
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
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=== tikohumsup_ is now known as Rajsun
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
gustavoldwill gnome-shell be incompatible with unity in ubuntu 11.10 ?21:40
gustavold by incompatible I mean I will not be able to install both and choose which one I want to use during session login21:41
BigWhaleWhat happened with the gnome-power-manager on desktops? I see only two things that I can set21:42
dobeyBigWhale: gnome3 happened21:43
dobeygustavold: no. they can both be installed and you can pick one or the other in the login screen21:44
BigWhaledobey, oh ok... I wanted to check what's going on, because my desktop went to S3 sleep while I was away.21:44
dobeyBigWhale: yeah, i'm a bit afraid to upgrade my workstation to oneiric21:45
gustavolddobey: thanks. I accidentally found the gnome3-session package in my natty and tried to install it just to find out I need a PPA for that... then started to wonder if ubuntu in 11.10 it would be easier21:46
BigWhaledobey, yeah I'm trying to find out why 3.0.0-11 kernel is working and 3.0.0-12 just hangs after loading initrd21:46
dobeygustavold: gnome 3 on 11.04 is pain; it will break the world if you install it :)21:47
jbichagustavold: yes, gnome shell works just fine in 11.1021:47
dobeyBigWhale: i don't know about that, but on my laptop where i have been running oneiric for a long while now, it is really slow21:48
dobeylike, it gets stuck in diskwait ALL the time21:48
BigWhaleand I'm getting frustrated because I can't get any output in the console and removing splash didn't do a thing21:48
gustavolddobey: thanks for the advice... I will wait a couple of weeks until we have an oneiric release. Then I will try gnome 321:50
BigWhaledobey, I was suspecting my RAID5 setup so I went back to single drive. It worked and I was happy. Then I ran dist-upgrade, got me 3.0.0-12 and same old story21:50
gustavoldjbicha: thanks ;)21:50
RAOF_Good morning desktoppers.22:03
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
dobeyman, the unthemed dialogs in lightdm with the awesome ubuntu theme, are saddening22:17
RAOFYes, they are :/22:20
dobeyuh oh22:21
dobeyjust did a dist-upgrade and indeed my laptop no longer fully boots :(22:22
dobeywith the -12 kernel anyway22:23
dobeyhrmm, even with -11 it ssmes to be rather unhappy now22:24
dobeywell this sucks22:24
micahgdobey: are you going to fix ubuntuone-client-gnome?22:41
dobeymicahg: define 'fix' ?22:44
micahgdobey: upload a version that doesn't FTBFS?22:44
dobeyi didn't know it was ftbfs, but yeah i will fix it22:45
micahgdobey: you didn't get the e-mail?22:45
dobeywell, i will propose a branch to fix it i guess. i don't have upload privs to just upload it22:46
micahgdobey: I"m sure we can find someone to sponsor22:47
micahgdobey: BTW, I thought gsettings was the new technology for settings22:53
micahgoh, I guess the support is now upstream than rather than an override22:54
RAOF194 packages to upgrade since Friday?  Really?22:55
Laneyerm, my compose key seems to have gone away22:56
LaneyFinal Freeze(tm)22:56
RAOFYeah, but Final Freeze was *Thursday* :)22:56
LaneyThat's what I meant ;-)22:57
Laneyoh man, how do I get compose back?22:57
RAOFI don't know.22:57
RAOFIt works on this machine, but not on my x200s.22:57
Laneypretty sure it worked before my last dist-upgrade22:58
Laneynow it's back to caps lock again22:58
Laneyand I can't find the UI22:58
RAOFBah.  I seem to have broken PolicyKit.  I wonder what fragment of the manual install is still lying around asking for the root password?22:58
RAOFThe UI *should* be in Keyboard Layout?22:59
Laneyyeah, still set to Caps Lock22:59
Laney™ — toggling worked23:00
dobeymicahg: https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntu/oneiric/ubuntuone-client-gnome/fix-ftbfs/+merge/7784223:03
* dobey goes back to weekend, and get some dinner23:04
micahgthanks dobey23:04
micahgRAOF: any chance you can sponsor the above assuming it's sane? ^^23:04
RAOFmicahg: I'll take a butchers.23:09
micahgRAOF: ?23:10
RAOFmicahg: While the rest of .au is on a public holiday, I need to make up for the diminished .au contingent by using the broadest-possible Australian slang.23:11
micahgRAOF: ah, thought it was something I was unfamiliar with23:11
RAOFJust some random slang. ?23:13
Laney= butcher's hook = look23:14
RAOFIt's the old indirect cockney rhyming slang.23:15
* RAOF wonders if this "bzr merge" is actually going to complete.23:30

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