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slangaseksomeone here have a recent system with an SSD and Intel video?04:05
ScottKDefine recent?04:05
ScottKI have a Dell Mini 10v with SSD.04:05
ScottKslangasek: Act fast if you need something.  My pillow calls.04:06
slangasekScottK: can you test lp:ubuntu/initramfs-tools?04:07
ScottKWhat do I need to do?04:08
slangasekdownload, build, install, echo FRAMEBUFFER=y > /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/framebuffer, update-initramfs -u, reboot04:08
slangasekconfirm that you get the right splash screen and that X comes up after04:09
ScottKSounds doable.04:10
ScottKIt's been a bit since I messed with the sacrificial lamb, so 220 packages to update first.04:12
slangasekok :)04:12
slangasekin theory this branch fixes cryptsetup+binary video drivers, but it does carry an increased risk of a race condition causing vesafb to be loaded instead of the free drm driver for some users... want to get an idea of whether that's really a problem in practice04:15
slangasekactually, come to think of it, this is all in the initramfs so SSD *shouldn't* make a difference at all04:15
slangasekbut more data points are still welcome04:15
ScottKSeems fine.04:35
ScottKRebooted a couple of times without issue.04:35
slangasekwant to accept initramfs-tools from the queue then? :-)04:38
slangasek(if not, no worries)04:39
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* slangasek uploads an nvidia-graphics-drivers to go with that04:48
LaibschCan somebody help me identify what fixed bug 460616 in natty?  I'd like to see if it's possible to backport this to lucid.  bryceh?05:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 460616 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "[i915] [i945gm] Black video playback with dual screen enabled" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46061605:33
LaibschI had a look through the upstream ticket and upstream git, but was unable to precisely identify what fixed this05:35
slangasekcjwatson: writing it all down while it's fresh in my mind; would you care to cast an eye over https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootGraphicsArchitecture ?06:19
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hrwI am going to hate LP build failures. my packages (armel-cross-toolchain-base and armhf-cross-toolchain-base) both ftfbs on launchpad. but when I built them locally in pbuilder or in LP chroot they got built fine. arghhhhhh09:06
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marsfligthPlease, how to resume from 'hibernation' or 'suspend' status pressing the 'usb keyboard' instead of press the computer power button?12:10
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siretartinfinity: uploaded. if accepted, it'll need another upload of libav-extra (though that's in multiverse)14:29
infinityHrm.  This would probably be easier to review if I unpack it and compare patched sources...14:41
infinitysiretart: Go ahead with the -extra upload, this looks quite reasonable, letting it in.14:56
infinityThe security team will thank you, I'm sure. :P14:56
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cjwatsonslangasek: I've corrected Q-FUNK's misconception in bug 864803, but he says that that misconception came from you, so I thought I'd check whether that was an accurate representation or whether he misunderstood something20:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 864803 in linux (Ubuntu) "GRUB_GFXMODE not passed to the kernel" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86480320:02
slangasekcjwatson: yes, I know it was an imprecise statement but we're doing =keep by default so it seemed negligible20:06
slangasekcjwatson: speaking of my misconceptions though, any thoughts on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootGraphicsArchitecture ?20:07
stgraberslangasek: btw, reading through that wiki page reminded me of an issue I notice on that box I just reinstalled with Oneiric server. At boot time I get stuck on vt7 so I have to manually switch to vt1 to have a login screen. Any idea where that bug would be coming from? (I'd expect "something" to do a chvt 1)20:10
cjwatsonslangasek: yeah, have started looking at it but won't have a full review for you until tomorrow20:12
cjwatsonslangasek: some of the statements about GRUB are a bit inaccurate - how much do you care about when such and such a feature was introducd?20:12
cjwatsonI'm pretty certain that gfxmode=auto was introduced well after gfxpayload=keep20:13
slangasekcjwatson: I care that we not include false statements, but probably can't be bothered to track down when the features were *actually* introduced where it's wrong.  So we can just omit the references to the timeline :)20:30
slangasekstgraber: I guess plymouth-stop.conf should handle the vt switch?20:32
slangasekhow was this handled previously?  did it stop working when we started using vt.handoff=7?20:32
slangasekcjwatson: when I wrote that, I was thinking in terms of when features entered into the default usage in Ubuntu, btw, rather than when they became available upstream; not that this necessarily means I'm any more accurate20:35
stgraberslangasek: I don't remember seeing that pre-Oneiric but I'm going to do a minimal install of natty and oneiric in a VM to make sure.20:36
bookpagecan i connect vnc output to the $DISPLAY var in ubuntu?21:08
cjwatsonslangasek: can't quite remember; gfxpayload=keep was on and off for a while; I wrote gfxmode=auto support so that it would be easier to consistently make gfxpayload=keep the default and get a consistent video mode21:30
cjwatsonor rather I wrote the VBE mode detection for gfxmode=auto21:31
stgraberslangasek: reproduced the missing vt switch on natty too (netinstalled so it may have been introduced in an SRU)21:49
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infinityA shiny nickel to the first person who proposed a clean, regression-free, and vaguely elegant way to make cron.daily not run for a day after installation, so new user experience isn't horribly awful within the first 5 seconds. :P22:33
micahginfinity: is install time recorded anywhere?22:39
lifelessmicahg: yes22:40
nigelbThat's probably the least dirty solution.22:40
nigelbI was dreaming up checking if a certain file exists, if not touch filename, and exit the cron. If it does, execute the cron.22:41
nigelbBut that's probably not clean.22:42
lifelessI think infinity was using irony ;)22:42
lifelessor something like it22:42
infinityIt was born of grumpy, whether there was also ironic sarcasm involved is an exercise to the reader.22:43
* micahg + IRC sarcasm = syntax error22:43
infinityI think I might be able to blame anacron, though.22:43
infinityIn which case, the most elegant solution might be to smack some stamp files with a stick on install.22:44
infinityPretend that cron has run recently, instead of, like, never.22:44
nigelbIts 4 am and my neck hurts like crazy. I've temporarily lost the ability to spot sarcasm.22:44
lifelessnigelb: can I suggest going to bed?22:44
nigelblifeless: I'm taking that suggestion right about now. :)22:45

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