it's not the sound effect's fault. it's doing exactly what it should. but maybe you should sumbit a bug asking for a feature where if the key repeats insanely fast the sound effect has an upper limit of how fast it repeats20:55
DanaGHmm, for now, I've just dpkg-diverted the sound file away.21:01
onderWhere can we post feature requests?21:18
bjsnideronder you can submit a bug against a package that lacks a feature you want21:23
DanaGwow, I just accidentally blasted myself with my speakers on my USB sound card.21:28
DanaGWith PulseAudio mixer at 99%, the hardware volume is at 0%.21:28
DanaGWith PulseAudio at 100%, the hardware volume is at about 80%.21:28
BluesKajjust updated and nvidia-current update gives this : update-alternatives: warning: forcing reinstallation of alternative /usr/lib/nvidia-current/ld.so.conf because link group x86_64-linux-gnu_gl_conf is broken.22:06
InFeDeLhey all22:33
InFeDeLhow is Oneiric Ocelot22:33
IdleOnesettling into it's new home I suspect22:37
InFeDeLIdleone have u used it?22:39
IdleOnehave been for almost 6 months now22:39
IdleOnelooking forward to next dev cycle22:39
IdleOnekinda bored with 11.10 now hehe22:40
Guest62192My EEEPC tells me that wireless is disabled.  How do I enable wireless??22:40
IdleOneInFeDeL: stable enough I suppose but you should wait until the 13th for the release if you are thinking of upgrading22:41
TohuwCan anyone give me a ballpark of how much HD space a vanilla 11.10 desktop install uses?22:42
Guest62192Wireless with 11.04 was fine, but since I installed oneric beta 2, wireless has disappeared22:42
jtaylorTohuw: ~2.5GB22:42
jtaylorbut I think it needs 4GB to install22:43
Tohuwjtaylor: awesome, thanks22:43
=== drapedup is now known as draped^BRB
HyperHoaxHi! Beta testers!23:10
HyperHoaxCould anybody know where can I talk about bugs?23:10
superkiwiHi, I have two monitors and but Ubuntu only finds one. What is the proper way to enable dual monitor? I have nvidia card with propr driver enabled. nvidia settings finds two, one is set to disabled. Overwriting xorg.conf in nividia-settings does not seem to be correct procedure.23:16
HyperHoaxOnly on 11.10?23:17
StravHi. I'm trying to rebind a shortkey to show the dash in it's default mode (not "run command", since I prefer that it searches through my main applications instead of all the /usr/bin/). Unfortunately I see no such setting in ccsm unity.23:23
jbichaStrav: that's what the Windows key is for23:27
Stravjbicha: let me see...23:28
Stravah no... you're talking about the <super> key.23:28
StravI rebinded it to "run command" but since then I'm not able to get the default dash search back (I wish to rebind the windows key to this search)23:28
Stravbtw, I've search through gconf and couldn't find it either.23:29
roasted_has anybody had any issues with nvidia and separate X screens on 11.10?23:30
jbichaStrav: I don't believe the Super key to open the Dash is customizable in 11.1023:31
Stravwell it sure can be assigned to something else, so how do I get the default behavior back.23:32
Stravshould I open a bug for this?23:37
IdleOneun assign it23:39
StravIdleOne: ok, so the default will have remained intact. Let's try.23:40
IdleOneI don't know but whatever you did to break the intended behavior needs to be undone I would imagine23:41
StravIdleOne: you should be proud of me: a real honest support question ;)23:41
IdleOneStrav: I'll be happy when you learn to use our (this includes you) channels properly :)23:42
StravIdleOne: I once had a two hour conversation about clojure in #emacs channel. Those were great times.23:43
IdleOneagain not relevant to Ubuntu and thus off topic23:44
StravIdleOne: anyways, disabling the run_command shortkey still defaults me to the run_command menu when pressing <super>23:44
IdleOnemaybe you need to log out and back in for the change to take effect?23:44
StravIdleOne: yep, I was about to do this. Let me see.23:44
irveeanyone have a definitive win 7 sp1 + 11.10 dual boot guide?23:45
Strav`IdleOne: now pressing the <super> key has no effect23:48
StravIdleOne: care to try reproducing this?23:49
IdleOneStrav: assign it properly now23:49
Strav`IdleOne: this kinda is my original question: I don't wish to assign the <super> key to run command but to the default dash search. (cannot find the proper key binding def. for this)23:50
IdleOneStrav: I'm not running Unity to even look23:50
roasted_nobody with nvidia up in hurr?23:51
Stravroasted_: sorry, I have a cheap intel card.23:51
Strav`IdleOne: well well. I gotta look through launchpad if there's something about it. Thanks anyways.23:52
roasted_all good. I just dont understand why I have so many driver options.23:53
roasted_most of them without a version number associated23:53
IdleOneroasted_: apt-cache show nvidia-current23:54
IdleOneshould return Version: 280.13-0ubuntu423:54
roasted_But I would have to install each one and run that command, right?23:54
roasted_Im actually reinstalling 11.10 right now. I was flirting with kubuntu for a second but I want to go back to 11.10 and see if I can fix it.23:55
IdleOneroasted_: jockey-gtk usually shows the version number not sure why it doesn't for -current23:56
roasted_idleone - not sure I understand. if I run that command in terminal will it show me the version number for ALL available options I'm seeing in the hardware driver manager?23:56
roasted_Because as of now I see like 7 options but only 2 have #'s, and theyre both 173.23:56
roasted_They do have one that has the [recommended] tag behind it, but I had the same problems using that driver too23:57
IdleOnehell if I know23:57
roasted_well damn23:57
roasted_I tried :P23:57

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